The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1900, Image 7

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    Helled on TJuj ci' Olmtlnucy.
A London paper nays that General
Duller wag once ln company with Lord
Uiarlcs Beresford coming down the
Nile , and as their boat approached the
first cataract a sharp discussion arcse
is to which wan the proper channel
to take. The soldier advised one , the
sail another , but in the end Buller's
channel was followed , with perfect suc
cess. "You see , I was right , " the gen
eral exclaimed , exultantly. "What of
that ? " retorted Beresford ; "I knew it
was the right one myself , and I only
recommended the other because I knew
you would oppose whatever I said. "
" I am now seventy-two years
of age and my hair is as dark as
it was twenty-five years ago.
People say I look at least that
rsuch younger than I am. I
would be entirely bald or snow-
white if it were not for your
Hair Vigor. " Mrs. Anna
Lawrence , Chicago , 111. , Dec.
22 , 1898.
Is Yours
Snow-white ?
There is no getting around
such a testimonial as this. You
can't read it over without being
convinced. These persons do
not misrepresent , for their testimonials
menials arc all unsolicited.
Ayer's Hair Vigor restores
color to gray hair every timct
And it is -wonderful food to
the hair , making it grow rich
and heavy , and keeping it soft
and glossy all the time. ( It is
also an elegant dressing.
$1.03 a bottle. All druggists.
Write the Doctor
If you do notobtain all the benefits you
desire from the use of the Viijorwrito
the Doctor about it. Ha will tell yon just
the right thing to do , ami will send you
his bcok on the Hair and Scalp if you
request it. Address ,
Dr. J. C. Avin , Lowell , Mass.
FOR 14
Vfo wish to ctin this year 200.0TO O
ne > 7 customers , and oiler 0
t Pkg. Oity Garden Beet , lie < *
1 Pkjf.Earl'ot J m : rnld Cncnmberltc
La Orosao ilsrtctLatt'aco , lee
Strawberry lilclou , 15c .
llDayRadi'h. ICog
KarlyRipo Cabbage , 100 ®
Karly Dinner Onion , 100 0
Brilliant I'lower Seeds , * r-e 65
\Vorth 81.00 , for 1-1 cents. $ i.uO 0
AbovolO PtgaTxforlU § LCOiro will 6
anil you free , together with our &
Croat Catalog , telling all about
nponrecointqfthia notice A I4c.
stampc. AVc , and f
honyqu once try Jsalzcr's ST
_ _ . yon will never do without. frJ
S51tS& 1saoo Prizenon Salzcr'o 1 UJ ) rar-
crt earliest 1'oroato Giant on earth , uau
their lioinea la thcfundameatalprfnclplcsof tbc
lav , and such branches as constitute a finished
legal education. For circular.- ) address
EDW , BACON. 323 Main Scoria , Hi.
Union goldiersand widows of soldiers xvho made
homestead entries before June 22,1874 of less titan
i6oacres ( no matter if abandoned or relinquished ) ,
if they have not sold their additional homestead
rights , should address , ivith full particulars. giv
ing district , &c HE1TSY1T. COPP , Ifc&iscisn , 33. C.
with no fco un
less successful.
1'utects advertls-eil
free for clients. |
Free advice as to patentability. Send for
Inventor's 1'rimer. MILO S. STEVENS & CO. ,
Established iSGJ. 817 11th St. , Washington , D.C.
Brnnch Offices : Chicago. Cleveland and Detroit. |
A certain lawyer was a candidate for
municipal honors recently , says the
Cardiff Western Mail. While out can
vassing ho knocked at a cottage door.
The door was opened by a woman , "Is
your husband in , Mrs. 1" inquired
the lawyer. "No , Bir , " was the reply ;
"but I know what you want. My hus
band is sure to vote for you , because
you got him off for stealing that ham
last week. " "No , no ; alleged stealing
of the ham , " corrected the lawyer. "Al
leged , be blowed ! " was the woman's
smiling reply. "We've got a bit of it
left still. Lemme give you a sandwich
out of it. sir. "
Out of the Mouth of a Child Papa ,
said the 7-year-old , is heaven a nice
place ? Yes , my little daughter , re
plied the father. It is said to be. But
you will never know for sure , will
you , papa ? Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele
Piso's euro for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us Binco 1803. J. It.
, 2409 42d Avo. , Chicago. Ills.
A girl is invariably in love when sha
refers to the twilight as the gloaming.
Laxative Uromo Qulnino Tablets removes
the cause Unit produces La Grippe. 13. W.
Grove's signature is on each box. Coc.
If all the mountains in the world
were leveled , the average height cf
the land would rise nearly 250 feet.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
The Franco-Prussian war cost fhe
belligerents § 310,000,000 , and 311,000
killed and wounded out of the 1,713,000
men engaged. Altogether , 817,751 men
were put out of action , although this
total includes 446,000 French prison
Important to mothers.
Exunlno carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA ,
a safe and euro remedy for infants and children ,
and see that it
Hears the
Signature of
In Use For Over ISO Years.
The Kind You Eave Always Bought
Men of principle are sure to be
bold , but those wlio are bold may not
always be men of principle.
Sen Porte.
The memory of man runneth not
back of the time when seaport towns
and cities did not exist , thrive and
flourish. There is a new and promis
ing one growing up down south which
bids fair to soon enjoy great commerce.
It is La Porte , at the head of Galveston -
veston Bay on the guff coast of Texas.
A magnificent natural land-locked
harbor already exists and extensive
docks , wharfs and terminals are being
constructed. The government Is to
deepen Galveston Bay , affording a 26-
foot channel into the splendid fresh
water harbor bay of San Jacinto. As
Newport News is to the Atlantic coast ,
and Duluth and Superior are to the
inland seas , so La Porte is to be to
the south.
Between friends frequent reproof
makes the friendship distant.
Try Magnetic Starch it will last
longer than any other.
The opinions of a child may be of no
value , but they are at least honest.
j Don't be fooled with .1 mackintosh
j or rubber coat. If > cu wantacoat
1 that will keep you dry in tlielmrd-
> est scrm buy the Fish Grand
JS'.ickfr. If not for sale In your
I town , write for catalogue to
' A. J. TOWER. Boston. . Mass.
S3 & S
AYorth S4 to 56 compared
with other makes.
Indorsed by ever
I.OOO.COOwearers. .
The Genuine haveW. L.
Doughs' name and price
stamped on bottom. Take
no substitute claimed to be
as good. Your dealer
should keen tiiem if
not , ve will send a pair
on receipt of price and 2
"that awful appetite" for fuel.
They are durable too , and cleanly. Your name
en a postal will bnng you a souvenir worth while.
Rock island , Illinois.
1 It'i po ltl elj the greatest csrcal and straw food on earth. Stlrt ? ajs so.
TleMs 0 bus. richer grain than com and 4 tons straw Say , better than timothy. ,
Ufefci' * Biz Pour Ont Sorn yield 260 bus. and jou. Mr. Farmer.
t2/sr can beat that ! It's tbe belt oats oa cartb. Saber tajs col
S.Karcfl Earliest Corn wlllfcvrlutlsalii corn growls ; . SslierEmjaio.
IJromuo IncnnI * Ureatent prass on earth. ( to 6 tons
bir per acre. Will flonrisb crerywherc. Salzer tars so.
Kane Cheapest food on earth for sheep , hogs and cattle. Will faltca
| abeen ct K'- ! > > Costs but 2oc. a tea 13 froi. Salzi r cnjc so I
' Vcectablca I-artett growers. Onion seed oaly 80o. a Ib.
rj35 PUgs. Earliest Vegetables , postpald,8I.OO. SJSji
Grcatcit potato wonder oa cartb ; enorzaoattr prolific ; alra
' Snailehttbc earlle t potato on earth. Elpe in C5 days.
For lOc. Stamps and this Notice tec send
10 pigs. Grain. Qrasi and r erase Karm Seeds worth 010 to
, t a start , and grtat M d Catalcr , telling you all tboul abore
Hare Seeds alw over SO kinds cloicri aad irraues. Tcotiata ,
Sparrj , UUlet , Velvet and Cow beans , tools , eu. wnn
Omaha , Chicago tiLtl Xcw York iMiirUct
COWB and hellers were In good demand
and sold at good strong' , prices. There
appears to be a constant demand for that
kind of cattle and as the arrivals at this
point are lar irom large th'e market is
in good nhape right along and prices arc-
high as compared with the way beer
steers are selling. Bulls , stag : ) , etc. , are
also selling at steady prices. Ueef steers ,
? J.25'5.15 ( ; steers and heifers , * < L 5.00 ;
cows , ; heifers. W.Wtf-l.iO ; bulls ,
J2.b5til.00 ; calves , S7.OOVi7.2o ; stags , J3.Wt ) >
2.5 ! ? ; stockers and feeders. ySo'tftM ; stock
cows and heifers , ? 2.iQi/o.70. )
HOGS Sold very largely at $4.SOffl.S7& .
with good loads mostly at 11.55 * , aim with
some good heavy and butcher weights at
5-J.ttO. Saturday the hogs sold at $4.'iO < ii >
4.85 , with god loads largely at.Tils. \ ' J
4.77VLand with M.K > for top.
SHEEP Good to choice yearlings $5.CO $
5.75 ; fair to good yearlings , ? o.35ry5.50 ;
good to choice wethers , Jn.15Jj5.-ju ; fair
to good wethers , $1.75 0.011 ; good to choice
fed ewes , $4.50i4.70 ; good to choice fed
native lambs , JC.75 7.00 ; good to choice
western lambs , $ C.G5'aG.i > 0 ; lair to good fed
western lambs , 5U.40iili.65 ; feeder wethers ,
SJ.OOJM.50 ; feeder yearlings , ! M.50t3.00 ; good
to choice feeder lambs , ? 1.50 < Li5.3. :
CHICAGO , Feb. 12. CATTLE Active
and strong , Including Texans ; butchers ,
stockers and feeders , steacy ; good to
choice , Sn.tS't'G.lO ; poor to medium , 54.00'j:1 '
t.L'O ; mixed stockers , $ J.25vi3.U > ; selected
feeders. Ji SSM.'JO ; good to choice cows ,
? a.25@4.50.
HOGS Active and lOc higher ; closing
advance mostly lost ; good clearance ;
mixed and butchers , | 4.b01i5.10 ; good to
choice heavy , 51.y51i5.10 ; lough heavy ,
light , $4.7a /.j.OU ; bulk of sales.
SHEEP AND LAMBS. Active and lOff
lee higher ; native wethers , $1.50t(5.75 ;
lambs , ? 5.COS7.00 ; western wethers , - > ! .oO& !
? .550 ; western iambs , $ O.OOg7.GO.
Choice heavy ; steady ; others slow to a
shade lower ; medium native steers , $4.75
< 7i5.4'J ; lightweights , $ -i.S5''a3.00 ; stockers
and feeders , .oOliS.GO ; butchers' covs
and heifers , 53.00'u4.0 : ; ; cannon ? , $2.50ff3.w ;
led westerns , $ ! .004.85 ; western feeders ,
.25'4.50 ' ; Tcxans , RUO'aUS.
HOGS Market active and ruled 5HOc
higher ; heavy , $ ! .fsOj4.IO ; mixed , $4.'i5f
l.J-5 ; light , $ l.i5ft4.771i ( : ; pigs , 54.20 1.55.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Light supply
stimulted values ; market strong to 5c
higher ; lambs , $5.75 < &G.50 ; muttons , .SO'cf
5.20 ; stockers and feeders , SU.o'J&S.SO ; culls ,
CHICAGO , Feb. 12. WIIKAT No. 3
springC3 Ac ; No. 2 red , 70',4c.
CO1JN No. 2 , o2Mt32' .c ; No. 2 yellow ,
OATS No. 2 , 23i,4Ti2.V c ; jjo. 2 white ,
" ( jy.c ; No. 3 white , 25'a25c.
RYE No. 2. 55c.
BARLEY No. 2 , 3S i43c.
SEEDS No. 1 flaxseed and northwest ,
? 1.GO ; prime timothy , ? 2.52J/ . .
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. ,
SlO.OOTj 11.10. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . J5.y31iU.05.
Short ribs sides ( loose ) , ? 5.90fi6.10. Dry
salted shoulders ( boxed ) , J5.751j6.00.
The Senate Passes
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Feb. 12.
The lollowing bills were passed : To
erect a public building at Deadwood ,
S. D. , to cost $200,000 ; appropriating
? 500 for a monument to mark the site
of the Fort Phil Kearney massacre ;
granting to the state of Kansas the
abandoned Fort Hayes military reser
vation of $7,000 acres , for the purpose
of establishing western branches of
the Kansas agricultural college and
cf the Kansas State Normal school
thereon and for a public park.
No senator having indicated his de
sire to discuss the financial bill the
senate at 1:05 : p. m. , on motion of Mr.
Aldrich , who said many senators de
sired to atend the obsequies of Gen
eral Lawton , adjourned.
Taylor Refuses to Sign.
FRANKFORT , Ky. , Feb. 12. Gov-
orner Taylor has definitely decided
that he will not sign the Louisville
agreement. He made the declaration
this rfternoon as he came from the
legislative hall , in which he had ail
morning been in conference with the
republican committeemen. He has de
cided to allow the mater to be settle-1
in the courts and will abide by their
action. The legislature will be allowed
to meet in the capitol building today
and will continue its work without
furthei interruption.
Insurance Ulakcs Him Crazy.
CHICAGO , lib , Peb. 12 William
M. F. Knapp , special agent of the Phoe
nix Insurance company , who lived at
381G Calumet avenue , committed sui
cide today in the Hotel Grace by shoot
ing Iiimself in the temple and mouth.
The body was found about twelve
hours after the shots were fired.
It is thought that the suicide was
due "O temporary insanity , caused by
the death of several friends , ami Mi.
Knapp's father , and to insomnia , with
whicii he had been troubled for several
Shows Where He Got His 3Ioney.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. State
Senator Tierney of Montana continued
his testimony in the Clark case before
the senate committee on elections to
day. He said he had never been asked
to vote for Mr. Clark for the United
States senate and had , therefore ,
never been offered any consideration
for his vote for that gentleman.
He gave details of the organization
of the Townsend bank , in which he
had stock , and explained where he ob
tained the money for it.
France and Brazil at Outs.
RIO JANEIRO , Feb. 12. France re
fuses to lower the duties on Brazilian
coffee and the negotiations on the sub
ject are broken off.
A cable message just received from
Paris affirms that the French govern
ment will retaliate against the Bra
zilian law doubling duties on French
The negotiations -with Italy , Spain
find Germany are orogressing favor
Shot While Robbing a Ilnnk.
CHILLICOTHE , O. , Feb. 12. A
burglar named John Schumaker. giv
ing nis home as Lima , O. , was fatally
shot at Higby's station today , while
le and three others were attempting
: o roe the safe at the store of Higby
t Son. The burglars were , s'urprised
jy Charles Higby , merchant , anl
Dharles McCoppin , Norfolk & West-
; rn telegraph operator. They fired on
: he robbers , wounding oneVi-The othe > -
; hree escaped. It was la/eFjtscertained
; hat the wounded man's' name is John
Fohnson , who was released . .from the
Dhfo penitentiary Jjinya/y 2 0.
Franco's Civil Power.
That the backbone of the army's
power in France was broken by the
trial of Dreyfus is shown in the reor
ganization of the French colonies In
West Africa. Therein the civil author
ities have triumphed. A portion of the
Soudan is to be Joined to each of the
four contiguous colonies and what
remains is to be divided into two mil
itary districts , but the whole region
will be under the control of a govern
or general , whose powers will be equal
to those of the viceroy in India , and
whose headquarters will beSt. , Louis ,
the capital of Senegal.
Howa This ?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. . Toledo. O.
\Ve , the undersigned , huvo known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists , Toledo
0. ; Waldlnff , KInnan & Marvin , Wliolesalo
Druggists , Toledo , Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally. act-
In ; ? directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price
5o per bottle. Sold by all ilruggists.
Hall's Family Pills are Uio best.
Henry W. Corbett , United States
senator from Oregon , went to New
York in 1844 and worked in a store
for ? 3.50 a week.
Magnetic Starch is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
The less a busines sman advertises
the more time he has to balance his ac
Mrs. tVInslow's Soothing Syrnp.
For children teething , softens the Bi"i > 3i reduces In-
Cumulation , allays pain , cured wind colic. ! Uc a bottle.
In the world's great drama the ocean
plays the principal role.
The Health anil I'lcnsuru Itcsorts
Of Texas , Mexico , Arizona and Cali
fornia are quickly and comfortably
reached via the Southern Pacific Com
pany's Sunsqt Route. Daily through
service from New Orleans to San
Francisco via Houston , San Antonio ,
El Paso and Los Angeles. Special
semi-weekly service , Sunset Limited
from New Orleans Mondays and
Thursdays , composed of Buffet Smok
ing Car , containing Bath Room and
Barber Shop , Drawing Room Compart
ment Car , regular Pullman Sleepers ,
and Dining Car ( meals a la carte ) , all
of the latest design and most luxuri
ously appointed. Direct connections
made at New Orleans from all points
North and East. Detailed Informa
tion cheerfully furnished by W. G.
Neimyer , G. W. A. , So. Pac. Co. , 238
Clark St , Chicago ; W. H. Connor ,
Com'l Agt. , Chamber Commerce Bldg. ,
Cincinnati , O. , W. J. Berg , Trav. Pass.
Agt. , 220 Ellicott Square , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
Use Magnetic Starcli 1C ha = no equal.
The rubber trust has no bearing on
the game of whist.
are siMssg wsssneMa When
Si WGSSf&H fo&S S83M8 fssnsle
fs'Qsshle she fs sssrtsssa to
JSQ Bses'VGiss sstsS wrefs
massy w&snen the
stiff ® Eastej Ss so
they sire for
sssssasse ,
the mssst siiSige&t ef
forts stf orse2 py
I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
o the
Esef ® f tisssQ wQsnena The
lettes's /POSH woffSjQfs ouf ed
by it ips'QifQS tfassa This
thesn *
ffsssaa siiozsllsi also he sec -
c fres ? by every nervous
woman * This ssssts noth-
m Her aeliSress Ss Lynn ,
If you take up your
homes in Western Can-
rda , the land of plenty.
Illustrated pamphlets ,
alving experiences of
farmers who have be
come wealthy in grow
ing vlieat. 'reports of
de'.czates , etc. . and full
intormation as tJ reduced railway rates can be
had on application to tne Superintendent of
Immigration , Tepartmeat of Inferior , Ottawa.
Canada , or to M. V. Bennett , 801 Xew York
Life Hid ? , Omaha , Neb.
Locomotor Ataxia con-
qucred at last. Doctors
puzzled. Specialists
imazcil nt recovery of patients thought Incurable. l > y
kVritc me about your case. Ad\ Ice and proof of cures
T.EE. UR.tIUSE,224 N.IOth St. , nilLAUtM'HIA.P.t
Get Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent ,
425 New York Avenue. . WASHINGTON , D. C.
Florida and Cuba.
Write J. C. Tucker , G. N. Agent Big
Four Route , 234 Clark St. , Chicago , 111. ,
for full information as to low rate ex
cursion tickets to nil winter resorts In
the Southeast , via Cincinnati , Louis
ville , Ashevllle , Atlanta , Jacksonville
and east and west coasts of Florida , as
may bo desired.
Fran Louise Frobel , widow of Fred-
erlch Froebel , the originator of the
kindergarten system , died recently
near Hamburg at the age of 85 years.
She had survived her husband forty-
eight years.
And light dressings of CUTICURA , purest of
emollient skin cures , This treatment at once
stops falling hair , removes crusts , scales , and
dandruff , soothes irritated , itching surfaces ,
stimulates the hair follicles , supplies the roots
with energy and nourishment , and makes the
hair grow upon a. sweet , wholesome , healthy
scalp when ail else fails.
TJ3C CfJTlCUK.v SOAP exclusively for preserving , purifying , and beautifying
the skin , for cleansing tlie scalp of cru = t , srales , and dandruff , : md the Plop
ping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and healing , red , rough , and
eore hands , in the form of baths for annoying irritations and chafing ? , or
too free or offensive perspiration , in the form of washes for ulcerative weak
nesses , and for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves
to women , and especially mothers , and for all the purposes of the toilet ,
bath , and nursery. Xo amount of persuasion can induce the e who have once
used it to use any other , especially for preserving and purifying the skin ,
scalp , and hair of infants and children. CLTICUUA SOAP combines delicate
emollient properties derived from CUTICCUA , the great skin cure , with the
purest of cleansing ingredients , and tiie most refreshing of ( lower odors. Xo
other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for pre
serving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , scalp , hair , and hands. Xo
other foreign or domestic toilft soap , however expensive , is to be compared
with it for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it com
bines , in OXK SOAP at ONE PRICK , vix. , TWEXTV-FIVE CENTS , the BEST
ekin and complexion soap , the BIST toilet and BEST baby soap in the world.
All that has been said of CDTICUSA SOAP miy be saiil with even greater emphasii
of CtrrictTRA Ointment , tha most delicate , and yet mo-it cITcrtivo of emollients , and
greatest of skin cures Its use in connection with Cui iruii \ So \ its per directions
around each package ) , in the " ONE NIGHT CURE ron SOHK HANDS , " in the
and in many uses tco nunscious to mention , is Mifiicient to prove its superiority
over all olh-r preparations for the skin.
Complete External and Menial Treated , ! for every Humor ,
cons'.Etinjr of Cl'TicinSOAP ' 2-c. > to ! ttthe skin < > f cruets and
scales end softi-n the th-ckeiicd cutuliCt .ici'tA OINTMENT (60c. ) .
" . to instantly allay itching , iaUammatiun , r.rul irritation , r.ndootbe and
! O i'
0 SsQ SGs.j 1 heal , nnd CUTICUKA HZSOI.VENT ( 0c. ) , to cool and cean-e the blood.
A SEIOI.I : SET 13 often sufficient to cure the tson ; tortcrin ? , disfl uris . and humiliating skin ,
scalp , nnci blood humo'B , with lo = s of h.sir , when = 11 cine faih POTTER Dnno AND CHSII.
COUP. . Hole Prom Bo-tm " All aliotit the Skin. 8ala and Hair. " f res.
ft injures nervous system to do sa BACO-
DURO is the only cure that KEALI.Y CCKES i
ind notifies you when to stop , bold wMh a j !
luarantee that three boxes will cure any case , j '
RAP.n.P.IIRn is vegetable and harmless. It has
3HUU uunu cureti thousands it will cure you. |
\t all drufruists or by mail prepaid , * 1 a box ;
5 boxes S--pO Booklet free. Write EUREKA '
CHEMICAL Co. , La Crosse. Wis.
[ f afflicted i
rs Eye Water
801 e eyes. ,
I IVnhhiiieton , p.C.
. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
I I.ate PMncloal Bzamlner U.S. Pension Bureau.
13 yri in civil wer. 13 ailiudicatins claims , at ty aiticc.
Gllmpucn Across tlio Ken
Is the charming title of a charming
book from the fucile pen of Mr. Sam
T. Clover , the well known author and
newspaper editor. The "Glimpses" nro
particularly pertinent just now when
so many people nro considering about
going to the Paris Exposition , and
many people will bo glad to know that Vnt'l
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway 1ms purchased anlltion \ of
Air. Clover's work for distribution. In
sending your address for a copy please
enclose six cents to pay postage. Gco.
If. Heafford , General Passenger Agent ,
Old Colony Building. Chicago , III.
\Y. V. f OMAHA. No 7 ] 0l >
t-s.-f- . B < x V tf ti-srlmtjn a b an' ! Hi lifis * treatment
JIL > . in : . M. n. ( .ani-.Vb htni K , iiliat. . u * .
J Best Cc Rh Syrup. I'sstea Goou. Use
In timo. Soid br drastris
aa ggg