The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 31, 1900, Image 3

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    I i
Institute-for the Blind at Nebraska Oity
Crippled by Incorapetency ,
In TratiRuctinj ; the Uuslncss of tlio Instl-
late The Administration Soverelr Ar
raigned and Openly Impeached by
Kunlon Oniclnla Themselves.
To the history of mismanagement ,
Incompetency , party spoliation and po
litical preferment in the conduct of
stfte institutions under the fusion
administration , the Institute for the
Ulind at Nebraska City furnishes an
unenviable chapter. This Institution ,
like all the rest , has been made an
l > asylum for those of the fusion party
who by reason of party service have ,
in the eyes of the fusion leaders , mer
ited recognition to the extent of hav
ing ther names on the pay roll.
It is a matter of common notoriety
that J. E. Harris , the present super
intendent , acquired this position
through a deal made on tiie fioor or
the convention , whereby he was to
step aside as candidate for lieutenant
governor and give way to lieutenant
Governor Gilbert , a free silver repub
lican. His eligibility and fitness en
tered into the deal only as a second
ary consideration , notwithstanding
that the position carries with it a
great deal of responsibility. But Har
ris was in the way of a tripartite ar
rangement and to remove the ob
struction , the head of Superintendent
Jones went into the basket and Harris
was given his position , which among
other things , carries with it a salary
of $1,800 a year and board and lodging.
At one period in his life Superintend
ent Harris was young and agile. That
was many years ago. Senility In its
irresistible pilgrimage has reclaimed
him from the paths of youth and has
bent his once tall and robust form to
its will. The elasticity of step has
disappeared , and the visitation of
time is indicated by a head white from
the frosts of many winters. Irre
spective of his mental qualifications ,
age and physical decrepitude com
bined to incapacitate him for duties
incident to the superintendency of
such an instittuion. Nor can it be
denied that age militates against Mr.
Harris. The fact is that he does not
teach at all , though the custom , as
well as the rule , has always oeen ror
the superintendent to teach one or
more of the branches.
When asked why he did not teach
Superintendent Harris frankly stated
that he was too old. He also stated
that before assuming the position he
informed Governor Poynter that lie
would not teach , yet despite this he
was appointed.
Few business houses In Nebraska
could conduct their affairs along the
same line of this institute without in
the end going into bankruptcy. In the
first place , only about eighty blind
children are in the institution all told.
Strange and startling as it may seem ,
it is nevertheless true , as attested by
vouchers on file in the auditor's office ,
that the number &f people on the pay
roll is equal to more than CO per cent
of the number of inmates. The June
vouchers show fifteen teachers and
thirty-two other employes ( see vouch
ers B45994 and B45907) . This does not
include the superintendent and his
wife , all of whom are on the pay roll ,
making in all a salary list of fifty-one
people. The story of this raid on the
treasury is fully recited by the nu
merous vouchers on file in the aud
itor's office and the consequent deple
tion of the funds. The wife of the
superintendent has had her name on
the pay roll only a short time , and
the fact that it is there can be re
garded only in the light of a testimon
ial to fusion persistency , which knows
no adversity in the attainment of pe
cuniary trimuph.
The school has upwards of fifteen
teachers on the pay roll , at from $50
to $65 per month each. So far as the
pay roll is concerned , it reflects a most
prodigal spirit on the part of the ad
ministration , and strongly indicates
that the primary object of fusion
dominancy is to gather in the loaves
and fishes. Apply the per capita ex
panse of education in this institution
to all other institutions of learning
in the state , making due allowance for
the character of the instruction , and
the state In a few short years would be
debt-ridden from one end to the other.
The manner in which Superintend
ent Harris was appointed has been
told. With slight modification the
story might be applied to nearly all
the employes of th"e institution. In
nearly every appointment can be seen
traces of political spoliation. The
damage done as a result of this
reaches a limit that is incalculable.
Nor is it to be presumed that there
have not been frequent changes with
out consequent demoralization. In
proof of this assertion all that needs
be cited is excerpts from the official
report. In the biennial report of the
institution under date of December 14 ,
1898 ( see page 34S ) . Mrs. Caroline Mc-
Taggert evidences her lack of knowl
edge of her duties by openly stating
in her report that : "My experience in
the work is too limited to enable mete
to say with any great degree of cer
tainty what pupils may accomplish. "
W. B. Woods , another teacher , un
consciously throws the searchlight on
the ephemarcy of the tenure of
office in the same report by calling
attention to the fact that "an experi
ence of three months in teaching Eng
lish in a school for the blind , in ad
dition to a year's experience in teach
ing other subjects , is entirely too brief
to make any conclusions of much
value. "
And this is the history of state in
stitutions under fupionism.
There is such a mad scramble for
spoils and such little regard for the
public weal that scarcely is one ap-
pointce inducted into office than he Is
put out to make room for another.
This keeps the institutions in con
stant restlessness and turmoil , keeps
them in the hands of Inexperienced in-
dvlduals , with the result that those
for whom these institutions are main
tained derive little or no benefit. Since
the fuelonlsts acquired control , two
different superintendents have been
appointed at Nebraska City and nu
merous changes have been made in the
list of teachers. In each instance , or
nearly so , the change has been made
for political reasons.
Under such conditions Is it any
wonder that the teachers do not feel
fully qualified to give an opinfon on
the best methods in teaching the blind ,
or that the Institution itself should
in its achievements fall far short of
meeting contemnlated statutory re
quirements ?
The man with a "pull" is very much
in evidence at Nebraska City. It was
a "pull" that placed Frank Marnell
on the pay roll as steward at $800 per
year , along with his wife at $180 per
year. Marnell is so fortunate as to
have a brother in the newspaper busi
ness. He publishes a fusion daily at
Nebraska City. This is why he was
deemed fitted for steward. Nor does
the Marnell family stop at that. The
Nebraska City News boasts of too po
tent a leverage in the affairs of the
fusion party to be placated or pacified
by a stewardship. It not only boasts
but It commands , and it therefore re
ceives more substantial recognition
than is ordinarily accorded fusion mib-
lications. Filed away in the archives
of the auditor's office are vouchers
bearing testimony to the frequent ex
peditions of the publisher of the News
across the plains from Nebraska City
to the treasury at Lincoln. Most of
the- money is for job work , work given
the News , it is reported , at its own
figures and without competition.
Within the last year the News has
managed to gather in about $200 of
the state's money without much exer
tion and at very litle cost to itself.
( See vouchers B31302 , B3557G , B35899 ,
B37C01 , B41404 , B4338S and B46205. )
Others besides the News people are
keeping in close and sympathetic touch
with the treasury. It is a noticeable
fact that the books contain the firm
name of Cardwell & Leidigh , though
the same Mr. Cardwell is the presi
dent of the Board of Trustees of the
institution. Though Cardwell &
Leidigh are in the hardware business
the firm's name is found as creditor
in the "living expense" account of the
It is a strange anomaly that , which
places the employe in a position to
"order and direct" his employer. It
would also be strangely anomalous
were the system prevalent over the
land for an omcial to be his own
auditor or account examiner. But
here is an example of it :
"This voucher is hereby approved
by the Board of Trustees this 4th
day of May , 1900 , and the Auditor of
Public Accounts is hereby ordered and
directed to draw his warrant for the
sum of $25.35 in full payment and
satisfaction of the same , and this
claim is found to he correct and ap
proved in all things.
"President Board of Trustees. "
The voucher above referred to was
for the firm , of which Cardwell is a
member , for goods sold to the state.
( See voucher B45431. ) This firm's
name appears on the books in several
instances , as having sold goods to the
institute. In addition to this it is
currently reported that some of those
contractors who have from time to
time secured contracts for building
and repairing have been for some un
accountable reason partial to this firm
in placing their orders for material.
During the last year the amount of
building and repair work has reached
over $5,000 , but , as all the vouchers
are made in omnibus form and in the
name of the contractor , there is noth
ing of record to show just who or what
firm came in for the plunder.
The omnibus ? . .stem of making out
vouchers has become notorious under
the present administration. That it
opens an avenue to the commission
of fraud few will gainsay. It is a
common occurrence to find vouchers
for large amounts made out in the
very indefinite terms of "for labor
and material , " without specifying how
much of either. These terms are em
ployed as frequently in rendering bills
where there is no contract as where
there is. In the last year a barn
costing about ? 450 was built without
advertising for bids , and that the state
paid dearly for the luxury is quite
apparent. A running track and bowl
ing alley was built in the gymnasium
at a cost of $900 , and the voucher
reads : "For material , $500 ; labor ,
$400. " There is nothing in the vouch
er to show specifically how much ma
terial or how much labor the state
As a rule , the methods employed in
the conduct of the institute , are equal
ly as vulnerable. The manner in
which bills are made out affords an
opportunity for a vast amount of
fraud. It is safe to say that there
is scarcely an article in the grocery
line , but what there are several grades
of it. In many instances , especially in
canned and bottled goods , there is not
only a difference in quality but a dif
ference in quantity. The bills ren
dered the institute in no way recog
nizes this very important distinction.
If a bill be rendered for bottled goods ,
such as catsup or table sauces , if sim
ply gives the number of bptles , never
mentions the brand , which in the groc
ery line is a synonym of quality , and
seldom gives th size of the bottle or
quantity. This course may be pur
sued without an object , but it can be
seen at once that it affords an oppor
tunity for fraud , bcth in Idtting con
tracts to favorites and in charging
for goods never delivered. No one
seems K > question the honesty of Su
perintendent Harris or of Steward
Marnell. What complaint is made is
made against the Board of Trustees
and the governor for placing and
maintaining people in office to manage
the affairs 'of a state institution who
have little or no conception of their
duty or of ordinary business methods.
Superintendent Harris undertakes
to manage the school and the "farm"
at the same time , with the result that
neither is properly managed. The
"farm' " is a ten-acre piece of ground ,
and is little more than a play yard ,
yet Superintendent Harris manages
to make it a luxury and an expensive
one to the taxpayers. With only three
horses , a half dozen hogs and four
cows to look after there are several
"farm laborers" at the institute whoso
duty it Is to care for the stock ( ? )
and attend the "crops. " Quarters
could bo secured for all the stock on
the "farm" at the best hotel in the
state for less money .than Is expended
for their keeping at the institute. As
a patron of husbandry , so far as profits
to the state are concerned , Mr. Harria
is anything but a brilliant success.
And there are leaks in the inst'tu- '
tion as well as in the "farm. " Irre
spective of the large pay rolH there are
leaks that in the long run make a
noticeable increase in the coat of main
taining the school.
One of these leaks is the department
of chemistry. Another is in the teach
ing of zoology , botany , biology and
minerology. Considerable money has
been consumed by the department of
chemistry , though few familiar with
that branch of study who would rec
ognize at once the necessity of sight
would think of placing chemistry in
the curriculum of the blind. Review
ing this very problem , .Prof. McTag-
gart of .the department of science and
mathematics of the Institute , in his
biennial report to the superintendent
( in 1898 , page 329) says :
"In the study of chemistry , biology
and minerology the nicest discrimina
tions and most accurate measurements
must be made , Involving the use of
instruments squiring sight. No ade
quate knowledge of zoology or botany
can be had without the use of the dis
secting knife and microscope. In
chemistry , analytical and quantatlve
determinations require the most defi
nite and complicated processes which
cannot be carried on by persons who
have lost their sight. This statement
is so nearly self evident that it hardly
needs to be made. "
In the face of this , however , a de
partment of chemistry is maintained ,
though only to the extent of purchas
ing the necessary instruments and ma
terial. None of the expense is re
moved , though the teaching of this
and kindred sciences has practically
been abandoned. Only recently an
order for $50 worth of material for
this department was given , though it
is apparent , for the foregoing reason ,
that it is a clear waste of money.
Nothing goes farther in evidencing
decrepitude and inactivity on the part
of the management than the general
appearance of the institute. The walls
and floors at the close of school this
summer were very filthy , and it is a
remarkable stroke of fortune that sick
ness has not wrought sad havoc among
the inmates. According to reports , the
buildings have , hygienically speaking
never been kept properly regulated
since the fusionists have had charge.
In bad condition as they are now ,
according to Superintendent Harris ,
things were much worse when he was
appointed and took charge one year
ago. Speaking of the condition of
things at that time Superintendent
Harris said :
"It was a most terrible sight. The
buildings were fairly alive with bed
bugs. After we came here my wife
and I worked for six months before
we finally got rid of the bed-bugs.
The bugs were in every room , in the
beds and paper on the walls , and even
the rooms occupied by the superintend
ent and his family were alive with
them. It was the worst sight I ever
beheld. "
This ds what one fusion official says
of the management of another fusion
official. Assuming that Superintend
ent Harris found the building in the
condition stated he has made some lm
provements , yet there is wide room for
further improvements along the line
of cleanliness , and if additional steps
in that direction are not taken disease
and pestilence may result at any time.
It is no doubt true that Superintend
ent Harris has waged a successful
warfare against the apterous trespas
sers which he found inhabiting the
bedding and furniture of the institute
when he took charge , but there is yet
an ample opportunity afforded him
for distinguishment in other direc
tions. On the whole , there is room for
many beneficial changes at this insti
tute , both in the way of stopping
raids on the treasury and improving
the faculty. Under fusion control
grades in this institution exist only
in theory and not in practice , and the
pupil graduates much in the way a
stone rolls down hill picking out its
own way without any well defined
route or limitation as to time. Prop
erly managed , the institute can be
maintained at much less expense and
to much greater advantage. So long ,
however , as positions in this and other
institutions are given out in liquida
tion of political debts the theory of
reform , so conspicuously pictured by
the fusion leaders , becomes at once a
ludicrous incongruity. When Superin
tendent Harris was asked why he did
not grade the school he said :
"I would like to , but you know our
term of office is so indefinite that one
hardly knows what to do. If I felt
secure in my position for any material
length of time I would do so. "
This is the whole story in a few
words. Under fusionism frequent
changes have demoralized the insti
tutions , and time which should be de
voted to the good , of the instiution
is spent in contriving plans to keep
the official head beyond reach of the
The Trap "Worked. "
For some time Isaac Mulford , a far
mer living near Bridgeton , N. J. , has
been missing chickens , so he sat a man
trap without letting the family know.
His son , Alfred , stayed out late the
other evening , and , while slipping up
to the house , was caught in the trap.
Fearing a dressing down from his
father for staying out jo late the
young man stayed there all night.
His martyrdom was in vain , for the
first person to see him next morning
.was his father.
Murk Twain's Censor.
Mrs. Clemens plays a very impvrtani
part in her husband's ( Mark Twain )
literary life. All that he writes passes
under her severe censorship ; she i&
the most acute critic , and If there is
anything in what he has written which
does not meet with her entire ap
proval it goes straightway to the waste
basket or is held back for revision.
A Fascinating
CHAPTER VIII. ( Continued. )
Not the strictest purist on the earth
could cavil at his writing to her. As
he felt that IB , from his heart so he
wiote to her :
My Own Joyce : I am breaking my
self-imposed resolution to tell you that
I am leaving England for Australia on
the Condor , which sails next week. 1
cannot live this life any longer. Do
you know I come out at night just to
look at the house that contains you ?
There Is no joy for anything , and 1
am afraid of breaking down under the
strain. I must work , sweetheart ; I
must do something. Life is too hard.
Joyce , I do not wish to see you again.
If I saw you again I should never
leave you ; but I must hear from you to
ImoYV if you are well , dearest. I ought
to say to you that you should try and
forget me , and be happy with some
other man , but I cannot. It is tre
mendous selfishness on my part ; but it
would kill me if you were to look at
another man. But It is not for that
I am writing , but to tell you I am
leaving. Your own ALAN.
When Joyce received this letter she
sat quite still for a little time. She
felt as if her heart must break when
she thought of Alan. She knew what
his unrest meant ; she knew that if it
were possible that he could lay his
head against her shoulder , and feAjtier
hand upon his brow , all his troubles
would vanish. But this might not be.
Never again could they go through the
agony of another parting , never again
would they look into each other's eyes
and see what it was costing them to
walk the path of duty the only way
for them. But she she must look
upon his face again. She would go
down to Southampton , and then she
would try and get a glimpse of lite
dear face , so that she could see for
herself how he looked.
She told no one of her project. It
was not a wise thing to do , but it was
a thing she must do.
Veronica was resting in her room ;
the boy was with her. Now she had
a nurse for him , and she had a pretty
house and all comforts ; but she looked
more haggard than in the old days ,
when she eked out a miserable exist
ence by teaching. Then there was
something to live for , now she had
She heard a tap at the door that
made her tremble. Hutchinson had
been a frequent visitor lately since
she had been prosperous. His visits
always left her poorer and sadder. She
did not mind the money , having a
childish ignorance on the subject ; but
she did mind the way he spoke of
Alan. She prepared herself for battle
when she , heard his knock. He came
in , looking more bloated and excited
than ever. Lately he had drank very
heavily. Today he was sober enough
but he looked more angry than he had
done of late.
"So that fellow thinks he is going
to elude me ! " he said , as he came into
the room ; "but he makes a mistake ! "
Veronica turned pale. She knew he
was speaking of Alan , and that he was
threatening him.
"What do you mean ? " .she asked
"Do you mean to say that you don't
know that that precious husband of
yours means to sail in the Condor on
Friday ? I dare say he wants to de
sert you , and to go off with that other
woman ! "
"Alan would not do that , " said Vero
nica , quickly. "However much he and
she suffer , they will do nothing
wrong. "
" 1 dare say he is a saint ! " sneered
Hutchinson. "Well , he will have a
chance of going to heaven quickly , for
I've sworn to do for him , and this is
my last chance ! "
Veronica listened. Hutchinson had
spoken like this before , and it had
come to nothing ; still , it was possiole
that he might be desperate now. He
iooked it , and if he meant mischief
to Alan she must warn him. Not a
hair of Alan's dear head should fall
by this man's hand. Still , she knew
that she must not let Hutchinson sus
pect that she was on the alert.
"So he sails on Friday ? " she said
quietly. "From Southampton , is it not ?
He wrote to wish me good-by. "
"It will be a longer good-by than he
knows of , " said the man. "Lend me
two pounds. Veronica. "
Veronica hesitated. He might be
asking for money in order to kill her
husband ; but she had often lent him
money before , so she rose slowly and
went to the writing table and took it
"I suppose he has made a settlement
upon you ? " he asked , with cunning
leer. And poor Veronica , falling into
the trap , answered.
"Yes. "
"Then it's all right , " he said , and
went out.
Veronica sprang up from her chair
the instant the hall door clanged after
him. She knew he meant mischief to
Alan. She kissed her boy many , many
times before giving him in charge of
his nurse. She was always loth to let
him out of her sight ; but today she
almost felt as if she would never look
upon him again. At the same time she
felt strangely happy , for it seemed as
if at last she were able to do some
thing for Alan.
Alan had taken his seat in the train
without thinking much of leaving Eng
land. It had ceased to be home to
him ; he thought he might be happier
when he was removed from the. temp
tation of seeing Joyce , and when he
might now'and again har from her.
And as he sat In the corner of his car
riage he thought he saw a familiar
figure pass. It was Hutchlnson'a
clouch , but he did not think much
about It. He pulled his cap over his
eyes , and pretended to go to sleep ;
but although he kept his eyes shut no
sleep came to him. Southampton , it
seemed to him , was soon reached. He
got out of the train and began collect
ing his belongings. He was turning
to go when suddenly ho heard the
sound of a report and then a woman's
cry. In an Instant all was commotion :
A woman had fallen close beside him
a dark-haired , slight woman. He
rushed forward to help her up , quite
unconscious then that the shot that
had been fired was meant for him , and
that the woman had intercepted it. He
had a dim Idea , too , that he saw
Hutchinson slipping away somewhere ;
but he , as well as every one else , was
occupied by the fallen woman.
His were the arms that helped her
up , and his were the eyes that recog
nized Veronica. "My God ! " he cried.
And when they said "Do you know
her ? " he answered "Yes , and the shot
has killed her was meant for me ! "
He carried her to a room near , and
when he laid her down she opened her
eyes and smiled. "I am so hnppy , " she
said , softly. "Alan , I never thought
to feel your arms round me again. "
"Veronica , " he said , remorsefully. "I
would gladly have given my life if this
had not happened ! "
"I know it , " she said , "but think of
me for one instant , Alan. You see , 1
love you , darling. I am dying , so that
it does not' matter , and my life made
you unhappy. By dying for you I
make you and her happy. It is the
only way , Alan the only way. "
"But , Veronica " he urged. But
she would not let him speak.
"I don't think I have long , dear. Let
me die like this In your arms , ray head
upon your shoulder so. You think
I'm pretty still , don't you What was
I saying ? Oh , that it will not matter ,
except for the boy. But I know you
and she will be good to him. I should
have liked to have seen him just once
again. You know Hutchiuson swore
he would be revenged on you , and so
I followed him ; and when he fired at
you I threw myself between. I was
so happy , Alan , dear. The happiest
moment of my life wag when I felt
that I might die for you. "
"Veronica , " he said , touched to the
heart , "I don't deserve it indeed 1
don't ! "
"You see , " she went on , "I made
you so unhappy by living it is the
only way. "
And when the doctor came a few mo
ments after Alan could see there was
no hope. The bullet had pierced her
side , and she was bleeding internally.
She fell into a state of semi-conscious
ness ; but towards midnight she
opened her eyes suddenly.
"Kiss me , Alan , " she said , "and love
my boy. "
And whilst his lips touched hers her
spirit passed away.
Joyce , waiting at the docks for a
glimpse of the man she loved , saw the
great vessel glide out to sea without
him. Something must have happened
to delay him , she thought ! Full of fear
and anxiety , she returned home , won
dering what had detained him ; but
the next day she had a telegram with
these words : "Veronica died last night.
I am coming at once. " And then she
knew that something serious had oc
Alan came to her , chastened , grey-
haired ; but still Alan. And when he
told her the simple , touching story of
poor Veronica's self-sacrifice and death
they wept together. And Joyce re
solved then and there to be a good and
loving mother to Alan and Veronica's
boy , which vow she nobly kept. In
deed , there was nothing stepmotherly
about Joyce , and she could say truly
that she had had nothing but pity for
poor Veronica , even whilst she was
keeping Alan and herself apart.
Alan lost no time in marrying Joy -
again. "They had suffered so much , '
he said , "there was no need to pro
long their suffering. " Now , indeed ,
their life is the ideal life of married
people , whose strong love for each
other is not stronger than their love
of duty , and who did not scruple to
sacrifice everything they loved best
for what they knew to be right.
And as for Veronica's boy , he is like
Joyce's own. Indeed , if anything , she
spoils him more than her own chil
"His mother saved your life , dear , "
she said once , in after days , when
Alan expostulated with her , "and he
is a dear boy , and he is yours , so you
see I have three of the most excellent
reasons for spoiling him. "
Hutchinson was never seen again.
There a'ter him ,
was a has-and-cry
but he was never found. Whether he
knew that the shot meant for Alan
had been received by Veronica no one
could tell. He disappeared , and Joyce
and Alan were glad that it should be
so. They had suffered so much that
they wanted a little peace. Most of
all , they did not want revaage. It was
poor Veronica who had paid the debt ,
and she had done it gladly , saying that
it was "The Only Way. "
( The End. )
The most fiery author Burns.
I.ii test Quotation * From South Omaha
and KUII UK City.
Union Stock YArds.-Cattle Thcie wa *
Just about an average run of ttattte ami
as the demand was fully equal to tliti
HUj > jly the market WUH In good a'upt. .
Chicago came uboupt steady. hut fculler )
bold ror a 5110c advance on corn cattle
and packers met their prices. The cow
market did not advanci ; the same .1 *
steers. The better grades were about
Htcudy , but buyers seemed to hnvo about
all they wanted this week , which imtdo
tin ! market on the medium grades aad
cannerM a little weak and slow. Tneru
were n good many feeder * on Halt this
morning. considering tins size of th. r
celpts. The better KradeH were In gjod
demand and changed hands at .m i.t
steady prices. Western mincers were
mostly on the feeder order and imvk ru
found very little to work on. Killer *
were strong. In uympathy with the a I-
vanee on corn cattle. There were n a
very many cows here , the better grades
selling about steady and the others slow.
and in some easrn a little weak. Feeders
were steady on the good tleshy cat IK and
slow on common ami llglit.
Hogs The supply of hogs was i.itlier
limited and the demand was In n od
shape. Chicago came strong to 5e higtvr.
which gave the sellcis a good chance t >
hold their droves at good , llrm priits
The general market was about i'uT'.t
higher than yesterday and In some ca * > on
possibly a dime more was paid thuu the
iiogs would have brought yesterday. Tins
bulk of the heavy weights sold right
around J'i.00 and butcher weights it ? > n
(1:5.05 ( and light weights at from y > .os-i
5.17"- .
Sheep There were twenty-nine cars of
sheep reported , or D.MG head , which makes
the siippl yfor the week very liberal
1'ackers did not seem to want anything ,
as they said they were tilled up tor the
week , and consequently did not placu
any bids. Quotations : Choice western
grass wethers. SI.3J1i.MM ; fair to goo't
grass wethers. $3.15i&MO ! : ; choice -jr.uss
yearlings. $ i.lufi3.75 ; choice ewes. i'LUl i
a.LT > ; fair to god ewes. $ ! .75ftMJO : ; fair to
good ycarlinga. $3.l04ii.6. : > ; choice spring
Iambs , $ ! . & > ? < 5. 10 ; fair to good M > tin
lambs. $ l.5'j'U1.75 ; feeder wethers , ' . : . - ' :
3.50 ; feeder lambs. JI.OOTj 1.23.
Cattle Receipts.1,000 ; market stcidy.
native steers , $ l.5yi505 : Texas steers. . $2 ' 15
fnl.'M ; Texas cows , f'J.UOfiS.W ; native cowsj
and heifers. y ± . ' > fit t.CO ; stockt-rs and fe 'd
ers. S.-5.50TH.75 ; bulls. KMOtt l. i ; calves , rr
eeipts , 150 ; market steady ; sales , $ . " 50' i
5.30.Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; market strong an I
active ; bulk of sal n , S5.0VS .VJi > ; .ie.n > .
? I.U3l.9)ftf..irr. packers. $5.10'/5 ! l/i ; mixed
J5.G5 < rf5.15 ; light. $5.fi5. ! ( : ) ; Workers. $5. i'-u
r0 ; ! , pigs. $ 1.1 5. 10.
She p Receipts. 1.000 ; market stiad > .
lambs , J3.50 ? 3.UO. muttons. $ : ! .U5f 1.0-J.
Government I > iturhbd by ICusilu'it Attl-
tudn In Ciilim.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. The cam
net was in session today until n < > aily
2 o'clock. At its close the members
were more reticent than u ial as t j
what transpired. It can be stated ,
however , that th"gov M-V.M : u has sn
far received no clllcial or wll authen
ticated information that tlit ; Rusb ! in
government has declared war on
China , or that it is its immediate p'n
pose to do so. The publish'teport
that it actually has : ; ; lc.-ii this j-tep
i.5 disturbing to the administintiun , in
asmuch as such action would greatly
complicate the situation and p'VMbly
paralyze the president's efforts to
bring about an early peace. Thi- ,
apprehension is somewhat intensified
by the report that Germany may also
contemplate a declaration of war. No
information to that effect has reached
the government , but is regarded as not
alotgether improbable that the murder
of the German minister and the recent
reported utterances of Field Marshal
von Waldersec Indicate that measures
of the most diastic kind may be in
contemplation. What action this gov
ernment would take under these eir-
curastances is not known , but it has-
been suggested that the president may
at once ask for a conference of the
powers with a view to arriving at
some basis on a settlement of the
questions involved without resorting
to war.
The subject of an extra session of
congress , it was said , was not men
tioned at the meting , and it can be
stated on the authority of a member
of the cabinet that under present eon-
ditions an extra session is altogether
A Cablegram Urges that the Government
Send TroojiH.
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. The ev > ' * -
tive committee of the AmoricanA-i-
atic association has received the fol
lowing cablegram from the Ameriit. .
association of China at Shanghai -ni'l
have forwarded it to the sncretary of
state :
"Situation Yang Tse valley inrrras-
ingly critical ; military estimate 15,000
troops needed to effertively protect
Shanghai ; urge government immedi
ately to send quota. "
Two Wyoming- Men K * led.
CHEYENNE , WyQ , Aug. 24. Hugh
Ferguson , a business man of Evanston -
ton , Wyo. , was killed at Rawlins this
morning. He was enroute east with
trainload of horses and while walk
ing over the train he fell between the
cars. His body was mutilated in a
horrible manner. The remains will be
sent to Evanston for burial. Louis
Kerz was instantly killed this after
noon by falling from the Saratoga
stage as it was nearing Rawlins. Kerz
was intoxicated.
Population of Otra' a.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 24. The popu
lation of the city of Omaha , according
to the official count of the returns of
the twelfth census , is as follows : Om
aha City , 1900 , 102,553 ; 1890 , 140,452.
These figures show for the city , as a
whole , a decrease in population of 37 -
S97. or 2G.OS per cent , from 1S90 to
of 1830 . ' ' , < -
1900. The population was
518. showing an increase of 109.31 , or
2G0.23 per cent from 1SSO to ! ? ' . .
Oreson W1H non Ktr OJT UorU.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 25. Captain
George F. , commanding ihe bat-
Lieahip Oregon , ted y notified th > >
nr.vy department frcia KurcJapan. .
that the vessel , which has been in
dock there undergoing temporary i -
pairs , had been undocked aadvouM
be ready for sea in a week.
. . \rnv.
BERLIN , Aug. 25. An official dis
patch from Tien Tsin , dated August
naval detachment
21 , says : The German
ment arrived at Pekin August 18 and
the marine battalion reached Ho-Si-
Wu August 22.