V 1 ,1. . * u nig "I NINETEENTH YEAR. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 31 , 19OO. NUMBER 16 Instituted Indlanola Hive. Indianola lodge No. 37 , IM. . O. T. W. , was instituted on last Saturday by Grand Organizer Lady Louie M. Bouk of Omaha , assisted by Grand Mistress at Arms Lady A. J. Ritteuhouse , local or ganizer , of McCook , and a team of twelve ladies of McCook lodge , namely : Ladies J. A. Gunu , G. W. Willetts , Anna Golfer , Margaret Oyster , E. E. Saddler , V. H. Solliclay , F. M. Kimtnell , C. B. Sawyer , A. J. Nowlan , Lottie Brewer , W. B. Mills and Nellie Gunn. The lodge was instituted during the day and in the evening the officers were publicly installed , a feature of the in stallation being the marching of the uni formed and accoutered team from the ' & McCook lodge of the order. * M The lodge comes into existence with a charter membership of 25. In the evening , after the installation , the gentlemen of Indianola lodge , K. O. T. M. , served ice-cream and cake to the instituting officers , the ladies of the Mc Cook team and officers of the local lodge , which was a pleasant social feat ure of the event. House and Lawn Party. Yesterday evening , from 5 to 8 , Mrs. F. S. Wilcox and Mrs. C. F. Babcock gave a delightful house and lawn party to about fifty lady friends at the charm ing home of the former. The floral decorations were in cut flowers asters and cosmos ; and at re - freshments the guests received bouquets of roses and carnations. The "magic hoop" and "telephone , " a card game , were among the entertain ment features utilized. A three-course luncheon was tastefully served with pretty accessories , Mes- danies J. F. Kenyon , H. H. Troth , G. A. Noren and Albert McMillen assisting. Miss Selma Noren presided at the punch bowl , serving frappe. During refresh ments , Mrs. Lillian McCarl presided at the piano. In every particular it was one of the most felicitous social affairs of the sum mer. . Death's Unwelcome Call. Death made an unwelcome call at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Betz of Coleman precinct , last Saturday , when the grim destroyer entered the home and carried away their youngest child , little Gladys , aged three years. The child was sick but a few days with an attack of cholera. Elder H. H. Berry held services at the home on Sunday afternoon , and the remains were buried in Riverview cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all their friends in country and city. An Incendiary Fire. Three stacks of wheat on the George Colvin farm , adjoining East McCook , were destroyed by fire , this morning , be tween two and three o'clock. The work was evidently that of an incendiary. Christ Buhler is occupying and farming the place. He reports that the wheat was insured. A coarse effort had been made to scatter trash from the railroad to the stacks to make it appear that a passing locomotive did the work , but the trash was damp and burned pooily. There is no clue to the perpetrators. I Advertised Letters. ยง N The following letters were advertised ) by the McCook post-office , August 26th : w Mrs. Best , Mr. Sam Goldflam , Mr. George Taylor , Mrs. Kate Bouchman. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster. At S5 Per Ton. Corn fodder for sale , fine quality , bound in bundles , delivered in McCook for 55 per ton. Write or see J. W. BURTLESS , McCook , Neb. Seed Rye for Sale. Seed rye for sale. Inquire of FRED CARRUTH. Ball and Bat Free. To the boy who buys a suit of clothes at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & Co.'s. if- The commissioners have closed the contract for plumbing and heating the county offices by steam. Burgess will install the radiation and Carruth will furnish the steam. It will be a great comfort and convenience for the county officers , besides being more safe and cleanly. Black and Red Prints of best cloth and absolutely fast color , 5 cents per yard. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Bed-bug , roach and ant exterminators ; warranted effective. MCCONNELL & BERRY. Newest things in Stock Collars polka dot velvets , at the Thompson Dry Goods Co. McMillen is serving Cantaloupe Ice- Creatn. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. L. C. DOLE entered W. S. Morlan's law office , Monday. NINA TOMUNSON visited with the grandparents in Oxford , Wednesday. MRS. L. F. GRIGGS returned , early in the week , from her month's vacation in Colorado. L. T. THORGRIMSON arrived home , Sunday night on 6 , from a week's visit in Colorado. Miss MILLIE SLADY will depart for Peru , Monday , to resume her studies in the state normal. MISSES IDA AND CLARA ANTON went down to Oxford , Wednesday , to visit friends a few days. T. B. GRAVES is here from Wisconsin on business connected with the estate of the late Eliza G. Nettleton. HARRY CAMPBELL will go to Frank lin , Monday , to enter the academy for the fall and winter session. MRS. P. F. McKENNA is entertaining her mother , Mrs. Reid , who arrived from Chicago on 3 , last Sunday night. REV. W. J. TURNER and family , who have been spending a few weeks in Franklin , arrived home on I , Tuesday. MISSES MAUDE AND LAURA MCMIL LEN will return , tonight , from spending the summer at their old home in Penn sylvania. MRS. J. F. KENYON , who has been spending a couple months in New York state and the east , returned home , Tues day on r. MRS. E. E. SADDLER went down to St. Joseph , Wednesday morning , to make her fall and winter purchases of millinery. Miss GENEVIEVE FEENY returned , Monday morning on 12 , to her Hastings home , after visiting McCook friends , a few weeks. MRS. PAULSON of Denver arrived in the city , Wednesday , and is spending a week here , guest of Mrs. Vina Wood , and her brother , Roy Kleven. ERWIN HOPT of Cambridge was in the city , Tuesday ; on his return home from visiting in Denver. He went home on 12 , Wednesday morning. Miss JOSIE MOORE , a niece of Mrs. Vina Wood , arrived in the city from Gresham , Nebraska , Tuesday , and will remain here two or three weeks. MRS. H. P. WAITE and children and Miss Folmer went down to Cambridge , Wednesday morning , to see the log rolling and visit relatives briefly. MRS. VINA WOOD and Miss Maud were Omaha visitors , close of last week , going down on 6 , Thursday night , and returning home on 3 , Saturday night. MRS. J. F. FORBES and daughters went down to Arapahoe , last Saturday , and have been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomblin. all this week. MR. AND MRS. C. L. DEGROFF of Nebraska City are fondly exercising parental interest in a fine ten-pound daughter , born on Thursday morning of last week. MRS. ELIZABETH FORD and children , who have been visiting relatives in the city for the past few weeks , departed on 2 , Mdnday morning , for their home in Green Bay , Wisconsin. IRA COLE of the Culbertson Era passed through the city , Wednesday morning , on his way to Montana , at some point in which warm state he expects to run a hot Republican newspaper. DR. E. H. WATERS and C. H.Meeker were at Edison , Wednesday , doing some surveying for an irrigating ditch in which the doctor is interested , having a farm in that neighborhood. JUDGE G. W. NORRIS arrived home , Wednesday on i , from his trip to Wis consin. Mrs. Norris and the children , who have been visiting meanwhile in Beaver City , returned on No. 5 the same day. MR. AND MRS. J. E. KELLEY and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cor win arrived home , Monday morning on 2 , from Mauitou , Colorado , where the ladies have been spending a few weeks of the heated sea son , being joined by the gentlemen about a week since. MRS. E. H. EDSON came out from Omaha , Sunday night , to assist her brother , M. H. Holmes , pack up some of his effects for shipment to their mother in Qmaha. She departed on 6 , Monday night , for home. HELEN LAWS gave a trolley party , last evening , in honor of her frieads , Misses Lucile and Helen Lawson of Mc Cook. They had a most delightful ride and returned to the home of Mrs. Will Hardy , where dainty refreshments were served. Lincoln Daily Post , Should be Nipped. We understand that the girl who , a few weeks since , secured goods from various McCook merchants by false pretenses , using the name of Conductor T. F. Enright to secure the articles on credit or approval , is now in Denver , after misusing the sympathy and confi dence of the Burlington agent at Brush , Colorado. It is related that the girl be came or feigned illness at Brush and the agent and wife took a kindly interest in her and helped her on to * Ft. Morgan. After she had gone , various articles and about five dollars in a child's bank were missing. The girl is evidently a crim inal of no mean ability for her age , and she should be promptly taken in charge by the law , and an end made of her petty thievery before she branches out into the larger and worse avenues of crime. Initiated Thirteen. The Lady Maccabees held a special meeting of the local hive , Wednesday afternoon , at which time they initiated thirteen new members into the lodge. Grand Organizer Lady L. M. Bouk of Omaha was present. Most of the new members became endowment members of the order. After the regular business session , the ladies of the entertainment committee served ice-cream and cake to the members , old and new. The Mc Cook hive is being rapidly recruited at this time , and bids fair to become one of the strongest hives in the state. Entertained the Awl-Os. The Misses Oyster entertained the members of the Awl-Os club , Tuesday evening. There was a musical pro gramme and an absorbing and exciting contest at adding the caudal appendage to an artistically designed tailless don key. In this exhibition of blindfold skill Miss Mabel Wilcox won the prize , an olive dish with olives ; and Miss Eliz abeth Thomson the booby , a donkey with tails to burn. Concerts Will Continue. It is a personal pleasure to us to an nounce that the open air concerts by the Nebraska Brigade band of our city will continue regularly during the month of September at least , and that we may hope for an occasional treat after that. The impression that the concert of last Saturday night ended the season is in correct. Concert as usual , tomorrow evening. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m. Preaching at ir. Union service in the Baptist church at S. Morning subject , "Church Extension. " J. W. WALKER , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at n. Prayer-meeting , Wednesday evening at 8. Union service in the Baptist church at S. Morning subject , "Personal Element in Service. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor. . EPISCOPAL Services during summer : Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning service , also Friday evening Litany , discontinued until fur ther notice. Holy communion to be an nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m. Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior League at 3. Union service at the Bap tist church at 8. Prayer and Bible-study on Wednesday evening at 8. All are welcome. Morning subject , "God's Handiwork. " J. A. BADCON , Pastor. BAPTIST The coming Sabbath will be a day of rallying of the Baptist people upon , the occasion of Rev. Geo. W. Shea- for's occupying the pulpit in the morn ing. Rev. Sheafor is expected to preach during September and the Baptist people ple are intent upon retaining him for the pastorate if it can be done. His many friends will be pleased to meet him and will be glad to know that he preaches the sermon at the union meeting in the evening , also held in the Baptist church. On account of the absence of Rev. Hickey in the east , no mass will be cele brated in the Catholic church , Sunday. The Populist county central commit tee met in McCook , last Saturday , and decided to call their convention at In dianola , Saturday , September 29 , at ten o'clock in the morning. The Populists want to build a high board fence about the convention , or the Democrats will capture the nominations , sure. Celebrated "F. C. " Corsets ; 4 weeks' wear and money back , if then dissatis fied. For sale only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co. "ThfcRight Place" to call up is No.p. You are sure of getting just as cho ; e meats by phone as by personal inspec tion. tion.Lots Lots of people are bilious , but not after taking Loar's Vegetable Pills. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Brakeman P. V. Royce is off duty and on the sick-list , this week. Brakeman George Snyder was in Lin coln , early part of the week. Sup't Campbell arrived home on 6 , last night , from his western trip. A. M. Cassell has purchased the Stit- tou residence now occupied by H. H. Tartsch. Brakeman C. E. Ryan was called up to Yuma , Colorado , Monday , by the ill ness of his wife. Two new carpenters entered Foreman C. A. Ward's gang , this week. L. W. Hayden and a Mr. Billings. Conductor Mose Carmouy went in to Omaha on 6 , last night , on a visit. W. C. Pope will have his car till his return.- Traveling Engineer Dixon and family moved into the Woods residence , corner of Melvin and Douglass , Saturday last. Conductor F. M. Washburn is enter taining his sister , who arrived from Broomfield , this state" , Wednesday night on 5. The heavy and extensive over-head shafting in the old shop section of the round-house is being taken down , this week. Conductor L. E. Gilcrest is adding to his barn to accommodate the increasing stock and business of the "Ideal Rab- bitry. " One of the old round dispatcher's tables formerly used in the office here is being overhauled for use in the station at Brush , Colo. Three sections of the round-house are now being floored with vitrified brick. The pit timbers have also been replaced with new ones. Knud and James Stangland were Den ver visitors , Sunday and Monday , going up on 3 , Saturday night , and arriving on 6 , Monday night. W. H. Johnston , chief clerk to Master Mechanic Archibald , went into Omaha , Monday night on 6 , on business at Bur lington headquarters. No. 6 was late both Monday and Tues day nights , caused by hot boxes. Tues day night , a journal was burned off of one of the Pullmans , the end falling off in the McCook j'ard a most fortunate circumstance. J. A. Bingham started east , Thursday morning , on a fifteen-days lay-off , and C. E. Bobbitt is substituting on the Mc- Cook-Iiuperial R. P. O. run. If expec tations are realized , the boys have a warm time in store for John upon his return. Conductor C. E. Pope and the chil dren arrived home on i , Sunday , from Lincoln , and Mrs. Pope on an evening train No. 5. She was accompanied by her sister , Mrs. J.R. Sircoloutnb of Sher idan , Wyoming. His brother Sam is ill in I/incoln and in a very serious condi tion , small hope being held out or enter tained of his recovery. G. R. Johnson departed , Saturday morning on 2 , for Rochester , Michigan , to assume a position on the Detroit , Rochester , Romeo & Lake Orion rail way. George has for years been one of the "fly" engineers of the Western divi sion in the fast passenger service. Here's continued success to him from THE TRIBUNE and many well-wishing friends. A new wheel and axle dock is being built on the south side of the new ma chine-shops , heavy sxg-inch stringers shipped here from Plattsmouth being used in the solid construction , which will be built along the entire south side when the work is finished. A depressed track has also been laid to the dock , so that heavy wheels and axles can now be loaded onto and taken from the cars more easily the dock being on a level with the floor of both box and flat cars. Why Think Of sending away for a sewing machine' , when S. M. Cochran & Co. do and will meet any competition on earth , quality considered. See their machines and get their prices and terms first , and you will buy of reliable home business men. They are here , too , to make good their guaranty. Desirable House for Sale. I will offer for sale at a low price my residence property , corner Marshall and Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part , or will name an attractive price for spot cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LATOURETTE , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent. A base-ball team from McCook will play the Indianola club at Indianola , to day. From these two aggregations a team will be selected to enter the tourn ament at Arapahoe , next week. After Six Weeks' Illness. The following account of the death of Mrs. S. E. Harvey , a former resident o : our city , we clip from the Lincoln Jour nal of Monday , the 27th instant : "Mrs. Ella J. Harvey , wife of Con ductor S. E. Harvey of the Burlington , passed peacefully away at 3:40 p. m. , Sunday , after six weeks' illness. "Mr. and Mrs. Harvey came to Lin coln in 1889 and built them a beautiful home at Twenty-third and Y streets by the side of Mrs. Harvey's only sister , Mrs. C. A. Lyman. Mrs. Harvey was closely identified with the church and societies and during hec short residence in the city had won the love and esteem of all who had made her acquaintance. She lived a true symmetrical Christian life , and her presence will be sadly missed , especially by the sister who had filled the place of mother and sister for many years. The funeral services of Mrs. Harvey will take place from the family residence , Tuesday at 3:30 p. in. " Another Small Grain Yield. They finished threshing , Tuesday night , on N. J. Johnson's farm over in Grant precinct , and the total yield of small grain is reported to us as 3,700 bushels ; 3,100 of wheat , 600 of rye. While this has not been a year to en courage bragging , the above results are quite satisfactory. Mr. Johnson rented his land to Will and George Tuttle and provided the seed , getting about 1,500 jushels of small grain in return for 250 bushels of seed and the rent of the land. To the State Fair. W. N. Kogers of Shadeland Park stock farm will depart , this evening , for Lin coln , with a car-load of Herefords for exhibition at the state fair. There will be ten of his choicest animals in the shipment , and if the Shadeland doesn't come home with some ribbons we shall be disappointed. Mr. Rogers , his son Amos , and Charles Freelove will accom pany the "White-Faces. " Bell-Messner. Percy M. Bell and Edith M. Messner were married by County Judge Bishop on Thursday of this week. Both of the young people hail from Danbury , where the groom is a prosperous barber. The bride is a daughter of S. D. Messner , one of the Beaver's most substantial farmers and stockmen. Picknicks Two. The members of the twelfth grade en joyed a picknick on the Driftwood , last Saturday , on the Fitch farm. About twenty young ladies and gentle men of the city picknicked , Sunday , at Fitch's on Driftwood creek. You'll Be Sorry : If you paint or paper your house with out seeing what we have to offer in end- of-the-season bargains. MCCONNELL & BERRY. For Sale. A good second-hand windmill , cheap. J. A. BRINTON , McCook , Neb. The board of education has rented the store-room on West Deunison street , for merly occupied by J. H. Ludwick , for school purposes. This will relieve the overcrowded condition of the cityschools somewhat , but unfortunately and un avoidably will still further disperse the children of the system. The log-rolling at Cambridge attract ed quite a number of Red Willow county people , Wednesday. The band at Danbury - bury was one of the attractions of the day. There are twelve pieces in the band and the boys made very acceptable music. It is not a debatable question but one of privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh & Co. , when in quest of the best the market affords in the meat line. They are prompt and accommodating in the bargain. Phone 12. LOST One silverine , screw-bevel , Trenton movement watch. Finder will please leave same at R. T. Eller & Co.'s store and receive reward. Your choice from 10 or 12 pieces of all-wool Dress Goods , in a skirt to your own measure , for $2.50. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. It is stated that H. H. Tartsch con templates building a two-story residence on his lot , corner Marshall and Dear born. Wall paper remnants enough for one room very cheap. McCoNNELi , & BERRY. Loar's Vegetable Pills cure constipa- and headache ; they are guaranteed. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Best in the market. Something new McMillen's Canta loupe Ice-Cream. Take your prescriptions to Loar. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Delicious ice-crenm soda with fruit flavors at McMillen's. Make your dollars go as far as you j can. Loar's is tfie plnce. Dr. A. C. Harlan has sold his Frontier county farm to Frank Cramer. Heavy Wagon Cover Duck , 13 cents per yard , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Recipe for blues : Buy your drugs , wall paper , glass etc. of Lear of Mc Cook. Handsome New Flannelettes , 20 pat terns , 84 and loc. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Just received fresh supply of Low- uey's high-grade chocolate at Post- Office Lobby. * - - Handsome Black and Colored Poplin Dress Goods , 62 cts , at The Thompson Dry Goods Co. The members of the new Shakespeare club held a picnic in the city park , last Friday evening. Buy your confectionery at Taffy Char- ie's candy kitchen , opposite Pioneer lard ware store. George Leland is building a small ) rick addition to his store-room on East Dennison street. "Idleness is the devil's work-shop" is an old saying that can be conclusively proven in our city , any day. Genuine Broadcloth with twilled back , 50 inches wide , in best colors for dresses , it The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Unheard of bargains in school sup plies : soo-page tablets , sc ; double slates , covered , loc ; Lear , the druggist. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. Our own make of Bed Comforts , 6x7 feet , with 6 big Cotton Balls , $1.65 and $2.25. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. Soaps , perfumes anil loilet articles ; everylhing lliat's new. MCCONNELL & BERRY. You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co. are at the head of the procession whett good meats are on parade. Try their market. This week , W. N. Rogers of Shade- laud Park stock farm sold a fine Hereford to H. H. Leonard of North-Western Colorado. Black Brilliantine Dress Skirls lo your measure from our 650 piece of Brillian tine for $3.50. The Thompson Dry Goods Co. _ _ The High School library in the East Ward building is open each Saturday morning from 9 till 10 o'clock , when pupils may return and draw out books. Cupid is making all the necessary preparations for some effective opera tions , iu the next few months in this city , or Dame Rumor is off her trolley badly. The people will have the best and won't be satisfied with anything less ; so S. M. Cochran & Co. have gotten on an other shipment of that unequalled antt- rust tinware. It's "it. " One of Frank Arnold's twin babies died on Tuesday night of this week. Services were held at the home , Wednes day afternoon , and burial was after wards made in Riverview cemetery. There will be a regular meeting of Eureka Chapter No. 86 , Order of the. Eastern Star , on Friday evening , .Sep temberth. . All members requested to be present. J. A. WILCOX , W. P. Clint Marsh is adding a barn to his new property on North Madison and will soon be able to move into his new residence. He will have one of Mc- Cook's most comfortable and convenient homes. It is , claimed that vertical penmanship is going out of fashion. It was quite a fad , a few years ago , and widely adopted in the public schools. It is said to be too slow and is not favored iu commer cial circles. Again , it destroys individ uality in penmanship. It is never too early in life to teach the rights of property. The property of others , even though it be so small and insignificant an article as a pin , should be held absolutely inviolable. The boy who will have regard for the melon- patch or orchard of another will as a man respect the rights and property of his neighbors religiously , and will be above the law. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Just received fresh supply of Low- ney's high-grade chocolate at Post- Office Lobby. _ McMillen serves pure fruit flavors with ice-cream soda. Do you know Lear wants your drug trade ?