By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co , Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance Republican National Ticket. For President , WILLIAM MCKINLEY of Ohio. For Vice-President , THKODORB ROOSEVELT , of New York. Republican State Ticket. For Governor C. II. DIETRICH of Adams. For Lieutenant Governor E. A. SAVAGE of Custer. l < or Secretary of State GEORGE W. MARSH of Richardson. For Treasurer WILLIAM STUEFFER of Cuming. For Auditor AuditorCHARLES CHARLES WESTON of Sheridan. For Attorney General FRANK N. PROUT of Gage. For Land Commissioner GEORGE D. FULLMER of Nuckolls. For Superintendent of Schools W. K. FOWLER of Washington. Congressional Ticket. For Congressman W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow. Republican Senatorial Convention. The Republican electors of the Twenty- Ninth Senatorial district are requested to send delegates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of McCook , Nebraska , Thursday , September 13,1900 , at J o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for the office of state senator and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows : The apportionment being based on the vote cast for lion. M. B. Reese for supreme judge in 1899 , giving each county one delegate at large and one delegate for each lee votes and major fraction thereof. It is recommended that no proxies be ad milled to the convention , hut that the dele gates present be authorized to cast the full vote of the county they represent. McCook , Nebraska , August I5th , 1900. * F. M. RATHBUN , Chairman. F. M. KIMMELL , Secretary. COLONEL HITCHCOCK of the Omaha World-Herald modestly announces his candidacy for Senator Thurston's toga. It wouldn't fit him if he got it but he won't get it. - COLLIS P. HUNTINGTON , president of the Southern Pacific railroad , died at his summer home in the Adirondacks , Tuesday night , of heart failure. His fortune is estimated by Wall street at between forty and fifty millions. CERTAINLY there were no more gal lant soldiers in the war than General Wheeler , General Fitzhugh Lee and oth ers whose names are known throughout the country. With such a record in bringing on the war and fighting it to a successful issue why the south should oppose President McKinley for attempt ing to secure the results of the war is more than can be easily understood. On the issue of imperialism the south stands with McKinley. Why should it not support him ? ONE year ago the Democrats could not talk enough about the "trusts. " It was a theory fondly held that the "trusts" were held in trust for the Democratic party as the "paramount" issue in 1896. Why is it that there is so little talking about the "trusts" by the Democrats now ? Were it not that the writer of the anti-trust plank of'the Democratic plat form , Van Wyck , has kept the trust is sues fresh on ice ; that Richardson of Tennessee , who presided over the Kan sas City gathering , through his private book trust , has made the "trust issue" an open book ; that Senator Jones , chair man of the Democratic national com mittee , has found a trustworthy use of a "trust" in cotton as a means of extract ing "velvet ; " tbatBryan himself is seek ing to get elected by means of a political fusion "trust ; " the "trust" issue in pol itics would , during this campaign , be a rather rusty issue. ALT , the historic precedents favor the re-election of President McKinley , for no president has ever run for a second term , with a united party behind him , who was not re-elected. The presidents a who have held two terms were Wash ington , Jefferson , Madison , Monroe , Jackson , Lincoln and Grant. These were re-elected either by the whole people ple , as in the case of Washington and Monroe , or by an undivided party vote. The presidents who were defeated for a second term were John Adams , John Quincy Adatns , Martin Van Buren , Grover - ver Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison , and in each case their defeat was due to dissensions in their own party , and they were not loyally supported. The most recent instances , Harrison and Cleve land , are within the memory of every one. The former's quarrel with Blaine lost him many votes , while Cleveland was defeated in New York by one of the Democratic factious. But there are no divisions in the Republican party today , based on the spirit of faction or enmity to McKinley. The party stands four square to the world , presenting an un broken front in every direction. The dissensions are in the Democratic party , not the Republican. Best Grades STOCK TANKS WINDOWS ( / ) 0) 0o FENCE POSTS CEMENT FENCE WIRE DOORS ( D LIME o + - * - J > BARNETT LUMEP Jo TELEPHONE NO. 5. OQ Dennison Street THE death of J. J. Ingals removes a prominent figure from American politics and letters. THERE are eighteen reasons why W. S. Morlan should be elected to congress from the Fifth district of Nebraska. They are as follows : Adams , Chase , Clay , Dundy , Franklin , Frontier , Fur- nas , Gosper , Hall , Harlan , Hayes , Hitch cock , Kearney , Nuckolls.Perkins.Phelps , Red Willow and Webster. Beaver City Tribune. . THE southern people are now and al ways have been in favor of expansion. It was through the influence of the south and of southern statesmen that Louisi ana , Florida , Texas , California and Oregon gen were acquired. Imperialism is the traditional policy of the south , if expan sion means imperialism. No part of the union was more eager to free Cuba from the Spanish oppression than the south It was the southern Democrats in con gress who uuited with the Republican ! of the north-west and far west to bring on the war. WHEN the Republican county conven tiou meets in September there will be no other name presented for state senator except that of E. N. Allen. Ask anyone whom the Republicans will nominate and the response comes quickly , "Why , Ed Allen of course. " So it is a settled fact Ed has the nomination right within his grasp. As to his acceptance we can not say , but we believe he will not turn a deaf ear to the unanimous voice of the party. Ed is more popular than he wa : a year ago and about his re-election there can be no doubt ; the only question in our mind is , how much bigger will hij majority be ? Cambridge Clarion. THERE is an interesting subsidence of the hue and cry from Democratic sources about "militarism. " The phenomenon has been coincidental with Bryan's long silence about China , and final confession that the administration was doing the right thing there. If "militarism" is right in China , as Mr. Bryan admits , why is it wrong in the Philippines ? Troops in China may avenge crimes that have been committed , but can never re store the lives of people that have been already massacred. In the Philippines the use of American troops has prevented the perpetration of such horrors as in China have shocked the whole world , including even Mr. Bryan. Manila was prevented from becoming a charnel house only through the vigilance of American troops who were on guard duty the night that Aguinaldo had set for the general massacre of all Americans and Europeans in that city. How about the old adage that "An ounce of preven tion is worth one pound of cure ? " MR. BRYAN doubtless feels internally vexed over the praises bestowed upon him since his nomination , by prominent English papers like the "Spectator. " It must be naturally disagreeable to be taken for a friend by a nation against which he wants to wage a wordy war in the hope of gaining the votes of such people in this country as feel hostile to it. The English apparently care noth ing about Bryan's pro-Boer protestations , for they do not believe Mr. Bryan as president would be [ militant enough to involve the Anglo-Saxon countries in aloody war by going any further than offering to mediate , as President Mc- Kiuley did. Why England wishes for Bryan's election is because he is a free trader. By closing the mills of the Unit ed States the mills of England would do bigger business. The work that Mr. Bryan would take away from American workmen would go to the workmen of England. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ To the Rockies. Low rates to Colorado and Utah , offered ay the Burlington Route. Four red let ter days. On August 7 and 21 , and on Septem ber 4 and 18 , the Burlington will sell : round' trip tickets to Denver , Pueblo , Colorado Springs , Ogden , Salt Lake it City , Deadwood and Hot Springs for one Fare plus $2. Tickets sold at these remarkably low rates will begood to return till October3i. The nearest agent of the Burlington Route will be pleased to tell you the cost of a ticket and to help you plan your trip. Descriptive literature free on ap plication. 8-3-415. "The Right Place" to call upisNo.12. You are sure of getting just as choice meats by phone as by personal inspec tion. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m. High mass and sermon at 10:30 : , a. m. , with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching at n by Rev. Francis Lawson. Union service at 8. Prayer- meeting , Wednesday evening at 8. W. J. TURNER , Pastor. CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m. Preaching at II. Morning subject , "Our Refuge. " Union service at 8 ; sermon by Rev. J. A. Badcon. J. W. WALKER , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Services during summer : Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock. Sunday morning service , also Friday evening Litany , discontinued until fur ther notice. Holy communion to be an nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector. METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m. Preaching at ir. Class at 12. Union services in the Christian church at 7:15 and 8. Prayer and Bible-study , Wednes day evening at 8. Morning subject "Divine Foot-prints. " All are welcome J. A. BADCON , Pastor. The social by the Baptist friends on the lawn at the B. & M. eating house , Tuesday evening , drew a fine patronage , and was socially successful as well. The Ladies Aid society of the Metho dist church served ice-cream and cake last Saturday evening during the band concert , in Mrs. E. E. Saddler's milli nery store , to a fairly liberal patronage. Word from Colorado as to the condi tion of Miss Eva Lewis' health is not as encouraging as her friends would like to hear. Ida Anton had her hand quite pain fully burned , this week , by steam from the tea-kettle. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn " . | .47 Wheat 50 Oats 40 Rye 36 Hogs 4.50 Eggs 08 Butter New Potatoes Butter fat at Creamery COURT-HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Alonzo L. Miller and Lena A. Brahler , both of Indianola. Married by the coun ty judge , August T5th. DISTRICT COURT. Kate W. Doty vs. Peter McCain et al. ; equity. n I lives a happy wife. She writes : "I e have used Mother's Friend before two confinements. The last time I had twins , and was in labor only a few min iic utes. Suffered very little. " The reason c why n o does expectant mothers so much " jood is because it is an external liniment , o be applied upon the outside , where much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb , and it comes into direct contact with and is absorbed by _ the parts involved. Morning sickness is quickly banished , and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced , even during labor itself. Confinement is short and almost without pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all , Mother's Friend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother , and when the little one comes it will be strong , lusty and healthy. DrtiKzists sell Mother's Friend for $1 a bottle. Send for our free book on the subject , finely illustrated. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , OA. Knnt , ConUIlnt ; and Curtis. It is to be suspected that some of Tom Nast's wittiest work with his marvelous pencil was "printed , not published" was intended simply to gratify his friends and never met the eyes of the general public. Not long ago , In looking over the album of a lady who for years was a social leader at Washington , I came across a con tribution of Nast's which was as ef fective In its way as any of the cartoons teens which have made his name fa mous. He wanted to Impress upon the lady that Washington life had been too much for him and did so by drawing a capital full length picture of himself as he appeared walking along the ave nue. What gave the picture point and rendered It irresistible was the fact that the back of his head was where his face ought to be in other words , Washington had turned his head. I suppose the politicians still recall Roscoc Conkling's famous allusion to the great cartoonist in his Rochester speech "dedicated" to George William Curtis. Mr. Curtis at the time was the editor of Harper's Weekly , a position which he had held for many years. In the course of his philippic Mr. Conkling took occasion to refer to The Weekly , and , although Mr. Curtis sat listening to him , he described It simply as "the paper made famous by the pencil of Nast. " New York Mail and Express. Tragedies of the Grand Canyon. Tragic stories are told of men who have lost their lives In the search for precious metals which may He hidden or uncovered , says Harriet Monroe In The Atlantic. The great primeval flood cut its broad V through all the strata of rock , with all their veins of metallic ore , down to the earliest shapeless mass , leaving In Its wake the terraced temples and towers which seem to have been planned by some architect of divinest genius to guard their inaccessible treasures till the end of time. And the river , rising far to the north among mountains rich In mineral , has been washing for ages the sands away and depositing thus gold and silver and lead In the still crevices of the inaccessible chasm. Here the earth laughs at her human master and bids him Ond her wealth If he dare and bear it away if he can. A young Callfornlan who accepted the challenge and set forth upon the turgid water to sift its sands for gold never emerged with his hapless men to tell the story of his search. Only near the brink of the cleft are a few miners burrowing for copper and sending their ore up to the rim on the backs of hardy burros , as who should prick the moun tain with a pin or measure the ocean with a cup. Got the Correct Time. Jake Foster was for many years one of the characters of Oregon , Mo. He drove the hack between Oregon and Forest City and was known to every man , woman and child In Holt county. Oregon is three miles from the railroad and for many years was not connected with any other town by either tele graph or telephone. One morning Rob ert Montgomery hailed Foster as the hack started for Forest City and said : "Jake , I wish you would get the cor rect time at Forest. My watch stopped last night. " "All right , Bob , " said Jake. "When Jake returned from Forest , he put up his team and walked around to the bank where Montgomery presided. Stalking into the bank , Jake stepped up to the window and laid down a soiled bit of paper bearing the figures " 11:17. " "What is that ? " asked Montgomery in astonishment. "That , " replied Jake , "is the correct time at Forest. " Omaha World-Her ald. Ltinprs and Long : Life. One of the most remarkable cases of \ longevity on record was that of an Englishman , born in 1483 , whose deli cate appearance made all the doctors rj give him up when he was in the cra ' dle. His chest was so narrow , says tc the report , that he seemed to have difficulty in breathing. Well , this young moribund , condemned by the doctors to die in short order , died in 1C31 at the age of 1GO. He saw the reign of ten kings. Secuudi Hango , consul of Venice at Smyrna , measured only 57 centimeters around the chest , and one of his lungs > was diseased. Nevertheless he lived : to the age of 115 years. He was mar It ried live times and had 49 children. SD When he was 100 years old , he got his SDai wisdom teeth. When he was 110 , his ai hair turned black again. At 112 his eyebrows and his beard turned black. 5 Proved His Theory. The late Hall McAllister some years ago entertained a visiting scientist at the Union club , before its amalgama ar tion with the Pacific , and during the he evening , a particularly foggy one , made some whimsical remark convey ing the idea that fog was an excellent ni conductor of sound. dc The scientist took exception to this novel theory and asked Mr. McAllister on what it was based. "On phenomena which we have all j : observed. " returned the ready jurist. "On an evening like this we hear the se fog horn quite distinctly , but when there Is no fog we cannot hear it at fei all. " San Francisco Argonaut. ve veT Slip of the Ton&nc. yo "What do you sell that ribbon for ? ' asked a young lady In a High street dry goods store. "Eight dollars a week oh , beg par don , 23 cents a yard , madam. " Colum bus (0. ( ) State Journal. Unnppreclntlve. "Shall 1 sing 'Because I Love You ? ' " asked Mrs. Darley as she seated her self at the piano. go "No , " replied Mr. Darley , who Is a brute. "If you love me , don't sing. " ] it ; Detroit Free Press. N < GRASSHOPPERS Goods Sold at I "Grasshopper Prices" for the Next * y Few II ' i Weeks. "Never Sleeps : I I < > ( ) I ONEST JQHN" | It Helped "Win Battles. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the front to say that for scratches , bruises cuts , wounds , sore feet and stiff joints Bucklens's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns , skin eruptions , ant piles. 25cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sole by McConnell & : Berry , druggists. Russell Sage says that money is a drug on tl ; he money. Alas ! how many of us there be ivho would not hesitate to become victims o \ drug habit of that nature. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer ; rs have proved their matchless merit for ; ick and nervous headaches. They make lure biood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold b > McConnell i ; Berry , druggists. We may as well begin to nerve ourselves or the advent of a men's shirtwaist trust. It vill follow closely upon the docked tail of the iiw garment. "My baby was terribly sick with the diar hoea , " says J. 11. Doak , \Yilliams , Oregon. 'We were unable to cure him with the dpc- or's assistance , and as a last resort we tried Dhamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to say it gave immed- ate relief and a complete cure. " For sale by McConnell & berry , druggists , A Buchanan county , Mo. , man has sued his vife for divorce because she steals chickens. Colored ? O ! no ; uncolored. You assume no risk when you buy Cham- erlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- dy. McConnell i : Berry will refund your noney if you are not satisfied after using it. t is everywhere admitted to be the most uccessful remedy in use for bowel complaints nd the only one that never fails. It is pleas- mt , safe and reliable. Indiana boasts of a man named Henn who 5107 years old. Of course he yet thinks he hut a spring chicken. Plump cheeks , flushed with the soft glow of lealth , and a pure complexion make all fomen beautiful. Herbine imparts strength nd vitality to the system , and the rosy hue of iealth to the cheeks. Price , 50 cents. A. IcMillen. There is a saying that a Chinese official is ine-tenths thief. And the other tenth , no oubt , damliar. Perfect womanhood depends on perfect ealth. Nature's rarest gift of physical beauty omes to all who use Rocky Mountain Tea. 5c. > Ask your druggist. A house standing in an uncut lawn pos- ssses no attractions for a hungry tramp. Intestinal infection , appendicitis and all af- ctions of the bowels , liver and kidneys pre- ented by taking genuine Rocky Mountain 'ea , made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask our druggist. Oem Paul must he m a fearful rage To realize that he Must give the center of the stage To a moon-eyed she Chinee ! The Philippine natives run pell-mell , At the sound of our Yankee yell , But , oh , what a gait they'll have , maybe , After taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. We are beginning to believe that the only oed Chinaman is a headless one. De\Vitts Little Early Risers are famous ttle pills for liver and bowel troubles , 'ever gripe. D.V. . Loar. A Minister's Good Work. "I had astvere attack of bilious colic , got a bottle of Chamherlin's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , took two doses and was entirely cured , " says Rev. A. A. Power , of Emporia , Kans. "My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week , had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor , lie used them for three or four days without relief , then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief , so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning. He said Ins bowels were in a terrible fix , that they had been run ning off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him if lie had tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and he said , 'No. ' I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose ; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty minutes if lie did not find relief , hut he took no more and was entirely cured. " For sale by Mc Connell & : Berry , druggists. A Newport clergyman from his pulpit de nounced extravagance , Sunday golf playing , docked horses and gambling , and the fash ionable worshipers of that toney resort are now looking for another minister to lead them to the aristocratic annex to heaven. "Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a running off of the bowels and sickness of the stomach , " says O. P. M. Holiday , of Deming , Ind. "His bowels would move from five to eight times a. day. 1 had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house and gave him four drops m a teaspoonful of I water and lie got better at once/ ' Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. The two sexes are fast swapping places in the matter of dress. In many cases it now requires a second look to distinguish between a girly man and a manly girl. r For digestive weakness , nervousness , pains in the side , flatulence , diz/inesss , wakefulness - ness , headache and other annoying accomp animents of costiveness , Ilerbine is a prompt and unequalled remedy. I'nctf , "O cents. A. McMillen. A Kansas editor sounds the warning : "Be- ivare of the Republican serpents , for they will kick you every chance they get ! " Extreme hot weather is a great tax upon the digestive power of liable- ; when puny and feeble they should he gr.en a do = e oi White's. Cream Vermifuge. 1'i.te. 25 cent . tMcMillen. . On Jellies preserve * and pickles , spread u thin coating of reilned PARAFFINE WAX Will keep thpia absolntelj moisture and acid proof. Paraffins War is al o usef nl in a dozen oth r way about the house. Full directions in each pound packs JB. Sold ever/where. STANDARD OIL CO.