The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 19, 1900, Image 5

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Remember the preaching , next Sunday.
Our school is going on nicely at present.
There was a small attendance at the Bible
class , last Sunday.
S. G. Golieen is putting on a fine large ad
dition to his house.
We believe fewer grasshopper eggs were
laid , last fall , than the year before.
Charles Green of Vailton was a South Side
visitor , the latter part of last week , the guest
of Frank Fitch.
Politics were barred out of the literary so
ciety , last Wednesday evening , and the so
ciety voted to have a paper.
Charles Wasson and W. S. Fitch attended
the protracted meetings at the Christian
church in McCook , Sunday evening.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. U. P. Olivia , of Barcelona , Spain ,
spends his winters at Aiken , S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in the back of
his head. On using Electric Bitters , Amer
ica's greatest blood and nerve remedy , all
pain soon left him. He says this grand med
icine is what his country needs. All America
knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble ,
purifies the blood , tones up the stomach ,
strengthens the nerves , nuts vim , vigor and
new life into every muscle , nerve and organ
of the body. If weak , tired or ailing you need
it. Every bottle guaranteed , only 50 cents.
Sold by McConnell & Berry.
A Michigan board of education has ordered
the female teachers to give up either their
corsets or their positions. To put it briefly , if
they stay they can't stay , and if they don't
stay they can stay.
Herbine should be used to enrich and puri
fy the blood ; it cures all forms of blood dis
orders , is especially useful in fevers , skin
eruptions , boils , pimples , blackheads , scrofula ,
salt rheum and every form of blood impurity ;
it is a safe and effectual cure. Pi ice 50 cents.
A. McMillen.
An eleven-pound s.on was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Crocker of Prospect
Park , January Sth. Mother and son do
ing nicely.
Lewis Dennis , Salem , Ind. , says , "Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure did me more good than any
thing I ever took. " It digests what you eat
and can not help but cure dyspepsia and
stomach troubles. D. W. Loar.
Ira Divine came home from Franklin
academy , Saturday night , stck. He ex
pects to return to school soon , being
better and improovinc.
A druggist in Macon , Ga. , says : " I
have sold a large quantity of Mother's
Friend , and have never known an in
stance where it has failed to produce the
good results claimed for it. All women
agree that it makes labor shorter and less
painful. "
Mother's Friend
is not a chance remedy. Its good effects
are readily experienced by all expectant
mothers who use it. Years ago it passed
the experimental stage. While it always
shortens labor and lessens the pains of
delivery , it is also of the greatest benefit
during the earlier months of pregnancy.
Morning sickness and nervousness are
readily overcome , and the liniment relaxes
the strained muscles , permitting them to
expand without causing distress. Mother's
Friend gives great recuperative power to
the mother , and her recovery is sure and
rapid. Danger from rising and swelled
breasts is done away.with completely.
Sold by druggists for $1 a bottle.
Send for oar free illustrated book for expectant mothers.
Many of the blotches , pimples and other
affections of the skin are caused by the failure
of the liver and kidneys to cast Off impurities ,
which remain in the system. Herbine will
stimulate the liver and kidneys , and cleanse
the system of all impurities. Price 50 cents.
A. McMillen.
Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of
counterfeit and worthless salve offered for De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the
only original. An infallible cure for piles and
all skin diseases. D. W. Loar.
Many a bright and happy household has
been thrown into sadness and sonow because
of the death of a loved one from a neglected
cold. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is the great
cure for coughs , colds and all pulmonary ail
ments. Price 25 and 50 cents. A. McMillen.
McCook Transfer Line
J. H. DWYER , Proprietor.
ggp ° DSpecial attention paid to
hauling furniture. Leave orders
at either lumber yard.
MRS. EMERSON HANSON arrived home
from Illinois last week.
C. Ii. ELDRED is in Lexington , this
state , today , on business.
for her home in Boone , Iowa , Wednes
day night on 6.
J. C. ALLEN of Momnouth , Illinois ,
was in the city , yesterday , guest ofH.
H. Troth. His many friends here were
pleased to greet him.
MRS. J. E. KELLEY entertained a
company of young folks at her home ,
Monday evening , in a most' hospitable
and happy manner.
MRS. JOHN ESKERSON and sister , Miss
Anna Lough ran , will depart , Monday ,
for Fairbury , 111. Mr. Eskerson will
also start on a trip to look up a location.
BENJ. BAKER departed , Tuesday night
on 6 , on a visit of two or three weeks in
Iowa and Illinois. He will visit in
Davenport , Rock Island and other
MRS. A. CAMPBELL weut up to Den
ver , last Saturday on I , to see Mrs.
Frank Harris , who has not been well ,
but who is now , however , getting along
PAT GIBBONS and family are now lo
cated in Salt Lake City , near which
place he has a heavy contract in the line
railroad grading which will keep him
there for a year or two.
FRANK CARRUTH went up to Denver ,
Thursday on i , to assist in looking after
the well-being of his son Glen , who is in
a serious condition in Denver with rheu
matism and a complication of disease ? .
MRS. W. B. MILLS entertained a small
company of ladies , Tuesday evening , in
her apartments in the Temple block in
honor of her grandmother , Mrs. Eliza
beth Walker of Boone , Iowa , who is
visiting her daughter , Mrs. Lottie
W. S. MORLAN and O. B.Thorgrimson
were in Trenton , yesterday , on the case
of the State of Nebraska vs. Frank Wat
son , charged with selling liquor without
license. The case came up for prelim
inary hearing before County Judge
MRS. R. L. TINKER , a former well
known resident of this city , arrived here
from McCook , Tuesday , and is visiting
with friends. She is an exhibitor at the
chicken show having brought down sev
eral fine birds of the Partridge Cochin
variety. Red Cloud Chief of the I2th.
V. E. WILSON of the state treasury
department was in the city , Tuesday ,
examining the books of the McCook
Building association. Mr. Wilson found
everything in fine shape and compli
mented the association upon the condi
tion of its books and of the association
as well.
SAMUEL RANDOLPH'S last newspaper
effort is about the most grotesque spasm
of typography that has found its way in
to this office in many moons. Such a
hash of art strokes , archaic ornaments ,
borders and rules , in delirium tremens ,
not to mention the orthography , gram
mar and diction of the monstrosity , is
fortunately rare among Nebraska news
W. T. COLEMAN and S. M. Cochran
arrived home , Saturday night , from at
tending the convention of retail imple
ment dealers in Omaha , last week.
They also spent one 33 * in Lincoln on
their way home. Both of the boys were
delighted with the trip and meeting ,
getting much good from the sessions of
the association , and feeling that they
were richly repaid for the time and
money expended in exchanging views
with their fellow dealers and in their
visits to the wholesale marts of the me
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Jan. I4th :
Jno. H. Cain , George Cole ,
W. L. Erving , Wm.jMiller ,
D. LHaddix , Louis Klein ,
Bert Norris , Ben Wert ,
Geo. Kellerinan , M. C. Ulery.
In calling for any of these letters , please |
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster.
McConuelPs Balsam cures coughs.
The fragile babe and the growing child are
strengthened by White's Cream Vermifuge.
It debtrovs worms , gets digestion at work and
so rebuilds the body. Frice 25 cents. A.
Whosoever has suffered from piles knows
how painful and troublesome they are. Tah-
ler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is guaranteed to
cure piles. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes
75 cents. A. McMillen.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn ,
Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea ,
all other results of imperfectdigestion.
Prepared by E. C. OeWitt a Co. , Chicago.
Author of "In His Steps : What Would Jesus DoP" "Malcom * $
* * Kirk , " "Robert Hardy's Seven Days , " Etc. * *
Copyright , 1S90 , by Tlit Advance Publishing G > .
1'fuflp Strong could not decide what
iras best to do.
The postman that evening had
brought him two letters , and he had
just finished reading them. He sat
with his hands clasped over his knee ,
leaning back In his chair and looking
out through his study window. Ho
was evidently thinking very hard , and
the two letters were the cause of It.
Finally he rose , went to his study
door and called down the stairs :
"Sarah , I wish you would corne up
Lore. I want your help. " '
"All right , Philip , I'll be up In a raini i
ute , " responded a voice from below ,
and very soon the minister's wife came
up stairs Into her husband's study.
"What's the matter ? ' ' she said as
she came into the room. "It must be
something very serious , for you don't
call me up here unless you are in great
distress. You remember the last time
you called me , you had shut the tassel
of your dressing gown under the lid
of your writing desk , and I had to cut
you loose. You aren't fast anywhere
now , are you ? "
Philip smiled quaintly. "Yes , I am.
I'm In a strait betwixt two. Let me
read these letters , and you will see. "
So he began at once , and we will
copy the letters , omitting dates :
Rev. Philip Strong :
Dear Sir At a meeting of the Milton Calvary
church , held last week , it was voted unanimously
to extend you a call to become pastor of this
church at a salary of $2,000 a year. We trust that
you frill find it in accordance with the will of
the Head of the church to accept this decision on
the part of Calvary church and become its pastor.
The church is in good condition and has the
hearty support of most of the leading families in
the town. It is the strongest in membership and
financially of the seven principal churches here.
We await your reply , confidently hoping you will
decide to come to us. We have been without a
settled pastor now for nearly a year , since the
death of Dr. Brown , and we have united upon
you as the person most eminently fitted to fill the
pulpit of Calvary church. The grace of our Lord
be with you. In behalf of the church ,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
"What do you think of that , Sa
rah ? " asked Philip Strong , as he finish
ed the letter.
"Two thousand dollars Is twice as
much as you are getting now , Philip. "
"What , you mercenary little creature ,
do you think of the salary first ? "
"If I did not think of it once in
awhile , I doubt if you would have a de-
v\\ / # * '
cent meal or a good suit of clothes , "
replied the minister's -wife , looking at
him with a smile.
"Oh , well , that may be , Sarah. But
let me read you the other letter , " he
went on without discussing the salary
matter :
Rev. Philip Strong :
Dear Brother At a meeting of the Elmdale
Chapel Hill church , held last week Thursday , it
was unanimously voted to extend you a call to
become pastor of the church at a salary of $2,000
a year , with two months' vacation , to be selected
at your own convenience. The Chapel Hill church
is in a prosperous condition , and many of the
members recall your career in the college with
much pleasure. This is an especially strong cen
ter for church work , the proximity of the boys'
, academy and the university making the situation
one of great power to a man who thoroughly un
derstands and enjoys young men , as we know you
do. We most earnestly hope you will consider
this call not as purely formal , but as from the
hearts of the people. We are , very cordially
yours , in behalf of the church ,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
"What do you think of that ? " asked
the minister again.
"The salary is just the same , isn't
it ? "
"Now , Sarah , " said the minister , "if
I didn't know what a generous , unself
ish heart you really have , I should get
very vexed at you for talking about
the salary as if that was the most im
portant thing. "
"The salary is very important , though.
But you knew , Philip , I would be as
willing as you are to live on no salary
if the grocer and butcher would con
tinue to feed us for nothing. I wish
from the bottom of my heart that we
could live without money. "
"It is a bother , isn't it ? " replied Phil
ip , so gravely that his wife laughed
heartily at his tone.
"Well , the question Is , what to do
with the letters. " resumed the minister.
"Which of the two churches do you
prefer ? " asked his wife.
"I would rather go to the Chapel Hill
church as far as my preference Is con
cerned. "
"Then why not accept their call , if
that Is the way you feel ? "
"Because , while I should like to go
to Elmdale. I feel as if I ought to go to
Milton. "
"Now , Philip , I don't see why , In a
choice of this kind , you don't do as
you feel inclined to do and accept the
call that pleases you most. Why should
j ministers be doing what they ought lu-
* stead of what they like ? You never
I please yourself. "
j ' 'Well , Sarah. " replied Philip good
naturedly , "this Is the way of It The
church in Elmdale Is in a uojvcrsity
town. The atmosphere of the place Is
scholastic. You know I passed four
years of student life there. With the
exception of the schools , there are not
a thousand people In the village , a
quiet , sleepy , dull , retired , studious
place. I love the memory of It. 1
could go there as the pastor of the
Elmdale church and preach to an au
dience of college boys eight months In
the year and to about 80 refined , schol
arly people the rest of the tjme. I
could Indulge my taste for reading and
writing and enjoy a quiet pastorage
there to the end of my days. "
"Then , Philip , I don't see why you
don't reply to their call and tell them
you will accept , and we will move at
once to Elmdale and live and die there.
It Is a beautiful place , and I am sure
we could live very comfortably on the
salary and the vacation. There Is no
vacation mentioned in the other call. "
"But , on the other hand , " continued
the minister , almost as If he were alone
and arguing with himself and had not
heard his wife's words , "on the other
hand , there Is Milton , a manufacturing
town of 50.000 people , mostly opera
tives. It Is the center of much that be
longs to the stirring life of the times in
which we live. The labor question is
there In the lives of those operatives.
There are seven churches of different
denominations , to the best of my
knowledge , all striving after popularity
and power. There is much hard , stern
work to be done in Milton by the true
church of Christ , to apply his teachings
to men's needs , and somehow I cannot
help hearing a voice say : 'Philip Strong ,
go to Milton and work for Christ.
Abandon your dream of a parish where
you may indulge your love of scholar
ship in .the quiet atmosphere of a uni
versity town and plunge into the hard ,
disagreeable , but necessary work of
this age , in the atmosphere of physical
labor , where great questions are being
discussed and the masses are engross
ed in the terrible struggle for liberty
and home , where physical life thrusts
itself out into society , trampling down
the spiritual and intellectual and de
manding of the church and the preach
er the fighting powers of giants of God
to restore In men's souls a more just
proportion of the value of the life of
man on earth. '
"So , you see , Sarah , " the minister
went on after a little pause , "I want to
go to Elmdale , but the Lord probably
wants me to go to Milton. "
Mrs. Strong was silent. She had the
utmost faith in her husband that he
would do exactly what he knew he
ought to do when once he decided
what it was. Philip Strong was also
silent a moment. At last he said ,
"Don't you think so , Sarah ? "
"I don't see how we can always tell
exactly what the Lord wants us to do.
How can you .tell that he doesn't want
you to go to Elradale ? Are there not
great opportunities to influence young
student life in a university town ? Will
not some one go to Elmdale and be
come pastor of that church ? "
"No doubt there Is a necessary work
to be done there. The only question Is ,
Am 1 the one to do It or is the call to
Milton more Imperative ? The more I
think of it , the more I am convinced
that I must go to Milton. "
"Then , " said the minister's wife , ris
ing suddenly and speaking with a
mock seriousness that her husband
fully understood , "I don't see why you
called me up here to decide what you
had evidently settled before you called
me. Do you consider that fair treat
ment , sir ? It will serve you right if
those biscuits I put in the oven when
you called me are fallen as completely
as Babylon. And I will make you eat
half a dozen of them , sir , to punish
you. We cannot afford to waste any
thing these times. "
"What , " cried Philip slyly , "not on
$2,000 a year ! But I'll eat the biscuits.
They can't possibly be any worse than
those we had a week after wi- were
married the ones we bought fix-in the
bakery , you remember. " Philip a.lded
"You saved yourself just in time ,
then , " replied the minister's wife. She
came close up to the desk and in a dif
ferent tone said. "Philip , you know 1
believe in you. don't you ? "
"Yes , " said Philip simply. "I am
sure you do. I am Impulsive and im
practical ; but , heart and soul and body
and mind , I simply want to do the will
of God. Is it not so ? "
J"I know it Is , " she said , "and if you
g6 to Milton It will be because you
want to do his will more than to please
yourself. "
"Yes. Then shall I answer the letter
tonight ? "
"Yes , if you have decided , with my
help , of course. "
"Of course , you foolish creature , you
know I could not settle It without you.
And as for the biscuits"
"As for the biscuits , " said the minis
ter's wife , "they will be settled with
out me , too , if I don't go down and see
to them. " She hurried down stairs , an < ?
* -9rmrmrmrmrm'wwfw + > isms + sv , -
Bar ams
are better than we have ever been
able to offer. Our stock of winter
goods is too large and must be re
Ladies' Jackets
Half Price
We still have a good assortment of
Ladies' Jackets which we are selling
as advertised 50 % discount.
All $12.00 garments go at - - $6.00
All $10.00 garments go at - $5.00
All $ 5.00 garments go at - - $2.50
We also have a few Fur Capes = = -good values at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Odd lots of Underwear at one = third off. It will
will pay you to call and supply your wants.
Try our
Grocery Department
Nowhere will you find prices lower.
J Authorized Capital , $100,000.
Capital and Surplus , $6OOOO
GEO. HOCKNELL , President. B. f,1. FREES , V. Pros.
W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PENHELL , Ass't Cash.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director.
riV.i3VaTh-.jac afficagn.irJVjg'g jfflgj&cjigggftt jSkiflbt jRg iggjarjgc JK.aKfiTx f
Hj < HL
Rex Rheumatic Cure
is not a medicine or drug to be taken internally , neither -
er is it a liniment for outward application , but an ar-
tide to be worn and is made of certain metals that
draw the uric acid from the blood. It costs $2.00 and
never wears out. Written guarantee to refund money in 30 days
if not entire/y satisfactory. It cures Rheumatism Acute
Chronic , Muscular and Sciatic , Lumbago and Gout.
Send 2c stamp for little booklet that tells the whole
story- Address , REX RHEUMATIC Co. ,
Pox 14Harttord , Conn.
> &c afv
LADIE'S ' Friend TTuarnksyh
and Pennyroyal Pills bring
menstruation to the day.
Never fail. No Fain ; > o
IHnappointment. Sl.OU
box ; 2 boxen cure auy
cane , no matter as to cxu&e
Halm's Pharmacy ,
Dept. T.
Omaba , - Nebraska
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure
for my health and life. It cured me of lung
trouble following grippe. " Thousands owe
their lives to the prompt action of this never
failing remedy. It cures coughs , colds , croup ,
bronchitis , pneumonia grippe , and throat and
lung troubles. Its early use prevents con
sumption. It is the only harmless remedy
that gives immediate results. D.V. . Loar.
To Cure La Grippe in Two Days.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's name on every bottle.
25c. 4-1.
Develop IIIIIM-
cle * , iiervpn anf :
braiu * und makt
a man of yourself
Send forcceof our
Doctor's Quf-tioi
blanks. No two
cafes treated a-iike.
Sexualv -
n e I o * i ol
p ov c r , drains
after stools , pre-
rnatnre dh-clutrxe.
Varicocele c u red erne
no charge. Where
you are suffering
from effect B of xell
a b u a e we are
pleased to say that
we are today the
only firm who can
guarantee a cnre
with our Turkish I.
At Capsules. We never fail to
- - - j * * * ( ixrf a i i UA ACkl tHJ cure no
matter as to age. Do not look further , as
2c htamp will get our blank.
to cure any case , no matter how severe or
how longstanding , with Turkish Syntillis
cim > . 12 box. All conditions chanprd. W rSte
s lor particulars. Dept T