By F. M. K1MMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPERJ Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance Republican National Ticket. For President , .WILLIAM MCKINLEY of Ohio. For Vice-President , THEODOKK ROOSEVELT , of New York. Republican State Ticket. For Governor C. II. DIETRICH of Adams. For Lieutenant Governor E. A. SAVAGE of Custer. For Secretary of State GEORGE W. MARSH of Richardson. For Treasurer WILLIAM STUEFFER of Cuming. For Auditor AuditorCHARLES WESTON of Sheridan. For Attorney General FRANK N. PROUT of Gage. For Land Commissioner GEORGE D. FULLMER of Nuckolls. For Superintendent of Schools W. K. FOWLER of Washington. Congressional Ticket. For Congressman W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow. VOTE AND BE HAPPY. The eighteen counties comprising the Fifth congressional district of Nebraska are among the best counties in the state. They have been settled up by an enter prising , thrifty , intelligent class of pee pie. These counties have been made to bloom and blossom by the tireless efforts of men who worked with their hands and brains in season and out of season and never faltered in the face of dis couragements. From the sod house to the modern cottage is a far cry meas ured in achievement , but a short time measured in years. The splendid devel opment of the counties in the Fifth congressional district is due to the tire less energy and unceasing work of men who had no time to travel about the country and howl "calamity. " It is time that these men assert themselves and repudiate the idea sent broadcast over the country that they are filled with discontent and being ground down. It is time that the Fifth district be repre sented in congress by a man typical of the brain and brawn and energy that has secured the development of the eight een counties comprising the district. Duty to the best interests of the Fifth district demands that a man represent ative of all that has made South-western Nebraska desirable as a place of resi dence , of all that has worked for the de velopment of the community , of all that marks the highest social and moral development , be sent to congress to represent the intelligent people of this great section. W. S. Morlan is typical of the brain and brawn and energy of the Fifth congressional district. He has been one among those who have wrested the district from the wilderness and made it fruitful and happy. He has worked night and day , year in and year out , for the development of the com monwealth. In congress he will repre sent the best interests of the district. He will be a worker , a hustler , a per former , a mover , and a doer. Vote for W. S. Morlan and be happy. Beaver City Tribune. THE Populists will hold their senator ial convention in Culbertson , next Fri day. Will the Democrats capture it , too ? PROSPERITY has shared its blessings with the beef-raiser of the west and. brought to him advanced prices for his beef. In 1896 , during Democracy and depression , beef on hoof per 100 pounds sold for $3.25 ; in 1899 , under McKinley and prosperity , beef on hoof per 100 , pounds sold for $4.65. McKinley good- ! times has reached all classes of trade. I ft * of the' last British loan was taken by people in the tJnited States , so that in place of this country having to work to pay interest to British holderr of United States bonds , the process is reversed - - versed and the Britisher is now compelled to send money to this country to pay interest - 1 terest on his obligations. This is an other condition' which Bryan promises to change when he gets into power. IF it had not been for Republican "expansion" Hawaii would not have be come a part of the union ; if Hawaii had not become a part of the union , a Ha waiian delegate-at-large would not have sat in the Democratic convention and been a member of the platform com mittee ; if it had not been for the vote of this Hawaiian member of the platform g ; committee , the 16 to i plank -would have been beaten despite the telephonic orders from Lincoln ; if this plank had been beaten , Bryan , according to his own words , would have refused to run for president. How , therefore , can Bryan logically inveigh against expansion , in view of the fact that he himself is a de rivative from it ? Best Grades STOCK TANKS WINDOWS (0O FENCE POSTS CEMENT FENCE WIRE DOORS LIME S o - * - > ; BARNETT LUMBER co. ; o TELEPHONE NO. 5. Dennison Street THE McCook Comfort has gotten far enough long that it now refers to what "Democracy stands for" to the exclu sion of what Populism stands for. The absorption of the Populists is fast becom ing complete. WILWAM M. JOHNSON , president of the New Jersey senate , has been tendered and has accepted the position of first assistant postmaster general recently made vacant by the resignation of Perry S. Heath , who enters the presidential campaign as secretary of the Republican national committee , and as head of the literary bureau. BANKER A. C. SHALLENBERGER of Alma , Democrat , was nominated as the fusion candidate for congressman at Hol- drege.yesterday morning at five o'clock , on the 46th ballot. Congressman Suther land retired from his impregnable kopje after the 4ist ballot and the Democrats easily took the undefended stronghold. My countrymen , what a surrender ! THE Democratic national platform condemns "the ill-concealed Republican alliance with England , " while at the same time opposing the passage of the ship subsidy bill , which seeks to take from British ships the 65 per cent of American foreign carrying they now enjoy to give it to American ships in stead. It is singular that every British ship-owner and ship-builder hopes for the success of the Democrats if there ex ists an "ill-concealed Republican alli ance with England. " IT 'S no trouble at all for the Demo cratic tail to wag the Populist dog. Wit- nesseth , the nomination of Banker A. C. Shallenberger of Alma , for congressman at Holdrege , yesterday morning. The withdrawal from the contest of Con gressman Sutherland after the 4ist bal lot with the united Populist convention standing by him , and the virtual surren der of the Populist convention to the Democrats by the capitulation of the the Populist's only leader , are matters for the serious consideration of the dog. The election of W. S. Morlau will how ever , relieve both the tail and the dog of any post-election pain. IN the face of the great danger of overconfidence there is one compensat ing advantage the Republicans every where are united. There is no factional difference anywhere in national politics , a fact perfectly attested by the unanim ity with which the nominations were af fected and the platform adopted at Phil adelphia. There is no factional quarrel in any state. This condition , it is true , may be possible. For the time at least it adds still further to the feeling of overconfidence. On the other hand , a later result is almost sure to be that the full vote will come out in harmony and enthusiasm for the regularly nominated candidates and the accepted statements of policy. The great hope of Republican success throughout the country is that he various committees and the various i voters for themselves will see promptly and thoroughly into the real issues ; will not be mistaken about them , will not try to substitute pretended principles for real ones , will not be frightened by bogie talk , but will be on their guard against the real dangers of the wide spread Populist onslaught upon expan sion ( and with it , prosperity , ) upon a , solid and patriotic devotion to the courts ind to law and order which also mean f prosperity. t COURT-HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Marriage licenses as follows have been ssued from the county court since our ast report : Robert E. Parker and Lulu Wills , both > f McCook. Charles Van Pelt and Mary Gibson , : oth of Danbury. Lee F. Williams and Florence Star- ) uck , both of McCook. S ; Why Think Of sending away for a sewing machine , vhen S. M. Cochran & Co. do and will neet any competition on earth , quality ' onsidered. See their machines and et their prices and terms first , and you rill buy of reliable home business men. * hey are here , too , to make good their uaranty. It is not a debatable question but one B f privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh BM BB : Co. , when in quest of the best the B larket affords in the meat line. They re prompt and accommodating in the argain. Phone 12. ti Republican Senatorial Convention. The Republican electors of the Twenty Ninth Senatorial district are requested to send delegates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of McCook , Nebraska , Thursday , September 13,1900 , at 8 o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for the office of state senator and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows : Chase 4 Dundy 4 Frontier 10 Furnas 14 Gosper 5 Hayes 4 Hitchcock 5 Red Willow n The apportionment being based on the vote cast for Hon. M. B. Reese for supreme judge in 1899 , giving each county one delegate at large and one delegate for each lee votes and major fraction thereof. It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted to the convention , but that the dele gates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the county they represent. McCook , Nebraska , August ifth , 1900. F. M. RATHBUN , Chairman. F. M. KIMMELL , Secretary. Republican County Convention. The Republican electors of Red Willow county , Nebraska , are hereby requested to send delegates from their respective pre cincts to meet in convention in the city of McCook , Nebraska , on Thursday , September aoth , 1900 , at two o'clock p. m. , for the pur pose of placing in nomination candidates for representative of the 65th district , county at torney and commissioner of the ist district. The several precincts of the county are en titled to the following representation , the ap portionment being based upon the vote cast for the Hon. George W. Norris for judge of It is recommended that no proxies be ad mitted to the convention , and that primaries be held in the various precincts on Saturday , September ifth. C. F. BABCOCK , C. B. GRAY , Secretary. Chairman. Willow Grove Primaries. FIRST PRECINCT FIRST WARD. Primary election for this voting precinct will be held m the Commercial hotel sample- room , Saturday evening , September I5th , 1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , for the purpose of elect ing twelve delegates to the county conven tion , September 2oth. A. BARNETT , Committeeman. SECOND I'RECINCT FIRST WARD. Primary election for this voting precinct will be held in C. F. Babcock's office , Satur day evening , September I5th , 1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , for the purpose of electing nine dele gates to the county convention , September : zoth. C. B. GRAY , Committeeman. 1 i : FIRST PRECINC1 SECOND WARD. : Primary election for this voting precinct will be held in the city hall , Saturday evening , September I5th , 1900 , at 73o o'clock , for the purpose of electing eight delegates to the : ounty convention , September 20th. c : F. M. RATHBUN , Committeeman.e SECOND I'RECINCT SECOND WARD. T Primary election for this voting precinct vill be held in H. II. Berry's office , Saturday a ivening , September ifth , 1900 , at 7:30 o'clock , ; or the purpose of electing seven delegates to tl he county convention , September 20th. : R. B. CARLTON , Committeeman. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised > y the McCook post-office , August igth : 5eo Metzer , J. F. Thompson , T ' ohn Ross , J. R. Kennedy , Tcl > . B. Stone , F. B. Tatham , clP larry D. Lister , Mrs. Marie MeSzer , P Jr. France McDonald. c In calling for any of these letters , please s ; ay that they are advertised. F. M. KIMMEI.I. , Postmaster. c , McCook Markets. e C Corrected Friday morning , "i 'orn $ .40 TV Pheat 50 > ats 40 -ye 32 togs 4.60 B Ig S guaranteed."i gr utter 15 tr Few Potatoes 40 d ! utter fat at Creamery 14 firM : Loar's Vegetable Pills cure constipa- fn on and headache ; they are guaranteed. til IRISH TURNS AND TWISTS. The tJncon cIou Humor Thai Crop * Oat In the Green Isle. The author of "Irish Life and Char acter" says truly that one has only to mix with an Irish crowd to hear many a laughable expression , quite In nocently uttered. As the Duite and Duchess of York -were leaving Dublin In 1807 , amid enthusiastic cheering , an old woman remarked : "Ah ! Isn't It the fine reception they're gettin , golu away ? " In 1892 Dublin university celebrated Its tercentenary , and crowds of vis itors were attracted to the city. Two laborers , rejoiced at the general pros perity , expressed their feelings. "Well , Tim , " said one , "thlm tar- clntlnarles does a dale for the thrade of Dublin , and no mistake. " "Oh , falx they do ! " said the other. "And whin , with the blessln of God , we get home rule , sure we can have as manny of thlm as we plase. " An old woman , seeing a man pulling a young calf roughly along the road , exclaimed : "Oh , you bla'guard ! That's no way to thrate a fellow crather. " "Sure , " said a laborer to a young lady who was urging him to send his children to school , "I'd do anything for such a sweet , glutlemanly lady as yourself. " Again , the laborers on a large estate decided that It would be more con venient for them If they could be paid every week instead of every fortnight. One of their number \vas sent to place their proposition before the land agent , and this was his statement : "If you please , sir , It's me desire , and It Is also Ivery other man's desire , that tve resave out fortnight's pay Ivery week. " An exasperated sergeant , drilling a squad of recruits , called to them at last : "Halt ! " Just come over here , all of ye , and look at yourselves. It's a fine line ye're keepin , Isn't It ? " JUST A BIT OF LIFE. A Pathetic Incident of the Patvn- Hhops In the Metropolis. Sneaking Into a small shop In an ob- Bcure and poverty ridden locality , the nfan who "went broke" at the races was realizing on a superfluous article of jewelry. A woman so poor and pinched in feature , so marked with care and desperation that It made him feel sick to look at her , was holding something under her shawl and waitIng - Ing nervously until he should have fin ished his transaction. "Walt on her. She seems to be in a hurry , " he said to the man behind the counter , and at the word of permission a carpenter's plane was produced from the shelter of the shawl. "How much do you want ? " queried the unmoved pawnbroker monotonous ly. "Fifty cents , " replied the woman , with a gulping In her throat and an eager look in her eyes. She clutched the money tightly and ran into another creature , poor -herself , but bearing her troubles In duller fashion. She had a baby's cloak , never costly and much worn , on which she 'wanted to borrow money , the same sum as the other woman had asked for. The man who had been offering a diamond felt uncomfortable. "There , give me $50. The stone's worth four times as much. " And , seizing the mon- sy , he hurried after the woman who had just left the shop. He was not ijiven to acts of charity , and he felt awkward , the more so as the woman shrank from him as he accosted her. "I beg your pardon , " he began , "but here's $3 I have no use for. Perhaps FOU" "No , no ! " she cried , drawing further from him. "For your child. " he said gently. "My child is dead ! " cried the woman , svith a queer sob , and fled into the labyrinth of alleys and byways that shelters so much wretchedness. New STork Times. Cnrlons Mexican Laws. They have some very curious crimi lal laws In Mexico. For instance , it is wice as much of an offense to rnuti ate the face of a woman as that of t nan. The law seems to be based on he idea that a woman's best possession ! sion is her beauty and that to mar it lees her a great injury. There is another curious law. If a ) erson should be wounded iu an en- ounter , the punishment to the offend- sr is fixed by the number of days his ictim has to stay in the hospital or , mder a doctor's care. A line is fixed it 40 days in the way of a general divi- ion. If the injured man occupies more han 40 days in his recovery , the pen- lty doubles up. An Impiulciit Frnnd. An impudent fraud was perpetrated ipon a Manchester bank by one of its ustoniers , who opened an account rith some few hundreds of pounds , 'he man , after a few weeks , drew two hecks , each within a pound or so of Is balance , and , selecting a busy day , resented himself at one end of the ouuter , while an accomplice , when he EIW that his friend's check had been ei ashed , Immediately presented his own j a cashier at the other end. Doth ishlers referred the checks -to the idger clerk , who , thinking the same ishier had asked him twice , said right" to both checks. The thieves ere never caught. Jfye's Introduction. When James Whitcouib Riley and ill Nyc traveled together giving a ant entertainment , the humorist had eat fun with the poet. Once , In In- educing Riley and himself to an au- ence , Nye remarked , "I will appear Bi.r st and speak until I get tired , then r. Riley will succeed me and read om his own works until you get , , " Sic red. an 1-1 ? GRASSHOPPERS Goods Sold at "Grasshopper Prices" for the Next Few Weeks. ! "VV * AA - A > < A St * : Never Sleeps : ONEST JOHN It Helped "Win Battles. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the front to say that for scratches , bruises , cuts , wounds , sore feet and stiff joints , Bucklens's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns , skin eruptions , and piles. 25cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. A Kansas woman celebrates her wooden wedding every year on the claim that she married a blockhead. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer ers have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure biood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back il not cured. Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. The war correspondents in China can now return and'resume their former duties as cam paign liars. You assume no risk when you buy Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. McConnell & Berry will refund you. . noney if you are not satisfied after using it It is everywhere admitted to be the mos successful remedy in use for bowel complaint : and the only one that never fails. It is pleas ant , safe and reliable. An Indiana man has assessed the value o 3. stolen kiss at SSoo. The bewitching I lee ; ier girls must handle only the choicest good in that line. Plump cheeks , flushed with the soft glow o iealth , and a pure complexion make al ivomen beautiful. Herbine imparts strength ind vitality to the system , and the rosy hue o lealtlii to the cheeks. Price , 50 cents. A McMillen. Perfect womanhood depends on perfect lealth. Nature's rarest gift of physical beauty : omes to all who use Rocky Mountain Tea i5c. Ask your druggist. Since her election as city attorney of Pal- nyra , Mo. , Miss May Anderson has probably est all desire to spell her name Mae. Intestinal infection , appendicitis and all af- ections of the bowels , liver and kidneys pre- ented by taking genuine Rocky Mountain ea , made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask our druggist. Extreme hot weather is a great tax upon I.e digestive power of babies ; when puny nd feeble they should be given a dose of . . , , tes,9ream Vermifuge- Price , 25 cents. L..McMilIen. A man named Holder recently married Iiss Close in Poughkeepsie , N. V. , and in le heading of the marriage notice an irrever- nt editor advised the groom to Holder-Close. The Philippine natives run pell-mell , At the sound of our Yankee yell , But , oh , what a gait they'll have , maybe , After taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous ttle pills for liver and bowel troubles ever gripe. D. W. Loar. The wife of the Chinese minister at Wash- gton says they have no flirtations in China , ow heathenish ! A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia ive the following appropriate rendering of urns' famous blessing : "Some have meat id can not eat , and some have none that ant it ; but we have meat and we can eat odol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked. " This eparation will digest what you eat. It con- intlv relieves and radically cures indigestion id all stomach disorders. D. W. Loar. A Minister's Good Work. "I had a severe attack of bilious colic , got a bottle of Chamberlin's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , took two doses and was entirely cured , " says Rev. A. A. Power , of Emporia , Kans. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week , had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief , then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief , so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix , that they had been run ning off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's , Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said , 'No. ' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose ; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if he did not find relief , but he took no more and was entirely cured. " For sale by Mc Connell & Berry , druggists. Collis P. Huntington left 557,000,000 behind him. "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul ? " "Through the month5 of June and July our baby was teething and took a running off o the bowels and sickness of the stomach , " says. O. P. M. Holiday , of Deming , Ind. "His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of water and he got better at once. " Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. The name of the Chinese consul in New- York is Tchowtsechi. The name looks un pronounceable , but it is quite easily mastered by persons who are suffering from hay fever. For digestive weakness , nervousness , pain = Y m the side , flatulence , duzinesss , wakefulness - ness , headache and other annoying accomp animents of costiveness , IJerbir.e is a prompt and unequalled remedy. Price , so cents. A. McMillen. An eastern writer claims that women are fast losing the art of conversation. Their volume of talk , however , shows no apprecia ble shrinkage. "My baby was terribly sick with the diar rhoea , says J. II. Doak , of \ \ illiam ? , Oregon. \\e were unable to cure him with the doc tors assistance , and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. I am happy to say it gate imrned- larterellef and a complete cure. " tor sale bv McConnell & Berry , druggists. In every town and village may be had , Hade bj- that makes your * Standard horses Oil Co. glad.