M'COOK TRIBUNE. 7. M. KIMMELL , Publlihcr. McCOOfc , - - NEBRASKA BRIEF TELEGRAMS. Over 1,000,000 acres of wheat in Man- Itoha are ruined. Four Russian ambassadors are con ferring in Paris. A big hall' storm tore up things gen erally in Idaho. The recent rains hav3 inundated the streams in Georgia. The Mexicans are planning to crush the Yaquis entirely. Admiral Frederick Maxse of the British navy is dead. Oriental advices say gold has been j found in the Philippines. J. H. Stillson , who was shot by St. Louis strikers May 29 , is dead. General Joe Wheeler says he will ' < have nothing to do with politics. i The treasury department has issued ! a new five dollar silver certificate. The Illinois democrats named Sam uel Alschuler of Aurora for governor. ! The yellow jack isn't quite so preva lent in Havana , General Lee reports. 1 The Ninth infantry has left for Ma- i nila to help lick the wild-eyed celes tials. The recent heavy rains have created great havoc in the vicinity of Lusk , Wyo. A large number of patriotic Chicagoans - goans are enlisting to fight the festive Boxer. The railroad employees of Colorado held their first annual convention at Pueblo. i Captain Carter will make another , detperate effort to get a rehearing cf hi ; , case. A couple of enterprising burglars were scared out while at work at Cheyenne. The United States is again insisting that Turkey must dig up that indem nity coin. John Fitzgerald of Chicago nov. claims the handball championship of the world. Arthur Edgerton Bateman of Wash ington , D. C. , a well known stock brok er , is dead. Frank Bonn of Sioux City wa stabbed to death at Milwaukee by i colored woman. The knedive of Egypt , who has been suffering from diphtheria In England , Is getting better. It develops that five lives , instead of one , were lost in the mine explosion at Champion , Mich. The Henley regatta , which takes place in London July 4 , 5 and 6 , has several foreign entries. The sheriff's posse in St. Louis has been let out and-doves of peace are floating around in flocks. General Wood has fully indorsed General Lee's course in closing several saloons at Quemadas , Cuba. Lieutenant Roy Harper of the Seventh cavalry , has been ordered to prepare for service in China. Pittsburg was the warmest place in the United States according to the government observers' report. A new independent tobacco' company has purchased the Detroit plant of the Continental Tobacco company. Admiral Watson Is copying after Dewey , and is coming home by the Suez canal and the Mediterranean. Estes G. Rathbone , director of the Cuban posts , has been removed from office by Postmaster General Smith. The city of Cologne was struck by a cyclone and considerable havoc was done. Several persons were Injured. Henry LIneout , aged 81 , who Is be lieved to be the oldest railroad con ductor in the world , died at St. Paul , Minn. , this week. Native laborers in Cuba are on a strike because they claim that Ameri cans are paid higher wages for the same kind of work. H. H. Duffield , a Chicago broker , was taking a large sum of money to the bank. When he frisked himself , he found he was shy just $55,000. The Prussian government has offer ed 33,000 marks as a reward for the discovery of the murderer of a boy named Weston , who was tiie victim of a ritual murder. General Wheeler haa assumed com mand of the department of the Ink's. The naval board has recommended superimposed turrets for three of the new battleships. A great many of the nulpits in Edin burgh were occupied by American delegates to the world's W. C. T. U. convention. Dr. Kenyoun , federal health officer at San Francisco , has been arraigned for contempt , for alleged violation of an injunction issued by United States Circuit Judge Morrow. The democrats of the Fifth congres sional district of Arkansas , have taken 1,000 ballots for a congressman without effect. The Rough Riders down in Okla homa are preparing to fight San Juan and El Caney all over again when Teddy arrives. Editor Wishold Keifgeber or the Ga- zeta Ostrowski , published at Oslrowa , province of Posen , Poland , Is being tried for high treason , because he ad vocated the restoration of the king dom of Poland. The London Express says the aged queen of Ofesu is the cause of the Asa- anti rebellion. The Kansas contributions to the In dia relief fund has been sent from Topeka - peka to New York. The amount was $15,000. It is probable that the labor college in America , to be endowed by British workingmen , will be established at New York. Emperor William has sent a letter of congratulation to the American Evan gelical church. The coroner's jury in the case of the Ei. Lcuis strikers who were shot in ? e fight with the deputies recently , ; Silas returned a verdict that tue men were killed unjustifiably , } 3ut by , parties unknown. , Record of the Last Six Days at the Front GIVEN IN CONDENSED FORM , Buller Occupied Standerton , Capturlnjr Jtnllxvuy Kolllnu Stock Heidelberg Taken , and Hours Chased Seven Uoer Defeat \Vyn\tcrg. . Monday , JUIIE 2C. Clements defeated Boers at Wyn- berg. Tuesday , June 26. Lord Roberts failed to report his latest movements against the Beers , but London believed a battle was in progress in the Free State. Dr. Reitz said annexation of Boer territories would mean enslavement of burghers to pay cost of war to British. Cape Colony north of Orange river is quiet. Last force of Boers surrendered on June 20. Kruger is not in good health. "Wednesday , Juno 27. The Boers still fight. It is stated an agreement exists between the forces of the two republics not to submit in dividually while both of them have an army in the field. It is rumored that President Steyn has forced his way through Gen. Ruudle's lines south ward. Thursday , June 28. Boers are said to be urging Presi dent Kruger to surrender on promise of parole. Fighting continues in South Africa. Within four days Boers sur rendered 4.000 rifles. British won two small fights. Friday June 29. British official in the house of com mons admits soldiers in South Africa suffered severe hardship and ascribes suffering to a faulty military system. Attack on a British convoy by Boers repulsed , the English losing fourteen killed and fifty wounded. Roosevelt is negotiating for a house. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Flour Winter patents , $4.204.40 : straights , $4@4.10 ; special brands , hard spring patents , $5 ; soft bakers' , export bags , $2.40@2.85 ; rye , J2.90@3.10. Winter Wheat No. 2 red , t. o. b. , 8 < % < g87Vfcc ; No. 3 red , 82gS5c ; No. 2 hard , 82c ; No. 3 hard , SOc. Spring AVheat No. 1 northern , S5c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . 82yj.g82c ; No. 4 , 80@81c. Corn No. 2 , 41&c ; No. 2 yellow , &Ac ; No. 3 , 41ic ; No. Z yellow , 42c ; No. 4 , 41c. Oats No. 3 , 25'/4ig-26 4c ; No. 3 white , 27c ; No. 2 , 2526 > ic. Provisions Mess pork , regular , J12.30@ 12.75. Lard , regular , $6.5@ .87 % ; old. J6.75 © 6.85. Short rib sides , $ G.S5@7.10. Pickled hams , 12 Ibs , 1010V4c ; 1C Ibs , % @ % ; picnic hams. C7c ; bellies , SMiS c ; smoked hams , 10.llc ( ; skinned hams , ll'/i ® llc ; shoulders , 77'/fcc ; picnic hams , % @ % ; short rib sides , /4@7c ; rough sides , 771/ c ; short clear sides , 7 % @ 7c. Dressed meats Beef , 5 } @ 8c ; hogs , 6i4@GM.c ; sheep , 4l7J. c ; lambs , 8@13c per Ib. Ib.Hay Choice timothy , $11.5012 ; No. 1. $10611 ; No. 2 , J9SD.50 ; No. 3 , S7@9 ; choice prairie , $8.509 ; No. 1. ? 7S ; No. 2 , $6@7 ; No. 3 , J5.50@6 ; No. 4 , $55.50. Beans Pea , hand picked. $2.102.12 per bu ; medium , J2.05@2.08. Butter Extra creamery. 18 % @ 19c ; firsts , 17t&ft < lSc ; seconds , /617c. . Berries Strawberries , Michigan , 16-quart case , 75cS$1.65 ; Racine berries , $1.251.ia. Red raspberries , ? 2.25 < ff2.75 for 24 pints. Black raspberries , $1.50@1.75 for 24 pints , $2.DO < g2.75 ! for 24 quarts. Blackberries , $1.25@2 for 24 quarts. Blueberries , $1.75 < fi2 for 16 quarts. Cheese Full cream , twins , new , 9M@9c ; daisies , 10 , ic ; Young America , 10 4c. Wool Illinois , West Mich igan and Eastern Iowa , line unwashed fleece , 181i20c ; medium unwashed , 20Ji22c ; coarse unwashed , 18@20c ; Minnesota , Kan sas , Westein Iowa and Dakota , coarse , 17@I8c. Poultry Live turkeys , good to choice , CgG c per Ib ; gobblers , 5' c ; chickens , So for hens ; springs , 12 < 519c ; roosters , 5c per Ib ; ducks , old , 771c ( ; spring , ll < 512c ; geese , $3.0004.50 per doz. Iced Turkeys , choice , 7c ; fair , Ge ; chick ens , hens , 8@S c ; geese , 5tZGc ; ducks , 5@ Sc. Veals Carcasses weighing 50@ 0 Ibs , 7c , and 100@110 Ibs , 9c. Potatoes New Triumphs , 50@Glc per bu ; sacked , early Ohio , 5G@59c per bu , and $1.40@1.BO per bu ; peerless , $1.63@1.75 per bu. Cattle Native shipping and export steers , $4.505.G5 ; dressed beef and butchers' steers , $4.50(0' ( 530 ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. f3.65@4.SO ; stockers - ers and feeders , § 3.404.75 ; cows and heifers , $25. ll'ogs Pigs and lights , $5.20 @ 5.25 ; packers , $5.15Jj'5.o5 ; butchers , $5.25Jp J.GJ. Sheep Native muttons , $44.75 ; Iambs , $ C7 ; culls and bucks , $3@J. Illinois Prohibition Ticket. At the First Regimenc armory in Chicago the Illinois prohibitionists nominated the following ticket : For governor , Visscher Vere Barnes , Lake county ; lieutenant-governor , John A. Henderson , Randolph county ; Might Overrun tlio World. Lord Wolseley , in an interview pub lished in London , says : "China pos sesses every requisite for overrunning the world. She has a population of 400,000,000 , all speaking the same language or dialect , readily under stood from one end of the empire to the other. She has enormously de veloped wealth and still more enor mous natural wealth awaiting devel opment. Her men , if properly drilled and led , are admirable soldiers. They are plucky and able to live on next to nothing. Moreover , they are absol utely fearless of death. Begin with the foundation of millions upon mil lions of such soldiers as these men are capable of being made and tell me if you can where the end will be. " Escaped Lion Causes J'uiilc. At Milwaukee , Wis. , a lion es caped from its cage at the Coney Island menagerie and frightened the pleasure seekers in the park % The at tendants were teasing the beast by of fering meat and then snatching it away , when the lion dashed so violent ly against the bars that the cage fell over and freed the animal. It knocked over the kamgaroo , but could not reach the men , for they all climbed tent poles. Then the lion ran through the park , where people were drinking beer. The women fainted and the men climbed trees. The cowboys in the show chased the king of beasts , lassoed seed it and dragged it back to its cage. Michigan Republican Ticket. The Republicans of Michigan in con vention at Grand Rapids , Thursday , nominated the following ticket : For governor , Aaron T. Bliss of Saginaw - inaw ; for lieutenant-governor , 0. W. Robinson of Hough ton ; for secretary of state , Fred M. Warner of Farming- ton ; for state treasurer , Daniel Mc Coy of Grand Rapids ; for auditor , Perry F. Powers of Cadillac ; for at torney-general , H. M. Oren of Sault Ste. Marie ; for land commissioner , Ed ward Wildley of Pawpaw ; for school superintendent , Deles Fall of Albion ; for member board education , James H Thompson of Osceola. CEYLON , EXILE HOME OF BOER PRISONERS , BO' 90 ° THE ISLAND OF CEYLON , SHOWING HAPPY VALLEY. The Boer prisoners taken in the war with Gicat Britain are to be deported to the island of Ceylon , one of the Asiatic possessions of the queen. The island is a little more than half as big as New York state , and it has about half as many inhabitants , mostly Sin- galese. It is a representative colony , and the garrison numbers about 1,600 men. Tne Boers who. as a people , are said to bank on their God-fearing qual ities will find themselves lonely as not more than a tenth of the popula- Death of Martin J. Knssell. Martin J. Russell , editor of the Chicago cage Chronicle , died at Mackinac Is land , Mich. , Tuesday. At 19 he became a reporter on the old Chicago Evening Post Within a year he was city ed itor , and served for two years. In 1873 he went over to Wilbur F. Storey's Times , where he became a paragrapher in the days when to be a paragraph writer for the Times was to call from a man all that was in him of invective , force and satire. It was in this old school of journalism that Martin J. Russell was graduated. When the old Times had passed into history Mr. Rus sell , with Horatio W. Seymour , found ed the Chicago Chronicle. Mr. Russell became president of the company and editor-in-chief of the paper. Under President Cleveland he served one term as collector of customs at Chica go. Brought In n Desperado. A posse arrived at Globe , Ariz. , with a heavily ironed Mexican who is believed to be one of the gang of four which killed two station keepers at New River Wells , robbed a stage coach and committed numer ous other depredations two weeks ago. Officers refuse to talk , but there is reason to believe they came upon the gang and killed three. Killed by Cigarette Smoke. Charles Krackaka , a young man , met Lhe most peculiar death that has ever ieen recorded in Philadelphia. He went to Willow Grove park to attend ; he concert given there nightly by Damrosch's orchestra , A cigarette smoker puffed smoke in the face of Krackaka , who was taken with a vio- ent paroxysm of coughing , the blood unning from his mouth , and in a few nlnutes he was dead. The man who vas smoking the cigarette escaped luring the excitement , and his identi- .y is unknown. tion profess Christianity. Yet the place to which the Boers by thousands are to be sent is so beautiful that it is called the Happy Valley , or , in Singalese , the Diyatzala- wa Valley. The English say the clim ate there is perfection. The Happy Valley is at the Bandarawela nd of the great Haputale Valley. Just now tKe site selected is barren ground , but buildings will be put up to accommo date the prisoners from South Africa. The locality has been inspected by the secretary of state , Benjamin A. Rad- ford , Woodford county ; auditor , James A. Stone , Sangamon county ; attorney general , Frank S. Regan , Winnebago county ; treasurer , Henry C. Tunison , Morgan county ; trustees of the state university , Elvir S. Stewart , Chicago , J. E. Bettinger , Fulton county , Mrs. Clara Harford , Grundy county ; elec- tors-at-large , W. P. Throgmorton , Du Quoin , Henry M. Bannen , Rockford. The platform adopted , besides de ploring the evils arising from the sale of liquor , condemns the national ad ministration for its maintenance of the army canteen system , points to the fact that the consumption of liquor is increasing in Cuba , the Philippines , and Porto Rico , and calls on all for support in the fight of the party to suppress the evils named. Illinois Democratic Ticket. For governor , Samuel Alschuler of Kane county ; for lieutenant governor , Elmer A. Perry of Brown ; for state treasurer , Millard F. Dunlap of Mor gan ; for secretary of state , James F. O'Donnell of McLean ; for attorney gen eral , James Todd of Cook ; for auditor , George B. Parsons of Gallatin ; for university trustees , Julia Holmes Smith of Cook , Charles W. Bliss of Montgomery , Joseph Schwartz of War ren. W. C. T. U. Klects Officers. The World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union congress re-elected the president , Lady Henry Somerset , and the other officers. Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens of Maine was elected an addi tional vice-president. The congress heartily approved the action of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of America relative to the temple in Chicago , and a greeting was cabled to the two mothers of the crusade movement , Mrs. Stewart of Springfield , Ohio , and Mrs. Thomson of Hillsboro , Ohio. officials of the colony , and work er < this has begun. The first thing to b done was to convert the footpath from the station to the site , a mile and a half distant , into a cart path. There is a natural lake at the foot of the valley which can supply all the watei necessary for washing purposes though not for drinking , and a prac tically unlimited supply can be drawn from the streams above the valley Fifty buildings over 100 feet long wil be built , each one of which will ac commociate about 100 men. AVoman Kills "With a Ka/or. Presumably inspired by jealousy , Miss Jessie Morrison , Eldorado , Kan. attacked her successful rival , Mrs. Olin Castleformerly Miss Clara Wiley during the absence of Mr. Castle , and inflicted wounds with a razor which proved fatal. After killing Mrs. Castle Miss Morrison ran to her home and turned the bloody blade to her own throat. She is still alive , but her wound is probably fatal. Hex Is in Milwaukee. Rex arrived at Milwaukee Tuesday , and as his visit wa& anticipated there were thousands at the wharf and along the streets to greet'him. It was the opening day of the third annual carnival , and the coming of Rex , who is supposed to have great quantities of fun stored away somewhere in his clothes , was the first real event on the program. The carnival closes Fri day night. Xatlve Troops Go to Aslianti , The English government has re ceived dispatches from Ashanti indi cating that the relief of Kumassi should be accomplished this week. About S50 men of the British central African forces sailed on June 22 for Ashanti , where they will be employed to quell the rising. Excursion Train in a AVreck. The west-bound Chicago & Alton passenger train dashed into the excur sion train of the St. Louis Sunday School Superintendents' union , laden with 400 people Tuesday morning at the east approach of the Merchants' bridge. Two of the coaches , crowded with women and children , were thrown from the track and overhung the top ofi an embankment thirty-five feet high. A panic ensued , but the occu pants were all taken from the over turned cars in safety. None were in jured Severe Battles in the Empire of China. MANY NATIONS TAKE A HAND , Combined Force of 3.KOO Men Ent-ered Tleii-Tisin Concentrated Movement Upon I'ckhi llelgu of Terror la Now Feared. Monday. June 25. Rear Admiral Kempff reported com bined forces of 3,500 men entered Tien- Tsin Saturday with small loss. They started Sunday to relieve Admiral Seymour's troops , believed to be sur rounded near Pekin. Japanese report of Seymour's capture and departure of ministers under Chinese escort to place of safety. President McKinley refused Chinese minister's request for armistice and recall of troops. Powers will treat China as if it had no gov ernment. Ambassador Choate's con ference with Lord Salisbury showed England and America in accord. Lieut.-Gen. Miles may be sent to China , as he would outrank any army officer there. Troops will be rushed from Manila and others sent from America to take their places. United States may have to furnish 10,000 men. Shanghai believes worst has happened to legations at Pekin and to Seymour's force. No authentic news from Pekin since June 14. Concert of powers is now formal. Tuesday , June 30. Brig.-Gen. Chaffee has been ordered to proceed at once to Pekin and as sume command of American military forces in China. Residents of Can ton fear a worse uprising than has been shown in Chinn except during the Tai-Ping rebellion. Missionaries in southern Chinese centers have been warned and are fleeing for their lives. Heliograph communication established with Admiral Seymour , who is sur rounded by Chinese , and sends urgent request for iclief. Legations with him are safe. Americans were first in Tien-Tsin. Powers may sei-e Shang hai. Wednesday , June t7. Confusing dispatches reach London regarding Admiral Seymour's party. Relief forces left Tien-Tsin Monday , but somewhat disturbing reports are received as to their success. Emperor William , with Italy and Austria as allies , is reported to be planning war against the yellow race and is sending a great army to China. Thureday , June 88. Admiral Seymour's force fought fif teen days on quarter rations and lost sixty-two killed and 312 wounded be fore rescue. Chinese forced him to turn back before reaching Pekin. Czar is said to plan retaining dowa ger empress in control for his benefit. Rumor that all Russian troops are to be mobilized. Empress dowager announced burn ing of palace at Pekin by Chinese troops on June 16. Ninth infantry sailed from Manila. War department received many offers of troops. Russian general and 1G,000 foreign troops are now marching to Pekin. Powers are believed to be averse to a general war with China. Whereabouts of foreign ministers unknown. Minister Conger has not been heard from and Washington authorities are uncertain whether a state of war or mere rioting exists in China. Friday , June 29. Seymour lost sixty-two killed and wounded , of whom four killed and twenty-five wounded were Americans. Boxers fought advance at every vil lage. Expedition saved from starva tion because Americans took two weeks' rations , while others had them tor only five days. Powers said to have agreed Russia and Japan shall provide 12,000 soldiers each , great Brit- lin 10,000 , France 8,000 , and Germany , \merica and other powers 5,000 each. Battleship Oregon is reported to have ; one ashore fifty miles north of Che- 'oo. A ship has been sent from Shang hai to its relief. Viceroys of Nankin md Hankow submitted conditions ipon which foreigners would be pro- ected. Russia is anxious to avoid ap- ) earance of unfriendly attitude toward ? hina. No news of Pekin's fate. Mysterious Loses on a Foul. At the Broadway Athletic Club , New fork , Jimmy Handler of Newark was iwarded the decision on a foul over 'Mysterious ' Billy" Smith of New York n the fifteenth round. It was a vicious lattle , and another punch by either nan would have brought it to a con- lusion without the referee's interfer- nce. " Trinidad Vexed nt Delay. News is received that Trinidad is issatisfied with the delay in the rat- fication of the treaty with the United tates and that the legislative coun- il has passed a resolution declining to gree to the delay and setting forth iiat it considers itself at liberty to lake other arrangements. Woman Jumps to Her Death. At Peoria , 111. , Mrs. Janette Dens- erger , 35 years of age. jumped om their third-floor flat. She landed n her head on the stone pavement. : er neck was broken and her skull lashed to a pulp. Slain hy an Assassin. Gabriel Green , who on the 8th of st January shot and killed his cou- n , Louis Wiesner. on Main street in Sevens Point , Wis. , was himself the ctim of an assassin's bullet. Green as 70 years old. -SB * . A Literary Flphter. 1.V .V LondoruChroni Matabele war was the cle's correspondent. Graduate. Coolcy Not n succeeds Dr. Edwin G. Cooley , who of the beau E. Benjamin Andrews as college Is not ia Chicago public schools , l rne * though a lege graduate , and late rather man , began his education in life. \ Cook "at yourself I Is your face I covered with pimples ? Your skin rough and blotchy ? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They I cure constipation , biliousness , and f dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Want your mouatache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 80 rr . or PHU&OH" . OB B. f. HtLl A Co. N MU , N. H. Cut tnlo out. It opp . or but one * ACHMOTOR CO.O1ICAO 5 o o a&LZo- - if a Z 5 o o a g. SE3 3.2 1 c Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. If afflicted with . use f Thompsons Eye Water. JOKIV W.MOKRI5L , Was ! iinitoii , B.C. . , _ _ _ - . - . . Prosecutes Claims. [ Late Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Eureau. J v rs. in civil war. 15 aOjuJitatitis claims , atty miictv Get Your Pension ! DOUBLE QUICK Write C PTO'PARRELL. . Pension Agent. 1425 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C. I of Rootbier ore best for n eprlne tonlc-and for beverage. 5 gaiioci for J5 cent , , write for n Bummer * * rxs i list of premium * oflerecl free for label , . Charles E. Hires Co. VV--- * Malvcrn.Po. iti-J Stircl The Wonder of the Age w Boiling No Cooking t Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods it Polishes the Goods It makes all prarrnents fresh and cri Sp s when first bought new. Try a Sample Package. ' ou'H like it if you try it ' You'll buy it if you trv It " USe ! t i So'd ' by all Grocers. / . N. U.-OAIAHA. oT I ; .fr