The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 26, 1900, Image 8

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    Eureka HarncfiB Oil is the best
preservative of now leather
and the best renovator of old
leather. Jt oils , softens , black
ens and protects. UEO
Harness Oil
on your beat harness , your old har
ness , and your carriage top , and they
will not only look betur but wear
longer. Bold every where In cans all
sizes from half pints to live gallons.
Tribune Clubbing List.
Kor convenience ol readers of THE TKIB-
UNi.we have m.iHe arrangements with the
f'ill ( > wiii ! ie M'.i.erb | and perodic.ils whereby
we can supply them in combination with TUB
I'KiHUNh at the following very low prices :
IMroit Free I'resb . Si 00 Si 50
Leslie's Weekly. . 400 300
1'r.iu ic Farmer . 00 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean . oo 135
Cincinnati Knquirer. . oo -i 50
New- York Tiibune . oo 125
JDeiii'iiest'b Magazine . oo 175
Tolt'fii lilade . oo 125
Nebraska Fanner . oo I 50
loxvu' I Inmestcad . oo I 45
Lincoln Journal . , . . no 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture . oo 150
New- York World- . oo 165
Omaha Bee . oo I 50
Cosmopolitan Magazine . oo I So
St. Louis Republic . oo 175
Kansas City Star . 25 115
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
lo Date Farmer . 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 115
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to Till orders for anv other
papers published , at reduced rates.
TilKTRiitUNE. McCook , Neb.
umber and *
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmmgs.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
DR. Jem * McPnEE ,
. . ' . .of Chicago.
e with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is guar
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
' Land . Office-
Cgr'Aeent of Lincoln Co. - -
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank , i
Main Ofllco llth & O Str
12 years in Omaha am
Lincoln , 8PKCIAI.I&T.-
in NervoiiH , Chronicanr
1'rlvate IMSKA&iBS oj
AH Private Diseases and
enables as to guarantee to
euro all curable cases o
the Nose. Throat , Chen !
Stomach , Liver , Blood.
Skin and Kidney Disease *
Lost Manhood , Niirht
Emissions , Hyilrocele , Ya
icocrlo , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Files , Fistnla and
Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes and Bright's Disease
1ST$100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON wo cannot cure if curable
Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FKEE. Horn *
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty.
All medicine furnished. Call or addres
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
-write them today P. O. Box 224. OHU-i *
In Richards Blk. , llth & o , Lincoln , Kebr.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. in
High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. .
with choir. Sunday school at 2-30 p. ni.
All are cordiall > welcome.
RKV. J. VV. HlCKEY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 :
o'clock _ , Morning Prayer and Litany
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prajer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
CHRISTIAN Sunday-school at IDE m.
Preaching services at II a ui. and Sp
m. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. in. Prayer-
nifeting on Friday evenings All cor-
dmlly welcome. Morning subject , "The
Five Fools " Evening topic , "How
Jesus Gives the History of the World. "
J vv. WALKER , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10 Preaching at n. Y/P. S. C. E at
7 Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 Morning
subject , "What We Love Most in God. "
| Evening theme. "The Common Problem ,
Yours , Mine , Everyone's. " All are wel
come W J. TURNER , Pastor.
MKTUODIST Sunday-school at
Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3 Epworth League service
at 7 Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible
study on Wednesday evening at 8 p m
Morning subject , "The Church and the
Masses. " Evening subject , "Relation of
the Saloon to the American Homes. "
All are welcome.
J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service at n. Junior Union
at 3 Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
at 8. Morning subject , "Communion
with the Unseen. " Evening theme ,
"The Testimony of Experience " All
are welcome. Sunday will cloce the
pastor's labors xvith the church
T L KETMAN , Pastor.
Remember the bazaar of the Ladies'
Aid society on Washington's birthday ,
February 22.
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will hold a social on the
I5th ot next month. Particulars later
All members of the Baptist church are
especially requested to be present at the
morning service , Sunday , January ,
to Jiear the report of the pulpit com
mittee and to vote upon a pastor.
F. 13. Thirkield , Health Inspector of
Chicago , says , "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot
be recommended too highly. It cured me of
severe dyspepsia" It digests what you eat
and cures indigestion , heartburn and all forms
of dyspepsia. D. W. Loar.
The report that an old maid was caught in
a "squeeze" in Wall street , last week , will no
doubt make that thoroughfare a favorite
promenade for other ladies in waiting.
The properties of Ballard's Sncnv Liniment
possess a range of usefulness greater than any
other remedy. A day seldom passes in every
household , especially where there are children ,
' that it is not needed. Price , 25 and 50 cents.
'A. McMillan.
"Otis will find that Aguinaldo is not a mossback -
back coward , " says an exchange. No. lie is
a hoss-back coward.
The greatest care should be given to
any little sore , pimple or scratch which
shows no disposition to heal under ordin-
AT CIQQT AQ ary treatment. No one can tell how soon these
Ml F InO I HO will develop into Cancer of the worst type.
So many people die from Cancer simply be-
RlfPRf- PIMP ! F cause they do not know just what the disease is ;
ill Lit C rillM LCOi thej * naturally turn themselves over to the doctors ,
and are forced to submit to a cruel and dangerous
operation the only treatment which tlie doctors know for Cancer. The disease
promptly returns , however , and is even more violent and destructive than
before. Cancer is a deadly poison in the blood , and an operation , plaster , or
other external treatment can have no effect whatever upon it. The cure must
come from within tlie last vestige of poison must be eradicated.
Mr. Win. Walpole. of Walshtown S. D. , says : "A
little blotch about the size of a pea came under my left
eye gradually growing larger , from which shooting pains
at intervals ran in all directions. I became greatly alarmed
and consulted a good doctor , who pronounced .it Cancer ,
and advised that it be cut out , but this I could not con
sent to. I read in my local paper of a cure effected by
S S. S. , and decided to try it. It acted like a charm , the
Cancer becoming at first irritated , and then discliarging
very freely. This gradually grew less and then discon
tinued altogether , leaving a small scab which soon drop
ped off. and now only a healthy little scar remains where
what threatened to destroy my life once held full sway. "
Positively the only cure for Cancer is Swift's Specific
because it is the only remedy which can go deep enough to reach the root of
the disease and force it out of the system permanently. A surgical operation
does not reach the blood the real seat of the disease because the blood can
r.zt be cut away. Insist upon S. 8. S. ; nothing can take its place.
S. S. S. cures also any case of Scrofula. Eczema , Rheumatism , Contagious
Blood Poison , Ulcers , Sores , or any other form of blood disease. Valuable
books on Cancer and Blood Diseases will be mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Georgia. ?
"For God , Home , and Native Land '
The last business ineeiinj , ' , held H
Mrs T. B. Campbell's , was quite well ai
tended , and an interesting session fol
lowed. To open a reading room for the
convenience of .the young men am
women who have no place to spend leis
ure hours was discussed , and a committee
appointed to investigate. This work
can be done only bv the cooperation o
the citizens and a helping hand from our
city council. Those who are interestet
in the welfare of the young in McCook
could in no wise do a more benevolent
act than to help promulgate the work o
sustaining the young and directing then
minds in a purer and nobler path , am
there is no better way than giving then
good , pure , classical literature to read
I trust that this work will meet with ap
* *
An important decision was recently
given by W. R. Jackson , superintendent
of the public schools system of Nebraska ,
in which he asserts that the teachers
may-read from the Bible as a part of the
exercises of the schoolroom. The grat
itude of all godly people should go out
to Mr. Jackson in his fidelity to the
truth of the scripture and the laws ol
our commonwealth.
* *
John Wesley's mother once wrote to
him when in college : "Would you judge
of the lawfulness or the unlawfulness ol
a pleasure , take this rule : Whatever
weakens your reason , impairs the tender
ness of your conscience , obscures your
sense of God , or takes off the relish of
spiritual things ; whatever increases the
authority of your body over your mind ,
that thing , to you is sin. "
* *
The Young People's Temperance Fed
eration has started a movement looking
toward establishing coffee houses as sub
stitutes for saloons in all parts of Chicago
cage A series of mass meetings have
been begun , and the federation expects
to publish a monthly magazine as a plan
for raising funds.
* *
The king of Pondoland , a country re
cently annexed to Cape Colony , has un
til recently been one of the most resolute
opposers of Christianity in South Africa.
The occasion of the king's change of
mind was the conversion of his great
chief officer , who had been a great
drunkard and polygatnist. On return-
inii to his home after his conversion , the
officer destroyed a large and varied col
lection of beer pots , and taking all his
wives but one apart , he made provision
for them and sent them back to their
Installation of Ofricers.
The installation of officers of the G. A.
R.and Ladies'Circle occurred on last Sat
urday afternoon. H. H. Berry was the
installing officer for the post and Mrs.
A. W. Utter for the circle. A splendid
banquet was spread immediately after
the installation.
The new post officers are : Lyniaii
Miller , P. C. ; W. S. Hitch , S. V. C. ;
John F. Porter. J. V. C ; Jacob SteSn-
metz , adjutant ; J. A. Wilcox , quarter
master ; Dr. A. P. Welles , surgeon ; H.H.
Berry , chaplain ; G. W. Dillon , officer of
day ; W. S. Hamilton , officer of guard ;
J. H. Yarger , sergeant major ; quarter
master's sergeant.
The officers of the circle for the ensu
ing year are : Mrs. A G Dole , president ;
Mrs. J. S. LeHew , senior vice-president ;
Mrs Lucretia Doll , junior vice-president ;
Miss Blanche Starr , secretary ; Mrs.
Mary Northrup , treasurer ; Mrs. V.
Franklin , chaplain ; Mrs. Henry Walker ,
conductor ; Mrs. S. L Green , assistant
conductor ; Mrs. Will Huber , inside
Ejuard ; Mrs. W. G. Dutton , outside
Killed Last Night
A cough. Loar's Cough Killer did it.
Try it.
The poultry association will meet in
H.H.Berry's office on the fitst Saturday
of February.
This paper and the great St. Louis
Semi-Weekly Republic for $1.75 a year.
McMillen's Cough Cure is sure.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Develop nun
den. nei v < . .it.
braliiM ; i lul ft U
u in. 'in of yuniM-it
Send for one of i m
Doctor's Qiictli > i
blanks. No nxi
iSexiliil weaU-
li e H 1 o r > t > ol
power , dnun'-
after stools , i r
mature discharge
Varlcocelecurcd erne
no charge. Where
you aie sufferiLsp
from effects of fell
a b u e VTG ai i-
pleased to say that
\ve are today ihc
only firm \vlio ciii
guarantee a ctin
with our Turkish I
\Ve never fail to cure n <
nritter us to age. Do not look further , us
Jc Mump will get our blank.
to cure : iny case. HO matter how seven1 or
lieu lotijrbtnndiufr. with Turkish Sypliili
cm i * . $2 hox. All condition ? changed. Write
or p'irt'ciihirs. Dept T
and Pennyroyal Pills bring
menstruation to the day.
Nerer fail. No Pain ; No
Disappointment. 31.0O
box ; 2 boxes cnre any
ca e no matter as to cause
Halm's Pharmacy ,
Dept. T. o
Omaha , - Nebraska
The Way to yo to California
Is in a tourist hleeper. personally con
ducted , vii ( the Burlington mn'r. You
don't change cars ; \oii srt.uir finest
.scenery on the globe ; yon i > ii > e fast
Your car is not so expensivelvfurnish
ed as H palace sleeper , hat it - just HB
comfnrtnhte , ju-t as good to rult m , and
nearl } ' $20 cheaper It has Ai 'e ' vesli-
liule.s. Pun soli .a- * , higli-h.ick seats , u
uniformed 1'ullman porter , ciemi hed-
ding , spacious toilet room * , tallies and a
healing range , liettig strongly and heav
ily runs smoothly is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of t-a h excursion part } is an
experienced excursion conductor , who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday , nrriving
in SHU Franiisco on the Mlowing Sun
day , Los Ang les on Monday only three
dajs from the Missouri rivet to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop ovrr of r
hours in Denver and 2 hours in Salt
Lake Cit } two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folders giving full particulars and
information call at any Burlington route
ticket office or write to
J. FRANCIS. G. P. A. , Ouiaha , Neb.
Five Cents a Copyi
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victoiious
navy. You can buy the entire Sf He1 ? oj
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This i
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
Do you take cold with
every change in the
weather ? Does your throat
feel raw ? And do sharp
pains dart through your
chest ?
Don't you know these are
danger signals which point
to pneumonia , bronchitis , or
consumption itself ?
If you are ailing and have
lost flesh lately , they are
certainly danger signals. The
question for you to decide is ,
Have I the vitality to throw
off these diseases ? ' '
Don't wait to try SCOTT'S
EMULSION "as a last re
sort. " There is no remedy
equal to it for fortifying the
system. Prevention is easy.
prevents consumption and
hosts of other diseases which
attack the weak and those
with poor blood.
the one standard remedy for
inflamed throats and lungs ,
for colds , bronchitis and con
sumption. It is a food medi
cine of remarkable po\v cr. A
food , because it nourishes the
body ; and a medicine , be
cause it corrects diseased
5oc. and $1.00 , all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New York
Social Conventions and Distinctions Are :
Disregarded In Thin Home of Culture
No straws of circumstance indicate
more truly the radical sincerity of the
Hull House settlement's views upon
social democracy than does the fact
that the ring of the door bell is quite
as likely to be answered by a universi
ty professor , a writer or a lecturer
whose name is known to the scholars
of the English-speaking world as by a
person in humbler position. The duty
of attendance upon the door is admin
istered with a disregard of social con
ventionality which affords an eloquent
introduction to the democratic spirit of ,
the pluce. The fact that the stranger
stands equal chance of being admitted
by Miss Adclams in person , or by a
"neighbor girl" who happens to be
within sound of the bell indicates both
the scope of the hospitality which
characterizes Hull House and the com
pleteness with which social distinc
tions have been obliterated in this
famous home of culture and democra
cy. It matters not into which room
the visitor is first ushered , the initial
impression of the place is generally a
recognition of the good pictures with
which the walls are everywhere hung.
These are palpably a part of the estab
lishment. Without them Hull House
would be less than itself , and there Is
not1 a painting , drawing , photograph or
print in those rooms which are open
to guests that is not significant of some
phase of the settlement's life. Each
has been thoughtfully chosen because
of special elements of fitness. Forrest
Crissey in "Woman's Home Companion.
'Most ' jx'nle apprvcrt > 1 tiling at a fair price , *
but iune few will i\\ - .1. tilings that cost the
motf HMIW. The u"i ! : -1 ifavorite soap of most
pen.i i ; . v ' . . -i fcvv JL - * high-priced toilet soaps
an.i ' . \ ymtrr' ; > & ' - ' " . * tliey cost more.
No s ) , , ) hv nir * * " y ' uJeHror is made of better
matei r ls , i ! ! v M
> : " " CHIT. PURE.
. . ,
cj.c : cinn\7i
NO'lK'i. K t , UHLi'VliON.
Lam ) Ollir at McCook , Ncbr.i Ki..J.muirj ; IK ,
! 9 < l. N'otico is liiT lit jrwn that the fnllowinK
M , i < - t r Iri filed notice of hi * intention
to make final proof in Mipport of hi * claim , and
. iinofill be made Ix'tor.- - -
HMD .u < i ( \ \ Ix'tor.HipsUr
.UK ! I i c. Ivor at McCook , Ni-bra k.i , on Satur-
tl.n. Ft-hniiirv 21 , I'M ) . M".John Luis , Hoino-
* t -ad Entrj No. J < XM ( ) for the e m > ' j p' . < cll of
s ction lil. to\\n > * hii > H. range * US w , lith I' . M.
lie names the following \ \ \\itnes-c"- prou * his
continuous nv-ii'i'iice upon anil ciiltivatioiKif ,
said landi iNVlon Down * . Ili-nrx Minors ,
Rudolph J'ntlolski. of McCoolv. N. hra-ku. and
Oliver Hillings of Danbnrj. Nebraska.
I-llH5t F M. K.viiusiN , If
Unit ( ! states L.iml Ollice , McCook , Nebraska ,
. .TiTniu\ , J1 ! ( . Notice is hrr.-ln niven that
John Hraim has filed notice of intention to make.
ilnal proof before Rppi tiT and Iff ceiver attheir
ollici * in McCook. \ > hr.i'-ka , on Saturda\ . the
Zltlitlarof Februarj. 1 ! > .X ) , on tmilxjr culture
apihcation No .1(5:51 ( : , for the iii1 * of section 8 , in
to\\n hipri n , raiiKett ) woi > t , (3 ( P. M. Ho names
asitiie < -ie . : Peter L. dimmer , Jacob Xinimer ,
Joseph Hore. Joseph Andriei-ki of Oboru ,
Nebraska. I-lD-Jt ( I ? . JI.
15 } virtue of an order of sale , issued from the
District rourt of Red Willow count ) , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nebraska
Loan and Triibt Compan\ plaintiff and John
W. llalletal. are defendant'- nnj directed
and delivered. I shall offer at public sale and
sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east
door of tin * court house , in McCook , Red Willow
count } . Nebraska , on the lllth da.of . Februarj ,
1PGO , at the hour of 1 o'clock , p. m. . the followinR
described real estate , to-vtit. The northwest
quarter of ' - . ction ten. in township two.iiorth. of
raiiKO twentjeight , we-'t of the Gth p. in. in Reil
Willow countNebraska. . Dated this nth daj
of .Tanuarv. 11KK ) . (5. F. KINC.HOUN , Sheriir.
Jacob 15ailo.l'Iaintiir . > Attoniej. 1-llKit.
Notice is herelj Kivn that the count } coin-
mi'.sioiiers of Red Willow count.v will receive
sealed bids for printing the commissioners * pro
ceedings , lejjal notices and dejinquent tax list
for the } ear 1KX ! ( . I'arty rpceiviiiff contract to
furnish Rood and ' -uUicieiit botid f < ; r the faithfnl
performance of said contract. Said bids to be
iiled with the count } clerk on or before noon of
the Sth da > of February , J'KIU.and to be endorsed
tliereon , 15id for the county printing for tlie
} ear 1900. Dated tliis llth da } of Januan , I'M ) .
l-iz lt. R. A. GKICN , C'ount.v Clerk.
In tie ! matter of the uecessar > expenses ilur-
iiiK the } ear , on motion the estimate for the
fame for the j ear was lixed as follows :
Count } General fund . $12.0GO ( X )
County KriilRi- fund . 6,000 00
Soldier's Relief . . r/JO 00
Willow Grove precinct . 2OU ) 00
Hartlfj Village bond . 500 ( JO
Count } Road fund :5,000 : ( It )
Count.v Rend fund . . H.OOO 00
North Valle } precinct . l.XX ( ) 00
McCook Cit } bond * . 2.00000
School Distriet bonds . . 7.000 ( X )
l-2Mt ( R. A. Gnnnv , Count } Clerk.
McCook , Neb. , Jauuar } 10.1WX ) .
State of Nebraska , Red Willow count } , KAt
a count } court held at the county court room in
and for said count.v , Jauuarj Oth , 1WXJ. Present.
[ } . S. Bishop , count } jndRt * . In the matter of
the estate of John Schilz. deceased. On reading
and flliut : the petition of MarSchilz , prainp
that administration of said estate may be grant
ed to her a administratrix. Ordered , that Jau
uar } 27th. A. D. 1POO , at one o'clock , p. in. , is as
signed for heariiifT said petition , when all per
sons interested in said matter may appear at a
count } court to be held in and for said county ,
and show cau e wh } the prapr of petitioner
should not be fir.mU'd : and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing there-
> f be fihen to all persons interested in said mater -
er by publishing a copy of this order in the Mc-
CqOK TKIIJUXJ : . a weekl } new-paper printed in
said counU. for three siicce-sive weeks' , prior to
t.iid da } of hearing. ( A true coin. )
[ Seal. ] l-12-It. ! G.S. BISHOP , County Judge.
In the district court of Red Willow count } ,
Nebraska. James K. P. Pine , plaintiff , vs. Dan
iel Mangus and Helen L. Mangus , his wife
Reinhold Gustaf'On and Mrv. Reinliold Gustaf
son , his wife ; Charles Fagorstrom and Mr.s.
CharlesFagerbtromhis wifoand John Doe , de-
fundants. The diifondants , Daniel Mangus and
Helen Mangus , his wife : Reinhold Gu.stafson
and Mrs. Reinhold Gustafson , his wife ; Charles
Facer-troiii and Mrs. Charles Fagerstrom , his
wife : the } , each , all , and ever > one of thom.will
take notice : That the plaintiff , James K. I *
I'ine. ( lid , on the20th day of October , 1MW. file
his | M tItion in the districi/court of Red Willow
county. Nebraska , against the iid defendants ,
the'object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain mortgage executed b } Daniel Mangus
and Helen L. Mangus , his wife , to the Guarantee
Loan A : Trust Company , on the northeast qunr
ter ( n. e. * ) of section thirty-ono fill ) , township
four ( t ) . range tweiitj-six (2tj ( ) , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , to secure the pa.unent of a
certain first mortgage bond in thu sum of seven
hundred fiftv ( § 7.V.00) ) dollars , < luo and payable
on the Jst day of March. IfetKJ. with interest
thereon in the first instance at the rate of seven
(7jp ( < 'r cent , and , upon default at maturity , then
to bear interest at the rate of ten (10) ) per cent
wliicli bond bore date March 1.188 , being duo
flu * j oar * from its date. That the said mort
gatre was Hied for record and recorded on the
2.5d da ) of March , 1888 , in book K5 , at page 287.
mortgage records of Red Willow count } , Nol > -
raska. That the said bond and mortgage were
afterwards assigned by the Guarantee Loan A
Trust Company of Kansas Cit } . Missouri , to the
plaintiff herein , Jame K. I' . Pine , and that the
said assignment was Iiled for record and record
ed Jnl } : i. 1.S97. in book 29 , at pace XSt , mortgage
records of Red Willow county , Nebraska. That
there is now duo and payable and unpaid upon
the said bond and mortgage the simi of 7.10 do !
lars for whichfeum , with interestfrom .March 1st.
1MK5. at 111 per cent , plaintiff prays a decree , and
that defendants be required to pay thosame.
or that , in default thereof , said premises ma\
be sold to satisfy the amount found due , and
that the other defendants herein be adjudged
and decreed to pay and discharge the -aid in
debtedne-s. You , and each of jou. an * required
toapjwar in said action and plead or answer
therein on or before the 1'Jth daj of Febriiar }
1900 , or the said ix'tition will bt * tiken as con
fessed and tlie court moved for the relief therein
praed. Dated January&th , 1000. 1-12-Jt.
M. A. HAUTIOAN , PlaintifFs Solicitor ,
Hastings , Nebraska.
Hurt G. Harden , defendant , will take notio-
that Marv B. Harden , plaintiff , has filed her
petition in the district , court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , against said defendant , tin
object and prajer of which are to obtain a
divorce from said defendant , on the ground of
non-supiK > rt , and plaintiff further asks that . * .
be restored to her former name , tow it : Mar } B
Defendant is further notified the plaintiff will
take the deposition of N. C. Niles to be used a-
evidence on the trial of the above entitled can-t
at the office of Albert Thompson in the city of
Fullerton , Nance county , Nebraska , on the'7tSi
day of February , 1000 , between the hours of ninu
a. m. and six p. m. of said day. '
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday , the 12th day of February , 1900.
Dated January 2nd , 1000.
1-llWts MAET B. HARDEN , Plaintiff
By vb. . Morlan , Her Attorney.
Umted States Land Oflice , McCook , Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land Oflice. under authority vested in him
by Section 2,433 , U. S. Rev. Stat. , as amended bv
the act of Congress , approved February 20.19.1 ,
wo will proceed to offer at public sale on the
23rd dav of February , next , at 1 P. jr. . at this
ofhce , the following tract of land , towit : The
south half of the northeast quarter , section
thirty-three , township one , north , range th rty ,
\veat Gth P. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tin-
above described land are advised to Hie their
claims in this office on or before the day al o\r
designated for the commencement of sa'idale
otherwise their rights will be forfeited.
Dated this 29th day of December , InOtt.
F. M. RATHHC.V , Register.
J-.i-Gts. J. A. PlPK-R. Receiver.
* "
* ITI D/llN T 4 - \ T IV T T ®
I Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5000