The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 27, 1900, Image 1

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Denied the Application.
A number of Frontier county citizens
were before District Judge Norris in
chambers , Saturday , as parties to an in
junction granted by the county court of
that county. It seems that "Lawyer Tan
ner and Client Miles have repeatedly .ar
rested a man by the name of Walker on
a charge of tearing down and removing
fence over in Frontier county. The re
peated prosecutions assumed the form of
persecution and an application for a re
straining order was made before and
granted by the county judge over there.
Lawyer Tanner applied to the district
court for relief , asking for an order dis
solving the injunction. Lawyer White
for Plaintiff Walker moved that the application -
plication be denied for the reason that
the defendants were already in contempt
of court , having commenced another
suit while the injunction of the county
court was still in force. Judge Norris
supported the motion and denied the
application for dissolution of injunction.
A Fine Rain.
The rain of Sunday night was quite
general and the fall heavier east of this
point. At this point the precipitation
was 1.40 inches ; while at Minden they
record a two-inch fall. The rain con
tinued from eleven o'clock until early
Monday morning , falling gently and all
soaking away into the thirsty soil.
While most of the corn had been too
seriously damaged to be benefitted much
by the rain , pasture , feed and quite a
per cent of the late corn will be mater
ially improved by the soaking. Had
such a rain fallen two weeks earlier the
benefit would have been vastly greater.
The rainfall , Monday evening , was .46
at this place. West and north of here
it was much heavier , being 1.54 at Im
perial. _
A Warm Experience.
The explosion of an oil lamp , in his
hands , Wednesday night , furnished J. N.
Purvis the warmest experience he has
had in many moons. He was entering
the closet under the main stair-way in
the Meeker-Phillips building , quite late
in the eveningwhen * the lamp which
\ was well filled with oil in some unac
countable manner exploded , throwing
burning oil all over him , the floor , walls
etc. about him. Energetic and quick
work by Mr. Purvis averted what might
have been a serious affair. There was
practically no damage and Mr. Purvis"
burns were very slight.
Dennis Resigns.
D. J. Fitzgerald , secretary of the state
examining board of barbers , has resigned
his position , to which J. M. Payne of
Omaha has been appointed. Some as
tonishment is expressed that Dennis
should voluntarily give up such a soft
snap , but knowing ones assert that he
has milked the job dry , and that there
is now more money in his private busi
ness than the secretary's job is worth.
Then , again , it is claimed that the bar
bers over the state are not "coughing
up , " as they did when the law was new ,
on the ground that the law is irregular
and unconstitutional.
Better Yield and Prospect.
C. H. Boyle and C. F. Lehn returned
home , last Friday night , from a trip
through the south-eastern part of the
county , touching at Lebanon , Hartley
and Indianola. They report the wheat
harvest in that section of the county as
yielding better than in this vicinity , or
from 10 to 12 bushels per acre. The
T corn prospect , too , they report as better ,
perhaps 10 to 20 per cent better.
Melted the Copper Wire.
Lightning struck the telephone line
on the hill just this side of Byfield's
ranch , Sunday night , during the rain
storm , and melted a section of the line ,
cutting the copper up into little pieces
and rendering the line useless until
Manager Hall located the trouble and
repaired the break , Monday. It was
one of the liveliest demonstrations of
thunder and lightning of this summer.
Estrays Taken Up.
Four head of cattle" , July 16 , 1900 , at
McCook. 7-20-315. SAM HORNBACK.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Ball and Bat Free.
To the boy who buys a suit of clothes
at $2.50 or up at DeGroff . Co.'s.
Fiyo Cure
And all stock and chicken remedies
at McConnell & Berry's.
Conductor C. W. Bronson returned ,
today on I , from his trip to the Black
Hills and Sheridan.
Mrs. H. A. Rouch arrived home from
her Indiana visit , today on No. i.
It's a boy and was born to Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Moore , Sunday morning.
" Mint Phos
Cool , refreshing "Ginger
phate" at McMillen's.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Get stove wood at Bullard's.
JOHN HAFFNER spent Sunday with
Trenton friends.
J. H. ACER , the well-known Lincoln-
ite , was a city visitor , Monday.
MRS. E. E. DELONG has been visiting
her -sister , Mrs. C. D. Kenady in Holyoke -
eke , Colo.
FRANK CARRUTH arrived home , early
in the week , from a visit'to the family
in Denver.
E. G. BOHANAN , state agent , was in
the city , first of the week , on business of
the Columbia.
REV. W. F. VoGT was over from
Herndon , Tuesday and Wednesday , re
turning on Wednesday night.
MRS. JULIA HOBSON of Indianola is
now making her home with her daugh
ter , Mrs. Frank Strout , in our city.
R. Q. STEWART , deputy internal rev
enue collector , was in the city , Tuesday ,
on business of the revenue department.
C. F. BECK , the Fusion nominee for
state superintendent , from Lancaster
county , was in the city , Tuesday night.
O. W. DEWA'LD of the Trenton Regis
ter sojourned in the Valley's Finest
briefly , Saturday evening , between
MRS. MEEKER , mother of C. H. , ar
rived from Chicago , Monday evening on
5 , and will make him a visit of two or
three weeks.
MRS. H. C. BROWN was up from Hast
ings over Sunday , guest of Mrs. Frank
Rank. She returned home on 12 , Mon
day morning.
MRS. J. C. STEVENS of Hastings was
the guest of Mrs. Frank Kendlen , all
last week , returning home on 2 , Satur
day morning last.
HARMON WATTS , the Chicago piano-
tuner , arrived in the city , close of last
week , and spent'a short time here in the
line of his business.
MRS. J. R. ROXBY was up from the
farm near Arapahoe , Monday. She re
ports John as having a hard time to sat
isfy himself with farm life.
Miss AGNES ROONEVand Miss Mary
White were the guests of Mrs. Frank
Kendlen , Tuesday , on their way home
to Hastings from visiting in Denver.
arrived from Chicago , Sunday , and are
the guests of their uncle and aunt , Con
ductor T. A. Foley and Miss Mary
of Lincoln will arrive here , Monday ,
when they will be joined by Mrs. Frank
Kendleu in a trip to various Colorado
A. A. WELLER was accompanied by
Mrs. Weller in his recent visit here.
They went down to Indianola , Sunday ,
to visit friends , and thence continued
their way homeward.
CHARLES BRADSHAW of the Carroll-
town (111. ( ) Patriot and his mother spent
part Of last week in the city , guests'of
C. H. Meeker. They went from here to
Colorado on a short visit.
W. H. CLEMMONS , president of the
Fremont normal school , was in the city ,
Tuesday , on business of the excellent
school he represents and has headed for
the past ten or fifteen years.
departed , last night on 6 , for Chicago ,
where they will visit a week , after which
they will proceed to Elkhorn' , Wisconsin ,
to remain about three weeks.
MRS. G. W. CONNER is entertaining
her mother , Mrs. George Roy , and a
niece , little Helen Ruby Roy , of Falls
City. They arrived in the city , last
week , and will be here about a month.
W. F. LAWSON returned home , last
Friday evening on 12 , from Oakland ,
Calif. , where he was recently called to
the funeral of.his sister Elizabeth , long
an invalid. His father , Rev. Francis
Lawson , accompanied him and will make
his home here ,
MRS. LOUIE M. BOUK , state organizer ,
arrived in the city , last Friday evening ,
and spent a number of days here in the
interest of the Lady Maccabee order. A
special meeting was held in the court
house , Saturday evening. Mrs. Bouk is
a well-posted , enthusiastic worker and
is doing efficient service for the order.
M. H. HOLMES and sister , Mrs. E. H.
Edson , took their mother , Mrs. H. J.
Holmes , down to Mrs. Edson's home in
Omaha , last week , hoping to benefit the
mother's frail health by the change and
by securing other professional skill in
her behalf. Her continued serious ill
health is a soutce of the keenest solici
tude and apprehension on the part of
the family.
McMillen's for paints and wall paper.
Preparing for Action.
The Republicans of McCook and vicin
ity met in the city hall , Tuesday even
ing , in response to call published in the
city papers , and decided to organize a
Republican club for active service in the
present campaign. O. L. Thompson was
called to the chair and F. M. Kiuimell
was secretary of the meeting.
It was decided to organize a Republi
can club to be known as"The Personal
Effort Republican ' Club of McCook , "
with officers as follows : President , a
vice-president frqm.each of the four voting
ing precincts of * the city , a secretary and
a treasurer ; the seven officers to consti
tute the executive committee.
A. Barnett , C. F. Babcock and M. E.
Wells were chosen to compile a constitu
tion and by-laws for the government of
the club and to present the same before
the club for its adoption at a meeting to
be held next week.
The election of officers resulted as fol
lows : O. B. Thorgrimson , president ; M.
E. Wells , vice-president for ist precinct ,
1st ward ; G. R. Johnson , vice-president ,
2d precinct , ist ward ; F. M. Rathbun ,
vice-president , ist precinct , 2d ward ; R.
B. Carlton , vice-president , 2d precinct ,
2d ward ; L. C. Dole , secretary ; G. S.
Bishop , treasurer.
W. T. Coleman , A. Barnett and Emer
son Hanson were chosen as members of
the finance committee.
After some discussion along general
lines , an adjournment was taken until
next Tuesday evening , in the city hall ,
when it is hoped that the committee on
constitution and by-laws will be ready
to report and when it is expected to take
action on such report.
Ass the name adopted suggests , it is
the purpose to make the club an active ,
aggressive and efficient factor in the
campaign which , it is fondly hoped , may
place Nebraska back into the Republi
can ranks.
Boomer's Lecture.
A fair and appreciative audience saw
George R. Boomer's Philippine views
and heard his lecture in the opera house ,
Wednesday evening. There were about
150 views , showing the different classes
of inhabitants , the customs and condi
tions of the people , the scenery , city
views , soldier views , all of which were
entertaining and educational. The pho
tographs for the views were most of
them taken on the ground by Mr.
Boomer himself , who was a member of
company C the Beatrice company of
the "Fighting First Nebraska. "
His views and explanations proved
conclusively that this country has a high
duty in providing a safe government for
the distracted , ignorant and warring
people of thoseTertile islands. He made
it clear that they are not able to provide
themselves nor to preserve the freedom
they crave , and that the most glorious
day for the Philippine islands in the
bloody history of that "Gateway to the
Orient" was the day that "Old Glory"
was unfurled over the land and Uncle
Sam's mild and just sway inaugurated.
Resolution of Sympathy.
At a meeting of Harvey division No.
95 , O. R. C. , the following resolution
was adopted and requested published in
the city newspapers , and a copy ordered
forwarded to our bereaved brother , Wil
liam Cropp :
RESOLVED , That it is with feelings of
deep sorrow the members of Harvey
division No. 95 , O. R. C. , record the
death of Brother William Cropp's be
loved wife , who passed suddenly from
earth , a few days ago , with heart disease.
To the bereaved brother and family the
members of division 95 extend their profoundest -
foundest sympathy in this their hour of
great sorrow , trusting that they may be
sustained from above in this hour of
sore affliction and need.
{ A. G. BUMP ,
Entertain Mrs. Cavlness.
The ladies of the Dorcas society held
a special meeting at the home of the
president , Mrs. G. A. Noren , last eve
ning , in honor of Mrs. A. L. Caviness ,
who expects 'ere long to remove from
our city to Fairbury. Refreshments
were served. Three handsome silver
souvenir spoons were presented Mrs.
Caviness by the ladies of the society as a
mem&nto of their pleasant associations
with her as a member of the society ,
* Too Frail tor Earth.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Thompson have
tenderest and unstinted sympathy in
the death of their infant son , born Tues
day , but in a very brief while to be car
ried to the Father , being too frail for the
life terrestial. Mrs. Thompson's condi
tion is very encouraging for a rapid re
Delightful odors ; new perfumes.
ONE office. Best in the market.
The latest at McMillen's "Frozen
Ffappe. "
Buy and burn Bullard's wood.
Brakeuian G. L. Burney is off duty
with a crippled toe.
G. B. Foot entered the service as a
sxvitchnian , this week.
C. J. Bain and L. H. Bash left on 6 ,
Tuesday night , for Springfield , Mo.
Alex McLean took in the Scotch cele
bration at Denver , close of last week.
F. Swickard of McCook has been em
ployed as fireman out of Alliance. Grip.
Conductor B. L. McCarl accompanied
his two sisters to Chicago , last night on
Harry Kingsbury departed , Monday
morning , for Chicago and Peoria on a
Ass't Gen'l Sup't G. W. Rhodes of
Lincoln was here , yesterday , on busi
Brakemun G. F. Kiughorn is with
Conductor J. J. Currau on passenger vice
W. E. Schmidt has returned to the
city and will resume work for the Bur
Sup't Campbell went east In his pri
vate car 10 , yesterday morning , attached
to No. 12.
Steve Dwyer has Conductor B. L.
McCarl's car during the latter's absence
in the east. *
Machinist A. H. Mars will quit the
service , first of the month , and will re-
turu to Wisconsin.
Engineer George Prouger is afflicted
with rheumatism and finds a cane nec
essary to locomotion.
Roy Dixon has taken a short vaca
tion , which he is enjoying in Colorado
Springs and Manitou.
Brakeuian George Leach is resting up
thirty days for his part in letting a train
run through a switch , recently.
Dispatcher Calhoun went up to Den
ver , Wednesday night , to see a friend in
the train service who had been hurt.
Chief of Motive Power Hawksworth
spent Monday in McCook on his way
home to Plattsmouth from Denver.
Switchman W. L. Reynolds and Brakeman -
man W. W. Prall are off duty , this week ,
on account of illness in their families.
No. 146 is lately out of the shop and
was put through the "breaking in"
process , Thursday afternoon in the yard.
Brakeman W. W. Webster returned on
i , Wednesday , from spending a week's
lay-off visiting in Red Cloud , Wymore
and other points.
William Baird of Lincoln , oil inspector
of the whole system , was at Western di
vision headquarters , yesterday , in the
line of his duties.
A special train went over the division ,
Wednesday , carrying delegates from the
east to the meeting of Presbyterian
young people in Denver , this week.
Conductor Chamberlain and Brakemen
Lewis and Dyer brought the second sec
tion of No. 2 in from Denver , last Sun
day morning , dead-heading back as far
as Akron.
Dispatcher W. F. Pate is succeeded
behind the bat by Mr. Burman , a new
comer to our city , who is also employed
in the Burlington service. Burman is
credited with good work in that position.
Two new Rio Grande Western engines
composed part of freight train No. 145 ,
Sunday morning. These engines were
monsters , weighing 120 tons each , and
attracted no little attention and com
Switchman H. N. Starkey , who has
been in the Red Cloud yard for the past
twelve years , has resigned from the ser
vice. Brakeman C. P. Ball of McCook
has been appointed to succeed him. Mr.
Ball and family have already moved to
Red Cloud.
Frank Mullen , son of Mrs. Mary Mul
len of-our city , ranked third in efficiency
among the host of telegraphers who re
ported the Kansas City convention and
there were experts there from all over
the land. Frank is in the employ of the
Postal Telegraph Co. at St. Louis.
It is said that the Burlington will add
a new train to its Northern division ser
vice on Sunday. The train will run from
Omaha to Plattsmouth , leaving Omaha
at 7 o'clock each evening. The idea is
to relieve No. 12 of making stops be
tween the two cities and to handle the
local traffic. It is said that a new train
will also be added on the Wyoming di
vision. It will give Sidney , Neb. , its
first Burlington service , and will run
from Bridgeport to Sidney , connecting
with the trains running between Alli
ance and Guernsey. The Burlington's
tracks have now reached Sidney and the
track-laying forces are putting in the
yard tracks.
Flames Ate It Up.
Between half past three and font
o'clock , Thursday afternoon , the II. II.
Easterday & Co. elevator of which Frank
Real was manager , was practically de
stroyed by fire , the gasoline engine and
shed and a small , detached office build
ing only escaping the general destruc
tion the office being badly wrecked by
being overturned and dragged away.
When discovered the flames had already
secured a strong hold on the interior of
the buildingand by the time the depart
ment arrived on the scene , the fire was
quite beyond control and the building
doomed. The department confined the
fire to that structure by hard work.
The loss on the building is $2,500 and
the insurance on same and machinery is
$2,000. There was in the neighborhood
of a $ iooo , worth of corn and wheat in
the elevator at the time , which loss is
more than covered by the insurance ,
There are different theories as to the
origin of the fire , spontaneous combus
tion , sparks from a passing switch en
gine etc. , but the latter is the more gen
erally accepted one.
Destroyed by Fire.
James McAdams1 brick-yard in South
McCook was destroyed by fire , Saturday
night last , entailing a loss of about
$ rooo , ; insurance , $500. The plant had
not been operated since early in June.
The fire was doubtless of incendiary or
igin , the plant being fired at two differ
ent points at the same time. Both of
the large dry-sheds and the engine-house
were burned ; the engine and brick-ma
chine were damaged considerably and
the boiler slightly. All tools were de
stroyed. There was no insurance on en
gine-house or machinery , upon which
the loss is $400. The loss on buildings
etc. is $600 , upon which there is $500 in
surance. Mr. McAdams' total loss over
insurance will be about $500.
H. G. WHITE , the paint artist , left for
Denver , Wednesday night. .
F. S. WILCOX was in Kansas City ,
uiid-week , with a shipment of cattle.
S. B. ROWIJ of Bartley was in the
county-seat , Wednesday , on business.
DR. E. H. WATERS' baby has been
and still is quite sick with an attack of
enjoying a vacation in Madison Lake ,
home.Tuesday on i , from a visit to Hoi-
yoke , Colo.
BRENNAN , the base-ballist , has re
tired from the company's service and
the city , this week.
MRS. C. E. POPE and Miss Ethel are
visiting Mrs. Pope's sister , Mrs. A. I.
Hadley , near Florence , Colorado.
SENATOR E. N. ALLEN of Arapahoe
and C. E. Hopping of Beaver City were
city visitors , Wednesday evening.
W. T. COLEMAN and G. W. Sigwing
were in Alma , yesterday , to buy a head
er , returning home , last night on 3.
MRS. ANNA CLARY and Mrs. Robert
Sayers went down to Dickens , Wednes
day morning on 12 , on a short visit.
been visiting relatives in Bartley for a
week or two , arrived home on 5 , Tues
day evening.
MR. AND MRS. E. E. MAGEE are in
the city for over Sunday. He will go to
Hayes Center , Monday , for two weeks'
institute work.
Miss SARAH OYSTER , is keeping books
for C. L. DeGroff & Co. , for a week or
two , while Miss Ethel Oyster is taking
a short vacation.
Alice Purdum , arrived home , Tuesday ,
from visiting their mother , Mrs. Frank
Holbrook , in Colorado.
H. P. SUTTON , F. S. Vahue , L * W.
McConnell , Harry Barbazett .and H. W.
Cole went up the Imperial , this morn
ing , on a fishing excursion.
MRS. THOMAS CURRAN of Sheridan ,
Wyoming , who has been visiting Mrs.
J. J. Curran of our city since Tuesday ,
departed for her home , yesterday morn
ing on 2.
S. M. COCHRAN accompanied his wife
to Lincoln , Thursday morning , where
she will take baths and treatment in the
Lincoln sanitarium for rheumatism , with
which she has been practically helpless
for the past week.
GEORGE BELLOWS of Maryville , Mo. ,
fieldman for the Iowa Homestead , was
here , first of the week , looking over the
"White-Faces" down
magnificient - on
W. N. Rogers' famous Shadeland stock
farm. He thinks Red Willow county
has excuse for pride in containing such
a splendid herd of Herefords.
Lear sells drugs.
Burn Bulhird's wood.
Lear hells wall-paper.
A great leader Lo/ir.
Lear sells machine oil.
Lear sells prescriptions.
For stove wood go to Bullard's.
McMillen's for paints mid wall paper.
Billiard would like to sell you youc
wood. .
The latest nt McMillen's "Frozeu
Frappe. "
Mart Osborn is laid up with granulated
The freshest and best drugs are found
at Loar's.
For summer use nothing beats Bul
lard's wood.
Hammocks all prices at McMillen/s
drug store.
You can't beat Milliard's wood for
summer fires.
Cool , refreshing "Ginger Mint Phos
phate" at McMillen's.
The great eclipse continues the way
Loar's soda eclipses all others.
Cleanliness and purity at our fountain.
Gentlemen wanting rouins and board
should inquire opposite East school-
The South-eastern Nebraska G. A. Rl
district reunion will be held at Wymore ,
August 6-13.
Turner's Camping Club base-ball team
will play the Wauneta kid "club on
Thursday , August 2(1.
The report of the McCook CoOperative
tive Building and Savings association
appears in this issue.
Now is the time to buy your peaches ,
and Eller's is the place. Call and see
them before purchasing.
During the month of July , I will sell
Eldorado Castor Oil at 25 cents a gallon.
Have you seen our big stock of toilet
soaps ? It's immense.
"The Right Place" to call up is No. 12.
You are sure of getting just as choice
meats by phone as by personal inspec
To his already large landed possessions
on the Willow , William Doyle has re
cently added another section by pur
You know it ! Everist , Marsh & Co.
are at the head of the procession when
good meats are on parade. Try their
The August number of "Everybody's
Magazine" is on sale. Here you have
entertainment and instruction at low
price. Every story complete.
The East school building is being
painted by C. L. Walker , whom Janitor
Tom Rowell is rendering such assistance
as he can. The urgent need makes the
job a hard and difficult one.
If you are going to buy a quantity of
canned goods this year call at Eller &
Co.'s and get prices on their Batavia
goods , and remember that brand of goods
has no equal.
On account of the duties of the posi
tion taking him from his office duties
too much , Ray McCarl resigned as man
ager of the Athletic base-ball team , last
Friday evening. His successor has not
yet been chosen.
It is not a debatable question but one
of privilege to patronize Everist , Marsh
& Co. , when in quest of the best the
market affords in the meat line. They
are prompt and accommodating in the
bargain. Phone 12.
The Hammond brothers are getting
quite numerous as newspaper publishers
in this state. The latest is the Barr
Pilot by John Hammond , brother of A.
H. Hammond of Fairbury and James
Hammond of McCook. Printers' Auxil
iary , Omaha.
Adam Fisk , ( a brother of Sam Fisk ,
whose death will be recalled , ) was killed
at Cleburne , Texas , July I5th , in a rail
road accident. Adam was at one time
in the company's employ here. His re
mains were taken back east for inter
Preserving Jellies and Fruits.
Jellies and fruits sealed with pure par-
afine retain their natural , delicate flavor.
It's also elegant for catsup , pickles and
laundry purposes.
A. McMiLLEN. Druggist.
Pasture for twenty horses. Rate , $1.00
per month , W. E. CORWIN.
Hammocks all prices -at McMillen's
drug store.