The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1900, Image 8

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, ; . yJ.o.get the best results you must use the best
, materials.
You need expect .only poor laundering with poor
soap , - - > ut you will find dainty articles that have been
washed with Ivory Soap restored to their original
freshness with unchanged colors.
Nothing that will stand the application of plain
water will be injured by Ivory Soap.
Don't despair because you have a weak
constitution. The vitalizing principle of Herb-
hie will assuredly strengthen it. In every
drop of Ilerbine there is life. There is a stim
ulating , regenerating power , unequalled in
the whole range of medicinal preparations.
Price , o cents. A. McMillen.
A man has been arrested in Kentucky for
kissing his own wife. He he kissed some
body else's own wife , humanity might have
been called upon to shudder over another
lynching affair.
J. Q. Hood , justice of the peace , Crosby ,
Miss. , makes the following statement : ' 'I can
certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do
all that is claimed for it. My wife could not
get her breath and the first dose of it relieved
her. Il has also benefitted my whole family. "
It acts immediately and cures coughs , colds ,
croup , grippe , bronchitis , asthma and all
throat and lung troubles. D. W. Loar.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
district court in Red Willow couut.y , Nebraska ,
tinder a decree iu au action wherein Walter E.
Gorwin is plaintiff jind Robert T. Allam et al.aro
defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall
offer at public t-alo to the lushest bidder'for
cash , at the cast door of the court-house , in Mc
Cook. Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 7th
day of May , 1900 , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. in. ,
the following described real estate , to-wit : Tlio
southeast quarter of section three (15) ( ) , township
one (1) ( ) , north , range thirty (30) ( ) , west of the 6th
p. in. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated
this 20th day of March , 1900.
: iKits. : . G. F. KINGHORN , Sheriff.
J. E. Kclloy , Attorney.
Cleanse the liver , purify the blood , invigor
ate the body by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. The famous little pills always act
promptly. D. W. Loar.
Land OHicc at McCook , Nebraska , April 2 ,
1900. Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before register
and receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday ,
May 12,1900 , viz : Charles T. Eller , on II. E. No.
10633 for the SE1 ! , section 5 , township 2 , N , R : W.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : William S. Fitch , Orlando L.
Thompson , Clarence B. Gray , William F.Evorist ,
all of McCook , Nob. 4-G-Gts.
F. M. RATHBUN , Register.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
State of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate
of John Kolb , an insane person : Notice is here
by given that iu pursuance of an order from
Honorable G. W. Norris , judge of the district
court for Red Willow county. Nebraska , riade
on the 17th day of February , A. D. 1900 , for the
sale of real estate hereinafter described , there
will be sold at the front door of the court-house
in McCook , Nebraska , on the 2Cth day of March ,
1900 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , at public venduo to the
highest bidder , for cash , the interest of John
Kolb , an insane per ou , in the following de
scribed real estate , to-wit : The east half of the
southwest quarter and the west half of the
southeast quarter of section eight ( S ) , township
two (2) ( ) , north , range thirty CM ) , west , in Red
Willow comity , Nebraska. Which sale will re
main open for one hour.
Dated this 19th day of February , 1900.
2-23-Tit W. S. FITCH , Guardian.
J. E. Keller , Attorney.
[ The above sale adjourned for want of bidders
to May 7,1900. at 2 o'clock p. in.
W. S. FITCII. Guardian. ]
"I think DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills in the world , " says W. E. Lake ,
Happy Creek , Ya. They remove all ob
structions of the liver and bowels , act quickly
and never gripe. D. W. Loar.
After Six Years of Intense Obstinate sores and ulcers which
refuse to heal under ordinary treat
Suffering -Promptly Cured ment soon become chronic and deep-
, seated , and are a sure sign that the
By SO 0 entire circulation is in a depraved condition. They
ui Oi are a severe drain upon the S3Tstem , and are con
stantly sapping away the vitality. In every case the poison must
Le eliminated fr m the blood , and no amount of external treatment
an have any effect.
There is no uncertainty about the merits of S. S. S. ; every claim
made for it is backed up strongly by convincing
testimony of those who have been cured by it
and know of its virtues by experience.
Mr. L. J. Clark , of Orange Courthouse , Ya. , writes :
" For six years I had an obstinate , running ulcer on my
ankle , which at times caused me intense suffering. I was
so disabled for a long while that I was wholly unfit for
business. One of the best doctors treated me constantly ,
but did me no good. I then tried various blood remedies ,
without the least benefit. S. S. S. was so highly recom
mended that I concluded to try it , and the effect was
wonderful. It seemed to get right at the seat of the
disease and force the poison out , and I was soon com
pletely cured. " Swift's Specific
drives out every trace of impurity in the blood , and in thisway
cures permanently the most obstinate , deep-seated sore or ulcer. It
is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable , and con
tains not a particle of potash , mercury , or other mineral. S. S. S
euros Contagio : s Blood Poison. Scrofula. Cancer , Catarrh , Eczema ,
Rheumatism. Sores. Ulcers Boils , or any other blood trouble. Insist
upon R. R S : nothing can take its place.
Yaliablv ? - * " ks mailed free by Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga.
Men's |
AH Wool
Blue and Gray
Serge Suits ,
Mrs. John Bennett is very ill not expected
to live.
Mrs. Elsie Ward visited Box Elder feiends ,
first of the week.
Ellis Divine has purchased a span of horses
from W. II. Epperly
Virgil Shepherd , who recently made a flying
trip to Oregon , has returned home.
The high price of hogs , recently , took many
wagon-loads of porkers to McCook , lately.
Mrs. W. II. Epperly has nearly one hundred
young chickens. She gathers from 50 to 100
eggs daily.
Preaching every Sunday at the Spring
Creek school-house at two in the afternoon.
Rev. Robinson is the pastor.
H. F. Wilson sold his farm on the Willow to
William Peterson , and then bought the Hun
ter place and moved onto the same forthwith.
G. II. Simmerman and W. II. Epperly each
have new water-tanks. The former also has
a new incubator ; and the first hatch was 140
out of a capacity of 160.
Rain hns fallen for the past three Sundays
and at times during the week. Small grain is
looking line : some are planting corn ; much
breaking is being done , which will mostly be
planted to corn ; gardens are coming ou nice
ly ; alfalfa on the bottoms is growing fast ;
plums , cherries and currants are in bloom.
Tortured a Witness.
Intense suffering was endured by witness
1' . L. Martin of Dixie , Ky. , before he gave
this evidence : "I coughed every night until
my throat was nearly raw ; then tried Dr.
King's New Discovery , which gave instant re
lief. 1 have used it in my family for four
years and recommend it as the greatest rem
edy for coughs , colds ami all throat , chest and
lung troubles. It will stop the worst cough ,
and not only prevents but absolutely cures
consumption. Price , $ oc and $1-00. Every
bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at McConnell -
Connell & Beriy's drug store.
How it can and does rain , these days.
I. W. Spaulding sold his fat cattle , last
Mrs. Hannah Barnes is entertaining a
nephew from Syracuse.
The wire question at Box Elder has been
settled satisfactorily to all concerned.
When James Modrell starts for Frontier
county , he goes straight through without any
The Sunday-school children gave their
Easter programme , last Sunday. Despite the
threatened bad weather , the little folks were
greeted by a very fair audience.
A subscription paper is going around to se
cure money with which to insure the church.
All who wish may leave their mite at the par
sonage. It is to be hoped that money suffi
cient may be raised , this time , without any
more entertainments.
James Wood worth has a great crop of spring
The Reclwillow Sunday-school has failed to
Frank Neel seems to be real busy buying
and shipping hogs.
i Mrs. J. F. Helm was quite splendid in a new
buggy , last Saturday.
I Clyde Lutes and wife are now quite com
fortably settled in their , new home.
We learn that R.E. Hatcher has been made
administrator of the Noah Sawyer estate.
The weather is very favorable for crops , and
no doubt real estate will have a boom at this
It is Rummer & Wagner now , John Kum-
mer having taken Henry Wagner as partner.
Miss Maggie keeps house for her brother.
A Fast Bicycle Rider
Will often receive painful cuts , sprains or
bruises from accidents. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve will kill the pain and heal the injury.
It's the cyclist's friend. Cures chafing , sore
lips , chapped hands , burns , ulcers and piles.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Try it. Sold
by McConnell & Berry , druggists.
Henry Naden was a county seat visitor , first
of the week , on business.
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. DeMay made a busi
ness trip over to the county capital , Wednes
Jim Robinson and Mart Nutt had business
in the metropolis , Monday. The boys re
cently told the writer that they never had a
finer prospect for a bumper wheat crop of
best grade.
'After suffering from severe dyspepsia over
twelve years and using many remedies with
out permanent good I finally took Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure. It did me so much good I rec
ommended it to everyone , " writes J. E. Watkins -
kins , clerk and recorder , Chillicothe , Mo. It
digests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
Rajah , the monster elephant that was kept
for the purpose of killing a man or two every
year for advertising purposes , is dead.
Cyclists should always carry a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment , in case of accident ,
if applied immediately , it will subside the
pain , prevent swelling and discoloration , and
quickly heal the wounds. Price , 25 and 50
cent's. A. McMillen.
A new play has been christened "An Elec
tric Current. " Another one of those shocking
stage creations , probably.
Children who are weak , fretful or trouble
some should be given a few doses of White's
Cream Vermifuge. They will then become
strong , healthy and active , have rosy cheeks ,
bright eyes , will be happy and laughing all
the day long. Price , 25 cents. A. McMillen.
That congressman who referred to a politi
cian as being "as white as the driven snow"
must be afflicted with color blindness.
The easiest and most effective method of
pills for cleansing
and bowels. D. W. Loar.
A St. Louis girl broke a marriage engage
ment because she had but one good eye. Mar
riage might have opened the other one.
' 'After suffering from piles for fifteen years
I was cured by using two boxes of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve , " writes W. J. Baxter ,
North Brook. N. C. It heals everything. Be
ware of counterfeits. D. W. Loar.
George Sheppard of the county seat was
with us , Tuesday.
Mrs. E. J. Mitchell represented the McCook
Comfort in this burg , Tuesday.
Marion Powell transacted business in the
county seat , early in the week.
F. H. Strout was down from McCook over
Sunday visiting the wife and child.
Mrs. Frank II. Strout has joined her hus
band in the west-end city where they have
gone to housekeeping.
Samuel Randolph of the Reporter smithy
beamed upon the benighted denizens of the
county's metropolis , Monday.
Miss Jennie McClung and Mrs. F. M. Me-
Clung went up to the county seat , Monday , on
a short visit , returning home on 12 , Tuesday
There are hopeful signs that Samuel Ran
dolph will eventually occupy a seat on the
"Grand Old Deacon's" band wagon. Sammy
isn't hopelessly bad.
Samuel Randolph , the great insurgent ed
itor , is a warm boomer ; but when it comes to
spending dollars in town improvements his J
wind won't pass and he's all wind. j
Every time Judge Norris and Reporter j
Eisenhart go up to Stockville to hold court , '
quite a company of attorneys drive over with
them from tins point. But the unspeakable
egotist of our local unmentionable never gets
beyond "we" and the judge and stenographer ,
in writing these semi-occasional
up - pilgrim
ages. But Samuel Randolph is modest , if
Piles are not only most painful , but also
very dangerous , as the inflamed nodules are !
very apt to take on malignant action and cancer - j
cer of the rectum is produced. They should
be cuied. Tabler's Huckeye Pile Ointment' '
will cure the most obstinate cases. Price , 50
cents in bottles. Tubes. 75c. A. McMillen. '
Roe Wasson will soon have 80 acres of corn
in on the J. I. Grundy place. Roe : s a rustler.
MissFitz of the city , Mrs. Delhunty's trim
mer , was the guest of Minnie Whittaker over
J. A. Schmitz returned , Tuesday , from a trip
to Omaha with his cattle , having visited his
patents on his way home.
We'understand that some of the young pep-
pie under the leadership of Linford Fitch will
try to organize another literary.
II. Gale has moved to the Johnson farm
northwest of McCook , and Bert Overman
now occupies the place vacated by him here.
The literary in district No. 8 adjourned on
Wednesday evening until the first Wednesday
evening in November. The paper by the ed
itor , Mrs. Dutton , was an excellent effort.
Some of the contributions , however , plainly
indicated that what the writers lacked in lit
erary ability was fully offset by liver compli
When the liver fails to seciete bile , the
blood becomes loaded with bilious properties ,
the digestion becomes impaired and the
bowels constipated. Ilerbine has a direct
action on the liver and excretory organs , and
a few doses will cure anv case of biliousness.
Price , 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Julia Slv spent Sunday at home.
Minta Sly has gone to Indianola on a visit
to old friends.
Church services were well attended , Sun
day , notwithstanding the indications of rain.
A number of our young people attended the
literary at Fitch's school-house , Wednesday
Happy the farmer with his small grain
crop coming on nicely and his corn mostly
Rheumatism is conceded to have its origin
in a poisoned condition of the blood , and to
be most successfuly treated by Ilerbine ,
which acts upon the liver , kidneys and other
blood purifying organs , thereby divesting the
system of the offending agents. Price , 50
cents. A. McMillen.
That Carthage , Mo. , woman who was run
over by a bicycle , burned by a gasoline stove
and knocked down by a race horse all in one
week should get a rabbit's foot.
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers aie the finest
pills I ever used. " D. J. Moore , Millbrook ,
Ala. They quickly cure all liver ami bowel
troubles. 'D. W. Loar.
State of Nebraska. Red Willow county , ss.
At a county court , hold at the county court
room , iu and for said county , April 20. A. D. 1000.
Prcs-ent. G. S. Bishop , county judge. In tlio mat
ter of the estate of Noah Sawyer , deceased. On
reading and filing the petition of Annie Sawyer ,
praying that administration of said estate maybe
granted to R. E. Hatcher as Administrator.
Ordered , that May 12 , A. D. 1WX ) , at 1 o'clock p.
in. , is assigned for hearing said i > etition , when
all per-oiiH interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for said
count } , and show cause why the prayer of pe
titioner should not be granted ; and that notice
of the pendency of said petition and the hearing -
ing thereof , be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of this order
in THE McCoou TRIBUNE a weekly newspaper
printed in said county , for three successive
weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
[ SEAL , ] 4-27-3ts. G. S. BISHOP , County Judge.
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska. April 26.
1900. Notice is hereby given that thp following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur
day. June 2 , 1900 , viz : Allen E. Boycr , II. E.
10700 for the nw H section 33 , township 1 , north ,
range 28 , west 6th P. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence up
on and cultivation of. said land , viz : Jessie E.
Ashton. BarnetE. Ashton , George Hess , Charles
Hess , all of Banbury.
4-27-6ts. F. M. RATHCX , Register.
McCook , Nebraska. April 2(3,1900. (
Notice is hereby given that Frank K. Miller
has filed in the city clerk's office his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt , spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building ou lot 11.
block 27. Original town , being in the First ward
of the City of McCook , Nebraska , from May 1.
1900. to April 30,1901.
4-27-3ts. FRANK K. MILLER , Applicant.
All Wool Suits
in any color ,
Brown and Black I
going at
A druggist in Macon , Ga. , says : " I
have sold a large quantity of Mother's
Friend , and nave never known an in
stance where it has failed to produce the
good results claimed for it. All women
agree that it makes labor shorter and less
painful. "
is not a chance remedy. Its good effects
are readily experienced by all expectant
mothers who use it. Years ago it passed
the experimental stage. While it always
shortens labor and lessens the pains of
delivery , it is also of the greatest benefit
during the earlier months of pregnancy.
Morning sickness and nervousness are
readily overcome , and the linimentrelaxes
the strained muscles , permitting them to
expand without causing distress. Mother's
Friend gives great recuperative power to
the mother , and her recovery is sure and
rapid. Danger from rising and swelled
breasts is done away with completely.
Sold by druggists for $1 a bottle.
Send for our free Illustrated book for expectant mother * .
Golden weddings are taking place all over
the country. The old couples evidently took
Kocky Mountain Tea in their young days.
35c. Ask your druggist.
We shouldn't be quick with our censure of
the Baltimore man who went to jail for three
months rather than live with his wife. He
knows her better than we do.
To Cure a Cold In a Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. i. . W. Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
not only effectually
Wnite's Cream Vermifuge
, it also ' " "ease
destroys worms
ally .
and trans.orm
petite , aids assimilation .
of robust neaiin.
infant into one
cents. A. McMillen.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron. Lead and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , an Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building.
D. W. V. CAGE ,
McCook. - - -
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
-Agent.of Lincoln Land Co. Office--
Rear of First National bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. p. O. Building
. . . . of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
Any Style. Any Color. Any Price. X
Latest Thing1 Out ,
ONLY $2.50
With Slop Jar ,
ONLY $6.50
EIGHT STYLES TO SEPlain White. Raised figures m Semi-Por-
LECT FROM , WHICH MAY celain. Rose. Delf Blue. Raw Umber. Oban
SJ ? ? ? WITH" Green" MaroonA Beautiful Blend of Salmon , *
Blue and 0lve ]
Nothing adds more to the richness of a nicely appointed bedroom , than one ' 9I I
of those beautiful sets now open for your inspection at
THE BEE HIVE , = = =
Ito #
B *
| Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5.000
jb a
1 = DIRECTORS i = r = _ -
In order to do this
you must compare
these prices with
others ,
Little Fellows'
All Wool
Vestee Suits
in ages from 3 to 7
500 Patterns of
Men's and Boys'
Negligee Shirts ,
two collars , at
50 cts each
JTcCook , ] Nebraska.