The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
- ----I..J.-.J JLJ.L- , . . . . : j.- ? . - - - , - , . - - . - - - .
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
IT was u powerful combination that
Senator Thurston and his friends went
up agaitibt at Lincoln , this week , but it
was a glorious victory for the senator ,
who is several lively stages from being a
dead duck yet.
THE Republicans of Nebraska must
now bury completely out of sight all
personal and factional differences , put
on their fighting clothes , fight a good
fightand in November victory will perch
high on the party's banner.
HON. W. S. MOKI.AN of McCook was
nominated for congressman by the Re
publicans of the 1'ifth district at their
convention at Holdrege , this week. The
"deacon" is a strong man and a sure
winner. Good-bye , Mr. Sutherland , take
keer o' yerself. Palisade Press.
W. S. MORGAN is not a boy orator.
He has grown gray in tne practice of his
profession in Southwestern Nebraska ,
and is recognized as the most able attor
ney in this section. His fidelity to a
client is unquestioned. His honesty and
integrity are beyond reproach. If he is
elected to congress he will represent the
people of this district as conscientiously
as he has served his clients in the prac
tice of his profession Beaver City Trib
IN A report to the adjutant general of
the United Stales army , Chaplain Chas.
C. Pierce states , as the result of his ex
perience , that "the morale of our army
has greatly improved in the thirteen
years I have been permitted to judge of
it by personal contact with its soldiers ,
and it gives me pleasure to refer to
Bishop Potter of New York , who was
my guest for six days prior to my de
parture from Manila , ami to the surprise
manifested by him at the groundlessness
of many of the charges and criticisms
which had been voiced in America b3"
many persons , in connection with this
subject. I think he will join me in say
ing that our army is composed of men
of quite as high a type as the ranks in
civil life from which they were recruited ,
and that they are men worthy of a na
tion's honor. "
THAT our salts to the orient are rap
idly growing is shown by the latest ex
port figures of the bureau of statistics.
While there has been a continued growth
in our exports during the past fiscal year ,
by far the largest percentage of gain has
been in our trade with the orient. To
Europe , our exports during the eight
months ending with February , increased
5.4 per cent as compared with the corresponding
pending months of the preceding fiscal
year ; to South America , 8 per cent ; to
North America , 13 3 per cent ; to Asia , 38
per cent ; to Oceanica , 51 per cent , or to
Asia and Oceanica combined , 44 per
cent ; while to Africa there was a slight
reduction , owing to the disarrangement
of commercial conditions there by reason
of hostilities. Taking our exports as a
whole , it is found thas the increase dur
ing the eight months has been 9 per
cent , while the increase to Asia and
Oceanica has been 44 per cent.
ONE of the most dishonest pretexts
upon which the Democracy is attempt
ing to get back into power and treat the
country to another spell of the dumps ,
such as it went through during the last
Cleveland free trade administration , is
that it is necessary to overturn the Ding-
ley law and protection in order to over
turn the trusts. People should under
stand that it is the natural Democratic
itching for free trade , and no real abhor
rence of the trusls , which makes the
Democratic party clamor for the destruc
tion of the Dingley law. Democrats
everywhere show that they are not
afraid of the trusts. They are members
of trusts themselves , stuffing their pock
ets with trust stock , and engaging as
lustily in the business of trust promotion
as any Republican. Mr. Havenieyer ,
who so loudly denounced the tariff as
the mother of trusts , is at the head of
the most arbitrary and oppressive trust
in the country , the great sugar trust , and
he always contributes to Democratic
campaign funds. But the falsity of his
declaration is shown by the fact that
England , a purely free trade country , is
overrun with trusts ; every country in
Europe , no matter what its tariff or
whether it has any tariff at all , has its
trusts , and usually a good many of them ;
and trusts are even formed in Japan.
The trust movement is world wide and
has no relation whatever to tariffs , a fact
known as well to Democratic anti-trust
howlers as to anybody under the sun ;
but unfortunatelj' with them , a lie well
stuck to is better than the truth.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .37
Wheat „ 50
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs 4.50
Eggs 08
Butter 15
Potatoes 35
Butter fat at Creamery 16
Bicycle shoes at the "Model. "
Lear he sells pure drugs.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
. cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum fcakingf powders arc the greatest
meoacers to health of the present day.
Best Grades
Screen Doors
Window Screens
. . . Coal Tar.
Barnett Lumber Go
Dennison Street
Republicans do Their Work in Fine
Thurston Wins His Fight. Dietrich for
Governor by Acclamation.
The Republicans of Nebraska assem
bled in state convention at half past two
o'clock , Wednesday afternoon , and in
four hours of straightforward work , set
tled all of their differences , named a full
state ticket , and adjourned amid the best
of feeling and with a strong conviction
that they had planted the seeds of a de
cisive victory.
The only conflict of any importance
in the selection of
came delegates-at-
large to the national convention. An
effort was made by the opponents of
Senator Thurston to send Noiris Brown
of Kearney to Philadelphia in his stead.
During the balloting on these delegate
the interest was tense and the air of the
vast hall was surcharged with excite
tiieut. When the roll call showed the
senator to be safely in the lead his
friends gave expression to their joy in a
long and loud demonstration. Then
the convention settled down to routine
business and finished everything in a
single industrious and well ordered sit
Delegates-at-large :
E. Rosewater , Douglas.
John M. Thurston , Douglas.
John H. McClay , Lancaster.
John A. Ehrhardt , Stanton.
Alternates :
Norris Brown , Buffalo.
M. R. Snodgrass , Cuming.
H. C. Baird , Knox.
C. W. Kaley , Webster.
Presidential electors :
J. T. Nesbit , Burt.
R. B. Windhaui , Cass.
Ed Royce , Custer.
L. M. Hague , Kearney.
S. P. Davidson , Johnson.
J. L. Jacobson , Douglas.
J. L. Kennedy , Douglas.
John L. Langer , Saline.
First George M. Spurlock , E. A.
Second W. F. Gurley , E. J. Cornish.
Third Henry Ragatz , J. C. Haskell
Fourth Alexander Laverty , C. B.
Fifth O. A. Abbott , G. L. Day.
Sixth George B. Darr , E. J. Daven
First Mr. Worl , R. C. Boyd.
Second C. L. Hoover , F. H. Clar-
idge.Third N W. Wells , Nelson Grimsley.
Fourth N. V. Harlan. E. O. King.
Fifth Edward Updike , C. A. Luce.
Sixth James Mclntosh , M. L. Fries.
Governor C. H. Dietrich , Adams.
Lieutenant Governor E. P. Savage ,
Secretary of State G. W. Marsh ,
Treasurer William Stueffer , Cuming.
Auditor Charles Weston , Sheridan.
Attorney General F. N. Prout , Gage.
Land Commissioner George D. Foll-
mer , Nuckolls.
Superintendent W. K. Fowler ,
NEBRASKA Republicans enter the
campaign with a strong ticket and few
sores. A united , earnest effort , now ,
will land the nominees winners , one and
all !
MR. MORLAN is a man of honor , and
if sent to congress he would serve the
district with unflinching loyalty , and
the people ought to esteem it a great
privilege to be able to vote for a man
who would be such a credit to the dis
trict. Cambridge Clarion.
W. S. MORLAN was nominated for
congress by acclamation by the Republi
cans at Holdrege , Wednesday. His rec
ord for fairness will enable him to make
the race supported by not only Republi
cans , but by many admirers in the Popu
list party. Cambridge Clarion.
HON. W. S. MORLAN of McCook re
ceived the nomination for congressman
by acclamation at the convention held
in Holdrege , Wednesday. Mr. Morlan
is a man of the highest qualifications
and a true blue Republican , whose in
tegrity and ability are unquestioned.
He has worked untiringly for the up
building of Western Nebraska and will
undoubtedly be elected. Here's to you ,
Mr. Morlan. Imperial Republican.
"I had stomach trouble twenty years and
jjave up hope of beinjj cured till I began to
use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me
so much good I call it the savior of my life. "
writes \V. R. Wilkinson , Albany , Tenn. It
digests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
I reckon not the seasons ,
Nor the years that come and go ,
Life's an all around pleasure to me ,
Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask
your druggist.
The army canteen will probably draw a
volley or two from the big guns at the present
session of the Methodist conference.
A Keen. Clear Brain.
Your best feelings , your social position or
business success depend largely on the perfect
action of your stomach and liver. Dr. King's
New Life Pills give increased strength , a
keen , clear brain , high ambition. A 25 cent
box will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggists.
Frank Clark is seriously sick.
Mrs. Reimer's oldest son is very sick with
The protracted meeting at the M. E. church
is very interesting.
James Sipe and family visited with friends
in Cambridge , Sunday.
W. George Sheppard of McCook was in
the burg , Wednesday.
Dr. J. A. Gunn of McCook was a business
visitor in Bartley , Monday.
Eastern men looking for land in Nebraska
are here nearly every day.
Mr. Hodges had business before the U. S.
land officers in the county seat , Monday.
A Mr. Matthews of Omajia , uncle of C. E.
Matthews , has been visiting here , this week.
MurryCoibin is all broke up , these clays ;
Mrs. Corbin and the babe have gone to Iowa
on a visit.
Ray Hodgkin wheeled up town , Wednes
day , lie is making a nice recovery from his
long illness.
Rev. R. H. Chrysler of Benkelman was in
town , this week , having some repairs made on
his property.
Silas Wolf went north , Wednesday , and
"Genus" was hot about it. He says there is a
woman in the deal.
A letter from F. A. Walsworth informs us
that he is getting on nicely as traveling sales
man for a Denver drug firm.
Mrs. J. M. Brown and daughter Grace vis
ited in Cambridge , Saturday and Sunday ,
with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Keys.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dole were down from
the county captal , first of the week , renewing
acquaintances and visiting friends.
The Inter-Ocean man gave the people of
the metropolis an opportunity. , Monday , of
seeing the mold and fashion of true Popo-
cratic greatness.
The meeting of the pension examiners was
annulled for Wednesday , April 2d , in order
that Drs. Iloyt and llathorn might attend the
Republican state convention at Lincoln.
Frank Brown is adding to the appearance
of Rev. Chrysler's house with a coat of paint.
Several other houses could be made better
and prettier by the application of the same.
If sweet young widows want to "ketch"
some sweet-heart in the sunny tangles of their
golden curls , they better take Rocky Moun
tain Tea. Great medicine. Ask yor druggist.
A Woman's Awful Peril.
"There is only one chance to save your life
and that is through an operation" were the
startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of
Lime Ridge , Wis. , from her doctor after he
had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case
of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall
stones had formed and she constantly grew
worse. Then she began to use Electric Bit
ters which wholly cured her. It's a wonder
ful stomach , liver and kidney remedy. Cures
dyspepsia , loss of appetite. Try it. Only 50
cents. Guaranteed. For sale by McConnell
& Berry , druggists.
Maud Harrison has been staying with her
sister , Mrs. Will Sexson.
Mr. Allison , who formerly lived on the Hol
land place , has moved to Indianola.
Will Sexson proposes to have that ne\v girl
hurrah for William McKinley if s-he can't
Small grain is looking fine. Messrs. Canaga
and Maynard have put in 150 acreb on J. W.
Dolan's farm on the halves.
Mesdames E. A. Sexson and Noah Sawyer
were in McCook , last Friday , on business
pertaining to the appointing of an administra
tor in the matter of the estate of Noah Saw
There will be Sunday-school in the Red
Willow school-house , every Sunday at 2:30
o'clock. You are all urged to attend and
take part. Arrangements are being made to
have preaching every other Sunday by the
pastor of the Congregational church of In
dianola. We hope everybody will take a
hand in making this a success and not a fail
ure , as has been the case in past efforts.
W. S. Musser , Millhelm , Pa. , saved the life
of his little girl by giving her One Minute
Cough Cure when she was dying from croup.
It is the only harmless remedy that gives im
mediate results. It quickly cures coughs ,
colds , bronchitis , grippe , asthma and all
throat and lung troubles. D. W. Loar.
I can't take plain cod-liver1
1 cill Doctor says , try it. He |
x might as well tell me to melt i
* lard or butter and try to take |
them. It is too rich and \
" > v/ill upset the stomach. But <
you can take milk or cream ,
t ao you can take
I It is like cream ; but will
1 feed and nourish when cream' '
| v/ill not. Babies and children -
| dren will thrive and grow t
5 fat on it when their ordinary
| food does not nourish them.
0 Persons have been known to gain <
3 a pound a day when taking an <
v * ounce of Scott's Emulsion. It gets (
the digestive machinery in working' '
order so that the ordinary food is ]
properly digested and assimilated.
500. and Si.oo , all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
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The Thompson 1
Dry Goods Co.
We have just re
ceived 300 Summer
Corsets of the celebrated -
brated "F. C. "
Our stock of Cor =
sets now consists of
over 900 pairs of
Corsets and Corset Waists.
. . Over 22 styles in the line. . .
We sell the "F. C.'s" with the broadest and most liberal
guarantee ever given on a Corset , viz : 4 weeks' trial by actual
wear and your money back then , if not satisfied in every way
with the Corset your money back without question or explana
tion on your part. No corset manufacturer ever submitted his
goods to such a test as that before. Only the very best of ma
terial and work could justify such a guaranty and save the man
ufacturer from ruin. Notice some of the kinds :
A gau/e corset made of double thread gauze. 5-liook steels
J CC.w't'1 ' extra Kuartl strips ; strengthened with extra girdle of belting
* JJ around waist ; light , strong , cool. Price , 35 cents.
> - , A better gauze corset of better material and more work on it.
t " * " 0 Very complete. 50 cents.
A high bust gauze corset. Price , 50 cents.
W Dl OO gauze corset waist ; handsomely finished in every desirable
} detail. Si.oo.
\ The above are all of gauze for summer wear.
J . In the Jeans goods , or Coutil or Satine , we have a most com-
f plete line embracing all qualities from 35 cents to $1.00.
y 900 corsets to choose from. Every one absolutely guaranteed by four weeks'
. trial and money back if not satisfied.
> * * . -.See our window display.-
Postofflce Per
in same Building. GEO. E. THOMPSON.
of the
busy store in
desires to call public attention
to the fact that his superb
Ready-Made Clothing
\ . .
NEW Ladies' & Children's Shoes
OF Men's & Boys' . . .
Spring Caps r
. . . .
is now ready for inspection ; also
to the fact that his line of . . . .
is unequalled in Southwestern
Nebraska. All lines full , new ,
fresh and complete.
He challenges all competition in
variety , richness , and price.
' 99'