! \ r > - , EIGHTEENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 2 , 19OO NUMBER 38 Horace Easterday Laid at Rest. A telegram from Suniner , Washing ton , last Saturday night , announced the death of Horace H. Easterday , on that date in that town a suburb of Tacoma. However , the sad news did not become current until Sunday morning. Though not unexpected the depressing news came to a large and devoted circle of friends in the city and county as a personal loss indeed , seldom , if ever , in the history of McCook has the great and sympa thetic heart of this entire community gone out in tenderest expressions of sorrow and regret like in this instance. At the request of the deceased , the re mains were brought heie for interment , arriving in the city , Wednesday night on No. 3 , being accompanied by the sorrow ing wife and a brother , Joe H. Easterday of Tacoma , also L. C. Dole of our city , who attended him in his last days. An other brother , Phil S. Easterday of Tecumseh - cumseh , joined the party at Lincoln , where they were met by a delegation from the Masonic bodies of our city , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bronson , J.W. Hupp and G. R. Johnson. The remains were at once taken to the Congregational church , where the church parlor had been es pecially arranged , with reference to a home-like appearance , for their recep tion. A lodge detail served as a guard of honor during the night. The funeral services occurred in the church on Thursday afternoon at 2:30. the services being conducted by the St. John commandery of this city , assisted by other Masonic bodies. The services were most impressive and beautiful the ritualistic product of the great Masonic order. The sermon fell from the lips of Rev. Turner in most eloquent and tender terms paying a just and full tribute to the memory of one of the most superior souls and manliest men it has ever been our pleasure to know. The church was inadequate to the demand for seats , in dicating in an unmistakably way the wide popularity of him who has gone on before. The remains were escorted to Longview cemetery , where in the use of the ritual of theorder they were tenderly and with loving hands consigned to Mother Earth. A large cortege of sorrowing rowing friends followed the body to its last resting place and paid a last fond tribute to the memory of a dear friend and brother. The floral offering was superb , a cross , cross and crown and a star were among the special designs ; besides there were palms , lilies , carnations , roses , etc. , iu profuse loveliness. The sympathy of a large and loyal friendship goes out without measure to the bereaved and disconsolate wife and to the parents and brothers. [ HORACE H. EASTERDAY was born in Nokomis , Illinois , December 27 , 1858. Came to Tecumseh , Nebraska , in 1871 , and to McCook in i883entering a home stead in Coleman precinct in October of that year. In 1885 he went to Red Cloud and spent three or four years there in the service of the Burlington in that depot. Returning to McCook in 1888 or 1889 , he associated himself with Bert Potter in the feed business , retiring from that in a few years to devote himself ex clusively to buying and shipping grain , which business he carried on until his death. He was a student in the State university as a chum of Congressman Dave Mercer of Omaha and Judge Allen Field of Lincoln , but was not graduated. Fighting disease and the inevitable cou rageously for years , he met the grim de stroyer unafraid at the end. Peace to his ashes. ] RESOLUTIONS. Whereas , It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to call Sir Knight Horace H. Easterday from his earthly labors to a better world , and Whereas , Sir Knight Easterday by his earnest endeavors , regular attendance and kindly counsels.has had much to do in building up this Commandery , as well as the other bodies of Masonry , and Whereas , His life was a practical ex emplification of the principles of our be loved order , of good citizenship and earnest manhood ; therefore be it Resolved by Saint John's Commandery No. 16 , K. T. , that in the death of Sir Knight Horace H. Easterday , we have lost a valued friend and companion , one who , though often tried , has never been found wanting in any respect ; the com munity has lost one of its very best citi zens , and his bereaved family a loving husband , son and brother. Resolved , That the sincere sympathy of this Commandery is with the widow and relatives in this dark hour of lone liness and sorrow , and we commend them to our blessed Savior as the Chief Comforter in all tribulations. Resolved , That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the records , a copy furnished the widow , and copies given the press for publication. F GEO. R. JOHNSON , S. CORDEAL , G. S. BISHOP , Committee. THANKS. Saint John Commandery No.i6 , K. T. , desires to express its sincere thanks to Rev. J. W. Turner for the eloquent and instructive sermon delivered at the fun eral of our late Frater Horace H. Easter day , and to the choir of the Congrega tional church for fine music so excellent- Iv rendered on that occasion. 3 A. CAMPBELL , E. C. G. S. BISHOP , Recorder. McCook , February I , 1900. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. ED. Fox is home from Omaha. Miss BERTHA TOWNSEND is very ill. E. L. DENNIS was a Danbury visitor over Sunday. MRS. A. BARNETT is recovering from an attack of diphtheria. MRS. AMELIA CONRAD has returned home from her Illinois visit. W. M. LEWIS went up to Benkelnian , Thursday noon , on business. ALTA GOCKLEY of Holbrook is visit ing her sister , Mrs. J. C. Predmore. HARRY CAMPBELL went up to Denver , last Saturday night , on a visit to rela tives. L. A. FELLOWS of the McCook Milling Co.'s force is home in Culbertson on the sick-list. MRS. E. H.DOAN entertained a score or more of her lady friends , last evening , handsomely. W. E. CULLEN is in the city working this territory in the interest of the Inter national nurseries. MRS. KATE FAIRCHILD returned to the city , last Saturday , after an absence of a number of weeks. MRS. S. E. KNOWLES of Cambridge visited her daughter , Mrs. C. W. Jack son of our city , last week. WILLIAM BYFIELD returned , yester day morning , from marketing several car-loads of stock in Denver. W. S. MORLAN and O. B. Thorgrini- son spent most of the week in Beaver City , attending district court. MR. AND MRS. C. J. O'BRIEN are exercising - ercising parental concern over a new son born Tuesday of this week. MRS. MARYGUNDER of Stratton visit ed Mrs. A. G. Dole , Saturday and Sun day , and transacted business in the city. JOHN HAFFNER arrived from Crab Orchard , last Saturday night , and has taken a position with Artz & Thompson. MR. AND MRS. ELMER ROWELL re turned , Saturday evening , from their visit to her folks near Max , Dundy coun ty. REV. HART L. PRESTON has been very seriously ill in Knoxville , Iowa , with an attack of erysipelas , but is better at this writing. DOLPH SCARROW was over from Danbury - bury , Monday , on business. He expects to locate in Atwood , Kansas , about March first. FRANK CARRUTH returned to the city , Monday morning on 2 , from his Denver visit , being called there by the illness of his son Glen. MRS. AND Miss CHAMBERLAIN com pleted the packing of the household goods , Monday afternoon , and on Tues day morning departed for their new home in Shickley , Fillinore county , this state. MRS. A.-C. EBERT is enjoying a visit from her sister , Mrs. C. W. Stockton of Monett , Mo. , who is accompanied by her two children. Mrs. Stockton is well known to many of our oldtuners as Miss Nell Stockton. MRS. LILLIAN M. PITNEY of Denver is in the city , the guest of her brother , C. H. Boyle , for a short visit. From here she will go to Strang and Daven port , this state , Mrs. C. H. Bojle ac companying her. MRS. J. G. HOLSTON of Trenton , who has been the guest of Mrs. V. H. Soili- day , some time , for her health , returned to Trenton , close of last week , with her husband , expecting to return here , after a short visit with the children. J. G. SCHOBEL went down to Hildreth and Minden , Sunday , visiting his folks at both places a few days , and returning home on Thursday. Little Marjorie , who has been staying with the grand parents in Minden for a few weeks , re turned with him. C. A. HEDGES of Falls City , who was visiting in this city , last week , in com pany with R. A. Coupe , a former resi dent , has rented the R. R. Woods dwell ing and will move out from Falls City and occupy the same , about the first of March. Mr. Hedges has sold his farm near Falls City and comes here on ac count of the health of his wife. He con templates buying a ranch and engaging in the stock business , if the climate proves favorable. Read the large "ad" of Dr. Coe's San itarium in this issue. GiveLoar of McCook your drug trade for 1900. Among ranges the Majestic is first. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Telephone 59 for milk and cream. Majesties lead the procession. Send In Your Reports. After hearing the paper of General Passenger Agent Buchanan of the Elk- honi railway on the subject of immigra tion at the late state press association it was determined by the association to try one suggestion made by that gentleman , namely , that each newspaper in the state , every week during the year 1900 , shall print a statement from some farmer in that county , giving the date of his ar rival in the county ; where he came from ; what he had when he arrived , and what he now has. Doubtless this idea , car ried out , will result in great good to the state of Nebraska , in inducing settlers to come here from eastern states to occupy and cultivate our hundreds of thousands of vacant and untilled lands. Many thousands of farmers came to this state years ago with nothing but an honest , sturdy purpose and strong hands and heart , who are now well-to-do , nay fair ly rich. This can be done again in thousands of cases , and THE TRIBUNE proposes , if the farmers of Red Willow county will do their part by sending us in the reports , to do its utmost to induce a large settlement among us in South western Nebraska whose resources have not yet been developed in any consider able measure. Farmers , send us in-your reports as indicated above. Your name need not be printed , if you do not desire it shall be. January Report. Following is the report made by the superintendent to the board of education for the month of January ending on the a6th : No. of boys enrolled 327 No. of girls enrolled 333 Total enrollment 660 Average daily attendance 595 Per cent of attendance on enrollment. 90 Neither absent nor tardy 368 Cases of tardiness 65 No. of visitors 62 No. of non-residents 26 We Wish to Say ! That we have received a large portion of the largest and finest stock of wall paper we have ever bought and we be lieve that means the finest line ever shown in McCook. Some of the pat terns are exclusive. Only sold by us and only enough for one room of a kind. We are ready to show New Goods in Tapestries , Denims , Burlaps , Ingrains , fine Gilts and White Blanks , also a large line of the cheapest grades. If you ex pect to use wall paper remember we are "It , " this season. MCCONNELL & BERRY. The AwI-Os. The members of the club were hand somely entertained , Tuesday evening of this week , by Miss Pearl Zint. The game of progressive carrom was played with zest , Miss Olive Rittenhouse being victorious and securing the first prize ; the booby going to Miss Maud Wood without much effort. Refreshments were daintily served and closed another happy gathering of "McCook's finest. " Lepper-Moore. Tuesday morning of this week , at the Catholic church , Henry Lepper and Nellie Moore were made husband and wife by Rev. J. W. Hicbey of St. Pat rick's church , in the presence of a com pany of relatives and friends of both par ties. Both are residents of Coleman pre cinct , and estimable young people. THE TRIBUNE warmly congratulates. For Sale. Five-room house , barn , two lots , hedge and fruit trees ; fine location corner of Dakota and Manchester streets , McCook. Write H. G. DIXON , Kennett Square , Peun. The company commenced , this week , putting up its supply of ice for the com ing summer. The ice houses at Denver and Akron are being filled first , and the new house at McCook will receive atten tion later. The crop from the McCook lake , so far , has not proven a success , and the ice is being secured at Cam bridge , as in previous years. S. M. Cochran & Co. have the best guaranteed quality of goods at right prices , as well as the cheaper grades of goods at correspondingly low prices. They can fit any pocket-book or suit any taste. taste.We We thought we ought to mention it again for fear you may have forgotten , that Bullard's is the place to buy your coal. Genuine "Nigger Head" Maitland coal. A trial order will please you. BARNETT LUMBER Co. You can't afford to miss the splendid story now running in THE TRIBUNE. It is one of the finest of the day. Waite will save you money on hard ware , stoves , harness , curry combs and brushes. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. For good milk try the new dairy. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Fireman C. E. Ryan was married in Akron , last week. Operator R. B. Simmons was a Tecum seh visitor , last Saturday. W. F. Pate , "Weary Willie , " returned from exile , Holyoke , Wednesday night Brakeman William French has gone to Red Cloud to relieve Switchman Perry. Conductor C. E. Pope departed , Sun day night on 6 , for Joplin , Missouri , on business. Brakeman W. W. Prall , D. M. Taylor and C. B. Cady are on the board as sick , this week. It is announced that Oxford is to have two more side-tracks. The material is on the ground. Fireman J. B. Irwin is in Colorado , having resigned from the service on the Western division. Engineer F. G. Westland , we are sorry to learn , is reported quite sick at his home in Wymore. Conductor V. H Solliday has Pope's run during the absence of the latter in Missouri , this week. "Bill" Coy , a foimer Western division conductor , is now running a boarding house in Joplin , Mo. Yardmaster F. E. Kidder of the Ox ford' ' yard is reported to be taking a lay off with matrimonial intent. Howard Finity is arranging to improve his residence property in the northeast ern part of the city , in the early spring Herb Conover left , Monday morning , for McCook where he will enter the em ploy of the B. & M. railroad. Red Cloud Chief. Grant Smith is a new brakernan , this iveek , and is temporarily at Oxford re lieving Switchman George Ankers , whose wife is ill. Brakemeti and switchmen ! No more : racked or chapped hands. Use our new preparation , "Berry's Handhealer , " warranted to cure. T. M. Phillippi arrived home , Sunday light on 5 , and is again in the harness it the depot and is carryiug the mails to ind from the postoffice and depot. The breakage of the Woodruff crusher , vas repaired , last week , and work re- ; umed. The ballast train worked on the 3xford-Holdrege section meanwhile. Agent William Hanson of Bartley and Miss Grace Clute of Arapahoe were united 11 marriage in Arapahoe , last Wednes- lay , the 24th. They enjoyed their hon- : ytnoon in Omaha. Conductor B. L. McCarl has takeu a i week's lay-off , and is enjoying the ; ame in the east , leaving for Chicago , ast Sunday evening on 6. His car and : rew are in charge of Conductor T. E. meanwhile. Conductor and Mrs. A. P. Bonnet ar- ived home , Tuesday night , from their uonth's vacation and visit in Eau Claire , Wisconsiu , and other points in he Wolverine state. A cousin , Miss essie Sprague of Elkhorn , Wisconsin , .ccoiiipanied them and will visit them a nonth or so. Conductor John Morris has commenced he erection of a dwelling house for ental purposes over on lower Monroe treet , just north of his two other dwell- ngs. It is 22x12 with an addition of 4x12. He will also move the dwelling ust south of the proposed new one far- her north , in order to provide more oem for its tenants. The first section of freight train No. 80 > roke in two on Yuma hill , Tuesday light , and came together at Yuma with ; reat force shortly after. Eight or ten : ars empties were demolished. No me was hurt , and traffic was not mater- ally delayed. The blocking car went up rom here , Wednesday , and cleared the rack. The empties were in the middle > f the train , and when the sections came ogether , they were simply smashed. New maps issued by the Burlington how the route of the Bridgeport-Brush inc. The distance of the line will be 31 miles. Brush is eighty-eight miles rom Denver , and Bridgeport is thirty-six ailes from Alliance. The distance from Uliance to Deadwood is 217 miles , mak- Dg a total distance from Denver to ) eadwood of 472 miles. Denver is thus ilaced more than 100 miles nearer Dead- rood than Lincoln. Stations on the lew line are Bridgeport , Alden , Simla , ) alton , Marlow. Sidney , Lorenzo , Mer er , Winston , Minto , Sterling , Brush. 'here will be probably two or three new tatioHS between Sterling and Brush. See H. P. Waite for stoves and ranges. Telephone 59 for milk and cream. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Burn Bullard's S.-B. coal. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Public notice is hereby given that 01 the I2th. day of February , 1900. at the hour of i o'clock p. m , the following described real estate will be offered fo sale to the highest bidder for cash , to wit : The northeast quarter of sectioi nineteen (19) ( ) , and the northwest quarter of section twenty (20) ( ) . township four (4 north , range twenty-nine (29) ( ) west of the 6th p. m. . containing three hundred and twenty acres. This land is about five miles north o McCook , Neb. , and has a frame house 18x32 feet , four rooms. Frame stable room for four horses , and good well anc windmill. One hundred and thirty acres in cultivation , 140 acres pasture fenced. This sale is to close up an estate anr the land will be sold without reserve and will take place at the east front door of the court house in McCook , Neb. DANIEL O'DWYER , Attorney in fact for heirs of Thomas Dunne , deceased. J. E. Kelley , Attorney , McCook , Neb. Ladles' Circle Meeting. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Circle of the G. A. R will be held on February 3d at two p. ni.in Odd Fellows hall. All members are requested to be present. By order of the President , Mrs. Adeline Dole. BLANCHE STARR , Secretary. Farmers and Feeders , Attention ! We are now prepared to grind your corn and other feed , by the wagon load , at six cents per hundred pounds. No labor to you in loading and unloading , and no sacks needed. Come and see us about it. THE MCCOOK MILLING Co. For Sale. Twenty-four Barred Plymouth Rock hens and pullets ; also cockerels scored by Theo. Hewes , America's best author ity on Rocks. RAY V. CLUTE , 2t. 806 Monroe street , McCook. For Sale for Cash. One road cart , nearly new ; one set silver-mounted , double , buggy harness ; my single driver , weight 1,050 pounds. ISAAC M. SMITH. Cleaniline. McConnell's new cleaning preparation , removes greese from any fabric ; will not soil or spot the goods. J. H. Bayston , his many friends iu Red Willow county will be pleased to learn , has been appointed a teacher and family manager in the Boy's Industrial school at Kearney. He will assume his position oil March ist. The salary is $1,000 per annum , with living. L. P. Cushman is mentioned as the probable manager of the Faber , of which Mr. Bayston will continue to be editor and publisher. The very latest thing is the Wireless Check-Row Corn Planter and the Double- Row Lister. You don't need to go to Omaha to see the latest improved imple ments ; S. M. Cochran & Co. have them on exhibition at their store. State Treasurer Meserve , this week , sold his ranch south of the city to Win. Johnson , a prominent Swedish farmer and stockman of Holdrege. Mr. John son will move onto the ranch in the early spring. This week , W. F. Everist disposed of his fine residence property over on Melvin - vin street to Mr. VanNortwick of Danbury - bury , who will shortly move into the same and become a resident of McCook. The Pabst Brewing Co. is erecting a large beer-house on the freight-house track , this week , for the storage use of their local agent , P. Walsh. When a Kentuckian wants to see something red he goes for blood ; he ought to see the ashes from Bullard's S.- B. coal they are red. Auction sale on February 3d by Berry & Mitchell. List your articles with them ; no charge unless sale is made. School district No. 41 is building a new school house 18x26 feet in size. Barnett Lumber Co. sell the materials. If you are afflicted you want the best. Call and see the Doctor from Dr. Coe's Sanitarium. See large "ad" in this issue. A number of cases of scarlet fever and diphtheria are reported in the city. Xo serious cases , however. William T. Clark and Lottie Barker were united in marriage by Squire H. H , Berry , Monday. Buy your potatoes of J. A. Wilcox & Son , who are unloading another car-load of fine ones. The Culbertson canal firm of Holdrege , Hubbard and Ferrier has dissolved part nership. McConnell's Fragrant Lotion makes smooth , soft hands or face. For good milk try the new dairy. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. Burn Bullard's S.-B. coal. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. The Majestic range. Auction sale , February 3 < 1. Burn Bullard's S.-B. coal. McMillen's Cough Cure is sure. It's the best the Majestic range. Telephone 59 for milk and cream. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs. The Mnjesticis the peer of them all. New plaids for skirts at DeGrofT & Co.'s. February 28th will be the beginning of lent. Stove wood to burn nt the Barnett/ lumber yard. It is folly to cough ; McMillen's Co fell Cure is promptly effective. Call up 19 if you have any newspaper or job printing business to do. / / Telephone No. 31 , when j ou want anything in the hardware line. To make your hands smooth and soft use McMillen's Cream Lotion. SCALE BOOKS For sale at THE TRIB UNE office. Bt-st inthe market. The next meeting of the Fortnightly daiicing'club will be a masquerade. HOUSE FOR SAI.K Seven rooms and three lots. J. H. BBKOE. Try a load of our Lafayette coal 56.50 per ton. BARNETT LUMBER Co. Increase your supply of eggs by using McMillen's Egg Producer. Guaranteed. When you buy tinware , ask to see Ried's Anti-rust. For sale by II. P. Waite. FOR SALE A good fresh cow. Write or inquire of James Cuin , McCook , Ne braska. Bring your poultry to J. A. Wilcox Son and receive the highest market price in trade or cash. H. B. Wales of Coleman 'precinct hauled out his lumber from Barnett's , last week , for an addition to his house. S. M. Cochran & Co. nre fully prepared to meet the demands of any and nil of their customers in quality and prices of all goods. Take your prescriptions to Lonr , for his goods are pure and fresh and his prices right. Opposite the Commercial hotel , McCook. It is possible that a congregation of English Baptists may be organized here with Rev. D. L. McBride in charge. Culbertson Era. Self-Hypnotic-IIealing , Clairvoyance and Hypnotism. Lessons free ; loc. for postage. Prof. S. A. Grannell , P. II. D. , McCook , Neb. Box 1 3. 2-1-19 Just one trial of S. M. Cochran & Co.'s new silver polish and stove enamel and polish will convince you that it is the best article of the kind on the market , fry it. A. S. Campbell , late register at this place , is now managing a store for Kil- patrick Bros. & Collins at Green River , Wyoming , where that company has a arge contract with the Union Pacific. D. C. Marsh is contemplating building limself a new and larger dwelling house , lis plan at present is to move his pres ent residence one block directly east , ind to replace it with a much larger and better home , with the modern improve ments. Mrs. M. E. Barger may now be found located in the store-room back of the Citizens bank lately vacated by Selby & Washburn. She carries a nice line of notions and ladies' furnishing goods and : lesires a continuance of patronage from ber many friends. A pathetic specimen indeed is the February bar docket as it emerges , this week , from the Indianola Reporter "hashery , " in all its excess and insuffi ciency of ink and wealth of incongruous typography , all in keeping with the best traditions of the shop. It is a great satisfaction to be able to jet just what you want in any line , and this is especially true of meats. Just call jp Everist , Marsh & Co. , phone 12 , and Lhe rest is easy. They carry the choic est of every article belonging to a first- : lass , up-to-date meat market , and a , vord brings your order to the door. S. M. Cochran & Co. have just placed > n their sales floors a car-load of all kinds ) f implements , and invite inspection. \nother car will follow soon , consisting ) f a fine and complete line of buggies , : arriages , surreys , road carts , wagons ind implements. They cordially ask ? ou to call and see their unequalled itock and assortment. Seed and Hay for Sale. Alfalfa seed and hay for sale. 2ts. S. G. GOHEEN , McCook , Neb. McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.