r Pinkham's Vegetable oures the Ills peculiar to women , it tones up theft * general healthy eases down overwrought nerves , cures those awful backaches and reg ulates menstruation * it does this because it acts directly on the fe male organism and makes it healthy * relieving and curing ail inflammation and displacements * Nothing else is just as good and many things that may Ise suggested are dangerous * This great medicine has a constant record of cure * Thou sands of women testify to it * Read their letters con stantly appearing in this paper * Reason is a man's guide , but prin ciple is his safe-guard. Best for the Bowels. No matter what ails you , headache to a cancer , you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature , cure you without a gripe or pain , produce easy natural movements , cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the genuine , put up in metal boxes , every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it Be ware of imitations. People who have long faces are apt to have short understandings. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. The man who crossed Niagara Falls on Blondin's back lives in Chicago. Blondin was the greatest rope walker of that day. A pet robin awoke a farmer in New Jersey in time for him to frighten away burglars. The Wonder of the Age F * No Boiling-No Cooking W Jt Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp as when first bought new. Try a Sample Package. You'll like It if you try It. You'll buy it if you try it. You'll use it if you try it. Try it. Sold by all Grocers. Students Enter Any Time. BOYLE'S BEE BUILDING , OMAHA , NEB. Complete Business Course ; Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Students who desire it are furnished positions to earn their board while in at tendance. Fall term September 3. Cata logue on application. SLICKE WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be footed with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you want a coat that will keep you dry In the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker. If not for sale In youir town , write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass. IATFOKM TEXT BOOK. Every ; voter this year wants a copy of all tlie Political rintform * of all parties I since the foundation of the government. The Pliitform Texs Itook contains them all and other valuable Information. 170 paRP" . 23 Cents. AOEXTS IVASTtX * for the beet selling book of the season. Bis : Profits. 2fCut thfr out and tend with 15 Cents for a Sample Copv and Term * to Agents. Address JL. 1 > . VIJSCKXT , C12 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nebraska. . N. U. OMAHA. No. 32 1900 Being Made to the Indiana Mineral Springs ( Indiana ) Hotel AT AN OUTLAY OF $30,000 , Crowtl of Enterprise Representing Ex penditure of 6850,000 Success ful JIunoKcruent of It. ! Kramer. Ten years ago the ground where the magnificent hotel property of the Indi ana Mineral Springs Company is locat- ted at Indiana Mineral Springs , In diana was wholly unimproved and al most a wilderness. Now , owing to the discovery of the valuable medicinal qualities of the springs and the heal ing virtue of the soil itself , together with the enterprise of Major H. L. Kramer , there is located there one of the finest sanitariums in the United States. The natural picturesque sur roundings have been made more at tractive and the hotel is a model of comfort and elegance. For the greater accommodation of guests who come in constantly increas ing numbers from every section of the United States , arrangements have now been made for the enlargement of the hotel buildings. The contract was let yesterday by Major Kramer for addi tions that will cause an outlay of over ? 30,000. The improvements will consist of a new bath house and an addition to the hotel. The addition will be two stories in height and will occupy a ground space 80x160 feet. It provides forty additional guest chambers. The entire addition will be handsomely and elegantly furnished. The bath house , when completsd , will be the finest in the United States. Besides the bath house and the guest chambers there will be on the first floor a dining hall , a music room , a billiard hall , physician's offices and a barber shop. In connection with the bath house there will be ladies and gentlemen's dressing rooms and cool ing rooms. The dressing and cooling rooms will be elaborately decorated and the floors will be laid in white tile. In both cooling rooms will be built large ornamental fire places which will be used for heating pur poses in addition to the regular steam heating. The work will be entirely completed in 90 days. The improvement and the entire ar rangements of the hotel and grounds are made , keeping in view the artistic effect of the whole , and when the im provements arranged for are complet ed the hotel and surroundings will be much more attractive than before. Major Kramer states that a still fur ther addition to the hotel is contem plated , and that- plans are now being prepared for an additional structure to contain 150 rooms for guests. Already a quarter of a million dollars lars has been expended on the In diana Mineral Springs enterprise and under the present management greater growth and development in the future is assured. Attica Daily Ledger. Well Filled Graveyard. In a little graveyard in Philadel phia , which is about giving way to the march of improvement , the bodies are being disinterred for reburial else where. Tbe cemetery , which was the burying ground of the Third Baptist church , does not measure more than 50x80 feet , but fully 1,300 bodies have been interred there. Whole families were buried there , and the men in charge of the work have encountered from five to seven skeletons in these tier boxes. Are Yon Cuing Allen's Foot-Efl.no ? It is the only cure for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. At & 11 Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. Partial to Boy Critics. Conan Doyle , the novelist , says that , for his writings , to use his own lan guage : "I want a boy critic , the boy who will start a story , and then chuck it down : ; . ! say 'rot , ' or who will read a book straight through and say 'rip ping. ' That's the person I want to criticise my work. " "It's strange , too , " he said one day , while snatching a few minutes' rest , "the older L get , the less I read and the more I think. As a child the book that appealed to me most was one of Charles Reade's , and , curiously enough , it is the book I enjoy the most now. " Detroit's 200th Anniversary. Detroit will give itself a birthday party next year that will cost a pretty penny. Mayor Maybury issued a proc lamation the other day containing four suggestions as to memorials for the 200th anniversary of the city : Mark ing the outlines of the old city , cost $5,000 ; statue of the founder of the city , Cardillac , $15,000 to ? 25UOO ; memorial - ' morial fountain , $25,000 to $50,000 ; memorial arch , $100,000 to $200,000. The mayor suggests also the buying of the center of the old city for a pub lic park. Debts of Honor. Purvis & Co. , bankers , of Williams- port , Pa. , advertised a few days ago that they would pay in full all claims against the banking house of Purvis & Co. , of Baltimore , which failed in 1868. "These are debts of honor. " says the advertisement , "and will be paid , I regardless of bankrupt laws or statj j utes of limitations. " The present Pur- ! vis was a boy when his father and grandfather failed , and since then he has had the ambition to pay the debts of his ancestors. "Henry Ward Beecher's truck farm , " a historic tract of land at the. southwest corner of Ohio and New' Jersey streets , Indianapolis , was sold ! : by the Conscticut Mutual Life Insurance - ' , - ance company to Charles L. Hutchin- ' > son. The ground is almost in the i heart of the city. I' I < BURNING WEEDS. Method of Destroying Thorn in Use by Railroad * . At this season of the year one is reminded of the annual contest waged against growing vegetation to preserve railway tracks in clean condition. Es pecially Is this true of the dirt-bal lasted tracks In the western states , where the expense entailed in keeping vegetation down by grubbing with a shovel is a formidable figure , com pared with the expense of the same work where tracks are ballasted with a goo-quality of gravel. For many years western roads have resorted to numerous experiments for killing veg etation , with machinery , the most successful of which has been the scheme of subjecting it to scorching heat produced by burning crude pe troleum under a shield carried a few inches above the track. Machines of this description are used on the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul ; Atchison - son , Topeka & Santa Fe and Chicago Great Western roads. In the construc tion of this weed burner use is made of an ordinary flat car , on the front end of which ( as it runs in service ) is mounted an upright thirty-horse-pow er boiler and a pair of engines. ' By means of sprocket chain connection between the engine shaft and car axle the car is made self-propelling. After some experience it was found neces sary to connect the second axle of the truck with the first , or that driven by the engine , by means of a sprocket chain , in order to overcome slipping due to the lopping of long weeds over the rails. By this means of locomo tion a speed of from ten to twelve miles per hour is easily made , as when running for stations to meet passing trains. The water supply for the boiler and for extinguishing fires , which may be set accidentally , is car ried in a wooden tank in the center of the car. On top of this tank there are two air reservoirs , and inside of the forward cab there are two air pumps for creating the air pressure necessary to spray the oil into the burners. The burner rigging is sus pended from a rear platform , built upon four T-rails. The shield and burners are hung from the outer end of this platform upon bell cranks , and an old reverse lever and quadrant are used to adjust the burners to the de sired height from the rail. The burn ers are easily taken down when it is desired to couple the car in with a train. The oil tank for supplying oil to the burners is located inside the rear cab or just in rear of the water tank. SUCKED THE BOTTLE. Young Pachyderms Take Kindly to an Artificial Form of Nursing ? . I owned some young elephants which I had lent to a showman on the Bow ery. On going to see them one day I noticed a man -holding his finger in the mouth of one of the smaller ones. I placed my finger in the mouth of an other and found that the creature seemed to derive pleasure from the ac tion of sucking. Immediately I sent out for an ordinary infant's nursing bottle. The young elephant drained the bottle as if "to the manner born. " It was passed from one to another of the infant class. Finally they fought in the most indescribably comical man ner for possession of the bottle. Then I fitted a large glass jar , holding a gallon , with rubber tubes , so that all could use it at the same time. In variably they would empty this bottle be'fore loosening their hold on the nip ples. They had doubtless been taken from their mother when too young , or perhaps she had been killed at the time when the young were captured. So effectively did they appeal to public interest and sentiment that by dint of skillful advertising the celebrated "sucking baby elephants" made quite a fortune in a single season. They would be led into the ring , where they would take their nourishment like human babies , their overgrown size making this infantile operation very comical and absurd. The sight capti vated the heart of every woman who attended the show. Saturday Evening Post. Poker Defined. Judge Finn of the First Municipal court , New York , is one of the coolest poker players on Manhattan island. A case was before him the other day in which the defendant refused to pay a poker debt of $92. The judge asked what poker was , and five lawyers , with all of whom he has "of ten played , diffi dently opined that it was played with cards. "Is it a game of chance ? " in quired the court. "That depends alto gether on how good a player the other fellow is , " answered one of the law yers mildly. After much consultation the court gave a verdict for the plain tiff. Newark News. Indian Relics on Golf Coarse. An Indian ax and several stone ar rowheads were unearthed today on the Jersey City Golf club grounds by Dr. William Pyle and other players ; they were so near the surface , said some who did not find any relics , that a "schlaffed" stroke was all that was needed to unearth them. The links is located on low land in the western section of Jersey City and is believed to have been the "stamping ground" for the HackengesacKy Indians. Paving : Tvitli Glass Refuse. In Geneva glass refuse is pressed in paving blocks under a new invention that has recently been put into opera tion. Several streets have already been paved with this new contrivance and give great satisfaction , not only in appearance , but also in durability. Several other cities in Europe have adopted the invention. Eftuat Boar Signature of See Fas-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small nnd as easy to u&e as sugar. FDR HEADACHE. F03 DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR SOJJST1PATIOH. FOB SALLOW SKIH. FOR THE COMPLEXION | _ . * MUSTKAYttWHATujti 25 Cents I CURE SICK HEADACHE. There are nearly 2,700 crossing sweepers in London. Ladle * Can Wear Shoe ? . One size smaller after iisingAllen's Foot- Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen , hot sweating- , aching feet , ingrowing nails , corns and bunions. All druggists and shoe stores , 25c. Trial package FREE bv mail. Ad dress Allen S. Olmstod , LeRoy , N.Y. There are nearly 80,000 more wo men than men in Russia. The Dnober Watch Works , at Canton. O. , form the finest and most complete watch plant in the world. The twin factories producing both watch movements and watch cases are devoted exclusively to the manufacture of high-grade watch movements and watch cases. Every re source and every effort is concentrated In the single direction of making watch movements and watch cases as nearly perfect as lies within human power. All common watches are pendant set. and consequently dangerous and unreliable. The Hampden 17 jewel watch is Lever Set and pronounced by all experts as the most reliable and accurate watch on the market. In buying a watch , get the very best you can afford. It will be the cheapest in the end and give the great est satisfaction. Railroad men , in the nature of their employment , are neces sarily good judges of a timekeeper. They will tell you that no watch made equals the "Special Railway 23 Jewel" manu factured by the Hampden Watch Co. , Canton , Ohio. Thousands of these v-atches are the standard in train ser vice , and their accuracy of movement and reliability under all conditions have earned for them the enviable reputation of surpassing all others in the world. The latest production of the Duebar- Hampden factories is the smallest ladies' watch made in America. The name of this unique production is "The Four Hundred. " Any lady who is the proud possessor of one of these gems has a thing of utility and beuuty not exceeded by anything that money can purchase. The mechanical equipment of the Due- ber-Hampden Watch factories is of the finest quality , and its experienced work men stand without peers in the watch industry. To-day the Dueber-Hampden watch is and the supreme ; Dueber-Hamp den Works the greatest watch plant in the world. All first-class jewelers keep these goods , demand the Dueber-Hamp den watches and accept no substitute. Irish World , July 7th , 1500. Children behave when out as they behave when at home. Drugs have their use , but don't store them in your s.tomach. Beeman's Pepsin Gum aids the natural forces to perform their functions. Alloys used in Japanese bronzes con tain a large percentage of lead. Good Housekeepers cse "Faultless Starch" because it gives the best results at all grocers , lOc. The marriage license bureau of Phil adelphia in June issued 2,000 licenses , which is twice the usual monthly is sue. THE BOXERS OF CHINA arc attempting to solve a gigantic problem , but they are going about it in the wrong way and will never suc ceed. Some people , in this country , seem to think that they have as great a puzzle on their hands in selecting a location for a home. They will cer tainly go about it in the wrong way unless they inspect the beautiful farm ing country on the line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway in Mar- inette county , Wisconsin , where the crops are of the best , work plenty , fine markets , excellent climate , pure , soft water ; land sold cheap and on long time. Why rent a farm when you can buy one for less than you pay for rent ? Address C. E. Rollins , Land Agent , 161 La Salle St. , Chicago , 111. Boats are to be propelled between Dayton and Cincinnati and Dayton and Toledo by electricity on canals. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Electricity to Replace Steam. It is probable that the New York Central railroad will soon substitute electricity for steam as a motive pow er between the Grand Central station and Mott Haven. There are 400 trains a day Tunning out of the depot , and the residents of Park avenue com plain of the noise of the engines. The railroad company is only waiting un til" it can perfect an electric system that is reasoably certain not to break down. Dageett is a Pious Man. Colonel Aaron S. Daggett , com mander of the Fourteenth United States infantry , at Taku , is a man of sincere piety , who is said to have never been known to "drink , " smoke , swear or gamble. " He went through every battle of the Army of the Po tomac , and led the Twenty-fifth In fantry as lieutenant colonel at the bat tle of Santiago. Ktrnr o i c When a preparation hr.s an adver tised reputation that Is world-wide , It means that preparation is meritorious. If you go into a store to buy an article that has achieved universal popularity like Cascarets Candy Cathartic for ex ample , you feel It has the endorsement of the world. The judgment of tno people is infallible because it Is im personal. The retailer who wants to sell you "something else" in place of the article you ask for , has an ax to grind. Don't It stand to reason ? He's trying to sell something that is not what he represents it to he. Why ? Because he expects to derive an ex tra profit out of your credulity. Are you easy ? Don't you see through his little game ? The man who will try and sell you a substitute for CASCAR ETS is a fraud. Beware of him ! Tie is trying to steal the honestly earned benefits of a reputation which another business man has paid for , and if his conscience will allow him to go so far , he will go farther. If he cheats his cus tomer in one way , ho will in another and it is not safe to do business with him. Beware of the CASCARET sub- stitutor. Remember CASCARETS are never sold in bulk but in metal boxes with the long tailed "C" on every box and each tablet stamped C. C. C. Many a good man's reputation is due to the fact that he gives publicly and steals privately. Carter's Ink is so peed and so cheap that no family can afford to bo w.thout itIs yours Carter's ? You have doubtless observed that it is only sensible people who agree with you. Use Magnetic Starch It nas no equal. Hereafter boys who enlist in the navy will not have to buy their uni forms. When the hair Is thin and pray. PAKKEU'S BALAAM renews , the growth and color. IlixuEicoKNS , the bebt c-ure for corns. IScts. The bow-legged man has an open gait of his own. FITS Permsncntly Ournt. No Pt or. fln.1 day's n-e < if I > r. Kline's ( ireat N'ene Ke.-torer. Send lor FKKE 82.1IO tii l bottle onri trcutlve. > > x. H. U. KLIN : : , LU < . , ! M1 Arch St. , ) hilailclpuri. i'a. One-fourth of what a man eats en ables him to live and the other three- fourths enables his physician to live. Marquette , on I.alte Superior , is one ot the most charming summer resorts reached via Chicago , Milwau kee & St. Paul Railway. Its healthful location , beautiful scenery , good hotels and complete Im munity from hay fever , make a sum mer outing at Marquette , Mich. , very attractive from the standpoint of health , rest and comfort. For a copy of "The Lake Superior Country , " containing a description o Marquette and the copper country , ad dress , with four (4) ( cents in stamps to pay postage , Geo. H. Heafford , General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111. Hope is faithfully portrayed in the way of a dos's tail when he is wait ing for a bone. Piso's Care for Consumption Is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds. N. "W. S Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. 17.1900. Whales cannot swim faster than tea or twelve miles an hour. " Mrs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup. "For children teethlns , softens the Rums , reduces In flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle A French engineer is trying to ap ply air in such a way to machinery as to make it serve as a lubricator. If you have not tried Magnetic Star ch try it now. You will then use no other. Including Formosa , the mikado rules over 46,000,000 subjects. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. Wheresoever the search after truth begins , there life begins. Catscrh. Cannot Be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease , and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Fall's CaWrh Cure is taken internally , and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years , and Is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known , combined with the best blood puriHers acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. , Toledo , O. fcold by drupgists. price 75c. Hall's Family Pils are the best. Automobile omnibuses cost as high as ? 12,000. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Like the Under = Current which grasps one without warning , ' the mucous membrane which lines the entire body suddenly becomes weakened in some spot and disease is established. It may be of the lungs , the head , throat , stomach , bowels , or any other organ. Whcre- ever it is , and whatever it seems , it all springs from the same cause or inflammation of this delicate pink membrane. The system is weakened in win ter. The delicate lining is more susceptible to irritation or inflamma tion , and thus we have pneumonia , grip , colds , coughs , fevers , etc. , all catarrhal conditions which may easily be checked by one catarrh cure Pe-ru-na. That's the only way out of it. You may dose forever you will not be well until you try the true cure and that is Pe-ru-na. Yon may think your trouble is some other disease and not catarrh. Call it what you will , one thing is sure , your system is affected and must be treated , and Pe-ru-na is the only remedy which reaches the right place and docs cure. EDUCATIONAL THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME , NOTRE DAMB , INDIANA , Classics , Letters , Economic.- ; and History , Journalism , Art , Science , Pharmacy. Law. Civil , riechanical and Electrical Engineering , Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Ecclesiastical students at special nit es. Rooms Free. Junior or Senior Year. Collegiate Courses. Rooms to Rent , moderate charges. St. Edward's Hal ! , for boy's under 13. The 57th Year will open September 4tn,1900 Cataoues ! Free. Address REV. A. MORRISSEY. C. S. C. . President. ST. MMY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME , INDIANA Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Crois. Chartered 1855. Thorough Eng lish and Classical education. .Regular Collegiate Degree ? . In Preparatory Department students carefully prepared for Collegiate course Physical and Chemical Laboratories well equipped. Conservatory of Music find. School of Art. Gymnasium under direc tion of graduate of Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 40tU year opens Sept. 4. 11)00. ) Address , DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY , St. Mary's Academy. - Notre Dame. Indiana When doctors and other ) fall to rc- lleTeyoutryN.K.M.iitneverfalls boxfree. Br .B.L.Boi a,3Ilwanle , WI . MONEY FOR SOLDIERS1 HEIRS Heirs of Union Soldiers who made homesteads of lets than 160 acres before June 22. 187J ( no matter If abandoned ) . If the additional homestead right was not gold or osed. should address , with full particulars , HENRY N. COPP , nuhUgtci , D. C. P-AIII f I tHE f * ; FAULTy Kj OTARCtf * " * Jt I-MFlMlltwoRK Tells all about Winchester Rifles , Shotguns , and Ammunition Send name and address en a postal now. Don't delay if you are interested. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. 180 WINCHESTER AVENUE . . . . NEW HAVEN , CONN. Margins 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cents Markets in Fine Condition to Make Money. Send for Free Book. Successful Speculation. " J. K. COMSTOCK & CO. , Traders Bldg. . CHICAGO.