The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1900, Image 8

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    The laundress is sure of satisfactory results in her
work if she uses Ivory Soap. Linens are of immaculate
whiteness ; no dirt or streaks anywhere. There's no
room for criticism in the work when brought home.
Ivory Soap is cheaper than common -soaps in the end.
A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good
as the 'Ivory' ; " they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting : It
Public Sale.
I will sell at public sale at my farm
four miles east of McCook on Tuesday ,
February 27. 1900 , commencing at ten
o'clock , a. m. , all my stock , farming
machinery , household goods , etc.
TERMS All sums of $ ro and over , a
credit of nine months will be given , pur
chaser giving note with approved secur
ity bearing interest at the rate of ten
per cent per annum. Under $10 cash.
On all sums of $10 and over a discount
of six per cent will be given for cash.
No property to be removed until terms
of sale are complied with.
Free lunch served at noon.
Butter-makers' Convention.
Lincoln , February 19-23. Everyone
who is interested in dairying should at
tend the Bultermakers' convention to be
held at Lincoln , February 19-23. The
cost of reaching Lincoln need not stand
in your way the Burlington route has
made a rate of one fare for the round
trip from all points in Nebraska and
Kansas. Tickets on sale February 18 , 19
and 20.
Gold at Cape Nome.
If you want information about the
Cape Nome country , how to get there
and what it costs , write to J. Francis ,
General Passenger Agent , B. & M. R. R.
R. in Nebraska , Omaha , Neb. 2-16-515.
B. E. ASETON , Pre : . T. E. McDONALD , Cash.
A General Banking Business
business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
\f\\\ \ \ \ receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
The Way to go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington route. You
don't change cars ; you see the finest
scenery on the globe ; you make fast
Your car is not so expensively furnish
ed as a palace sleeper , but it is just as
comfortable , just as good to ride in , and
nearly $20 cheaper. It has wide vesti
bules , Pintsch gas , high-back seats , a
uniformed Pullmau porter , clean bed
ding , spacious toilet rooms , tables and a
heating range. Being strongly and heav
ily built , it runs smoothly is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor , who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday , arriving
in San Francisco on the following Sun
day , Los Angeles on Monday only three
days from the Missouri river to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop-over of i %
hours in Denver and 2 hours in Salt
Lake City two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folders giving full particulars and
information call at any Burlington route
ticket office or write to
J. FRANCIS , G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
McCoo'k Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .29
Wheat 50
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs .4-25
Eggs 13
Butter 15
Potatoes 4 °
Butter fat at Creamery 18
Five Cents a Copy :
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
Killed Last Night
A cough. Loar's Cough Killer did it.
Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Results Fatally in Nine This fearful disease often first appears
scratch , in
as a mere , a pimple or lump
PQOOO Out nf Ton A tlie Breast. to ° smaU to attract anJ
utiouo UUl Ul lull n notice , until , in many cases , the deadly
disease is fully developed.
Cure Found at Last , Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
operation , because the disease is a virulent
poison in the blood , circulating throughout the system , and although
the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away , the
poison remains in the blood , and promptly breaks out afresh , with
renewed violence.
The wonderful success of S. S. S. in curing obstinatedeepBeated
blood diseases which were considered incurable , induced a few de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer , after exhausting the skill of
the physicians without a cure. Much to their delight S. S. S. proved
equal to the disease and promptly effected a cure. The glad news
spread rapidly , and it was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer. Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible , of which
the following is a specimen :
"Cancer is hereditary in our family , my father , a
sister and an aunt having died from this dreadful
disease. My feelings may be imagined when the horrible
rible disease made its appearance on my side. It was
& malignant Cancer , eating inwardly in such a way as
to cause great alarm. The disease seemed beyond the
skill of the doctors , for their treatment did no good
whatever , the Cancer growing worse all the while.
Numerous remedies were used for it. but the Cancer MRS. s. M. IDOL.
grew steadily worse , until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow the others of the family , for I know how deadly Cancer is , especially
when inherited. I was advised to try Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. ) , which , from the
first day , forced out the poison. I continued its use until I had taken eighteen
bottles , when I was cured sound and well , and have had no symptoms of the
dreadful affliction , though many years have elapsed. S. S. S. is the only cure
for Cancer. Mas. S M. IDOL , "Winston , N. C.
Our book on Cancer , containing other testimonials and valuable
information , will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific
Company , Atlanta , Georgia.
/Tlio Kcyptliius-JUado Hour and tlio Ko-
mans Drank So.t Water.
When the question of the moment I
how to allay our thirst the heverage < -
of history are of more than ordinary
interest. The Egyptians , who have
been ungallant enough to leave behind
them delineations of the fair sex in
a state of Intoxication , had several
kinds of wine more than 6,000 year. ;
ago , in addition to a beer called hega.
made from barley. The ancient Assy
rians too loved their wine. The earli
est mention of wine in the Bible Is
reference to Noah planting a vineyard
and getting drunk with the wine. The
drinks of antiquity were sometimes ,
to cay the least , peculiar. The Greeks
and Romans , whose customary drink
was wine , often mixed it with sen
water. Other ancient beverages were
honey and rain water ; honey , salt wa
ter and vinegar , and a mixture o !
honey and myrtle seed. Homer speaks
of a wine to which twenty times as
much water could be added. The Ro
man lover , when drinking to his lady ,
often drank as many cups of wine as
there were letters in her name. Warm
water was sometimes regarded by the
Romans as an agreeable drink at the
conclusion of the chief meal. It Is safe
to assume that this was not in summer
time. Famous among drinkers were
the Vikings , whose liquors were ale ,
beer , wine and mead. Quaffing ale from
the skulls of their enemies formed one
of the chief attractions of the prom
ised Valhalla. An English drink much
In demand in the time of Chaucer was
bracket , made of the worst of ale ,
honey and spices. By the time of Ed
ward IV. drinking had become so pro
ductive of crime that few places were
allowed more than two taverns. Lon
don had to be content with forty. Un
der the Stuarts drunkenness was at its
height. Thirst provokers were largely
taken , and a man's claim to distinction
was his bottle capacity , while ladies
of the court thought it no shame to
become inebriated. The three or five
bottle man was an object of envy to
his fellows. Indeed , the scenes of
Hogarth are but a sidelight on the
times. Signs were hung out side
taverns informing the thirsty wayfar
er that he could get "drunk for a
penny" and "dead drunk for two
pence. " Such notices often ended with
the significant words : "Clean straw
for nothing. " With the reign of
George IV. disappeared fashionable in
temperance and "drunk as a lord"
was no longer a correc.v. simile. .The
aerated waters now so largely used
were first made on a large scale by
Schweppe of Geneva , in 1787 , and ten
years later a factory was established
in England. There is a fortune await
ing the man who can invent a sum
mer drink devoid of the shortcomings
possessed by those at present-in .ha
Ace of Alufcical Celebrities.
A French writer notes that though a
few great musicians have died young
to-wit , Mozart , at thirty-five ; Schubert ,
at thirty-one ; Bellini , at thirty-three ;
Mendelssohn , at thirty-eight , and Web
er when he was but forty a large
number have lived to be very old men.
Those who died between sixty and sev
enty years of age include Bach , Von
Bulow and Rubinstein. Living de-
yond seventy came Gluck , Gounod ,
Handel , Liszt , Meyerbeer , Rossini ,
Spontini and Wagner , while the grea't
age of eighty-nine was attained by Au-
ber , and others. Dying at more than
eighty were Cherubini , Cramer , Lach-
ner , Palestrina , Rameau , Schutz and
Taubert. The average age of musical
celebrities is about sixty-seven years.
Debts of Cities.
Among the cities of the United States
San Francisco has the least and Phila
delphia has the greatest debt. The
debt of San Francisco Is $133,917.01 ,
and of Philadelphia 56,872,795.22. In
the bonded debt per capita Boston Is
the highest , with $97.33 , while San
Francisco is the lowest , being 38 cents.
CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. in.
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a.m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Sunday-school at IDE. m.
Preaching services at n a. m. and 8 p.
in. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. in. Prayer-
meeting on Friday evenings. All cor
dially welcome. Christian Endeavor
programme in the evening.
J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at ir. Y. P. S. C. E. at
7. Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Morning
subject , "The Beauty of Holiness. "
Union temperance meeting in the Meth
odist church at 8. All are welcome.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at II. Junior Union
at 3. Senior Union at 7. A visiting
minister is expected to preach in the
morning. Will join in the union services
in the Methodist church in the evening.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3. Epworth League service
at 7. Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible
study on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m.
Morning subject , "Building. " Union
service in memory of Frances E. Wil-
lard at 8. . Speaking by some of the W.
C. T. U. ladies and ministers of the
city. All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
Main Ofllco llth & O SU
12 years In Omaha and
in Nm'voiiH. ( 'lironlcand
1'rlviite DISEASES of
§ All Private Diseases and
Electricity * ! ?
enables us to enaranteo to
euro all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Chest
Stomach , Liver , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
Lost Manhood , Night
Emissions , Hyiirocele , Yar
icocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Files , Fistula and
Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes and Bright's Disease.
i3Sf-$100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON vre cannot cura if curable
Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FREE. Homo
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
write them today P. O. Box 224. Ollice
In Richards Elk. , llth & o > Lincoln , Nebr.
Brakeman F. G Theme is off with a
sprained ankle.
Conductor A. G. Hump has gone to
Kansas City on a short visit
Switchman P. A. Perry of Red Clourl
has gone to Chicago on u visit to his
Harry Jone * . who has been firing the
goat , made his first run on the road ,
W. D. Nichols was off duty a few days
on account of the illness of one of his
Brakeman F. S. Curry laid off a tew
days on account of the illness of his little
Brakemen W. M. French has gone to
Harvard after his family , which he will
move here.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes went down to
Lincoln , last night , after the minstrel
show , on business connected with the
proposed new time card.
Brakeman P. V. Royse is now flagman
from Oxford to Denver , making his
headquarters in Oxford , where he and
his wife moved , this week.
Do You Want a Calendar ?
The biggest and best calendar ever is
sued by the American railroad is now being
distributed by the Burlington Route.
It has twelve sheets , one for each month of
the year. On each sheet is a striking illus
tration of some feature of the Burlington's
service or of the territory reached by its lines
the government fast mail running at full
speed ; a tourist car on its way to California ;
engine 1591 , the largest passenger engine in
the world ; a library car ; a compartment sleep
er ; the Burlington station at Omaha ; a din
ning car ; a monster freight train ; Estes Park ,
Cole , the plunge bath at Hot Springs , S. D. ,
Yellowstone Falls , etc.
The drawings from which the pictures were
made are by Louis Braunhold , of Chicago ,
and cost several hundred dollars.
The size of the calendar is 22x28.
The dates are in big type which can be read
at a distance of 50 feet. For business offices
the Burlington calendar is simply invaluable.
Purchased in large quantities , the calendars
cost the Burlington Route 27 cents apiece.
With postage , packing , etc. , they represent an
investment of about 35 cents. Our price is 25
cents 10 cents less than cost. Write for one :
stamps will do. If it is not satisfactory , send
it back and your money will be promptly re
funded. 2-2-61. J. FRANCIS ,
General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Neb.
To Cure La Grippe in Two Days.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
During the past few years elephants have
dropped in price from to about $2,000
each. There is no elephant trust , you know.
You can help anyone whom you find suffer
ing from inflamed throat , laryngenl trouble ,
bronchitis , coughs , colds , etc. , by advising the
use of Ballard's Horehound Syrup ; the great
remedy for coughs and colds. Price , 25 and
50 cents. A. McMillen.
Mrs. Paul Kruger cuts the president's hair
with a pair of shears. American wives pull
the hair from their husband's heads with a
pair of once loving hands.
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medicine
was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It
gave immediate relief. Two bottles produced
marvelous results , " writes L. H. Warren , Al
bany , Wis. It digests what you eat and can
not fail to cure. D. W. Loar.
It is unjust to refer to Colonel Jack Chinn
as "a bad man with a gun. " The colonel's
most dangerous weapon bears his name , and
is located at the bottom of his face.
Geo. Barbe , Mendota , Va. , says , "Nothing
did me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. One dose relieved me , a few bottles
cured me. " It digests what you eat and al
ways cures dyspepsia. D. W. Loar.
A balloon and a parachute might enable
General Buller to reach Lady-smith. He
seems unable to effect a landing there in any
other manner.
Develop m : -t
clou , xiervi . ; cj
brainiind 111:1 V" !
si tuaii of youij.011
Send for one of CHII
Docior's Qiii--t5. > t
blanks. No IM.
cases treated niKi ! .
Sexual \\t-jili-
11 e ft , 1 o f M ttt
power , drain-
after stools , \ > r
mature discharge.
Varlcocele cured erne
no charge. Whcr
you are suffcrinr
from effects of eti
a b n M o we iirt-
pleased to say that
we are today ihe
only firm who cm
guarantee a cur-
with our Turkish I
t'ip-uies. We never fall to cure n < >
iiuittci- to age. Do not look further , as
bin nip will get our blank.
oi nnn
DLUUU medicine - !
h > guanin-ce <
to curi- any ca e. no matter how eevi'iviir
liovv loiii..s'landintr. . with Turkish Syphilis
cure. $ 'J IK.X. All conditionHiaujifd. . Write
u ! < > r parT'ciiIar- . Depi T
LADIE'S Friend
and Pennyroyal Pills bring
menstruation to the day.
Nerer fail. No Pain ; No
Disappointment. SI.00
box ; 2 boxes cnre any
case * no matter aa to cause
Hahs's Pharnacy ,
O ED aba , - Nebraska
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRIB-
UNiwe have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodiculs whereby
we can supply them in combination with TlIK
I'KIHUNR ut the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press $1 oo Si 50
Leslie's Weekly 4 oo 3 oo
Prairie Farmer I oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean lee 135
Cincinnati Enquirer. l oo 150
New-York Tribune lee 125
Demorest's Magazine I oo 175
Toledo Blade I oo 125
Nebraska Fanner l oo 150
Iowa Homestead l oo 145
Lincoln journal I no 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture i oo 150
New-York World lee 165
Omaha toe I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magpzine l oo I So
St. Louis Republic I oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to Date Farmer. : 50 125
Kans-as City Journal , weekly. 25 115
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 400 420
\Ve are prepared to fill ordei. for anv other reduced rate *
Mrs. J. K. Miller , Newton Hamilton. Pa. ,
writes , " 1 think DeWitt's Wiich Hazrl Salve
the grandest salve made. " It cures piles and
heals everything. All fraudulent imitations
are worthless. 1) . W Loar.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , sa : At
n county court , held at the county court roomin
and for fcaid county , February 3 , A.D. 1900. Pres
ent. G. S. Bishop , county judge. In the matter
of the estate of Horace II. Easterday , deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of Emma
Meinhardt Easterday , praying that the instru
ment filed on the 3d ( lay of February , 1900 , and
purporting to bo the last will and testament of
the s-aid deceased , may bo proved , approved ,
probated , allowed and recorded as the last will
and testament of the said Horace H. Easturday ,
deceased , and that the execution of said instru
ment may be committed and the administration
of said estatn may bo granted to her as execu
trix. Ordered , That February 21 , A. D. 1900 , at
10 o'clock a. m. , is assigned for hearing said pe
tition , when all jwrsous interested in said mat
ter may appear at a county court to bo held in
and for said county , and show cause why the
prayer of i > etitioner should not bo grunted ;
and that notice of the iXMidency of said jwtitiori
and the hearing thereof bo given to all persons
interested in said matter by publishing a copy
of this order in TIIK McCooic TUIIIUNK. a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
( A true copy. ) G. S. BIHIIOP ,
[ SKAL2-9-:5t : County Judge.
Land Ollice at McCook , Nob. , February 0,1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
filial proof in support of his claim , and that
said proof will bo made before register and re
ceiver at McCook , Nob. , on Saturday , March 17.
1900 , viz : Samuel Doherty. ono of the heirs of
Bennett Doherty , deceased. H. E. No. 10029 for
the W Vi SE > .i Sec. 11 and Nii NE i Sec. 14 , Tp.
1 N , R. : ! 1 wett of the 6th P. M. Ho names the
following witnes-s to nrovo his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of said land , viz :
Isaac Matron of McCook , Neb. ; David liobin-
meyer of Herndon , Kas. ; Isaac Hart of Culhert-
son. Neb. and George Matsou of McCook. Neb.
29t F. M. RATHHUN , Register.
United States Land Oilice , McCook , Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that in pur.suanro of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Oilice , under authority vested in him
by Section 2,455 , U. S. Rev. Stat. , as amended by
the act of Congrcs . approved February 26 , lt > 95 ,
wo will proceed to oner at public sale on the
23nl day of February , nuxt , at 1 P. M. , at this
ollico , the following tract of laud , towit : The
south half of the northeast quarter , section
thirty-three , township one , north , range thirty ,
west Gth P.M.
Any and .nil port-Otis claiming adversely the
above described land are advised to file their
claims in this ollico error before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale ,
otherwise their rights will ho forfeited.
Dated this 29th clav of December , 1899.
F. M. RATIIBUX , Register.
l-5-6ts. J. A. PIPEK , Receiver.
Land Office at McCook , Nebraska , January 13 ,
1900. Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur
day , February 21,1900 , viz : John Lias , Home
stead Entry No. IOG50 for the oViwh e'4 se'.i of
section 21 , township 2 n , range 28 w , 6th P. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
said laud , viz : Nelson Downs , Henry Meyers ,
Rudolph Podolski , of McCook , Nebraska , and
Oliver Billings , of Danbury , Nebraska.
l-19-6t FM. . RATHBU.V , Register.
United States Land Ollice , McCook , Nebraska ,
January 13 , 1900. Notice is hereby given that
John Bruuu has filed notice of intention to make
final proof before Register and Receiver at their
office in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the
24th clay of February. 1900 , on timber culture
application No. fall , for the nei of section 8 , in
township T n , range I0 ! west , 6 P. M. Ho names
as witnesses : Peter L. Zimmer , Jacob Zimmer ,
Joseph Here , Joseph And rye-ski of Oaborn ,
Nebraska. l-19-6t R. M. RATHHUN , Register.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nebraska
Loan and Trust Company is plaintiff and John
W. Hall et al. are defendants , to mo directed
and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and
soil to the highest bidder for cash , at the east
door of the court house , in McCook , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , on the 19th day of February.
1900 , at the hour of 1 o'clock , p. m. . the following
described real estate , to-wit : The northwest
quarter of section tenin township twonqrth. of
range twenty-eight , west of the 6th p. m. in Red
Willow county , Nebraska. Dated this 17th day
of January , 1900. G. F. KINGHOKN , Sheriff.
Jacob Bailey , Plaintiff's Attorney. l-19-t.
In the matter of t.hq necessary expenses dur
ing the year , on motion the estimate for the
same for the year was fixed as follows :
County General fund $12.000 00
County Bridge fund 6,000 ( X )
Soldier's Relief f/X ) 00
Willow Grove precinct 2,000 00
Bartley Village bond 500 00
County Road fund 3,000 00
County Bond fund 3,00000
North Valley precinct 1,000 00
McCook City bond 2,000 00
School District bonds 7,000 00
1-26-lt R. . GBEE.V
- - A. , County Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , January 10,1900.
Nothing elM ftddi 10 much
tothechnnnof the dr wln
the softly radt-
room or boudoir as
. .
nt IfKht from
. Moth/bit / will contrlbate more to the
1 artistic incceis of the luncheon ,
, tea or dinner. The bert decoratlfe
candles for the simplest or the
. moil elaborate fnnctlon-for cot-
taire or niannlou. Made In all colors
and the most delicate tints by
and sold erer/where.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn , scald , cuter
or bruise. Hucklen's Arnica Salve will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures fever
sores , ulcers , boils , corns , all skin eruptions.
Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by McConneli &
Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky ,
but under circumstances over which he had
no control.
There is probably no disease or condition
of the human system that causes more suffer
ing and distress than piles. 'Fabler's Buckeye
Pile Ointment cures them quickly , without
pain or detention from business. Price. 50
cents in bottles. Tubes,75 cents. A.McMHIen.
Conrad Hug is a candidate for councilman
at Omaha , but as the ladies are not permitted
to vote in that city his chances are no better
than if his name were John Smith. >
Are you nervous , rundown , weak and nt -
pirited ? Take a few doses of Ilerbine. It
will infuse new energy , new life into the ex
hausted nerves , the overworked brain or mus
cular system , and put a new face on life and
business. Price 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Buller reminds us of the vacillating politi
cian. We never know today which side of the
stream he will be on tomorrow.
Don't let the hand of time paint wrinkles
on your face. Keep young , by keeping the
blood pure and the digestive organs in a
healthful condition. Ilerbine will do this.
Health is youth , disease and sickness brings
old age. Price 50 cents. A. McMillen.
If Aguinaldo is really lost it is not probable
that the government will offer a reward for his
return , and no questions asked.
and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. 1.15.
i aylor , assistant.
of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
. . . .of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
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Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $
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/ . FRANKLIN , . .