Fooled Repeatedly NOT AN EXPERIMENT , BUT A TRIED SUCCESS Will exhibit at McCook on FRIDAY , JUNE 8 , 19OO Twice larger , greater , better than ever before , carrying more Aerial Acts , Ground Acts , trained Horses , Ponies and Dogs than ever before seen with a wagon show. -BIG BRASS BANDS- A Bevy of Funny Clowns. A Grand Free Street Parade at twelve o'clock. Two Performances daily , afternoon and evening. ADMISSION , 15 AND 25 CENTS TYRONE. The chintz bug has come early , this year. Some farmers are too busy to play marbles. Frank Moore and wife attended Memorial services at Wilsonville , Sunday. There are said to be two candidates for representative in this precinct. Miss Florence Moore came to visit friends and relatives here , last Monday. She will probably spend most of the summer in this vicinity. Work on the new church pi-ogresses slowly , as those who have worked most are busy in their fields. The building will probably be painted , next week. Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia. Per sons with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while th'e worn out or gans are being reconstituted. It is the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion. It will certainly do you good. D.V. . Loar. The advance in prices of prunes by the California trust may restore the dried apple to fiist place in the list of boarding house delicacies. There's no beauty in all the land , That can with her face compare. Her lips are red. her eyes are bright , She takes Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Ask your druggist. Messrs. Standing & Waiting are the pro prietors of a general store in a Kansas town. They surely do not advertise. A Life and Death Fight. W. A. limes of Manchester , la. , writing of of his almost miraculous escape from death , says : "Exposure after measles induced seri ous lung trouble , which ended in consump tion. 1 had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die , when I began to use Dr.King's New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advice , and all say it never fails to cure throat , chest and lung troubles. " Regular size We and Si. Trial bottles free at McConnell & Herry's drug store. [ OFFICIAL iiv AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , May 23,1900. Board or county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtrcu , Stephen - phen Holies and D. A. Waterman , county com- mii-sioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and K. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous mooting read and approved. It appearing to the board from the petition of Nathan Tubbs and others , and upon examina tion the board finds that the public oed re quires it , on motion the following road is es tablished : Commencing at the .southeast cor ner of section two. township four north , range twenty-nine west , thence west on section line ono and one-half miles and terminating at southwest corner of southeast quarter of sec tion three , township four , rauge twenty-nine west of the Gth P. M. , and clerk was instructed to notify overseers of highways to open said road , and al.--o notify owners of _ land along the line of proponed road to lile claims for damages caused by locating said road on or before the : ! ( ) th day of July , 1900 , or no further reference , will be made thereto. It appearing to the board from the petition of J. Walkington and others , and upon examina tion the board finds that the miblic good re- qiiires it. on motion the following road is es tablished : Commencing at the southwest cor ner of the northwest quarter of section nine , township four north , range twbnt.v-six west of the fith P. M. , Red Willow comity , Nebraska , and thence running south one-half mile between sections eight and nine , and thence east one- half mile between sections nine and sixteen ; and further to vacate the road beginning at said southwest corner of the northwest quarter ofsaid _ section nine , and running east one-half mileand _ thence south one-half mile , and clerk was instructed to notify overseers of highways to open said road , and a o notify owners of land along the line of proposed road to file claims for damages on or before the liOth day of July , 1900 , or no further reference will be made thereto. The following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy of 1 99 , in payment thereof as follows : Michael Esch , assessing liondvillo pet 544 CO W. K. Kersey , same , Colemnn 40 CO 1 K. P. Goehring , same , Driftwood 41 ( JO L. M. Howard , s-ame , Fritsch "io CO H. I. Peterson , same. Grant 42 GO R. E. Divine , same. Perry : . ) J. H. Goreley , same , T.\ rene : i9 40 R. M. Osborn , drayage and grading on sidewalk 16 70 Clark it ISoweii , feed for team for insane case 100 Lincoln Land Co. , water for trees for jear 1900 1000 McCook Electric Light Co. , light for court house 18 37 R. O. IIam on. work on court-house yard t 50 T. F. Rowell , oiling court-house iloors ! 1 00 M. 15. Hogan , finishing counter , etc 9 7.1 Flo > d Proper , washing windows , etc 2 00 W. C. Billiard & Co. , coal 13 73 W. C. Milliard & Co. , lumber 33 M Rarnett Lumber Co. , lumber 20 31 J. C. Oakley , board of pauper 15 ( X ) A. C. Crabtree , board and care of prisoners S 00 G. F. Kinsrhorn , fees. State vs. Miller 34 f > 2 G.F. Kiiighoru , janitor work around court- 4 . > 0 G. C. Boatman , money advanced 1 4. > Henry Crabtree , services as commissioner 35 10 Stephen Belles , same 28 CO D. A. Waterman , same 34 70 And on county bridge fund , levy of 1899 , as follows : E. Oxley , bridge work $10 12 George. Younger , same 3 00 Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 58 4S Barnett Lumber Co. , lumber 931 Burnett Lumber Co , , lumber 3 58 Baruott Lumber Co. . lumber 1396 And on county road fund , levy of 1S99 , as fol lows : G. F. Kinghorn , serving road papers , No. 340 $ 1 20 A. C. Crabtree , same 2 55 Stephen Belles , team work G 50 C. O. Hale , grading near Ludwick place. . 2 50 W. F. Porter , team work 1 25 D. A. Waterman , refunding road receipt. . 3 00 W. G. Dutton , same 43 Joe Ceasar , same 22 On motion board adjourned to meet June 12th as board of equlization. Attest : R. A. GKEEN- , County Clerk. 6RDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , ss. Ata county court , held at the county court room in and for said county , May 29 , A. D. 1900. Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In the matter of the estate of John Real , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Sarah Real , praying that administration of said estate may bo granted to John Real as administrator. Or dered , that June IS , A. D. 1900 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , is assigned for hearing said petition , when all persons interested in said matter may i\n- pear at a county court to be held in and for said county , and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted ; and that notice < of the pendency of said petition and the hearing 1 thereof bo given to all persons interested in said r matter bv publishing a copy of this order in ' \ THE McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper r printed in said county , for three successive > 1 \ weeks , prior to said daof hearing. I J [ SEAL ] ( j-l-3t G. S. Bisnor , County Judge. 4 Wax Candles Nothing el so adds to much to the charm of the drawing room or boudoir as the softly radi ant li/cht from CORDOVA Candles. , Nothing will contribute moro to the artUtlc aucceti of the luncheon , , tea or dinner. The bent decorative candles for the simplest or the most elaborate function for cot- tape or inanulon. Made in all colon and the moat delicate tints bj STANDAHD OIL CO. and told everywhere. COLEMAN. Joseph Sanders has sweet corn a foot high. H. B. Wales and family observed Memorial day in McCook. 11. K. liixler has bought a new cultivator , that plows six rows to the round. Bert Wales has put in 240 acres of crops , this season , which entitles him to be styled a hustler. George Kodenburg recently sold 105 bush els of corn , and George Simmerman marketed a load of wheat in McCook , last Saturday. Harry , Clarence , Charles and Mabel Wales and Russell and Kmma Corner of this pre cinct attended the graduating exercises of the McCook High school , last Thursday night. To Cure a Cold in a Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. t. W. Grove's signature on every box. 25c. 4-1 Keports show that over fifteen hundred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were cases of grippe _ _ , croup , asthma , whooping cough , bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents consumption D. W. Loar. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. Eli Crockford will take notice that on the 21bt day of April , 1900 , II. II. Berry , a justice of the peace in and for Willow Grove precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , fortho _ sum of $10.00 , in an action iwmling before him , wherein John A. Gunn is plaintiff and Eli Crockfprd is de fendant , that money due _ and unpaid the de fendant and in thu possession of Jacob Raudel. has been .attached under an order of attach ment. Said cause was continued to the 15th day of June , 1WX ) , at D o'clock a. m. JOHN. A. GUNN. First publication , May 25,1000. lits. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale , it-tiled from the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , under a decree in an action wherein James Par- dee is plaintiff , and Katie E. Phillips et al. de fendants , to mo directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale , and sell to the highest bid der for cash , at the east door of the court-hoi e in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 25th day of June , 1000 , at the hour of ono o'clock , p. m. . the following described real es tate , to-wit : The south half of the t-ontheast quarter of section 20 , and the north half of the northeast quarter of section 29 in township 3 , north , range 27 , west of the Gth P..M. . in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 23 < 1 day of May , A. D. 1000. 5-25--ts. G. F. KINGIIOKN , Sheriff. By AC. . Ci Aimtii : , Deputy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In county court , within and for Red Willow county , Nebraska , May 12 , 1000 , in the matter of the estate of Noah Sawyer , deceased. To the creditors of said estate : You are hereby noti fied. that I will sit at the county court room in McCook in said count ) , on the 12th da.of . No vember , 1000 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to receive and examine all claim.- , against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the pre.-entation of claims against said estate is six months from the 12th day of May , A. D. 1900. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 12th day of May , 1000. Witness my hand and the seal of said comity court this 12th day of May , I'M ) . 5-18-tt : G. S. BISHOI * , County Ju'dge. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. [ UOAD NO. 317. ] To Chas. H. Sloan. Emma E. Atwater , Ira IL Harrison , John F. Miller , and Providence Mut ual Inv. Co. , and to \\homit _ may concern : The board of count } commissioners \ < * estab lished and ordered opened a road commencing at the southeast corner of section 2 , town-hip 4 north , rauge 20 west , in Box Elder precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running _ thence west on section line one and one-half miles , and ter minating at southwest corner of southeast quar ter of section : i , township 1 , rauge 20 , west of the G P. M. , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 150th dav of July , A. D. UHX ) , or said road will be established with out reference thereto. G-l-4ts R. A. GRUKN , County Clerk. O. R. RITTUNHOUSI : , Deputy. NOTICE TO L VND OWNERS. [ ROAD M ) . Hlfe.J To Mary A. Fuuk and William S. Bye. and to nil whom it may concern : The board of county commi'iouers has established and ordered opened a road commencing at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of H-ctiou 0 , township I , north , range 26 , in North Valley ] > re- ciuct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence south one-half mile between sections' 8 and 0aud ; theuce cast one-half mile between sections 0 and 1G ; and further to vacate * he road beginning at said southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said section 9 and running east one-half mile , and thence south one-half mile , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 30th day of July , A. D. 1000. or said road will be established with out reference thereto. 6-l-4ts R. A. GREEN , County Clerk. O. R. RITTEXHOUSL : , Deputy. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. IMG. To William Karp , Maggie Brooks and Ada Vierschilling , administratrixes of estates of Mar garet Vierschilliug , deceased , Hugh W. Cole , and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners has established and ordered opened a road commencing at _ the southeast corner of section 16 , in Bondvillo precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence north ono mile between sections 15 and 16 , said town ship and range , to the northeast corner of said section 16 , and terminating thereat , and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office ou or before noon of the 20th day of July , A. D. 1000 , or said road will be established without reference thereto. R. A. GREEN. County Clerk. 5-ll-4ts O. R. RITTENHOUSE , Deputy. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. April 26 , 1000. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register imd Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur- ilay. June 2 , 1000 , viz : Allen E. Boyer , H. E. 10700 for the nw H section 35 , township 1 , north , range 2a , west Gth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up- Dii and cultivation of.aid land , viz : Jessie E. \shton. Barnet E. A hton , George lies- , Charles Hess , all of Dauburj. l-27-6ts. F. M. KATIICN , Register. * X Soregtma PONT POISON YOURSELF- And family by eating cream from an old , otr worn out freezer , that has the tin worn and the rust is mixing with the cream. " in all We have the "WHITE MOUNTAIN" make the sizes 2-Quart , - - $ I 45 $1-75 3-Quart , - - 4-Quart , - - $3.25 6-Quart , - $2.75 8-Quart , - - $3'45 At the lowest price possible to make on this su perior line of freezers. z : onsix/sr. THE BEE HIVE , McCoOK , NEBRASKA "I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope of being cured till 1 began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good I call it the savioi of my life , " writes W. R. Wilkinson , Albany , Tenn. It digests what you eat. D. W. Loar. DK. JOHN JOHNDENTIST. DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. over McConnell & Herry's. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. © All dental woik done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW HcCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. P. O. Building- F. D. BURGESS , Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. McCOOK SUEGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W. V. GAGE , McCook. - - - Nebraska. Office and Hospital over First National Bank. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEBRASKA. 239-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- - Rear of First National bank. y-rw UA/WVV The Kimmel Institute of ivlagnetic Healing , Learn tJie Science of UK l j mail , or at our office. We guarantee CL good business to all our graduates. Our office is now at 318 South Twelfth street , where we have fitted up rooms on the first floor , with separate operating rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Mrs. Kimmel , who has been in charge of the ladies' department at Leavynworth , Kansas , and noted for her bnlliant success in the treatment of all female diseases , is now in charge of the female patients at Lincoln. The President , Rev. J. W. Kimmel , gives personal attention to all patients , and is in charge of the gentlemen's operating rooms. Treatment by mail a specialty. The Kimmel Institute has treated hundreds of cases of chronic diseases with uni versal success. Guarantee if desired. Diseases of eyes , ears , brain , throat , bronchial tubes , lungs , liver , stomach , kidneys. , bowels , generative organs , bladder , uretha , womb' ovaries , rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis and all nervous troubles are permanently cured without the use of drugs or knives. MAGNETISM AND MIND are nature's own remedies and all that we use. Tes timonials at our office. There is help for all. "Come and see" or address REV. J. W. KIMMEL , 318 South Twelfth Street , Lincoln , Nebraska. \ - . 5-iS-imo. jikj ! ! kjA iJ .tXr ft , - - - - as 1 ? n * I V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER. $ II 1 CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK , NEB. # si Paid Up Capital $ S , $50,000. Surplus , $ J cooo W JL ! DIRECTORS T" * tt II V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A ' C ' EBERT ' - H.T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAN 'C.'H. , . . WILLARD. 41 A BLIND MAN Is one who fails to profit by experience , even though he has use of both eyes without the aid of glasses. Time and again people buy clothing that is half made and containing mostly "Shoddy and Flock. " Remember that three years among you has taught you that we carry no satinet goods in the house ; what you buy of us is reliable and made by the best equipped factories in the in the country. Our prices are the lowest named for good goods ; we carry no other. FRANK J. MORGAN , McCook , Nebraska.