The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 19, 1900, Image 8

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Nothing elsa adds BO much
to the charm of the drawing
room or bondolr ft * the softly radi
ant IlKbt from CORDOVA Candles ,
Nothing wilt contribute more to the
ortlrttlo * acce H of the luncheon ,
tea or dinner. The bent decoratlre
candles for the slmpletit or the
root elaborate fnnction for cot-
tape or munition. Made In all colors
and the most delicate tints by
and sold ererywhero.
Tribune Clubbing List.
For convenience ot readers of THE TRin-
UNK , we have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereby
we can supply them in combination with THE
TRIUUNK at the following very low prices :
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and BoilerTrimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills. Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Telephone 44. P. O. Building
. . . . of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
All dental work done at our office is euar-
anteed to be first-class. We do all kinds of
Crown , Bridge and Plate Work. Dr. I. B.
Taylor , assistant.
B Agent of Lincoln Land Co. Office- -
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook , - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
12 years In Omaha nnd
in Nervoim. Chronic and
Private IMSKASKS of
: H All Private Diseases ind
enables us to enaranteo to
euro all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Chest
Stomach , Lifer , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseatoi
Lost Manhood , Nieht
Emissions , Hydrocole , Var
icocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Biles , Fistula and
Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes and * Bright's Disease.
" $100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON we cannot cure if curable
-Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination' and Consultation FKEE. Home
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
write thorn today P. O. Box 224. Ofllce
la Richards Klk. , llth it o. Lincoln , NeUr.
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. tn.
High mass aud sermon at 10:30 , a. m. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
REV. J. W. HlCKSY , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00 :
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each mouth.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at * 10 a. m.
Preaching service at n. Junior Union
at 3. Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
at 8. Morning subject , "Mutual Satis
faction. " Evening theme , "Stoning
Jesus. " All are welcome.
T KETMAN , Pastor.
CHRISTIAN Sunday-school at loa. m.
Preaching services at II a m. and 8 p
111. Junior Endeavor at 3 p. m. Prayer-
meeting on Friday evenings. All cor
dially welcome. Morning subject , "The
Five Fools " Evening topic , "How
Jesus Give's the History of the World. "
/ J. W. WALKER , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10. Preaching at 11. Y. P. S. C. E at
7 Preaching at 8. Prayer-meeting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 Morning
subject , "The Greatest of the Beati
tudes. " Evening theme , "Personality
Rectified. " All are welcome.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
METHODIST Sunday-school at 10 a.m.
Preaching at ir. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3. Epworth League service
at 7. Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible
study on Wednesday evening at 8 p m
Morning subject , "Witnessing to Christ. "
Evening subject , "A Busy Man. " All
are welcome. J. A. BADCON , Pastor.
The Ladies Aid society of the Metho
dist church will have their usual Wash
ington's birthday dinner , this year.
The Endeavorers luxuriated in one of
the society's popular "Good Time" so
cials , Monday evening , at the home of
the Misses Doan.
McCook Markets.
Corrected Friday morning.
Corn $ .26
Wheat .42
Oats 25
Rye 35
Hogs 4.00
Eggs 15
Butter 20
Potatoes 40
Butter fat at Creamery 18
Anna Loughran has sold lot 6 , block
18 , original town , to Mrs. Kate Esker-
son ; the price named is $ i.coo.
F. B. Thirkield , Health Inspector of
Chicago , says , "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot
be recommended too highly. It cured me of
severe dyspepsia" It digests what you eat
and cures indigestion , heartburn and all forms
of dyspepsia. D. W. Loan
The properties of Ballard's Snow Liniment
possess a range of usefulness greater than any
other remedy. A day seldom passes in every
household , especially where there are children ,
that it is not needed. Price , 25 and 5 ° cents.
A. McMillen.
SC C io Q Proaf fn Age does not necessarily mean
i Oi Oi IS Q UiCfJI 111 feebleness and ill health , and
nearly all of the sickness among
fllH Dnnnla If fihmo Thom older people can be avoided. Most elderly
Ulu rcULllbi II UIVuu I ilulli people are very susceptible to illness ,
but it is wholly unnecessary. By keep
ing their blood pure they can fortify themselves
New Blood and Life
, so as to escape three-fourths of the ailments
from which they suffer so generally. S. S. S. is
the remedy which will keep their systems young , by purifying the blood ,
thoroughly removing all waste accumulations , and impart
ing new strength and life to the whole body It increases
the appetite , builds up the energies , and sends new life-
giving blood throughout the entire system
Mrs. Sarah Pike. 477 Broadway , South Boston , writes :
"I am seventv years old , and had not enjoyed good health
for twenty years. I was sick in different ways , and in
addition , had Eczema terribly on one of my legs. The
doctor said that on account of my age , I Avould never be
well again. 1 took a dozen bottles of S. S. S. and it cured me
completely , and I am happy to say that
I feel as well as I ever did in my life. "
Mr. J. "W. Loving , of Colquitt. Ga. , says : "For eight
een years I suffered tortures from a ( fiery eruption on
my skin. I tried almost every known remedy , but they
failed one by one , and I was told that my age , which is
sixty six was against me , and that I could never hope
to be well again. I finally took S. S. S. , and it cleansed IB ( % $
my blood thoroughly , and now I am m perfect health.
is the only remedy which can build up and strengthen
old people.'because it is the only one winch is guaranteed
free from potash , mercury , arsenic and other damaging
minerals. It is made from roots and herbs , and has no chemicals whatever
in it. S S S. cures the worst cases of Scrofula , Cancer , Eczema. Rheumatism ,
Tetter , Open Sorea. Chronic Ulcers , Boils , or any other disease of the blood.
Books on these diseases will be sent free by Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta. Ga.
Brakeman F. D. Barney went to work
on Thursday.
Charles Milligan has moved his family
here from Oxford.
J. K. Couzins is now with the rock
gang up at Alliance.
Engines 340 and 343 have both been
taken to Havelock for repairs.
Extra Agents A. J. Zint and N. B.
Bush are both working at headquarters.
Clerk Matt. Lawritson drank in the
classic scenery of the Imperial line ,
Tuesday. ,
Mrs. Jack Cook returned to Oxford ,
last week , after visiting relatives here
for a few days.
The pay-checks gladdened the hearts
of the railroad boys by well lining their
pockets , last Friday evening.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes and Switch
man Utter enjoyed a hunt in the neigh
borhood of Bartley , yesterday.
Engineer and Mrs. C. K. Coleman
were guests of Fireman and Mrs. Otis
Shaffer lu Hastings , yesterday.
Brakeman W.C.Cox returnedWednes
day , from visiting his parents at Red
Cloud , and went to work , yesterday.
D. F. Shaw's house was quarantined ,
first of the week , on account of the
presence of diphtheria in the family.
Brakeman D. A. Bowen has taken a
lay-off of ten days and is enjoying a visit
in Waverly , Iowa , together with his
Ed Greshatn dropped a pinch-bar on
his ankle , Wednesday , and was disabled
on one side for a day or two on that ac
All freight cars must be equipped with
air-brakes and patent couplings by next
July 1st or another extension will have
to be granted.
Conductor A. G. Bump went over to
Oberlin , Kansas , yesterday , with his
step-father from Kansas City , with
whom he is enjoying a short lay-off.
High humanitarian "reasons" cost a
member of Charlie Ward's force his job ,
recently. It doesn't pay to be too tenderhearted
der-hearted and solicitous about another
fellow's wife.
Conductor John Morris and Conductor
C. W. Bronson will go down to Lincoln ,
tomorrow , to attend the O. R. C. con
vention. Conductor Epb. Benjamin will
go at the same time to attend a meeting
of the B. of R. T. Conductor Morris
will visit in Omaha , also , during his ab
"W. O. Simmons was quite seriously in
jured , last Friday , while throwing a
switch. He had not yet got the switch
thrown clear around when the engine
struck it and the bar flew back striking
him in the stomach. He has since been
completely disabled and is laying off in
consequence. Oxford Standard.
It is rumored J. H. McShane & Co. of
Omaha have been granted the contract
for grading for the Burlington extension
from the Platte river , Bridgeport , Ne
braska , to Brush , Colorado , a distance
of about lee miles , and that the work
will begiw soon and will be finished by
June next , ready for track-laying.
Supt. of Buildings James Rivett was
up from Lincoln , yesterday , overseeing
the progress of the work on the new ice
house and making calculations for be
ginning work on the new machine shop.
He says he will have 25 men at work on
that building , next week. The ice house
will be ready at least for the packing of
ice , next week , should the weather prove
favorable for that article of domestic
Alexander Stewart , who was once a
resident and property owner of this city ,
died at Hastings on Tuesday morning.
He was at one time an engineer on the
B. & M. and was in the big wreck at
Hubbel years ago. He lived at Wymore
for a number of years and while oil a
trip at Lincoln a year or so ago it was
discovered that he was mentally unbalanced - '
anced , he having a penchant at that
time of supplying his lady friends with
fine silk hosiery. Red Cloud Chief of
the I2th.
A dispatch from Cheyenne , Wyoming
last Thursday , to , a Denver daily , givf s
the following version of the accident to \
and death of Brakeman Emil Farmen ,
formerly of this place , but late of Den
ver : "Emil Farmen of Denver , a brakeman -
man on the Cheyenne & Northern , was
squeezed between the cars while making
a coupling at Wheatland , today. Far-
men was brought to Cheyenne on a
special train and died tonight. The
physicians say that they could find no
injuries that would cause death and it is
believed here that the shock caused by
Farmen's narrow escape from the wheels
caused his death. The remains will be
taken to Denver tonight by the widow
for interment. "
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per you may want. Try it.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
McMillen's Cough Cure is sure.
James Pardee vs. Katie E. Phillips ;
John E. Kelley vs. William A. Min- ?
niearetal. ; equity.
Start the Year Right.
By this we mean Unit if v m are not al
ready a Mib ori' ' et > < , Tlif Neliraskn State
Joiirwii \ < > u shnudl l -iiine- - one at once.
Tlit * Join UK ! is NViim-kn's itlil reliable.
Bein jw' ' ! he i . ' thf slate capital il
print1- more nt-ws of interest to Nebras-
ICHMS than HIIV otlu-r paper in the state.
Many of Us pilroi.- , have been subscrib
ers for over a < | iiirtJ-r of H century. The
Journal lias hmli up a tremendous busi
ness l > > its pnsti aii < lnergy and the pa
per stands at the- bend of the column.
Its dati > amlStMiili issues not only con
tain all the cnrr : > news of the world ,
but are filled Ait'i special features. The
Semi- ei klv Journal , which by many i
called "tnt : ( aniif-- * daily , " gives 104
piper * a \ ear for $ r.oo am ) i * one of the
greatest bargain- , ever offered readers.
Tile year 1900 will * record-breaker
with The Journal , as 1899 has been. Join
the army of readers for the coining pres
The Way to tro to California
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , vi.i me Burlington route. You
ilou't change rarsou see the finest
bcenerj mi the lobe ; you make fast
Your ca is not so expensively furnish
ed a * a palace sleeper , but it is just as
comforiiiiile , just ur > good to ride in , and
nearly $20 cheaper It has wide vesti
bules , Pintsch as , high-back seats , a
uniformed Pullman porter , clean bed
ding , spacious toilet room > , tables aud a
heating range. Being Mroiijjly aud heav
ily built , it runs .suioothh is warm in
winter and cool in summer.
In charge of ea h excursion party is an
experienced exclusion conductor , who
accompanies it right through to Los
Cars leave OiualiM. St. Joseph , Lincoln
and Hastings verj Thursday , arriving
in San Francisco on the following Sun
day , Los Angles on Monday only three
drt\sfrorn the Vli-soun rivei to the Pa
cific coast , including a stop-over of i
hours in Denver and 2 hours in Salt
Lake City two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folders giving full particulars and
information call at any Burlington route
ticket office or write to
J. FRANCIS. G. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
A Lesson to Boys.
Some small boys were up on the car
pet before his honor , Judge Bishop , this
xveek.for using a"tick-tack"arrangement
on the Phillips building to the detri
ment and damage of the fine plate glass.
The boys got off with a lecture , but a
repetition will be properly punished.
The average young America needs to be
firmly taught a proper respect for prop
erty , and if parents fail to inculcate this
necessary lesson , it becomes the painful
duty of the officers of the law to teach it.
Five Cents a Copy :
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and they are only a
few sets left.
| Babies and children need ]
| proper food , rarely ever medi-1
? cine. If they do not thrive |
I on their food something is 5
j wrong. They need a little |
J help to get their digestive T
? machinery working properly. |
I will generally correct this i
] difficulty. I
I If you will put from onej j
| fourth to half a teaspoonful f
\ in baby's bottle three or four I
i times a day you will soon see i
| a marked improvement. For }
f larger children , from half to |
1 a teaspoonful , according to
I age , dissolved in their milk , |
f if you so desire , will very j
I soon show its great nourish-1
I ing power. If the mother's |
Ijmilk does not nourish the !
baby , she needs the emul-1
sion. H will show an effect j
at once both upon mother
land child.
500. and $1.00 , ill druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , New Yorki
* ff * T *
The many uses to which Ivory Soap is applicable , make it an
economical as well as a valuable soap. Spots on clothing are quickly
and easily removed by an application of the foamy lathe'r of Ivory
Soap with a dampened cloth and a brisk rubbing. Ivory Soap cuts
the grease and leaves the surface rubbed perfectly clean. Be sure you
use Ivory Soap , or the remedy may be worse than the grease spot.
. .
f *
ft #
ftft *
ftft #
5 *
i ?
ft Paid Up Capital , § 50,000. Surplus , $5.000
= DIRECTORS = ttft
In the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska. James K. P. Pine , plaintiff , vs < . Dan-
el MaiiKiis and Helen L. Man im , his wife ;
Reiuliold Gnstaff on nnd Mrs. Reinliold Gustaf-
son , bis wife ; Charles FaRcrstrom and Mrs.
Jharlcs Facerstrom , his wife : and John Doe. de-
> : ndant . llw defendants , Daniel Mangus and
[ lelen Man ns his wife : Reinliold Guhtafsou
ind Mrs. Reinliold Gu tafson , his wife ; Charley
ifaRcrstrom and Mrs. Charles FaRorstrom , bis
wife ; they , each , all. and every one of themwill
take notice : That the plaintiff , James K. P.
Pine , did , on the20th day of October , 1899. file
ii petition in the district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , against the t-aid defendants ,
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
i certain mortfrace executed by Daniel Mantis
ind Helen L. ManRiis , his wife , to the Guarantee
Loan < k Trust Company _ , on the northeast quar-
.er in. e.lil of tection thirty-one OH ) , town hip
'our (4) ( ) . range twenty-six (2tf ( ) , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , to secure the payment of a
certain first mortgage bond in the sum of POVCII
mudred fifty i7.TXOO ( ) dollars , due and payable
m tbo 1st day of March , 1SK1 , with interest
.horeon in the first instance at the rate of teven
7)per ) cent , and , upon default at maturity , then
: o bear interest at the rate of ten UO ) per cent ;
vbicli bond bore date March 1 , Ihrti. beintj due
Ivejearfcfrom its date. That the said mort-
ace was filed for record and recorded on the
id day of March , lbS8. in Ixvok 13 , at pa e 2.H7 ,
nortgace records of Red Willow county , Neb
raska. That the said bond and mortgage were
Tfterwards assigned by the Guarantee Loan < fc
Trust Company of Kansas City. Missouri , to the
ilaintiff herein , Jame K. P. Pine , and that the
aid a&sicmnent was filed for record and record-
d July :5.1897 : , in book 29 , at paw . > U , mortgage
records of Red Willow county , Nebraska. That
hero is now duo and payable and unpaid upon
lie said bond and mortgage the um of 7. )0dol-
ars for which sum , with interest from March 1st.
MM , at 10 per cent , plaintiff prays a decree , and
tliat the defendants be required to pay thosame ,
or that , in default thereof , said premi'-eij may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due , and
that the other defendants herein be adjudged
and decreed to pay and di = charge the "aid in
debtedness. You , and each of you. are required
to apj > ear in said action and plead or answer
therein on or before the 19th day of February ,
1900 , or the said petition will be taken as con-
fe.od and the court moved for the relief therein
prayed. "Dated January Sth , 1900. 1-12-U.
M..A. HAETIGAN , Plaintiff's Solicitor ,
Hastings , Nebraska.
EO VD NO : { ( : { .
To Randolph L. Billiard. Josephine B. Hammond
mend , Alfred Reed and to all whom it may con
cern :
The board of countv commi * = ionprs have ea-
tablished and ordered opened a road commenc
ing at the southeast corner of section 21 , in
Valley Grange precinct. Red Willow county ,
Nebraska.- running thence west % mile on sec
tion line , thence north S rods , thence west 20
rods , thence northwest 15 rods , thence west 18
rods , thence southwest SI rods to section line
between sections 24 and 2. in said precinct ,
thence west on section line , terminating at
southwest corner of section 21 in said precinct ,
and all objections thereto orclaims for damages
must be filed in the county clerk's office on or
before noon of the 21th day of February. A. D.
1900 , or said road will be established without
reference thereto. 12-22-41.
R. A. GEEEV , County Clerk.
EOAD NO 341.
To Valentine Bogle , John Stansbury , Wm. P.
Clark , Lemira M. Beaty , Geo. T. Taylor , James
Cody , Walter M. Sheppard , William Gingericb ,
Sarab E. Hoagland and to all whom it may
concern :
The board of county commissioners have es
tablished and ordered opened a road commenc
ing at the southwest corner of section 12 , in Box
Elder precinct , Red Willow countv , Nebraska ,
running thence east on section line 4 miles ,
terminating at southeast corner of section 928 ,
west 6 p. m.and all objections thereto or claims
For damages must be filed in the county clerk's
affice on or before noon of the 24th day of Febrn-
iry. A. D. 1900 , or said road will be established
without reference thereto. 12-22-4t.
R. A. GEZEN , County Clerk.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of
the brave General Burnham of Machias , Me. ,
when the doctors said she could not live tih
morning" wiites Mrs. S. II. Lincoln , who at
tended her that fearful night. "All thought
she must soon die from pneumonia , but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery , saying
it had more than once saved her life , and had
cured her of consumption. After three small
doses she slept easily all night , and its further
use completely cured her. " This marvelous ,
medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat ,
chest and lung diseases. Only 5oc and Si OO
Trial bottles free at McConnell & Berry's.
G.H.Appleton. justice of peace , Clarksburg ,
N. J. , says , "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills made for constipation. We use
no others. " Quickly cure all liver and bowel
troubles. D. W. Loar.
Hurt G. Harden , defendant , will take notice
that Mary B. Harden , plaintiff , hasfilcrl her
petition in the district court of Red Willow
county , Nebraska , against said defendant , the
object and prayer of which are to obtain a
divorce from said defendant , on the- ground of
non-support , and plaintiff further asks that shi.
be restored to her former name , to wit : Marv B
Defendant is further notified the plaintiff will
take the deposition of N. C. Niles to be u.sed a"
evidence on the trial of the above entitled cause
at the ofhceof _ Albert Thomp.-on in the city of
Fullerton , Nance county , Nebraska , on the 7th
day of February , 1000 , between the hours of nine
a. m. and six p. m. of said day.
iou are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday , the 12th day of February , 1000
Dated January 2nd , 1900.
HARDEN , Plaintiff.
. b. Morlan , Her Attorney.
Umted States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska
Notice is hereby given that in pur.-n.iuce of
instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
oral Land Office , under authority vested in him
by Section 2.4.V , U. S. Rev. Stat. , as amended by
trie act of Congress , approved Febmarv 2'j. lS9 = i
we will proceed to offer at public sale on the
! rd dav of February , next , at 1 v. M. . at thi-
otlice , the following tract of land , towit : Tim
south half of the northeast quarter , section
thirty-three , township one , north , range thirtj
west fatli i. 31 ,
Any and all persons claiming adrer = elv the
above described land are advised to file 'their
claims in this office on or before the day above
designated for the commencement of said sale
otherwise their rights will be forfeited
Dated this 29th dav of December , 1M < 9.
F1 RATHBt.sRegister.
- ? - , Register.
, - - ,
lCts. . J. A. PIPEE , Receiver.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , s * .
At a county court , held at the county court
fin'nn ! ! and fo .SUd county. January 2nd. A. D.
1900. Present , G. S. Bishop , county judge. In
the matter of the estate of Henry Colling de
ceased. On reading and filing the petition of
Peter H. Colling , praying that the instrument
nled on the 2nd day of January , 1900. and pur
porting to be the la t will and testament of the
said deceased , may be proved , approved , probated -
bated , allowed , and recorded as the las > t will and
testament of the said Henry Colling , deceased ,
ana that the execution of said instrument mar
be committed and the administration of < said
estate may be granted to Catherine Colling
executrix. Ordered , that January 20 , A. D. 1000
at 1 o clock p. m. . is assigned for hearing said *
petition , when all persons interested in Paid
matter may appear at a county court to be held
in and for said county , and show cause why tha
prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof , be given to allpersons in
terested in saidi patter by publishing a copy of
this order in The McCook TribuneT a weeklv
newspaper printed in said county , for three suc
cessive weeks , prior to said day of hearing.
( A true copy. ) G. S. BISHOP , County Judge. Y
IbEAL.J 1-Wts ,