The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 01, 1900, Image 7

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    A Witchcraft Vlny for Ilcrntinrfit.
Sardou has -written for Sara Bern-
tmrdt a drama dealing seriously with
medieval witchcraft. In nis younger
days the author was a spiritualist and
thought himself a medium.
Will Still Hive Their Beer.
The South Carolina dispensary di
rectors have reconsidered their vote
to abolish the beer dispensaries , but
will limit them to two each for Co
lumbia and Charleston , and one each
for eleven other towns.
A Good Miin'H View of It.
Washington Star : "A man who
threatens a woman is a coward , " ex
claimed the earnest friend.
"Well , " answered Mr. Meekton , "I
don't know about that. Of course
he's a scoundrel and no gentleman ,
and he ought to be arrested. But I
shouldn't lay it down that he's ex
actly a coward. "
Great Britain does not hesitate to
employ women in responsible positions.
The head of the postal department at
Gibraltar is Miss Creswell , who receives
a salary of ? 2,740. She has held the
post for ten years. At the same place
Js a woman medical officer , Miss Edith
of Northern Illinois. Wisconsin , Min-
.nesota and Michigan , there are hundreds -
dreds of the most charming Summer
Resorts awaiting the arrival of thou
sands of tourists from the South and
Among the list of near by places
are Fox Lake , Delavan , Lauderdale ,
Waukesha , Oconomowoc , Palmyra ,
The Dells at Xilbourn , Elkhart and
Madison , while a little further off are
Minocqua , Star Lake , Frontenac ,
White Bear. Minnetonka and Marquette -
quette on Lake Superior.
For pamphlet of "Summer Homes
for 1900 , " or for copy of our hand
somely Illustrated Summer book , en
titled "In The Lake Country , " apply
to nearest ticket agent or address
with four cents in postage , Geo. H.
Heafford , General Passenger Agent ,
Old Colony Building , Chicago , 111.
There is no eating the nut for the
man who is too lazy to get through the
Do Tonr Feet Ache and Bnra ?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-
East , a powder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S.Olmsted.LeRoy , N. Y.
A fur cap trimmed with lace is like a
hot plum pudding with ice cream
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Milk is a man's first drink , but it's
only a matter of time till he comes to
his bier.
Probably the dog didn't want to go
into the ark because he had a bark of
his own.
Binder Twine at Low Prices.
If you want a specijil inside price on binder
twine , either Sisal , Standard or Manila , cue
this notice out and mail to SEAIIS , ROEBUCK
& Co. ( Binder Twine Department ) , Chicago ,
statinp about , how much twine you will require
and how soon you will want it , and they will
save you money by quotinp you a price that
will either secure your order or compel the
party who supplies you to sell to you at a lower
price than he otherwise would
People who have been buried in an
avalanche say they can hear distinctly
every word uttered by those seeking
them , while their most strenuous ef
forts fail to make their shouts pene
trate even a few feet of snow.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Two persons of the name of William
McKinley are on Uncle Sam's pay roll.
One draws a salary of $4,166 a month
as president and the other $100 a month
as engineer in the Louisville custom
Use Magnetic Starch ithas no equal
Her Reason : "You seem to like his
attentions. Why don't you marry
him ? " "Because I like his attentions. "
Brooklyn Life.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
Over $5,000,000 of Mrs. Hetty Green's
enormous fortune is invested within a
hundred yards of New York's city hall.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Try Grain = G ! J
Try Grain = 0 !
Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon
n package of GK AIN-0 , the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without *
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it , like it. 'GKAIN-0 has that
* rich seal brown of Mocha or Java ,
* but it is made from pure grains , and
* the most delicate stomach receives it
\rithontdistress. the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Insist that yonr grocer gives yon GRAIN-O
Accept no imitation.
i i in Tl IT * ! * *
. :
\ & \ * % T * 1 TPVf1 I FOR
* * y& C TA Hi4
o i r\n WORK
and up-to-date cburns. The , 2 tepura-
ton 1 have work perfectly. C. Hardt ,
MFG. CO. , ClbBonla , Fa.
GUILTY ? ? $
. . |
CHAPTER IV. ( Continued. )
He casts one quick look at Barbara's
bent head and sees the tears dropping
through her fingers.noticing her shoul
ders heaving with these sobs that will
not be controlled.
She is cut up at leaving Bouveric.
thinks Sebastian , who just touches hir
bent , dusky head with his fingers.
"Come out into the garden , Barbara ;
the servants are coming into the
room to take away the things. Come. "
His voice is kind.and Barbara.yearn-
ing for sympathy , goes.
"So you are going to be transport
ed , " Sebastian says , as she walks
meekly at his side down a garden
path bordered by thousands of mauve
and white crocuses.
"Sebastian , you know it is not non
sense ! " Barbara says , tragically.
"Father says nothing , and your moth
er says play at being engaged if you
like ; but it is true quite true. And
father need not take me to Tasmania ,
for it will not make any difference ! "
speaking vehemently in her excite
Sebastian stoops his dark head.
"You don't expect me to side with
Bouverie ? Barbara , you do not think
1 could do that ? "
"You would if you were generous
enough , " breathes Barbara , her wet
eyes seeing the crocus border blurred
like a rain-bow mist. "Sebastian , you
are my cousin , and I haven't a friend
in the world ! "
The man's dark face is inscrutable.
"I wouldn't give my faith to George
Bouverie if I were you , " he says slow
ly. "Barbara , I cannot be a hypocrite.
I love you , but you shall not trade on
my affection to help you to marry
another man ; for if I can help it you
shall be no man's wife but mine. "
The tears that had been welling up
in Barbara's eyes are checked sudden
ly ; a look of resolution comes over her
troubled face.
"I will tell father everything , and he
will understand , " she says , almost
hopefully. "After all , I think I am
glad I am going ; and it cannot make
any real difference we can wait. "
"Yes , I dare say you will have plen
ty of waiting , " Sebastian says , with
cunning familiarity and an evil smile.
Barbara gives him one look from
her tear-filled eyes a look of anger
and reproach and without a word
leaves him and walks back to the
Mrs. Saville does not think it neces
sary to inform Barbara that in the
autumn Sebastian is to follow her
across the sea. She pins great faith
on distance and change of scene. In
all human probability the silly love
affair between Barbara and George
Bouverie will die a natural death , and
very few people marry their first
Sebastian will have a very good
chance when he goes out to Tasmania ,
and the honeymoon can be the return
journey. It is really a charming ar
rangement. Mrs. Saville feels quite
pleased , and it is a great blessing that
Barbara is taking it all so quietly.
By and by she comes into the morn
ing room , where Mrs. Saville is writ
ing lists and letters at a great rate.
Barbara has on a pale gray coat and
skirt , with a white silk waist and a
great bunch of violets in her button
hole. She looks pale , but the grave
mouth is firm.
"I am going to Portraven , Aunt Ju
lia. I am going to meet George to
say Good-by to him , " she says , with an
air d decision , as if opposition were
to be expected.
But Mrs. Saville makes no objection.
A parting scene between the lovers is
inevitable , and the sooner it is over
the better. Still Barbara lingers.
"Aunt Julia , I know quite well why
father has sent for me. It is to try
and make me forget George ; but it
will be no use. We are promised to
each other. I cannot help it I can
never care for anyone else. "
Her aunt looks at her , sees the ris
ing agitation , and smiles.
"My dear Barbara , I have never at
tempted to dissuade you from engag
ing yourself to Mr. Bouverie if you
choose , neither can I prevent you
meeting him in Portraven and saying
good-by. You are old enough to know
your own mind. I do not for one
moment suppose your father will re
gard an engagement of that sort as
serious in fact , I know he will not.
You see , dear , I am quite candid , and
I foresee that some day you will be
very glad to have escaped matrimony
with a very worthless young man. "
"He is not worthless. "
Barbara looks splendid in her in
dignation as she nobly champions her
lover. Then she leaves the room.and
walks away down the gloomy , damp
avenue , and out on the road beneath
the budding trees. Her step is light ,
and her dark-lashed eyes are full of
Xot very far from the Court en
trance gates a young man , with a cou
ple of dogs at his heels , is sauntering
along. George Bouverie looks , if pos
sible , more anxious and unhappy than
ever. His face hardly brightens as
Barbara joins him , looking fresh as
the spring morning herself.
For a second she looks up at him ,
and her heart swells as she realizes
that it will be a long , long time per
haps before they meet again. "She
will yearn for the touch of a vanished
hand , " she will long with a sick long
ing for the sound of his merry voice ,
the sight of his face.
"George , " she whispers and her
voice is trembling "my father has
cent for me , and I am going to Tas
mania. "
"Going to Tasmania ? "
In the face of his other hideous trou
ble , he hardly takes it in , and echoes
her words mechanically.
"Yes , " Barbara says , almost in her
usual tones , "I am to sail imraedi-
dately , and we have got to say gocd-
by. "
Still George stares at her with his
heavy eyes , that look as if they had
long been strangers to sleep , and he
seems as if he could not find anything
to say.
But at last words come.
"My darling , my darling , it is bet
ter for you to go away , after all. "
He is white as chalk as he gazes
down at her ; but Barbara is quite
him , and he is dimly conscious of a
smile that is quivering and dancing in
her eyes.
"George , I have something to say to
you , " Barbara says , and clasps both
her hands upon his arm. "Come. "
They walk down the road together.
It is their last interview. How shall
they crowd in all the vows and prom
ises the promises that are made
when young hearts seem breaking ?
It is over at last the girl's face
very tear-stained , and the man's pale
with feeling.
"You have promised me , " she is say
ing. "Swear it , George you will
never bet on a race again , for my
sake , for my sake ! "
"God helping me , I never will ! " he
says solemnly , his golden head bent
over hers.
When Barbara returns to the Court ,
with pale cheeks and without her
bunch of violets , that repose in George
Bouverie's pocketbook as a farewell
souvenir , it is to find a scene of con
fusion and a group in the hall , con
sisting of the servants ; and they are
surrounding a central figure , which
turns out to bo Mrs. Saville lying on
the floor.
A loose stair-rod has precipitated
her down the stairs.with the result of
a broken ankle.
The accident effectually puts a stop
to the trip to London. When with
the aid of the coachman , Sebastian ,
and the cook she has been conveyed
up stairs , she turns to Barbara with a
"I shall be tied here for weeks ! I
am suffering horribly ! You must go
to London with Sebastian. "
"Don't worry about me , Aunt Julia , "
Barbara says , pitying the pain that is
shown in the twitching face. "I can
travel alone. "
"Nonsense ! As if Sebastian would
allow such a thing ! You can go
straight to your Uncle Henry's , and
Sebastian will see you safely on
board. My foot is fearfully painful !
I hope the doctor has been sent for. "
"Yes. Sebastian rode off for him at
once. "
"Then you may go down stairs ami
send Mason to me. What a figure you
look , Barbara ! 1 suppose you have
been having a scene with that young
Bouverie ? "
Barbara says nothing. Her aunt is
in pain , and pain makes most people
irritable ; so she leaves the room , and
prepares to continue her own pack
ing , folding away her possessions with
a strange sense of unreality , wonder
ing idly what manner of life she will
be living when her gowns see the light
of day again.
It is all over at last ! The lovers
manage a last farewell , and then Bar
bara is gone , whirled away on the
first part of the long voyage , to begin
a life that to her will only be a time
of probation till George Bouverie shall
come and claim her.
Within a week Sebastian is home
again , having seen Barbara safely on
board and started for Tasmania.
"She is a most extraordinary girl , "
he says , sitting by his mother's bed
side , and giving her a report of his
proceedings. "Just fancy ! She would
not buy a single thing for the voyage
except a deck chair , a rug and some
lavender water ; and she insisted on
traveling second class , though her
father's friends were going first , and
seemed greatly annoyed. They will ,
through Barbara's obstinacy , be un
able to be of the slightest use to her
during the voyage. "
"What can she mean ? " ejaculates
Mrs. Saville , looking very grim and
grey as she reclines on her pillows.
Sebastian shrugs his shoulders.
"Who can assign any reason for the
vagaries of a woman's mind ? That
fool Bouverie came to the railway sta
tion , and they stared into each other's
eyes like a couple of lunatics. I thought
Barbara was going to have hysterics.
Well , she has seen the last of him.
If rumor is right , he has about come
to the end of his tether. He looks bad.
enough , and it strikes me his * expres
sion spells ruin more than grief at los
ing a 'sweetheart. ' "
"It is a good thing Barbara has
gone , " Mrs. Saville remarks. "By the
time you go out to Tasmania she will
have forgotten Bouverie and be very
glad to see you. "
"I hope so , " says Sebastian drily ,
"considering is to have all the
accumulated savings of her father and
her mother's fortune as well. " Then
his face changes suddenly. "And if
she hadn't a penny I should marry her
all the same. She is the only woman
I ever wanted for my wife" rising
and leaving the room.
And while the great steamer con
taining Barabra in her second-class
quarters ploughs her way through the
grey billows , George Bouverie once
more looks out into the world , with
hope shining in his eyes and a look
of relief on his handsome face.
Today , that before sunset is to be a
day of tragedy , is as other days with
the scent of coming spring in the air.
Mrs. Bouverie has been moved to the
sofa , and lies like a fragile lily , with
her white hair and meek , quiet eyes.
George is beside her , and her deli
cate , blue-veined hands are lying in
his broad , sunburnt palm. They have
had a long talk , mother and son one
of those rare talks that have brought
heart very near to heart. The moth
er's lips are tremulous , her eyes tear
ful. They have been talking about
Barbara , and if the young man has
given his all to the woman he hopes to
makes his wife , there is no jealousy in
the heart that has loved him since the
moment he was born.
"You don't know what she is ,
mother , " he is saying. "I cannot tell
you all , but she is an angel. I don't
think there is any one like her. Bar
bara has saved me , " he whispers very
low , his sunny head bent. " 1 am go
ing to be a good man , mother , for her
sake , to fit myself to be her husband ;
and , God helping me , she will never
have cause to blush for me again. "
For a moment it seems to Mrs.
Bouverie that there is bitterness in
the thought of the easy victory won by
a girl's love , the promises made that
all her prayers and tears could not
gain ; but it is only for a moment. The
mother-love crushes down
every un
generous thought , and it is a very ten
der , smiling face that lifted from the
silk-frilled pillows.
"My boy , my sou , you have made me
very happy. "
George stoops and kisses her.
"Some day you will know how Bar
bara has saved me. Mother dear , I
must not tire and worry you when you
arc so weak. I am going to turn over
a new leaf and take to farming. Oh ,
you don't know all I am going to do ! "
laughing as he speaks , a laugh that
is a little tremulous because be feels
like one who has been reprieved.
George goes off to Portraven , still
with that tremulous joy and relief in
his heart , and feels very humble and
George goes to the bank , cashes a
small cheque a cheque that now he
feels ashamed of because the money
has been won from a bookmaker.
However , it is the last time , he says to
himself , pocketing the gold and leav
ing the bank. As he runs down the
steps he comes face to face with Se
bastian Saville. The two men nod to
each other in the manner of those who
foster a mutual dislike.
Afterwards they meet at the post-
office , where George is dispatching a
telegram. In fact , he is transmitting
the sum of one hundred pounds
through the postoffice by telegram. A
little pile of yellow gold is handed in
the office window. Sebastian stares ,
and George turns first crimson , then
white , and his hands shake. He feels
the eyes of Sebastian Saville on him ,
and his confusion increases.
Again the two men exchange hostile
glances. George finishes his business
and swings out of the postofilce. Mr.
Saville buys some postage stamps , and
goes out into the sunny street again.
( To be continued. )
Daring Deed of a Washington Dame with
Social Aspirations.
People who go about and in society
tell me that when a woman ardently
desires to make herself one of. the fa
vored few of the smart set , there is
really nothing she will stop at. and
some of these same persons have been
telling me this story in Mustration
of what they say. In high officialdom ,
says a writer in the Washington Post ,
is a little lady , dainty as a spring
crocus , who was a member of the in
ner circle long before she became a
part of officialdom. On one of her
last reception days she was chatting
with two cabinet women , when the
servant announced the arrival of a
woman who is struggling to get into
things as never a social climber strug
gled before. The hostess knew her
by sight merely , and had never so
much as had a bowing acquaintance
with her , but official people are used
to ? eehig stran&eis at ther receptions ,
and the lady of the house bowed with
her usual graciousness. Th climber's
quick eye took in the situation. She
? w the two r-ibinet women , and she
kncw they say her. She rcvO to the
occasion in masterly fashion. "My
dear Mrs. Blank. " she said gushingly ,
clasping the hostess' hand warmly , "I
was o sorry not 10 have letn at home
wher you called on Friday. It was o
sweet of yo.i i-j tome so soon , an-1 I
do liope yu il ro-ne in vcrv often , in
formally , that way. " And before the
hostess had rco/vered irui. her sur
prise the cliraber has passed on , well
content , for she had appeared in the
presence of two cabinet women as the
intimate friend of a lady who had
never even set foot on ber doorsteps.
A lazy man's burdens are heaviest
on his mind ; put your interest in your
work and your work will soon be to
your interest
Philadelphia Press : "It's strange
how nature equalizes all things , " said
the philosopher. "I mean to say that
nothing is lost in nature. What may
be lacking here is given twofold
there. "
"Ah ! " remarked the novelist. "How
about the loss of sleep ? "
"Just the point I was going to
make. Now , the sleep you lose over
the writing of a novel is very fre
quently gained by those who attempt
it. "
How few kind words we ever think
to say to one another.
Yon Will Never Know
what Rood ink in unlehb vou Ube Carlcr'H. It
costs uomoie ttian poor jtilc. All dealers.
No matter how cat up a rnan is , he
ought always to be willing to bury the
PITS rrrreancntJv Cinm. Ko nt orii rvnnyiuiM after
f.n-t clay UKI of I'r ' ixiineV < rfut Xirvr ItrMoirr.
Html for I'lCHK tftt.Ot * trlul > . < .ttlr .inci tirutl'e.
lilt. It. II. Kust , 1.U1..V31 jtreU ! H. , ] hiluilrjptiiu , fa.
Giving a woman a bank book does
not always put a check on her extrav
. MASS. , Nov. ir ? 1810.
Gtntltiiien : - Huviiitr eci your GKAIN-O for
the past thitc moih * > . 1 thought I uould write
ami let \oa Know how much ro < l il his clone
roe. When J was uuav on my vacation last
hunmier the peopk I visited uskcU me to tiy
someCiKAJN-O , and I drank some but I ilidn t
hUe it at all , but the more I drank it the better
1 liked il. and now \voiikln t drink anything
else. I never \\plphctl over 100 jKiunds and last
winter 1 was down to 1(13 ( pounds ; now I weijili
just HX ) , and J i.ever felt bettor in my life It
V'ive.s me an awful appetite , and makes me
strong. It is dointf me more BOO < I than anything
I ever took , and J would recommend it to every
body. Very truly , MUS. GKO. H HKOWN
The songs in the night the young
father hears are not the ones referred
to by David. \
Joseph W. Burgess of the firm of
Burgess & Van Horn , chemists , and
Harry Lay and W. T. Fuge , barbers ,
were arraigned in the criminal court
at Kansas City , May 2 , on the charge
of refilling bottles which originally
contained Coke's dandruff cure with
a spurious article and passing it off
for the genuine. They pleaded not
guilty and were released on bonds of
$500 each to appear for trial May 24.
It is understood that other arrests
will follow and that the cases now
pending will be vigorously prosecuted.
One tablebpcon of butter is one j
Lnxurlnnt hair with It9 youthful color assured by
1'AithKit'tHAH : BALSAII.
} , the \mti \ cure for corne. l.r cte.
Of New York Presbyterian ministers
GO per cent favor revision of Ihe creed
33 per cent are non-commitall
If You Have Dandruff
please try Coke Dandruff Cure. Money re
funded if it fnilfe. At Druggist's , $1.00.
Pride is increased by ignorance ;
those assume the most who know the
least. Gay.
Please Try rnultlons Starch
once and you will never use any other. All
grocen > sell it large package 10c.
A lie feels easy end when ti forgets
that it has a truth on its track.
The Denver & Kio Grande railroad
has just published a second edition of
RADO , " which gives a concise descrip
tion of the vast area of agricultural ,
horticultural and grazing lands located
on its line in the state of Colorado
and the Territory of New Mexico , and
full information as to the stock inter
ests , the sugar beet industry and farm
ing by irrigation. It is a truthful
representation of the numerous and
wonderful products of the soil In
that portion cf the country and is
of especial interest to all who are in
terested in agriculture or kindred pur
Copies of this book will be sent frea
on application to S. K. Hooper , G.P.A. ,
D. & R. G. R. R. , Denver , Colo. ,
or arij official of the Denver & Rio
Grande railroad.
A miser grows rich by seeming
poor : an extravagant man gro\vs poor
by seeming rich.
Olilcnt Itnllc.
The oldest relic in Admiral Dewey'n Ill
collection relntt'K to the battle betwoeii
the English and SpaniHh In Manila
bay in 1702. One of these IK a Hug :
captured by Sir William Drnner.
which came into the handu of William
Evt-r 'tt of MassachiiHcttH , who gave It
to the admiral.
Customer "Give me 10 rentH' worth
of paregoric , please. " Druggist "Yes ,
i bir. " Customer ( nuHunt-ininiliMlly )
" 'How much is it ? " Druggist "A
quarter. " Boston Christian IleglKtvr.
For disorders of the
feminine organs have
gained their great renown
and enormous sale be
cause of the permanent
good tlsey ffaavo done and
are dofng for the women
of this country ,
| If all ailing or suffer-
' ffigr women could be made
to understand how absolutely
\solutely true are the
statements about Lydia E.
Pinkham's VegetabBo
\Gompount2y \ their suffer
ings would end
Mrs * PSnkkam counsels
women free of charge *
Her address Ss Lynn ,
Mass * The advice sh&
gEves Bs jsractoGSiB and !
honest * You csies wtrite
freely to her ; sfoe es a wo
! Little Liver Pills ,
HSuet Bear Signature of
See Foc-StaJlo Wrapper Below.
Very smnll area as easy
to take os sagsr.
, _ . ,
25 certs I
quick rellefnml uroi wor * *
ca cfDnok of tCRtlmonlalH : ia < l K ) DlYS' rcaln.cnt
HIKK. UK. II. II. ( .UtK.VH hl > M4. Itoi K. MlatU. Ua.
S5.00 A DAY I We pay t--OO n day to Mara
or v.oinan wlrh rltr to iBiio-
diicc oursooilfc in the louutry. WriU :
Mfg. Co. , i'urtdDB. KanB.
( free to any applicant mentioning this paper } .
Contains more than fifty valuable recipes by Miss
Parlca and Miss Burr , and colored facsimiles , eiv-
abling the housekeeper to readily distinguish
the genuine
Baker's Chocolate andCocoa.
and guard * against imitations
Every package of our preparations bears our
trade-mark , " LA BELLE CHOCOLATIERE , "
and our name and place of manufacture.
'Hew Rivalyp "Leader , " * '
Insist upon having them , Ulce no others and you will get the best shells that money can buy.