Candles Nothing iilsa adds no ranch to the charm of the drawing room or boudoir H the aottlj radi ant Haiti from CORDOVA Candles. Nothing will contribute more to the artiittio HUCCBBH of the luncheon , tea or dinner. The bent decorative candles for the uimplent or the moHt elaborate function for cot tage or mansion. Made in all colors and the most delicate lints by 6TANDAHO OIL CO. and told eyerywhere. CERVER. Corn planting s the order of the day. Small grain in looking exceptionally well. J. E. Dodge is helping Henry Goodenbcrger on his new house. F. S. Lofton finished listing corn on May 7 , having put in 120 acres. There was a good attendance upon church services and Sunday-school at the Dodge school-house , last Sunday. Kev. J. E. Tirrill preached. The Methodists will hold quarterly meeting at Dodge school-house , next Sunday and Monday. Preaching at 3 and 8 p. m. , Sunday. May 4th , on the closing day of school at the Dodge school-house , the families of the neighborhood surprised the teacher , Miss Mary Marsh , by going to the school-house at the noon hour with well tilled baskets , which were at once opened and the good things therein were soon arranged so that teacher , pupils and visitors were enjoying the contents hugely. After dinner , Miss Marsh and the children treated the visitors to an excellent programme , consisting of recitations , dia logues and singing , which was presented in a manner ieflecting credit on both teacher and pupils. At the conclusion of the programme all went home feeling thr.t they had been re paid for the going. PROSPECT PARK. Grandma Wade is quite sick. J.Crocker's child is very ill with pneumonia. A severe hailstorm passed over this neigh borhood on last Saturday evening. All report having had a fine lime at the ice cream social at Andrew Anderson's. Piles are not only most painful , but also very dangerous , as the inflamed nodules are very apt to take on malignant action and can cer of the rectum is produced. They should be cured. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment -will cure the most obstinate cases. Price , 50 cents in bottles. Tubes. 75c. A. McMillen. Perhaps Abdul Ilamid thinks Uncle Sam is too magnanimous to strike a sick man. When the liver fails to secrete bile , the blood becomes loaded with bilious properties , the digestion becomes impaired and the bowels constipated. Herbine has a direct action on the jiver and excretory organs , and a few doses will cure any case of biliousness. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen. What a lot of deadheads those Boers must be ! A recent dispatch said that they were holding all the passes. Rheuniatism is conceded to have its origin in a poisoned condition of the blood , and to be most successful ) ' treated by Herbine , which acts upon the liver , kidneys and other blood purifying'organs , thereby divesting the system of the offending agents. Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen. You cawn't keep a good husband and father down ! Bringham Roberts is going in to the newspaper business. "I think DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills in the world , " says W. E. Lake , Happy Creek , Va. They remove all ob structions of the liver and bowels , act quickly and never gripe. D. W. Loar. SOUTH SIDE. Charles II. Ingruni moved on to Menard's place , this week. Nettie Dulton entertained several of her friends from McCook , last Sunday. Winona Jones was chosen as organist o the South Side Sunday-school , last Sunday. Ervin Wasson , with the aid of Fred am Frank , dug out five young wolves , last Friday The boys are going to keep them for pets anc they may be able to sell them for a snug sum some day. The literary , this week , was well attendee and a very good programme was rendered Blanche McCarl's vocal solo was especially good , and the paper was also very entertain ing. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. W. G. Dutton , and it being the regular night for election of officers , the following were duly chosen : Linford Fitch , president Roy Goheen , vice president ; Eurilla Fitch secretary ; Fay Jacobs , treasurer ; Roy Jacobs editor ; Clyde Starbuck , Mrs. W. G. Dutton and Roy Jacobs on the programme com mittee. There was a large turnout to the literary , last Wednesday evening , and a good time is reported. After a lively discussion as to whether they would adjourn for the season or not , the president declared the meeting ad journed ; but owing to the faat that a large majority were in favor of continuing two more weeks in order that they might have ample time to prepare a good programme for the last night of this season's meetings , the mem bers have since decided to have two more meetings and then close with an entertain ment which will be worth going to. W. S. Fitch and W. S. Morlan have been putting out evergreen trees , this week. They each entered into a contract with the govern ment , early in the spring , to put out a five-acre wood lot , the government to furnish every other row with White , Yellow and Scotch Pines , and they to fill out the intervening rows with Russian Mulberry , Hardy Catalpa and Green Ash. The government is to over see the caring for the trees , the first year or two , when they become a part of the farm on which they have been planted. The trees came , last Friday , and were in first-rate con dition , being two-year-olds and averaging about thirty inches in height , Each party received 3,400 fine trees. "After suffering from severe dyspepsia over twelve years and using many remedies with out permanent good I finally took Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. It did me so much good I rec ommended it to everyone , " writes J. E. Watkins - kins , clerk and recorder , Chillicothe , Mo. It digests what you eat. D. W. Loar. HARMONY VALLEY. Alfalfa is just climbing up and standing on itself. B. C. Bowman , having tired of city life , is now living on the Menard farm. The numerous showers of late are bringing the sugar beets up in good shape. Mr. Vinson , one of George Elbert's painters , las moved into the L. C. Wolff house. Mrs. L. J. Burtless left , Sunday morning , in response to a telegram received stating that her sister , Mrs. Wheaton , of Auburn , N. Y. , was dangerously ill. She expected to be ac companied from Lincoln by Mis. George Cowing , a daughter of Mrs. Wheaton. J. Q. Hood , justice of the peace , Crosby , Miss. , makes the following statement : ' 'I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not fjet her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. It has also benefitted my whole family. " It acts immediately and cures coughs , colds , croup , grippe , bronchitis , asthma and all throat and lung troubles. D. W. Loar. A Chicago man offers $500 for the return of Iris lost bride , but the other fellow no doubt thinks she is worth her weight in gold and ivill sneer at such a Cheap John offer. Don't despair because you have a weak institution. The vitalizing principle of Herb ine will assuredly strengthen it. In every irorj of Herbine there is life. There is a stim- ilating , regenerating power , unequalled in .he whole range of medicinal preparations. Price , So cents. A. McMillen. firOSit Age does not necessarily mean S 10 Q i lo Q UlCCll feebleness and. ill health , and nearly all of. the sickness among Ponnlfl It fiSUOQ ThDm olller people can he avokled-Most elderly rCUUIUi II UlfUO I llulil people are very susceptible to illness , but it is wholly unnecessary. By keep GlnnH anrf I Ifo ing their blood pure they can fortify themselves DIUUU QlIU LIICi so as to escape three-fourths of the ailments from -which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is ihe remedy which will keep their systems young , by purifying the blood , thoroughly removing all waste accumulations , and impart ing new strength and life to the whole body. It increases the appetite , builds up the energies , and sends new life- giving blood throughout the entire system Sirs. Sarah Pike. 477 Broadway , South Boston , writes : " I am seventy years old , and had not enjoyed good health for twenty years. I was sick in different ways , and in addition , had Eczema terribly on one of my legs. The doctor said that on account of my age , I would never be well again. I took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured ine completely , and I am happjr to say that I feel as well as I ever did in my life. " Mr. J. "W. Loving , of Colquitt , Ga. , says : "For eighteen - een years I suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on niy skin. I tried almost every known remedy , but they failed one by one. and I was told that my age , which is sixty six. was against me. and that I could never hope to be well again. I finally took S. S. S. , and it cleansed my blood thoroughly , and now I am in perfect health. " i $ the only remedy which can build up and strengthen old people"becauseit is the only one which is guaranteed free from potash mercury , arsenic and other damaging minerals It is masle fnm roots and herbs , and has no chemicals whatever in it. S S S. cures the worst cases of Scrofula , Cancer , Eczema. Kheumatism , Tetter , Open Sores Chronic Ulcers , Boils , or any other disease of the blood. Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta. Ga. NORTH COLEMAN. Charles liixler has a new bicycle. There is a rumor of an approaching wed ding. James Kelley is in luck as he has a good supply of corn. Rev. Hardaway will preach at Spring Creek on Friday evening. Rain , with some hail , fell in this vicinity on last Saturday , the 5th. W. S. Bixler will take the census in Coleman - man and liox Elder precincts. Lew Carothers , who had his ankle hurt in a runaway , is farming with riding machinery. The listers and corn-planters are being rushed into action , these days , and war is being waged on the weeds in the gardens. Alvis and Alfred Cox made a fiat-boat and announce the discovery that the Red Willow is navigable from a point directly north of their house to the Peterson bridge. The Sunday-school at Spring Creek is flour ishing. Rev. Robinson preached a mission ary sermon on last Sunday and illustrated the same by a map ; it was very interesting. lidward and Virgil Shepherd and Alfied Drake made a trip , via the prairie schooner route , over into Rawlins county , Kansas , re cently. It was a business-pleasure trip. A Fast Bicycle Rider . Will often receive painful cuts , sprains or nruises from accidents , liucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and heal the injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cures chafing , .sore lips , chapped hands , burns , ulcers and piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 250. Try it. Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. LEBANON. Commissioner D. A. Waterman attended a meeting of the county board at McCook , last Friday. S. A. Austin of Wilsonville has purchased the Hupp & Shuts elevator at this place. The elevator has a capacity of 8,000 bushels , and its motive power is a gasoline engine. Grand Secretary Gage , of Fremont , Ne braska , instituted an I. O. O. F. lodge at this place , Tuesday evening. May 8th. There were delegations in attendance from McCook , Beaver City and Wilsonville , Nebraska , and Norcatur and Atwood , Kansas. The Mc Cook delegation was composed of L. W. Cox , N. G. ; J. S. Brittain , V. G. ; G. C. Boatman , P. G. ; C. I. Hall , secretary ; William Smith , cap tain of team ; R. A. Green , S. L. Doan , C. G. Coglizer , II. F. PadeViIliam , Lydgate and II. C. Steers. A splendid banquet was served at midnight. The McCook team put on all the degree work , finishing at 5:30 in the morn ing. Twenty-seven were initiated , and there are twelve charter members and nineteen ap plicants who were not initiated , making a : otal membership of 58 for the new lodge. A Keen , Clear Brain. Your best feelings , your social position or justness success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach and liver. Dr. King's Mew Life Pills give increased strength , a ceen , clear brain , high ambition. A 25 cent ) ox will make you feel- like a new being. Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists. COLEMAN. W. H. Epperly lecently sold Dallas Divine a team of horses. Charles Wechlin has a patch of "iiroome" [ jrass that is doing well. Vina Divine has been quite ill , but is now able to be up part of the tune. Lou Carotheis recently delivered 153 bush els of fine millet seed in McCook. George Howell's alfalfa is doing nicely , and his hogs are just reveling in a patch he lias fenced off. Ira Divine returned to Franklin and his studies in the academy , Monday night , after a short visit here to see his sick sister. George llowell has bought another quarter af land. When George came here in 1884 , he took a claim , made a dug-out , used small boxes for chairs and a big one for a table. When he moved his family in , he had to bor row $10 with which to buy provisions and be- , 'in house-keeping. He had no team ; but he incl his good wife went to woik to build up a lipme. They now own 480 acres ; live in a nice frame house 16x26 with an "L" 14x24 ; have plenty of stock ; are contented and hap py , and enjoying life hugely. They have no idea that this country is a failure. They raise : orn , wheat , hogs , chickens , cattle and horses. Tortured a Witness. Intense suffering was endured by witness 1' . L. Martin of Dixie , Ky. , before he gave this evidence : "I coughed every night until iny throat was nearly raw ; then tiied Dr. King's New Discovery , which gave instant re lief. 1 have used it in my family for four fears and recommend it as the greatest rem- idy for coughs , colds and all throat , chest and ung troubles. It will stop the worst cough , ind not only prevents but absolutely cures : onsumption. Price , 5oc and $ Every jottle guaranteed. 'Irial bottles free at Mc Donnell & Berry's drug store. It is said that two or three drinks of the lew Dewey cocktail would make any man : laim to be a Democrat. "I had stomach trouble twenty years and jave up hope of being cured till 1 began to ise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me ; o much good I call it the savioi of my life , " vrites W. R. Wilkinson , Albany , Tenn. It ligests what you eat. D. W. Loar. A bow-legged young man of Indiana had em straightened by a surgical operation , and : an now hold his best girl on his knet.s with- > at danger of letting her fall through. "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the finest > ills I ever used. " D. J. Moore , Millbrook , \la. They quickly cure all liver and bowel roubles. D. W. Loar. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. McCook , Nebraska , April 20,1900. Notice is hereby given that Frank K. Miller las filed in the city clerk's office his bond aud > etitiou for a license to sell malt , spirituous ind vinous liquors in the building on lot 11 , > lock 27. Original town , being in the First ward if the City of McCook , Nebraska , from May 1 , 900. to April ! 50,1901. 4-27-3ts. FKAXK K. MILLER , Applicant. cay < itis Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , .May i , 1900. Boiird of county cominigsioiiur.s met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Ilonry Crabtreo , Ste phen Hellos anil T > . A. Waterman , county com missioners . II. Starr , county attorney , and K. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous mooting read and approved. The following oflicial bond was examined and on motion approved , llarloy E. Woods , over seer road district No. 27. On motion A. E. Harriott was appointed over seer road district No. 40. It appearing from the affidavit of Elizabeth C. Winaus that she was erroneously assessed personal property for the year 1898 , the board on motion instructed the county clerk to strike said tax from the tax list. The following claim was examined and on motiou rejected : School dist. No. 21 , Furnas Co. , tuition non-resident pupils , $ Ti7.7 ! > . It appearing ; to the board from the i > otitioii of Fred Uiigor and others , and upon examination the board finds that the public good requires it , on motion the following road is established : Commencing at the southeast corner of Miction sixteen , township two , north , in range twonty- eight , west of the fith 1' . M. , running theitco north one mile between sections iiftuen and six teen , said township and range , to the northeast corner of mid section sixteen , and terminating thereat. And clerk was instructed to notify overseer of highways to ojwu said road , and also ' notify owners of land along the line of propOMid road to iile claims for damages caused t > y locat ing said road on or Iwforo the 20th day of July , JIKX ) , or no further reference will be made there to. to.Tho following claims were audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund , levy of Ib'JO , in payment thereof as follows : Alex Ellis , assessing Geryer precinct $15 ( X ) Felix \Vihlm , assessing Valley Grange pre cinct MMO Burnett Lumber Co. , coal 7 i > 0 Harriott Lumber Co. , lumber and cement for court-house 77 28 M.H.lIoimes , laying sidewalk 7 .10 U.O.Harrison , labor around court-house grounds 18 7ii G.F.Kiiighorn , same 0 I0 ! John Lollow , work on sidewalk 2 50 Spencer & McCIain , grading for sidewalk. 13 W ) James Lee , same 9 ( X ) W.S.Clark , same 12 00 E.F.Smith , same 4 50 Stephen Holies , same 0 00 Phil Weick , same a < ) Wm.McCalluin , mdse. for pauiwrs 23 00 J.A.Wilcox it Son , ruint * 2272 Albert Guy , same 051 A.McMilleu , same 10 30 L.J.Rittenhouse , maiutainaiice of Goo.B. Rittenhouse : 00 Arch Manu , moving fence 500 State Journal Co. , supilies for county 17 00 F.M.Kimmell. same -10 2T > Marion Powell , three loads of cobs 3 00 M.A.McCarty , livery rig for Mrs. McEI- vane , insane 5 00 G.F.Kiughorn , fees , state vs. McElvane , insane If 92 G.C.Boatman , same 9 25 W.V.Gage , same 8 ( X ) Charles A.Johnston , same 2 ( X ) Hannah Johnston , same 2 00 A.C.Crabtree , board and care of prisoners 32 ( X ) R.A.Green , expenses from Jan. l&t to April 30th , 1900 32 53 O. L. Thompson , money advanced for freight and transportation 3T 76 O.L.Thompson , transportation for pauper 35 00 Stephen Belles , services as commissioner. 41 40 Henry Crabtree , same 38 15 D.A.Waterman , same 35 10 Moved by Belles and seconded by Waterman that the following bills bo audited and allowed : R.McDonald , work on vaults in court house $10 50 Victor Safe it Lock Co. , two vault doors and packing 173 CO Motion put and carried , and county clerk in structed todraw warrants on the county general fund , levy of lt > 9U , in payment of t-aid claims , Holies and Waterman voting yes , and Crabtree voting no. giving as his reasons that the county commissioners have already oxi > ended more than the law gives them the right to exi > end on public court-house , without first submitting the question to the taxpayers of the county by vote. And on county bridge fund , levy of lb'J9 , as follows : E.J.Cain , bridge work 1 00 And on county road fund , levy of 1S99. as fol lows : S.O.Hoagland , road tax refunded 0 GO Matt Droll , same 12 \.K.Clark , same (52 ( \lex.Smith , road work 150 Jacob Ball , same 5 25 On motion board adjourned to meet May 25 , 19UO Attest : R. A. GUEE.V , County Clerk. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. UOAD NO. 316. To William Karp. Maggie Brooks and Ada net-schilling , administratrixes of estatesof Mar garet Vierschilling , deceased , Hugh W. Cole , and : oall whom it may concernThe _ board of county jommissioners has established and ordered : > pened a road commencing at the southeast : oruer of section 16. in Bondville precinct , Red ft'illow county. Nebraska , running thence north ) up mile between sections 15 and 1(5. said town ship and range , to the northeast corner of said section 1C , and terminating thereat , and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must belied lied in the county clerk's ollico on or before loon of tin ; 20th day of July , A. D. 1900 , or wild -oad will bo established without reference : hereto. R. A. GKEEX. County Clerk. i-ll-lts O. R. RlTTEXHOL'SE , Deputy. ORDER OF HEARING. State of Nebraska. Red Willow county , PH. \.t a county court , held at the county court room , in and for said county , April 20. A. D. 1900. [ 'resent. G. S. Bishop , county judge. Intlipmat- ; er of the estate of Noah Sawyer , deceased. On eading and filing the petition of Annie Sawyer. > raying that administration of said estate may bo rranted to R. E. Hatcher as Administrator. Ordered , that May 12 , A. D. 1900 , at 1 o'clock p. ii. , is assigned for hearing said petition , when ill persons interested in said matter may appear it a county court to be held in and for said : punty , and show cause why the prayer of pe titioner should not be granted ; and that notice ) f the pendency of said petition and the hear- ug thereof , be given to all persons interested in 'aid matter by publishing a copy of this order n THE McCooic TRIBUNE a weekly newspaper irinted in said county , for three successive yeeks. prior to said day of hearing. 'SEAL ] 4-27-3ts. G. S. BIHIIOP , County Judge. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oilico at McCook , Nebraska , April 26 , 900. Notice is hereby given that the following- Kimcd settler has filed notice of his intention to nako final proof in support of his claim , and .hat said proof will bo made before Register ind Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur- lay , Juno 2 , 1900 , viz : Allen E. Boyer , II. E. 0700 for the iiw ii section 35 , township 1 , north , ange 28 , west 6th P. M. He names the following vitnesses to prove his continuous residence up- > n and cultivation of. said land , viz : Jessie E. Lshton. BarnetE. Ashton , George Hess , Charles less , all of Danbury. -27-6ts. F. M. EATIICN , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ollice at McCook , Nebraska , April 2 , 900. Notice if hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention to uake final proof in support of his claim , and hat said proof will be made before register ind receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , .lay . 12,1900 , viz : Charles T. Eller , ou H. E. No. 0633 for the SE1 . section 5 , township 2 , N , R 30. 10 names the following witnesses to prove his ontiuuous residence upon ami cultivation of , aid land , viz : William S. Fitch , Orlando L. Thompson , Clarence B. Gray , William F.Everist , 11 of McCook , Neb. 4-6-Gts. F. M. RATIIBUX , Register. The easiest and most effective method of unifying the blood , and invigorating the ystem is to take DeWitt's Little Early Risers , he famous little pills for cleansing the liver nd bowels. D. W. Loar. Many women lose their girlish Sjrms after they become mothers. This is due to neg- fect. The figure can be preserved beyond question if the ex pectant mother will constantly use during the whole pried of pregnancy. The earlier its use a begun , the more per fectly will the shape be preserved * mother's Trlcurl not only softens and relaxes the muscles iuring the great strain before birth , but helps the skin to contract naturally afterward. It keeps unsightly wrinkles away , and the mudes underneath retain thenpliability. . C3fcr' $ TrlCnfl is that famous external liniment which banishes morning sickness and nervousness during pregnancy ; shortens labor and makes it nearly painless * ; builds up the patient's constitutional strength , so that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. The little one , too , shows the effects of ! 210lICr' ) $ 7rlCnd fay its robustness and vigor. Sold at drug stores for $1 a bottle. Pond for our finely Illustrated book for ex- pc : tant mothers. TiiS BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA. GA. Golden weddings are taking place all over the country. The old couples evidently took Rocky Mountain Tea in their young days. 35c. Ask your druggist. A Missouri fisherman fell from his boat and was saved from drowning _ by clinging to an empty jug which floated him ashore. It was probably because of emptying ] the jug that he fell into the river. To Cure La Grippe In Two Dys. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle. 2Sc. 4-1. < .only effect no ' Vermifuge Whte's , Cream destroys worms it also grease f f I F. D. BUBGBSS , Plumber aod ' Steam Fitter McCOOK , NEBR. Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings , Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse Windmills. Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building. McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL , D. W.V. GAGE , Nebraska. McCook , - - - Office and Hospital over First National Bank. JOHN E. KELLEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCooK , NEHRASKA. r-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Officet" Rear of First National bank. I . .I M M al MaM MM * " " " * * * 'C. H. BOYLE , ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook , Nebraska. Telephone 44. p. O. Building DR. Jomr McPHEE , DENTIST. . . . . of Chicago. -Office with Dr. Gage. J. B. BALLARD , © DENTIST. O All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B. Taylor , assistant. WE HAVE THEM Any Style. Any Color. Any Price. X . . 9 * SV" * .rfN X. 6 BED ROOM AND TOILET SETSI l SIX PIECE SETS , Latest Thing : Out , ONLY $2.50 TWELVE PIECE SETS , With Slop Jar , ONLY $6.50 EIGHT STYLES TO SEPlain White. Raised figures m Semi-Por- nR'wTTH c.elai" ' Rose > Def ! BIlle- Raw Umber. Oban BE AI WITH W11" Green. Maroon. A Beautiful Blend of Salmon , mix cTnoTAo OUT SLOP JAR. , Bue and Qhve Nothing adds more to the richness of a nicely appointed bedroom , than one of those beautiful sets now open for your inspection at THE BEE HIVE , - _ - McCook # V. FRANKLIN , PRESIDENT. A. C. EBERT , CASHIER , f CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK , NEB. I Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Scooo -J Sr - - f DIRECTORS = if I V. FRANKLIN , W.F.McFARLAND , A ' C ' EBERT H. T. CHURCH , OSCAR CALLIHAH , C. H. WILLARD. * * Tfa feM n _ CT , _ - . . . „ HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE W-"ISE MAN i. . . . . . . . . In order to do this Men's ; Little Fellows' Boys' Men's 500 Patterns of rriusFcompare you AH Wool All Wool Brown and Black Men's and ' these prices with All Wool Suits Boys' others , Blue and Gray Vestee Suits Fedoras Negligee Shirts , in color , Serge Suits , in ages from 3 to 7 any going at two collars , at FRANK $9.95 $2.25 $5.95 $1.50 50 cts each ricCook , Nebraska. r