The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1900, Image 8

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    The "Ivory" is a favorite shaving soap because it
makes a profuse rich lather , which softens the beard to
be removed and leaves the skin unharmed.
It costs about one-fifth asmuch as the so-called
shaving soaps and many who used it for this
purpose for years , will not have any ether.
The vesefcibb oils of which Ivory ? or > p is ir.nde , ft it for many special uses
for which other sanps are unsafe or unsatisfactory.
The Way to Go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington route. You
don't change cars ; you see tbe finest
scenery on the globe ; you make fast
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper , but it is just as
comfortable , just as good to ride in , and
nearly $20 cheaper. It has wide vesti
bules , Pmtsch gas , high-back seats , a
uniformed Pullman porter , clean bed
ding , spacious toilet rooms , tables and a
heating range. Being strongly and heav
ily built , it runs smoothly is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor , who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday , arriving
in San Francisco on the following Sun
day , Los Angeles on Monday only three
days from the Missouri river to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop-over of i4
hours in Denver and 2 hours in Salt
Lake City two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folders giving full particulars and
information call at any Burlington route
ticket office or write to
J. FRANCIS. G. P. A. , Omaha. Neb.
Gold at Cape Nome.
If you want information about the
Cape Nome country , how to get there
and what it costs , write to J. Francis ,
General Passenger Agent , B. & M. R. R.
R. in Nebraska , Omaha , Neb. 2-16 sts.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
B. E. ASHTON. Pres. T. E. UeDOHALD , Cash.
CLIFFORD 1U3EN , Asst. Cash.
A General Banking Business
giF'Any business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
Through Sleepers to Frisco.
No changes ; no delays ; no chance oi
missing connections , if you go to Cali
fornia via the Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs through sleeping cars to
Omaha , Lincoln and Hastings , to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco , daity.
Dining cars all the way , Library cars
west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the
world. See nearest Burlington ticket
agent , or write J. Francis , General Pas
senger Agent , Omaha. 2-23 sts
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .29
Wheat 50
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs 4.25
Eggs t. . . , .13
Butter 15
Potatoes 40
Butter fat at Creamery 18
$115 for Letters About Nebraska.
The passenger department of the B.
& M. R. R. R. offers thirteen cash prizes
aKKregati g $ " 5 f ° r letters about Ne
braska. Particulars of the contest , which
is open to all , can be had by addressing
J. Francis , G. P. A. , Omaha. 3 9 5ts.
In all their years of business life , S.
M. Cochran & Co. never had as com
plete a stock of implements as they now
have ; and the prices are not as high now
as they were from 1890 to 1896 , to say
nothing of the great improvements made
in the machinery now in their empo
THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati
Weekly Enquirer for $1.50 a year , strictly
in advance.
McMillen's Cough Cure is sure.
S. S. S. is a Great Blessing to feebleness Age does and not ill necessarily health , mean and
nearly ali of the sickness among
Dnnnln I * Piimp Thnm older people"can he avoided. Most elderly
80018. II UlVBS I mm people are very susceptible to illness ,
but it is wholly unnecessary. By kcep-
Dlnnrl onrl I ifn inS their blood pure they can fortify themselves
DlUUlI dllll LIlCi so as to escape three-fourths of the ailments
from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is
the remedy which will keep their systems young , by purifying the blood ,
thoroughly removing all waste accumulations , and impart
ing new strength and life to the whole body. It increases
the appetite , builds up the energies , and sends new life-
giving blood throughout the entire system
Mrs. Sarah Pike. 477. Broadway , South Boston , writes :
" I am seventy years old , and had not enjoyed good health
for twenty years. I was sick in different ways , and in
_ addition , had Eczema terribly on one of my legs. The
eS = doctor said that on account of my age , I would never be
well again. 1 took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured me
completely , and I am happy to say that
I feel as well as I ever did in my life. "
Mr J "W. Loving , of Colquitt , Ga. , says : "For eight
een years T suffered tortures from a fiery eruption on
mv skin. I tried almost every known remedy , but they
f-iiled one bv one. and I was told that my age , which is
sixty six. WM against me. and that I could never hope
to be well again. I finally took S. S. S. . and it cleansed
my blood thoroughly , and now I am m perfect health.
is the only remedy which can build up and strengthen
old people , because it is the only one winch is guaranteed
free from potash , mercury , arsenic and other damaging
SnerSr tt is made from roots and herbs , and has no chemicals whatever
8s ! S 8. cures the worst cases of Scrofula , Cancer , Eczema Rheumatism ,
Tetter Own Sores. Chronic Ulcers , Boils , or any other disease of the blood.
Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta. Ga.
Three orange specials , this week.
Brakenian J. F. Custer is off duty on
the sick-list ,
Conductor L. E. Gilcrest visited his
parents at Akron , Sunday.
No. 80 from one of the blanches is in
the shop for repairs to its tender.
Brakeman J. F. Utter made a Bartley
visit , Wednesday , between trains.
The new brakemen , this week , are : H. .
W. Conover , C. I/ . Smith , Lew Lyons.
Frank Theme returned home , last
night , from his visit to Ambia. Indiana.
Brakeman C. L. Smith is down on the
Orleans-St. Francis line for a few days.
Brakeman R. J. Moore is with Con
ductor Solliday ; and C. E. Ryan brakes
for Conductor Curran.
John Thomson went down to Lincoln ,
Wednesday , on a visit to old school
friends and others.
Albert Thorgrimson , who has been at
Franklin for some time , went west on 5 ,
Tuesday evening , for Roggen , Colorado.
Conductor T. E McCarl is now the
possessor of Curran's way-car 53 ; and
Conductor A. G. Bump rides in Solliday's
Trainmaster J. F. Kenyon was out
with the and Tuesday
west pay-car , Monday
day , as far as Akron , going east over the
division on 2 , Thursday morning.
The Kerr coal shute and the elevated
incline track leading to it in the McCook
yard have been raised four feet to enable
the big engines to run under the .shute
and coal.
Conductor S. P. Dwyer arrived , Sun
day , from Fairfield , Iowa , whither he
was recently summoned to the bedside
of his sick mother. He is now on the
Imperial run vice Conductor McCarl.
"Neighbor" is figuring on being the
' head-push" in one of the biggest local
moving enterprises on record. When he
Sets everything installed in the new ma
chine shop he will be as happy as a clam.
Sunday , Conductors T. A. Foley , J. J.
Curran and V. H. Solliday were promot
ed to be regular main line passenger
conductors. This places twelve crews in
the pool on the six regular passenger
A car-load of horses from Hudson for
Wisconsin reached here , Thursday , in
bad shape. One animal was dead when
they arrived here and two others were
down and in bad condition. In all , six
of the equines were pretty much out of
condition. The horses were evidently
just off of the range and quite a number
of them were weak and thin. There
were some large horses and a few colts
in the shipment , and the advantage was
clearly with the large and strong ones.
Master Mechanic Archibald has com
menced carrying into execution a liberal
plan for improving his recently-acquired
block in the northern part of the city.
The land is being ploughed and thor
oughly cultivated in preparation for the
300 trees "Neighbor" will at once
plant around and within the borders of
the block. City water will be piped
onto the land , in order that the trees
may be irrigated. Some small fruit will
be set out. The entire block will be en
closed with a chicken-tight-fence , and
the haughty barn-yard fowl will be given
free range. Shade trees will surround
the block , and fruit trees will be largely
planted on the property. Among others ,
be has ordered 25 Arctic poplars , some
thing new for this section , for which big
claims are made. It is said that these
poplars are free growers and possess a
bandsome foliage.
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching services at n a. m. and 8 p.
m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 7.
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at II by Rev. L. P. Rowland.
Union service at 3 and 7:30 : in the Baptist - c
tist church. J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m. t
Preaching at n. Union services afternoon - 'i
noon and evening.
GEO. SCOTT , Pastor pro tern.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at ii. Morning subject ,
'The Obedience of Faith. " Union ser
vices in the Baptist church at 3 and 7:30.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. m.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HICKEY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL -.Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , livening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
L. P. Rowland has delivered over t
forty earnest addresses since his arrival
in McCook. v
The ladies of the South McCook Meth
odist church will hold a social in the
church on next Wednesday evening.
Refreshments and music. Proceeds will
be devoted to the use of the Sunday-
school. All are most cordially invited.
The evangelistic services under Rev.
L. P. Rowland's management are in
creasing in interest and power. The
meetings will be continued next week
and will be held in the Baptist church ,
commencing Sunday afternoon. All are
cordially invited to attend. Mr. Row
land will leave early part of the week.
Nothing else adds BO much
to the chnrraof the drawing
room or boudoir an the aoftljr radiant -
ant IlKht from CORDOVA Candles.
Nothing will contribute more to the
artistic success of the luncheon ,
I tea or dinner. The bent decorative
candles for the simplest or the
moat elaborate function for cot
tage or mansion. Made in all colors
and the most delicate tinta by
and lold ererywhere.
"For God , Home and Native Land. "
The last business meeting was held at the
rooms of Mrs. Barger. A goodly number were
in attendance , which aided in transacting the
business that came before the meeting.
The mother's meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Dole , Friday March 23rd. All
that are interested in the work we gladly wel
A vice-president of the National Temperance - -
ance society sends the following schedule ,
which was prepared by a young man who is
serving alife , sentence in a Mississippi peni-
tenitary for killing his companion while on a
drunken spree. Since in prison he has been
converted and prepared this schedule hoping
to help some poor soul that is traveling the
same road that led him to ruin :
The Black Valley railroad , standard gauge ,
international line ; chartered under the laws of
all the states ; no stop-over checks ; no return
trains. Stations on the main line : Arrive ,
Cigaretteville , 7:30 a. m. ; leave Cigaretteville ,
7:35 a. m. ; Mild Drink station , 7:45 a. m. ;
Moderation Falls , 8 a. m. : Tippersville , 9 a. m ;
Toppersville , 10 a. m. ; Drunkard's Curve , II
a. m. ; Rowdy's Wood , 11:30 ; Quarnflsburg ,
noon. ( Remains one hour to abuse wife and
children. ) Leaves Quarrelsburg , I p. m ;
arrive Lusty Gulch , 1:15 p. m.Bummer's
Roost , 1:30 p. m. ; Beggar's Town , 2 p. m. ;
Criminal Rendezvous , 3 p. m ; Deliriumyille ,
4 p. m ; Rattlesnake Swamp , 6 p. m ; Prison-
burg , 8 p. m. ; Devil's Gapbrakes ( all off ) 10 p.
m. ; Dark Valley , 10:30 p. m. ( Passengersmay
feel some discomfort in inhaling sulphurous
fumes , but never mind , there is no way to re
turn. ) Leave Demon's Bend , 11:30 p. m.
( Don't get frightened at the dying groans you
may hear. ) Leave Perdition , midnight.
( Many passengers relieve themselves of all
anxiety by committing suicide. ) Tickets for
sale by all bar keepers.
Our very popular line carries annually 400-
ooo paupers ; brings misery and woe to 2,000-
ooo persons ; despatches into eternity 60,000
unprepared souls ; carries 600,000 drunkards ;
conveys 100,000to prison and more immigrants
pass annually over our line than any other.
We positively refuse to be responsible for the
poverty and want of the widows and orphans
of those who ride over our line. They may
ride with us if they pay the fare. Our em
ployes are paid promptly. See Rom. 6:23. N.
B. The great license law , under which we
operate , relieves us of all responsibility for
accidents and suffering along our line , or thai
is caused by our employes. We insist that ali
attemps by silly women and enthusiastic
preachers and church members to stop our
business by invalidating our charters are in
direct _ opposition to the doctrine of persona ]
liberty. We hereby give notice that any wom
an who dares to oppose our most lucrative
business will be branded a crank , and that
any man \vho dares to oppose us will be
denominated a bolter , from some of the great
political influence. D. E. VIL ,
A. L. COHOL , Agent. General Manager.
Main Office llth & O Sts
12 years In Omaha and
in Nervous , Chronic and
Private DISEASES of
All Private Diseases and
enables as to guarantee to
cure all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Ghost
Stomach , Liver , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
Lost Manhood , Nierht
Emissions , Hydrocole , Var
icocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Piles , Fistula and
Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes and Bright's Disease.
r * $100.0O for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON tre cannot cure if curable
Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FREE. Home
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
write them today P. O. Box 224. Office
In Richards Elli. , llth & o Lincoln , Nebr.
A fine snow again , Wednesday night , to
add moisture to that already fallen.
Messrs. Hupp , Gray , Petty and Gunn of Mc
Cook attended the Masonic banquet , Wednes
day evening.
W. E. White of Beatrice , traveling for the
Bankers of Des Moines , is again in this city ,
this week , writing insurance.
Mitchell Young and Judspn Remington are
on the market at Kansas City with three cars
of stock , this week. Jud with two cars of
cattle and Mitchell with one car of hogs.
Walter Pate of our public schools was ap
pointed by the town board , as scratchetary for
the remainder of the municipal year , to fill the
vacancy caused by the removal of E. L.
A live coal fell out of the stove in the lodge-
room , Wednesday , while the Masons were
partaking of a banquet below , and burned a
small hole in the carpet and floor ; but from
some cause or other went out with its own ac J.
cord , which undoubtly saved the building
from destruction.
Couldn't help getting a cold never cures it ;
but carrying home a bottle of Baljard's Horehound -
hound Syrup , and using it as directed , will
cure the worst kind of cough or cold. Price ,
25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Miles-Canaga Nuptials.
Last Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock ,
John M. Miles of El wood and Ida Canaga
of Red Willow were united in marriage
by Rev. J. W. Walker of the Christian
church of this city. The ceremony was
performed at the residence of the bride's
parents , Mr. and.Mrs. Elias Canaga , in
the presence of relatives and the young
people of the neighborhood. A grand
wedding dinner followed the ceremony.
They will live on a farm near Elwood.
They have the congratulations and best
wishes of many friends.
For Sale.
Five-room house , barn , two lots , hedge
and fruit trees ; fine location corner of
Dakota and Manchester streets , McCook.
Write H. G. DIXON ,
Kennett Square , Penn.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
McMillen's Cough Cure is sure.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
The Latest in Millinery.
I have received from the centers of fashion
a large , stylish and up-to-date stock of
millinery , to an inspection of which I in
vite the ladies of McCook and vicinity.
Everything new , bright and late. Prices
will be reasonable. See my display.
south Third of door Postofflce. McCook , Nebraska.
He Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton , of West
Jefferson , O , after suffering 18 months ftom
Rectal Fistula , he would die unless a costly
operation was performed ; but he cured him
self with Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the btst in
the world. Surest pile cure on earth. 250 a
box. at McConnell & Berry's drug store.
Notice is hereby Kivon that by virtiio of n
chattel mortKURo dated January 17 , 1899 , and
duly filed and recorded in the oiHco of the coun-
tv clerk of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on
the 19th day of January , 1891) ) , and executed by
Frank P. Allen to Joseph S. McBrnyer , to secnro
the payment of two certain promissory notes of
$2Xeach ( ) , one payable January 10,1900 , and one
payable January 16,1901 , with interest at the
ratoof ten percent porannum in both instancpw ,
and upon which there is now duo the sum of $400 ,
with interest from the 16th day of January ,
1900. Default having been made in the pay
ment of said sum , and no other proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof , therefore I will sell the
property therein named , viz : The undivided
one-half interest in one team of black geldings ,
9 and lOyean&ohl , named Jim and Joe ; one bay
horse , 15 years old , named Gal ; one black mare ,
9 years old , named Kit ; one gray team , one
horse and one mare , 6 and 9 years old , named
Dndo and Lightfoot ; one b y mare , 7 years old ,
weight about 800 pounds ; three onp-hor.-e bug
gies ; two polo buggies ; one two-seated car
riage ; one two-seated canopy-top surrey ; one
three-seated spring wagon ; three sets double
harnesn ; three single buggy harnesses ; one fret
breast collars ; ono lady's side-saddle ; three
neck reins ; all summer and winter robes in the
livery barn of Maddux and McBrayer , fifteen in
number ; three strands of sleigh bolls ; two sets
lly-nots ; one fire-proof safe and all ollice furnit
ure ; two sleighs , and whip.currycombs and
brushes now in the livery stable known as the
Maddux barn. At public sale at the barn , cor
ner Railroad and Madison streets , in the city of
McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the
17th day of March , 1900 , at 2 o clock p. in. of haid
day. 22tt4tJOSEPH S. McBitAYEit.
Dated , McCook , Neb. , February 2J , 1900.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
State of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate
of John Kolb , an iusane port-on : Notice is here
by given that in pursuance of an order from
Honorable ( r. W. Norris , judge of the' district
court for Red Willow county. Nebraska , made
on the lyth day of February , A. D. 39(10 ( , for the
sale of real estate hereinafter described , there
will be told at the front door of the coiirt-houte
in McCook , Nebraska , on the 26th day of March ,
1900 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , at public vendue to the
highest bidder , for cash , the interest of John
Kolb , an in ane person , in the following de
scribed real estate , to-wit : The east half of the
southwest quarter and the west half of the
southeast quarter of section eight ( S ) , township
two (2) ( ) north , range thirty ( : * ) ) , west , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. Which sale will re
main open for one hour.
Dated this 19th day of February , 11)00. )
2-2Mt W. S. FITCH , Guardian.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
Laud Office at McCook , Neb. , February fi , 1SXX ) .
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim , and that
said proof will be made before register and re
ceiver at McCook , Nub. , on Saturday , March 17 ,
1900 , viz : Samuel Doherty. one of the heir ? of
Bennett Doherty , deceased. H. E. No. 10929 for
the W y SE h Sec. 11 and N 4 NE H Sec. 11 , Tp.
1 N , R. 31 west of the 6th P. M. Ho names the
following witness to prove his continuous resi
deuce upon and cultivation of said land , viz ,
Isaac Matson of McCook , Neb. ; David Bobin '
ineyer of Herndon , Ka . ; Isaac Hart of Culbert-
fc < m. Neb. and George Matson of McCook. Neb.
2-9-6t F. M. RATHBUX , Register , j
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. |
under _ a decree in a'n action wherein Rachel j
Kuox is plaintiff , and William Pate , James L. j '
Brown and Vocances Franklin are defendants , I
to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at '
public sale and sell to the highest bidder for .
cash , at the east door of court house , in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 16th
day of April , 1900 , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. m. ,
the following described real e.-tate , to-wit :
Northwest quarter of section eighteen (18) ( ) in
township four (1) ( ) , range twenty-nine (29) ( , west
of 6th p in. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 7th day of March , 1900.
G. F. KINGIIORX , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
Department of the Interior , United States
Land Ollice. McCook , Nebraska , February 21 ,
1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having bveu
filed in this ollice by Henry T. Church , contest
ant , against homestead entry No. 10,8i > l. made
at McCook , Nebraska , March 3 , 1891 , for the
west half of the southwest quarter of section 1 ,
township 4 north , range : > 0 west , by Albert I.
Risher , contestee , in which it is alleged that :
The said Albert I. Risher has wholly abandoned
said tract and changed hi * residence therefrom
for more than five years since making said entry
and next prior to this date , and that such
abandonment was not caused by any enlist
ment or service in the army or navy of the
United States in time of war. Said parties are
hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evi
dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.
m. on March 31,1900 , before the register and re
ceiver at the United States Laud Office in Mc
Cook , Neb. The said contestant having , in a
proper affidavit filed February 21,1900 , set forth
Tacts which show that after due diligence , per
sonal service of this notice cannot be made , it
is hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
2-2Wt : J. A. PII-EE , Receiver.
. E. Kelley , Attorney.
When children have earache , saturate a
piece of cotton with Milliard's Snow Liniment ,
and place it in the.ear. It will stop the pain
quickly. Price 25 and 50cents. A. McMillen.
State of Nebraska , Red Willowcoiiutv.HS. At
a county court belli at the county court room , in
and for said county , March 9th , A. D. 1900. Present -
ent , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In the matter
of the estate of Marshall W.Gaihigher.deceated.
On reading and filing the iwtition of hinma T.
Gallagher , praying that administration of said
estate may bo granted to her as administratrix.
Ordered , that March 31st. A. D. 1900 , at 1 o'clock
p. m. is assigned for hearing said petition , when
all iwrsous interested in said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for saici * - -
county , and show catiso why the prayer of peti
tioner should not be granted ; and that notice of
the pendency of said jmtition and the hearing
thereof , be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copv of this order
in THE McCooK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper
printed in said county , for three successive
weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
A true copy. 3-16-3ts. G. S. BtHHOP ,
[ SEAL ] County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued , from tin-
district court in Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Walter ! . .
Corwin is plaintiff , and Robert F.Allen et al , nrn
defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall
offer at public sale to the highest bidder for
cash , at- the east door of the court house , in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 23d
day of April , 1900 , at the hour of 2 o'clock , p. m. ,
the following described real estate , to-wit : Tim
southeast quarter of section three (3) ( ) , township
ono ( ! _ ) , north , range thirty ( .M , west of the lith
p. in. in Red Willow county , Nebraska. Dated
this 10th day of March , 1900.
3-16-nts. G. F. KING HORN , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings ,
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
' 'aNasgsasaxaxa
AH dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P.O. Building-
. . of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , Scooo I
= = = -