By F. M. KIMMELL. Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co. C. H. DIETRICH of Hastings is men tioned as an eligible person for the Re publican nomination for governor. THE reverse suffered by the British forces at Spion bill is the most serious since the opening of the war in South Africa. MERWIN of the Beaver City Tribune has determined to locate "bermanently" in that city if he has to go into the "clodings beezness" to do it. "Shoot- sticks" will be taken on subscription as heretofore. SINCE the late Nebraska press associ ation meeting , the impression has wid ened and deepened that Colonel Edgar Howard is standing out in the open , boldly , in the hope that lightning may find him for a state office on the Fusion ticket , coming fall. THE attempted assassination of Will iam Goebel of Kentucky is one of the most dastardly crimes in the history of that bloody state. But small hopes are entertained of the injured man's re covery , and smaller expectations are felt that the cowardly would-be assassin will ever be brought to justice. EXPORTS of iron and steel manufac tures amounted to $105.000,000 in 1899 , and the imports to only $15,000,000. In 1880 , twenty years ago , the exports amounted to only $13 000,000 , and the imports to $63,000,000. With this prac tical evidence of the benefit of protec tion , there are very few workingmen or manufacturers who will listen with any patience to the free-trade arguments in the coining campaign. The large and increasing circulation of The Iowa Homestead in this county is a matter for congratulation to the pub lishers and to good farming , for , of all the papers of its class in the country , it is easily the best and most helpful. Its Special Farmers' Institute editions , is sued with the regular edition the first week in each mouth , have been for years the admiration of all practical farmers. Written wholly by farmers , they are full of actual experience and smell of the soil. We have been fortunate enough this season to secure terms for The Homestead and its Special Farmers' In stitute editions , together with The Poul try Farmer and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal , four of the most val uable farm publications in the country , that enable us to offer the four in con nection with our own paper for $1.25 for the entire five , one year. This is em phatically a good thing , and no farmer in this county should fail to take advant age of the offer. For a large line of thoroughly practical farm reading noth ing has ever been offered before that equals it. A county paper , a farm paper , a poultry paper , a farm insurance paper and the Special Farmers' Institute , all for $1.25. Come in and order them. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice on Jan. 28th : Geo. Calhoun , Miss Ruth Bell , W. D. Nesler , J. A. Mastalha. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KiMMEM. , Postmaster. Killed Last Night A cough. Loar's Cough Killer did it. Try it. Dr. Coe is recognized as one of the most successful surgeons in the country. His magnificent Sanitarium at Kansas City is the best evidence of his success. See large "ad" of his Sanitarium in this paper. If you are interested in your health , read the large "ad" of Dr. Coe's Sani tarium in this paper. This is the largest , oldest and only reliable Sanitarium in the west. THE TRIBUNE and The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer forjr.soayear , strictly in advance. THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa per you may want. Try it. Waite's card will save you 15 per cent. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. RoVAL Baking Powder Made from pure . cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alum taking powders are the greatest menaccrs ; to health of the present day * ROVAL DAKINa POWOCfl CO. . NEW VOttt. Best Grades- Telephone No. 5 Give Us a Call and We Will Please You Our Coal is the Hottest Stuff in Town BARNETT LUMBER CO. EAST RED WILLOW. Miss Maud Harrison visited her sister , Mrs. Will Sexson , two days of last week. Mrs. Will Sexson visited her mother , Mrs. Ira Harrison of Box Elder , over Sunday of last week. Noah Sawyer is hauling stone for the foundation of a new house , which will be 18x30 ieet in size. Red Willow precinct will be represented at the Republican reception and banquet in Mc Cook , Friday evening , February 2d. Mrs. E. A. Sexson has a good farm for rent. Here is a good chance for a good man. There is a. four-room frame house , well and pasture. Mr. Patterson of Plattsmouth was in this vicinity , recently , looking after some land in terests lie has and calling upon an old ac quaintance , E. A. Sexson. J. F. Helm informs us that this has been the luckiest winter for him in years. So far he hasn't lost a head of cattle from stalks , or in any other way. He has always been quite a heavy loser from stalk poisoning. One month from today there will be a gen eral movement among the renters in this vicinity : Mr. Spencer will move onto the old John Dolan farm ; Mr. Tucker will start for the state of Washington ; Will Sexson will take the place he farmed and Jacob Long- necker will move onto the farm Sexson has farmed for the past three years. Meeting \yill be discontinued until spring at the Red Willow school-house on account of the members and the people in general not taking sufficient interest ; but if preaching is desired in the spring and the people will come out and show a pioper interest in the matter , Rev. Robinson will gladly take up the work again and do all he can to further it. Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday , a lawyer of Henrietta , Tex. , once fooled a grave-digger. He says : "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters , and he was soon much better , but con tinued their use until he was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life. " This remedy expels malaria , kills disease germs and purifies' the blood ; aids digestion , regu lates liver , kidneys and bowels , cures consti pation , dyspepsia , nervous diseases , kidney troubles , female complaints ; gives perfect health. Only SOG at McConnell & Berry's. SOUTH SIDE. Ed. Hoover is very sick with the mumps. W. S. Fitch sold a fine team of colts , middle of the week. The return of water-fowls and blackbirds foretells an early spring. "Farmer Troth" of McCook calls in South Side on a tender mission. Mrs. Joseph Evan's mother and brother are out on a visit from the east. There was a good meeting of the Bible- class , last Sunday afternoon. Wm. Little marketed some especially fine hogs , Wednesday of this week. Floyd Roberson is working in McCook , clerking for R. T. EHer & Co. Jake Ball of McCook was over in South Side , middle of the week , on well business. There was a small attendance at the liter ary , last Wednesday evening , on account of the wind and dust. The South Side girls are all right ; if you don't believe it , ask some of McCook s most promising young men. Messrs. Oscar Hammond and Linford Fitch , arrived home safely from their visit in Kansas , the fore part of the week. A. N. Nettleton of Littleton , Colorado , an old settler of South Side , is expecting to move back to Red Willow county , this spring. Dr. Barrows , the mind-reader , is again with us and has given several more exhibitions of his marvelous skill in mind-reading and spirit ualism. Remember the preaching and Bible-study , next Sunday afternoon. The Bible-study will be led as usual by Wm. Thomas , devotional by Frank Fitch , and sermon by Rev. Walker. This neighborhood will soon lose one of its most promising and energetic young men : Wm. Higby expects to leave for the eastern part of the state , where he will seek the em ployment for which he is best qualified. Will lias many friends in South Side , who will miss him , and all wish him health and success. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias , Me. , when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia before morning , " writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln , who attended her that fearful night , "but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery , which had more than once saved her life , and cured her of consumption. After taking , she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her. " This marvellous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat , chest and lung diseases. Only foe and Si oo. Trial bottles free at Mc Connell & Berry's. BOX ELDER. Mrs. Daniel Doyle has been entertaining her brother , Mr. Kuby , the past two weeks. Mrs. A. W. Campbell went in to Omaha , Thursday morning , to undergo an operation for a cancerous affection. Frank Lakin and Harry Creasman have re turned from their trip to Kansas , and report a fine time and pleasant trip. Dick Brewer has made quite extensive pur chases of farming implements , intending tote to farm on a much larger scale , coming sea son. son.BORN BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen , a daughter , Wednesday , the 24th ult. To Mr. and Mrs. George Oakley , a daughter , on the zgth. zgth.William William Walter has just finished his con tract for grubbing ten acres of timber for Will iam Doyle. This is one of the largest con tracts for wood filled this winter. Nels Eois is sufficiently recovered to have his arm taken out of splints , and thinks in a short time the arm will be as strong as ever. Take it all around Nels was fortunate to come out with only a broken arm. There has been quite a successful series of meetings held in the school-house by Rev. McAdams of the "Church of Christ Sleepers. " His sermons have been instructive and full of information gleaned from the Bible ; his points practical and clear. Five were converted. Lewis Dennis , Salem , Ind. , says , "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than any thing I ever took. " It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. D. W. Loar. BARTLEY. W. D. Williams is on the sick last. Henry Schmelzer's children are sick with scarlet fever. Extra Agent Bush left here for Loomis , Tuesday morning. John Stadler has moved on to Dr. Brown's farm north of town. Rev. Roberts has moved to Henry Schmel zer's farm south of town. "Bob" George is very sick with lagrippe. Dr. Brown is attending him. Will Cowles has been able to dispense with crutches and navigates as of yore. John Jones , who recently suffered partial paralysis of the face , is improving. Miss Sayde Hamilton is taking a business course at the Omaha Business College. W. E. Rollings and Lyman Jennings are at tending court at Beaver City , this week. A. G. Cammack and Camden Flint made a business trip to the county seat , Tuesday. F. A. Hodgkin is plastering Mrs. Wilson's new residence , which is almost completed. Miss Emily Hopt of East Valley was the guest of Miss Lena Flint , Saturday and Sun day. day.S. S. Grisell and wife are enjoying a visit from their son from Illinois. It is his first trip to Nebraska. E. R. Moon is fitting the room just north of the Racket store for Dr. Brown , who will oc cupy it as his professional office as soon as completed. ft James Williamson has just returned from Crete , this state , where he was called to the bedside of his father , who was very ill. He reports that he left him some better. * That fog hanging over the college founda tion is occasioned by "Billy" Flint cleaning brick up there. They say he goes after that mortar like a sparrow-hawk after a snowbird. F. A. Walsworth has disposed of his drug store to L. S. Grisell of Indianola , who will take possession , ere long. Walsworth , we un derstand , anticipates going to Kansas City to read medicine. W. C. Hanson , the B. & M.'s genial agent at this point , and Miss Grace Clute , a popular young lady of Arapahoe , were married on Wednesday , January 24th , at the home of the bride's parents in that place. They departed on No.2Thursday morning.for Omaha , where they visited friends and relatives for a few days , returning to their new home here on No. 5 , Monday evening. They were greeted at the depot by the band , "the best in the city , " the serenade ending with "Just One Girl , " the groom's request and , with a satis fied air , "Bill" told tne boys to cakewalk.for the soup house and take the slack out of their belts at his expense. And he will never ques tion the enthusiasm with which they followed instructions after the bill is presented , either. NORTH COLEMAN. B. Wilson has had his house plastered , and the family is very comfortable as far as home is concerned , which they appreciate fully. II. B. Wales has moved his house previous to building on an addition. William Sharp and Daniel Long are doing the work for him. There was a new-comer at Mr. and Mrs. Elsie \Vard's home , Sunday. It's a girl ; has come to stay. Parents happy , and mother and child doing nicely. The mumps claimed so many victims in this school district that Miss Wotten had to her school in district 74 for one week. 1 he afflicted ones are all convalescing. Shelling corn has been the principal occu pation in this section , the past week : Thomas Real , W. S. Bixler , M. H. Cole and II. B. Wales were among those thus engaged. The Stryker boys are getting away with the coyotes hereabouts having up to a recent date caught eight. Alva Simmerman caught two , making ten less to harness our poultry. The cold wave which reached us , Saturday night , was a little uncomfortable but the month of January has been unusually fine and mild. It was two degress below zero here , Sunday morning. Charles Bixler has bought the quarter sec tion of land situated east of the George IIow- ell farm , paying $800 for it. Thus it will be observed that our enterprising young men be lieve in expansion. We learn that Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Brown , who moved to Oregon , last spring , are much pleased with their new home the longer they strty the better they are pleased. We aie happy to note this contentment and satisfac tion although we miss them greatly. Those who took their place are good and desirable citizens and accommodating neighbors , being much liked by the community. TYRONE. Frank Moore and wife went to McCook , last Saturday. Miss Lizzie Moore attended quarterly meet ing at Wilsonville , last Monday. Billy Volk and W. S. Scull have been work ing at the new church , the past few days. Wm Crosby , Sr. , expects to go to Arkansas with Mr. Kimpton's , overland , next month. Some are getting deep cisterns as a substi tute for ice for dairy purposes. " 1 hey start as small as possible , dig straight down three feet , then enlarge gradually to six or eight feet wide , and no brick arch is needed. Thirty feet deep makes the water quite cold. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness into strength , listlessness into energy , brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the lealth. Only 2 c per box. Sold by McCon- lell & Berry. INDIANOLA. Silas Pratsman and G. A. Imel of Danbury lave engaged in the dray business here. S.R.Smith and William McCallum attended lie burial of a fellow-Mason , H. H.Easter- lay , in McCook , yesterday. There is a rumor that J. S. Phillips has 'seen" enough of Missouri and may return to [ ndianola in the not distant future. Marion Powell has business in the county's : apital city , Monday. Mrs. C. B. Hpag is risking her daughter , Mrs. C. B. Gray , in Mc- look. It is a not uncommon sentiment here that Samuel Randolph Smith of the Indianola ftigh-binder and Cecil Matthews of the Bart- ey White-wings ought fo have their caudal ippendages tied together and the duo hung ) ver a clothes-line to fight it out in Colonel Comfort's back yard. M * MMMM ACCOUNT OF CHANGE IN BUSINESS. I am making the following nprecedented Offers ! few ow AH Sizes and Descriptions Cost and lender ! s . AND Something for AH Cost and tBefovv ! O. M7KNIPPLE , A. O. U. W. Temple Block. 26 & WYANDOTTE 5rs. Crry.Mo. . . . . _ . _ . , ji * g g > ; v.m..Jtj. - - T - -kfciLT z "TAKE WESTPORTCAR TO 27 STREET ; ' , . _ DOVVN TOV/N OFFICE WALK TWO BLOCKS WEST AND ONE 315 WALNUT STREET , BLOCK NORTH TO THE SANITARIUM fT DOOR SOUTH OF P.O. r The object of DR. COE'S SANITARIUM is to furnish scientific medical and surgical aid to the afflicted. Thousands in the vicinity of Kansas City can testify to the stability of this institution and speak of it with pride. Hundreds of patients who have been given up to die by their physcians and friends , have been brought to this Sanitarium on stretchers and cots are to-day enjoying health and happiness and are living testimonials of DR. COE'S skill and ability. There is hardly a community in many miles that has not furnished some almost incur able case that has found a cure in this Sanitarium. DR. COE is to-day one of the most successful surgeons in the country. His years of exper ience and his magnificent sanitarium are the evidence of his success. If you are afflicted you want the best. You don't want to be doctored , but cured. It is only reasonable for you to think that you can be cured by one who has cured hundreds of others just like you , and many much worse. A corps of physcians that are annualy treating thousands of patients can accom plish many wonderful cures , when the doctor with only a small or limited practice , can only be experimenting. We have many patients in your vicinity and as a matter of convenience , will send one of our EX AMNING PHYSCIANS to your town with an X Ray apparatus and aD other instruments required in making a thorough diagnosis. If you are afflicted from excesses or intemperance of any kind , or if you are in need of medical or surgical aid , or if you have been doctoring and taking medicine without relief , don't despair , you can be cured. Others have been cured and there is no reason why you cannot be restored to health. Call on our doctor and get an opinion of your case , and such other information as you may desire concerning our Sanitarium. Don't forget the dates. A talk with us may save you a large doctor bill , and may be the means of restoring vour health. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE DR. WOOD , representing- . COE'S SANITARIUM , will have offices at the Commercial Hotel , McCook , Nebraska , Friday ind Saturday , February 16th and 17th , two days only nm.