The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 27, 1900, Image 5

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GO !
Commencing July 28
during the following two w
8V weeks we will close out a
$ our entire stock of - .
< | f AH $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00 Tan Shoes at $2.69 g
A All 2.00 , 2.25 and 2.50 Tan Shoes at 1.49 J |
A $3.00 Oxfords = 2.49 JL
_ _ W
jffL rf-v t * -a *
. Oxfords .
% s 2.00 1.69
< & 1.50 Oxfords 1.19
Y 1-25 Oxfords .99
Not a pair . „ .
reserved. . . .
One hundred pairs jf
Tan and Black Ox =
fords = = sizes , 2 } to
The only exclusive %
. . . in Western Nebraska
VAHUE & PETTY , Proprietors _ - 4
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss : At
a county court , held at the county court room ,
in and for said county , July 7th , A. D. 19(10.
Present , G. S. Rishon , county judpe. In the
matter of tlio estate of Lucy L. Swank , de
ceased. On reading and filing the petition of
Alonzo F. Swank , prayhiK that the instrument ,
filed on the 7th day of July , 1900 , aud purporting
to be the last will aud testament of the said de
ceased , may be proved , approved , probated , al
lowed , and recorded as the last will and testa
ment of the said Lucy L. Swank , deceased , and
that the execution of said instrument may be
committed and' the administration of said es
tate may bo granted to Alonzo F. Swank as ex
ecutor. Ordered , that July 30th , A. D. 1900 , at
one o'clock p. m. , is assigned for hearing said
petition , when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to be held
in and for said county , and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner snould not bo granted ; and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in THE McCooK TKIBUNE , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive-weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
JSEAL ] 7-lU-3ts G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
In the matter of the estate of Robert Drys-
dale , deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance .of
an order of G. W. Norris , judge of the district
court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , made
on June 30,1900 , for the sale of the real estate
hereinafter described , there will be sold nt the
front door of tlio court-houso , in the city of
McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the
llth day of August , 1900 , at the hour of ono
o'clock p. m. , at public auction , to the highest
bidder for cash , the following described real es
tate , to-wit : Lot ten in block fifteen , in the
Original City of McCook ; lot twelve in block
eleven , in West McCook ; and lot four , in block
* -evenin the Original City of McCook ; all in Red
Willow county , Nebraska , guid sale will re
main open one hour.
Dated July 20,1000 ,
. , . , , , HUGH W. COLE ,
Administrator tie bonls non of the estatt ) of
Robert Jlfjeuulo , deceased.
1 B\ B Virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Phebe E.
Bojd et al. arc plaintiffs , and Loyal M. Hayes
et nl. are defendants , to Me directed and de
livered. I shall offer at public sale and sell to
the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of
the court-house , in "MeCook , Red Willow coun-
tv , Nebraska , on the 20th day of August. 1900 , at
the hour of ono o'clock p. m. , the following described - -
scribed real estate , to-wit : The south-west
quarter of section thirty-five , in township twvv
north , in ranco twenty-eight , west of the 6th P- .
M. . in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this ISth day of July , 1900.
G. F. KIXGHOIIX , Sheriff ; .
7.20-'t5. By A. C. CEABTEEK , l > e > uty- .
W. S. MORLAX. Attorney.
Land Office at McCook , Neb , , Jnto * ? . 1900.
Notice is hereby given that Uifi Tollowmg-
hamed settler has filed notice of Ms intention to
make final proof in support < of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before Register and
Receiver at McCuok , Nebraska , on Saturday ,
August 18,1900 , vizi No.wlenberg B. Starks. on
H. E. No. 11.01 * for the \ % SE H. NE M SWi
and SE H NW 4 of Sefe. 31 , Twp.2 N , R 30 \ \ 6lh
P.M. Ho mimes Ine following witnesses t6
prove his cdntSmlc-Yis residence upon andcmh-
vation of paw land , viz : Austin W. Dntcher ,
John M. Baldwin , Rexford Simpson , and Wilson
H. Hartnvatts All of McCook , Nebraska.
7--13-6fc > . F. M. RATHBCX , Register.
Beit resolved by the Major and Council of
the City of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne-
bra ka , that the estimate 'of 'the probable
amoMnt of money to be raised by taxation of
4he assessable propertv , botSi Teal and personal ,
within the City of McCook 'fo'r the year begin
ning May 2,1000 , is asi foiled :
'Salaries of otlicers other than police. . . .4 > MX ) 00
Rcpairs-Strcetssalleys aiid'crosswalks. SCO 00
Fire Department Awards and supplies. 200 00
Hydrants , troughs and-atreet sprinkling l. < 00 00
Supplies , rents , claims and elections. . . . 1SOO 00
Lighting fctreets . . , 1-JW 00
Interest on bonds and sinking fund l.OOU 00
Total $7,00000
McCook , Nebraska , July 9,1900.
Atte&t : J. A. BEVKEH. A. BAKXETT ,
7-13-4ts City Clerk. Mayor.
One Minute Couch cure is the only harm
less remedy that produces immediate results.
Try it. D. W. Loar.
"White Man Turned Yellow
Great consternation was felt by the friends
of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington , Ky. , when
they saw he was turning yellow. His skin
slowly changed color , also his eyes , and
he suffered terribly. His malady was yellow
jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors ,
but without benefit. Then he was advised to
try Electric Bitters , the wonderful stomach
and liver remedy , and he writes : "After tak
ing two bottles I was wholly cured. " A trial
proves its matchless merit for all stomach , liv
er and kidney troubles. Only 5oc. Sold by
McConnell & Berry , druggists.
The census enumerators who were com
pelled to question people regarding their age
take no stock in the moss-grown slander that
a woman cannot keep a secret.
After many intricate experiments , scientists
have discovered methods for obtaining all the
natural digestants. These have been com
bined in the proportion found in the human
body and united with substances that build
up the digestive organs , making a compound
called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what youjeat and allows all dyspeptics to eat
plenty of nourishing food while the stomach
troubles are being radically cured by the me
dicinal agents it contains. It is pleasant to
take and will give quick relief. D. W. Loar.
The women of north China wear scabbords
or shields over their finger nails , a custom
that is , no doubt , quite pleasing to their hus
bands ,
During lait May an infant child of our
neighbor was suffering from cholera infantum.
The doctors had given , up all hopes of recov
ery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house ,
telling them I felt sure it would do good if
used according to directions. In two days
time the child had fully recovered. The child
is now vigorous and healthy. I have recom
mended this remedy frequently- and have
never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker ,
Bookwalter , Ohio. McConnell & Beiry.
The automobiles being used by the Western
farmers Ihis year are the same old McCormick -
mick self-binders.
\'t htfc been demonstrated bv experience
vl' ' Consumption can be prevented by the
. .y use of One Minute Cough Cure. This is
the favorite remedy for coughs , colds , croap ,
asthma , grippe and all troubles of the head ,
throat and lungs. Cures quickly. D. W.
The question , "What shall we do with our
ex-presidettls ? " promises to become as serious
in South Africa as in America.
Children often cry , not from pain but from
hunger , although fed abundantly. This
trouble arises from inanition ; their food is not
assimilated , but devoured by worms. A few
doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will de
stroy tne worms , then the children will begin
to thrive at once. Price 25 cts. A. McMillen.
The unusual records of the divorce courts
would indicate that Matrimony is also a doubt
ful state this year.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all whose stomach and liver
are out of order. But such should know that
Dr. King's New Life Pills give a splendid ap
petite , sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and great en-
ergy. Only 250 at McConnell & Berry's.
The Spanish will send a warship to China
if it can find one among its old bric-a-brac
that will float.
To Cure a Cold In a Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. . W. Grove's signature 'on every box.
25c. 4-r.
The Distinguished Rough Rider
to Spend a Week Cam
paigning In Nebraska.
Control of tlio Philippine Islands an
Important Factor in American
Trade in the Orient ,
State Institutions Converted Into Any I mm
for IJrolc ii Iowii Party Sntollltet
uiiil Incompetent * .
OMAHA , July 23. It is definitely
settled that Theodore Roosevelt will
pay Nebraska a visit during the
pending campaign. This statement
is made on the authority of Chair
man Lindsay of the state central com
mittee , who says that Governor Roosevelt
velt will devote at least a week to the
campaign in Nebraska. It will be a
great treat to the people of Nebraska
to see , not only the uexc vice president
of the United States , but one of the
foremost scholars and statesmen of the
nation a man of high di.stinguisb.meut
in civil and military life. The exact
time Governor Roosevelt will be here
has not , as yet , been determined.
The list of speakers for the campaign
will contain among others the names of
many noted statesmen and orators , the
object being to so present the evidence
that the verdict rendered in the high
court of public opinion shall be based on
an intelligent understanding. It never
has been , and is not now , the desire of
the Republican party to acquire public
stewardship by false pretenses. More
than once the Republican party has re
sisted supposedly popular vagaries in
the face of a popular demand for their
adoption , because it was confident that
it was right and that the vagaries were
not alone wrong , but fraught with
great public danger.
It is the party that struck the chains
of slavery from the black man when
more than half of the nation opposed it.
It is the party that disciplined a dis
obedient and rebellious confederacy and
established forever the unity of the re
public while all the world looked on in
It is the party that for 40 years has
maintained an industrial policy which
distinguishes American labor from that
of all the rest of the world , and which
has elevated it to a standard uuequaled
in the history of civilized nations. For1
40 years the Republican party has stood
guard at the doorway of labor , repuls
ing again and again the attacks of
Democratic free trade. Defeated in
their repeated efforts to bring American
labor to a level with the pauper labor
of Europe , the fusiouists have
adopted a new scheme and that is to
lure labor away from its safe moorings
through alluring promises contingent
upon a change in the monetary system.
It isn't free trade now , though the
fusionists are just as much for free
trade now as they ever were , it is free
silver. One is fraught with as much
distress to the American people as the
other. Neither can be adopted with
out being attended by inconceivable
disaster. The Republican party believes
in a free people , free homes and free
government it does not believe in free
trade or free silver.
The Republican party believes in ex
pansion. It believes in extending the
benefits of free citizenship and self-
government to every possible clime. It
believes in progress in commercial and
territorial expansion , to the end that all
may be benefited and the world in gen
eral brought under the benign influence
of Christianity and intelligence.
The history of the United States is a
history of expansion expansion in ter
ritory , as well as in trade , art , science ,
and literature. Expansion upon any
pf etext was until recently opposed by
the fusiouists. They charged that the
Republicans were imperialistic when
they declared in favor of territorial ex
pansion. They have , in a degree , since
changed their orthodoxy. The Demo
cratic national convention at Kansas
City which handled the expansion
question with such passive delicacy was
iield in territory acquired by expansion.
The site of Kansas City is part of the
Louisiana purchase , Nebraska , the
liome of W. J. Bryan , the Democratic
candidate for president , was Spanish
territory when Jefferson was made
president. Nearly 300 members of the
Kansas City convention came from ter
ritory acquired through expansion.
More than 40 of the delegates came from
territory annexed in consequence of the
\var with Mexico. Minnesota , Mon
tana , Missouri , Nebraska , Arkansas ,
Iowa , Kansas , Louisiana , North and
South Dakota , Oklahoma , Wyoming ,
and part of Colorado , had 180 votes in
the convention , and expansion re
claimed this territory from Spanish
dominion less than 100 years ago. It
would appear that the only kind of ex
pansion which seems to soar to the apex
of fusion estimation and expectancy is
pulmonary expansion. Give them this ,
coupled with uncircumscribed loquao
ity , free from the moral restraint of
ethical jurisprudence , and in the fusion
way of looking at it , the problem of ex
pansion is solved. Forced by public
opiniou , however , and by the logic of ,
the situation to acknowledge the wis
dom of the Republican policy of expan
sion , the fusionists are now for expan
sion conditioned-on a most incougru-
ent contingency. In other words , they
favor a policy 'of ' expansion that would
not expand and would benefit all the
other great nations of the earth at the
expense of the United States.
1'hUlppiiie Islands.
The Philippine islands have been
added to the territory of the United
States as a leprcy of conquest. Thosi
islands had for two buudred years beei
nnder the sovereignty of Spain and fo
all of that time had felt and experience
all the iniquities of monarchical rule
When the hand of President McKinloj
was raised against Spanish atrocities it
Cuba and the Philippines , it was no
for the purpose of acquiring new pos
sessions in the Orient. Naval and mill
tary strategy alone directed mo'tremen
toward the Philippines , and. thosf
waters were invaded with no othei
object iii view than the destruction 01
capture of the Spanish squadron. Noi
tmtil the treaty of Paris was euterec
into did the United States undertake tc
exercise control over the Philippines
This treaty passed sovereignty ovei
these islands from Spain to the United
States , and it is a forcible reminder tt
Bryan and those fusiouists who arc
finding'fault with the McKinley ad
ministration for attempting to restore
law and order in the Philippines , thai
this very obligation , this very duty , it
the result of Senator Allen's vote and
the personal efforts of W. J. Bryan tc
have the treaty ratified. Without
Senator Allen's vote and without the
personal efforts of W. J. Bryan the
treaty could not and would not have
been ratified , and the Philippine isl
ands would not have passed to the
sovereignty of the United States
After being largely responsible for the
acquisition of the Philippines , Bryan
and the fusionists have adopted a plat
form of repudiation and they hold up
their hands in abject horror at the
spectacle of an honest , commandable
and patriotic effort on the part of the
president to suppress domestic lawless
ness and rapine in the islands Like
the copper-heads of 18G1 they are cas
tigating the McKiuley administration
for exacting obedience to the well es
tablished rules and ethics of popular
government and at the same time are
encouraging insurrection by seditious
utterances secreted in expressions of
sympathy for a people bearing arms
against the United States.
It is a prerequisite to popular govern
ment that the governing power shall it
self be capable of self government. So
soon as the Filipinos shall demonstrate
their ability to maintain a government
analogous to a republic just so soon will
the Republican party through its au
thorized representatives encourage that
Of Commercliil Importance.
The importance of the United States
retaining the Philippines , from a com
mercial standpoint , is not to be dis
counted. It is an important link in the
policy of commercial expansion. Par
ticularly is this true when considered
in connection with American trade in
China. It is only recently , and it is
due to the wise statesmanship of Mc
Kinley , that American products have
Found their way to China in any mater
ial quantity. The "open door" policy
recently promulgated opens up to the
farmers and producers of the United
States a market , the consuming capa
city of which challenges computation.
China has an area of more than one-
; welfth of the globe and a population
variously estimated at between 300,000-
300 and 450,000.000. Her export and
import trade reaches enormous propor-
; ious and it will require time and en-
argy alone for the United States to de
velop an enormous trade in that
country and with these people. It is a
mild assertion to state that China alone
: an consume every bushel of surplus
rarm products in the United States.
The farmers of Nebraska , as well as the
'arrners of other agricultural states ,
should , therefore , in considering the
jolicy of this government toward the
Philippines consider the importance of
i commercial footing in China , an es-
: eutial of which is control of the islands.
Phis is not imperialism , but commer-
: ialism ; is not militarism , but far-reach-
ng , far-seeing , intrinsic statesman-
State Issues.
Important as are the national issues
) f scarcely less importance to the people
) f Nebraska are the state issues. It is
10 secret that under the Poynter ad-
ninistration widespread corruption has
jeeu practiced , to say nothing of the
jvil effect of ignorance and incompe-
: ency.
Out of the many state institutions
; here is scarcely one whose manage-
neut is not contaminated and tainted
jy fraud , corruption and spoliation.
Che state has been swindled out of
; housauds of dollars , and that , too , by
: he representatives of the very party
; hat promised the people of Nebraska
in honest and economical admiuistra-
; iou of public affairs. Not only have
state institutions been made asylums
for broken down politicians , but the
public funds have been exposed to their
apacity with the result , that while the
26th general assembly or session of the
legislature appropiated the enormous
sum of § 2,591,373 for public purposes ,
there will be a large deficiency at the
2nd o'f the current year. Nearly every
institution has already exhausted the
amount appropriated for it and there
ire yet six mouths of the time unex -
pired. In some of the institutions
laborers have not been paid for several
months and they will have to wait until
the legislature meets and passes an ap
propriation before they can draw
iheir pay. There is scarcely an insti
tution , in fact , there is not one , but at
the end of the present year will not
tiave a sadly depleted exchequer.
What is equally as bad as raiding the
treasury is ignorance and incompe-
teucy in managing the public institu
tions. Evidence of this evil is abundant.
Scarcely an institution has escaped.
All have been used to reward party
satellites regardless of qualification or
fitness. Poyuter has gone farther in
making the public patronage a legal
ender for the payment of personal ob
ligation than any other governor has
Jared to go. Positions requiring skill
md knowledge of particular branches
have been given to party favorites ir
respective of their ability to fill them.
'V % - % / M V'V V , /
sossssssoajscsscccccs sc
er Stuff
Was ! ) Dress Goods
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Ladies' Summer Corsets
Ladies' Summer Underwear
Etc. Etc.
will not last long at the prices at which we are
now offering them „ _
in Men's Neckwear
Men's Linen Shirts
Hen's Straw Hats
.Don't forg-et that pur stock
of groceries is up-to-date
and our prices the lowest ,
THE . . . .
Authorized Capital , $100,000.
C&pit&l and Surplus , $60,000
GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres.
W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENNELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Direcfor. FRANK HARRIS , Director
Was It a Miracle ?
" The marvelous cure of Mrs. Rena J. Stout
of consumption has created intense excite
ment in CammackInd."writes , Marion Stuart ,
a leading druggist of Muncie , Ind. She only
veighed 90 pounds when her doctor in York-
own said she soon must die. Then she began
o use Dr. King's New Discovery and gained
37 pounds and was completely cured. " It has
cured thousands of hopeless cases , and it is
positively guaranteed to cure all throat , chest
and lung'diseases. . 5cc and Si.oo. Trial bottles
tles free at McConnell and Berry's.
Mrs. Potter Palmer reports from Paris that
she has been robbed of several very valuable
ewels. As the lady has no dramatic aspira
tions the loss is believed to be genuine.
A Good Cough Medicine
Many thousands have been restored to
Siealth and happiness by the use of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. If afflicted with any
throat or lung trouble , give it a trial for it is
certain to prove berfeficial. Coughs that have
resisted all other treatment for years , have
fielded to this remedy and perfect health has
) een restored. Cases that seemed hopeless ,
hat the climate of famous health resorts
ailed to benefit , have been permanently cured
> y its use. For sale by McConnell & Berry.
never stops because the weather Jl
H . JB
& is warm. "S
$ Then why stop taking Jfc
yf simply because it's summer ? jj
" $ " Keep taking it It will heal your JR.
| lungs , and make them strong for
ig another winter.
Iff soc. and $1.00 ; all dniggists.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TKIB
UNEve have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with Tiiii
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press Si oo * Si 50
Leslie's Weekly 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer I oo I Jy
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. I CO 150
New-York Tribune. IOO I 25.
Demorest's Magazine I oo 175.
Toledo Blade i oo I 25
Nebraska Farmer IOO 150
i Iowa Homestead I 03 1451
I Lincoln Journal roe 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I 00 I 0
New-York World i oo i 65
Omaha Bee 100 150
Cosmopolitan Magzme lee i So
St. Louis Republic I oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 I 2 >
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 115
I Kansas City Journal , daily . . 4 oo 4 2C >
I \ \ e are prepared to fill orders for any othes
papers published , at reduced rates.
I THE TRIBUNE. McCook , Neb.
A letter from Stephen Crane to Richard.
Hovey sold in London last week i-ii $50.
There are no better pills knov.n than De-
Witts Little Early Risers. Always prompt
and certain. D. W. Loar.
Give New York plenty of prize fights and
she will not care about politics.
A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia
gave the folloxving appropriate rendering
of Burn's famous blessing : "Some have rnent
and cannot eat , and some have none that want
it , but we have meat and we can eat Kodol
Dyspepsia cure be thanked. " This prepara
tion digests what you eat. It instantly re
lieves and radically cures indigestion and all
stomach disorders. D. W. Loar.