The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1900, Image 7

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    .Tajimicno Illuuk Teeth.
The custom of women In Japan at
marriage giving their teeth an ever
lasting coating of blacking Is practiced
now by only a Email percentage , but
there are still seen in the cities hun
dreds of women hi.icons with black
ivory , and dentists' showcases contain
sets of black teeth.
Wood Mnntclft.
Among the richest and handsomest
mantels and fireplaces now manufac
tured arc those made of petrified Ari
zona wood , veined and colored like
Sienna marble and as highly polished.
Earnest Letters from Women Re
lieved of Pain byMrs.Pinkham.
commenced to tuke your medicine I
was in a terrible state , wishing myself
dead a , good many times. Every part
of my body seemed to pain in some
way. At time of menstruation my
suffering was something terrible. I
thought there was no cure for me , but
after taking several bottles of Lydia.
LJ. I'inhham's Vegetable Compound all
my bad feelings were gone. I am now
tvcll and enjoying good health. I shall
always praibo your medicine. " Mus.
AMOS FKSCIILKK. Box : . ' 2G , liomeo , Mich.
Female Troubles Overcome
" DKAI : Mr.s. PINKIIAM : Iliad female
trouble , painful menses , and kidney
com plaint , also stomach trouble. About
a year ago 1 happened to pick up a
paper that contained an advertisement
of Lydia , E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound , and whoii I read how it had
helped others. 1 thought it might help
me , and decided to give it a trial. I
did so , and as a result am now feeling
perfectly well. 1 wish to thank you for
the benefit your medicine has been to
inc. " Mns. CLAIIASTIEIIKR , Diller , Neb.
No flore Pain
"DcAK MKS. PINKUAM : Your Vege
table Compound has been of much
benefit to me. AVlmn my menses first
appeared they were very irregular.
They occurred too often and did not
leave for a week or more. I always
Miiicrcd at these times with terrible
pains in my back and abdomen. Would
be in bed for several days and would
not be exactly rational at times. I
took Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable
Compound , and menses became regular
aud pains left me entirely. " MKS. E.
IT. CUSTEI : , Brulc , Wis.
Tte Wonder
of trie Age
No Boiling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and. crisp
* when first bought iie-a' .
Try a Sample Packase
You'll like it if you try iU
You'll buv it if you try it.
You'll use it if you try It.
Try it.
Sold bv all Grocers.
Send your name and address on a
postal , and we will send you our 156-
page illustrated catalogue free.
$ 174 Winchester Avenue , Hew Haven , Conn.
i Xs
Worth S4 to 56 compared
with other makes.
.Indorsed bv over
1,000,000wearers. .
The acnuinc have W. L.
Douglas * name and price
stamped on bottom. Take
no substitute claimed to be
as good. Your dealer
should keep them if
not , we will send a pair
on receipt of jjrice and 250.
extra for carriage. State kind , of leather ,
size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cat. free.
" ' . L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton. Mass.
Tee nfldrossosor all reaerat
f-'olrticrs. tbeir widows or
boin. who made n 1IOMB-
bTEAI ) FILING on less tban
ICO acres on or before
' Juno 22 , 1874 , no mutter
was made or not. I will bur
Land Warrant * .
Address Comrade
Box 1335. Denrer ,
and up-to-date cliuniB. Tee 2 separa
tors 1 have work perfectly. C. Iliinlt.
. . . Allegheny Co..Pa. Circulars free ; write
Sf quickly. G1HSON-STEWAKT
* MFG. CO. , GIt > sonia , I'a.
9 K quick relief and cures worst
ra cs. Book of testimonials and 10 1)1 YS' treatment
J'KEK. DK. II. II. GRECVS SONS. Hoi E. AtlanU. Gc.
Probablj- the first thing Adam said
after he saw Eve was that he wished
he had his rib back again.
As a dressing and color restorer , PASSER'S HAIB
BALSAM never falls to t-atlsfy.
UIXDEBCOKXS , the best cure for corns. 13cts.
Life is a bundle of conditions , and a
woman is never happy unless she's
untying a new bundle.
handling our household articles. They sell
on sight. Big prizes given. Write at once.
C. H. Marshall & Co. , Dep't 10 , Chicago.
Reference : Any Bank in Chicago.
Eve knew what she was about when
fcTte tried to get around Adam the first
time with something to eat.
Leather money was in circulation in
T Ht. sia as recently as the lime of Fcttr
the Great.
V Dozen Conundrums for the Uttlo
Folks Story of a l > o y and a Cut
IIuUltH of Gray Squirrels New Game
for Hoys.
Ilcr Little Hoy.
"Always a little boy to her , "
No matter how old he's grown ,
Her eyes are blind to the strands of
gray ;
She's deaf to his manly tone.
His voice is the same as the day he
asked :
"What makes the old cat purr ? "
Ever and ever he's just the same
A little boy to her.
"Always a little boy to her , "
She heeds not the lines of care
That furrow his face to her it is still
As it was in his boyhood fair.
His hopes and his joys arc as dear to
As they were in his small-boy days ;
He never changes ; to her he's still
"My little boy , " she says.
"Always a little boy to her , "
And to him she's the mother fair ,
With the laughing eyes and the cheer
ing smile
Of the boyhood days back there.
Back there somewhere in the mist of
Back there with the childish joy.
And to her he is never the man we see ,
But always "her little boy. "
"Always a little boy to her , "
The ceaseless march of the years
Goes rapidly by , but its drumbeats die
Ere ever they reach her ears.
The smile that she sees is the smile
of youth ,
The wrinkles are dimples of joy ,
His hair , with its gray , is as sunny as
He is always "her little boy. "
Baltimore American.
A Deformed Boy's Sacrifice.
He lived in a little village in Italy ,
at the foot of the Alps. His mother
was a widow , and he , her only child ,
was a poor little cripple. When he
thought of his sad condition that he
could not play like the other boys , and
that if he grew up he would not be
able to work like men he felt very
One day he was going through the
village and stood to rest under the
open window of a room in which some
children were playing. One of them
chanced to break a plaything , when
another took hold of it. and throwing
it out of the window , said : "I'll uirow
it away ; it's no more use than Hans ,
the cripple. " Oh , how sad the words
made poor Hans feel ! He crept back
home and told his mother , while the
hot tears ran down his pinched little
face very hard , indeed. His mother
took him upon her knee and sang a
little song to him that she had often
sung before. It ended with trus little
chorus : "God has His plan for every
man. "
And , although Hans felt very happy
while listening to the sweet tune and
voice , yet he could not believe that
God had any plan for him. But he was
mistaken. Just at this time the Austrians -
trians were at war with the Italians ,
and trying to take their country. In
order that the Italians might know
when the Austrian soldiers were com
ing , they had built large piles of dry
wood on the tops of the hills , and put
men to watch them night and day.
When any of these men saw the Austrians -
trians Coming , it was his duty to set
fire to the pile. Then the man upon
the next hilltop would see it and set
fire to his , and so on , until all the val
leys were made aware that the enemy
was approaching and the Italians were
roused to meet him. The piles were
called beacons , and the men that
watched , the sentinels.
Now , one night a festival had been
kept up in Hans' village. All the vil
lagers except Hans and his mother
were there ; and , although Hans had
gone to bed , he could not sleep. So ,
after a while he arose up silently and
crept up the hill to stay awhile with
the sentinel. But no sentinel was
there. Thinking there would be no
danger that night , and being tempted' '
to join the people in the village , he
had left his post. Hans now thought
he could be of some use , for he could
watch the beacon on the hill until the
sentinel returned.
He had not watched long before he
saw the dark form of an Austrian sol
dier coming upon his hands and knees ,
very stealthily , along toward the pile.
Yes , so it was ; and now he could hear
distinctly the measured tramp , tramp ,
tramp of a number of armed men.
Quick as thought he set fire to the pile.
Now the country was warned and the
people would be" saved ?
But the enraged Austrian soldier
saw , and fired his rifle at him. Hans
fell , mortally wounded. Hours after
ward he was found by some of the vil
lagers and carried , bleeding and dy
ing , to his mother. She took hi $ upon
her knees and wept over him as
though her heart would break. But
Hans looked into her face with his
loving eyes and faintly whispered :
"Dear mother , God has His plan for
every nlan , " and expired.
A Doc and a Cat.
Any dog , especially any small dog ,
greatly respects the teeth and claws of
a cat. Generally speaking , he will no
more thrust his muzzle into these ,
when they are in action , than a flian
will intentionally put his hand against
the teeth of a buzz-saw in motion. As
a rule , too , the cat is superior to the
dog in strategy , knowing when to put
her buzz-saw in operation and when
merely to threaten with it. Sometimes ,
howevcr.a cat may meet a dog who Is
cleverer than herself.
A correspondent of the Youths' Com
panion in California tells of a shepherd
puppy which was always given his din
ner immediately after the family in
which he redded had finished theirs.
At the same time the black and white
cat was given her dinner. The puppy
ate his allowance with extraordinary
haste , all the time eying the cat's , and
making an occasional lunge toward it ,
indicating his intention to take it as
soon as he had finished his own.
His plate cleaned , he darted toward
the cat , and received a sharp and
stinging slap in the face , which caused
him to retreat. Then he jumped around
and barked a proceeding which
caused the cat no uneasiness. Then ,
setting his wits to work , he began a
strategic movement.
He got on the side of the dish toward
which its handle projected , and began
to crawl on his belly slowly up toward
it. The cat ate on , merely watching
the dog with one eye. Nearer and
nearer the dog came , creeping and
watching , until his-nose reached the
end of the handle. Then he gently
took the handle between his teeth and
began to back slowly away.
The cat , somewhat confused , no
doubt , made no attack ; and as soon as
the puppy felt sure that he hid got out
of the "zone of fire , " he moved much
more rapidly away and then set him
self industriously to finish what the
cat had left.
In this performance the dog showed
intelligence of no mean .order per
ceiving the use of the handle of the
dish , and also how the cat- might be
"bluffed" and outwitted.
Habits of Gray Squirrels.
In Addison county , Vermont , writes
M. E. Hall , I have often seen the gray
squirrels , in the autumn , dig holes in
the leaves and earth apparently at
random , and bury a nut therein.
Again , in the winter , I have frequent
ly watched them running over the
snow on some warm day , and again
apparently digging at random , bring
up a nut from under the snow. More
often , however , I have seen them thus
digging , but I did not see the nut that
they found. Still I am quite sure that
they did find a nut for almost in
variably their mode of procedure waste
to run down a tree , thence to a spot
some yards distant , dig in the snow a
few moments , and then run up a tree
again , being quite undisturbed. They
had evidently found what they had
dug for.
More especially have I watched the
fox squirrels do this in Greene county ,
Iowa. The fox is closely related to
the gray , and almost exactly similar
in movements and habits. I feel sure
that the common red squirrel of the
eastern portions of the country lay up
a store of nuts for winter consumption.
Once , late in autumn , in Vermont , I
found nearly half a bushel of butter
nuts thus stored. In this case I was
sure , as my wife and I watched the
saucy little red carry several nuts to
his hoard , which was deposited in a
great cavity of an old butternut tree
before we disturbed it.
I think the pine squirrel of the Big
Horn mountains , and farther west ,
which much resembles the eastern red ,
does not lay up a winter store. My
opportunities of observing them were
limited , but so far as they went I
thought they gathered each day the
seeds from the cones that hung on the
tree all winter , so did not need to lay
A Dozen Conundrums.
1. Why do you go to bed ? Because
the bed will not come to you.
2. When is a ship like a book ? When
it is outward bound.
3. Why has an ocean voyage no ter
rors for physicians ? Because they are
accustomed to see sickness.
4. Why is a popular novel like au
tumn ? Because its leaves are quickly
turned and always read ( red ) .
5. Why should a thirsty man always
carry a watch ? Because there is a
spring inside of it.
6. Who are the most exacting of all
landlords ? Why , the children , because
they never fail to make their father
and mother parents.
7. What is it that no one wishes to
have , yet , when he has it , he would
be very sorry to lose ? A bald head.
S. What conundrums are always at
home ? Those that are never found
9. What insect does a tall father
represent. A daddy-long-legs.
10. When a lady faints what figure
should you bring her ? You should
bring her two.
11. Why is a pig in the parlor like a
house on fire Because the sooner it is
put out the better.
12. When are eyes not eyes ? When
the wind makes them water.
A XOTT Catch Game.
Here is a new game of "catch" the
boys will enjoy. It is called "stags
and hounds , " and in playing it one
boy is at first the hound , and he must
try to touch the other players. When
he has touched one , the two hounds
join in and catch another. When they
have caught , the three join hands and
run after others , until all except one
have been caught and joined hands.
Then the one that has not been caught
has to be the hound for the next time.
Lincoln lit Scotland.
Scotland seems a strange place to
find a statue of Abraham Lincoln , and
yet there is one there. It adorns a
monument erected in old Calton bury
ing ground. Edinburgh , to the memory
of the Scottish-Americans who fought
in the American civil war.
An Annexation Take.
South American journals declare
that emissaries of the United States
are buying up large tracts of land in
Brazil , Peru and Chile , for the purpose
of getting a hand in local political
questions , with the ultimate view if.
Daisy , the famous chimpanzee in the
London Zoo , has succumbed to the
London climate. Daisy was able to
open a pocket . .nife , cut an orange or
an apple Into quarters and give a large
or a small piece as requested to ad
Bear Signature of
See Fac-SImHc Wrapper Below.
Vcrj a radl and as easy
to talta as cngor.
base "all coating ,
in 5 Ib. paper packages , mdo ready for TIEO in
\vhito and fourteen beautiful tints by mixing
with cold water. It is a cement thnt goes
through a process of setting , hardens with arco ,
and can be coated and rccoated without watting
off its eld coats bcfora renewing.
Is entirely
from all the
variouskalsonines en the market , being durable
and not stuck on the \vall with gluo. Alabastinc
customers should insist on hiiving the goods it
packages properly labeled. They shonld reject
all imitations. There is nothing "just as good. "
Prevents much sickness , particularly throat and
Inng difficulties , attributable to unsanitary
coatings on walls. It has been recommended
in a paper published by the Michigan Stuto
Board of Health on account of ita sanitary
features : which paper strongly condemned
kaU-omines. Alabastmo can bo used on either
plastered walls , wood ceilings , brick or canvas ,
and any one can brush it on. It admits of radi
cal changes from wall paper decorations , thns
securing at rcasonnblo expen o the latest nnd
best effects. Alabafctine is manufactured by the
Instructive and interesting booklet mailed free
to all applicants.
If you tale up your
homes in We tPrn ( . 'an-
sida , the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets.
Diving experiences of
farmers wno have be
come wealthy In grow
ing wheat , reports of
_ dolesates , etc. . mid full
imorniutiou as tj reduced railway rates caa be
had on application to the Superintendent of
Immisratlon , I/epartmcnt of Interior. Ottawa.
Canada , or to M. V. Bennett , SOI New Vorlc
Life 31dg , Omaha , Xeb.
Every time a man gets married
there is some woman who makes up
her mind that she would have refused
him , anyhow , if he had been fool J
enough to ask her.
A man loves a woman for what he
thinks she is ; a woman loves a man
for what she thinks she can make of
him if he will let her.
The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon is go
ing to start in his church at Topeka a
"church brotherhood , " having the fea
tures of the average fraternal order ,
with insurance.
Arc You Cslnjr Allen's Foot-Kane ?
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Miss Bessie Shirley of Salt Lake
City is no doubt the only woman who
edits and owns a mining paper. She
is but 19 years old , yet she established
the paper herself , and has made a suc
cess of it.
Asalary ot SiS per week and expenses -will
be paid to man with one or two-horse rig
to introduce our Poultry Compound and
Lice Killer among Furuier * . Address with
stamp , Acme Mfg. Co. , DCS MaineIowa. .
Love at first sight is all right , but
what a girl wants is a man who will
love her every time he sees her.
Tilrs. TVinsIov's Snothins Synp.
Foi-clilliiroa teething , rofens the guir.s , - duccs In-
tainuaUo , allPjf s pain , cures irina colic. 23c a boulc.
Sometimes there is more true gen
erosity in a kind word than there is
in giving a dollar to a public charity.
At Bcsco Rcale , on the slopes of
Vesuvius , near Pompeii , excavations
have brought up the most remarkable
paintings of the Roman period yet
General Cronje has a nephew study
ing for a professional career in Lon
The I.I\V'K KcBtritlnlnx KfTt-ct.
It should not escape notice that
when a negro in South Carolina was
arrested a few days back for criminal
assault the crowd around barkened to
the appeal of a justice of the peace
and permitted the culprit to be taken
to jail to await trial under due process
of law. South Carolina has a law
which renders liable for money dam-
gaes to the heirs of a victim any coun
ty in which a lynching occurs , and it is
a fact that since its enactment lynch-
ings in that state have been very
Andrew Coats , of Perth. Scotland ,
who died the other day at the age
og Sf , was the last of four brothers
who built up the spool-cotton trade ,
representing many millions. Their
father was an humble Panisley weaver.
Magnetic Su > rch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Had Washington been a poker play
er the stack of chips he accumulated
with his little hatchet would have conic
in handv.
For starching fine linen ustj Magnetic
Evictions in Ireland during the past
year number only 430 , the lowest in
nearly a third of a century.
Cnts'.rrh Cannot Ho Ctiroil
with LOCAL AITLICATION'S. as they cannot
reach the scat of the disease. Catarr.'i is a
blood or constitutional ilUivsu. and in order to
cure It you must taUeintjnil : remedies. Hall's '
Cat .rh Ore is taken internally , and acts
directly on the Mood and mucous Mirfaie'- .
Hall's Catarrh Cure is not : i ( juacl : mciiiciiK.
It was prescrioed by one of the best physicians
in this country fur years , and is a regular pre- .
scriptlon. It is composed of the nest tonics I
known , combined with the best blood piirUli-rs.
acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The
perfect combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results ia curing
Catarrh. Send for testimonials , free.
P. .T. C'HEXKY & CO. . Props. . Toledo , O.
Sold bv druggists , price TTic.
Ilall'b Family i'ills are the best.
Children are society's ciphers , but
when they follow marriage , they make
it ten times as valuable.
heiul for "C'liolco
l > y Walter Uaker & < ' > . I.u ! . . lorcliit > ; or , SIcss. ,
uiullut ! Irco. Mentiuu this I/UIILT.
A woman can win any many if she
is wise and wicked enough , and hold
any man if she is witty and weak
Use Magnetic Starch it lias no equal.
If a man believed a girl when sh *
claimed she didn't liked to be kissed ,
he would always have his own opin
ions about her.
The Maker's of Carter's Ink Says
"Wo can't mal.e any Iwtter ink than we do ; we
don't know how to. V.'e can make po-ircr ink ,
but we won't. " Carter's Ink is the best.
When a woman gets mad at her )
husband she always tries to break his
heart by taking to kissing him the
way women do.
Nearly 8,000,000 persons in Germany
are insured against illness.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
You can always tell when a girl
thinks she is in love by her going
around all the time acting like the
sun had shone on her.
Your clothes will not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
After a girl gets engaged to a man
she generally isn't near so careful
about the holes in the elbows of her |
silk shirt waists.
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
Probably in heaven the men angels
waited on by the women who used to
make their husbands stand around
worst on earth.
urftt. Vontornc vniiMj > snfter
> t d'ty's i-o of I > r. Klli.e's ( Jreut Iwne HeKnrer.
Semi lor I-'KEIC SiJ.OO trial bottlr and : rrati-e.
IJB. K. II. KU.NE , Ltd.'Jot .nrchSt. , I'liiltulelplua , I' w
Every photographer knows that women - |
men haven't got any conscience by the |
way they always have their pictures
taken in each other's clothes.
If a man looks sad and preoccupied
for about six months after his wife
dies all the women will say he "fairly
worshipped the ground she walked on. "
The latest device to encourage high-
stepping in coach horses is a glass !
worn like goggles , the crystals being so |
formed that the ground appears nearer' '
than it is. It is said to work all right.
Durng the past years 76,489 Italians
emigrated to the United States ; 53.546
were males and 22,943 females. They
carried with them $788,805. Just 1,445) )
Italians were refused admittance to
the United States.
It is said that the little city of Orea ,
in Sweden , owns ami operates a nurH-
cry that brings it an annual income of
$ lf 0.000 , a sum that pays all the ex
penses of the municipality , IncludliiK
free Bchools for the children and a frco
telephone r.ystem for the people.
ImmeiiiU * Street C'nr Triitlle.
In Now York City the Metropolitan
Street Hallway company has Ii8-l miles
of track and last year carred on them
255,8:55,000 : passengers , or about half
the number carried on all of the. steam
railroads of the failed States.
"Peruna Is an Excellent Spring
Catarrh Ecmedy I am as
Well as Ever. "
% ttt
g ur &w
. . ' * >
'Slftj - & C > 'sC < X \
lion. Dan. A. Orosviior. . of the Famous
Ohio Family.
Hon. ' A. Urnsvcnor. Deputy
Auditor for t'oVir ! Hsnartincnt. in : i
letter \vrittcn from Washington , D. C. .
"Allow me to express my gratitude
to j ou lor ; he he net it derived from one
bottle of i'erunu. On ? week ha : ;
brought wonderful chcngcs ar.d I am
now an well as ever. Uesiilcs hcing
one ( if the very tat spring tonics it.s
an excellent catarrh remcjy. " Very
restpcstiully , Van A. drosvcr.or ,
IIul I' . Denton , Chief Xatir.nal Kx-
port Exposition , Pliiladeipni-i. I'a. .
writes : "I \\a.s completely run down
from overwork nnd the responsibility
naturally connected with the exploita
tion of a great iiit'Tiiation ; : ! exposi
tion. My physician recoinniendcti an
extruded vacation. When life seemed
almost n. burden I began taking I'e-
ruria , nnd with the tiso of the lifth bottle
tle I found myself in a normal condi
tion. I have since enjoyed the beht
of health. "
Almost everybody needs a tonic in
the spring. Something to brace tins
nerves , invigorate the brain ,
cleanse the blood. That Penma will
do this is beyond all question. Evcry-
one who has tried it has ha 1 the same
experience as Mrs. D. W. Tirnbcrlake ,
of Lynchburg , Va. , who , in u recent
letter , made use of the following
words : "I alwav.- ? take a dose of Pe
runa after business hours , as it is a
great thing for the nerves. There is
no better spring tonic , and I have used
about all of them. "
For a free book on "Summer Ca
tarrh. " address The Peruna Medicine
Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
A I'ailtiro : it -Kli-.van. . .
There is to be a separation between
the young women and the young men
of Wesleyan University , where the ex
periment of co-education has not met
with the success that its champions
had anticipated. The annex idea seems
the alternative now in view. The two
sexes will be educated as they are at
sTryGrain = 0 ! o
I Try Qrain = 0 !
T Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon
& a. paekageof GllAIN-O , the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
' The children may drink it without
injury as well as the adult. All who
try it , like it. GKAIN-O has that
rich oeal brown of Mocha or Java ,
< X but it is made from pure grains , and
the most delicate stoinucb receives it
without distress. the price of coffee.
< > 15 cents and 23 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
* Looks like Coffee
& Insist that y on r grocer gives yon GRAUi-0
Accept no imitation.
In view of the many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of " Baker's
Chocolate " which have recently been put upon the market , v.-e find it neces
sary to caution consumers against these a'tempts to deceive
and to ask them to examine every package they purchase ,
and make sure tfcit it has on the front a yellov/ label , wth
our name and place of manufacture.
" " ° he
"La Belle Chocolatiere" |
If ycur grocer does not keep the genuine article , piease !
us know , and we will endeavor to put you : n the way cf ?
getting it. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book , mailed free to ar.y applicant - " ?
plicant who mer.tions this paper. jji
WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited , Dorchester , Mass.
J ) If so sppra'atesurr < . ? u r- ' ' ' an < " "ii n unf 'ni.nthir.f.
* n vi.ur iriimey than .nv i > ank * I ji > ' .i\ - r JCIM
2 l"j hei nf wheat or < i > r.i imliiar. ' n jni" ' u > n'- . * -fmi
on bpeculatloa. IT Is MilK An . r .tit IKU , e r < l sn n
Room 23 , Traders' BideChicago. .