The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 29, 1900, Image 8

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Mrs.V. . N'7 Orally is > slowly imnrovinfj.
Sly visited in Hex Elder , auiulny.
Harvest is nearly liere , and the crops look
( inc.
May Thompson was the guest of the Misses
Sly.Jast week.
Sjisie Wallace oflndianola was a Sunday
guest of the Slys. .
E. A. Dodce is entertaining II. D. P.unily
and wife of Bedford , Iowa.
A number of the young people of this neigh
borhood expect to celebrate the Fourth in
Cedar bluffs.
Last Monday was Jacob Pickrell's 50th
birthday , and a number 6f his neighbors and
friends made the anniversary pleasant and
worth" remembering by surprising him at the
noon hour , well provisioned for a substantial
dinner , which was spread' and enjoyed by all.
May his days-be long.
Neglect is the short > tep so many takc from
a cough or cold to consumption. The early
use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless remedv
that gives immediate results. It cures all
throat and lung tioubles. Children all like it
and mothers endorse it. D.V. . Loar.
* The citizens of Lawrence , Kansas , have pe
titioned the council .to have the sidewalks I
widened. And that is a banner prohibition J
town , too.
Restores vim , vigor , mental and physical
power _ , fills your body with warm , tingling
life. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does.
35c. Ask your druggist.
Reports show that over fifteen hundred
lives have been saved through the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were
i cases of grippe , croup , asthma , whooping
cough , bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early
tfe prevents consumption. D.V. . Loar.
The new State bank building is about ready
for occupancy.
Alia llager has been spending a week or so
in the big red stand-pipe town , visiting Virgie
TllKTRinuNKis always read with interest
by its Indianola readers , who recognize it as
the real thing.
Little Colonel Sammy now threatens to go
down to Lincoln and with his little office
broom clean out the Pop supreme court. The
colonel might do more heroic service with his
office towel ; or , peradventure , with Colonel
Cecil's leather lungs and adamantine gall.
All failing , he might "do" the court with
Colonel Com fort's "ego" of third-term fame.
The old town is arranging for a Fourth of
July celebration of enjoyable particulars : Rev.
J. b. Calhoun will deliver the oration of the
day ; good music , both vocal and instrumental ,
will be provided ; there will be sports galore ,
horse races , foot races , sack races , catching
greased pig and a game of base-ball between
two of the leading clubs in South-western
Nebraska ; and a grand ball in Beardslee's
hall in the evening. Liberal purses will be
hung up. Low rates will be given on the
railroads. You are all invited to come and
bi ing your baskets with you and enjoy a pic
nic in the grove.
A Life and Death Fight.
W. A. Mines of Manchester , la. , writing of
of his almost miraculous escape from death ,
says : "Exposure after measles induced seri
ous lung trouble , which ended in consump
tion. I had fiequent hemorrhages and coughed
night and day. All my doctors said I must
. = 0011 die , when I began to use Dr.King's New
Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds
have used it on my advice , and all say it never
fails to cure throat , chest and lung troubles. "
Regular size TOc and Si. Trial bottles free at
McConnell & .Berry's drug store.
The Kind You Have Always Bought , and wliicli lias been ,
in use for over SO years , lias Tborne tlie signature of
and lias been made under liis per
sonal supervision , since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CA :
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Pare
goric , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always
fin Use For Over 30 Years.
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Per
sons with indigestion are already half starved.
They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon eat so the
body can be nourished- while tfie worn out or
gans are being reconsti ucted. It is the only
preparation known that will instantly relieve
and completely cure all stomach troubles.
Try it if you are suffering ftom indigestion.
It will certainly do you good. D.V. . Loar.
Ex-Gov. Taylor of Kentucky will engage in
the insurance business in Indianapolis , \\here
he'will in future reside.
\V. S. Whedon , cashier of the Fiist National
bank of Winterset , Iowa , in a recent letter
gives some experience with a carpenter in his
employ that will be of value to other mechan
ics. He says : "I had a carpenter working for
me who was obliged to stop work for several
days on account of being troubled with diar
rhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been
similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had
cured me. He bought a bottle of it fro'm the
druggist here and informed me that one dose
cured him and he is again at his work. " For
sale by McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
In considering the statement of a Chinese
official always use the salt-shaker liberally.
Ivy poisoning , poison wounds , and all other
accidental injuries may be quickly cured by
using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is also
a certain cure for piles and skin diseases.
Take no other. D.V. . Loar.
bmall in size and great in results are De-
Witt's Little Early Risers , the famous little
pills that cleanse the liver and bowels. They
clo not gripe. D. W. Loar.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB
UNE , \ve have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press $1 oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly 400 300
Prairie Farmer oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean oo 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. oo 150
New-York Tribune oo 125
Demorest's Magazine oo i 75
Toledo Blade oo 125
Nebraska Farmer oo 150
Iowa Homestead oo 145
Lincoln Journal oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture oo 150
Hew-York World oo I 65
Omaha Bee oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine oo I 86
St. Louis Republic oo i 75
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 I 25
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 I 15
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published ; at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured.
"At one time I suffered from a severe sprain
of the ankle , " says Geo. E. Gary , editor of the
Guide , Washington , Va. "After using several
well recommended medicines without success
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm , and am
pleased to say that relief came as soon as I
began its use and a complete cure speedily
followed. " Sold by McConnell & JJerry.
* * " There's
no reflection 50
| . dainty , no light so
charming as the
mellow glow that
comes from
Wax Dandles
Prepared m many color tints
to harmonize with snr-
TOtmdings in dining
room , drawing room ,
bed room or bnll. Hold
everywhere , filado by
' Corn is growing very fast.
Mr. and Mrs II. U. Bundy from Bedford ,
Iowa , are here visiting E. A. Dodge and look
ing at the country with a view of locating
The J. J. Grundy quarter has been sold to a
gentleman from Louisiana , a German ,
who has moved onto the place with his
A Monster Devil Fish
Destroying its victim is a type of constipa
tion. The power of this malady is felt on or
gans , nerves , muscles and brain. But Dr.
King's New Life Pills are-a safe and certain
cure. Best : n the world for stomach , liver ,
kidneys and bowels. Only 250 at McConnell
& Berry's drug store.
A Kentucky man is seeking for the vice-
presidential nomination on the Prohibition
ticket. He must be either a new resident of
that state or a budding humorist of no mean
Thou hast strange notions for one so young
a substitute to think that thou art the same as
Rocky Mountain Tea , made by the Madison
Medicine Co. 350. Ask your druggist.
If you are troubled with that most uncom
fortable disease called piles , don't neglect it.
Don't let the complaint get a firm hold. Ev
ery day the disease is neglected it grows
worse. Commence at once to use Tabier's
Buckeye Pile Ointment ; the relief is immedi
ate , and cure infallible. Price. 50 cents in
bottles , tubes , 75 cents. A. McMillen.
Notice is hereby Riven that whereas , while in
session Juno 10th , 1900 , the report having come
to the attention of the county commissioners of
nn accident of rather 11 terions nature , canned
by horses becoming frightened nt a sign or ad
vertisement attached to a bridfjo on a public
road iu this county , the commissioners deem it
a duty they owe to tlu > traveling public to notify
all partiua who have s-igus painted or tacked erin
in any way attached to any bridge in the'public
highway iu this county to remove the same
without delay. R. A. GKECX.
6i4t Comity Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between Mary L. Gufltiuy
and E. W. Hendrick under the name and style
of "The McCook Steam Laundry' ' i. this day
di-solved by mutual consent. All debts due the
old lirm will be paid to the new linn of GafTney
and Ilcnhart , who assume all liabilities of the
old firm.
Dated this Mi day of June. 1900.
6-fe4ts M. L. GAFrxcY.
E. W.
Know all men by these presents : That we , AY.
S. Perry , J. A. Gnnn , C. E. Pope , J. F. Kenjon
and Frank Carruth do associate ourselves to
gether for the purpose of forming and becoming
a corporation in the State of Nebraska for the
transaction of the business hereinafter de
scribed :
(1. ( ) The name of this corporation shall be
the McCook Lead and Zinc Mining Company.
The principal place of transacting its business
-hall be in McCook , Red Willow county. Ne
(2. ( ) The nature of the business shall be the
purchasing , leasing , sub-leasing , and selling
mining.lands and properties ; the leasing and
promoting of mining properties and companies ,
and any and all kinds of mines and mining ; the
acquiring of such real estate as shall be for the
interests of the corporation , either by purchase ,
lease or otherwise ; the purchase and sale of
mining materials and machinery ; the erection
and inaintainance of such buildings and struct
ures as may be deemed necessary ; and to carry
on a general mining business in any state or ter
ritory of the United States of America.
(3. ( ) The authorized capital stock of the cor
poration shall be Three Thousand Two Hun
dred Dollars ( $3.200.00) ) , iu shares of One Hun
dred Dollars (6100.00) ) each , to be subscribed and
paid for as follows , to-wit : Fifty Dollars ( $50.00) )
to be paid upon making subscription for stock
and Fifty Dollars ( $30.00) ) on demand of the
Board of Directors , and when so paid said stock
shall be non-assessable.
(4. ( ) The existence of this corporation shall
commence on the 1st day of March , A. D. 1BOO ,
and continue fifty years.
(3. ( ) The annual meeting of the Stockholders
of this corporation shall be held on the first
Monday in February of each year.
(6. ( ) The business of this corporation shall
be conducted by a Board of five Directors , to be
elected by the Stockholders at the annual meet
ing , provided that the following-named per-ons
shall be the Board of Directors until the annual
meeting in 1901 : W. S. Perry , J. A. Gunn , J. F.
Kenyon , C. E. Pope and Frank Carruth. The
Board of Directors elected at the first annual
meeting bhall hold their offices as follows : One
for one year , one for two years , one for three
years one for four years , and one for five years.
The term of each to be hllotted at the first an
nual meeting , and thereafter one Director to be
elected each year for a termof five years : The
manner of conducting the election may be more
fully set forth in the By-Laws of said corpora
(7. ( ) The officers of said corporation shall be
a President , Vice President , Treasurer and n
Secretary , who shall hold office for one year or
until their successors are elected and quali
_ (8. ( ) The corporation shall have a corpora
tion seal on which shall bo such device as the
Board of Directors may determine.
(9. ( ) The highest amount of indebtedness
shall not exceed Two Thousand Ono Hundred
Dollars ( § 2,100.00) at any time.
(10. ( ) By-Laws governing the manner of hold
ing the annual and special meetings of the
Stockholders , and the method of conducting
the affairs of the corporation shall be adopted
by the Board of Directors.
(11. ( ) These Articles of Incorporation maj bo
amended at any meeting of the Stockholders by
a two-thirds vote of all the Stockholders. I
In witness whereof the undersigned have i
hereunto set their hands this 3d day of April ,
A. D. 1900. AV. S. PERRY , J. F. KENYOX ,
C. E. POPE , J. A. Guxx ,
Harvest is almost upon us.
The crops are looking well and all are busy.
Clarence Goheen is harvesting his winter
wheat , this week.
There was a knife lost at the school-house ,
last Monday evening , the owner can procure
the same of Bert Overman.
J. E. Ludwick and Oscar Russell were in
South Side , the fore part of the week , looking
for a good place to locate a picnic. |
Eunice Goheen will not come home , this
vacation , having a good position in Hastings , '
where she expects to spend the summer. |
There is some damage being done by both
hoppers and army-worms , and we are also
favored by the presence of chinch-bugs. '
After the school meeting , last Monday
evening , while people were going to their ,
respective abodes , there was a rumpus started
and two or three of the boys ( and some that
were not boys , ) did some pretty big talking ,
finally things came to blows , but the scrapers
were soon parted and peace was restored.
Altogeher it was a laughable affair and no
one was badly hurt. ,
School meeting passed off very quietly , with
a large percent of the voters present ; and all
seemed interested in having the business of
the district carried on in an up-to-date man
ner. Mr. Baker was elected to fill the office
of moderator , which was made vacant by W.
S. Fitch's term having expired. It was voted
to have a ly-mill tax levied and a 9-months
term of school , the ensuing year.
Last Sunday was election of officers at the
South Side Union Sunday-school , and the fol
lowing officers were elected : S. G. Goheen
was re-elected superintendent ; Win. Thomas ,
assistant sup't ; Jenny Goheen , though object
ing very strongly , was finally induced to again
act as secretary , seeing there was a unanimous
vote cast in her favor ; Eurilla Fitch was
chosen as assistant secretary and Winona
Jones as chorister. There was a large turn
out and all were well pleased with the pro
ceedings. S. G. Goheen has had a great deal
of experience in Sunday-school work and is
making a grand success of the Sunday-school
in South Side.
A Good Cough Medicine.
It speaks well for Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy when druggists us.e it in their own
families in preference to any other. "I have
sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the
past five years with complete satisfaction to
myself and customers , " says Druggist J. Gold
smith , Van Etten , N. V. "I have always used
it in my own family both for ordinary coughs
and colds and for the cough following la
grippe , and find it very efficacious. " For sale
by McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
The annual school meeting in district No. 8
came off with a full houseneatly every family-
being represented , Moderator . S. Fitch in
the chair. Minutes of last meeting , reports of
secretary and treasurer having been duly read
and approved , the meeting opened under
election of officers.
On motion it was voted to nominate for
moderator by informal ballot , in which all
voted , without regard to age , "color or pre
vious condition of servitude. " Result Fitch
15 , Baker 14 , Thomas 5 , McDonald 3. A dis
pute arose regarding the qualification of vet
ers. M. C. Maxwell being called on , read the
clause , after which Mr. Dillon delivered an
oration on the injustice of the law that de
prived an American citizen of his vote at
school meetings , who had "served his country
and was now liable for a three-dollar poll-
tax. " But all the same Andy , Roy and two
or three others could not vote. A formal bal
lot in which 34 votes were cast , gave Baker
21 , Fitch II , Thomas 2 , Mr. Baker being an
nounced as the winning man.
Frank Fitch congratulated the voters on
haying succeeded in "electing an American
citizen to the office of school moderator. "
After voting a nine-months school and a levy
to carry on the same , the meeting adjourned
to find that a side-show had been arranged by
some of the friends of the defeated candidate ,
in which young Fitch and young Jacobs were
to break Whittaker to ride double. Result : a
tangle , from which Jacobs came out feet first ,
minus watch and shirt ; Fitch was somewhat
bruised about the face and neck ; that seems
to have been caused by Jacobs mistaking the
horse he was riding , while Whittaker was out
a pair of glasses and a shirt-front , and the
next day discovered that somebody had struck
If troubled with rheumatism , give Chamber-
Iain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you
a cent if it does no good. One application
will relieve the pain , it also cures sprains
and bruises in one-third the time required by
any other treatment. Cuts , burns , frostbites ,
quinsy , pains in the side and chest , glandu
lar and other swellings are quickly cured by
applying it. Every bottle warranted. Pi ice ,
25 and 50 cts. McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
Very warm and dry. j
Grasshoppers are becoming thick on the
divides ; and others report chinch bugs as be
coming numerous in the corn-fields.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kinghorn are enter
taining their daughter , Mrs. Sweet of Buda ,
Illinois , and two children.
William Walter took two loads of wood ,
Tuesday , to Center Point ; we understand that
he has a contract to stack up fifty cords of
hackberry at the store.
Box Elder was the only Sunday-school in
this section that did not observe Children's-
day. There are some good speakers at Box
Elder , and the occasion could be made very
entertaining ; let us hear the litjle ones yet.
Box Elder has at this late date decided to
have a celebration , with Rev. J. A. Badcon _ of
McCook as orator of the day ; the committee
is to be congratulated on this selection. It is
to be hoped that the celebration may be a
success in every aspect.
Many women fail to digest their food , and
so become pale , sallow , thin and weak , while
the brightness , freshness , and beauty of the
skin and complexion departs. Remedy this
by taking Ilerbine after each _ meal , to digest
what you have eaten. Price , 50 cents. A.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
/9 '
Bears the
Signature of
Special Sale
and 30 , we offer
Ware , which we
500 pieces of the celebrated Amethyst Granite
over tne price * ,
have just received from the manufacturer. Look
see the goods in our window. This will be the greatest oppor
tunity of the season. .
Above we are only able to give prices on a few items , 01
which we guarantee all to be strictly first quality.
with cover , I3c
4-qt Berlin Kettles with covers , 34c 2-qt Sauce Pans
round handle
6-qt " " " " -39c 3-pt Dippers with
2-qt TeaPots , only 2lc dle
2lc 2-qt double Rice and
2-qt Coffee Pots , onty
Extra large Wash Bowls , 17c Cookers , fjc
of 6 69c
set ,
6-qt extra deep Pudding Pans , 19c Cups and Saucers , per
1 r-qt extra heavy Dish Pans , 58c flo. 8 Tea Kettles , 5 < c
A Wealth of Beauty
Is often hidden by unsightly pimples , ecze
ma , tetter , erysipelas , salt rheum etc. Buck-
len's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by cur
ing all skin eruptions , also cuts , bruisesburns ,
boils , felons , ulcers , and worst forms of piles.
Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
McConnell & Berry , Druggists.
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. li.V. . Grove's signature on every box.
250. 4-1.
It is the way of the world to say the best
things of a man after he is dead. The fact is
now being widely published that the late
Stephen Crane was a nervy poker player and
a dead game loser.
"I had stomach trouble twenty years and
gave up hope of being cured till.l began to
use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has clone me
so much good I call it the savioi of my life , "
writes W. R. Wilkinson , Albany , Tenn. It
digests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
Unless food is digested quickly it will fer
ment and irritate the stomach. After each
meal take a teaspoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It digests what you eat and will allow
you to eat all you need of what you like. It
never fails to cure the worst cases of dyspep
sia. It is pleasant to take. D. W. Loar.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer editor says
that the shirt waist is losing its old time
charm. It is never the jug , but its contents ,
that possesses the greater charm , good sir.
If the stomach performs its functions act
ively and regularly , the food of uhich it is the
receptacle is transformed into blood of a
nourishing quality , which furnishes vigor and
warmth to the whole body. Ilerbine gives
tone to the stomach and promotes digestion
and assimilation. Price , 50 cents. A.McMillen.
You feel better at once after using Ilerbine ,
you enjoy your food more , and you get more
nourishment and invigorating force out of
what you eat. Hence Ilerbine makes you
strong , vigorous and cheerful. Price , 50 cents.
A. McMillen.
Kansas is again crying aloud for harvest
hands , but the hobocrats.yet swarm over the
state with snow shovels on their shoulders
looking for cooler jobs.
All who suffer from piles will be glad to
learn that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will
jive them instant and permanent relief. It
will cure eczema ana all skin diseases. Be
ware of counterfeits.
Plumber and
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun. Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building1
\ f !
D. W. V. GAGE ,
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
55 Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
. of Chicago.
: -Ofiice over McConnell & Berry's.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
c * & * & * & - IF ifi og
* * *
Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , | cooo ifr
- ' 5k
H. T. CHURCH , &
§ $ § 1 .
Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of
glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy
and Flock. " Remember that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet
goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the
beutfdje in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other.
m FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska.