Since the last presidential election 'He nggrecatc of fresh gold mined throughout the world is placed at $900- Samson was the first actor to bring "own a house and he was killed in the fall. Use Magnetic Starch It Las no equal. The devil too often gets the hey b3' getting his father first. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. The truth needs no apology. Many of the world's best gold mines have not yet been found. I Bhnll recommend Pise's cure for Con sumption fnr and wide. Mrs. Mulligan , PJurnbtead , Kent , England , Nov. S , 1805. A smooth and shiny course makes slippery travel. The higher life is found in the val ley of humility. Magnetic Starch Is tlia very best laundry starch in the world. Character is determined by what we say no to. won A " " may-cure cough medicine won't do. If it will "perhaps" do its work , it's worse than worthless. If it's good , it's worth ten times its price. Do you know where to draw the line between the good and the bad ? This testimonial should help. "I had a had cough for six weeks and could not find any re lief whatever. My little girl read t. about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be- j ing such -wonderful remedy for S coughs , so I bought a bottle. It i lelieved me at once. Before I had taken a quarter -of a bottle my cough was entirely cured. I think it is the most wonderful cough mixture ever known. ' ' L. HAWK , Newington , Out. , May 3 , 1899. Your doctor or druggist bear us out. Three sizes : $ size , cheapest in the long run ; goc. size , just the thing for a cold that "hangs on" : 250 size , for an ordinary , mcia , dis agreeable cold. Be Wonder . o ! tiie UIUOJUU HJJTC7U3HC O . OMAHA. NCQ No Coiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp as when first bought new. Try a Sample Package You'll like It if you try it. You'll buy it if you try it. You'll use It If you try it. Trv it * Fold by all Grocers. ( I i ! Send your name and address on a < postal , and we will send you our l56- [ page illustrated catalogue free. , WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. > 174 Winchester Avenue , New Hsvcn , Conn. ] ; . -I ' Union soldiersand widowsof toldiers who made horae ead entries before June , : S74 of less that , "Nacres ( no matter if abandoned or relinquisncd ) iftheyhave not sold tleir additional homestead richS ; should address , with full particulars , giv inC district. &c. HS1T27 17. CO ? ? . WlSgic ; . D. S. all . S ndforlt. J. J. II. CEsaOUt i. hOS , SirblfhMd. NEW DISCOVERY ; give * f r H-si.'oo- - a quick relief and cures v/or i cnTes Hook of testimonials and 10 HATS' treaUnect K. IB. II. H. CiHtC-Vb S > 0.\8. Hot K. AllaaU. Gt. i illDIC Throat Candy , one of the best confections LAmu O f \wallEt8. . public tpcakere. Ac. tend 10ctoLauibMfg.Co.OttnwaCaEadtt LIVESTOCK AND PRODUCE. Onnihn , Chicago tied New Vo-lt Market Quotation * . SOUTH OMAHA 1,1 VK STOCK. SOUTH OMAHA , March 5. CATTLE The moderate receipts of cattle last week and the high prices prevailing as compared with some other market points haw started up packers to huy in the Kansas City market. The market on cows and heifers was considerably de moralized and prices were all of 10 < 5I'15c ' lower. Bulls were a. little lower , but veal calves higher. Here are some quotations : Beef steers , $3.25f ( ! 000. : steers and heif ers , $3.00ff4..riO ; cows. 2.avrjl.35 ; helfere , I3.1U1H.25 ; cows and heifers. $3.30@4.0Q ; stags and bulls. $3.00'Q3.50 ' : bulls , $2.25' & 3.75 ; stags , $ . ' ' . .70/g4.23 ; stock cows and heifers. 53.00S4.25 ; stockers and feeder ? , HOGS Sold r c lower than Saturday. As compared with the average market the market was just about 2\4e lower. The hogs sold largely at $4.00 for good mixed lends , as against $4.70 Friday and $4.65 on Saturday's close. Some of the better heavy and heavy mixed loads sold at $4.G7'and some right good heavy loads brought $4.72V ; . The demand was good at current prices and buyers were all out early with apparent determination to secure as many loads as possible. SHEEP The tendency of the market was upward last week , and it is safe to say tha. tprices are now 25iJ 30c higher than the week previous at the very least Choice handy weight yearlings , $ G.101jG.2r > ; good to choice fed yearlings $5. r/i'6.00 : lair to good yearlings. $3.G3' i3.75 ; good to choice wethers , $3.50i5.73 ; fair to good wethers. $ r . : )3f 5.r 0 : good t. choice fed ewes , $4.S5Ti55 ; fair to good ewes , $4.f > 3'lj ' 4.83 ; good to choice native lambs , $ G.POfr 7.15 ; good to choice western Iambs , ifi.Kiw 7.00 ; fair to good western Iambs , JO.iWfr ( ! .73 ; feeder wethers , $4. > Tj4.7fi : feeder yearlings. $3.0UT/5.CO ; good to choice feeder lambs , $4.755.7. ( . ' ) . CIJK'AGO 1,1 VE STOCK MARKET. CHICAGO , March f. . CATTLE Na tives , good to prlmo steers , steady to slow. $5.00 < J7G.OO : poor to medium , slow to lOc lower. $4.00f < 4.KO ; selected feeders , best steady , others slow. $4.15ft4.7ii ( ; mixed stockers easy , $3.40 3.90 ; cows steady to lOc lower , $3.00 :4.25 : : heifers weak , $3.KIfr ( 3.CO ; canners slow , $2.23iTr3.00 ; bulls steady. f2. < ; /4.25 < ; calves about steady , $ r..00 < & 8.00. 8.00.HOGS HOGS Fairly active at yesterday's closing prices : ton. $1.82' ; mixed and butchers. Sl.G5fi4.871 * : : good to choice heavy , $4.80 4.87 - : rough heavy. $4.65f/ 1.75 ; light , $4.GOip4.M ) ; bulk of sales , ? 4.75t ( ' 1.S2V& . SHEEP AND IAMBS-Sheep and liunbs generally steady ; good to choice wethers. $350'yC.03 : fair to choice mixed , about steady , $3.40 5.50 ; western sheep , steady , $ j.2.y 5.SO ; yearlings , about .steady. JC.OOfiG.40 ; native lambs , about steady , * 5.00'/7.35. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITY. March 3.-CATTLE Market ( iniet ; killing grades , steady to lOc lower ; stackers and feeders , steady ; heavy native steers , $4.Soli3.23 ; light weights. $4.GOt/5.13 ; stockers and feeders. f3.50fi5.00 ; butcher cows and heifers , ? 3.25 ( f4.15 ; canners , $2.50f/3.23 : fed westerns , f4.0L"i/5.10 ; western feeders , $3.03-04.25 - ; Texans. $ : ! .G5ff4.50. HOGS Good heavy hogs steady , olh- eis 2\riric lower ; heavy. S4.70W4.S5 ; mixed. ? 4 CO/4.75 ; light , $4.30'f ' > 4.G71-i ; pigs , J3.501' ' 'SHEEP AND LAMBS Demand con tinues very strong ; small supply sold quickly at llrm prices ; lambs , SG.50fjG.75 ; yearlings , $ i.00fji.25 ; ( ; muttons. J5.UO'a5.GO ; stockers and feeders , $3.73fj3.50 ; culls , $ : ; .oof/3.75. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO. March 5. AVHEAT No. C .spring , ( IKtOnc ; No. 2 red. G7fiGSic. COHN-No. 2 , : : Mic ; No. 2 yellow , 33 ? i ft "Me. OATS No. 2. 2f : 2.-c ! : No. 2 white , 25M : 2ic ; : No. 3 white , 23V-f'2Gc. 11 YE No. 2. 55' e. liARLEY No. 2. , > JSC'41C. SEEDS No. 1 tlaxsecd and northwest , ? 1 GO ; prime timothy , S2.43 ; clover , con tract grade , $8.25. PROVISION'S Mess pork , per bbl. , * 9.CO fili'.OO. Lard , per 103 Ibs. . $5.70f < 3.771- . . Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $ Ti.70fT5.f'j. Dry salted fhoulilers ( boxed ) . $ G.23TiG.30. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $5.t'UiC.OO. WORK FOR TH PRESIDENT Senate Calls on Hint for Report on Liquor in Manilla. | WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 5. Mr. Pettigrew of South Dakota secured in the senate the adoption of the follow ing resolution : "That the president be requested , if not incompatible Avith public interest , tt. send the senate a statement of the number of saloons that have been es tablished in Manilla , P. I. , since the occupation of that city by the United States troops ; who conducts these sa loons , who are their patrons , and what kind of liquors are sold and the quan tity of such liquor. The president is also requested to inform the senate or the number , if any , of saloons run on the American or English plan in Manilla before we occupied the place. The president is also requested to in form the senate whether or not it is within his commander-in- power , as - - chief of our military forces , to suppress all saloons in Manila and prohibit and prevent the sale of liquor to our sol diers. " Drcnil CHICAGO , 111. , March 5. The ad visability of calling a conference of the sanitary officers throughout the United States to consider ways and means of keeping the bubonic plague from reaching this city is being urged upon the authorities at Washington. In answer to a leter sent by Dr. Rey nolds , health commissioner here , to Dr. Walter Wyman , surgeon general of the marine hospital service. Dr. Wyman says the health commission er's suggestion that a national con ference be called to meet in April meets with his approval and will be considered. In a letter to Surgeon General Stern- berg , sent today , Dr. Reynolds calls at tention to the bodies of dead soldiers , which are constantly being brought l ack to the states , and suggests as a precaution against the spread of dis ease , especially the bubonic plague , that the practice be discontinued. As an illustration of the danger thus in curred , Dr. Reynolds reports that the casket recently brought from Luzon , containing the body of a Chicago man. who died on the island , was opened by the family , despite orders to the con trary from the war department , and the sanitary officers here. Those who love always have no leis ure to pity themselves , or to be un- 1 appy. "Heroine of the VANCOUVER , March 5. Miss Lo gan , 21 years of age , daughter of the iate Rev. Robert Logan , the first mis sionary to the South Sea islands , seat out from Boston by the Congregational Board of the United States , has , ac cording to advices from Sydney , won lor herself the title of "heroine of the Caroline group. " It is due not only to her fearlessness in facing famine and tropical diseases , but to her per sonal interference in a fight between two native chiefs in which she sus tained ail accidental but severe in jury. Had Catarrh Nine Years All Doctors Failed. HON. GEORGE KERSTEN. OF CHICAGO. lion. Geo. Iversten. .n well-known Jxistice of the Peace , of Chicago , sajs : I was afflicted with Catarrh for nine years. My catarrh v/as located chiefly in my head. J tried many remedies .without avail. I applied to several doctors , but they were not able to cure me. I learned of the remedy , Peruna , through the daily newspapers. After taking the remedy for IS weeks I was entirely cured. I consider my cure permanent , as it has been two and a half years since 1 was cured. " Any man who wishes perfect hc.allh must be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh is well-nigh universal : almost omnipresent. Peruna is the only ab- sjlutc safeguard known. A cold is the "beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds , to cure colds , is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Pcrana not only cures catarrh , but prevents it. Rani's Horn calls attention to the significant fact that Robert Ingersoll , the son of a Congregational minister , died an agnostic , and Dwight L. Mooj j dy , the son of a Unitarian stonemason. | d'ed "the Wellington of the evangeii- cal army. " Your clothes wal not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. iJB. K. M. Kl INC , Ltd. , 'A51 Arch St. , I'hiliuleJphia , Fa. Ifyou have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. An earthly nngel is a woman that other women never gossip about. Why trifl ® wath Sze&Sth whees the easiest ES fa& fa&m m ths WQSM IP ! Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound BS Isitowss evesywfaeste awaf fffaousanifs of wastsen have iseess cured of serious kid ! * neyMr Mr sa Penkham's meth ods have the endorse" nterat of the mayor ? the postmaster asicf others of her own city * Her medicine has the endloFsemsnt of an UK numbered multitude of grateful women whose tetters &Be constantly printed Sn thSs paper * Every woman should read these /alters * advises suffering women free of charge. Her ssf&'ess es j.yssn , Mass * Planning to Paper This Spring ? TLere la rctl ir.p that will HI COM PLETELY Trans- formjonrllOJlEin point of HEALTH tndllZADTViioi.r SELECT WALL PAPER. We ccny ALL the "War pr'c f , tti m ty \ I toSOctntsff-'iiple eiiiblte M to hard ! * I . ' . tl'tTU-r..etellnplN CARLOAD LOIS. | fct-nct * e can jric I ALL fmilr * imj Liply LOV. . A fctl lire cf bam ] Iff rent , J ! cbsrp | rf aid , FKEEufcnrtqcut. Our Spring Catalogue tretlsg some < S Itr llie in MTTHili COI.OKS , rrill U if ct rrj aid ct-c n re- ccil * of Itc , "which pj jartcf tte ei- rrets cbargt * , M d will be rtfsscUii 03 tv Ii > t of yccr first order. Tfcl eatalrcue qcctt : ? bcl le prices en EVERYiinXG you. EAT , WEAR USE. Established JOHN M. SMYTH COMPANY , 1867- ISO to IM West Madison Si * Order by this Ka A 11 CHICAGO , ILL. All families should provide them selves with a copy of Dr. HartmaiTs free book entitled "Winter Catarrh. ' ' This book consists of seven lectures on catarrh and la grippe delivered at The Ilartman Sanitarium. It contains the latest information on the treatment of catarrhal diseases. Address Dr. Hartman - man , Columbus , Ohio. Salzor'c Rape Spcltz given Ilirl ; , TV lint Is it 1 green Catalog food at , FARRS tells. Salzcr's Seeds are Warranted to Produce. liahloa Luther , ll.Tror.i'a. a toni hetl ihe world Ij ffuvluK 253 baehcis Illg ! our Oils ; J Jlmder , Uithicott. vr . , ITJbus barlcj ; auclH.Lorrjnj , KeJWingllinn. . bygronlugSZObusli Suittr'acorn ptr ncrp. If jou doubt , wriie them.X e vtlsh to gain 500,000 new casto-nsri" . hence will fend nu trlcl 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR lOc. 10 pYg of rare farm ? n.ds. Salt 13ush , tlic 3-careiI Corn pp ltzrroducinMhr.'h. ) few ! anil 4 ton hay per acre abe e oats and Mrlej. Ilroinuilnermlj Iho greatest grass on earth ; Salzcr lays to. K&pe , Spring Wlif at , &c. , including our mam moth. Hunt riuitatsdSceil Cauloe. Ullliigzll tbout Salzer's .JrcntMIlllon I olnr Potato , all milled iOc. pnsiag posttirelv worth til ) to jftan'srt. PIcaso' bls eced , , fl-OO- V wnd till _ - - Cutn j idv. nUh alone , Cc , lOe. to Sclzer. wnu : DC NOT SEHD US AY KtOFJEY. A I'JILSEJT tOIt YOU. RING No. 362 , 2 Rubles and 2 Pearls. ieautiful ! Jng ! \ti adorn your hand without any cost to j uu. Dou t tend u- * any money , ja-t jour iaine and artdrC'-s. We will g I you Postpaid 12 f ourl.avc Jiand-omp Dol.Ics.dllTereut deelCT1- . Sell tliei.i to your Tanil y end FrlrndM at J0 < - cci'U. j-cnd it > ihe * ! . 0 and wu wlliend you by return mall tbe I'cnutlfiil Kin ? . We otTer rat'E. Ster'inK Silver Uracclets , SolidOo'd Plated Iirarei ! * , S. llil ( iold King'.Xrther olc sil\ci Bracelets ( iold Ten and Pearl Handle , for bellln our IIadt.onie DoIMes. VillITK iLKK Tt DAT. YOCR SflCESS IS CniT.UX. F. A. REED . CO. , Jewelry Dept , 09 HUD'-OS STltEET , M. i" Y011K. Vorth S4 to S6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000wearers. . The genuine haveW. L.I Douglas' name and price ! stamped on bottom. Take < uo substitute claimed to be as good. Your dealer should keep thf-m if not , we will send a pair' on receipt of price and 250. extra for carriage. State kind of leather , size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cat. free. W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mass. EXGOR3S8H RATES to Western Canada and particulars as to how to < -ccure ICO acres of the best wheat-g rowing , land on the continent j can be secured onappli- icaticn toSupt. of Innni- JgratioK.Ottawa , Cnnaila , for the uudersipned. Spe cially conducted excursion- leave St. Paul. Minn , on tt e Hrst and third Tuesday in ecch month and specially low rates on all lines of railway ore quoted for excursions leaving St. Paul on March - > G tnd April 4 for Manitoba. Ashinibola. Saslca'chewan and Alberta. M. A" . Bennett , 801 New York Life Bldg. . Omaha , Neb. Tte a hireses of all .Federal Soldiers , their widows or WANTED heirs , who niado a HOME STEAD H1UNG on less than ICO ceres on or before ' Juno 22 , 187-t. no matter iERS' whether K1XAL PROOF was made or not I will buy- Land Warrants. .Address Comrade SESTEADS W. E MOSES , Box 1333 , Denver. . Colorado. ha < stood the test of oO years and is still the Host Condi Kcmcily Sold. Cures when other reir.t-dies fail. Tastes peed : children like it. Sold by all < lrusis > ts 25 cents. TUC RAPftJJ Qf'HHfll win struct tflC tlAtUfi dlfHUUL ! Students at tcelrli-'ineRln Uie fundamental principles , of the law. and Siicli l > ran < -lie * at. constitute a nnltLcd legal educst'OE. For circulars address EDW.BAGON , 323 Main SLPeoria , ill , W. X. I' . OMAHA. 1C ] yoo Best Cough Syrup. Tsstea Gcxw. IE time. Sold by tirucclsis. Beware of ointments Tor Catarrh 'flint Contain Mercury , As mercury will surely destroy the scnso of smell and completely derange thu whole .system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be if-etl except on prescriptions from reputable physicians , us the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. , contains no mercury , nnd Is taken Internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine. It Is taken internally , and inudo InToIedo , Ohio , by F. J. Cheney &Co. Testlraonlalsfrec. Sold bv Druggists , price 7T c per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The busy man never finds the day too long. Mrs. Wlnnlow'H Soothing Syrnp. For children teething , softens the gums , reduces In flammation , allays i > uln.cures wind colic , JJicabottlo. If you prefer the service of sin you must be prepared to accept the wages of sin. LOPS of hair , which often mare the prettiest face , prevented by I'AJUIBR'H HAIII KALSAII. , tliu bent cure fur corns. 15ula. Cleveland men who have undergone operations have formed an appendicitis club. TO COKE A COLD IN ONK DAY , Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists icrund the money if it fulls to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature on each box. There were nearly 89,000 deaths in London last year. Woman , gramatically speaking , is not a part of speech ; she's simply the whole oration. Said the cleaver to the beef : " Tis but meat that i should cut you. " Send for "Choice Keclpcs , " by Wnlter Itakcr & Co. Ltd. . Dorclicmer , Mass. , mailed free. Mention tills pupvr. Russell Sage says that if he lost all his money today lie would go to work with the same energy and ambition that he had at the start. .MAN'S . MECHANISM . -r'y Delicate Machinery That Ntds Constant Care. Atsolute CIcr.nllncss and Regulation as Ncces- | > t > ary as Tor Any Other K'ii1 of j > Machinery. How to Keep It In Worklne Order. I ' Thcrc'n n screw loose somewhere ! * . One little screw In the big machine gets ' n trlllo loose and the whole .ippurtitus clogs , bnlkK and retimes to work properly. A sUlllful engineer can tell by the "f : ! l" of hlH engine when there's u ncrew loose. Occasional constlpaton call It co.stlvu- ness or blllousnesB- needs prompt atten tion. It cl < > KH the whole delicate mechan ism of man. and miiHl be removed sklll- fully without force or tdiock. Only t i vegetable laxative Hhould be used , and CascaretH Candy C'athaitic. which you j can cat like a piece of candy , arc thu : most agreeable , natural and effective of all laxative. . i CascaretH are. the only antiseptic cnthar- ; tic , and not only make the liver lively , r - move obHtructlotiB In tinbowelx , HtreiiKtb- i en the Intestine , but kill all K TII M of dlt- euse In the body. Thcrefoie prevent n:5 well as cure. Buy nnd try Casrnrcts to-day. You'll find "that It'.s what they do , not what wu say they'll do , that will pU-nso y < m. All i drugglstH. lOc , 2. > e and Me. or will mall fur ' price. Send for booklet and free tmmpk . Address Steillng Ht-medy Co. . Chicago ; Montreal , Can. ; New York. This is the CASCAHICT tab let , livery tablet of tin : only genuine Cascarets bearn th > mnglc letters "C C ' . " Look at the tablet b.-fore you buy. and beware of frauds , linllii- tlon.s and substitutes. Nearly every man believes that drug store whiskey is bcter than joint wliisj- uey. Atchisou Globe. Liberal religious literature ( Uni tarian ) will be furnished free , on ap plication to Mrs. II. D. Heed , KJ2 N. 38th Avc. , Omaha , Neb. Try Magnetic Starch it will last j longer than any other. Red Rough Hands , , Itching , Burning Palms , and Painful Finger Ends. Soak the hands on retiring in a strong , hot , creamy lather of CUTIGURA SOAP. Dry , and anoint freely with CUTICURA , the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear , during the night , old , loose kid gloves , with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red , rough , chapped hands , dry , fissured , itching , feverish palms , with shapeless nails and painful finger ends , this treatment is simply wonderful , and points to a. speedy cure of the most distress ing cases when physicians and all else fail. Pain So Intense Would Nearly Twist Fingers From Sockets. Hands Puffed Up Like a Toad. Water Ran Through Bandages to Floor. Had to Walk the Floor Until Would Fall Asleep. Fingers Would Peel Like an Onion. Doctors Could Not Cure. Ei ht yc.'irs ago I got core hnnds. couiii > m-m < ; with : i bnrniii"epn = : itiorj on my finders and on top of the hand. When I rubbed tl-Mi\o " i could sec little white pimples. I felt like twining inv linger * out of their Docket" . I had high fever , nnd cold chills ran over me.and * so I kept it jr ° ' " ' " 'til shoeing , and I would not shut up the shop for anvbody. but it was hard. 3Iy hands pulled up wor o than a tosd. : When j" drove horse nails' , the water from my hmds ran through the bandage , on to the floor. 3I y cus tomers refused to look at my hand. I h : l a friend take me to the rl.'iotor ; Us gave a ? olutiou of fomttlhhijr to bathc > mv hands. I went to another doctor. I think , for. . a year , i found your advertisement iu a I'tica , news paper. aud I got the CUTICL-RA remedies. A- soon a = < I u od them I began to gain , and after using a small quantity of them I wts ontirdv cured. J would not take liftv dollar * for a cake of ( YTicrirA .So.uif I co'uld not "Ct anv more. I would not un"er any more : i ? I ( Mil. for I he whole o.imtrv.0' ' Feb. 22. 1808. CASPER DlE'fSCHLER , Pembroke , Geuesce < 'o. , X. V. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Eiery Humor , coneintinzof Curici r.POA (2Cc ) , to clansc the * kin of cru-f > anil Kcnles nnd soften the thickened cuticle , Crriccui OINTVENT fSOc > , ' " 'natantly allay itchins. Inflamraation. and irrltntUin , and Miuthcand liea' , and CITH fit.BOIENT ( "rfc ) , to cool and clean-c th < - blood. A JIVOI.E SET in often EuQlcfat . tocii ethemo .t lort'in-i , diSi-urint- and hnmiHalinjr c'lcin , ftrilp , and b'ood bmm : e , v i'li lo B of hur , v.-hen a ! 'i fnuo. throutliout tbe world. I'OTIK : : Dnro .ixu CXhr. COCP. , bole 1'rons. , lioaton. L" . b. A. " All , Ecalp , end U.iir , " free. of Women Use Outicura Soap Exclueivcly forprc = crvinspurifyinfr , and lifaut'.fyinp tsc ! rkln , f . : - < -pnn-iip : the f < - ; ) " cru t ? , r-alp ? , and dar.druff , : > THI tlie htopji'.r. of IMinx hair , i > r.a -id-- , ! - : . : ? . ( teething red , roti-'h , an < l I.inds , in the ' . . . . rc : form uf It's f.ranni ; \ - - in t.t o. . = . inani- ination , and chafin s , or too free or oir n hc iii-rs-irition ; , ii > tf-c f.ina cf v.-islica for iipcrative ] ivcaknc-ses for sanative ; niti cji-- ; j.uipu cviuh ! icjdi'y etipgcst tlipmipiroa to 'vomen , and c-yicc-ially mothers , and fur alt the \ J . > Ci23 o' Cv t ! ! ct , b Ui , and nursery. No amount of pcreUIun can iK : ac tbo e srlm liavs oarc uic l it to inu any ctlier , especially for preserving and i > iirifyi-- ! ' f..c f-ki , ccal- . , and hair of sufants ami children. CLTICURA SOAPooaiblnes delk-nto oinf.'iient ji"n ; > crte derived iroin Cimt'Kiu , the great sUn cure , with the purest of clc&n iig inC'Ictts ! and the uoat refreshing of flower odors. Xo other mftliceitrd eoap ever conpour.-i-d is ti he < oir.i > : ircd v.ith it for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the Ekin , ? ca7p , lislr , an 1 hands. Vo other foreigner or domestic toilet soap , however expensive , is to be roniparvd with , it for aI ! tiu ! purposes of the to'.let , Lath , and nursery. Thus U in O.VE FOAIr.t Oxn I'jjicilz. . . TWENTY-FIVE CizVfthe U T EUu and conipleiion soap , the BEST toilet : tm3 utar toby soap in the world.