The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 23, 1900, Image 8

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    : Men who are always in a hurry , and most men are , want a
'soap for the toilet that "will lather quickly and freely in hot or
cold water. Other soaps than Ivory may have this quality , but
will likely contain alkali , which is injurious to the skin. Ivory Soap
is made of pure vegetable oils , no alkali , produces a white , foamy
lather , that cleanses thoroughly and rinses easily and quickly.
Money cannot buy a better soap for the toilet.
Advertised Letters.
The followiug letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice oil Feb. i8th :
J. W. Allen , Alma Burckens ,
H. D. Carter , John H. Cain ,
E. T. Davis , M. R. Harris ,
D. R. Smith , Mrs. M. C. Cook ,
Mrs. Angeline Gilmore.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KlMMELL , Postmaster.
New Time-Card , Feb. 25.
Radical changes in the schedules of
Burlington trains will be made , Sunday ,
February 25
To avoid disappointment and loss of
time , consult local ticket agent who is
in a position to give you correct infer
mation. J. FRANCIS-
at General Passenger Agent Omaha.
"Everybody's Magazine" for March is
rich in that sort of pleasant reading that
combines instruction with . quick tind
easy interest.
Gold at Cape" Nome. "
If you want information about the
Cape Nome country , how to get there
and what it costs , write to J. Francis ,
General Passenger Agent , B. & M. R. R.
R. in Nebraska , Omaha , Neb. 2-16-513. .
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
B. E. ABHTOH , Pre : . T. S. HcDOHALD , Cash.
CL1FFOSD1TAII1T , Asst. Cash.
A General Banking Business
business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
\yill receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
The Way to Go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington route. You
don't change cars ; you see the finest
scenery on the globe ; you make fast
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper , but it is just as
comfortable , just as good to ride in , and
nearly $20 cheaper. It has wide 'vesti
bules , Pmtsch gas , high-back seats , a
uniformed Pullman porter , clean bed
ding , spacious toilet rooms , tables and a
heating range. Being strongly and heav
ily built , it runs smoothly is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor , who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday , arriving
in San Francisco on the following Sun
day , Los Angele's on Monday only three
days from the Missouri river to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop-over ofy2
hours in Denver and 2 4 hours in Salt
Lake City two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folders giving full particulars and
information call at any'Burlington route
ticket office or write to
J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. , Omaha. Neb.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn - . . . . $ .29
Wheat 5 °
Oats . . - 25
Rye . " . . . . .35
Hogs : . . . ; 4.25
Eggs. / 13
Butter 15
Potatoes 4 °
Butter fat at Creamery 18
Five Cents a Copy :
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
Killed Last Night
A cough. Loar's Cough Killer did it.
Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Beware of the Doctors' There is not the slightest doubt that the
doctors do more harm than good in treating
Contagious Blood Poison ; many victims of
Patchwork You Can this loathsome disease would be much better
; off to-day if they had never allowed them
selves to be dosed on mercury and potash , the
Cure Yourself at Home. only remedies which the doctors ever give for
. blood poison.
The doctors are wholly unable to get rid of
this vile poison , and only attempt to heal up the outward appearance of the
disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the
system , and endeavor to keep it shut in with their constant doses of potash
-and mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out
into sores , and the fight is continued indefinitely , the drugs doing the system
more damage than the disease itself.
Mr. H. L. Myers , 100 Mulberry St. , Newark , JT. J. , says :
hundred dollars with the doctors , when I realized that
they could do me no good. I had large spots all over my
bcdy , and these soon broke out into running sores , and I
endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro-
-duces. I decided to try S. S. S. as a last resort , and was
soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc
tions for Self-Treatment/ the large splotches on my
chest began to grow paler and smaller , and before long
disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my
skin has been as clear as glass ever since. I cured my
self at home , after the doctors had failed completely. "
It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors
to cure Contagious Blood Poison , for the disease is be
yond their skill. Swifts Specific
acts in an entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the
poison out of Che system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the
disease , while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever ,
constantly undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat
ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all necessary medical ad
vice , free of charge , and save the patient the embarrassment of publicity.
Write for full information to Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
d. . . .
n " -r *
The Shodeland Stock Sale.
The Shadeland stock farm dispersion
sale at South Omaha stock yards , last
Friday , was a most satisfactory success ,
the forty head sold .bringing $7,620.00 ,
or an average of $190.50 a head. "Gov-
enor" sold for $500 oo even , and $750 oo
was offered for "Anxiety Monarch , " the
famous head of the Shadeland herd , but
Mr. Rogers refused to let him go at that
price. Mr. Rogers is very well pleased
with the result of the sale , taking into
consideration the fact that this was the
first time that any animals from the
Shadeland farm have ever been on sale.
It was Mr Rogers' first appearance as it
were , and the impression that his Herefords -
fords made is most gratifying to him.
Being situated so far west , comparatively
nothing was known of his herd , and
many expressions of surprise "were ut
tered that such superior animals could
be produced in this section which
causes us to remark that the advantages
of this section of Nebraska as a cattle-
raising and stock-feeding country are
but poorly advertised , and it behooves
us all to do with our might all we can to
bring before the public the attractive
facts in this matter. The animals sold
by Mr. Rogers in South Omaha , last
Friday , were superb testimonials of what
Southwestern Nebraska can do in the
line of stock raising , for no better cattle
have recently been on the market in
this stale than were the forty fat beauties
from the Shadeland. Mr. Rogers brought
"Anxiety Monarch" back home with
him , and with the young stock still re
maining on the farm and the new blood
he will add , he expects in due time to
be able to make another offering that
will excel his first effort. Mr. Ro'gers
will go to Kansas City , next week , iu
quest of some additions to his herd.
Became Well-to-do Here.
THE TRIBUNE recently made a re
quest for statements of farmers of Red
Willow county for publication , touching
the date of their arrival here ; what they
had upon their arrival in this county ;
what they have been able-to save and
secure since coming ; together , with any
other item of interest they may wish testate
state We are pleased to this issue ,
iu response to that request , a statement
from William Hiersekorn of the Beaver
slope , whose-address is Lebanon :
"I came to the state'of Nebraska in
1876 and to Red Willow county in'1879.
Came here afoot , with no'thing , from
Dayton , Ohio , where I was raised : I ,
am wortfi now about $6,000 , all of which
I have made here in Red Willow county.
Nebraska is all right. Any man -who
wants to work can make a good -living
here ; and as for health , there is no better
place than Red Willow county ,
CHRISTIAN Bible-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching services at n a. m. a'nd 8 p.
m. Y. P. S. C E at 7-
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. nu
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each mouth.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at n. Y. P. S. C. E. at
7. Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Morning
subject , "Christ the Divine Savior. "
Evening \heme , "The Beauty of Holi
ness. " All are welcome.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at II. Junior Union
at 3. Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
at S. Morning subject , "Two Homes
A Contrast. " Evening theme , "Loves
Manifestation. " Rev. George Scott will
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3. Epworth League service
at 7. Preaching at 8. Union revival ser
vice on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m.
All are welcome. Morning subject , "Re
ligion Reasonable. " Evening theme ,
"What Made Washington Great ? "
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The different churches of the city have
united to make a house to house visita
tion on the 27th day of February , next
Tuesday , endeavoring thereby to create
a greater interest in church and Sunday-
school work. Every house in the city
will be visited on that day.
MnluSiry Tree
This is a cross
between the
Russian Mul
berry and a Blackberry. A tree that
every person should plant Write for
descriptive circular.
The International Nursery Co. ,
Denver , Colorado.
Established II years.
To Cure a Cold in a Day.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature on every box.
25c. 4-1.
Revival Services Contemplated.
A number of the churches of the city
contemplate uniting in union revival
services , and to this end representatives
of the several churches interested are
casting about for an evangelist to assist
in the work. They have in mind , Rev.
L. P. Rowland , an evangelist of most ex
cellent repute , of whom a Findlay.Ohio ,
paper has the following to say :
' The Presbyterian church of this city
has engaged the services of Mr. L , . P.
Rowland , an evangelist of most excellent
.repute. He was for fifteen years the
superintendent the Y. M. C. A , of
Boston , which speaks well for him as a
man of culture and ability ; for the
Christian people of that center of learn
ing would not have kept him for such a
length of time if he had not been a very
grand man in every way. He was then
invited to become superintendent of the
Y. M C A. in Philadelphia , the center
of Christian aggressiveness There he
remained five years , when he gave up
the work to go as state secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. of Michigan. His success in
this line has been very remarkable.
There are those who consider him with
out any equal as an evangelist1. He is
especially happy and successful in deal
ing with men and with younj people.
He will give Bible readings in the after
noon for Christians and church workers.
He is very direct in his address and very
earnest. His labors elsewhere have been
accompanied and followed by the most
wonderful results. "
License to wed have been issued , this
week :
John M Myers and Anna Loring
Josephine Lackey and Helen K.
Tyler D Joy am ! Leon a Pevler.
James Egan and Josephine Feniinore.
Main Office llth & O St
13 years In Omaha and
In. Nervous , Chronic and
Private DISKASKS of
AH Private Diseases and
Electricityji cSrE
enables us to guarantee to
euro all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Chest
Stomach , layer , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseaios
Lost Manhood , Nicht
Emissions , Hydrocole , Var
icocele , Gonorrhea , Qloet..Pilos , Fistula and
Rectal Ulcers i , Diabetes- and Bright's Disease.
ES $100.0Otot a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON we cannot cure if curable
Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FBEE. Homo
treatment by _ mail in all diseases a specialty
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
-write them today P. O. Box 224. Office
In Richards Elk. , lltU & o. Lincoln , Nairn
Do You Want a Calendar ?
The biggest and best calendar ever is
sued by the American railroad is now being
distributed by the Burlington Route ,
It has twelve sheets , one for each month of
the year. On each sheet is a striking illus
tration of some feature of the Burlington's
service or of the territory reached by its lines
the government fast mail running at full
speed ; a tourist car on its way to California ;
engine 1591 , the largest passenger engine in
the world ; a library car ; a compartment sleep
er ; the Burlington station at Omaha ; a din
ning car ; a monster freight train ; Kstes Park ,
Colo. , the plunge bath at Hot Springs , S. D. ,
Yellowstone Falls , etc.
The drawings from which the pictures were
made are by Louis Braunhold , ol Chicago ,
and cost several hundred dollars.
The size of the calendar is 22x28.
The dates are in big type which can be read
at a distance of 50 feet. For business offices
the Burlington calendar is simply invaluable.
Purchased in large quantities , the calendars
cost the Burlington Route 27 cents apiece.
With postage , packing , etc. , they represent an
investment of about 35 cents. Our price is 25
cents 10 cents less than cost. Write for one :
stamps will do. If it is not satisfactory , send
it back and your money will be promptly re
funded. 2-2-61. J. FRANCIS ,
General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb ,
Tribune Clubbing List. M
For convenience ol readers of THE TRIB 1
UNE , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with Tim
TRIBUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press , l 00 Si 50
Leslie's Weekly. 400 300
Prairie Farmer I oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean I oo I 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. i oo 150
New-York Tribune I oo I 25
Demorest's Magazine I oo I 75
ToledoBlade I oo 125
Nebraska Farmer 100 150
Iowa Homestead oo 145
Lincoln Journal oo I 75
Campbell's Soil-Culture oo I 50
New-York World oo I 65
Omaha Bee oo I 50
Cosmopolitan Magazine oo I So
St. Louis Republic oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 115
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published , at reduced rates.
THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medicine
was so effective as Koclol Dyspepsia Cure. It
gave immediate relief. Two bottles produced
marvelous results , " writes L. II. Warren , Al
bany , Wis. It digests what you eat and can
not fail to cure. D. W. Loar.
A Chicago man owns a dog which he values
at $ Soo. That same animal may some day
disappear and be shipped to the west m link
formation and sold for 7 or S cents a pound.
You can help anyone whom you find suffer
ing from inflamed throat , laryngeal trouble ,
bronchitis , coughs , colds , etc. , by advising the
use of Ballard's Horehound Syrup ; the great
remedy for coughs and colds. Price , 25 and
50 cents. A. McMillen.
A Penn Ivania minister says he will marry
any deserving couple for 10 cents. If this in
cludes the bride kiss and the ministerial bless
ing , it looks dirt cheap.
Susan B. Anthony was 80 years old , last
Thursday , and doesn't care if every nexvs-
paper in Christendom spreads that fact.
When pain or irritation exists on any part
of the body the application of Ballard's Snow
Liniment will give prompt relief. Price , 25
and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Notice is hereby Rivon that by virtue of a
chattel morteiiKO dated January 17 , ISDIt , and
duly filed and tvconlml in the ofllcn of the coun
ty clerk of Red Willow county. Nebraska , on
the 19th day of January , 1899. and oxccutfd by
Frank P. Allen to Joseph S. McHrayor , to wcuro
thu payment of two certain promissorv iiotoa of
$200 each , otio payable January 10,1'JOO. and one
payable January 10,1001 , with intoru > t at the
ratoof ton ptTcont per annum in both instances ,
and upon which there ia now duo the sum of $100 ,
with intereft from the 10th day of January ,
1000. Default having boon inado in the pay
ment of said sum , and no othur proceedings at
law having been instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof , therefore I will soil the
property therein named , viz : The undivided
one-half interest in ono team of black gtsldiuf , ' ; ) ,
9 and 10 years old , mimed Jim and Joe ; ono bay
horse , 15 years old , named Cal ; one black mare ,
9 years old , named Kit ; ono pray team , one
horse and ono mare , G and 9 yearn old , named
Dude and Lfchtfoot ; ono bay mare , 7 years old ,
weight about 801) pounds ; three oiie-horso biiK-
gios ; two pole Dumpies ; ono two-seated car
riage ; ono two-wilted canopy-top surrey ; ono
three-seated spring wngoii ; three Mils double
lianiesy ; three single buggy harnesses ; ono set
breast collars ; ono lady's sido-suddio ; _ three
neck reins ; all summer and winter robes in the
livery barn of Maddux and McBrayer , fifteen in
number ; three fctratulB of sleigh bells ; two sets
fly-nets ; ono flro-proof safe and all ollice furnit
ure. ; two sloighu , and whip * , curry-combs and
brushes now in the livery stable known as the
Maddux barn. At public sale at the barn , cor
ner Railroad ami Madison streets , in the city of
McCook , Ited Willow county , Nebraska , on the
17th day of March , 1900 , at 2 o'clock p. m. of said
duv. 2-2Wt JOSEPH S. MCHRA
Dated , McCook , Neb. , February 2J : , 1100.
State of Nebraska , Reel Willow county , ss : At
a county court , held at the county court roomin
and for said county , February H , A.D. 10UO. Pres
ent , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In the mutter
of the estate of Horace If. Eastorday _ , deceased.
On rending and filing the petition of Emma
Meinluirdt Eastordar , praying that the instru
ment filed on the 3d ( lay of February , 1000 , and
purH > rting to bo the last will and testament of
the said deceased , may bo proved , approved ,
probated , allowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of the said Horace II. Eastorday ,
deceased , and that the execution of said instru
ment may bo committed and the administration
of said estate may bo granted to her as execu
trix. Ordered , That February 21 , A. D. 1000 , at
10 o'clock a. in. , is assigned for hearing paid pe
tition , when all persons interested in said mat
ter may appear at a county court to bo bold in
and for said county , and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not bo granted ;
and that notice of the pendency of said petition
and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons
interested in said matter by publishing n copy
of this order in THE McCooK TKIBUNE , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive weeks prior to siid day of hearing.
( A true copy. ) G. S. Bisuor ,
f.SEALj2-9-t : ! County Judge.
United States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Office , under authority vested in him
by Section 2,455 , U. S. Rev. Stat. , as amended by
the act of Congress , approved February 20. IfeO.'i ,
wo will proceed to oner at public sale on the
Siril dav of February , next , at 1 1 . M. , at this
ollice , the following tract of land , towit : The
south half of the northeast quarter , section
thirty-three , township one , north , range thirty ,
west 6th P.M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described land nro advised to file their
claims in this oflice on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale ,
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
Dated this 2ith ) dav of December , lt > OU.
F. M. RATHHUX , Register.
l--6ts. J. A. PIPKK , Receiver.
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
State of Nebraska. In the matter of the estate
of John Kolb , an insane person : Notice is here
by given that in pursuance of an order from
Honorable G. W. Norris , judge of the district
court for Red Willow county. Nebraska , made
on the 17th day of February , A. D. 1000 , for the
sale of real estate hereinafter described , there
will be sold at the front door of the court-house
in McCook , Nebraska , on the 20th day of March , '
1900 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , at public venduo to the
highest bidder , for cash , the interest of John
Kolb , an insane ixsrson , in the following de
scribed real estate , to-wit : The east half of the j
southwest quarter and the west half of the j
southeast quarter of section eight (8) ( ) , township
two (2) ( ) north , range thirty ( : J/ ) ) , west , in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. Which sale will re
main open for one hour. j
Dated this 10th day of February. 1000. |
2-2J-t : W. S. FITCH , Guardian , i
J. E. Kelley , Attorney. |
Land Oflice at McCook , Nob. , February 0.1000.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim , and thatI
said proof will be made before register and re- j
ceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , March 17 , i
1900 , viz : Samuel Doherty , ono of the heirs of I
Bennett Doherty , deceased , H. E. No. 10920 for '
the W Vi SE H Sec. 11 and N14 NE H Sec. 14 , Tp. i
I N , R. 31 west of the Oth P. M. He names the '
following witness to provp his continuous TCM- j
lenco upon and cultivation of said land , viz : [
[ saac Jlatson of McCook. Neb. ; David Bobin-j
meyer of Herndon , Kas. ; Isaac Hart of Culbert- I
son , Neb. and George Matson of McCook. Neb. '
2-0-fit F. M. RATIIBUN , Register.
United States Land Oilice , McCook , Nebraska ,
January 13 , 1900. Notice is hereby given that
John Braun has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before Register and Receiver at their
oflico in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the
24th day of February , 1900 , on timber culture
application No..r > G3-l. for the ne1 of section 8 , in
township. ) n , range IiO west , 6 P. M. Ho names
as witnesses : Peter L. Zimmer , Jacob Ziinmer ,
Joseph Here , Joseph Andrycski of Osboru ,
Nebraska. l-19-6t R. M. RATHBDN , Register.
Department of the Interior. United States
Land Oflice. McCook , Nebraska , February 21 ,
1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this office by Henry T. Church , contest
ant , against homestead entry No. 10S > I. made
at McCook , Nebraska , March 3 , 1&91 , for the
west half of the southwest quarter of section 1 ,
township 4 north , range 30 west , by Albert J.
Risher , contestee. in which it is alleged that :
The said Albert J. Risher has wholly abandoned
said tract and changed his residence therefrom
for more than five j ears since making said entrv
and next prior to this date , and that such
abandonment not caused by any enlist
ment or service in the army or navy of the
United States in time of war. Said parties are
hereby notified to appear , respond and offer evi
dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.
m. on March 31,1900 , before the register and re
ceiver at the United States Land Office in Mc
Cook , Neb. The said contestant having , in a
proper affidavit filed February 21,1900 , set forth
facts which show that after due diligence , per
sonal service of this notice 'cannot be made , it
is hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
2-23-it J. A. PIPEE , Receiver.
J. E. Kelley , Attorney.
: O ) BJUJ
„ „ _ . „ .WailMAWAapIOS vaauui
iaiui nun 'dojo38JU [ > ano.Cpuo 'ssou
jnq pie ano 'waoreq jwi jnoXuo
pan na
-HOBia 'saouoa'BIIO ii Maqjuai
pie 10 jonAono.tsoq on.1 pun
jotmioi Aion jo OAnuAJBsaaa
isoq q sj HO ssoaisH e ana
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn , scald , cuter
or bruibe. Hiicklen's Arnica .Salve will kill
the pain and promptly heal it- Cures fever
sores , ulcers , boils.corns , all skin eruptions.
Hesl pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by .McConnell &
There is probably no disease or condition
of the human system that causes more suffer
ing and distress than piles. Tablrr's Buckeye
File Ointment cures I hem ( juickly. without
pain or detention from business. Price , 50
cents in bottles. Tubes,75 cents. A. McMillen.
Max O'Rell says he never saw an American
woman whom he could call ugly. Perhaps
he means one whom he dared call ugly.
Are you nervous , rundown , weak and dis
pirited ? Take a few if llcrbme. It
will infuse new energy , new life into the ex
hausted nerves , the overworked brain or mus
cular system , and put a new face on life ind
business. Price 50 cents A. McMillen. sir
Geo. Barbe , Mendota , Va. . says , "Nothing" * . .
did me so much good as Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cure. One dose relieved me , a few bottles
cured me. " It digests what you eat and al
ways cures dyspepsia. D.V. . Loar.
'A Frankfort paper says : "Kentucky will
soon be herself again. " Mighty little encour
agement in that.
Mrs. J. K. Miiler , Newton Hamilton , Pa. ,
writes , "I think DeWill's Witch lla/el Salve
the grandest salve made. " It cures piles and
heals everything. All fraudulent imitations
are worthless. D. W. Loar.
Don't let the hand of time paint wrinkles
on your face. Keep young , by keeping the
blood pure ami the digestive organs in a
healthful condition , llerhine will do this.
Health is youth , disease and sickness brings
old age. Price 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmmgs.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipsd
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. - Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
ES'-Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
C , H. BOYLE ,
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. p. o. Building-
of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
? w x ±
* M1 OF MeCOOK , NEB. * #
l n Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , S C.QOO St
fr " i DIRECTORS =
E - 7C C05C > MLUHM , C. H. WILLARD. *