\ HIS WORD OF HONOR , I A Tale of the Blue and the Gray BYE. WERNER. Copyright , IBM , by Robert Bonnor'n Sons. -S fe S - CHAPTER VI. ( Continued. ) "I fear It will be of little service to the prisoner. There Is so much bit terness against the enemy that the mere suspicion of his having come as a spy will suffice to bring the most severe sentence the court-martial can impose. In the interest of our safe ty , I felt compelled to give you the Information and urge the arrest of the suspicious person. " "And I have fulfilled your request , as duty required. My opinion of it we.need not discuss. Only I desire to remind you that I have given Lieu tenant my word of honor that he shall have honorable treatment. I ehall hold you responsible for every insult that is offered him. " Edward shrugged his shoulders and tried to assume a scornful manner. "You don't seem able to show your prisoner sufficient respect and indul gence. No one intends to insult him. I shall confine myself to preventing jmy effort to escape , which is always possible. You -most positively refus ed to adopt any further precautions. " "Of course I did. Captured officers are not gagged ; that is a measure fit only for spies or traitors. " Edward Blenched his teeth. The glance with which he surveyed the captain was full of menace ; but Wil son only smiled contemptuously. "Farewell , Harrison. The object for which you summoned me here is prob ably baffled ; and after what I have learned today I can only congratulte J iss Harrison. I again request that the prisoner shall be neither molest ed nor insulted until the escort ar rives. " He bowed as coldly and formally as before , and left the room. Harrison did not return the salute , but gazed mutely and gloomily after his former i friend , who now turned from him with undisguised contempt. The act which ft ; swer , but a sharp , keen glance rested on the speaker. "Unfortunately , that was to be ex pected. But as you are so well in formed , I presume I am not mistaken In supposing that I have met Doctor " Blackwood ? " „ "Doctor Blackwood of course , " re turned the stranger , with the same brevity. "And to whom have 1 the honor " "My name is Thompson. I am a justice of the peace in the city , and a friend of your colleague. Doctor Green. He told me yesterday that you had been summoned for consultation , and that he was going with you to Springfield. But you are alone , I see. " "Yes. Doctor Green was detained by an extremely critical case , and can not leave town today , so I set off alone. These confounded military dis turbances ! Not a vehicle could be had in the whole city. I was oblig ed to ride in this scorching heat. " "May I offer you a seat in my car riage ? " asked the magistrate cour teously. "My companion can take your horse. " "I thank you. Don't trouble your self. I'll keep up with the carriage. " Mr. Thompson , who was evidently glad to find some one with whom he could chat away the weary hours , or dered the driver to proceed more slow ly , and an animated conversation was soon in full course. The old gentle man did not perceive that it consist-- eJ almost exclusively of questions which he answered. He did this , how ever , very eloquently , and was much pleased with his new acquaintance. "Yes , I was summoned for consul tation , " said the physician. "Doctor Green has no doubt about the case , but the patient " He paused , apparently seeking just the right words. i. CHECKED HIS HORSE. the wildest jealousy had led him to commit already showed to him a very different face than at the first moment of gratified revenge. What had he gained by it ? Florence was forever lost to him , for she knew as well as Roland himself who had been guilty of this deed of treachery. Her father was no longer able to exert any con trol over her or make any bequest in favor of his nephew who , with his daughter's hand , was to receive all the rights of heirship and now possessed no legal claims. Nothing "was left save vengeance on the hated rival , l and this vengeance , at least , should be wreaked. CHAPTER VII. A horseman , who was evidently a stranger jto the road , was trotting to ward Springfield. He scanned every o"bject very closely , and sometimes even seemed doubtful concerning the direction to pursue. He wore civil ian's dress , a gray summer suit suit ed to the climate. Now , at a point where the road branched in two direc tions , he checked his horse irresolute ly , pondered a few minutes and then waited for a carriage approaching him from behind. It was a light open ve hicle , occupied by two gentlemen. The stranger , bowing , said : "Pardon me. I am on my way to Springfield , and don't know whether the left. Perhaps to turn to the right or haps you will be kind enough to in form me ? " "You must take the right-hand one , the two a lit sir , " said the older of , tle' withered man , with gray hair. Springfield , too ; to "But we are going and if you will join us you cannot miss the road. " "With pleasure. J should not like as I am in a , to go out of my way The * rider urged his horse to a faster in order not to er trot as he spoke , fall behind the carriage. The old -entleman eyed him curiously. " " repeated. ? he -You are in a hurry things are very bad at I suppose ? " the laconic an- / , " had ! was "Poor Mr. Harrison ! " observed the justice. "Yes poor Mr. Harrison ! You know him , too ? " "Certainly ; he always spends half the year at Springfield with his charm ing daughter. It is hard for the young lady that her wedding should take place under such sorrowful circum stances. " The physician started. Again a swift , searching glance scanned the old gentleman's face. "Wedding ? At her father's sick bed ? " "That is the reason. He probably knows that the end of hjs life is approaching preaching , and wishes first to place his daughter in her husband's arms. At least that is what Mr. Edward Harrison risen told me when he asked me to perform the marriage ceremony at Springfield. Under the circumstances , I could not refuse , and am on my way there. " "Edward Harrison ? A relative of the sick man , I suppose ? " "His nephew , and , through this wed ding , also his heir. Miss Florence is the only child. " "But this haste is incomprehensi ble ! " said the physician , whose lips curled in a smile of cutting sarcasm. "I heard from my colleague that but a short time ago the young lady was bound by other ties. " "Yes , I have heard so , too. Some romantic youthful love affair , which probably was not meant to be taken seriously. The lover , a young officer , is said to have entered the Union army , which , of course , ended the mat ter. At any rate , the -young lady will be Mrs. Harrison this evening , if God so wills. " "Certainly if God so wills. " The tone was so peculiar that even unsuspicious Mr. Thompson noticed iL "What did you mean , sir ? " he asked. "Nothing especial ; I merely repeat ed your pious words. " The mansion of Springfield was now visible in the distance ; they were al ready driving through the plantation. The justice of the peace availed him self of the opportunity to dwell upon Mr. Harrison's wealth , discussed the possible losses which the war might inflict upon his property and express ed his belief that a large portion ol his fortune was invested elsewhere. The doctor listened attentively , but this did not prevent his scanning the vicinity still more closely than be fore. He seemed trying to fix every bend in the road , every distant land mark upon his memory , and the house with its doors and terraces received the same scrutiny. "A fine estate , " he said. "Do you think its vicinity to the city will af ford it protection ? I have the con trary opinion , for it is an open se cret that the march of the Union forces is directed here. " . "Impossible ! How do you know ? " cried Thompson , starting from his corner of the carriage in terror. "I heard it on my journey to the city. " "I heard , on the contrary , that their march was southward , otherwise I cer tainly should not have left town. " The doctor smiled mischievously at the timid little gentleman , who had turned pale with fright. ' "Why , the troops will not interfere with a justice of the peace. At the utmost , you could only be obliged to unite some loving couple within the enemy's lines , in the bonds of matri mony. " "Jest as much as you choose , " said Thompson , angrily. "I want nothing to do with the enemy. At any rate , I'll inquire about that rumor , and , for the present , remain in the city , which can only be taken by a regular siege. " The carriage now stopped at the house , the gentlemen alighted , and the doctor dismounted from his horse , throwing the bridle to a negro who hurried up. i 'Don't unsaddle my horse , " he said , carelessly. "I must go back to the city as quickly as possible , and at any ratQjshall leave before the other gen tlemen. " He let the two men precede him and lingered , as if by accident , on the steps , looking after the servant. An unmistakable expression of sat isfaction flitted over his face as he saw that the animal was led to a stable close by the house. Edward Harrison received the new arrivals , and the loquacious Mr. Thompson instantly presented Doctor Blackwood , sparing the latter any ex planation by relating in detail the cause of Doctor Green's absence. Then he introduced his clerk , a pale , ef feminate fellow , whose manner was excessively timid and deferential , and of whom no notice whatever was tak en. Meanwhile , during the last half hour Edward had had time to regain his composure. These visitors must , of course , obtain no glimpse of the ca tastrophe which had happened here. He expressed in courteous phrases his regret for having troubled the magistrate in vain , his uncle's condi tion had changed so suddenly for the worse that it was impossible to have the wedding take place that day. Miss Harrison was in a state of the ut most anxiety and excitement. Then , turning with the same courtesy to the physician , he added : "You are welcome. Doctor Blackwood - wood , though I fear you can give us no consolation. We were prepared for the worst long ago , yet a physician's presence is always a satisfaction. I suppose Doctor Green has told you about the case ? " "Yes , " replied the doctor , whose sharp keen eyes raised steadily on the young man's face. "So I should like to go to the sick room at once. Pray , don't trouble yourself. I prefer to see the patient first alone , and will then inform you of the result of my exam ination. " ( To be continued. ) Self-Mastery. He who has mastered himself , who is his own Caesar , will be stronger than his passion , superior to circum stances , higher than his calling.greater than his speech. Self-control is the generalship which turns a mob of raw recruits into a disciplined army. The rough man has become the polished and dignified soldier ; in other words , the man has got control of himself and knows how to use himself. The human- race Is under constant drill , says 0. S. Marden in the St. Louis Re public. Our occupations , difficulties , obstacles , disappointments , if used aright , are the great schoolmasters which help us to possess ourselves. The man who is master of himself will not be a slave to drudgery , but will keep in advance of his work. He will not rob his family of that which is worth more than money or position ; he will not be the slave of his occupa tion , not at the mercy of circumstances. His methods and system will enable him to accomplish wonders , and yet give him leisure for self-culture. The man who controls himself works to ! ive , rather than lives for work. Inccrsoll Floored. Robert G. Ingersoll was not always Lhe tactful lawyer he became In his maturity. Early in his career he found himself as counsel for the defense in i murder case , with a fussy old doctor is principal witness against him. Fhinking he saw a chance to be bril- iant he sarcastically proceeded to bully the witness by commenting upon lectors' mistakes. "Doctors make as few mistakes as lawyers , " asserted the aid man. "A doctor's mistakes are ouried six feet under ground , " was the reply. "Yes , but a lawyer's mistakes ire hung as many feet above the ground , " was the reply , "and that is ust the difference. " The jury saw the wint , and"Ingersoll lost the case. It is understood that the German government will at once take steps tc make the islands ceded to it under the Samoan agreement a strong ru.val and strategical base. Special officers have already been nominated 10 go out tc organize a system of defense works to prepare plans for. an arsenal and c coaling and ship repairing depot ; and it is believed that ? 150,00 > will be ex pended in the cours of the coming year. Exercise and study keep the muscles and brain from stiffening , love keeps the heart from hardening. Hulf Kates South via Omalin and 8t LutiU und Wulmxli ICouteK. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month the. above lines will sell home- aeekers tickets to southern points for one fare ( plus ? 2.00) ) round trip. WINTER TOiJRIox RATES now on sale to Hot Springs , Ark. , and all the winter resorts at greatly RE DUCED RATES. Remember the 0. & St. u. and Wa- liash , the shortest and quickest route to St. Louis. Remember the O. & St. L. and 0. . TV. C. & E. is the shortest route to Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas City and the south. For rates , sleeping car accommoda tion nnd all information ca \ at the QUINCY ROUTE OFFICE. 1415 Far- nam St. ( Paxton Hotel block ) or write Harry E. Moores , City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Omaha , Neb. The Chicago Tribune says that James A. Allen of Palmyra , Wis. , who is now finishing his fifteenth consecu tive year as justice of the peace in that city , is entitled to wear the belt as the champion officeholder. Until the Grant administration Mr. Allen was a consistent republican. Since that time he has voted the democratic tick et , but the change in his politics made no difference in his success at the polls. In fact , he is so popular that for years he has been unanimouslv nominated by both parties. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. A striking use of the X rays is to be made in the case of two sisters who are joined together in the same manner as the celebrated Siamese twins. These girls were recently dis covered in Brazil and have reached the age of 10 years. The examina tion with the X rays is to be made with a view of determining whether the bond joining the two bodies can bo severed by a surgical operation. New Inventions. In order to increase the life of the type in typewriters a Philadelphia inventor - ventor covers the same with a flexible sheathing. To expeditiously turn the logs as they are being sawn into boards a Min- J nesota inventor has arranged - ranged a pivoted serrated - ed sector which is steam operated and held adjustable adjacent to the log so that the log may be rais ed , lowered or turned so that any thickness of board may be quickly sawn off. To prevent waste of water in flush ing tanks a Massachusetts inventor provides an ordinary cock with a drip return pipe so that the water not ac tually used to operate the float is re turned to the tank. To prevent the explosion of gasoline in ordinary oil cans a Pittsburg in ventor has provided the Fame with a safety attachment so that he now plac es upon the market a non-explosive oil can. In order to facilitate the transmis sion of coins and valuables through the mails a Massachusetts inventor pro vides an ordinary envelope with a de tachable pocket which is removably secured within the envelope and cov ered by the gummed flap thereof. Parties desiring free information as to the best method of procuring pat ents or introducing new inventions should address Sues & Co. , Patent Law yers , Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturers of structural iron say that within a short time all the more costly private houses , at least in the cities , will abandon wood , except for the most trivial use , and will make iibe of structural iron for the frame work and the beams that support the flooring. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Grant Allen's whimsically clever ad vice , "Don't take to literature if you have capital enough to buy a good broom and energy enough to annex a vacant street crossing , " does not seem to have carried much weight with his own son , Grant Allen , jr. , who is now connected with a London publishing house. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. Hiram Maxim first turned his atten tion to gun making in a very small way so late as 1664 , yet today his firm employs more than 14,000 men. The Health and Pleasure Resorts Of Texas , Mexico , Arizona and Cali fornia are quickly and comfortably reached via the Southern Pacific Com pany's Sunset Route. Daily through service from New Orleans to San Francisco via Houston , San Antonio , El Paso and Los Angeles. Special semi-weekly service , Sunset Limited from New Orleans Mondays and Thursdays , composed of Buffet Smok ing Car , containing Bath Room and j Barber Shop , Drawing Room Compart ment''Car , regular Pullman Sleepers , and Dining Car ( meals a la carte ) , all of the latest design and most luxuri ously appointed. Direct connections made at New Orleans from all points North and East. Detailed informa tion cheerfully furnished by W. G. Neimyer , G. W. A. , So. Pac. Co. , 238 Clark St , Chicago ; W. H. Connor , Com'l Agt , Chamber Commerce Bldg. , Cincinnati , O. , W. J. Berg , Trav. Pass. Agt. , 220 Ellicott Square , Buffalo , N. Y. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. It is strange that we have such a horror of death , and yet find sweet ness in sleep which suspends life. A correspondent ol the London Tinies , who claims exceptional oppor tunities for knowing , leaves nothing whatever of virtue or Intelligence to the Boers. He says : "I know the Boers , root and branch , stock , loci : and barrel . . . and with all this knowledge of them my estimation IB t'at they are the craftiest , moat hypo critical , most dishonest , most untruth ful , crudest , most ignorr.nt , most over bearing , most immoral and stupidest race of white people in the world. " Every woman who is in love , unless she is enough that way , becomes an amateur detective. Hall Caine has taken a magnificent flat in Rome and intends passing the winter there. There have been indi cations for ome time past that he is making a close study of the condition of Roman life , with a view to repro ducing it in a novel. There U a dam of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been planed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-0 , made of pure grains , that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress , and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink It with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-0. He is deaf indeed to whom the grave has not spoken words unforgotten. Kelliihlo Help Wunted 'Hither sex. ) Toe Ilinnanlturlim Home nnd Sanitar ium for Invalids nnd Health Seskern. Incorporated. Send 1'jr In stiimpii for lull Information. AcMrcxitJ. II. Tcltlebaum , Treasyrer , Eaxt I.a * Veens , N. M. There are at least as many men iu a man as there are ages in his life. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrap. For children teething , softcni the Rums , rcilucep In flammation , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23cu bottle. Non-resistance to injustice is noth ing short of complicity. The Larccxt in the World. . Walter , Ituhcr A Co. Ltd. . Dnrrlicvtrr. Mapn..are - " - - $ . of Cocoa and Chocolate In the world. A policeman travels his beat and the hobo beats his travel. THE GRIP CDHE THAT DOES CURE. Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets removes the cause that produces L.i Grippe. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Blasted hopes often result from ex ploded theories. Important Inventions. Patents have been allowed upon ap plications prepared and prosecuted by us for interesting subjects as follows : To C. W. Cross , of Grinnell , for an auxiliary air heater adapted to be con nected with a stove in such a manner that it will receive and direct the pro ducts of combustion and aid in warm ing and circulating air in a room , as required to maintain a miform tem perature , by admitting cool air at its botom , heating it and discharging it at us top. An undivided half is assigned to W. S. More of same place. To J. Morgan , of Atlantic for a plant planting machine adapt. " ! to be ad vanced across a field by horses to set out cabbage and tobacco plant.s in rows at regular distances apart. A boy on the machine hands plants in succession to automatic pJant holders on a wheel and as the wheel revolves it places the plants in a furrow in ad vance of the wheel by a furrow opener and furrow closers immediately cover the roots and rollers pack the ground around the roots. An undivided half has been assigned to E. Whitney , of Chicago. Printed consultation an'l advice free. THOMAS G. ORWIG & CO. , Registered Patent Attorneys. Des Moines , Iowa. Dec. 27 , 1899. "Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal. Grief and hate at their height arc silent. Breeding and Feeding in Human Intestines. A New Powerful Germ Destroyer Discov ered-How Microbes Are Killed While You Sleep. Millions of microbes. b.c-tera ! , pto maines , disease-germs of every kind live and breed and Iced in the stomach and bowels. For their propagation it is onlv neces sary for the liver and intestines to be come lazy and operate irregularly. Modern science has been at work to find a means of killing microbes , and the most successful germ destroyer of all is Cas- carcts Candy Cathartic. They slaughter bacteria wherever they tind them , are an tiseptic , stop sour stomach , make the liver lively , the blood pure , the bowels regular , everything as it should be. Go buy and try Cascarets to-day. It's what they do , not what we say they'll do , that proves their merit. All druggists. lOc. 25c. or 50c , or mailed for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address , The Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago ; Montreal , Can. ; or New York. This is the CASCARET tab let. Kverv tablet of the only genuine Cascarets bears the magic letters "C C C. " Look at the tablet before you buy , and beware of frauds , imita tions and substitutes. LflPORTE Situated on Gal- vestpn Bay , is destined to be the HOST PROSPEROUS CITY on the Gulf of Mexico It possesses unexcelled NATURAL advantages which doupled with the BACKING of weal thy and intluentiiu men assures a.bnlliant future. The | U. S. Government is now spending a large amount of money in Harbor improvement * . La Porte is the natural seaport for the pro- i ducts-'of the entire Middle , Koi them and We&t- i ern States and for Houston , the great railroad. > center of Texas. ' Excursions at reduced rates will be run twice a ' month. Write for FREE HAPS , DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE and full particular , to ! AMERICAN LAND CO. , 188 Madison St. , - - CHICAGO of acres of choice agri cultural LAND now- opened for settlement in Western Canada. Here is crown the cel ebrated XO. 1 HARD WHEAT , which brtags the highest price in the markets of the world , thousands of cattle are fattened for market % vithout being fed grain , and without a day's shelter. Send for informa tion and secure a free home in Western Canada. Write the Superintendent of Immigration , Ot tawa , oraddress the undersigned , who will mail vou atlases , pamphlets , etc. , free of co ; t , W. V. Bennett Ht ) N. V. Life Building. Omaaa. Xeb. [ Thompsons Eye Wafer , Tlio Ij n < l of llrnad nml llntton Is the title of a new Illustrated pamph let just Issued by the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway , relating more especially to the land along the now line It Is now building through Bon Homme and Charles Mix counties in South Dakota. It will be found very Interesting reading. A copy will bo to" mailed free on receipt of 2-cent stamp for postage. Address Geo. H. Hcafford , General Passenger Agent , Chicago , 111. We kill ourselves with either worker or idleness by our vices and pleasure ; gorged or starved , our end is nearly always simple suicide. / am Past 80 and Not a Gray Hair " I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor\for a great many years , and although I am past eighty years of age , yet I have not a gray hair in my head. " Gco. Ycl- lott.Tjowson , Md. , Aug. 3,1899. ave You Lost It ? "We mean all that rich , dark color your hair used to have. But there is no need of mourn ing over it , for you can find it again. Aycr's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. We know exactly what we are say ing when we use that "word " always. " It makes the hair grow heavy and long , too : takes out every bit of dandruff , and Stops fall ing of the hair. Keep it on your dressing table and use it every day. ji.co a bottle. AH Write the Doctor If jou < lo not obtain.ill the benefits you do.sire from the use of the Vij ; < ir , write the loctorul > out it. He will tell you just the right thing to doand will send you his book oil the Hair and Scalp if jou request it. Address , Dr. J. ( ' . AVEK , Lowell , Mass. TRADE MARK ! * < * < J 2 REQUIRES ' * * ' * HKXK C3J.JRS AN3 CUTf WHEfJ rresTB3usrrKEv _ „ FCRLAUNOHY PURPOSES OM.Y * MANUFACTURED ONLY BY SANTA CLARA MANUFACTURING CO. tWeO PCAT 0 OMAHA. NEB. The WONDER oftheAGb , | No Boiling 5 No Cooking 8t Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh aad crisp as when first bought new. TRY A SAMPLE PACKAGE. You'll like it it you try it. You'll buy it if you try it. You'll use it if you try it. Try it. Sold by .ill Grocers. THEMILUON DOLLARS Most talked of potato on earth ! Oar Catalog tells BO al o about Kal- zer's Earliest Six Weeks' Potato. Largest farm and vegetable seed growers in U.S. Potato * * , $1.20 and op alibi , fiend this notice and So. tamp for Bli Catalog , unu JOHNA.SALZERSEEDHACROSS ( wiS. ARIES'S IMK Has the endorsement of the 1 * . S. Government and all the Leading IfcUlroads. CURES COUGHS AND COLOS. PREVENTS CONSUMPTION. KiLliJ All Drcgglsth , 3c. Gei Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARRELI Pension Agent. 143Z New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C. J02IIV IT.ITZORIUS. ; \VuNliill2toil , B.C. . 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. 1 Lnta Princtaal Examiner U S. Pension Bureau. I a v r ir. civil war. 15a < unilicatiiisclaims , attv i-iuce. S\ff MEW DISCOVERY ; pive I quick relief and corewort catcs. Book of tei-tlmonla's anti 10 JH1S treatment FKEE. DU. II. II. GRKKVS MlfS. Hoi K , Atlanta Ga. p. Tiutea Good. See la ttae. Sold br drcuziat * .