The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 25, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. K1MMBLL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor
C. II. DlF.TKICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
E. A. SAVAOE of Custer.
For Secretary of State
GEOKGE . MARSH of Richardson.
For Treasurer
For Auditor
For Attorney General
For Land Commissioner
GEORGE D. FULLMER of Nuckolls.
For Superintendent of Schools
\V. K. FOWLER of Washington.
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman
W. S. MORLAN of Red Willow.
The expected has happened. The
fusion organs are pointing to the nomi
nation ot W. S. Morlan for congress as
proof positive that the Burlington rail
road owns the Republican party. Let
us see about that : It is true that Mr.
Morlan has been the Burlington's legal
representative at McCook for a number
of years , and why ? Because Mr. Morlan
is a good lawyer , a hard worker and
worth every dollar paid him. If Mr.
Morlan has been worthy of his hire
while an employe of the Burlington , is
that not a good indication that he will
be worthy of his hire when he is em
ployed by the people ? Why should the
fact that a man has represented a cor
poration be urged against him when he
seeks to enter the employ of the people ?
Why allow the corporations to monopo
lize all the talent ? Heaven knows , and
so do the people who have watched the
figure cut in congiess by the Fifth dis
trict's representative during the past six
or eight years , that it is high time to
send to congress from this district a man
who has ability enough to attract atten
tion of a "soulless corporation. "
If Mr. Morlan is elected to congress
and he will be if the people of this dis
trict want to be represented in congress
he will be as faithful in serving the
interests of his new employers as he has
always been serving the interests of the
Burlington. The denunciations of "Dea
con" Morlan because he is a man of such
ability that a great corporation is willing
to pay him liberally for his services , is a
species of petty politics that has cursed
this great state just about long enough.
The Tribune believes with all its might
that W. S. Morlan will represent the
people if elected that he will be true to
their interests and true to his interests
aa a Republican. Beaver City Tribune.
SENATOR QUAY will be a candidate
for re-election to the senate. The people
of Pennsylvania "wont do a thing" to
THE supreme court of the United
States has decided the Kentucky gover
norship contest in favor of Beckham ,
the Democratic contestant.
THE foreign demand for cornnieal is
becoming quite a factor , thanks to the
efforts of the department of agriculture ,
under this administration.
IN 1895 the world's production of gold
was $17,000,000 less than the world's
production of silver. In 1898 the pro
duction of gold was $73,700,000 greater.
Not much danger of a scarcity of the
yellow metal.
IN two years of the Cleveland admin
istration , 1894-95 , we exported $151,199-
092 more gold than we imported. In
two years of the McKinley administra
tion we imported 41.703,309 more gold
than we exported. The difference to
the country , in the two periods , was
$292,902,401 in favor of McKinley. This
doesn't iuclude his billion-dollar favor
able trade balance.
IN 1894 there were only 231,848,596
bushels of wheat retained for home con
sumption ; in 1899 the quantity retained
was 452,530,285 bushels. In 1894 there
were thousands of people too poor even
to buy bread. In 1899 everybody could
buy bread. These two comparisons rep
resent the different conditions of the
country under Democratic and Republi
can administrations.
EVERY newspaper editor in the United
States who desires to study facts in rela
tion to the prosperity and panic periods
of the country should secure copies of
the speeches delivered in the house of
representatives , May 3 , 1900 , by Hon.
John F. Lacey , of Iowa , and on May 10
by Senator J. H. Gallinger of New
Hampshire. They contain many inter
esting statements and will be useful for
reference during the next few months.
TllB free trade papers wince under the
oft-repeated statement which they can
not deny that foreign ships earn and
take out of the United States each year
$200,000,000 for carrying American im
ports and exports. There is no satisfac
tory answer possible to the suggestion
that by paying this money to American
ship owners the result would be to keep
the money at home , employing our own
people instead of employing aliens
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .35
Wheat 50
Oats . 25
Rye. . 35
Hogs. 4.60
Eggs. .09
Butter. 15
Potatoes. 35
Butter fat at Creamery 16
Wishing to paper their rooms should
not fail to see McMillen's wall paper.
You can have your choice from three
large paper houses at 5 cents per roll
and upward.
On mixed paints we have not raised
our price from last year.
Yours truly , A. McMlIIEN.
Flags and bunting at the "Bee
Hive. "
Best Grades
Sunday Closing.
At the last meeting of the W. C. T. U.
at the home of Mrs. C. H. Boyle , the
subject of Sunday closing came in for
discussion , observance of the Lord's day1
being one of the departments of the
organization , especially when it pertains
to the meat markets , that being consid
ered largely in the power of the house
keeper to remedy. The thought was
generally expressed , that if we are con
sistent men and women , we ought to do
without meat , rather than buy and cause
others to labor on Sunday. Your cor
respondent , in talking with both of the
proprietors , found them heartily favor
ing the closing. One young man said ,
he liked to attend church with his wife ,
Sunday morning , but on account of the
open market , could not. Another one
said , he had no best suit , for he could
not attend church now , and did not need
it. So you will see the tailor is a loser
too. They said , too , that sometimes
women would order by telephone , almos
noon , when they were nearly cleaned
up , and want the meat sent up , thus de
taining not only the men , but the faith
ful delivery boys who should be in one
of our Bible-schools. Surely as the Good
Book says , "No man ( or woman ) lives
unto himself. " This is largely a matter
of custom. May we not arrange Satur
day for both days , and thus give to
others the "personal liberty" we hear so
much about. We believe no one who
stops to consider will do otherwise. So
we hope there will be an amicable agree
ment on the closing of this and all other
business places ; that these busy men
may have this quiet day with the loved
ones at home and in His service.
_ _ _
For a shoe that fits your foot and
your pocketbook as well , go to the
"Bee Hive. "
A Gala Day tor Everybody.
Walter J. McDonald's Combined Co
lossal Shows will exhibit at McCook ,
Monday , June 4th. Mr. McDonald is
not unknown to the amusement-loving
people of this locality , having showed
here on previous occasions. He is a
bright , energetic , up-to-date showman ,
and having made the business a study ,
he gives the populace what they want
a bright , clean , modern circus perform
ance. No fakirs , grafters or gamblers
in or around the show. A clean , moral
performance , catering to the masses of
the people. In getting together this
vast aggregation of arenic talent , Mr.
McDonald has selected each artist for
his ability in his particular line. Neither
time nor money have been spared
to make this the largest and best tented
enterprise of its kind and character trav
eling today. Don't fail to see the grand
free street parade that takes place each
day at , 10:30 o'clock on the principal
streets. A grand cavalcade of oriental
splendor. A solid unit of golden glitter.
Handsome wagons and tableaux , open
dens of rare and savage beasts , gaily ca
parisoned horses , elegantly attired ladies
and gentlemen , two big bands of music ,
cowboys , Indians , and so on. Don't fail
to see the free exhibition given on show
grounds immediately after the parade ,
actually giving more free than some
shows do for the money. New and novel
attractions never before thought of. Two
grand performances daily at 2:00 and 8:00 :
o'clock. Remember the clay and date.
Not the largest stock , but the best
selected , will be found at the "Bee
Hive. "
An Ancient Salutation.
When a knight of old entered a com
pany of ladies he removed his helmet to
indicate that he considered himself
among friends , and that there was no
need to protect himself. This practice
has survived in the custom of raising the
hat when saluting a lady. June Ladies'
Home Journal.
Do you like to trade where there
is but one price on shoes ? That's
the "Bee Hive. "
Notice to Clean Up.
Property owners in the city are here
by requested to promptly clean up all
rubbish on and about their premises.
C. B. GRAY ,
Street Commissioner.
Wall Paper and Paints.
McMillen's large stock of wall paper
is now complete. Don't fail to see it be
fore papering. A good household paint
at $1.25 per gallon.
Commandery Officers.
The installation of the following offi
cers of Saint John commandery No. 16 ,
K. T. , took place , Jast night : William
Smith , E. C. ; Charles S McElherron ,
generalissimo ; Richard L. Tinker , C. G. ;
John M. Henderson , Jr. , S. W. ; Marion
O. McClure. J. W. ; Sylvester Cordeal ,
treasurer ; George S. Bishop , secretary ;
James W. Hupp , standard-bearer ; John
Johnson , sword-bearer ; John R. Roxby ,
warder ; Samuel L. Green , sentinel.
We pay the highest price for
eggs , and they count the same as
cash , at the "Bee Hive. "
To Cure La Grippe In Two Days.H
Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
250. 4-1.
If you want new , bright , up-to-
date queensware , visit the "Bee
Hive. " ,
Children who are weak , fretful or trouble
some should be given a few doses of White's
Cream Vermifuge. They will then become
strong , healthy and active , have rosy cheeks ,
bright eyes , will lie happy and laughing all
the day long. Price , 25 cents. A. McMillen.
A Woman's Awful Peril.
"There is only one chance to save your life
and that is through an operation" were the
startling words heard by Mrs. 1.13. Hunt of
Lime Ridge , Wis. , from her doctor after he
had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case
of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall
stones had formed and she constantly grew
worse. Then she began to use Electric Bit
ters which wholly cured her. It's a wonder
ful stomach , liver and kidney remedy. Cures
dyspepsia , loss of appetite. Try it. Only 50
cents. Guaranteed. For sale by McConnell
& Berry , druggists.
Now all decorate ; we have the
bunting and flags , at the "Bee
Hive. "
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
WI nl
Detroit Free Press gi oo $ i 50
Leslie's Weekly. 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer i oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean i oo i 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune. i oo i 25
Demorest's Magazine I oo i 75
Toledo Blade i oo 125
Nebraska Farmer i oo 150
Iowa _ Homestead I oo 145
Lincoln Journal i oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture I oo i 50
New-York World i oo i 65
Omaha Bee i oo i 50
Cosmopolitan Magzine I oo i So
St. Louis Republic i oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 115
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
J. C. Kennedy , Roanoke , Tenn. , says , "I
cannot say too much for DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what the
doctors called an incurable ulcer on my jaw. "
Cures piles and all skin diseases. Look out
for worthless imitations. D. W. Loar.
The Arkansas undertakers held their con
vention at Hot Springs , just to show the world
that they had no hard feelings against the
health-restoring waters.
If sweet young widows want to "ketch"
some sweet-heart in the sunny tangles of their
golden curls , they better take Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Great medicine. Ask yor druggist.
John Adam lives at Paradise , Mo. , but he is
not the Mr. Adam of Paradise garden fame.
That distinguished gentleman , we regret to
say , is dead.
"x\fter suffering from piles for fifteen vears
I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve , " writes W. J. Baxter ,
North Brook. N. C. It heals everything. Be
ware of counterfeits. D. W. Loar.
Cyclists should always carry a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment , in case of accident ,
if applied immediately , it will subside the
pain , prevent swelling and discoloration , and
quickly heal the wounds. Price , 25 and 50
cents. A. McMillen.
As the price of a shave at Cape Nome is 3 ,
it is safe to assume that the wind up that way
never lacks for whiskery material through
which to blow.
W. S. Musser , Millhelm , Pa. , saved the life
of his little girl by giving her One Minute
Cough Cure when she was dying from croup.
It is the only harmless remedy that gives im
mediate results. It quickly cures coughs ,
colds , bronchitis , grippe , asthma and all
throat and lung troubles. D. W. Loar.
? is robbed of its terrors by
} the fact that the best med-
1 Seal authorities state that it
. is a curable disease ; and
- " one of the happy things
\ about it is , that its victims
- rarely ever lose hope.
) You know there are all sorts of
; : ccrct nostrums advertised to cure
) consumption. Some make absurd
) claims. We only say that if taken
2 in time and the laws of health are
| properly observed ,
? will heal the inflammation of the
| throat and lungs and nourish and
I strengthen the body so that it can f
A throw off the disease.
| We have thousands of testi-
I menials where people claim they
5 have been permanently cured of
f this malady.
5oc. and Sr.oo , all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
MRS. MINNIE FIN IT Y , Press Supt.
The Methodists at Oakland , Nebraskahave
organized an anti-saloon league.
An attempt is being made at Sioux City to
start a crusade against the saloons.
The only saloon at Hebron is to be removed
to Beatrice. The new council is anti-license.
The next business meeting will be held at
Mrs. Thorgrimson's , June 1st. A full attend
ance is requested.
The anti-saloon league at Marengo , Iowa ,
is making vigorous efforts to stamp out illegal
liquor-selling m that town.
A floating saloon has been launched in the
river at Decatur and is now anchored on the
Iowa side. The authorities at Decatur will
try to suppress it.
A Creston , Iowa , blacksmith named Luke
made his six-year-old son drunk , and when
his wife remonstrated he struck her m the
face , knocking out one of her teeth.
A new village board at Decatur commenced
business , last week , with a capital of two cents
in the village treasury , that amount being the
surplus over all expenses of last year. All the
saloons have been closed.
A Coffeyville jointist caused the arrest of
125 boys for shooting craps. In revenge each
boy has Hied a complaint against the jointist
for selling red liquor contrary to the statute in
such cases made and provided.
The ladies of the union passed a delightful
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Boyle ,
recently , in honor ot Mr. Boyle's mother , who
is visiting with her son and family. Mrs.Boyle
is an earnest White Kibboner , and her pres
ence exemplified tins fact. We were cleverly
entertained and adjourned feeling well repaid
for the afternoon's meeting.
The "Bee Hive" shoe department
has a most competent shoemaker.
"After suffering from severe dyspepsia over
twelve years and using many remedies with
out permanent good _ I finally took Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure. It did me so much good I rec
ommended it to everyone , " writes J. E. Watkins -
kins , clerk and recorder , Chillicothe , Mo. It
digests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
Rheumatism is conceded to have its origin
in a poisoned condition of the blood , and to
be most successfuly treated by llerbine ,
which acts upon the liver , kidneys and other
blood purifying organs , thereby divesting the
system of the offending agents. Price , 50
cents. A. McMillen.
A Newton , Mass. , woman of 79 has married
a kid of 20. lie perhaps felt that he needed
a mother's care.
Don't despair because you have a weak
constitution. The vitalizing principle of Herb-
ine will assuredly strengthen it. In every
drop of Herbhie there is life. There is a stim
ulating , regenerating power , unequalled in
the whole range of medicinal preparations.
Price , So cents. A. McMillen.
White's Cream Vermifuge not only effectu
ally destroys worms , it also increases the ap
petite , aids assimilation and transforms a frail
infant into one of robust health. Price , 25
cents. A. McMillen.
A Wichita , Kansas man will be cooped up
in the penitentiary for six years for stealing
Cleanse the liver , purify the blood , invigor
ate the body by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. The famous little pills always act
promptly. D. W. Loar.
Kentucky will now try to worry along with
jut one governor.
J. Q. Hood , justice of the peace , Crosby ,
Miss. , makes the following statement : ' 'I can
ceitify that One Minute Cough Cure will do
all that is claimed for it. My wife could not
jet her breath and the first dose of it relieved
icr. It has also benefitted my whole family. "
It acts immediately and cures coughs , colds ,
croup , grippe , bronchitis , asthma and all
throat and lung troubles. D. W. Loar.
Monster Tuna Lindetl After si Contest
Lasting- Four Hours.
From the San Francisco Examiner
Professor Charles F. Holder , the
naturali&t and author , describes how
he caught what he believe to be the
largest tuna ever taken with rod and
reel. It was early morning , outside of
Avalon , bay , Catalina island , when he
got a strike which threw the heavy
flying fish halt which he was trolling
far up the line. "Then , " says the pro
fessor , "the magnificent fish came
boiling along the surface , throwing the
foam high in the air , in a manner that
has given some anglers here the 'buck
fever. ' Fortunately I hooked the fish
and its Itfst rush took about 400 feef
of line screaming and hissing from the
reel , and had not the heavy brake
been soaked the line would have burnt
off at ince. I succeeded in turning the
fish , which then came in on me , with
the greatest velocity. I had managed
to reel in the slack , and when the fish
reached within twenty feet of the boat
it turned and was away again , taking
500 feet of the thre'ad of a line. Again
I turned it , and again it came in at
me. Turning once more , the fish dash
ed away , towing the heavy boat a mile
out to sea at a rapid rate. Finally I
turned it , and , after a superb play on
the surface , circling the boat , it turned
toward us a mile inshore , so near the
rocks that I thought we should lose it
in the kelp. Here the fish fought me for
nearly three hours , rushing in and out ,
plunging down into the blue channel ,
circling around , darting away , and then
coming at me from unexpected points ,
showing the most remarkable cunning
I have ever observed in many years'
experience in rod and reel fishing. At
9:30 o'clock , after I had played the
tuna three hours , I turned it after one
of its rushes , when it gathered its en
ergies and headed for Avalon , mak
ing a single run of six miles , and at
just 10:30 : a. m. I stopped it in front
of the Hotel Metropole , where it gave
a wonderful exhibition while surround
ed by the launches of several friends
who came out to see the finish. The
tuna was , so far as I could judge ,
stronger than ever , yet it had towed
the boat against the oars of my boat
man at least eight miles. A heavy sea
had picked up and threatened the boat ,
but this was forgotten , and at the su
preme moment my boatman slipped the
; aff under the lish and it was our ( ? )
not yet the gaff went to pieces and
the fish got away 100 feet again. I
reeled it in ; this time a big gaff was
hooked into it , and , with a cheer , the
monster fish was slid into the boat ,
almost capsizing it. The tuna weigh
ed 183 pounds. Its length was six feet
two inches , girth four feet , and the
catch gives to California the hardest
fighting game fish in the world with
rod and reel. "
The Thompson
Dry Goods
any of these for Neckwear ;
or , at the same time , Linen Collars
and Stock Collars. Just suit your
own taste out of our large line of
Illusion Ties with lace ends , of
Soft Silk bows , of plain or elabor
ate Stock Collars.of starched Linen
Collars , of Lace Ties , of Polka Dot
Windsors in extra lengths ; also
plain string ties of Silk for loc
each. Or choose from our varied
lines of ribbons in all colors and
Laces . .
are uncom
monly beauti
ful in this sea-
i ;
& * fak ; ril S5M
f ' TH r SMPSo g.c ca.
V&tc\ \ * r * ! + ttt&tf& } & * ' f&a KiA vrVj 'U '
iTisJ' Li il
son's designs. We show a large line of Valencemnes , ior-
chons. Orientals , Chantillys etc. . from } * c to oc per yd.
Fans. .
Flitter Fans ,
Lace Fans ,
Painted Fans ,
Pocket Fans , all prices , 30 to $ i.oo.
the kind you want ,
the price you want.
Ribbons . . .
Rl Our line includes every staple color and width
besides Fancies in No. 60 ,
No. 50 , No. 40 and narrower
ones. Ombres , Lace Stripes ,
Plaids , Moires , Taffetas etc.
Prices from ic to 500 yd.
Veilings . .
The new things
are here-White with White
dotb , White with Black dots ,
Black with White dots ; full line Sewing Silk veilings.
Mostly 25c yd.
Silk Mitts , Silk Gloves , Cotton Gloves , Misses Mitts.
Parasols , 15c to $3.50 ; Umbrellas , 45c to $5.00.
Best Carpet Warpl8c and 20c Ib.jJToille DtfNord Ginghams,8 l-2c yd.
Belts all kinds , lOc up.
We Solicit Your Trade ,
in same Building. GEO. E. THOMPSON.MCCOOK , NEB.
0 FE\ > -41 I" * * *
j. nw juv yis
Are always to be found in the big- store iiHhe First National
Bank block
Dress Goods
Organdies , Lawns , Dimities , Percales , Prints , Calicos , and everything
in this line that could be desired. Prices the lowest possible for the
grade of goods offered.
A fine new lot of Rugs and Carpets have just been added to the alreadv
large stock. J
Summer Underwear
An immense line of this [ seasonable article for
Men , Women and
Our Shoe stock is largeand ; the assortment
good. See it for
inJIen's , Boys' , Ladies'.or Children's Shoes. 3 S
Everything from a handsome and dainty sun-shade
to a good durahtP
umbrella ; and at prices that are winners. '
We keep our Groceries on the move and our stock is
always fresh.
"Never "
Farm produce as good as cash. .