The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 19, 1900, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMBLL.
Subscription , $1 a Year in AoVanc
, * &
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
THK National Buttermakers' conven
tion will be held in Lincoln , Permian
COLONEL MITCHELL , this is Colone
Smith , who boldly claims to be "run
ning the only true Pop paper in Westen
Nebraska. "
NEBRASKA Republicans will put 01
their fighting clothes to some purpose
this year , and will place the state when
it belongs in the Republican column
IT makes even his political compatri
ots smile to read such language as , "bla
tant demagogues and wind-bags whc
care for nothing but 'pie' , " in Samue
Randolph Smith's paper. The flawles :
nicety with which the language applie :
to the editor of that paper mskes th <
matter highly humorous
Ex-GovERNOR Ai/rGEU > , the Illinoii
high priest of Bryanism , is more out
spoken than his chief on the question o
paper money , for he says plainly thai
"both gold and silver will pass out of use
as money and be supplemented by a phil
osophic or rational circulating mediun :
and measure of value. " Mr. Bryan ha ;
never yet been committed to an expres
sion in favor of unlimited greenbacks ,
but it is not certain that he aud mnnj
other devotees of "Coin" Harvey do nol
hold similar views to Governor Altgeld ,
although they are not so impolitic as tc
as to make them public at this time.
The step from the position of the ex
treme Bryanites to that occupied by Mr.
Altgeld , namely , that of absolute fiat
money , is not a long or illogical one.
THE obviously
anti-imperialist propaganda
viously states that it will attempt to
catch the labor vote by showing that
with the occupation of the Philippines
the Chinese exclusion act would be evad
ed and this country would be flooded
with pauper labor. We could not , they
say , refuse admission to people from
those islands , and that being the case ,
they would be used as a gateway for the
entrance into America of all the Oriental
hordes to exclude which the Chinese ex
clusion law was enacted. There does
not seem to be any great similarity in
appearance between Filipinos and Chi
nese , but even granting there is , and
that it is impossible to police the islands
to keep out those desiring passage to the
United States , there are various other
methods by which undesirable immi
grants can be excluded from this coun
try. American statesmen , upon arriving
at bridges , have heretofore always de
vised some manner of crossing them , and
when this difficulty arises , if it ever does ,
it will be provided for easily and effectu
ally , unless Democrats should happen to
be in power.
The large and increasing circulation of
The Iowa Homestead in this county is
a matter for congratulation to the pub
lishers and to good farming , for , of all
tha papers of its class in the country , it
is easily the best and most helpful. Its
Special Farmers' Institute editions , issued -
. sued with the regular edition the first
week in each month , have been for years
the admiration of all practical farmers.
Written wholly by farmers , they are ful
of actual experience and smell of the
soil. We have been fortunate enough
this season to secure terms for Th <
Homestead and its Special Farmers' In
stitute editions , together with The Poul
try Farmer and The Fanners' Mulua
Insurance Journal , four of the most val
uable farm publications in the country
that enable us to offer the four in connection -
/ nection with our own paper for $1.25 for
the entire five , one year. This is em
phatically a good thing , aud no farmer
in this county should fail to take advant
age of the offer. For a large line ol
thoroughly practical farm reading noth
ing has ever been offered before that
equals it. A count } * paper , a farm paper ,
a poultry papei , a farm insurance paper
and the Special Farmers' Institute , all
for $ i 25. v Come in and order them.
McConnell's Balsam cures coughs.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
- cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
are the greatest
njcoaccrs to of the present day.
Best Grades
Telephone No. 5 CD
Give Us. a
Call and We
( D
Will Please You
( D
A son came to gladden the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Puckett , Sunday.
Miss Nellie Stephens of Box Elder is visit ,
ing her sister , Mrs. H. P. Hodgkin , this week ,
W. S. Hamilton is shy a kit of tools which
he left in the new church building. Some
expansionist annexed them , Thursday nighl
of last week.
The Epworth League has purchased a new
organ for the church , and in other ways the
young people have evinced their willingness
to further the work of providing an attractive
place of worship.
And now comes the intimation that if Sec
tion Foreman Kern don't refrain from mixing
matters with his crew , Roadmaster Rogers
will be called to account. That official will
doubtless note the ultimatum with profound
The Methodist brethren expect to be able
to hold services in the basement of their
handsome new building soon. This room
will make an ideal place for Sunday-school ,
League and mid-week meetings when the
structure is completed.
Joe McKinzie is again in evidence in this
vicinity , having lately received an honorable
discharge from the county bastile on less than
half pay. Joe will no doubt be a trifle per
turbed to know where his meals are coming
from , now that his wife declines to longer
provide for him.
E. J. Merchant has returned to Missouri ,
where he expects to engage in business for
himself. "Tim" has long been a member of
the band here and his loss will be felt in that
organization as well as in younger social cir
cles , where he has been very popular. Ever
tlonest and companionable , he has the best
wishes of all for his future prosperity.
Zack ( at the breakfast table ) "Charlie , my
joy , you are not going to wade around in the
snow today after rabbits ; you are not feeling
well. Why are you looking so thoughtful ? '
Charlie "I'm all right , pa , but I had a strange
dream , this morning. " Z. "Indeed ! What
was it ? " C. "I dreamed , papa , that I died
and went to heaven , and when St. Peter met
me at the gate , instead of showing me the
way to the golden street , as I expected , he
ook me out into a large field , and in the mid
dle of the field there was a long ladder readi
ng up into the sky , out of sight. And he told
me that heaven was at the top , and that to
get there I must take the big piece of chalk
ic gave me and climb the ladder , writing on
each rung some sin I had committed. " Z.
laying down his newspaper ) "And did you
inally reach heaven , my son ? " C. "No ,
papa , for just as I was trying to think of some-
hing to write on the second rung , I looked up
nto the sky and saw you and Ed. Curlee com-
ng down. " Z. "And what were we coming
down for , Charlie ? " C. "That's what I asked
you , and you said you were going for more
chalk. " ( Conversation ends in chaos. )
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you , if you used Dr.
Cing's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for sick
md nervous headaches. They make pure
> lood and strong nerves and build up your
icalth. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25
cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by
McConnell & Berry.
J. F. Helm had an ice cutting bee , last Sat
urday , followed by a pleasant party in the
Jacob Wagoner's children , Theodore and
Rosa , were quite ill , the past week , but are
low recovering.
Samuel Keever , a brother of Mrs. Aaron
Sheets , is at present her guest. The brother
md sister had not met for twenty-one years.
Wm. Byfield shipped two cars of cattle ,
his week , and Mrs. Byfield , not to be outdone ,
ihipped a pen of chickens and a number of
3elgian hares.
There was a dance at Mr. Kummer's , Satur-
lay night. .
Charlie Byfield returned to his school , last
Junday , after a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. P. J. Taylor had the misfortune to lose
. Brahma cock that had cost her some less
ban a cow.
Miss Ida Canaga returned to her school on
iunday last. Her foot was in bad shape and
he must walk on crutches , but her courage
. as perfect. Courage is a virtue Miss Ida
ever lacks.
This neighborhood was saddened by the
eath of Mrs. Charles Hammil , better known
> us all as Mina Quigley. The funeral at
Ihristain church was a large one and the
: ars of the old neighbors and schoolmates of
ic unfortunate young woman blended with
lose of the parents. Why did we say un-
> rtunate ? Mina was a Christian and not
fraid to take the long journey. It is the par-
its and young husband who are unfortunate
i loosing this young life. Mr. Badcon
reached a very impressive sermon from the
: xt the dead girl had chosen when in perfect
Statistics show that man is a much greater
ar than woman. He has to be to keep peac
i the family.
J. II. Stephens is absent canvassing for th <
Crete nursery.
Nellie Stephens is visiting friends and rel
atives in Bartley , this week. '
Ira Kimball completed shelling two thous
and bushels of corn , first of the week.
It looks as though Mahlon Campbell in
tended starting a wood yard in Box Elder.
Florence Younger closes another successfu
term of school , today. She will go to Me
Cook to school for the rest of the term.
Quite a number of people from this vicinitj
attended the dedication of the church ai
Garden Prairie : Mr. Campbell , Mr. and Mrs
John White and others.
Charles Masters gave a surprise party or
his wife , Friday evening , the twelfth. The
evening passed joyously with music and
games , and the refreshments were splendid :
making a delightful event.
The young people of this section enjoyed a
party at the home of John Dague , Saturday
evening , the sixth , given in honor of Mrs ,
Dague's brother , Frank Boinot of Maxwell ,
Iowa , who is here on a visit. Games were
played and the evening passed happily and
only too swiftly for those present. Mrs. Isica
Atkinson , a sister , also gave a party in his
honor on Thursday night , the nth , the young
people doing ample justice to a bountiful
oyster supper , after having quite a lively time
choosing partners for the occasion.
Mrs. Jacob Long died on Wednesday night
of last week at the home of her son on the
Willow. Mrs. Long has been a great sufferer
an invalid for two years past and blind ;
only waiting with patience the summons home
and release from her sufferings. Her hus
band , one daughter and two sons survive her ,
all being present except her daughter who
had just left her mother's side to go to the
bedside of her husband , who is now ill. Rev.
I. A. Badcon conducted the funeral services
in the Methodist church of McCook , last Fri
day morning , and the remains were interred
in Riverview cemetery of that city. The fam
ily has the tender and sincere sympathy of
many friends here.
A Frightful Blunder
. Will often cause a horrible burn , scald , cut
sr bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the best
in the world , will kill the pain and promptly Cures old sores , fever sores , ulcers ,
joils , felons , corns , all skin eruptions. Best
pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts a box. Cure
juaranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry.
Elmer Widner is home from his visit in
Nemaha county.
The new Presbyterian church was duly
ledicated , Sunday , the mh , Rev. Sexton
preaching the dedicatory sermon.
The Presbyterian brethren l > ave made
aon on their new church of $300 with th
: hurch erection board of that denomination.
Charles Townsend and George Johnso :
lave recovered the calves stolen from them
ieveral months since. They were securef
icar Arapahoe , where the thieves turne
hem loose.
Mrs. August Redfelt died on the 6th instant ,
iged 60 years. L. Cann of Danbury con
lucted the services , Sunday afternoon , the 7th
n the Presbyterian church. Burial was mad
n Lebanon cemetery.
Albert Guy , who has been the Burlington' ,
igent at Beaver City for a number of years
las quit the railroad and gone into the gener-
il merchandise business in Lebanon , having
ecently purchased the T. J. Cress stock and
noved to our burg.
Charles A. Heckman of Norcatur , Kansas
as taken possession of the harness busines.
ecently purchased by him from C. A. Adams ,
le is occupying the Soverns building which
fas enlarged for his accommodation for busi
ess and residence purposes combined.
The modern and most effective cure for
onstipation and all liver troubles the fam-
us little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early
Users. D. W. Loar.
W. J. Evans is painting his house.
J. A. Schmidt has a cousin visiting him
om the north west.
Linford Fitch and Oscar Hammond will
sit Northern Kansas , the coming week.
The story told of William Thomas' ( alleged )
icent activity "with a neckyoke" is lacking
ily in one essential , viz : fact.
Captain Evans is a carpenter of no little
erit judging from his handiwork in plank-
g the out buildings on the school lot.
Notwithstanding the warm weather Captain
H. Wasson has been able to keep his neigh-
rs supplied with a good quality of ice from
e shady Driftwood.
A few of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
ittain met at the home of H. H. Pickens on
mrsday of this week. We are sorry to learn
at Mr. B. and family will soon move to
The literary at the school house in district
> . S is well attended by an intelligent and
haved company. Many from the Pleasant
dge literary are taking an active part in the
od work.
STATEMENT OF J. II. BERGE , County Treasurer of Red Willow County , showing balance on hand July 1,1899 ,
collections and disbursements from that time to January 3,1900 , inclusive , and balance on hand in the several funds :
Balance ? G7,6U 10
1899tax 2,803 49
1893 tax 13,408 Gl
1897 tax 978 03
ISOOtax 74202
1895tax 010 40
189ttax 7UI U2
IfeJMtux KiO 45
1892tax 26320
1891tax 144 1
1890 tax 2G097
1889tax 397 S2
1888 tax * itSSO :
1887 tax 47 90
ISSStax 91 15
1885 tax 2808
1884 tax , . 3 76
School land lease 733 24
School land interest 424 2Ti
School land principal 1,248 75
Fines 1900
McCook for court house 1,000 00
Error 1898 fees 31 07
Redemption 4,32065
State for City of Indianola 317 19
Bankintorest 80790
Total \ $ D7,7.-X)67 )
Commissioners' Proceedings.
On motion the clerk was instructed to notifj
all overseers of highways that all work done bj
them above the 15 days allowed them by law ,
unless ordered by the commissioners , will not be
allowed as a claim against the county.
On motion the county clerk was allowed $250.0 (
per year , to bo paid quarterly , for ixjrforminf !
the duties of clerk to the county commissioners
aud attending to the business of the county , ai
provided for in section 3103of the Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska for 1899.
On motion the county clerk was instructed tc
advertise for bids for printing the delinquenl
tax list , commissioners' proceedings and legal
notices , all bids to bo filed with the county clerk
on or before noon of the 8th day of February
1900.On motion the county clerk was instructed tc
notify each of the lumber yards doing business
in the county that no bill for lumber or coal will
bo honored by this board unless said bill is ac
companied by an order from some member o )
The board having made a careful examination
of the accounts of J. R. Neel , sheriif , finds that
ho has received in fees from January 1,1899 , tc
January 3,1900 , both inclusive , $2,393.93.
In the matter of the necessary expenses dur
ing the year , on motion the estimate for the
same for the year was fixed as follows :
County General fund $12.000 00
County Bridge fund 6,000 00
Soldier's Relief TAX ) 00
Willow Grove precinct 2,000 OG
Bartley Village bond 50000
County Road fund 3,000 00
County Bond fund 3,000 00
North Valley precinct 1,00000
McCookCity bond 2,00000
School District bonds 7,000 00
Annual settlement of the following overseer of
highways examined and on motion approved
and clerk directed to issue certificate on road
district in payment thereof , as follows :
W. J. Porter , overseer road district No. 10 ,
certificate No. 183 $8 ( X )
The following official bond was examined and
on motion approved : Joseph A. Schmitz , over
seer of road district No. 9.
The followingclaims were audited and allowed
aud on motion clerk was instructed to d raw-
warrants on the county general fund , levy of
1899 , in payment thereof , as follows :
J. E. Kelley , insurance on court house $120 00
J. C. Oakley , board of paupers 8 58
W. R. Starr , county attorney , salary and
ollico rent , claim $245.00 , allowed 230 00
O. L. Thompson , county treasurer , post
age and supplies 5 33
T. J. Cress , merchandise 10 00
C. II. Meeker , water tax 12 00
Jas. A. Robinson , services as commis
sioner 44 90
Jas. A. Robinson , assisting the commis
sioners 9 00
McConuoll fc Berry , merchandise 2 50
Lillian M. Welborn , salary 4 quarter and
expense 23S 50
R. A. Greent county clerk , expenses for
county officers 33 37
And on county bridge fund , levy of 1899 , as
follows :
F. P. Eno , nails $2 25
And on county road fund , levy of 1899 , as
follows :
G. B. Dimmitt , road work $3 00
E. C. Lakin , road tax refunded 79
The foil'-wing depository bonds were examined
and on motion approved :
The Citizens Bank of McCook , Nebraska.
The First National Bank of McCook , Neb.
State Bank of Indianola , Nebraska.
State Bank of Lebanon , Nebraska.
The Bank of Danbury , Nebraska.
On motion board adjourned to meet January
10th , 1900.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
McCook , Nebraska , January 10,1900.
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment. Present , Henry Crabtree , Ste
phen Belles and D. A. Waterman , county com
missioners , W. R. Starr , county attorney , and
R. A. Green , county clerk. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved.
The following apixiintments were made to fill
rucancies :
C. W. Barnes , assessor.
G. W. Starr , constable.
T. J. Ruggles , road overseer of highways.
The following ollicial bonds were examined
ind on motion approved :
G. W. Starr , constable.
C. W. Barnes , assessor.
The following claims were examined and al-
owed and on motion clerk was instructed to
Iraw warrants on the county general fund , levy
) f 1899 , in payment thereof , as follows :
F. M. Kimmell , post master , postage $21 56
Senry Crabtree , services as commissioner. 2(5 ( 80
Stephen Belles , same 28 80
D. A. Waterman , same 21 50
And on county road fund , levy of 1899 , as fol-
ows :
3. B. Osbaugh , road tax refunded $3 10
On motion board adjourned to meet February
ith , 1900.
Attest : R. A. GREEN , County Clerk.
J. R. Neel , ex-sheriff , was a flying visitor to
he county seat , Wednesday.
Nick Fossen and two of the Colling boys
lad business in the west end city , first of the
Abram Hammond returned , close of last
reek , from Denver , where he has been spend-
ng some time.
II. W. Keyes , S. R. Smith and J. C. Puckett
ransacted business in the county's capital
ity , Wednesday.
Miss Minnie Rowell of McCook came down
n No. 12 , yesterday , to spend about a week
, -ith Miss Jennie McClung and other friends.
Rev. Turner , lately pastor of the Congre-
ational church at this place , is now engaged
i revival work in the eastern part of the
: ate.
The Odd Fellows installed their new offi-
jrs , Tuesday evening , and the installation
as followed by a banquet of generous pro- ]
ortions and tasteful appointments.
The Grand Army and auxiliary thereto , the
'oman's Relief Corps , installed officers for 1
ic ensuing year , last Saturday. The mem-
; rs of both organizations were out in force
id the occasion was an enjoyable one.
L. T. Travis , Agent Southern R. R. , Selina ,
a. , writes , "I cannot say too much in praise
One Minute Cough Cure. In my case it
orked like a charm. " The only harmless
medy that gives immediate results. Cures
mghs , colds , croup , bronchitis , and all throat
id lung troubles. D. W. Loar.
An employer at Janesville , Wis. , has dis-
; arged twenty women because they talked
o much. What queer women they must
, ve back there !
General warrants $10,073 06
Bridge warrants 3,5H ! 77
County road warrants 204 CO
Soldiers'relief 13087
School 11,133 09
School bond 1,178 W
Road receipts. 1,503 22
Overseers'certificates C98 37
County bond interest 275 00
McCook city bond interest 300(5
Willow Grove precinct bond interest. . . 050 82
Bartloy village bond intercut N ) 00
Indianola city 293 85
McCook city.- 1,336 25
Bartloy village 27 2t5
Sale certificates 3,011 32
Court house fund 1,000 00
Commission on collection from July 1 ,
1899 , to January 3,1900 395 95
Paid state treasurer-
Receipt No. 12850 3,161 1X5
Receipt No. 13445 2,22892
Receipt No. 139 6 1,029 84
Receipt No. 2,401 33
Balance 52,382 68
Total . ' $97,750 67
Lincoln , Nebraska , December 28,1899.
GENTLEMEN : This is to certify that I have carefully examined the Books
and Accounts of the County Treasurer of Jed Willow County , Nebraska , and
hereto submit a detailed statement of the collections and disbursements from the
14th day of December , 1897 , to the 31st day of October , 1899.
To balance from last report $ 30,27i ( 11 I5y stat treasurer's recejpt No $ 2.487 40
To 1884 tax collected : { 7G By ftnto treasurer's receipt No 3,709 27
To 15S5 tax collected -74 95 By state treasurer's receipt No 2,588 5(5
To 1886 tax collected 230 13 By .stato treasurer's receipt No 2,561 99
To 1887 tax collected 331 11 Uy state treasurer's receipt No 9iO 47
To 18S8 tax collected 301 20 By ptnto treasurer's recejpt Xo 1K0 ! OH
To 1S89 tax collected 79. . 40 By state treasurer's recejpt No 4,799 50
To 1890 tax collected 71X ! 51 By htato treasurer's receipt No 2,160 4t
To 1891 tax collected 1,010 45 By state treasurer's receipt No 2,792 81
To 1892 bur collected 1,8S7 92 By stat treasurer's recejpt No 3,164 9t >
To 1893 tax collected 5,41:1 : BO By state treasurer's receipt No 2.228 92
To 1894 tax collected 8,49292 By county ceneral warrants redeemed 27,183 7i
To Ife9r tax collected 11,137 92 By county bridKowarrantsredeemcd. . 4,919 38
To 1896 tax collected 18,612 28 By county road warrants redeemed. . . 784 93
To 1897 tax collected C2,71 26 By soldiers' relief warrants redeemed. 409 5 ! )
To I89S tax collected 60C1S : 21 By court house warrants redeemed. . . 1OUO 00
To 1899 tax collected : t" 41 By county registered bond fund 1,100 00
To school laud principal collected. . . 1VS9 91 By precinct > Mnd fund 4,771 4S
To school land interestcollected 4,276 20 By county hi h school 306 27
To school land lease collected : t,2 < )2 IK ! By school bonds 8.99J 51
To Dec. ' 97 appt. rec'd from state treas. U,410 56 By school juilirincnt 179 25
ToJuno'93apit.rec'dfromstatetreaf. : t,926 79 By school orders paid local tax , state
To Dec. ' 98 appt. rec'd from state treas. 2.SO : ) 81 apportionment . 65,99t 07
To Juno ' 99 appt. rec'd from state treas. 3,010 49 By district road warrants 1,850 6'J
To miscellaneous col. county nen'l. . . 30 69 By poll receipts 9,170 25
To miscol. collections county road. . . 20 00 By road tax receipts 1,337 535
To county court house 1,000 ( X ) By McCook village treasurer's receipts 11,016 10
To miscol. col. sinking fund invest 1,921 65 By Indianola village treas. receipts. . . 1,2X1 40
To fines ami license 75 IiO By Bartley village treasurer's receipts 495 70
To interest on county deposits 2,259 95 By fees and coin , bal 1897 and all 1898. 2.281 30
To redumptions 12,915 69 By commission current year 2,264 9t
To fees 1,3-10 15 By sinking fund investment redeemed 261 01
By redemption 11,001 83
-2J5,115 87 By balance 58,97271
$245,115 87
JOHN M. GILCI1RIST , Stale Examiner.
DEAR SIR : Herewith find a detailed statement of the cash in vault and
money on deposit , in hand's of J. IT. Berge , Treasurer of Red \VilIo\v County ,
Nebraska , by virtue of his oflice , at the close of business on the 31st day of
October , 1899 , as per the books of the County Treasurer of Red Willow County ,
Nebraska , duly verified by myself.
Cash on deposit with Kountzo Bros 275 03 t
$58,972 71
T find the Books and Records in good shape , the collections being espec
ially good. A slight error in figuring 1898 commission has been rectified.
JOHN M. GILCHRIST , State Examiner.
Save 15 Per Cent
On or Before March ist , 1900.
This card and 85 cents will purchase HARDWARE to the
amount of ONE DOLLAR at the
H. P. WAITE , Proprietor.
State of Nebraska , Red Willow county , s. . At
n county court held at the county court room in
: md for said county , January 9th , 1900. Pre.-cnt.
S. S. Bishop , county judge. In the matter ol
the estate of John Schilz , deceased. _ On reading
find filing the petition of Mary Schilz , praying
that administration of said estate may be grant-
3d to her as administratrix. Ordered , that Jan
uary 27th , A. D. 1900 , at one o'clock , p. in. , is as
signed for hearing said i > otition , when all ppr-
; ons interested in said matter may apjxvir at a
: onnty court to be held in and for said county ,
ind show cause why the prayer of jwtitiouer
should not be granted : and that notice of the
X'lidency of said petition and the hearing there-
) f be given to all per.-ous interested in said mat-
: < : r by publishing a copy of this order in the Mr-
? qoK TKIBUXE , a weekly newspaper printed in
; aid county , for three successive weeks , prior to
aid day of hearing. ( A true copy. )
[ Seal. ] l-12-t. ! G.S. BISHOP. County Judge.
' 1 lie governor of Georgia says he intends to
aise the negro to a higher place. The people
if that state seem to have been engaged in
hat work for a long time.
J. I. Bevry , Loganton , Pa. , writes : "I am
milling to take my oath that I was cured of
ineumonia entirely by the use of One Minute
'ough Cure after doctors failed. It also cured
ly children of whooping cough. ' ' Quickly re-
ieves and cures coughs , colds , croup , grippe
nd throat and lung troubles. Children ai !
ke it. Mothers endorse it. D.V. . Loar.
3. E. A3ET01T , Fres. ? . 2. JMOlTiLS , Ch.
CLI-FOHD 1TA3ZN , At. Cis.
A General Banking1 Business
EiF Any business you may wish to
transact with THE McCooK TRIBUNE
will receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Subscriptions received , orders
taken for advertisements and job-work.
General fund 8
Bridge fund S20 OS
County imml fuwl 8 429 ? ' '
County road fund c > j *
District road l.CS'J OS
Soldiers'relief 1W ( M
County school 1JJ '
District school 5,5 7 5. .
District school bond H.HM * '
North Valley bond 3 , H 75
East Valley bond 11"
Willow Grove bond 5tO : OS
Indianola precinct bond ' *
Bartloy village 72548
Bartley village MM
McCook city 211 Si
Indiauola 41558
lusanu < J M
Received tux Halo l,2U-9.
Judgment tchool district 17 18 :
Danbury village- O )
High school 7tt
McCook city bond. . . . ' 1,06755
' '
Total . ' . $52,382 < M
, auliO1-lict'.a $ McCook , Nebraska. January 13 ,
1S X ) . Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has faled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim , and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at McCook , Nebraska , on Satur
day , I-ebruary 24,1MJO , viz : John Lias , Home
stead Entry No. 10G30 for the e i ne'i e > < i eM of
section 21. township 2 n , range 'AS w , Ctfi P.M.
tie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of ,
* iiul land , viz : Nelson Downs , Henry Meyers.
Ku'lolljl. , P < xlolski. of McCook , Nebraska , and
Oliver Hillings , of Danbury , Nebraska.
1-liHit F. M. RATHBUN , Register.
United States Land Office , McCook , Nebraska
January M , I'M ) .Notice is hereby given that
John Braiin has filed notice of intention to make
Imal pnxrf before Register and Receiver at their
o lice in McCook , Nebraska , on Saturday , the
2Uh day of February , IMU , on timber culture
application No. .VJU , for the neh of section S , hi
town-hip 3 n. range : X > west , 6 P. M. He names
as witnesses : Peter L. Zimmer. Jacob Zimmer ,
.Io-eph Hore. Joseph Andryreki of O.-born.
Nebraska. MB-6t K. M.RATHBC.V , Register.
By virtue of an order of sale , issued from' the
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska
nuder a decree in an action wherein Nebraska
Loan and Trust Company is plaintiff and John
tt. Hall [ eta ! , are defendants , to me directed
' " ' / ' ' " d Ishal offer at public sale and
-ell to the highest bidder for cash , at the ea t
loorof tlu > court house , in McCook. Red Willow
? CUt > ; MUhirasklV ° , n Sh , ° ] ? th 'la > of February !
1000 , at the hour of 1 o'clock , p. m. . the following
described real estate , to-wit : The northwest
quarter of section townMiip two.north. of
range twenty-eight , west of the 6th p. m. in Red
Willow county. Nebraska. Dated this 17th dav
of January. 1'XJO G. F. KI.NGIIOR.V , Sheriff.
Jacob Bailey , Plaintiff's Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that the county com
missioners of Red Willow county will receive
sealed bids for printing the commissioners' pr
ceedings , legal notices and delinquent tax list
for the year 1900 Party receiving contract to
furnish good and suflicient bond for the faithful
S ? l05MIVof Sal ? contract. , Said bids to bo
co ntrclerkonor
thZsS before noon of
, >
! th dSf February , ISOO.and to be endorsed
thereon. Bids for the county printing for the
S Eai K. Dated rtis t" day of January , 1900
1-1--M. R. .
- GKEEX , County Clerk.
Mr. Rockefeller says that God gave him his
money. Supplied him with the Almighty
dollar , as it were.