The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 20, 1900, Image 7

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The Nine T.lttre Goblin * .
They all climbed up on a high board
Nine little goblins with green-glass
Nine little goblins that had no sense ,
And couldn't tell coppers from cold
mince pies ;
And they all climbed up on the fence
and sat ,
And I asked them what they were
staring at.
The first one said , as he scratched his
With a queer little arm that reach
ed out of his ear ,
And rasped its claws in his hair so red ,
"This is what this little arm is for ! "
And he scratched and stared ; and the
next one said :
"How on earth do you scratch your
head ? "
And he laughed like the screech of a
rusty hinge
Laughed and laughed until his face
grew black ;
And when he choked with a final
Of his stifling laughter , he thumped
his back
With a fist that grew on the end of his
Till the breath came back to his lips
so pale.
And the third little goblin leered
round at me
And there were no lids on his eyes
at all ;
And he clucked one eye , and he says ,
eays he :
"What is the style of your socks this
fall ? "
And he clapped his heels and I sighed
to see
That he had hands where his feet
should be.
Then a bold-faced goblin , gray and
grim ,
Bowed his head , and I saw him slip
His eyebrows off as I looked at him ,
And paste them over his upper lip ;
And he moaned in remorseful pain ;
"Would , ah ! would I'd my brows
again ! "
And then the whole of the goblin band
Rocked on the fence top to and fro ,
And clung in a long row , hand in hand
Singing the songs that they used to
Singing the songs that their grandsires -
sires sung
In the gro-gro days of the goblin
And then they kept their green-glass
Fixed on me with a stony stare ,
Till my own grew glazed with a dread
surmise ,
And my hat whooped up on my lift
ed hair.
And I felt the heart in my breast snap ,
. too ,
As you've heard the lid of a snuff box
And they sang "You're asleep ! There
is no board fence ,
And never a goblin with green-glass
eyes !
'Tis only a vision the mind invents
After a supper of cold mince pies ;
And you're doomed to dream this
way , " they said ,
"And you shan't wake up till you're
clean plum dead ! "
James Whitcomb Riley.
Jul s Vcrno at ironic.
What boy is there or what girl , for
that matter who has not sat entranc
ed over the wonderful adventure books
of Jules Verne ? They have been
translated into every language and de
voured by several generations of
young people all over the world.
Yet the veteran author is alive to
enjoy his wide fame , and to compose
T new books for the children of all lands.
He is now 75 years of age , hut he is
vigorous and upright still and has -all
the heart of youth.
"I can't climb trees myself any
more , " he said the other day , "but I
can enjoy seeing my grandchildren
climb them. And they are all glad to
play with the old man on the level
ground , where he is still good for
something. "
But the interviewer was able to judge
of that for himself. For at that mo
ment a small crowd of boys and girls
rushed out of the house into the gar
den where the old iran was talking to
his visitor. They poured down on the
veteran writer like an avalanche.stum-
bling over each other in their eager
ness to be first into his outstretched
hands. They were grandchildren and
nephews and nieces and grandnephews
and grandnieces all mixed up together ,
a dozen cr so of them , pouring out of
the classroom to play with the smil
ing patriarch.
Jules Verne is a very busy man. He
gets up every day with the sun , and
after a light breakfast works steadily
at his stories till 11 o'clock. That is a
very common lunch hour in France ,
and it is then that the children get the
first glimpse of "Papa Jules. " He
gathers round the table all the boys
and girls that he can get hold of ; the
little ones of the quiet , old-fashioned
town have all at one time or anotfier
had their place at his table and en
joyed his funny sayings and his litlla
bits of queer , suggestive 'Information.
* He Is not easily satisfied with his
work. Every book of his has been re
written several times before it has
finally reached the public. And he
never begins a book without studying
thoroughly and very deeply everything
that can make the subject familiar to
him. From about 12:30 to 5 every day
he spends in this kind of reading.keep-
ing himself thoroughly posted in all
sorts of new scientific discoveries and
expeditions and in the latest Informa
tion about newly explored and strange
lands. He reads , too , for purposes of
comparison stories of adventure in
several languages. He is especially
fond of the books of this kindin which
the English language is rich. M. Verne
has read "Robinson Crusoe" five or
six times , and can recite by heait
whole pages of "Treasure Island. " He
thinks "The Swiss Family Robinson"
one of the best boys' books ever writ
ten , and loves Fennimore Cooper.
Walter Scott's works are always with
in reach of his hand in his study , and
Captain Marryat's breezy sea stories
are almost worn away by long han
Jules Vc-rne is naturally very fond
of the Immense success his works have
had. He delights in the fact that he
possesses more than COO letters written
to him at various times by boys and
girls to express the pleasure they have
had In reading his books. These let
ters , which are all docketed and class
ed by the -author himself according to
the age of the writers and their na
tionality , make a very curious and in
teresting collection. There afe letters
in French , in Russian , in Italian , in
Spanish and in English. There is one
in Polish. The letters in English come
mostly from English colonies and from
the United States. One of the Ameri
can letters is from a little girl in Bal
timore , who writes to say that she
wishes she were a boy , so that she
might go under the sea in the Nau
tilus. And if she could , she adds , her
first voyage would be to Mr. Verne's
home , if he would like her to come.
Mr. Verne tells with a chuckle that he
wrote to his little correspondent , as
suring her that nothing would give
him more pleasure than to receive her
at his home , whether she came in the
Nautilus or down the chimney. But
he advised her to stay In Baltimore
and learn to be a good American lit
tle girl , for she could not be anything
better , however hard she tried.
The Famous Geese.
Quack , quack , quack ! What's all
this commotion ? Just a silly flock of
geese , and yet that foolish noise saved
a city.
There had been a great battle be
tween the Gauls and the Romans , and
the latter had suffered defeat. That
was nearly 2,300 years ago. That bat
tle took place on tha banks of the Riv
er Allia , eleven miles from the city of
Rome. A portion of the defeated army
took refuge in a little city called Veil.
The rest of the army fled to Rome and
took refuge in the capitol , which was
situated upon a hill , one side of which
was a precipice.
When the conquering Gauls entered
the city they found them safely forti
fied upon this hill. Being unable to
force them from their position , they
determined to starve them into capitu
lation , and began a siege.
The soldiers who fled to Veli wished
to communicate with their besieged
friends and offer them encouragement.
Pontius Cominius , a brave soldier , vol
unteered to carry the message.
Selecting a dark night , he swam
down the River Tiber , and climbing
up the almost inaccessible Capitoline
Hill , he delivered his message of cheer ,
and , taking back assurances of their
determination to hold out , he departed
the way he came.
His visit , however , came near prov
ing disastrous to his besieged brethren.
The Gauls s aw the prints of his feet
on the hillside , and this set them to
thinking. If one man could climb , up
that way why not a regiment ?
That night they tried it. The place
was considered so secure that no sen
tinels were posted. Up , up , crept the
soldiers it was slow and weary climb
ing till at last the foremost man put
his foot upon the top of the hill.
The Romans had devoured nearly
everything eatable in the citadel , ex
cept a flock of sacred geese , dedicated
to Juno. These fowls were housed in
the temple devoted to that deity , and
they set up a great quacking when the
enemy began to approach. The rever
ence and piety of the Romans were
rewarded. The geese , by their cries ,
awakened Marcus Manlius , who ,
sounding the alarm , rushed to the
spot where the foe was approaching
over the sharp brow of the hill , and ,
with the assistance of his comrades ,
dashed the Gauls down the precipice ,
killing all who had undertaken the
Shortly after this episode the Ro
man soldiers who had taken refuge in
Veil came to the assistance of their
brethren in Rome , and a desperate
battle was fought , in which , the Ro
mans were victorious , and the Gauls
were driven from tke city. Truly a
great result to come from so trifling a
thing as the outcry of a silly flock of
It is the man "who is trying to give
the earth away who gets it for him
is a jsa'Gisd aneS peerless
PGGQS'tfa Bt SS a PeGQFSi Of
qjisest OVGP ofest estate if/s
of woissssa/ ills that tieaS
out dfespaaffsuffering
that fM&my w&mees
is womass s Bsatui'aB
sUSsorsSei'S and ? s/ss-
that flrli/s osst
I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound |
these troulaSes of
women ? &S2S-3 votes
of its
wassssn ins-ssi iss
Qzst the safest sastS
advice ? fos * Mrs , ,
charge * Hea * as/e&e&s is
© ass assy w&sti&ss
to isjStQSQ atff
the asSvios tisat foss
s enaJHSoea wosasssra ?
The Wonder
of the Age
No Boiling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and crisp
as when first bought new.
Try a Sample Package.
You'll like it if you try it.
You'll buy it if you try it.
You'll use it if you try it.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
When the mist turns to rain the um-
biella is very often missed.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Your deposit in the savings bank is
an object of interest.
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Better throw stones at random rath
er than idle words.
Mrs. fVInsIow's Soothing Syrup.
"For children teething , softens the Rums , reduces In
flammation , allaye pain , cures wind colic. 23c a bottle-
A soft corn is nearly always a hard
thing to bear.
ITall's Cotarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price , Toes.
The golden rule must be a pure one ,
as it is seldom made to work both
Can \Voar Shoes.
One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder. It makes tight or new
shoes easy. Cures swollen , hotsweating ,
aching feet , ingrowing nails , corns and
bunions. All druggists and shoe .stores ,
25e. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmstod , LeRoy , N.Y.
Some men have no taste , but if the
color is all right they take chances
on it.
Care , worry and anxiety vrhlten the hair too early.
Renew It with PAUKKU'S HAIR 15 VLSAM.
s. the best cure for corns. 1 Sots.
Teplitz , a small watering place in
Bohemia , claims the honor of being
Gen. Cronje's birthplace.
Throw phvsic to the doff if .vou don't vrant
the dogs but if you want good digestion chew
Beemnn's Pepsin Guin.
"Filthy lucre" doesn't mean gold. It
means bank bills after they have been
in circulation for a dozen years.
Arc You Troubled with Dandruff ?
If so , get a bottle of Coke Dandruff Cure.
All druggists and barbars. SI.OJ.
Don't be too critical with other
people , that is to say. You can't be too
critical with yourself.
" \Vhon buying n package of ' 'Faultless
Starch" ask your grocer for the book of
humor that goes with it f re
"When a baby cries without shedding
any tears it is generally reasonably
safe to spank him.
Sunday is a day of strength ; the
other six are week days.
Are You Vulus Allen's Foot-EnnoT
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Theory may be well enough in its
way , but lawyers and physicians pre
fer practice.
Plso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of ao
a cough curc.-J. W. O'UuiKM , 3i ! Third Avc. ,
N. , Minneapolis , Minn. . Jan. C. 1000.
Steam may be a good servant , but
it occasionally blows up its master.
Lse Magnetic Starch It nas no equ l.
Wise is the individual who backs
his friends and faces his enemies.
If you have not tried Magnetic Staith
try it now. You will then use no other.
Foster us a Historian.
Ex-Secretary of Stale John "W. Fos
ter has just completed writing a work
on American history , which is to ap
pear next fall.
Salt in Knife and Pork Handles
Handles of forks and knives are
utilized for the storage of salt and
pepper under a new patent , each
handle being formed of a tube , which
has spring clips to hold' it on the
shank , with an internal reser'voir for
the salt or pepper , which is shakni
through the ends.
Hopeful as to ItcsultH.
Witham , the Georgia banker , and
his party of cashiers and pretty girls ,
left New York for the south the last
of the week. There have been no
marriages as the result of the irip ,
although it is understood that matri
mony was one of the objects of the
junket. There is the consolation of
knowing that seven engagements have
been made , however , and doubtless
the weddings will take place in Geor
gia in due time.
An Aerolite in Soak.
Pawnbrokers talcc some curious
pledges , but it is not often that they
receive one from another world. A
London pawnshop , however , exhibits
in its window as an unredeemed pledge
a magnificent carolite , a mass of fused
metal that fell , as it were , from heaven
to provide a poor man with his beer.
A ticket bears the statement that it
was brought from the arctic regions
by a sailor.
More than half the champagne sold
iu France in 1898 went to England.
United States courts in New Mexico
cost the government about § 75,000 a
High Itrntal for it Ilotol.
The Park Avenue hotel , at Fourth
avenue and Thirty-third street , New
York , has passed into new manage
ment. It was leased last week for ten
years for nearly $1,000,000. This ren
tal is 25 per cent more than wns paid
for the last ten years. The edifice was
built by Alexander T. Stewart , who
Intended It for a we man's hotel. It
has been a quietly fashionable hostelry
for a nuniebr of years.
It is estimated that the number of
Germans and their descendants in the
United States is 15,000,000.
By a recent militia order British In
fantry batalious will henceforth be
A man of nmny calling * the hucks
j A son of Li liuiiK Chang IB to outer
the Harvard Law school next fall.
Get Your Pension
V/rltc CAI'T. O'PARRELL. Pen lnn Aifent.
1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C.
? 5i S.M 9S ' ? ? : .
0 Pff' n nt ; an
" 8 Kind You Have
yt- * _ > ? M r iv
. vfcgdable
.r PrcparalionforAs -
similating UieFocd andRcg da
ting ihe Stomachs andBowes ! of
Promotes Digcslion.Chcerfur-
ness andResl.Conlciins neither
Opium.Morpliine norXuieral.
flotilla Selit
1'iSiUiyrprn. rtavui
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipn-
llon , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca
Worms .Convulsions .Feven sh-
ness encl Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
. .
He thinks he lives , but he's a dead
one. No person is really alive whose
liver is dead. During the winter
most people spend nearly all their time
in warm , stuffy houses or offices or
workshops. Many don't get as much
exercise as they ought , and everybody
knows that people gain weight in-
winter. As a rule it is not sound
weight , but means a lot of flabby fat
and useless , rotting matter staying in
the body when it ought to have been
driven out. But the liver was over
burdened , deadened stopped work. There
you are , with a dead liver , and spring is the
time for resurrection. Wake up the dead !
Get all the filth out of your system , and get
ready for the summers trials with clean , clear blood , body , brain free from bile. Force
is dangerous and destructive unless used in a gentle persuasive way , and the right plan
is to give new strength to the muscular walls of the bowels , and stir up the liver to new
life and work with CASCARETS , the great spring cleaner , disinfectant and bowel tonic.
Get a box to-day and see how quickly you will be
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS v/e will send a box free. Address
Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago or New York , mentioning advertisement and paper. 424
5C Ibs. 54.85. Fine Ch5 Santos Coffee , IO Ibs. 37c. We can save yon bin tnonoy
perlb. V/E DO NOT SELL Iron Beds by the lb. , but this Is what our S2.5O Iron Bed vrould cost per Ib. If. O3 Coffee. We bought this before the advance , reveral carioa/ls "r Ir and are scHin our customers ihe bent-sit
sold that way. Weotter blRvalues inall kinds of furniture. Send for our mammoth new Furniture Catalogue
containing Wholesale Prices on all Kinds Of Furniture. Three piece Hardwood Chamber Suits ,
SI 2.SO. Oak Suits lor S I 4.25. Iron liedj from S2.5O "P- Full size Coaches upholstered in Velotlr or
Loi-duroy.S5.OO. Thoasandsof these Couches have been sold by us and every one satisfactory. We have a handled by REGISTERED PHARMACISTS. Al ! kind * of Patent Medicine- vrbole-mi ? nrirf.
COMPLETE LINE or Extension TablesBook Cases. Library Tables Chiffoniers , CupboardsSideboards , fniners. We will send ym this catalogue free for the a > kir.r and t * will' .veyon f/lORE MONEY than ar >
"Wardrobe * . Dining Koom Furniture , la fact ANY ARTICLE needed to furnish your home. Send for free Investment von no ixxis are sold at the profit that dre s ar . 5O-PNNY V/IRE NAILS
Furniture Catalogue , size 9MxlSX. containing 100 pages. We can save you at least 25 per cent oa your purchases. S2.37. THIS IS A SPECIAL BARGAIN COKSIDSKIHC Pf ? 3HNT MARKET VALUE !
For other prices bee 22-page tree pnca list. We have a err fji o'ebovc sizes B-jrcaJn-i ii Barb l v/in *
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
Perhaps men could understand
women better if they didn't try so
Magnetic btarch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Getting up a concert is a sound un-
IfaKIIcted to o eyes , Twf , TtiomiisoiTs Eye Water.
j W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 29 1900
Best Corjrh Syrnp. TasteeGood.
In tltuc. Sold br dnnrzleta.