The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 10, 1900, Image 8

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Girfs ( z
Scftoof ilr rs I I
We have shoes to fit them all.
In good style , best make and
low in price.
The time is fast approaching
when all the children must have
shoes for school. Don't fail to
see our line and get our prices
on good goods ; we warrant every
W. S. Fitch is putting up wild hay.
M. C. Maxwell has been on the sick-list ,
but is better now.
W. T. Stone and A. S. Grannell have re
turned from Franklin and report a good time
and a large turn-out.
This locality was visited by light showers
on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday nights , and
the late corn and wild hay are doing well
The concert people met at the school-house ,
Wednesday evening , and judging from the
amount of interest shown , the concert will be
a grand success.
It was a mistake about Frank Fitch and
Roy Jacobs going to Oklahoma , as they ex
pect to go to Lincoln to school : Frank to the
Wesleyan and Roy to the Nebraska univer
After many intricate experiments , scientists
have discovered methods for obtaining all the
natural digestants. These have been com
bined in the proportion found in the human
body and united with substances that build
up the digestive organs , making a compound
called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what you eat and allows all dyspeptics to eat
plenty of nourishing food while the stomach
troubles are being radically cured by the
medicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant
to take and will give quick relief. D. W.
St. Louis has the world's largest hardware
To Cure a Cold In a Day.
Take Laxative Broiuu Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. * . . W. Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
New Jersey is not only the mother of trusts ,
but the step-mother of imported anarchists.
The Philippine natives run pell-mell ,
At the sound of our Yankee yell ,
But , oh , what a gait they'll have , maybe ,
After taking Rocky Mountain Tea.
Ask your druggist.
America has 2,500,000 telephones.
One Minute Cough Cure is the only harm
less remedy that produces immediate results.
Try it. D. W. Loar.
Mrs. Elizabeth Winans leaves for Indiana ,
this week.
Mrs. A. W. Campbell was quite sick , last
week ; is some better now.
William Doyle marketed 1,000 bushels of
corn in McCook , last week.
Charles Masters started for Illinois , Tues
day , to work during the winter.
Anfin Houge threshed , this week , for Isaac
AtkinsonIT.Hansen and F.S. Schoonover.
D. P. Brewer returned home , Sunday , from
the west , where he has been quite sick , so did
not find a location.
The grove meetings , Saturday and Sunday ,
were well attended. Presiding Elder Hard-
away of Holdrege and Rev. Badcon of Mc
Cook assisted Rev. Robinson. The meetings
were enjoyably profitable.
The law holds both maker ami circulator
of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer
who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of De-
Witt's \Vitch Hazel Salve risks your life to
make a little larger profit. You can not trust
him. DeWitt's is the only genuine and orig
inal Witch Hazel Salve , a well known cure
for piles and all skin diseases. See that your
dealer gives you DeWitt's Salve. D. W.
An inscription on a tombstone in a Penn
sylvania graveyard reads : "He was An Hon
est Man. " He died in 1798.
Constipation , impaired digestion and a tor
pid liver , are the most common ailments that
are responsible for that tired , listless , fagged-
out feeling that makes the summer a dreaded
period to so many people. Herbine will cure
constipation , it "improves the digestion , and
arouses the liver to normal activity. Price ,
50 cents. A. McMillen.
An exchange says : "The shirtwaist man
has come to stay ! " Good heavens ! Corsets ,
too ?
It has been demonstrated by experience
that consumption can be prevented by the
early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This
is the favorite remedy for cough , colds , croup ,
asthma , grippe and all throat and lung
troubles. Cures quickly. D. W. Loar.
There are no better pills made than De-
Witt's Little Early Risers. Always prompt
and certain. D. W. Loar.
persons Representative J R. noted under the empire , and for
net upon rea ; .fifteen Jtsnra of the republic , died
new honor the Be/Hon hospital. .In an
Ivalent to a-reject I ondluOa Eveiy ono who cams
the north shore , 3g the period of her celebrity
RXe j
9 JwJn ? . . 1 Bower gin ol the
< S have lunc winner ofl
to the norf 'Ing her a
pted with' Tng'cBtWF. She alto
of the Cafe Anglais
' "
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was t5ng ( Bgthe I , a" fo
Serf. GS < i | f/ngly. i
man asked a ques- Barcejr ever spoke rllberty.
Its , ok IsabJ , n i
the man. '
oplc across
i beer
. _ _ off the Grand DtX iise ps , deposit for
Alexandra Pctrovna. widow of the Orand J
the most
ad daughter-liirlaw of the E >
on a
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the death
the cushloc
spent large '
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show that the Pusly. Cetwee
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the vowa arc taken Ipso facto , and It
Ipursucrs were
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im this law.
[ down whtre h
. . . . . convents , ot
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Beware of impurities In cigars. Most cb foundation
ugh a ro
nickel cigars are made of scraps and leavings of year the , wbll larger t feet on ;
r of the re
with a good deal of doctoring to give them oluments ho' tried
a great
the appearance of original tobacco. centu Jerk. BO Ma
The Sportsman is unlike these. It bush
is a pure tobacco cigar , of whole leaf , hand , took t
made and not doctored. fled 6
Do You Smoke the r
9El Sportsman ? h
j Stamped with the Narne
and Sold by all Dealers.
Charlie Vickrey , recently of Chicago , 111.
is here visiting his parents.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Short , a sweel
daughter ; weight , ten pounds. All parties
doing well.
Collecting the dog-tax is causing some
kicking. The more worthless the cur , the
greater the kick.
The yield of small grain and the prospect
of a corn crop are better than believed il
would be , a few weeks ago.
Mrs. E. A. Hamilton and daughter , Miss
Sadie , have returned from their extended
visit in the eastern part of the state.
Dr. J. E. Ilathorn lost a valuable cow , Sat
urday. She was staked out , and breaking the
picket-rope , got into a near-by cane patch ,
d ing in a few minutes.
Several of our sports attended the ball game
at Indianola between the Oberlin and Indian-
ola nines. They say Indianola won easily
( with the help of Oberlin. )
Miss Sadie Hamilton began a term of
school at Wakeful Hill school-house , Monday.
Sadie is a successful teacher ; by her winning
ways and ability to instruct she has the
friendship of both pupils and patrons.
A visit to the Inter-Ocean office , Tuesday ,
disclosed everything from the editor to the
shooting-stick to be all mixed up. Birth
notices in the galleys and in every column al
ready placed in the chases. Inquiry reveals
the cause , which was an extra issue bearing
the marks of Editor Matthews. This issue
had been locked in the form for some months ,
but was not brought before the public until
about 2 p. m. , Tuesday. It's of the feminine
gender and weighed eight pounds. Mother
and babe doing finely. Cecil is yet in a pre
carious condition.
We notice that Samuel Randolph don't be
lieve a man can be a lawyer and successful
farmer at one and the same time. Tis very
likely there are many lawyers who could not
be successful in agriculture and law. and it is
quite often the case those engaged in these
vocations are not successful in both or either
of them , but from this we can not reasonably
infer that there are not some persons whose
ability enables them to make a success in one
or more occupations. We had the pleasure
of visiting W. S. Morlan's farm and found
him superintending all the details of the
work , neglecting nothing which was necessary
to make his farming a success. Every part
of the work was done in a thorough and sys
tematic manner , just as Mr. Morlan has the
reputation of doing his legal work. And we
suggest to the county fair management they
would do a good thing for the association
and the people generally if they would secure
Mr. Morlan to deliver an address on farming
in Red Willow county. It is the men who go
out on the farm and are successful that we
want instruction from , and not those side
walk store-box whittlers that are ever and
eternally telling just how to farm , and never
made a success of anything.
A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia
gave the following appropriate rendering of
Burns' famous blessing : "Some have meat
and can not eat , and some have none that
want it ; but we have meat and we can eat ,
Ivodol Dyspepsia Cure be thanked. " Tins
Dreparation will digest what you eat. It con
stantly relieves and radically cures indigestion
and all stomach disorders. D. W. Loar.
llarlow W. Keyes and E. S. Hill had bus-
ness in the county's capital , Thursday after
Miss Eflie Teel is now book-keeper and
cashier for the B. L. Paine clothing store of
A number of McCookites the worse for
DOOZC , some of them , indulged in a "scrap'
among themselves in the evening after the
ball game , Monday , and did nothing credit
able to themselves or to their town during
the proceedings.
The Oberlin base-ball club received the
shock of the season here , Monday afternoon ,
n its defeat by the Indianola club in a score
of 13 to 12. The Oberlin rooters were offer-
ng odds that they would be victorious , and
hey haven't recovered yet. Adams , Bocock
and Webster of McCook rendered valuable
assistance to the local club.
A moonlight picnic was held on the Hedges
arm , just across the west river bridge , Satur
day evening , in which a large company of
roung folks participated. The Misses Mc-
3ool , Misses Flora Hoyt and May Neel were
chief promoters of the delightful affair.
Among those from McCook were : Misses
Millie Slaby , Virgie Cassell , May Hileman ,
Virgie Ludwick and Nettie Dutton.
Cuba is the greatest sugar-producing coun
McCook Markets. '
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .47
Wheat 50
Oats 40
Rye---- 36
- - - . -
Hogs 4.50
Eggs 08
Butter 13
New Potatoes 70
Butter fat at Creamery 14
The Trick by Which lie Once Got a
WOIIIUII'K 1'urnc.
Jak * PIggott , the noted pickpocket ,
used to tell n fuuuy story about the
dlfliculty ho had iu picking the pocket
of a fashionably dreused womau who
was looking In at the window of
Shreve's Jewelry store. It Illustrates
the hardship that the light fingered
gentry are forced to endure In the pur
suit of their profession and when first
related was considered amusing not
only by Plggott , but by the many to
whom he conflded his experience.
It was a cold winter evening , and the
lady on whose purse Plggott had designs
stood looking at the holiday Query so
temptingly displayed. Plggott said
that he tried all the arts known to his
craft for the extraction of the wallet ,
but all in vain , until , as a last resort ,
he fished a toothpick from his pocket
and , reaching around , tickled the lady's
ear. Instinctively she raised her hand
to brush away the Invading Insect or
whatever It might be and ii * so doing
let go of her pocketbook thalT she was
carrying in the pocket of her coat.
It was only an Instant , but It was
long enough for the expert pickpocket
to get In his work , and when she put
her hand back her money was gone ,
and In the crowd around her she could
not Identify the pale faced , fashiona
bly dressed young man at her side as
the person who had robbed her , and
If she had accused him there would
have been no proof against him , as
the swag was at once passed to a pal
who stood ready to receive It and run.
Plggott was not even arrested for that
crime , and the lady's ludicrous outcries
furnished material for mirth long aft
er. San Francisco Bulletin.
Something That Practically Any Man
Can Do Through Self Denial.
"There are some men of genius , "
said Mr. Nlpplugly , "who accumulate
great fortunes by great strokes , but
by far the greater number of fortunes ,
including those of moderate dimen
sions , and these form the great ma
jority of all , are made by the very sim
ple process of living within one's In
come and investing the surplus with
more or less wisdom , but always where
It will be safe.
"The older I grow the more amazed
I am that more people don't lay up a
competence for themselves , as most
anybody can do , by beginning early In
life to live within their income and
sticking to that course faithfully. Did
I do this myself ? No. Am I , how
ever , having learned the wisdom of
this course , now making a beginning ?
I am obliged to say 'No. ' I am still
spending all I get and laying by noth
"There are some lessons that we all
easily acquire , but never turn to our
own advantage. One of these Is of the
benefits that arise from the exercise
of self denial. We get from this at
once the direct benefit of what we
save , and self denial nourishes ,
strengthens and broadens the will and
enables a man constantly to do and to
earn more and more.
"There's simply nothing like self de
nial. It Is the key to every one of
life's treasures , and everybody has
one of those golden keys in his posses
sion , eager to help him and waiting
only for him to bring it in use. " New
York Sun.
An Amazed Woman.
A woman who had an Arabic glass
cup of the fourteenth century and did
not know Its value took it to the Brit
ish museum. After due consideration
the expert , to her surprise , said that ,
though the museum did not want It , it
might be worth $2,000. The woman
shuddered , because she had been car
rying in a crowded London omnibus a
bit of glass worth so much money and
It had miraculously escaped smashing.
Finally , wanting money more than
Arabian glass , she sent the object to
an auctioneer's. Fancy her amazement
when , starting at $2,500 , the Arabic
cup went by leaps and bounds and was
finally knocked down for the nice sum
of $0,500.
Actually the Arabic cup was worth
very much less , but it so happened
that there were two rivals at the auc
tion , who bid against each other.
China , Glass and Lamps.
Age is not to be feared. The older a
good and healthy person grows the
greater becomes his capacity to enjoy
the deeper , sweeter and more noble
kinds of happiness which the world
Our sentiments , our thoughts , our
words lose rectitude on entering cer
tain minds , as sticks plunged Into the
water look bent.
After a woman has reached the age
of 30 she wonders how many years
will have passed before she Is 31.
Chicago News.
Red Willow school-house is undergoing re
J. F. Helm has recently had another horse
to die. Cause unknown.
Wm. Byfield took two cars of cattle tc
Omaha and sent two cars to Kansas City or
Fred Carter got his ankle very badly
sprained while doing some work about the
tineshing machine , Thursday morning. He
will give the machine a rest until he-recovers.
Mrs. James Woodworth , while in McCook
the other daywas robbed of some very choice
White Plymouth Rock chickens. Mr. Wood-
worth and the boys had been called away so
the place was quite alone ; still the thief must
have beenabold | one , to go in broad day
light and steal thirty chickens.
Harry Cole is improving slowly.
W. S. Bixler took off a load of hogs , Tues
Henry Oellerich will build a new house ,
Eli Bair took a load of hogs to market ,
There were several showers , Monday after
noon , and a good rain at night.
Eli Bair bought six pigs , last spring , for $9 ,
and sold them on Tuesday for 354.
Fritz Buhr took out six loads of lumber ,
Wednesday , for a new house ; it will be 28x28
William Coleman was around over the pre
cinct , Wednesday , with a load of Indiana
Tuesday afternoon and night , nearly two
inches of rain fell over a portion of this pre
The Official Line.
' Department Commander Reese of Ne
braska announces that the Burlington
Route has been selected as the official
line to the national encampment of the
G.A.R at Chicago , August 27 to Sept. i ,
and that the headquarters train will
leave the Burlington station , Omaha , at
7:30 p.m .Saturday , August 25. This is
the train all members of the G. A. R. ,
Woman's Relief Corps , Ladies of the G.
A. R. , wives and daughters of veterans
and their friends will take. It will huve
standard and tourist sleeping cars and
free reclining chair cars and will arrive
at Chicago , 9:30 a. in. , August 26.
The lowest of low rates are always
made for the G. A. R. encampment.
This year the rate will be one fare for
the round trip to Chicago. Tickets will
be on sale , August 24 to 27 8-10 3ts.
J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovereddigest-
auo and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
Sick Headache , GastralgiaCrampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and 21. Large size contains 2 % times
small size. Boole all about dyspepsia mailedree
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT a CO. . Cblcaao.
D. "W. LOAR , Druggist.
For burns , injuries , piles and skin-diseases
use DeWitfs Witch Hnzel Salve. It is the
original. Counterfeits niny be offered. Use
onfv DeWitt's. IX W. Loar.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Hank.
.gent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
. . . . of Chicago.
ja OHlce over McConnell & Berry's.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
j ?
# #
f *
# #
' $
I Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000
DIRECTORS = = ftft
ftft / / . 7" . CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAH , C. H. WILLARD. ftft
ftft ft
Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of
glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy
and Flock. " Remember that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet
goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the
in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other.
FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska.