The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1900, Image 7

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    My Hair ,
Turning Gray
"Iwish to testify to the
merits of Ayer's Hair Vigor.
My hair -was falling out and
turning pray very fast. But
your Hair Vigor stopped tne
falling of the hair ana restored
it to its natural color. " Mrs.
E. Z. Benomme , Cohocs , N.Y. ,
April 21 , 1899.
- yy f
Z-f Old
It's impossible for you not
to , with the color of seventy
years in your hair I Perhaps
you arc seventy , and you like
your gray hair. And perhaps
not ! ' \
Dark hair for youth and vigor ;
gray hair for old age and decline.
If you -will use Aycr's Hair
Vigor , in less than a month
there -won't be a gray hair in
your head.
It keeps the scalp free from
dandruff , stops falling of the
hair , and makes it grow thick and
long. $1.00 a bottle. All drojjists.
Write the Doctor
If yon do not obtain all the benefits you
desire from the use of the Vigor , write
the Doctor about it. He will tell you just
the right thine to do , and will send you
his book on the Hair and Scalp if you
request it. Address ,
Dr. J. C. ATEH , Lowell , Mass.
From tory to USER.
ONE Profit. Our
Hion Aim MELliA
Hcwlnc Machine has all
the Up-tc-Uate Improve
ments , necceaary Attach-
meats and Accessories ,
with choice of oak or vial-
nut cabinet. Is furnished
with the latest improved
TLE. By one movement
the shuttle is threaded
ready for service. The
MELKA hnR the potent
TAKE.TJP. Automatic BOBBIN , and a
COMPLETE set of best steel attachments , carefully
packed in a handsome VELVET lined case. Weight of
the machine , weather wrapped and crated , is about
110 Ibs. It is shipped at first-class rate. The freight will
average about 1.00 within SCO miles of Chicago. The
cabinetwork is ornamental , the noven draw ere and cov
er being HAND OARVEDnnd highly finished , havinc
the heavy NICKEL-PLATED Rintr Drawer Pulls , etc.
Ench machine IB carefully tested before leaving our
factory. A MELBA solo to us mean * n new friend and I
customer for our ( reneral line of EVERYTHING yon
EAT , WEAK and USE : therefore wo can afford to sell '
it on n close marcin nnd fully G7JAKA > TEi : it for
TWENTY' YEKS. . We will ship this machine C. O.
D. , with examination privilege , to anr point in the U.
8. on receipt of * 2.OO with order. Price of 7-drawor
machine , all complete. "
receipt of first order. This catnlocue Quotes wholesale
prices on EVERYTHING yon EAT , WEAR and USE.
Established JOHN M. SJiYTII CO. ,
16C7. 1GO-1CC W. MndUon St. ,
Order by this No. All CHICAGO.
The best Red Rope
Roofing for Ic. per
. . .
- - sq.ft.jcnpsandn.iils
inclnflpd. Substitutes for plnster. Samples freo.
I 3 Patent ndvcitlbed
free. Free ad
vice ns to patentability Send for Inventor's
Primer , free. MILO B. STEVENS & CO. , Eo-
tatillthed 1804. 617 nil. St. , Washington , D. C.
lirancb Offices : Ctlcago. Clot eluud und Detroit.
GeiYeur Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent ,
1425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D. C.
Reader , why not be able to use the most
mysterious and powerful force of nature ?
Dy my method you can learn to Hypnotize
in a few hours tune , without leaving your
home. You can perform all of the many
marvelous feats that are possible to the
Hypnotist. Through Hypnotism you can
cure disease , conquer pain , win reluctant
aflection , gratify your ambitions , and pro
duce amusement by the hour. It costs you
nothing tofincl _ out all about it. I hare
just issued in book form a mammoth illus
trated LESSON < > r
, _ , which fully explains the mysteries and set -
> t crets of the Art. It contains hundreds of
beautiful and artistic engravings , and is
the most elaborate and expensive thing
of the kind ever published. For a
short time I will send this magnificent work AbSOlutely -
lutoly FREE to all who apply. I will also include
o large amount of other valuable , interesting and ele-
rantly illustrated literature without
charge. Remember , all this costs you
nothing. A postal card will bnng it ,
Order to-day andlearn to Hypnotize.
Itisacbauccofalifcti&ie. Address ,
Station 213 , Jackson , Hlch.
Hour the Germs A'ro Nurtured and the
LHarnno ] Spread.
It would seem that people will never
learn to be careful. The recent alarmIng -
Ing spread of that dire epidemic ,
smallpox , throughout different sec
tions of the country has been traced
by physicians and sanitarians In many
Instances directly to the moldy and
rotting layers of paper and paste
which cover the walls of many houses.
The practice of laying layer after layer
of paper on a wall , using common
flour paste , Is especially calculated to
create homes for disease germs. People
ple could- not do more to effect such a
result if they tried. The rotting vege
table matter affords caves from which
are ready to dart forth vthe Infection
at evpry opportunity. There is no ex
cuse for this practice , as walls and
ceilings can be coated with a pure ,
cleanly and sanitary material like Ala-
bastine , for instance , at no greater ex
pense. Alabastlne is a rock-base
cement , which incorporates itself with
the wall or celling. It is easily ap
plied , comes ready to mix with cold
water , requires no washing or scrap
ing before renewing or retlntlng , is
beautiful , long-lasting and safe.
For walls that have been infected ,
nothing is equal to Alabastine as a
disinfectant to render them pure and
clean and the rooms once more habit
As to the value of conversions , God
alone can judge. Goethe.
Use Magnetic Starch it Las no equal.
An Anti-aiarryinsr Trust.
Bachelors of Smyrna , Del. , have
formed a trust to enable its members
to resist the temptation of marrying
the charming girls of the town-until
able to keep a wife properly.
"To see what is right and not to do
it is want of courage. "
Important to mothers.
Esjnlnc carefully every bottle of CASTOTJIA ,
a eufe and etire remedy for infanta and children ,
and see that it
Bear ? the
Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Yea'rs.
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought
There are two levers for moving men
interest and fear. Napoleon.
Your clothes wal not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
"Benevolence is to love all men-
knowledge to know all men. "
I believe PIso's CureIs the only medicine
that will cure consumption. Auiiu M.
Ross , Williamsport , Pa , , Kov. 12 , "J3.
For a finger nail to reach its full
length , an average of seven-tenths of
an inch , from 121 to 138 days of
growth are necessary.
Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets removes
the cause that produces La Grippe. 13. "W.
Grove's signature is on each , "oox. JJ5c.
Henry Fisk , whose suit against An
drew Carnegie is attracting much at
tention , is of Swiss descent. His fath
er was a Swiss farmer , who lived in
Westmoreland county , Pa. His moth
er was a German , a daughter of Abra
ham Oberholt , once a well known
Pennsylvania distiller.
It has been observed that artesian
wells have a daily period of ebb and
flow , as well as the ocean tides , only
the process is reversed. The time of
greatest flow of an artesian well is the
period of low tide in the ocean.
Gt34 Letters a Day.
The John A. Salzer Seed Company ,
LaCrosse , Wis. , received 6,434 orders
last Monday , which is a monster day ,
but they expect to double this number
by the middle of March. The firm is
having a great trade in its specialties
potatoes , spelte , Bromus Inermis ,
rape. Big Four oats , Three-Eared corn
and earliest vegetables. There is a
wonderful demand for onions , cab
bage , peas and bean seed this year.
Early Bird radish and Lightning cab-
fcage , the earliest of this kind in the
wide , wide world , are having a tre
mendous sale.
Worse than being fooled of others
is to fool one's self. Tennyson.
Luxuriant hair with Its youthful color assured by
BKS , the beat cure for corns , locts.
There are very few cynics found
among the successful.
There la a Class ot Feoplo
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called GRAIN-0. made of pure grains ,
that takes the place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress , and but few can tell it from
coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit 15 cents and 25 centa
per package. Try it. Ask lor GRAIN-0.
We need your assistance In cnnounclnff to the world the GREATEST REMEDY that Science
has ever produced , and you need our assistance to secure relief for yourself and friends
through SWANSON'S " 5 DROPS. "
& ' < § S I HOjPE'BiH 1 As sn ly asthc American Navy hascon-
AK&ISiPyiB21irft'Vr r J < y ET * ITS & BUB iU quered and will conquer all that opposes
it , so.rill . " 5 DROPS" unfailingly conquer all diseases like Rheumatism , Sciatica , Neuralgia ,
Lumbago , Catarrh of all kinds , ASTHMA , Dyspepsia , Backache , Sleeplessness , Nervousness ,
Heart Weakness , Toothache , Earache , Creeping Numbness , Bronchitis ,
Liver and Kidney Troubles , etc. , etc. , or any disease for which we rec
ommend it. " 5 DROPS" is the name and the dose. " 5 DROPS" is per
fectly harmless. It docs not contain Salicylate of Soda nor Opiates in any
form. The Child can use it as well as the Adult.
Read carefully-what Mr. L. R. Smith , of El Dorado Springs , Mo. , writes
us under date of Nov. 27 , 1S99 , also
Martan Bowers , of Caraghar , Ohio ,
under date of Dec. 16th , 1899 :
I do not know how to express how wonderful I think your " 5 DROPS"
medicine Is. I was suffering Intensely with NEURALGIA and thought for
[ TKADE'MAiucJ a month that I would have to die. One day a lady called to see mo and brought
lloTelthassaVedmvllfe. This statement isnosltlv
! Kur 5 DKOtS" for the euro or NElft GIA.
Your " 5 DROPS" came to hand on the llth of last month and
_ wasgladtorecelToltforlwassuu'erlngatthotlmewithnntold
The flrsVdO'o helped mo out of my pain on short notice. Bless the name of GoS for it. It will do
nil vnnsavlf will and more too. I had severe pains allOTermy body , when night camolconld not sleep ,
. I could not foot to the floor without snneringgreatpain. Have
pho - nr.aln was in my leftlep. putmv
SSidfSur'"dtflerJntkiSdSof medicine forKHE MATlSM and got no relief nntlllgotyour"tfDROPS , "
SM &gavome fmmedlato reliefFas above slated. MARTAN BOWERS. Box 83 , Caraghar. Ohio. DealC , ISHL
. _ _ \pQ ± to enable sufferers to giro " 5 DROPS" at least a trial , we will send a sample bottle , pro'
J. | J/3L 1W paid by mall for 5c. A sample bottle will convince you. Also , large bottles ( SCO doses )
o s bottles forK. Sold by us and agents. AGEST8 WASIKB In Hew Territory. Don't tvnlt ! "Write now !
Omabu , Chicago and New York Market
Cows and heifers In good demand. Some
demand for stockers and feeders. AS
there was a fair demand for all kinds
of cattle everything In the yards was
sold and weighed up in a very short
time. Beef steers. S2.OOij4.SO ; steers and
heifers , J4.i5ft4.G5 ! ; cows , * 2.0u@4.00 heifers ,
13.15 3.85 ; cows and hellers. * 3.U.i4.W ( ;
bulls , J2.75fc3.t 5 ; calves , ? 2.507.25 ; stags ,
$3.95 < & 4.W ; stock cows and heifers , ! f3.wif
4.25 ; stockers and feeders , J2.80it4.45.
HOGS Market was well supplied , so
there was a weakening in 'volume. A
load of light hogs by Itself Is hard to
sell , as buyers are all looking for heavy.
Buyers would pay W.Vf dM.bO for rignt
good heavy or lat bacJu > , .quicker than
they would pay $4.67K for a-load of light
BHEEP The market was steady , with
a little lower In spots. The demand was
fair at these quotations : Choice handy
weight yearlings , $6.15@6.25 ; good to
choice fed yeurllngs , ? 5.1K ) < & .10 ; fair to
good yearlings , ? < Lt5.itu ; good to cnoice
wethers , $5.4565.75 ; fair to good wethers ,
S5.35&5.45 ; good to choice feel ewes , $5.ic. /
5.25 ; fair to good ewes , $4.90 < & 5.15 ; good to
choice native lambs , | 7.0U.25 ( ; good to
choice western lambs , $ G.9u@7.10 ; fair to
good western lambs , $ t > .5utb'.85 ; feeders ,
wethers , $4.50(05.00 ( ; feeder yearlings , $5.WJ
@ 5.CO ; good to choice feeder lambs , $5.750
CHICAGO , 111. , March 12.-CATTLE
Butchers' stock , steady to strong ; na
tives , good to prime steers , $5.lu6.00 ;
poor to medium , $4.00 * 4.90 ; selected feed
ers. $4.15i&4.75 ; mixed stockers , $3.t > 0li3.90 ;
cows , J3.00ij4.35 ; heifers , $3.10Ji4.65 ( ; canners -
ners , $2.40 3.00 ; bulls , J3.0o4.40 ; calves ,
$4.75417.75 ; Texas-fed steers , about steady ,
J3.00'i'4.90 ; Texas bulls , good demand ,
HOGS Fairly active , shade lower ; top ,
$4.93 ; good clearance ; mixed and butch
ers , $4.70@4.95 ; good to choice , heavy , $4.85
@ 4.93 ; rough , heavy , $4.7KS4.0 ; light , ? 4.65
4.90 ; bulk of sales. $4.SO ' 4.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Lambs geenral-
ly slow , except choice ; good to choice
wethers , $5.50ii5.90 ; fair to choice mixed ,
$4.75&5.45. Sheep , western , $5.40g5.S5 ( ;
yearlings , $5.75@6.30. Lambs , * native , Ja.oO
@ 7.50 ; western , $6.00@7.40.
Choice grades active , steady ; common
grades steady to shade lower ; heavy
native steers , $4.7005.30 ; lightweights ,
$1.45@4.S5 ; stockers and feeders , $4.00ii >
5.10 ; butcher cows and heifers , ? 3.25@4.6U ;
canners , $2.50S3.25 ; fed westerns , $4.10W
4.75 ; western feeders , $3.50g4.50 ; Texans ,
HOGS Opening prices shade easier ,
but recovered and closed strong ; heavy.
$4.SO@4.90 ; mixed , $4.75@4.S5 ; light , W.451i >
4.S2& ; pigs , $4.00 < fr4.50.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Lambs general-
of good quality ; quick stale at lirm prices ;
Colorado lambs , $6.60@7.05 ; yearlings , $3.10
@ 6.15 ; muttons , $5.30(06.00 ( ; btockers and
feeders , $4.00@6.00 ; culls , $3.00g4.00.
CHICAGO , March 12. WHEAT No. 2.
spring , &H&C ; No. 3 , spring , CSJfcc ; No. 2
red , GSMf69c.
CORN No. 2 , 34f34Sic ( ; No. 2 yellow ,
34 % < Q34ic.
OATS No. 2 , 23 4@23c ; No. 2 white , 2G
@ 27c ; No. 3 white. 25M2ic. ? (
RYE No. 2 , 56@57c.
BARLEY No. 2.3i @ 40c.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 apd northwest ,
$1.60. Prime timothy , $2.50.
PROVISIONS Mets pork , per bbl. . $9.S5
@ 10.80. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $ j.72y. < 55.5.
Short ribs sides ( loose ) , ? 5.70fif > .00. Dry
salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $0.25(3 ( .50. Short
clear sides ( boxed ) , $0.00 6.10.
NEW YORK , March 12. March closed
at 7Gc ; May , 72y4 > @ " 3t/ic ; closed , 72-ftc ; July ,
72Vt@733-16c ; closed , 72c ; September ,
727-16@73c , closed , 72' c.
CORN Options opened easy with wheat
but at once turned strong on light coun
try acceptances and prospects of light
receipts owing to bad country roads ;
closed lirm at % @Mc net advance ; \Iay ,
4041c ; closed at30c ; July , 4041c ;
closed , 4iysc.
OATS Spot , firm ; No. 2 , 2S c ; No. 3 ,
2Sc ; No. 2 white , 32Jc ; No. 3 white ,
track , mixed western ,
March Report of the Agricultural De
partment Statistician.
WASHINGTON , March 12. The
March report of the statistician of the
department of agriculture will show
the amount of wheat remaining in
farmers' hands March 1 to have been
about 158,000,000 bushels , or 29 per
cent of last year's crop , as compared
with 198,000,000 bushels , or 29.3 per
cent of the crop of 1898 , on hand March
1 , 1899.
The corn in farmers' hands is esti
mated at 773,700,000 bushels , or 37.2
per cent of last year's crop , against
800,500,000 bushels , or 41.6 per cent of
the crop of 1898 on hand March 1 ,
1899. The proportion of the total crop
of last year shipped out of the country
where grown is estimated at 1G.S per
cent , or about 348,000,000 bushels.
The proportion of the total crop of
last year that was of a merchantable
standard is estimated at 86.9 per cent.
Of oats there are reported to be about
290,800,000 bushels , or 36.5 per cent of
last year's crop still in farmers' hands ,
as compared with 283,000,000 bushels ,
or 38.7 per cent of the crop of 1898 , on
hand March 1 , 1899.
Rush for English War Loan.
LONDON , March 12. The rush of
applicants for the war loan commenced
at the Bank of England and the va
rious other banks where prospectuses
were obtainable , immediately alter
they were opened Saturday and a
steady stream of people continued
throughout the day. All sorts and
conditions of persons were present ;
silk hatted financiers , fire ladies , far
mers , clerks , governesses and thrifty
representatives of all classes. They
appeared anxious to stuff their money
into Brittania's pockets and it is es
timated that the loan was oversub
scribed within two hours after the tinu
of the opening of the banks.
Cashier Kills a Uurglar.
SPRINGFIELD. 111. , March 12 A.
G. Moffett , cashier of the First State
bank at Waverly , 111. , shot and in-
btantly killed a negro burglar in his
bedroom early this morning. A quan
tity of stolen valuables was found on
the body of the dead man. He has not
been identified , but is supposed to have
been a professional crook.
I-adysmith Siege " \Vas Important.
LONDON , March 12. The Pieter-
maritzburg correspondent of the Daily
Telegraph , in a dispatch dated Thurs
day , March 8 , says : "Evidence of the
importance attached by Pretoria to
the prolongation of the siege or Lady-
smith is afforded by a letter found in
a deserted Boer camp addressed by
President Kruger to the commanders
of the various districts and dated Jan.
7 , complaining that in some of the dis
tricts only half of the burghers were
at the front and that others were stay
ing at their homes , and urging meas
ures to remedy this state of things.
The above illustration shows one of the
mammoth buildings occupied by the great
Mail Order House of the John M. Smyth
Company of Chicago.
For one-third of a century this Com
pany has been in business. Beginning in
a small way , they uupplled their neigh
bors in the near-by towns , each year
widening their field. They are now sell
ing merchandise direct to the consumer
at wholesale prices throughout the Unit
ed States.
Some years ago they began supplying
their customers with an illustrated cata
logue. As the business expanded they were
obliged to increase the size of this cata
logue , until today it exceeds 1.000 Illus
trated pages. Quoting the lowest whole-
Bale prices on everything to Eat , Wear
and Use. By a superior process-of color
photography they illustrate many of their
goods in natural colors , bringing out the
rich color value of curtains , carpets ,
draperies , and the latest designs in wall
paper , etc. , thus enabling the customer
hundieds of miles distant to select goods
at his own flrcside , knowing by the de
scription , illustration and price the class
of goods he may expect.
This feature of their business is becom
ing more and more popular each year ,
for it not only saves long and tiresome
railroad Journeys but is a great time
eaver. It leaves out the profit of the Job
bing house , the retailer , the expensive
commercial traveler , the general agent ,
the sub-agent and thus eliminates from
one to four profits , saving this amount
for the consumer. In short , it is a great
wholesale store brought to the home.
The mammoth catalogue referred to Is a
20th century dictionary of economy.
The 'Illustration below shows the recent
building added to this great enterprise.
The success of this Company seems In
credible , considering the fact that they
have advertised so little. Their spirit of
fairness and industry Is the secret of this
wonderful success. The quantity of goods
they require in some lines enables them
to handle train loads of merchandise se
cured at the lowest possible cost and
freight rate.
When goods In the rough are coming
from the mills and factories in the East ,
the lake steamers are pressed Into serv
ice at a freight expense which Is but lit
tle in advance of the iron ore rates.
Their references are : Any bank or ex
press company , or any can , woman or
child In Chicago.
Worth 54 to S6 compared
with other makes.
Indorsed by over
1,000,000 wearers.
' TJie genuine haveW. L. |
Douglas' name and price j
stamped on bottom. Take (
no substitute claimed to be
as good. Your dealer
should leep them if
not , we will send a pair *
on receipt of price _ and 250.
extra for carriage. State kind ot leather ,
, , _ - I size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cat. free.
taMHQETS wL DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mass.
to Western Canada and
particulars as to how to
secure ICO acres of the
best wheat-growing
land on the continent
can be secured on appli
cation toSupl. of Immi
grationOttawa. Cannria ,
2a or theundersiyntd. Spe
cially conuucteti excursions will leave St. Pan ! ,
Minn. , on tl e tirst and third Tuesday in eacii
month , and specially low rates on all lines of
railway are quoted for excursions leaving St.
Paul on March 20 and April 4 for Manitoba ,
Assinibola. Saska chewan and Alberta. W. V.
Bennett , fcOl New York Life Bld . , Omaha. Neb.
B Zssr .
gBr v r 'W l sa oarHi man aNfif
Union soldiersand widows of soldiers who made
homestead entries before June 22.1874 of less than
160 acres ( no matter if abandoned or relinquisned ) .
if they have not sold their additional homestead
rights , should address , with full particulars , giv
ing district , &c. HSH27 K. COPP. W hi = etcz. 2. C.
largut Seed POTATO Growers In America. Prices
* i 1.20 A. np. Enormous stocln of Gra , lluier and Farm m
* d8 ! rd > . SenJ this notice and lOe fur catalo ? and Ht3k
ItAUE FAK3 SLED * * H / * ff = J ft
It injures nervous system to do so. BACO-
CUKO is the only cure taat REALLY CUKES
aud notifies you when to stop. Sold with , a
guarantee that three boxes will cure any case.
nAPh PlIRdis vegetable and harmless. It has
DflUU'UUnU cured thousands , it will cure you.
At all druecists or by mail prepaid , SI a box ;
3 boxes SSO Booklet free. Write ETJEEKA
CHEMICAL Co. , La Crosse. Wis.
All Druggists , Sue.
$50 for Half Dollar 1838 or 1853.
Double face value for any roln with o. undereasle.
bend 4c for circulars. C.V. . GOVt ! . trindom , aian.
Thompsons Eye Wafer.
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Jsa
In time. Sold by drmreista.
Locoinotor Ataxla con
PARALYSIS quered at lust. Doctor *
puzzled. Specialist *
nrnnzrd nt recoverof patlenU thought incurable , by
Write mo about your cane. Advice and proof of cure *
He Knows
Who Ho
/The valneof carrfnl planning for the
, fowlnr. NowUthetlm tot > lan. Sand ,
( for the new 18UJ Catalogue of the famous j
Gregory Seeds
I the practical seed * for practical ,
groweri. Grown , selected and
, tested by expert * . Every ounce olA
ed guaranteed. Standard varl-
etles and noreltiui fully de-
_ ocrlbedln thonewcut-
alogue. Bend for it.
1.3.11. CIU.UORT
R01 ,
Earklrhrwl ,
tu. Mllll i
tbclrhoiiicH In tlio fundamental prlnclploiof Iho
law. ami inch liranchot an corutlitilna Onlahed
< Iciral education. Korclrr.iilamadilrew
j EDW , BACON , 323 Main SPeoria ! , ill.
Wa wish to gain thin Tear 200.0CO
nourcuitomrrn. and fiontfooutr
1 I'kg. Olt Garden lle t , I Co
1 Pkg Karl'at Kmerald Cticnmberlto
1 " LaOroMo JIarket LetVuce , Uo _
I " Strawberry Melon , IJo '
1-13 I ) j HadNh. lOo ( '
1 " Karly Ulpe Cabbage , lee r
1 ' Karlr Dlnnrr Onion , lOo '
8 " Brilliant Flower Seeds. 13o | i
Worth Cl.OO jTor 14 ccnU. JJEiD | ,
AbovolO Pkgs. worth JlXW.wowill <
mtll you free , together with oar I
great Catalog.tilling all abont I
npon receipt of thla no tine Al4c.
tamps. We Intltejoartrade , and
! > know when yea once try'n A
isnoilH you will nnvrr do wlthonU <
COO Prizeon Salxer'i lUUO-rar- (
eit earliest Tomato Giant on earth. (
JOII5 A. B1LZXU ISKO CO. , la CROH.MK , Trig. (
Sent anywhere in
Nebraska , Iowa or South Dakota , freight paid , for only ,
Nothing like it ever before offered at such an exceedingly low price ,
LONG , BROAD AND LOW Made for comfort. Width 2 ft. 3 in. Elegant designs , deep
tufted ) large rosette at head. Your choice of Upholsteriogi green , arcadia blue or crinv
son vclour. You May leave selection to us , or send for free sample card showing etyles
of covering. Couch has 34 steel springs , roller castors , well oiadci good and strong ,
You can send your check with order , or the couch will be sent you on approval. No
money in advance. Examine at your freight office and if found exactly as represented ,
and equal to an514 couch you ever saw , pay the agent our special price of S8.85j if not ,
return at our expense. All Couches shipped promptly on receipt of order.
Largest exclusive furniture house west of Chi 1315x17 FARNAM ST. ,
cago. Write us for anything you need. Lace cur
tains , drcpries , chairs and high grac. c furniture. OMAHA , NEB , .
And a. single anointing with CUTICURA ,
purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures.
This is the purest , sweetest , most speedy , per
manent , and economical treatment for torturing ,
disfiguring , itching , burning , bleeding , scaly ,
crusted , and pimply skin and scalp humors with
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Millions of Wornes ? Ose Cutictira Soap
Exclusively for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , for cleansing the
Ecalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the stopping of falling hair , for soften *
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spiration , in the form of washes for nlcerativo weaknessss , and for many sanative
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SOAP at ONE PEICE , viz. , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS , the BEST skin and complexion soap ,
the BEST toilet soap and BEST baby soap in the world. t
Complete External and Infernal Treatment for Every Humor ,
conjisling of CUTICUHA P ur (25c ) , to clrsnsc the skin of cruets and
scales and soften the thickeni-d cuticle , CtrnrcitA OINTMENT fSOc. } ,
_ -.i % - * * ' > " allay itching , inflammation , aud irritation , and snutjc and
I nG Set ; $1.25 heal.aml CCTICURA UEMILVENT (50c ( ) , to rooIan-J clean-e the blood.
A MNGI.E SETii o teaauffici-ntti cu'c'thenionttorturi"p. iliisfiaurlnsj ,
and humiliating ikin , scalp , and blond fanmura , with lo s of all cse falls. I'oTTEit
D. AND O. COUP. , bole Props. , Bwton , U. 3. A. " Ail aljout the Siin , Sculp , aud Uair , " free :
7f. X. U. OMAHA. Xo. 11 1000
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