5V NINETEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 3 , 19OO. NUMBER 12 Second Homestead Entries. Department of the Interior , General Land Office , Washington , D. C. , June 27. 1900. Registers and Receivers , Unit ed States Land Offices. Gentlemen : Your attention is called to the provisions of sections 2 and 3 ol the act of congress , entitled "An act for the relief of the Colorado Cooperative Colony ; to permit second homesteads in certain cases , and for other purposes , approved June 5 , 1900 ( Puhlic No. 148) ) , a copy of which sections is hereto at tached. Section 2 provides that any person who has theretofore made a homestead entry and commuted same under section 2301 , Revised Statutes , and the amend T ments thereto , shall be entitled to the benefits of the homestead laws as though such former entry had not been made , but commutation under section 2301 , Revised Statutes , shall not be allowed of an entry made under this section. Section 3 provides that any person who , prior to the passage of this act , has made a homestead entry , but from any cause has lost or forfeited the same , shall be entitled to the benefits of the homestead law as though such former entry had not been made. Therefore , you will not hereafter reject a homestead application on the ground that the ap plicant can not take the prescribed oath that he has not previously made such an entry , or because he has perfected title under section 2301 , Revised Statutes , to land entered under the homestead law ; but he will be required to show by affi davit designating the entry formerly made by description of the land , number and date of entry , or other sufficient data , to enable me to identify the same on the records of this office , and that it was forfeited or commuted , as the case may be , prior to the passage of the act. In any case where the former entry was made subsequent to the date of the act , the rule given on page 19 , circular of July ir , 1899 , remains unchanged. It will be observed that an entry made under section 2 can not be perfected 03 * commutation under section 2301 , Re vised Statutes. The fact that applicants have purchased , under the provisions of the act of March 2 , 1889 (25 Stat. , 871) ) , lands patented to the Flathead Indians in Montana shall not be held to have impaired or exhausted their homestead rights by or on account of any such pur chase. Very respectfully , BINGER HERMANN , Commissioner. Approved , June 27 , 1900. E. A. HITCHCOCK , Secretary. Died in New York. A private word from George Hanlein of Bar Harbor , Washington , announces the sudden death of his brother John te Haulein in New York city. The de ceased visited the Hanleins on the farm ueai this city in 1892 , and at that time became acquainted with quite a number > of our readers , who will be pained to learn of his early taking off. He was 38 years old , unmarried , a steam-fitter by trade , and since 1886 has lived in New York city. Too Much Sugar. The report circulated in the daily press , recently , that the Nebraska Bri gade band of McCook is a candidate for the position of regimental band of the First Nebraska , is emphatically denied by officers of the band. There is lots of honor in the position , of course , but too much sugar for a penny ; men like the Nebraska Brigade band is composed of cannot afford the luxury of leaving their businesses and official positions for the munfiicent per diem of $ r.oo. Base-Ball Tournament. Oxford has arranged to hold a base ball tournament , August 8th , 9th , loth and nth. Prizes aggregating $300 are offered , $150 to the team winning first money ; $100 to the second ; $50 to "the third. Nebraska and Kansas teams will contest , and the games will be the grandest exhibitions of the national game seen in South-western Nebraska , this season. Cheap railroad rates will be given. The County's Share. Red Willow county's share of state taxes , this year , is $7,925.12 or 6 % per cent on a total valuation is $1,219,246.69. Nebraska's grand total valuation is $171,747,592.75 ; the state assessment is $1,208,984.94 or $77,707.64 less than the preceding year. Estrays Taken Up. Four head of cattle , July 16 , 1900 , at McCook. 7-20-3ts. SAM HORNBACK. Ball and Bat Free. To the boy who buys a suit of clothes 2 at $2.50 or up at DeGroff & . Co.'s. Flyo Cure And all stock and chicken remedies * at McConnell & Berry's * g Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos phate" at McMillen's. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MRS. E. E. BELONG returned home Tuesday. T. M. ROYER left , first of the week for Aurora , 111. ALBERT DUDEK departed on Tuesdaj for Rocky Ford , Colo. Miss MAY SWART went up to Denver last night on 3 , on a visit. Miss MARGARET EVANS returned tc the city , Monday evening. Miss MAMIE CHANDLER is the gues of her sister , Mrs. A. Barnett. Miss PEARL ZINT went up to Denver last night , on a visit to an uncle. Louis SuESS was a Herndon , Kansas vibitor , Sunday , guest of his sisters. MRS. L. F. GRIGGS has gone to Colorado rado to be gone a few weeks on vacation MRS. A. J. ZINT and mother , Mrs. E , M. Razee , are visiting in Wauneta and Imperial. MRS. J. G. SCHOBEL and Marjorie ar rived home , Tuesday evening , from their Minden visit. I. B. TAYLOR , late with J. B. Ballard departed on 6 , last Saturday night , for Savannah , Mo. MRS. C. E. POPE and children arrived home , Tuesday night on 6 , from their trip to Colorado. MRS. J. K. COUZINS arrived home , last Friday evening on 5 , from spending a week or two in Oxford. J. N. PURVIS of the post-office lobby is out of the city for a few days on one of his semi- occasional visits. MISS ETHEL OYSTER was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt of Herndon , Kansas , Saturday and Sunday. MRS. F. M. KlMMELL and Schell ar rived home , last Saturday night , from their visit to Sheridan , Wyoming. MRS. M. J. BROWN , who has been the ? uest of M. E. Wells for a few weeks , departed on Tuesday for her home. MRS. H. P. SuTTON and the children departed on 6 , Monday night , for Ains- worth , on a visit to the home folks. MRS. H. A. BEALE and sister , Miss Sara Cool , departed yesterday on i , for Denver and Lyons , on a short outing. J. J. GARRARD , who is on the road with a steam merry-go-round , was at home with the family , first of the week. MR. AND MRS. E. E. MAGEE went on Monday morning to Hayes Center , where he has two-weeks institute a - engage ment. MRS. M. E. BARGER is disposing of her stock in Bartley expecting to retire from business and make McCook her home. MESDAMES J. E. KELLEY and w. E. Corwin went to Colorado , mid-week , to be absent in the mountains for a few weeks. MRS. U. J. WARREN and Ruth , who have been making quite an extended visit in Iowa , returned home on Tuesday night. C. N. WHITTAKER has been down from Imperial , since Tuesday , guest of his parents on the farm south-west of the city. MRS. FRANK KENDLEN and sisters , Misses Mary and Lizzie Stevens , depart ed , Monday noon on I , for their outing in Colorado. NELLIE PHILLIPS , who has been visiting Mrs. Frank Neubauer for a few weeks , returned to Beaver City , this morning on No. 2. MRS. MABEL STRANAHAN and sister Emma returned , Tuesday night , from a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. Canfield at Harvard , Nebraska. MISSES FANNIE AND MINNIE STILL- MAN departed on Thursday for Colorado Springs , Colorado , to be absent a week on a pleasure trip and visit. MRS. A. P. THOMSON and the two younger children joined Miss Elizabeth in Boulder , Colorado , last Friday. Mr. Thomson accompanied them and re mained over Sunday , returning to his work on Monday morning. MISSES JOSEPHINE AND KATHERYN MULLEN entertained the famous Awl-Os on Tuesday evening in clever form. There was a pig drawing contest with the artists blindfolded , in which Miss Aimee Menard won first prize and Miss Selma Noren the booby. Refreshments were daintily served. MR. AND MRS. A. L. CAVINESS left on , Thursday morning , for Fairbury , his new field of labor as superintendent of their city schools. The best wishes of tnany McCook friends go with them both to their new home , with the fond hope that success without measure may be his portion as superintendent of Fair- aury's schools. : J Ready for Business. The Personal Effort Republican club held an adjourned session in the city hall , Tuesday evening , completing the formal organization of the club am getting on the full armor for effective work in the impending great campaign The committee presented its report 01 : constitution and the same was adoptee by the club. Other items of business were also transacted. The enrollment of members showec satisfactory progress , and arrangements were completed for pushing the work of securing additional names ; a large membership is expected. The next regular meeting will occur on Saturday evening , August nth. The constitution as adapted is as fol lows : Article I. The name of this club shall be "The Personal Effort Republi can Club of McCook , Nebraska. " Article 2. The objects of this club shall be to advocate , maintain and pro mote the principles of Republicanism ; to direct and interest in politics those ' who have hitherto been uiore'or less in different to their political duties ; to en courage attendance at primary meetings in order that honest and capable men may be nominated and elected , and to perform such other work as may best conserve the interests of the party. Article 3. This club shall not be used in any way to further the interests of any candidate for office previous to nomina tion. tion.Article Article 4. Any voter who will support the principles of the Republican party , and its candidates , shall be eligible to membership in this club , and no mem bership fee shall be required. Article 5 The officers of this club shall bea president , secretary , treasurer , and one vice president from each voting precinct in Willow Grove precinct. The above named officers , together with a finance committee of three to be elected by the club shall constitute the execu tive committee of this club. Article 6 Not less than ten members shall constitute a quorum for the trans action of business. Article 7. The regular meetings of this club shall be held on Saturday night of each week , and at any regular meeting of the club , these by-laws may be amended or new rules adopted by a two-thirds vote of members present. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook post-office on July 2gth : J. E. Bowman , Mr. Fred Thomas , Louis Marnay , Mr. R. H. Randall , Percy Smith , Mr. Joseph Murphy , J. W. Davis , Miss Zola Ashley(2) ( E. E. Blake(9) ( Miss Dora Wilt , Chas. Williams , Mr. Bertie Clark , Mr. Chas. Hoover , Emery C. Harriott , Mammie Shultz , Lois E. Brown.(4) ( In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KlMMELL , Postmaster. Almost Fifty Bushels. W. G. Higby has had his wheat threshed out , this week , and reports an average yield on his so-acre field of a fraction over 49 bushels to the acre. The total yield was 982 bushels. Mr. Higby's farm adjoins Farmer Morlan's famous farm over in Valley Grange pre cinct , and is capable of being irrigated. The yield , this season , certainly warrants the expense incurred in irrigating. This is the largest yield for the number of acres reported in this section of Nebras ka , this season. c Some Choice Offerings. I wish to say to my friends and patrons that I have for sale some choice O. I. C. pigs of May farrow , 8 to 10 weeks old , for $10 each. They are simply good at both ends out of Perfection blood and stand right up on their feet. Also.B. P. Rock chickens and Bronze turkeys. Come and see me or write your wants. J. H. WARFIELD , Box 238. McCook , Nebr. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. Corn $ .47 Wheat : 50 Oats 40 Rye 36 Hogs 4.50 Eggs 08 Butter 13 New Potatoes * . .70 Butter fat at Creamery 14 s Desirable House for Sale. a I will offer for sale at a low price my residence property , corner Marshall and Dearborn streets. Terms , time on part , or will name an attractive price for spot cash. 5-4-tf. W. C. LATOURETTE , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. C. F. BABCOCK , Local Agent. J. E. KELLEY took in the Wauneta base-ball gameThursday , guest of Sup't Campbell. t MRS. C. B. RowELL departed on No.3 , P last night , for Boulder , Colorado , on a C visit to her sons. h b H. E. DOLE of Bullard's Lumber Co. will leave , tomorrow , for Fisher , Louis iana , where he will have charge of the books at the mills for a large lumber oncern. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. W , . H. Weeks , machinist , has resigned John Shellaberger has retired from the service. John Thomson is on the relief with a mashed toe. Switchman C. B. Foote has resigned from the service. Operator N. B. Bush has returned from Lyons , Colo. Ira Huet has joined Max Anton's paint gang , this week. Roy Dixon returned , first of the week , frdm his Colorado visit. Burinan has been signed by Arapahoe for the rest of the season. Mr. Robinson from Green Bay , Wis consin , is a new machinist , this week. Brakeman G. L. Burney has been vis iting relatives over near Heudley , this week. Fireman Larue has been promoted from the Holdrege yard to a run out of McCook. Engineer A. Clark was up from Ox ford , Thursday , bringing up the third section of No. i. Machinist Arthur Mars left on 6 , Tues day night , for Mariuette , Wisconsin , where he will reside. Engineer Fred Bosworth has purchased the cosy Caviness dwelling-house , and las moved into the same. Brakeman Herman Hegenberger is spending a short lay-off on the farm near 3erndou , Kansas , this week. Chief Clerk and Mrs. Fred Montmor- ency returned home , Saturday night on 3 , from a shortvisit , to Omaha. Conductor E. M. Cox and family are visiting in Denver , a few days of this veek , going up on 5 , Tuesday night. Switchman Arthur Avery returned , Wednesday , from his visit to his sister n Colorado Springs , and went to work. Dispatcher and Mrs. T. B. Campbell and Harry went up to Denver , Thursday , o be guests of relatives until next Tues- lay. The company was so pushed for equip ment , yesterday , that they had to use ome box cars for baggage purposes on he extras. F. S. Curry has bought the John Heg- uberger dwelling , lately occupied by ? rank Neubauer , and has moved into he same. c Sup't Campbell went up to Wauneta , Thursday morning , to witness the "kid" . jail game , going in his private car 10 at- ached to 175. Dr. E. H. Waters has resigned from the medical department of the Burling ton relief at this point , to take effect on September ist. Ass't Sup't Thorgrinison was down from Eckley , Colorado , over Sunday , to see if matters were progressing satisfac torily at headquarters. There are a number of changes among the employees in the round-house , this week ; quite a number resigning and others filling their places. Flagman Fred Waters returned to his run , first of the week , his band which was i injured by an accidental gun-shot , being practically well again. No. i ran in three sections , yesterday , on account of the great passenger travel , the result of the Burlington's low rates. There were also three sections of No. 3. Mr. and Mrs. George Bunting have the sympathy of many friends in the death of their infant child , last Friday evening. The child was but a few days old , and frail from birth. : Ass't Sup't Harris , Ass't Sup't Mc- Farland , Trainmaster Josselyn , Road- masters Fredericks and Wilburn were all at Western division headquarters , Wednesday , on business. William Brown , formerly in the coal service , is now the owner of over 300 acres of land near Atlanta ; is raising lots of chickens and feeling the freedom of farm-life generally with pleasure. Switchman Frank Wiggins has re signed from the service , doubtless as a result of a difficulty had with G. F. Gol- lehon , in which Higgins was injured ; ibout the head by Gollehon with a sec- ion of gas-pipe. General Manager Holdrege was over the Imperial branch , Wednesday , in his private car. Nebraska's next governor , 2. H. Dietrich of Hastings accompanied aim. Car was attached to the regular aranch train No. 175. ' Hammocks all prices at McMillen's Irug store. McMillen's for paints and wall paper. Protect the Game. To Those Persons Interested in the Pres ervation of Game Birds in Nebraska : The state law provides that prairie chickens and grouse may be legally killed only during the months of Sep tember , October , November and De cember ; quail during the months of November and December ; geese and all kinds of wild ducks from the first day of September to the thirtieth day of April inclusive. None of the above mentioned game birds may be ensnared , trapped , or netted at any time. Any person or persons violating the provisions of the law is deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction subject to a fine of five dollars for each bird so killed. The law further prohibits the sale , ex posure for sale , or having in possession during the closed season any of the aforementioned game birds , by any cor poration , company , association , person , or persons , and provides a penalty of five dollars for each bird so sold , exposed for sale , or had in possession , possession being prima facie evidence of guilt. For years the provisions of the game and fish laws have been persistently and wantonly violated in many sections of the state. The illegal slaughter of Drairie chickens and grouse , scarcely old enough to fly , has already begun ; market hunters , and others calling them selves sportsmen , in open violation of the law and disregard of the rights of those who respect and obey the law , are seeking profit and diversion by slaught ering with guns birds so young and small that they might be successfully hunted with a buggy whip. The Nebraska Fish and Game Pro- ective association was formed for the mrpose of assisting in securing the en forcement of the game and fish laws of this state , by setting the example of strict compliance on the part of its members with the provisions of the law , and to aid in the detection and convic tion of those who violate it. In futher- ance of the latter purpose this associa tion will pay a reward of twenty-five dollars for the detection and conviction of any one for killing prairie chickens , grouse , or quail during the closed season on those birds , such reward to be paid to the person or persons supplying the evidence and making the complaint up on which the conviction is secured , the reward to be paid at the office of the secretary of this association in the city of Lincoln , Nebraska. This association futhermore proposes to use every legitimate means at its command to secure evidence against , and prosecute to the extreme limit of the law , any or all persons who engage in the illegal killing , sale , or use of the game birds of the state. J. H. ACER , President. JOHN T. DORGAN , Secretary. G Low Rates to Chicago. 8 One fare for the round trip via the Burlington route. The Burlington has offered one fare for the round trip ( $21.10) ) from McCook to Chicago , August 24 and 27 , on ac count of the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. The return limit on these tickets is September r , subject to extension to September 30. The nearest agent of the Burlington Route will be pleased to give you ad- litional information about rates , dates , baggage and train service. f - v A Close Game. The T. C. C. base-ball club and the Wauneta kids played a close and inter esting game at Wauneta , Thursday , the r. C. C. lads being victorious for the third time ; the score was 15 to 14 the McCook kids had to earn the game'this time sure enough. The Wauneta lads are expected to ome down here , in a week or two , and play the victors on the home diamond. A New Story-Writer From the West. o s Joseph Blethen , the author of "Grand mother Winslow's Precious Plates , " in the Augusj Ladies' Home Journal , is one jf the newest writers of fiction. He is jnite a young man , and occupies the po sition of managing editor of the Seattle Washington ) Times. Now is the time to buy your peaches md Eller & Co.'s is the place. They aave received several heavy shipments , ; his week. They lead in prices. Do not cook yourself over the hot itove baking cakes , when you can get iU2auicacik23 at Eller & GJ.'S. Drop a : n and see them. II Delightful odors ; new perfumes. c MCCONNELL & BERRY. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB- JNE office. B > st in the market. The latest at McMillen's "Frozen Frappe. " McMillen's for paints and wall paper.B MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Lear sells drugs. Lear sells wall-paper. A great leader Lonr. Lear sells machine oil. Lear sells prescriptions. McMillen's for paints and wall paper. The latest at McMillen's "Frozen Frappe. " The freshest and best drugs are found at Loor's. Just a few of those screen doors left at Barnett's. Hammocks all prices ut McMillen's drug store. Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos phate" at McMillen's. If you want to be pleased , you should burn Barnett's stove wood. The great eclipse continues the way Loar's soda eclipses all others. We are ready for some more moisture , any time now , Mr. Weather Clerk. Cleanliness and purity at our fountain. McCoNNELL & BERRY. Gentlemen wanting rooms and board should inquire opposite East school- house. During the month of July , I will sell Eldorado Castor Oil at 25 cents a gallon. A. McMiLLEN. Have you seen our big stock of toilet soaps ? It's immense. MCCONNELL BERRY. The McCook Circle No. 33 , Ladies of G. A. R. , meet the first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall. "The Right Place" to call up is No. 12. You are sure of getting just as choice meats by phone as by personal inspec tion. You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co. are at the head of the procession when good meats are on parade. Try their market. W. R. Starr is excusably elevated over the fact that one of his apple trees has this season produced a number of fine , well-matured apples. The tree has not been sprayed. Howe Smith lays claim to being some thing of a "scorcher" himself : Last * Saturday , in the teeth of a pretty stiff breeze , he rode his bike home from out beyond Atwood , Kansas , a distance of 55 miles. Minden defeated Arapahoe , Thursday , on the Arapahoe grounds to the tune of 9 to 2. Arapahoe is on the tobog gan sure. McCook was well represent ed at the game. It is not a debatable question but one of privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh & Co. , when in quest of the best the market affords in the meat line. They are prompt and accommodating in the bargain. Phone 12. During the storm of last Friday night , LS. . Watson's cow was stunned by a stroke of lightning and lost the sight of Dne eye. Mrs. Ella Irwin's cow was also stunned. Lightning struck the wire fence of the pasture in which the animals were confined , shattering a number of posts. In another column will be fouud an of fer of $25 reward for detection and con- iriction of any one killing prairie chick ens , grouse , or quail during the closed season on those birds. Fred Montmor- ency of McCook is xice-president of the association , and complaint may be filed with him. It is a most difficult task to raise fruit in this section , but it is not comparable with the difficulty people seem to have to preserve the fruit they raise from the depredations of the boys , judging from the numerous complaints filed at this affice. It is a burning shame that re spectable children should engage in this miserable pilfering business. The intentional opening of mail ad- Jressed to another is a misdemeanor , with heavy penalty attached. Persons getting mail belonging to others should be certain they are "MISTAKEN" before jpeuing the same. Carelessness in this respect is no excuse. The habit some people have of opening all mail given hem by mistake is liable to be product- ve of trouble. Preserving Jellies and Fruits. Jellies and fruits sealed with pure par- ifine retain their natural , delicate flavor. 1's also elegant for catsup , pickles and aundry purposes. A. McMiLLEN , Druggist. Pasture. Pasture for twenty horses. Rate , $1.00 jer month. W. E. CORWIN. You can get the best threshing coal at Barnett's ; bottom prices.