The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 13, 1900, Image 8

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    Cheap washing soaps and powders , too ,
With alkali are strong ;
The dire destruction which they do
( ] Is sure to show ere long.
But Ivory Soap will never hurt
The fabric , howe'er tender ;
It makes short work of stain and dirt ,
But no work for the mender.
By virtue of nn order of .salo issued from the
district court of Ked Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an notion wherein L. J. Burt-
less is plaintiff and John Whittaker et al. are
defendants , to nu > directed and delivered , It-hall
offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid
der for cash , at the east door of the courthouse ,
in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebrat-ka , on
the 2nd day of Slay , 1900 , at the hour of one
o'clock p. in , the following described real
estate , to-wit : All that part of the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter and lots six
and seven , in section thirty-one , township three ,
mirthin range twenty-nine , westof the 6th P M.
lying west of a line commencing fifteen chains
and seventy-four links west of the southeast
corner of said quarter section , running thence
north four chains and seventy-four links , thence
cast four chains and sorenty-four links , thence
north twenty-seven chains and twenty-five links
totlio _ south bank of the Republican river , con
taining 62.85 acres according to the government
survey thereof , in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 2Cth day of March , 1000.
3-30-nts G. F. KIXGHOEN , Sheriff.
W. S. Morlan , Attorney.
By virtue of an order of sale , isaued from the
district court in Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Walter E.
Corwiu is plaintiff and Robert T. Allam et al.aro
defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall
offer at public sale to the highest bidder for
cash , at the east door of the court-house , in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 7th
day of May , 1900 , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. m. ,
the following described real estate , to-wit : The
southeast quarter of section three (3) ( ) , township
one (1) ( ) , north , range thirty ( HO ) , west of the 6th
p. m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated
this 26th day of March , 1900.
3-tO-r.ts. : G. F. KINGHORN , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
Cleanse the liver , purify the blood , invigor
ate the body by using DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. The famous little pills always act
promptly. D. W. Loar.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
State of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate
of John Kolb , an insane person : Notice is here
by given that in pursuance of an order from
Honorable G. W. Norris , judge of the district
court for Red Willow county. Nebraska , made
on the 17th day of February , A. D. 1900 , for the
sale of real estate hereinafter described , there
will be sold at the front door of the court-house
in McCook , Nebraska , on the 26th day of March ,
1900 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , at public venduo to the
highest bidder , for cash , the interest of John
Kolb , an insane person , in the following de
scribed real es-tate , to-wit : The east half of the
southwest quarter and the west half of the
southeast quarter of section eighths ) , township
two (2) ( ) , north , range tliirtv (30) ( ) , west , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. Which sale will re
main open for one hour.
Dated this 19th day of February , 1900.
2-23-5t W. S. FITCH , Guardian.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
[ The above sale adjourned for want of bidders
to May 7,3900. at 2 o'clock p. m.
W. S. FITCH , Guardian. ]
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska.
nndera _ decree in an action wherein Rachel
Knox is plaintiff , and William Pate , James L.
Brown and Vocances Franklin are defendants ,
to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at
public sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash , at the east door of court house , in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 16th
day of April , 1900 , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. m. ,
the following described real estate , to-wit :
Northwest quarter of section eighteen (18) ( ) in
township four (4) ( ) , range twenty-nine (29) ( ) , west
of 6th p in. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 7th day of March , 1900.
G. F. KINGHOEN , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
Friends of the cause are called upon to
promptly nail the lie just started from the
enemy's camp that Mr. Bryan used to sing in
a choir.
Results Fatally in Nine This fearful disease often first appears
scratch , in
as a mere , a pimple or lump
fillf * Ton A ie Breast. * . ° ° small to attract any
Gas ; Utii UI lull M notice , until , in many cases , the deadly
disease is fully developed.
Gore Found at Last , Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation , because the disease is a virulent
poison in the blood , circulating throughout the system , and although
the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away , the
poison remains in the blood , and promptly breaks out afresh , with
renewed violence.
The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases which were considered incurable , induced a few de
spairing sufferers lo try it for Cancer , after exhausting the skill of
the phj sicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news
spread rapidly , and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been ,
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible , of which
the following is a specimen :
"Cancer is hereditary in our family , my father , a
sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease. My feelings may be imagined when the horrible
rible disease made its appearance on my side. It was
a malignant Cancer , eating inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the
skill of the doctors , for their treatment did "no good
whatever , the Cancer growing worse all the while
Numerous remedies were used for it but the Cancer MRS. s. si. IDOL.
grew steadily worse , until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow the othprs of the family , for I know how deadly Cancer is , especially
when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. ) , which , from the
first day , forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
b ittles , when I was cured sound and well , and have had no symptoms of the
dreadful affliction , though inaay years have elap-ed. S. S. S. is the only cure
for Cancer. MRS S M. IDOL. Winston , N. C.
Our book on Cancer , containing other testimonials and valuable
information , will bo eiit fre to any address by the Swift Specific
Company , Atlanta , Georgia.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn , % .37
Wheat 50
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs 5. oo
Eggs 08
Butter 15
Potatoes 35
Butter fat at Creamery. 16
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postomce on April loth :
J. G. Kelly , Thomas Abraham ,
Joe Tuttle Mrs. Ella Young ,
Budd D. Madden.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMKLL , Postmaster.
Stock tanks , drinking tanks and water
tanks , both wood and galvanized iron ,
at S. M.Cochran & Co.'s.
THK TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for$1.50a year , strictly
in advance.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $ 1.75 a year.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public to
know of one concern which 5s not afraid to be
generous. The proprietors of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and
Colds , have given away over ten million trial
bottles and have the satisfaction of knowing
it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. As
thma , bronchitis , lagrippe , and all throat ,
chest and lung diseases are surely cured by it.
Call on McConnell & Uerry , druggists , and
get a free trial bottle. Regular size 500 and
Si.oo. Every bottle guaranteed.
Most women with female weakness suffer
dreadfully from piles in addition to their own
pains. They may he cured by using Tabler's
Buckeye Pile Ointment. Price , 50 cents in
bottles , tubes , 75 cents. A. McMilien.
White's Cream Vermifuge not only effectu
ally destroys worms , it also increases the ap
petite , aids assimilation and transforms a frail
infant into one of robust health. Price , 25
cents. A. McMilien.
The late snow storm , \\e are pleased to an
nounce , did not inflict the least damage upon
the coming Easter hat crop. Later rains ,
however , may injure it.
"I think DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills in the world , " says W. E. Lake ,
Happy Creek , Va. They remove all - obstructions
structions of the liver and bowels , act quickly
and never gripe. D. W. Loar.
Land OHico at McCook , Nebraska. April 2 ,
1900. Notice is hereby given that the foHowiug-
namcd settler has filed notice of his intention to
inako filial proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will bo made before register
and receiver at McCook , Nebraskaon Saturday ,
May 12,1900 , viz : Charles T. Eller , 011 H. E. No.
I ! ( ) ; for the SEU , section 5 , towns-hip 2 , N , R 30.
! He names the following witnesses to prove his
I continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
! said land , viz : William S. Fitch , Orlando L.
Thompson. Clarence B. Gray , William F. Everist ,
all of McCook , Neb. 4-C-Uts.
F. M. RATIIBUN , Register.
Indianola , Nebraska , April Gth , 1000.
Notice is hereby given that Anthony L. Haley
has filed in the city clerk's oflice his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the Second ward of the city of
Indianola , from May 1,1000. to April : ) . 1001.
4-C-its. : ANTHONY L. HALEY , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , April 6th , 1000.
Notice is hereby given that D. W. Lear has
filed in the city clerk's oilico his bond and
petition for a druggist's permit to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in the Babcock
building , No. : ! 02 Main avenue , in the Second
ward of the city of McCook , from May 1,1900 , to
April 30,1901. 4-6-3ts. D.W. LOAR. Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , April 6,1900.
Notice is hereby given that Allen C. Clyde has
filed in the City Clerk's oilico his bond and pe
tition for a license to tell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on Lot 9 , Block
21 , in the Second WardOriginalCity of McCook ,
from May 1,1900 , to April 30 , 1901.
4-6-3ts. ALLKX C. CLYDE , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska. March 30 , 1900.
Notice is hereby given that William Lewis has
filed in the city clerk'soflice his bond and peti
tion for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building at No. 103 , Main
avenue , in the First ward of the city of Mc
Cook , from May 1.1900 , to April SO , 1901.
3-X-3t.s. : ) WILLIAM LEWIS , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , March : iO , 1900.
Notice is hereby given that Albert McMilien
has filed in the city cjerk's oflice his bond and
petition for a druggist's permit to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at
No. 209 Main avenue , in the First ward of the
city of McCook , from May 1 , 1900 , to April 30 ,
1901. 3-30-3ts ALBERT McMiLLEX , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska. April 13,1900.
Notice is hereby given that Harry Barbazett
has filed in the city clerk's office his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building at No. 113 , Main
avenue , in the First ward of the city of McCook ,
from May 1,1900 , to April 30,1901.
4-l3-3ts. HAEBY BARBAZETT , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , April 13.1900.
Notice is hereby given that Patrick Walsh has
filed in the city clerk's office his bond and peti
tion for a license to sell malt , spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building at No. 224 , Main
avenue , in the Second ward of the city of Mc
Cook , from May 1.1900 , to April 30,1001.
4-13-3ts. PATKICK WALSH , Applicant.
McCook , Nebraska , April 13.1900.
Notice is hereby given that McCounell & Berry
have filed _ in the city clerk's office their bond
and petition fora druggist's permit to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on
lot 7 , block 21 , in the Second ward of the city of
McCook , from May 1,1900 , to April 30,1901.
4-13-3ts MCCONNELL & BEERY , Applicants.
Nothing el a adds 10 much
to the charm of the drawing
room or bondoir as the softly radi
ant lijrht from CORDOVA Candles.
Nothing wilt contribute more to the
artistic success of the luncheon ,
ten or dinner. The bent decoratire
candles for the nimplent or the
moat elaborate function for cot
tage or mansion. Made in all colon
and the moat delicate tints by
and sold orerywheie.
"For God , Home and Native Land. "
The last business meeting of the W. C. T.
U. , held at Mrs. llowe Smith's , was quite
well attended , considering the weather. The
business was somewhat neglected , on account
of the- lively discussion paiticipated in by all
over the result of the city election. And any
one who would like to know the tenor of the
discussion can find out by attending our next
meeting , which will be held at Mrs. II. J.
Holmes , Friday , Apiil 20th.
The whole police force of South Bethlehem ,
Pa. , has sworn off , individually ami collective
ly , and has taken a pledge to abjure strong
drink. And , what is more , the round dozen
men who are guardians of the town are proud
of it. They are going about with a blue button
pinned on their uniform as a warning to every
one that they will no longer look upon whis
key when it ib red and beer when it foams.
Action followed a temperance revival.
Government officials are taking interest in
the newly inaugurated temperance movement
in the City of Mexico , and the board of health
is giving encouragement to the temperance
workers.for the vice of alcoholismas reported
in Mexico , every year , shows more and more
deaths from cerebral congestion , due to the
abuse of alcohol , and the government is
alarmed at the results of the increased con
sumption of ardent spirits , declared by Mexi
can journalists to be the prime cause of four-
fifths of the crimes and the most appalling
crimes and poverty in that city. Mrs. Field
an American temperance worker , has issued
a book in Spanish , dealing with the drink
evil , which will be used as a text-book there
and in other Latin-American cities. Presi
dent Diaz is known to be in cordial sym
pathy with the temperance movement , and is
himself most abstentious. Various members
of the cabinet have expressed themselves as
pleased with the work in behalf of practical
At a meeting of the city council of Hop
kins , Mo , a license was refused Joseph Stock
and David Harnet to run a saloon in Hop
kins. The county court , while in session at
Marysville , recently , granted them a county
license , but it is useless without the city's
Spreads Like Wildfire.
When things are "the best" they become the
"best selling. " Abraham Hard , a leading
druggist , of Belleville , O. , writes : "Electric
Bitters are the best selling bitters 1 have
handled in 20 ) ears. You know why ? Most
diseases begin in disorders of stomach , liver ,
kidneys , bowels , blood and nerves. Electric
Bitters tones up the stomach , regulates liver ,
kidneys and bowels , purifies the blood ,
strengthens the nerves , hence cures multitudes
of maladies. It builds up the entire system.
Puts new life and vigor into any weak , sickly ,
rundown man or woman. Price 50 cents.
Sold by McConnell & Berry , druggist.
Unclaimed dogs in the Chicago pound are
to be electrocuted. This will shock the Hu
mane society almost as greatly as the con
demned canines.
W. W. Mayhew , Merton , \Vis. , says , "I con
sider One Minute Cough Cure a most wonder
ful medicine , quick and safe.1 It is the only
harmless remedy that gives immediate results.
It cures coughs , colds , croup , bronchitis ,
grippe , whooping cough , pneumonia and all
throat and lung diseases. Its eatly use pre
vents consumption. Children always like it
and mothers endorse it. D. W. Loar.
The German name for appendicitis is
"wormfortsatzentundung. " There is some
satisfaction to a doctor in cutting after a
thing like that.
A Horrible Outbreak
"Of large sores on my little daughter's head
developed into a case of scald head , " writes :
C. D. Isbill of Morganton , Tenn. , "but Buck-
len's Arnica Salve completely cured her. " It's
a guaranteed cure for eczema , tetter , salt
rheum , pimples , sore , ulcers and piles. Only
25c at McConnell & Berry's.
We take it as a matter of course that bell-
girls will be employed in that new woman's
hotel in-New York.
To Cure La Grippe in Two Days.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
250. 4-1-
Some men who go to a doctor for a simple
remedy for a cold or a touch of biliousness
will forever thereafter refer to him as "my
physician. "
Otto Kork , Grand Chancelor , K. P. , Boon-
ville , Ind. , says , "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
soothes the most delicate skin and heals the
most stubborn ulcer with certain and good re
sults. " Cures piles and skin diseases. Don't
buy an imitation. D. W. Loar.
The Pittsburg News very happily classes
Dewey as "the automobile candidate. " He
has no pull , and nobody is pushing him.
Perfect digestion is the only foundation for
perfect health. The food we eat makes all
the blood we have , which in turn feeds every
nerve , muscle and tissue in the body. Iler-
bine quickens the appetite , aids digestion ,
gives tone and vigor to all the functions and
ensures good health. Price , 50 cents. A. Mc-
President McKinley recently shook hands
with 450 Boston girls in seven and a half
minutes. He could have made a better record
but was compelled to stop occasionally to
slap his hands together to prevent them from
being frost-bitten.
II. Clark , Chauncey , Ga. , says DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve cured him of piles that
had afflicted him for twenty years. It is also
a speedy cure for skin _ diseases. Beware of
dangerous counterfeits. D. W. Loar.
No woman can be too careful of
her condition during the period be
fore her little ones are born. Neglect
or improper treatment tnen endan
gers her life and that of the child. It
lies with her whether she shall suffer
unnecessarily , or whether the ordeal
j shall be made comparatively easy.
She had better do nothing than do
something wrong.
is the one and the only preparation
that is safe to use. It is a liniment
that penetrates from the outside.
External applications arc eternally
right. Internal medicines are radi
cally wrong. They are more than
humbugs they endanger life.
Mother's Friend helps the muscles
to relax and expand naturally re-
l-oves morning sickness removes
the cause of nervousness and head
ache prevents hard and rising
breasts shortens labor and lessens
the pains and helps the patient to
rapid recovery.
From a letter by a Shreveport , La. ,
woman : "I have been using your
wonderful remedy , Mother's Friend ,
for the last two months , and find it
just as recommended. "
Druggists sell it at $1 per bottle.
Send for our free Illustrated book ,
"Before Baby is Born. "
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for sick
and nervous headaches. They make pure
blood and build up your health. Only 25c.
Money back if not cured. Sold by McConnell
& Berry , druggists.
The prince of Wales has gone away down
in the esteem of the wild and woolly element
of the west. When he was shot at his hand
did not instinctively dart around to his hip
W. II. Shipman , Beardsley , Minn. , under
oath , says he suffered from dyspepsia for
twenty-five years. Doctors and dieting gave
but little relief. Finally he used Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure and now eats what he likes and
as much as he wants , and he feels like a new
man. It digests what you eat. D. W. Loar.
To Pr.wt
engines of a vessel
To prevent the
about haL full
The vessels are
. When the ship
at normal depth.
nushesTorward as to raise the screw
t'he rods connected with the reduce
submerged one after another so
are is brought Into
that an electro-magnet _
play the whole
circuited when the screw is quite
electro-magnet operates
of the water. The
valve in the main
erates a
steam pipe , which is thrown open by
another magnet. By this arrangement
the steam is turned off and on. From
experiments it has been shown that
vessels need not be more
the mercury
inches apart on a
than thirty-four
ship 300 feet long.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building :
. . . . of Chicago.
JS'-Oflice with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. 1.15.
Taylor , assistant.
SSS Ajjent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
THIS masterpiece rep
A FARMING GROUP resents a family of peas
ants in the harvest field.
" " It is noonday no air is
"The Balloon"
stirring , and away off in
Painted by Julien Dnpres the distance where the
A MOST BEAUTIFUL PICTURE villagers are holding their
FOR THE HOME. country fair a balloon
hangs in the sky. They
ga/se in mute astonishment , wonder , awe and admiration , re
vealed in their faces and attitudes. It is the work of a mas
ter hand. This is reproduced in colors , 22x30 inches , in a
marvelous oil painting effect. You could not buy one for
$2.00. We bought them in ten thousand lots , so can offer it
mailed in a tube , post-paid , with a three months' trial sub
scription to THE WEEKLY BEE for 25 cents.
Address The Bee Publishing- . , 2051 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
r- > r
Af *
OF MeCOOK , NEB. # .
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , Scooo
§ 9
& fl
jtrf > rifejSt fejacjSc3gg fcj jajtr > ii.jarjs1rjfirft - . jft _ _ . o. f , - . * r
s s s s
f & ' w & n K
l. 'i j i i a l j si
In order to do this
you must compare
these prices with
others ,
o >
Men's ]
AH Wool
Blue and Gray
Single Suits ,
Little Fellows'
AH Wool
in ages from 3 to 7
$ .25
AH Wool Suits
in any color ,
Brown and Black
going at
500 Patterns of
! Men's and Boys'
I Negligee Shirts ,
| two collars , at
50 cts each
kutfdje f\ \
i VI
HcCook , Nebraska.