The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1900, Image 7

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    What a story of suffering that one
word tells. It says : "I am all
tired out. It seems to me I
can hardly take another step.
I haven't a particle of
ambition. I can't do half
the work I feel I must do.
I am weak , nervous , depressed ,
discouraged. "
Now you know what the trouble is , you certainly
know the cure , a perfect Sarsaparilla. "Sarsaparilla"
is simply the name of the medicine , for in a perfect
Sarsaparilla there are a great many remedies. Some act by
taking out the bad ; others , by putting in the good.
You want a Sarsaparilla that will make your blood pure
this spring , a Sarsaparilla that will make it rich and strong ,
a Sarsaparilla that is a powerful nerve tonic. You want
the strongest and best Sarsaparilla that can be made.
"The only Sarsaparilla made under the persona ! supervision of three graduates : a
graduate in pharmacy , a graduate in chemistry , and a graduate in medicine. "
" Last July my oldest daughter was taken sick , and I was on my feet , it seemed to me , night and day for
weeks taking care of her. I had no other help than that which my husband gave me , and by the time daughter
began to mend I was down sick myself. I was discouraged , and did not care much whether I lived or died
My husband got me a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla , and its effects were magical. Two bottles of this medicine
put me on my feet and made a well woman of me. " JANE M. BROWN , Bentonsport , Iowa , Jan 19 1900
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
The minister is a pairer and the
policeman is a peeler.
Homes In Idaho and tlfnh.
For full description and printed matter
write to C. E. Brainard , Ogden , Utah.
Lots of our real duty to the Lord
has to be done on the sly , so it won't
hurt good people's feelings.
Use Magnetic Starch ithasnoequal.
When two men argue each usually
thinks the other is a fool.
Mrs. IVInslov's Soothing Synp.
For children teething , softens the Rums , -educes In-
b -nmatlo i , alleys pain , cures wind colic. 23o a bottle.
After passing its natural limits am
bition is boundless.
Beautiful hair Is always pienslnpr , and PARKER'S
HAH : BALSAM excels In produclnB It.
NS , the best euro for corns. 13cts.
"Women may have cigars named
after them , but most of the new dis
eases are named after men.
Turkey owes us $90,000.
We want 100,000 Agents , men and wo
men , boys and girls all over the United
States to sell our wonderful Lekko
Scouring Soap , Lekkoene and other Toi
let Soaps. Big profit , easy work. Prize
with every cake. Write today. C. H.
Marshall & Co. , Dep't 10 , Chicago , 111.
Factory 118-126 No. May St. Ref. , any
bank in Chicago. '
Your clothes will not orack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
Every spring you clean the house you
live in , to get rid of the dust and dirt which
collected in the winter. Your body , the
v.V house your soul lives in , also becomes filled
up during the winter with all manner of
filth , which should have been removed from
day to day , but was not. Your body needs
cleaning inside. If your bowels , your liver ,
your kidneys are full of putrid filth , and
you don't clean them out in the spring ,
you'll be in bad odor with yourself and
everybody else all summer.
DON'T USE A HOSE to clean your
body inside , but sweet , fragrant , mild but
positive and forceful CASCARETS that
I work while you sleep , prepare all the filth
collected in your body for removal , and
drive it off softly , gently , but none the less
surely , leaving your blood pure and nourishing , your stomach and bowels clean and
lively , and your liver and kidneys healthy and active. Try a JO-cent box today , and if
not satisfied get your money back but you'll see how the cleaning of your body is
25c. 50c. DRUGGISTS
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Address
Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago or New York , mentioning advertisement and paper. 23
Women In Politics He You seem
to sympathize with the president ,
She Indeed , I do ; he can't please any
body. If I were in his place I'd go to
bed and stay until the country elected
another one. Indianapolis Journal.
Frantt J. Cheney makes oath that ho is the
senior partner of the llrm of P. J. Cheney &Co. ,
doing business In the City of Toledo. County
and State aforesaid , and that said llrm will nay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAUS for
each and every cuso of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In inv
presence , this Cth day of December. A. D. lS i
re. , . , i A.V. . GREASON.
l = > tAL-J Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , and
nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials , free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , a
Sold by Druggists. 75c
Hall's Family Pills tire the best.
A German philosopher says the
beauty of a hot sausage is more than
skin deep.
The man who never made a failure
is unable to appreciate success.
Try draln-o : Try Graln-ol
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GRAIN-0 , the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without InJury -
Jury as well as the adult. All who try
it , like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java , but It Is made
frorr. pure grains , and the most delicate
stomach receives It without distress.
One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c.
and 25c. per package. Sold by all
The price of the Transvall sixpense
in London is now 5 shillings. Kruger
pennies , however , are relatively more
expensive. One London dealer who is
now charging 18 pence for them re
gretted that he parted with four dozen
at a shilling each the other day.
Do Your Toot Ache nncl IJnrAT
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-
East , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S.01mstedLeRoy , N. Y.
A pale moon denotes rain.
PIso's Cure for Consumption is an infallible
medicine for coughs and colds. N. W.
Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. 17 , 1900.
An orange hit in the exact center
by a rifle ball wil vanish at once from
slight , scattered into infintesimal
The popularity of ex-Governor Pin-
gree , of Michigan , among the Poles
and Hungarians of Detroit is in a large
measure due to his ability to speak
the languages of these people. When
lie started out to work among them
he first took lessons in their tongues.
Magnetic Storch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
Senator Bailey of Texas is 40.
A Hook of Cliolce Koclpes
Sent free by Waiter IJaker & Co. L\d. , Dorchester ,
lnE8. Mention this paper.
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
Some one recently showed ex-Speak
er Reed a copy of a Manila paper in
which appeared this paragraph : "The
difference between 'Tom' Reed and
'Billy' Mason is that when 'Tom' Reed
says he will resign he resigns. " "Ah , "
said Mr. Reed , reflectively , "a great
journalist is evidently wasting his tal
ents on the Filipinos. "
When a man spends so much buying
drinks for all his friends that his wife
can't keep the children dressed prop-
erlq , it is said that "his heart is in
the right place. "
The late Rabbi Wise used to tell
of hearing Henry Ward Beecher once
say to Mrs. Stowe that an Italian monk
who had translated her "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" had written him a letter say
ing that if he could kiss the Avoman
who wrote the book he could die
happy. Mr. Beecher then added :
"Well , I sent him a picture of you ,
Mrs. Stowe , and nothing has been
heard of him since. "
The enlarged portrait .swindler who
has found so large and fruitful a field
in this country , has reached Paris.
The concierges of apartment houses
in the Vendome quarter have been
worked to the extent of two hundred
francs each for frames to enlarged
photographs , which are never deliv
"The wonderful oil discoveries in
Southern California will , within a
short time , drive coal from the Pa
cific coast , " says Fred A. Barlaw of
Los Angeles. "It is a splendid fuel ,
and half of the householders are now
using it for cooking and heating pur
poses. "
Infallible Method. They had been
discussing methods of ascertaining
character. "I can tell you how to find
a man out , " volunteered one who had
not spoken. "How ? " "Go to his home
when he is away. " Pittsburg Chroni
Silk is likely to go up in price as
there is an epidemic among the Ital
ian and French silkworms. They re
fuse to eat and are dying by myriads
on their mulberry leaves.
Bill "They say there is a good deal
to be learned from bees. " Jill "So
there is ; but , as a rule , people are not
anxious to take points from them. "
Yonkers Statesman.
Senator Tillman is not anly ambi
dexterous , but is able to write with
both hands at once. The senator , as
many not be generally known , is also
something of a talker.
The productive capacity of the la-
bor-stving machinery in the United
States , it is estimated , is equal to a
hard working population of 400,000,000.
The cost of preparing the American
exhibit at the Paris exposition has
ben $240,633. The largest item is sal
aries of experts $72,045.
In Java a small state exists which is
entirely controlled by women , with
the single exception of the sovereign
who is a man. He is. however , entire
ly dependent on the three women who
form his state council.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It now. You will then ur.e no other.
Read Itosewatur'8 Utopia Brilliant
Romance 25 cts. Utopia Co. , Oinahu ,
Congress will adjourn In June.
Are Yon Vulng Alton' * Foot-Knap ?
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Easo , a powder to be shaken Into
the shoos. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 55c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeHoy , N. Y.
A bridge trust is the latest.
, AVfcgeablePreparationror { As
similating IlicFood andRcg ula-
ling ihe Stomachs undBowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Checrul- (
ness andRest.Confains neilher
Opium.Morpliine nor > Iiiieral.
Ka tlU Sctl
jtnu Seed
Ji&xnninl. -
Aperiecl Remedy forConslipa-
Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oF
on J write for lint of premiums offer
frco for then ) .
For Infants and Children.
THE CENTAUR COMPAQ * . Mcwvonx err/ .
-at'ft gg "MM
In view of the many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of " Baker's
Chocolate " which have recently been put upon the market , v/e find it neces
sary to caution consumers against these attempts to deceive
and to ask them to examine every package they purchase ,
ana make sure that it has on the front a yellov/ label , with
our name and place of manufacture.
* >
and " " >
"La Belle Chocolatiere"
trade-mark back. " $
If your grocer does not keep the genuine article , please let
us knov/ , and we will endeavor to put you in the way of
getting it. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book , mailed free to any applicant -
plicant who mentions this paper.
WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited , Dorchester , Mass.
( EfTcctive April 23th , 1900. )
Lv. ST. LOUIS 8 : co A.M.
Lv. PEORIA 7 : o A. M.
Ar. COLUMBUS , O 8 : 10 P. M.
Ar. CLEVELAND , 0 9 : 55 P. M.
Ar. NEW YORK 2 : 55 P. M.
Ar. BOSTON 4 : 50 P. M.
still leaves St. Louis at Noon.
Ask for Tickets via
Big Four Route ,
C. L. HILLEARY. Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt. WARREN J. LYNCH , Gcn'l PASS. Agt. ,
St. Louis. Cincinnati.
If so. f peculate sncce fully. We can ir.ake yvu la ce nu nth ir.ore Interest
on your money than any bank wilt pay juu In a year fa ) ! : buy l.UJO
bushels of wheat orroro and i > amm tlic > aiie i cen ! . Send fur our booic
oa speculation. IT IS KIJKK. All proiltk payal-.e oa demand.
Room 23 , Traders' Bldg. , Chicago.