The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 03, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow (
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advan
Republican National Ticket.
For President ,
For Vice-President ,
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor
C. II. DIETRICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
E. A. SAVAGE of Custer.
For Secretary of State
GEORGE W. MARSH of Richardsc
For Treasurer
For Auditor
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
For Superintendent of Schools
W. K. FOWLER of Washington.
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman
W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow.
So PAR no American has attempted
Edward Atkinsonize the cause of tl
THE Kansas City platform appea
best under the "A Glance Into Glooir
THE Democratic ticket cannot ha'
the support of Tammany without i
taint. They go together.
THE Baltimore Sun proclaims Pre
ident McKinley fo be a weak candidat
The Baltimore Sun is a very delibera
institution , and it may be that it h
not yet had the time to look at tl
election returns of 1896.
publican imperialism as follows : " 1
the party of Lincoln has come anoth
supreme opportunity which it has brav
ly met in the liberation of 10,000,000 i
the human family fiom the yoke of in
perialism. "
BRYAN invites the support of the tra
eling men of the country on a platfon
which promises to bust the trusts an
inaugurate another era of free tradi
This would result in the traveling me
of England , France and Germany sellin
foreign goods to the merchants who no
purchase home-made articles.
THE American people , being detern
ined to have a merchant marine equal t
the needs of American foreign con
merce , naturally look to the Republica
party the party of construction to pas
an effective measure. The Democrat !
on the other hand , being the party c
destruction , are only able to oppos
such a measure they are apparently a
incompetent as they are indisposed t
put American ships upon the seas.
IT is a good thing that the Democrati
party has no reputation to lose for accu
racy of statement. Facts are stubbornl ;
against them. They are wrong on silver
They are wrong in predicting distress ii
Porto Rico. They are wrong in pre
dieting the doom of the republic in tin
event of McKinley's re-election , am
they are wrong by about a million and i
half votes in their forecasts as to tin
election of their candidate in November
less "Meant no disrespect to the defense
less dead , " to quote the late lamentec
McKeighan , when he stated in his In-
dianola speech , last Saturday , "For my
self , I am not a farmer ; but a lawyer. "
While there is just ground for conten
tion in the latter claim , we will let it go
at that. Dhu's entire record as a law
yer , however , hasn't gathered him as
much moss as his two terms in congress ,
as a politician have.
THE following is an extract from a
letter written by Senator Hoar to the
Anti-imperialistic League. It runs as
follows : "I expect nothing from Mr.
Bryan , I expect nothing from Tammany
Hall , I expect nothing from the populace
that govern our great central cities. I
expect nothing in that direction from
the solid south , though the solid south
contains now many honest and patriotic
men. I expect that what is to be done
for freedom and justice in the future is
to be done by the party that stood for
freedom and justice in the past. I would
rather trust the future of the Philippine
people to those people" ( referring to the
Republicans ) "than trust it to the men
who , when the treaty was pending ,
played and juggled with this great and
cacred matter of human liberty for a
party purpose. "
- F _
Best Grades
Dennison Street
Wind Cave , South Dakota.
Few people realize that Wind Cave
near Hot Springs , South Dakota , is th
largest and most beautiful cave in th
United States.
No one knows how large it really is
Over one hundred miles of passages an
3,000 chambers have been explored
And that is only the beginning. Ther
are fourteen different "routes , " enl
three of which have been opened to th
public. They are known as the Garde
of Eden , Fair Grounds and Pearly Gates
Leaving Hot Springs at 9:00 a. m ,
you arrive at the cave in time for luncl
Immediately afterward you enter th
cave where for four hours you live an
move in an underground world , beauti
ful beyond description.
During August the Burlington Rout
will run several cheap excursions to He
The dates are : August 2 , 7 , and 21.
The rate is one. fare , plus $2.oc
for the round-trip. Tickets bear libera
return limit and the Burlington's servic
to the Black Hills is unrivalled.
Call on the local ticket agent of th
B. & M. R. R. R. and let him tell yoi
what it will cost you to make the trip.
Beautifully illustrated advertising mat
ter descriptive of the Black Hills mailei
on request. J. FRANCIS ,
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb
To the Rockies.
Low rates to Colorado and Utah offeree
by the Burlington Route. Four red let
er days.
Oil August 7 and 21 , and on Septein
her 4 and 18 , the Burlington will sel
round trip .tickets to Denver , Pueblo
Colorado Springs , Ogden , Salt Lak <
City , Deadwood and Hot Springs for OIK
fare plus $2.
Tickets sold at these remarkably low
rates will be good to return till Octobersi
The nearest agent of the Burlingtoi
Route will be pleased to tell you the cos
of a ticket and to help you plan youi
trip. Descriptive literature free on ap
plication. 8-3-413.
In Egypt the custom is for Princesses
to hide their beauty by covering
the lower part of the face with a veil.
In America the beauty of many oi
our women is hidden because of the
weakness and
sickness pecu
liar to the sex.
If the Egypt
ian custom pre
vailed in this
country , many
sufferers would
be glad to
cover their
y wrinkles , their
sunkencheeks ,
their unnealthy
complexion , from the eyes of the
world with the veil of the Orient.
Female ISeguafr !
brings out a woman's true beauty.
It makes her strong and well in those
organs upon which her whole general
health depends.s It corrects all men
strual disorders. It stops the drains
of Leucorrhcea. It restores the womb
to its proper place. It removes the
causes of headache , backache and
nervousness. It takes the poor , de
bilitated , weak , haggard , fading
woman and puts her on her feet
igain , making her face beautiful by
naking her body well.
Druggists sell It for SI a bottle ,
send for our free illustrated book for -women
[ he Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Isaac B. Taylor , will take notice that on the
> th day of July.1900 , G. S. Bishop , county judge
ithm and for Bed Willow county , Nebraska ,
sued an order of attachment for § 31.35 debt
ad $50.00 probable costs , in an action pending
pfore him , wherein Harvey P. Sutton is plain-
ff and the said Isaac B.Taylor is defendant :
mt property of the defendant , consisting of
leven pairs of forceps , ninety-two points ,
urty-nmo muggers and excavators , one en-
mo , and a lot of miscellaneous dental tools ,
as been attached under said order. Said
luso was continued to the 15th day of Septem-
er , 1900 , at ten o'clock a. m.
Dated August 3.1900. S-3-3ts.
HAEVET P. SUTTON , Plaintiff.
There are no better pills made than De-
Pitt's Little Early Risers. Always prompt
ad certain. D. W. Loan
Plump cheeks , flushed with the soft glow of
ealth , and a pure , complexion make all
omen beautiful. Herbine imparts strength
nd vitality to the system , and the rosy hue of
ealth to the cheeks. Price , 50 cents. A.
BAPTIST Preaching at 11. Union
services in the Methodist church at 8.
GEO. ScoTT , Pastor pro tein.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Prayer-meeting , Wednesday even
ing at 8. \V. J. TURNER , Pastor.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. in. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. in.
Preaching at n. Morning subject , "Cru
cified with Christ. " Union service in
the Baptist church at 8.
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Services during summer :
Sunday-school at 10. Evening prayer
and sermon every Sunday at 8 o'clock.
Sunday morning service , also Friday
evening Litany , discontinued until fur
ther notice. Holy communion to be an
nounced. HOWARD STOY , Rector.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at u. Class at 12. Epworth
League at 7. Union service in Baptist
church at 8. Sermon by Rev. Walker.
Prayer and Bible-study on Wednesday
evening at 8. Morning subject , "A Com
mon Sense View of Sin. " All are wel
come. J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
Rev. W. J.- Turner of the Congrega
tional church bas been granted a vaca
tion during the mouth of August , part
of which time he will spend with the
family in retreat at Franklin , together
with other pastors and their families of
the Republican Valley association.
The Methodist Sunday-school children
enjoyed a fine time , yesterday , picnic-
ing on the Driftwood.
For mosquito bites , bites or stings of it
sects , animals or reptiles , apply Ballard
Snow Liniment. It counteracts the poison i
the woundsubdues the inflammation and heal
the flesh. Price , 25 and 5oc. A. McMillen.
For digestive weakness , nervousness , pain
in the side , flatulence , dizzinesss , wakefu
ness , headache and other annoying accomf
animents of costiveness , Ilerbine is a promt :
and unequalled remedy. Price , 50 cents.
A New York doctor has discovered a serin
that is said to be a positive cure for snaki
bite. This fact might be used to some ac
vantage by the Prohibition party in campaig
Extreme hot weather is a great tax upo
the digestive power of babies ; when pun
and feeble they should be given a dose c
White's Cream Vermifuge. Price , 25 cent
It Helped Win Battles.
Twenty-nine officers and men wrote fror
the front to say that for scratches , bruise :
cuts , wounds , sore feet and stiff joint !
Bucklens's Arnica Salve 'is the best in th
world. Same for burns , skin eruptions , am
Eiles. 25cts a box. Cure guaranteed. Soli
y McConnell & Berry , druggists.
The German emperor has 119 residences
and yet we have never heard of him being ii
the least worried over the hired girl problem
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit foi
sick and nervous headaches. They mak
pure biood and build up your health. Onlj
25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by
McConnell & Berry , druggists.
The Philippine natives run pell-mell ,
At the sound of our Yankee yell ,
But , oh , yhat a gait they'll have , maybe ,
After taking Rocky Mountain Tea.
Ask your druggist.
A man aged 98 was married in New York
he other day. The woman was no doubt
Irawn to him by the alluring bargain-counter
igures of his age.
Intestinal infection , appendicitis and all af-
ections of the bowels , liver and kidneys pre-
'ented by taking genuine Rocky Mountain
Tea , made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask
rour druggist.
"Mybaby was terribly sick with the diar-
hoea , " says J. H. Doak , of Vy'illiams , Oregon.
We were unable to cure him with the doc-
pr's assistance , and as a last resort we tried
'hamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
lemedy. I am happy to say it gave immed-
ite relief and a complete cure. " For sale by
IcConnell & Berry , druggists.
Li Hung Chang is no coward. He is to be
) und right where the balls are the thickest ;
i the Shanghai arsenal.
You assume no risk when you buy Cham-
srlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-
ly. McConnell & Berry will refund your
oney if you are not satisfied after using it.
is everywhere admitted to be the most
iccessful remedy in use for bowel complaints
id the only one that never fails. It is pleas-
it , safe and reliable.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are famous
ttle pills for liver and bowel troubles ,
ever gripe. D. W. Loar.
If rumors are true.Admiral Dewey will soon
lift from the naval to the infant-ry service.
One Minute Cough Cure is the only harm-
ss remedy that produces immediate results.
ry it. D. W. Loar.
Piles are not only in and of themselves
: ry painful and annoying , but often greatly
jgravate and even cause other grave and
linful affections , and should , therefore not
: neglected. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oint-
ent is a great boon to sufferers , as it will
ire them. Price , 50 cents in bottles. Tubes ,
I cents. A. McMillen. .
Commissioners' Proceedings.
McCook , Nebraska , July 27,1900.
Board of county commissioners mut pursuai
to adjournment. Present , Henry Crnbtreo , St
phcn Hellos mid D. A. Waterman , county coi
inigsioners , W. K. Starr , county attorney , at.
R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of provioi
mooting read and approved.
The following claims wore audited and n
lowed , and on motion chirk was instructed
draw warrants on the county general fund , Itr
of 1900 , iu payment thereof us follows :
S. M. Cochran.k Co. , hardware $ ! 0
M. B. Hogun , window lights und setting of
the satno 8 <
W. C. Bullard & Co. , coal for puupors and
window screens Gl
Electric Light Co. , light for May and Juno : J' '
J. C. Oukloy , board and care of pauper ,
claim $10.40 , allowed 15
R. A. Green , county clerk , postage and expense
pense- from May lotto July 21st 24 I
Henry Crabtree , services us commissioner ! ! U i
Stephen Holies , same Ill
D. A. Waterman , name IE ! I
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1900 , i
follows :
W. C. Bullard & Co. , lumber $23 '
Joseph Boos , bridge work ( assigned to J.
W.IIunp ) 9
George \ouuger , bridge work 7i
And on county road fund , levy of 1900 as fo
lows :
John G. Ervin , commissioner to locatu
road $5 !
On motion C. B. Gray was appointed coi
stable of Willow Grove precinct to 1111 vacnnc ;
Petition of James Lingo and othurs , nskin
for a public road read and considered. The hour
ilnd.H that owners of land along line of propose
road have given content iu writing thereto , emotion
motion same was grunted , establishing a publi
road as follows : Commencing at north-en ;
comer of section 20 , town. 2 , north , ran go 21
west , 6th P. M. , thcncu west on section line b (
tween sections 20 and 17 in said town , an
range , one-half milo and terminating at nortl
cast corner of north-west quarter of section 21
town. 2 , north , range 26. west , and clerk was ir
structed to notify overseer of highways to ope
said road.
On motion the following resolution wa
adopted :
It being necessary to prepare for heating th
court-house of Red Willow comity , Nebraykn
and it appearing that either steam or hot wate
heat would be the most feasible and appro
priuto plan for heating said court-house build
ing , therefore be it
_ Resolved : That , the county clerk , bo and h
is hereby instructed to advertise for scaled bid
to put in a system of radiators for heating sail
court-house according to upocifications now i :
Ins hands furnished by F. D. Burgess , to b
complotcd on or before the 15th day of Octobei
1900. The board reserving the right to rejec
any and all bids.
On motion the clerk was instructed to cull fo
sealed bids for the construction of a portion o
the river bridge south of Bartley , and also fo
tilling in a part of the river at said bridge.
On motion board adjourned to meet Angus
1" . 1000. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that fouled bids will b
received at the ollice of the county clerk of Re <
Willow county , Nebraska , for placing in tin
courthouse 9f Rod Willow couutv , Nobrasku
sullicicnt radiators and pijies for heating sail
building , ull radiators to bo such as can b
used for either steam or hot water.
The person receiving the contract will bo re
quired to furnish good and snilicient bond
binding themselves to u fuithfulperformuuci
of said contract , and will bo paid in count'
warrants drawn on the county general fund o'
said county when the job is completed uu <
proven to be satisfactory.
All bids to bo filed with the county clerk oi
or before the 21th day of , 1900. Tin
board reserves the right to reject any and al
bids. R. A. GREU.V , County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that scaled bids will lx
received at the office of the county clerk of KM'
\\illow county , Nebraska , for tearing down the
old bridge across the Republican river south ol
Bartley and for rebuilding a part of it , the parl
to be rebuilt is to be 192 foot in length , 14 feet ii
width anils feet high , there will bo.17 piling tc
Jrivo , ISO of which will be 18 feet in length and 1
will lc 11 feet in length , all to bo driven at loasl
10 foot in the ground , all old material that is
? opd to bo used iu the construction of the new
bridge and now material to bo used for the
balance , all to bo furnished on the ground by
the county.
One-half of the money to bo paid during the
progress of the work. The person receiving the
contract will bo required to furnish good and
sulhcient bond , binding themselves to a faith
ful performance of said contract.
The board reserves the right to reject any and
ill bids. All bids to Ixs filed with the county
: lerk on or before noon of the 24th day of Au
gust , 1900. R. A. GKUEX , County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that scaled bid ? will
be received at the oilico of the county clerk oi
Red \ \ illow county , Nebraska , for making the
following grade at the bridge across the Repub
lican river , south of Bartley , in said county ,
said grade to be 200 feet long and to have a : C
foot bu < = e , to be 9 feet in height and 18 feet
ficross the top , the last or top foot in height to
bo of black soil. And where the grade joins on
to the bridge there is to be a rock wall built to
be 2 feet thick and to extend back on either
side of the grade a distance of 12 feet.
One half of the money to bo paid during the
progress of the work. The person receiving the
contract will bo required to furnish good and
jiilficient bond , binding themselves to a faith
ful performance of said contract.
The board reserves the right to reject any and
ill bids. All bid to be liled with the county
: lerk on or before noon of the 21th day of Au-
; ust , 1KX ! ) . R. A. GKKC.V. County Clerk.
Notice is horebj given that scaled bids will be
eceived at the oflice of the county clerk of Red
county , Nebraska , for furnishing the
'allowing ' bridge material laid down at Hartley
n said county :
404x12 , 21 feet long.
1923x12,14 feet long.
ISO piling , IS feet long.
7 piling , 14 feet long.
All piling to be 12 inches in diameter at the
nitt end.
All bids to be filed with the county clerk on
r before the 24th , day of August. 1900. The
oard reserves the right to reject any and al
ids. R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
ROAD NO. :5T)0. :
To Lincoln Land Company and Melissa Porter
nd to all whom it may concern : The commis
! oner appointed to locate a road commencing
fc the west end of Camden street in the town o :
ebanon. Red Willow county , Nebraska , run
ing thence wet to the line between the NE Jj
F the SW > .i nnd the NW it of the SW U of see-
on 17. township 1 , north , range 26 , west of the
b P. M. , running thence south on the east side
' said line to the section line between sections
and 20. said township and range , said line be-
veen NE 4 of SW H and NW M of SW H to be
10 western boundary of said road , has reported
favor of the location thereof as follow ? :
jmmencing at the west end of Camden street
the town of Lebanon , Red Willow county ,
sbraska , thence running directly we t to the
10 between the NE .t of the SW and the NW
of the SWi of section 17 , township 1 , north ,
nge 26 , west of the 6th P. M. , thence south
eng the cast side of said line to a point . " > rod =
irth of the south-west corner of the south-east
the south-west of section 17 , township 1 , range
, thence 5outh-west _ to intersect the section
10 between sections 17 and 20 in said township
d range at a point 5 rods west of the soutli-
sst corner of the south-east of the south-
istof _ section 17 , township 1 , range 26 , and
minatiug thereat ; and all objections
ereto or claiins , for damage ? must be filed in
3 county clerk's oflice on or before noon of the
; day of October , 1900 , or said road will be e-
slifched without reference thereto.
7-4ts R. A. GREE.V. County Clerk.
; IC/V
akes short roads.
light loads.
oed for everything
that runs on wheels.
Sold Everywhere.
Our goods sell themselves at
the prices that are holding dur
ing our "End of Season" Clear
ing sale. Shirt Waists at 25
cents do not beg long for buy
ers. Braid trimmed Percale
Wrappers at 55 cents would
have to hide to escape purchase.
Good Sunbonnets at 19 cents ,
with ruffles , bow and draw
string , are more easily spoken
within our store than at the
factory door. Summer Corsets
made of double thread gauze ,
boned with Featherbone , can be
had here now at 23 cents. Silk
Mitts for 10 cents a pair are
really mortified to go at such
prices. The store , though , pre
fers the uo cents to the Silk Mitts at this time of the season. Many of the
lines offered at virtually your own prices are such goods as may be worn and
used at any time of year.
Batistes , Dimities and Piques
The Batistes , Dimities nnd Piques that sold at lOc are now ttc.
Those at 12 * c are now So. They are perfectly serviceable at any time ;
and so with others.
Then there is our line of Prints ; best grade of light ground Shirting
Prints we sell for 3e ; other stores take 5u. Our line of-lc Fancy Dress
Prints is pleasing every looker. Only twelve patterns and styles now to
pick from. They make splendid coverings for comfortables , besides good
aprons and dresses.
Dress Skirts .
We make to measure from any Dress Goods in stock ( I52G pieces ) Dress
Skirts from 82.50 for all wool ones up to $7.50 for line black silk ones.
Forty or fifty of these skirts in stock at all times , ready to put right on
and wear , or your measure taken and skirt made quickly from any piece
of Dress Goods iu the store. We are Exclusive Agents for the Jamestown
Worsted Mills and show a large line of their Dress Fabrics from 39c to
$1.25 per yard. Every item of cutting , seaming , pressing and finishing is
carefully and properly done. We solicit your order.
SEE LONG LIST of prices in past weeks'
papers , and resolve to participate in the ,
benefits right now
" % Efc F *
Sold at
for the
"Never Sleeps. :