The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 23, 1900, Image 4

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Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co.
one of America's greatest publishing
houses , have recovered from their recent
financial distress , and the company has
been reorganized upon an impregnable
basis , it is announced.
. MRS. MINNIE FINITY , Press Supt.
"For God , Home and Native Land. "
The union memorial service in honor
of our departed leader , Frances E. Wil-
lard , was well attended and worthy of
favorable comment. To the speakers is
due great praise for the manner in which
they brought the life of Miss Willard be
fore the people. The Union extends its
heartfelt thanks for the interest taken
and the courtesy shown.
Our next meeting will be a fathers'
meeting to be held at Mrs. M. Thorgrim-
son's. All fathers are cordially invited
to come.
* *
Twenty-six thousand arrests for drunk
enness a year and eight thousand impris
onments is the appalling record of one
of the most enlightened of American
cities. It means one arrest for every
four families. What it means to the tax
payers may be reckoned from the fact
that , while the fines collected-amounted
to less than twenty-five thousand dollars
lars , the cost of maintaining the prison
ers took from the public more than one
hundred and twenty-five thousand del
* *
To save beer barrels , they are now
making them with aluminum linings.
What is needed is such a patent contriv
ance [ for the beer-drinker's stomach.
* *
Sixteen saloons in-Cedar county have
been closed on temporary injunctions se
cured by the Anti league.
A saloon-keeper at Fort Dodge built a
partition , the full length of a room , at
the cost of $100 , in order to head off a
prohibitionist who refused to sign his
pousent to allow the saloon to operate
within forty feet of his place. The saloon -
loon without the partition would have
been nine inches too close.
* *
Pes Moines is the model city of Iowa.
It hasn't a licensed saloon or a gambling
* *
The sentiment of the Iowa senate is
strongly in favor of the bill prohibiting
saloons within four miles of any educa
tional school.
* *
Because of the new liquor law of Iowa
the Sioux City Brewing company has de
cided not to make the $200,000 addition
to its plant just yet.
* *
Nearly one thousand people at Kan
sas City have signed the temperance
pledge , and the end is not yet.
* it-
Albany , Mo. , will not have a saloon , a
permit having been refused a Stanberry
man to open one there.
* *
Mrs. Hannah J. Bailey , superintendent
of the peace and arbitration department
of the World's W.C.T.U. , has addressed
a memorial to Queen Victoria asking
that the South African war be submitted
to arbitration. It was also signed by the
national officers and the corresponding
secretary , who forwarded the document
to Ambassador Choate , with the request
that he bring it to her majesty's atten
tion in the way which his judgment
deems best.
Through Sleepers to Frisco.
No changes ; no delays ; no chance of
missing connections , if you go to Cali
fornia via the Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs through sleeping cars to
Omaha , Lincoln and Hastings , to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco , daily.
Dining cars all the way , Library cars
west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the
world. See nearest Burlington ticket
agent , or write J. Francis , General Pas
senger Agent , Omaha. 2-23-513
McCounell's Balsam cures coughs.
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
. cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc tfce greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Best Grades
to the Yard to
Going 0)
See Their New
Stock 'of
Building ( D
Material d
, G
Telephone No. 5. CQ
S. B. Rowe and wife , who have been sick ,
are now convalescent.
M ax Epler's child is sick with pneumonia ,
with prospects for a speedy recovery. '
Dr. Brown has a new office fitted up and
will move into it , this week.
J. H. Hickerson is moving from the A. C.
Walsworth farm to a farm southeast of Cam
E. E. Smith , Silas Wolf , Dr. Hathorn and
James Farrell have each put up a lot of ice
from the Jennings lake.
R. E. George , who has been suffering with
pneumonia , is worse again and under the
medical care of Dr. Earl.
The stars and stripes were in evidence in
Bartley , Thursday , commemorating the birth
of the Father of Our Country.
Dr. Brown was called northwest of Indian-
ola , Monday , to-administer to Mrs.Sam Hoag-
land , who has pneumonia and pleurisy.
A. F. McCord , who recently bought the A.
C. Walsworth farm south of town , arrived on
Wednesday from Missouri with his stock and
household goods , and is moving on to the
place. We welcome him to our vicinity and
hope he will prosper on the fine ranch he now
An invoice is being made of the F. A. Wals
worth stock of drugs , and L. S. Gnsell will
take possession next Monday. Mr. Wals
worth will go to Denver , the first of the
month , where his future headquarters will be.
He has engaged with C. H. Howe & Co. ,
wholesale druggists , as traveling salesman.
The entire community will regret his depart
ure. He lias proven himself a perfect gentle
man , a competent druggist and obliging busi
ness man , making all his acquaintances his
true friends.
"I had bronchitis every winter for years
and no medicine gave me permanent relief
till I began to take One Minute Cough Cure.
I know it is the best cough medicine made , "
says J. Koontz , Corry , Pa. It quickly cures
coughs , colds , croup , asthma , grippe and
throat and lung troubles. It is the children's
favorite remedy. Cures quickly. D. W. Loar.
' " mt
Gracie Bell is visiting with her sister , Flora
Relph , this week.
Rev ! J. E. Tirrill will preach at the school-
hQUse. next Sunday at II o'clock.
H. L Peterson , Ed. Lawthers and Alex. Ellis
succeeded in capturing another wolf , one day
last week.
The past two weeks have been right for our
local sportsmen , much to the discomfort of
the jacks.
Ed. Lawthers is canvassing this neighbor
hood , introducing a poultry food and insect
The dance and oyster supper at Abram
Peters , last Friday night- came off all right-
minus the oysters.
J. H. Relph , A. Benjamin and others
from this place transacted business in the
county capital , first of the week.
John Dirr , Poseyville , Ind. , says , "I never
used anything as good as One Minute Cough
Cure. We are never without it. " Quickly
breaks up coughs and colds. . Cures all throat
and lung troubles. Its use will prevent con
sumption. Pleasant to take. D. W. Loar.
J.A.Godown returned home , Monday , from
a short winter visit in Iowa , among friends
and relatives.
Our public schools are preparing to give a
library entertainment for the benefit of their
library , March 3d.
J. B. Smiley of South Omaha arrived , last
Saturday , on a short business trip , visiting his
brother and sister , Ben and Mis. B. E. Ashton ,
returning , Tuesday.
P. P. Wright moved into the residence
owned by George B. Morgan , Monday. Mr.
Morgan will soon.move into his new home ,
recently purchased of C. P. Underwood , just
north of torn.
Last Friday was the the coldest day of the
season , the thermometer registered 14 below.
During the past two weeks , the winter has
been severe , snowing most all of the time
here. No reports of any stock perishing from
the effects.
Six cars of live stock , four of cattle and
two of hogs , were shipped to Kansas City and
St. Joseph , Wednesday morning. Three of
the cars of cattle , belonging to Messner and
Roach , are the ones that had the misfortune
to be pounded into beefsteak by the hail
storm , last June.
J. G. Evers of Evanston , Wyoming , who
has been down in Old Mexico for the last
two months , returned , Tuesday. His wife
visited with her sister , Mrs. T. McDonald ,
during his absence. They will leave , in a
week or two , for their former home , where
Mr. Eyers will again assume his duties as
an engineer for the Union Pacific.
Harlow W. Keyes had business in the west
end town , Monday.
J. W. Welborn risked the contagion of the
county seat , Tuesday.
A. C. Teel was among the pilgrims to the
county capital , Monday.
John McC'ung ' was a visitor to the burg to
the west of us , Wednesday.
Commissioner Crabtree is attending a meet
ing of the board in McCook , today.
W. O. Bond was an invader of the big town
on the western border , Monday , on business
A well defined case of intoxication in this
city , last week , was traced to an innocent
perusal of the Reporter. The ginger-bread ,
gew-gaws and other amusingly incongruous
and inartistic "art strokes" in the paper had
made him "dizzy. "
It makes the average citizen tuna pale with
apprehension at what might happen if Pop
gun Smith and Would-be-deputy Matthews
were to unite and take the debating platform
in Red Willow county during the coming
campaign. Such an aggregation of gall , ego
tism and wind ought to create a riot anywhere.
J. R. Neel , ex-sheriff , took Bert Miller up to
McCook , Monday night , turning the prisoner
over to Sheriff G. F. Kinghorn , who on Tues
day morning took the sentenced man to Lin
coln , where he at once entered upon the three-
year term to which he was sentenced at the
last term of district court for rape. Miller has
been what the ex-sheriff calls , a "good" pris
oner during his incarceration in the county
jail here.
District Court Proceedings.
The February term of district court came tea
a close , last Saturday , the following proceed
ings having been had :
John F. Shafer vs. Jacob Lerch ; judgment
for defendant in the sum of $431.
The Citizens Bank of McCook vs. C. F.
Babcock ; judgment for plaintiff in the sum of
one cent.
George M. Brown vs. Albert F. Reeves ; set
tled out of court
The McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.
vs. Richard Newell et al. ; verdict for defend
ant.Lorelta Groves vs. Alfred S. Ford ; motion
for new trial.
Joseph Menard vs. Isaac M. Smith ; plaintiff
given possession of horse and cow , and de
fendant entitled to possession of corn valued
at $30 ; each to pay his own costs.
A. II. Seeley vs. James B. Miller ; settled.
Maurice Keddy et al. vs. James Robinson et
al. ; costs to April 14,1899 , to be paid by Red
Willow county ; since that date by plaintiffs.
The State of Nebraska vs.Bert Miller ; three
years m the state penitentiary at Lincoln.
William W. Webster vs. Ollie Webster ;
divorce granted.
David H. Rittenhouse vs. Horace Bull et
al. ; verdict for defendant , and new trial
Same action was taken in the cases of Wes
ley VanNortwick vs. John Conner et al. , and
Sarah J. Cooley vs. Horace Bull et al.
Charles A. Volbrecht , Jr. , vs. unknown heirs
of Frederick Volbrecht ; decree as prayed for.
Frank P. Allen vs. Frederick Plasmyere ;
verdict for defendant.
Mary C. McKinzie vs. Joseph B. McKinzie ;
divorce granted , with judgment against de
fendant for costs.
Ida M. Purdurn vs. George II. Purdum ; di
vorce granted.
George Crabtree vs. Almira Crattree ; ver
dict for plaintiff.
In re estate of Leo. M. Sjmpson and Linnie
M. Simpson ; date for hearing fixed for March
31,1900 , in chambers.
Jane N. Bowers vs. Henry Bowers ; Burling
ton railway company ordered to pay J5ioo erse
so much thereof as they now owe defendant ,
for benefit of plaintiff ; defendant ordered to
pay $15 per month into court for temporary
alimony for plaintiff.
The State of Nebraska vs. Ernest and Edwin
Hill ; children were given into the custody of
the Nebraska Children's Home society.
In the matter of the estate of John Kolb ,
insane ; new license was granted to sell real
estate ,
James McAdams vs. Red Willow county ;
judgment for plaintiff for $511 , with interest
from September 19,1899.
The People's ' Building , Loan and Sayings
association vs. George W. Short ; deficiency
judgment for $872.10.
In re estate of William H. Moore , deceased.
Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. vs. Philip
Katzenmyer et al.
Nettie L. Cronkhite vs. George B. Dimitt.
Nora M. Kelley vs. Charles D. Cramer.
Anna N. Lockwood vs. Susan F. Calkins et
John B. Meserve vs. William Bruner et al.
Jane Hill vs. Annie Rowland et al.
lda.M. Fisk vs. William Relph et al.
Mary E. Huber vs. Dora Keuster et al.
In re estate of John Fitzgerald , deceased.
William H. Wadsworth vs. Susan Cole et al.
James W. Hupp vs George S. Yarnall et al.
William 11. Male et al. vs. William Larue
Isaac N. Fowler vs. Edith S. Coleman et al.
Cornelia T. Bryan et al. vs. John Neit/el et
Delia C. Robinson et al. vs. D. C. Sullivan
Rachel Knox vs. William Pate et al.
Winnie D. Stoddard vs. James C. Kane et
Jane VanDusen vs. Joel B. Dolph et al.
James F. Toy vs. George W. Bawden et al.
James F. Toy vs. Carlos C. Burr et al.
James F. Toy vs. F. P. Nicholson et al.
James F. Toy vs. John Kolb et al.
James F. Toy vs. Almori E. Davis et al.
Henry O. Wait vs. Ellen Lellew et al.
Harry G. Brown vs. Sarah M. Cheney et al.
James E. Seeley vs. William C. Shockley et
Walter E. Corwin vs. Robert T. Allam et
Walter E. Corwin vs. James H. Becker et
James Pardee vs. Katie E. Phillips et al.
All other cases on the docket were either
dismissed or continued many of them com
ing under the second class.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of
the brave General Burnham of Machias , Me. ,
when the doctors said she would die from
pneumonia before morning , " writes Mrs. S. H.
Lincoln , who attended her that fearful night ,
"but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery ,
which had more than once saved her life , and
cured her of consumption. After taking , she
slept all night. Further use entirely cured
her. " This marvellous medicine is guaranteed
to cure all throat , chest and lung diseases.
Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at McConnell -
Connell & Berry's.
The meetings at the Christian church are
progressing finely.
William Taylor's family departed , this
week , fo.r Kansas.
Last week , Mrs. Wm. Byfield shipped hares
to Wisconsin , Missouri , and several points in
Nebraska. She made quite a shipment to
Kansas City , this week.
It would be a fine thing if our chicken
cranks could remember that the first * : ay
of each month is the day for them to meet at
H. H. Berry's office and hatch out ways and
means for making the next chicken show a
hummer. By the way , are there no other
kinds of cranks in this vicinity ?
A little runaway boy stopped at James
Woodworth's , Monday night , and if reports
be true as to the lad's condition , his case
would bear investigation. All Christian people
ple should be the protectors of innocent child
hood. If we hear aright , Mr. Woodworth
would , have further befriended the child if the
lad's fear of a cruel parent had not caused
him to resist Mr. Woodworth's importunities.
"After doctors failed to cure me of nneu-
monia I used One Minute Cough Cure' and
three bottles of it cured me. It is also the
best remedy on earth for whopping cough.
It cured my grandchildren of the worst cases , "
writes Jno. Berry , Loganton , Pa. It is the
only harmless remedy that gives immediate
results. Cures coughs , colds , croup and throat
and lung troubles. It prevents consumption.
Children always like it Mothers endorse it.
D. W. Loar.
Site of Ancient Nineveh is Finally
At Last Brought to the Light of Day by
Professor Jacques , the Famous
The Archaeological Age , in the issue
of January 28th , has quite an interesting
account of the excavations now being
made at what has been supposed to be
the site of ancient Nineveh. Prof. Bruk-
enschdffer of Heidelberg university has
been for the past five years at work on
this supposed-to-be site of the ancient
city described in the Book of Jonah ,
and which at one time was the center ol
learning in the then known world ; but
until December 15 , 1898 , no positive
proof existed that the ruins of the city in
which he was working marked the cor
rect site of that once famous city. On
that day at about two o'clock in the
afternoon , the workmen exhumed a tab
let wonderfully well preserved , but the
characters thereon were different from
any heretofore discovered. The tablet
was photographed and a copy sent to
every archaeologist of note in the world.
For a long time it seemed as though it
would be impossible to decipher the
characters on the tablet , as it was evi
dent that it was of a much earlier period
in the world's history than those ol
former discoveries ; but on January loth ,
1900 , Professor Jacques , acknowledged
to be the greatest archaeologist of the
age , deciphered the writing , and thereby
proved beyond the shadow of a doubt
that the site of the ancient city of Nine
veh , which had so long been a matter
of conjecture , had at last been discov
ered. The inscription , translated , reads ,
"Buy your hardware , buggies , and all
farm implements of S. M. Cochran &
Co. , McCook , Nebraska. "
DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled
for piles , injuries and skin diseases. It is the
original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. D. W. Loar.
Fine weather again and good prospects of
an early spring.
There was no literary , last week , on ac
count of the storm.
Several of the young men of this neighbor
hood have been helping Pat Walsh put tip
ice , this week.
S. G. Goheen has his new house about com
pleted ; it is one of the finest frame buildings
in South Side.
Mrs. G. B. Nettleton of Gpldfield , Colorado ,
is expected down on a visit , the last of the
week , to be the guest of Mrs. W. S. Fitch.
No preaching , Sunday , on account of Rev.
Walker being absent , holding revival meet
ings at Redwillow.
Mrs. Ward is suffering with a sore thumb ,
the result of an accidental scratch.
J. and K. Stryker made a shipment of furs
of different kinds , Tuesday of this week.
W. S. Bixler and wife are parents of a fine
daughter , born to them some two weeks since.
I. B. Stryker and wife _ are expecting to en
tertain a brother and his wife from Iowa , this
Travel has been light , the past week , on
account of the drifted snow , which has made
wheeling difficult.
The cold wave has passed on , leaving with
us about four inches or snow , which the pleas
ant weather of this week is quickly melting.
Rev. Robinson did not make his appearance
at the Spring Creek appointment , last Sun
day , much to our disappointment , as he is a
very instructive and entertaining preacher.
We had a fine session of the Sunday-school ,
Warner Andeison of the city spent Sunday
with his parents in South Side.
W. N. Cratty and J. H. Wade of these parts
attended court , last week , as jurors.
John Sly and James Miller have been keep
ing warm , these cold days , sawing wood.
He was gone she was prostrated with
grief ; he has returned she smiles again.
Mable Ilartman spent a few days , this
week , visiting Charles Boatman and wife.
Minta Sly and Martha Shears attended the
Bible-study at the South Side school-house ,
last Sunday.
The presiding elder will conduct quarterly
meeting at the Prospect Park school-house on
Monday , the 4th of next month. All mem
bers are urged to be present and others are
cordially invited.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing that
ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
These pills change weakness into strength ,
listlessness into energy , brain-fag into mental
power. They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 2jC per box. Sold by McConnell -
nell & Berry.
H. B. Wales shelled out 1,000 bushels of
Mr. Lamb of Iowa was looking around up
here , Wednesday.
H. B. Wales has raised his house , put a
stone foundation under and built an addition.
W. S. Philpot , Albany , Ga. , says , "DeWitfs
Little Early Risers did me more good than
any pills I ever took. " The famous little pills
for constipation , biliousness and liver and
bowel troubles. D. W. Loar.
Commissioner Waterman went over to the
county seat , Thursday , on business.
William Hiersekorn recently sold 48 head
of hogs that weighed on an average a little
over 384 pounds ; the total weight being 18 -
470 pounds. He received * 4-35 per hundred
for them , or a small fraction less than 16.74 a
head for them.
THE TRIBUNE is anxious to receive the
statements of farmers of Red Willow county ,
touching their prosperity since coming to the
county. A letter from any one will be thank
fully received and will be printed with or
without name , as the party may determine.
State where you came from ; when you came ;
what you had when you arrived ; what you
have now , giving description of your property ,
and stating what you regard your property as
being worth. The purpose of these letters is
to present the possibilities of this country to
eastern renters and others who desire to make
a change and become land-owners them
selves. If the farmers will send in the mater
ials , THE TRIBUNE will do the rest.
8 nniimTmfnin , .
The guaranty that the mak
ers of the celebrated. . . .
F. C. Corsets
place upon them is all that you
could ask. We sell you the
corset ; you wear it 30 days ;
if not satisfactory to you in I
EVERY RESPECT , you return
it and get your money back *
You don't have to DO any
thing , PROVE any thing ,
iASK any thing but your
money and we give it to
Do you think a maker
will put out a poor corset
on that plan ? No ; they are
the best corsets that are
made. We carry them in all sizes , colors and kinds from $1.00
to 35 cents. The boning of them all is Featherbone. The finish is
F f handsome ; the shape perfect ; all sizes from
i \
118 to 32 ; also Corset Waists
and Nursing Corsets.
We solicit
your inspection
and trade.
o There are few women as beau ©
tiful as they might be. Powder
and paint and cosmetics don't
a make good looks. Beauty is m
§ simply an impossibility without
® health. Beautiful women are ®
few because healthy women are © ez
few. The way to have a fair EB
face and a well-rounded figure
is to take
aa This is that old and time-tried
ae medicine that cures all female
troubles and weaknesses and
drains. It makes no difference
what the doctors call the trou
EJ ble , if there is anything the
| matter in the distinctly feminine
ej organs , SSradfield's Fe
eja male Regulator will help
| and cure it. It is good for ir
regular or painful menstruation ;
B for leucorrhcea , for falling of the
| womb , for nervousness , head
ache , backache and dizziness.
Take it and get well. Then
| your old-time girlish features
and figure will be restored. a
Sold by druggists for Si a bottle.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartificialty digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. Ife in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
all other results of iraperfectdigestion.
Prepared by E. C. QeWitt &Co. . Chicago.
D. "W. LOAR , Druggist.
Nervous children are almost always thin
children. The "out-door-boy" is seldom nerv
ous.Vhite's Cream Vermifuge is the best
preventive of nervousness. It strengthens
; he system and assists to that sort of" flesh ,
wliicn creates strength and power of endur
ance. Price , 25 cents. A. McMillen.
Stood Death Off.
E. 13. Munday , a lawyer of Henrietta , Tex. ,
once fooled a grave-digger. He says : "My
brother was very low with malarial fever and
jaundice. I persuaded him to tiy Electric
Bitters , and he was soon much better , but con
tinued their use until he was wholly cured. I
am sure Electric Hitlers saved his life. " This
remedy expels malaria , kills disease germs
and purifies the blood ; aids digestion , regu
lates liver , kidneys and bowels , cures consti
pation , dyspepsia , nervous diseases , kidney
troubles , female complaints ; gives perfect
health. Only 5oc at iMcConnell & Berry's.
. . .BRAND. . . .
On your Gloves
or Mittens is a
positive guaran =
tee to the wearer
The Best of Ma =
terial and a per =
feet fit. For sale
only at.
McCook , Neb.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. BWYEB , Proprietor.
E Special attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.