The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1899, Image 5

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    REV1EWJF 1899
The Year's Chief Events In
'a Classified Record.
Miscellaneous Happenings Havoc
Wrought by Fires , Storms and Ac
cidents Personal und Political
! - - Items Brief History of a Noted
12. Th J. 8. Menken CO.'B dry goods bouse
burned In Memphis ; loss. $400.000.
25. Ostcrhout building burned at Wllkesbarre ,
Pa. ; loss. $250.000.
1. Fire in the business portion of Columbus , 0. ,
caused a loss of $750.000.
7. The Manitoba hotel and other property burn
ed in Winnipeg ; loss , $100,000.
14. Several clothing houses burned In Philadel
phia ; loss about $400,000.
Traders' Warehouse Co. and other concerns
burned out in Chicago ; loss , $780,000.
A hat factory and clothing house burned In
Cincinnati ; loss , $500,000.
15. Plant of the Thomas Building and Lumber
Co. burned at Akron , O. ; loss , $100,000.
Building No. 28 , the largest in the Brooklyn
navy yard , burned and the original model and
patterns of the battleship Maine destroyed ;
loss nearly $2,000,000.
24. The Minneapolis Tribune building and other
property burned in Minneapolis ; loss , $300,000.
23. Windsor hotel and several stores burned at
Uolyokc. Mass. ; loss. $500,000.
2. Freight depot and cotton compress burned at
Charlotte , N. C. ; loss about $400,000.
McClurg's bookstore burned In Chicago ; loss ,
0. Fire destroyed the Mary Holmes college and
a large amount of cotton at West Point , Miss. ;
loss. $400,000.
24. Loss of $450.000 by the burning of stove and
machine screw works at Cleveland.
29. The J. L. Howard Car factory burned at
, Hertford ; loss , $180,000.
14. Idle Hour , the residence on Long Icland
where W. K. Vanderbilt , Jr. , took his bride
for the honeymoon , burned ; loss about § 250-
15. Half a block of business houses burned in
Cleveland ; loss , § 1,000.000.
22. The Kingman block burned in Omaha ; loss ,
. $200.000.
2G. Fire wiped out the business center of Dawson
City ; loss between $1,000.000 and $2,000,000.
' MAT.
1. Gen. Wade Hampton's home , containing a
fine library , valuable jewels and treasured rel
ics , burned at Columbia , S. C.
4. Fire in the heart of Greenville , N. C. ; loss ,
14. A $100.000 fire at Manchester , N. H.
17. A $400,000 fire in the Blue Island avenue lum
ber district of Chicago.
25. A $500,000 fire in St. John , N. B.
26. A $400,000 fire in the "Bowery district , "
Coney Island.
1 6. The St. Charles theater , a landmark of New
Orleans , destroyed by fire.
7. A $250,000 fire at Augusta , Ga.
11. A $1,000,000 fire in the works of the Ann-
strong-Whitworth Ordnance Co. at Newcastle-
18. The Benbow House at Greensboro , N. C. ,
burned ; loss , $100,000.
21. Gen. John B. Gordon's house , the historic
Sutherland , at Kirkwood , Ga. , burned.
24. A $200,000 fire at Laurel , Del.
2. Fire destroyed property valued at $150,000 in
the heart of Summit , N. J.
4. The Gayoso hotel and other property burned
at Memphis ; loss , $450,000.
: 20 buildings burned at Paris , Tenn. ; loss , $175-
6. Railroad elevator burned at Ludington , Mich. ;
loss. $120,000.
Coulterville , Cal. , wiped out by fire ; loss , $250-
16. Fire destroyed $1,000,000 worth of uniforms
and a large quantity of food supplies at the
Brooklyn navy yurd.
17. A $100.000 mill fire at Mount Vernon , Ind.
The Addvstone foundry burned at North Bend ,
Ind. ; loss. $100.000.
23. $1,000,000 loss by the burning of a wheat ele
vator at Toledo.
10. The Guild building and other properties de
stroyed at Dallas ; loss. $250,000.
12. Yokohama swept by the largest fire in its
history ; a square mile of buildings destroyed
and 10 lives lost.
16. 27 buildings burned -at Jamestown , N. Y. ;
loss. $500.000.
21. The business portion of. Victor , Colo. , destroyed -
! stroyed by fire ; loss , $2,000,000.
30. 1C9 buildings destroyed at Tupper Lake , N.
Y. ; loss. $150.000.
SI. Fire destroyed the stationery establishment
of Parsons. Green & Co. at Holyoke , Mass. ;
loss , $600.000.
2. A $250.000 fire in Kansas City.
16. $165.000 loss by fire at Seattle , Wash.
The Masonic temple , St. Paul's church and sev
eral business blocks burned at Lincoln , Neb. ;
loss. $500,000.
17. Plant of the American Fisheries Co. burned
at Promised Land. N. Y. ; loss , $500,000.
18. The business section of Farnham , N. Y. ,
wiped out by fire ; loss over $250.000.
19. Bassclin's mill and lumber yard burned at
Lowville , N. Y. ; loss. $250.000.
22. $150.000 loss by the burning of a flouring mill
at Salem. Or.
SO. The State Deaf Mute institute burned at Little
Rock ; loss. $160.000.
1. A $150.000 fire at Call , Tex.
5 buildings burned at Bloomington , Ills. ; loss ,
2. 64 buildings burned at Duqucn , Ark. ; loss.
3. Masonic temple , department store and other
buildings burned at DCS Moines ; loss , $500,000.
, Lumber yards burned at Endeavor , Pa. ; loss ,
1 $000.000.
10. A $200.000 fire in the business section of New
Iberia. La.
Cable works burned at Hastings. N. Y. ; loss ,
$125.000. * ,
Two acres of buildings burned at Havcrstraw ,
N. Y. ; loss. $200.000.
14. The Loomis sanitarium burned at Liberty , N.
Y. ; loss. $100,000.
15. A $100.000 fire at Waterloo. la.
81. Salmon cannery burned at Aberdeen. Wash ;
loss. $150.000.
The Hackettstown seminary. , burned at Hacketts-
town. N. J. ; loss. $300.000.
4. Jones' department store and the St. James
hotel In Kansas City burned ; loss , $500.000.
. Loss of $400.000 by fire in the plant of the Amer
ican Steel and Wire Co. at Waukegan. Ills ,
p. A $250.000 fire at Memphis.
12 ! A $500.000 fire at Montreal.
23. The Husted elevator burned at Buffalo ; loss
about $150,000.
tl A $350.000 fire at Detroit.
f9. Lippincotfs publishing house , a department
store and-other establishments burned out In
Philadelphia ; loss. $1.250.000.
The Franklin college at New Athens. 0. , burned.
theater burned at Clinton. Mass. ;
Z. Clinton
loss. $150.000. . . .
loss by the burning of a business
4. A $250.300
block at Meridian. Miss.
7. Hosiery facto * ? burned at Reading , Pa. ; lots ,
10. Woolen mill burned at Enflcld , N. II. ; low ,
Masonic temple , Arlington hotel and other prop
erty burned at Augusta , Ga. ; loss , $1,000,000.
Varion * Happening ; * the World
1. End of Spanish sovereignty in Cuba ; military
command formally transferred to Gen. John
R. Brooke. U. S. A. , military governor.
15. Laurence K. Myers , noted amateur champion
long distance runner , died in New York city.
16. Henry Jonrs , whist expert knoxvn as "Caven
dish , " died in London at the age of 68.
12. Johnny Griffin , the "Braintree Lad , " once not
ed featherweight , died in New York city.
15. War at Samoa ; American and British ships
bombarded native villages.
16. A mob at Palmetto , Ga. , shot 9 negroes at
the Jail , killing 4.
19. Riot in Havana growing out of the Gome re
ception ; 30 to 50 people wounded.
1. American and Knglish ambushed near Apia ;
H officers and 4 sailors killed.
0. Obsequies at Arlington to honor the remain
of 336 ofllcers and men who died in Cuba and
Porto Iliro.
10. A street riot caused by miners' trouble at
Pana , Ills. , resulted in the death of 7 people ;
many wounded.
II. A. W. Tabor , a noted Colorado miner , cap !
talist , politician , etc. , diedat Colorado
Springs ; aged 69.
17. John L. Lay , inventor of the navy torpedo ,
died in Bcllevue hospital , New York , at the
age of 67.
18. Lieut. Gen. Correa , Spanish minister of war
in 1S9S , died in Madrid.
Fighting at Samoa between the Americans and
English and-the Mataafans.
1. Dewcy day generally celebrated in the United
States and possessions , especially on the sea.
Spain's agent received warrants for the $20,000 ,
000 stipulated in the treaty in payment for
cession of the Philippines.
Z. Keokuk , chief of the Sac and Fox Indians ,
died at Guthric , O. T.
Emma Marshall , English novelist , died in Lon
6. Mrs. William C. Whitney , wife of the ex-
secretary of war , died in New York city after a
year's suffering due to injuries received riding
to the hounds.
22. Grisi , the Italian dancer , died at Geneva.
25. Aaron B. Magoun , master in the Cambridge
schools from 1S3S to 1SS1 , died in Roxbury ,
Mass. ; aged 00.
2. William Jack Haynes , the oldest member of
the G. A. R. , died at St. Louis ; aged 112.
7. Margaret Ann Cusack , the "Nun of Kenmare , "
died in London.
10. The Columbia , yacht built to defend the
America's cup , launched at Bristol , R. I.
12. Duke of Abruzzi's north pole expedition sail
ed on the Stella Polare from Christiania , Nor
14. General celebration of Flag day.
6. 10 regiments of U. S. volunteers ordered to
be raised for the Philippines.
20. Gen. Uliscs Heureaux , president of Santo Do
mingo , assassinated.
7. The Dreyfus court martial convened at
Capt. Davis Dalton , known as the champion life
saver of the world , the hero of 278 rescues ,
drowned at Far Rockaway , N. Y.
14. Maitre Labori , chief counsel for Dreyfus , seri
ously wounded by a pistal shot from a would
be assassin.
17. Walter Wellman and the survivors of his
polar expedition arrived at Tromso , Norway ,
from Franz-Josef Land.
22. Sculptor Caspar Buberl died suddenly in New
York while working on the Dewey triumphal
27. Giovanni Turini , a sculptor engaged in model
ing for the Dewcy triumphal arch , died sud
denly in New York.
30. Frank C. Ivcs , former billiard champion , died
at Progreso , Mexico ; aged 32.
9. Dreyfus convicted and sentenced to 10 years'
17. 7 nonunion miners killed in a riot at Carter-
ville. Ills.
19. Lieut. Col. John D. Miley , very prominent as
a staff officer to Gen. Shafter at Santiago ,
died at Manila.
20. Harry W. Bcnton , the first "sound" teleg
rapher in America , died at Denver ; aged 63.
Dreyfus released on a pardon.
12. Puerto Cabello , Venezuela , surrendered to
Gen. Castro after a battle in which 650 were
killed and wounded.
16. Evelyn Adams , author of "Is Marriage a Fail
ure ? " died in great poverty in New York city.
Conclusion of a two days' battle at Bucaranan-
ga. Colombia ; 1,000 rebels killed and 2,000
23. Gen. Wingate , with an Egyptian force , at
tacked the dervishes near Dreifissa , on the line
of the Nile , and defeated them , with a loss
in killed of 400. including their leader , the
28. Harper & Bros. ' publishing house turned over
to the agent of its creditors , with liabilities
of $5,500,000. . '
4. Beginning of the Molineux murder trial in
New York.
7. James P. Reed , once the world's champion
checker player , died at Pittsburg.
6. By the explosion of a boiler under test at
Hewett's shipyards , London , 9 men were kill
ed and 40 injured.
9. 16 killed in a head on collision on the Lehigh
Valley at Dunellen , N. J.
12. Snowslides at Cherokee Gulch , Colo. , carried
away the orehouses and killed 24 men.
17 lives lost in a hospital fire at Yankton , S. D.
15. 21 London passengers killed and 100 injured
in a train crash in Belgium on the road from
17. The Windsor hotel. New York , totally de
stroyed by fire ; 45 lives lost.
29. The Mississippi steamboat Rowena Lee sank
at Tyler. Mo. ; loss reported. 60 lives.
7. 13 deaths at the burning of the residences of
W. C. Andrews and A. J. Adams in the Fifth
avenue residence district. New York.
10 persons drowned by an ice freshet at Glen-
dive , Mon.
SO. 50 people hurt in a railway wreck near
12. 29 kilied and over 40 injured in a wreck on
the Philadelphia and Reading at Exeter , Pa.
23. 10 deaths and 23 injured in a washout acci
dent on the Rock Island and Burlington at
Waterloo. la.
16. 11 miners killed by explosions at the Cale
donia mine. North Sidney , C. B.
6 , 200 excursionists at Mount Desert thrown
Into the water by the breaking of a gang
plank ; 20 drowned.
17 killed and 73 injured in a telescoping acci
dent at Juvisy , France.
36 passengers killed and 5 injured by the de
railment of a trolley car near Bridgeport ,
JS. 19 men drowned by the collapse of an iron
bridge during a flood at Vienna.
19. SO lives lost by the burning of the steamer
Montoya on Magdalena rhcr , Colombia.
23. 6 killed and 10 injured in a head on collision
on the Rio Grande road at Reno. Colo.
14. The sound steamer Nutmeg State burned off
Sands Point ; several lives lost.
21. 14 people burned to death in their dwellings
at Falr M. Ala.
10. e killed and 4 seriously injured In a wreck on
the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha
railroad at Humboldt , S. D.
29. 0 killed and 20 Injured In a wreck on the D. .
L , and W. at Paterson. N. J.
4. 6 passengers killed and 3 injured in a rear
end collision on the Denver and Rio Grande
near Salida. Colo.
7. 4 killed in the explosion of a powder mill at
Sunncytown. Pa.
3 killed and 50 Injured in a factory Ore at
Reading , Pa.
9. 32 live ? lost in an explosion at the Carbonado
mine , Washington.
Lending EventH of the Contest With
5. The Filipinos attacked the American position
at Manila and were repulsed with heavy loss.
10. The American forces attacked and raptured
Caloocan. near Manila.
13. Gen. Marcus P. Miller's forces captured Hello
without suffering loss of life.
21. The city of Manila fired bv incendiaries ;
fighting in the streets and heavy loss of prop
22. Insurgents brake through the American lines
at Manila and were finally repulsed , with
h'cavy loss.
13. The town of Pasig. cast of Manila , captured
by Gun. Wheaton's division.
16. Fighting at lloilo between Gen. Miller's troops
and the insurgents.
SL Gen. MacArthur entered Malolos. the insur
gents having firrd and evacuated the city.
10. Gen. Lawton captured Santa Cruz , a Filipino
25. Gen. M.-icArthur's division fought its way to
the trenches before Calumpit.
27. MacArthur's division crossed the Rio Grande
at Calumpit.
28. Peace o\ertures from the Filipinos asking for
an armistice rejected by Gen. Otis.
2. Lawton's column captured Balinag from the
11. Hardest battle of the Philippine war to date
at Las Pinas between Gen. Lawton's division
and the insurgents.
9. Gen. MacArthur's force advanced from San
Fernando and drove the insurgents beyond
Angeles ; American loss , 8 killed and 26
23. Olangapo , on Subig bay , bombarded and cap
tured by a naval force beaded by the cruiser
2. Filipinos attacked Gen. Fred Grant's line at
Bacoor and were repulsed.
20. Insurgents routed at San Isidro by Gen.
Young's command.
B. Gen. MacArthur's troops captured Magalang
after sharp fighting.
6. Gen. Wheaton's expedition landed at San
Fabian , on Lingaycn gulf , under Filipino fire.
12. Sharp fight at San Jacinto , in the Philip
pines ; John A. Logan killed at the head of his
20. Gen. .MacArthur's troops entered Dagupan ,
the northern terminus of the Manila railway.
S. Gen. del Pilar. Aguinaldo's aid. killed in a
4. Gen. Young's column reached Tagudin ; at
his approach 600 Filipinos abandoned an im
pregnable position.
5. 600 Filipinos repulsed in an attack on Vigan.
15. Engagement between the 24th infantry and
Filipinos at the junction of the Magat and
Rio Grande rhers.
9. President Kruger's Boer ultimatum demand
ing arbitration and recall of British re-en
forcements in South Africa.
11. Expiration of the Boer time limit ; armies
moved to the Transvaal border.
12. Boers destroyed a British armored train.
13. Yryburg surrendered to the Boers.
14. Fighting begun at Mafeking.
15. Boers under Gen. Kronje laid siege to Kim-
20. Battle at Glencoe , South Africa , between
British and Boers ; British loss 211 killed and
wounded and a squadron of hussars captur
ed ; Gen. Symons , British commander , mortal
ly wounded.
2L Battle of Elandslaagte ; British and Boers lost
30. Battle before Ladysmith ; 2 British regiments
and a battery captured.
9. Severe fighting at Ladysmith.
19. Boers repulsed by the British at Estcourt.
23. Battle at Belmont. south of Kimberley ; Brit
ish loss , 220.
25. A 4 hours' battle at Gras Pan hills , north of
Belmont ; the British under Lord Methuen
lost heavily.
26. Great Britain formally notified the powers
that a state of war exists in South Africa ,
owing to an invasion of her territory by the
23. A 10 hours' battle between British and Boers
at Modder river ; British loss , 445 , including
Gen. Methuen , wounded.
7. Gen. Methucn's communications cut at Gras
Pan , near Belmont , by Boer raiders.
8. Successful British sortie on Boer gun position
at Ladysmith.
9. British column under Gen. Gatacre ambush
ed in an attack on Stormberg ; loss , C30 miss
ing , besides killed and wounded.
II. Gen. Methuen attacked Boer position north
of Modder river and was repulsed with heavy
loss. Maj. Gen. A. \Vauchope was killed.
15. Gen. Buller's column defeated at the cross
ing of Ttigela river with heavy losses , Includ
ing 11 guns.
17. Lord Roberts ordered to South Africa with
0.000 additional troops.
4. Treaty of peace with Spain transmitted to the
12. Commissary Gen. Egan attacked Gen. Miles
in his testimony before the investigating com
26. Adclina Patti married in London to Baron
tl. Gen. Maximo Gomez , Cuban commander in
chief , entered Ilaiana under an American mil
itary escort.
2. Carl Schurz honored by a dinner In New
York on the 70th anniversary of his birthday.
3. Rear Admiral George Dcwey became full ad
miral of the navy under the new law reviving
that rank.
4. The 55th congress adjourned.
4. Cuban military assembly voted to disband the
army and dissolve.
W. K. Vanderbilt , Jr. . married Virginia Fair
in New York city.
11. Formal proclamation by President McKinley
announcing the ratification of the treaty and
the restoration of peace with Spain.
21. Matthew S. Quay appointed U. S. senator by
the governor of Pennsylvania.
! 5. The German ambassador lodged with the sec
retary of state a protest against certain lan
guage of Capt. Coghlan of the Raleigh.
! 1. Admiral Dewey sailed from Manila on the
cruiser Olyrapia on his voyage home.
M. The 80th anniversary of Queen Victoria's
birthday celebrated throughout the British
empire and colonies.
4. President Loubet of France attacked by a
Royalist neb at the Auteuil race course , near
0. Gomez Issued i farewell manifesto to tha Cu
ban people.
3. Dreyfus rcturced to France.
6. May Wright Sewall of Indianapolis elected
president of the International Council of
Women at London.
19. Gen. Algcr tendered his resignation as secre
tary of war.
20. The president accepted the resignation of
Secretary Alger. to take effect Aug. 1.
22. KHhu Root of New York appointed oecretary
of war.
7. Col. Albert D. Shaw of Watertown. N. Y. .
elected commander In chief of the G. A. R.
24. Julia Dent Grant and Prince Cantacuzene
" married at Newport.
29. Naval parade In New York bay and on Hudson
river in honor of Admiral Dewey.
30. Reception ol Admiral Dewcy at city hall.
New York , by Mayor Van Wyck , followed by
a military land parade.
9. Admiral George Dewey married Mrs. Mildred
Hazen in Washington.
20. Emperor William arrived at Windsor castle ,
guest of Queen Victoria.
4. Opening of the 56th congress.
6. President McKinley'a message heard In con
13.Maj. . Gen. Leonard Wood appointed military
governor of Cuba.
14. The British ship Adclina capsized In the har
bor of Tacoma ; 17 sailors drowned.
6. 11 drowned by the sinking of the tug James
Bowen of Philadelphia off Hog Island.
30. Passenger steamer Stella ran on Casquet
rocks , near the island of Alderney , foundered
and exploded , carrying down 70 to 100 people.
4. Steamer Chilkat capsized on a bar at the en
trance to Eureka harbor. California , carrying
down 10 sailors and passengers.
28. Steamer Margaret Olwill foundered off Lorain.
0. , in Lake Erie ; 9 seamen lost.
21. 14 deaths in the wreck of the Dominion
steamship Scotsman in the strait of Belle Me.
30. Steamer George L. Colwell of Detroit , for
New York from Fernandina , wrecked off
Charleston ; 12 sailors drowned.
1. Schooner William M. Bird wrecked off Cape
Remain , S. C. ; 0 sailors lost.
7. The U. S. cruiser Charleston wrecked off the
northwest coast of Luzon.
17. The Hamburg-American liner Patria aban
doned on flre in the North sea.
6. Canadian steamer Niagara foundered off Long
Point , Lake Erie , carrying down 16 persons.
13. Severe blizzard all over the United States ;
heavy snows and wind along the Atlantic
18. Cyclone in Arkansas , Mississippi and Ala
bama ; 25 deaths.
26. Tornado swept over Missouri , killing 40 people
ple at Kirksville and wiping out Newton ;
hundreds of houses destroyed and about 100
27. 9 deaths in tornado at Bijou , S. D. ; devasta
tion in Missouri , Iowa and Michigan.
8. High water mark reached in the Colorado
river flood in Texas ; 25 drowned.
12. Terrible cyclone in the northwest ; hundreds
killed and wounded at New Richmond , Wis. ,
and Herman , Neb.
.9. Mount -Ktna in eruption and a severe earth
quake shock in Rome.
31. A hailstorm damaged the wheat section around
Hamilton. N. D. , to the amount of $250,000.
8. Porto Rico swept by a hurricane ; deaths es
timated at 3,000 to 4,000 and property loss
4. Destructive hurricane at Bermuda.
20. 1,000 people killed by an earthquake at Aidin ,
Asia Minor.
21. 5,000 lives lost by an earthquake on the island
of Ceram , West Indies.
3. First cold wave and wintry weather.
27. Banastar won the Brooklyn Handicap at
28. Perth won the Grand Prix at Longchamps.
30. Flying Fox won the English Derby.
9. Jeffries defeated Fitzsimmons in 11 rounds
for the world's championship at Coney Island.
11. Perth won the Grand Prix de Paris.
17. Imp won the Suburban at Sheepshead Bay.
27. Pennsylvania won the varsity race at Pough-
keepsie in 4m. 20s. ; Wisconsin's time , 20m.
5's. . ; Cornell's , 20m. 13s. ; Columbia's , 20m.
29. Harvard won three boat races over Yale at
New London.
30. Charles Murphy. Brooklyn cyclist , rode the
fastest mile on record , paced by a railway
16. Columbia won the first race over the Sham
rock by 10m. Ss.
17. Columbia won the second race , the Shamrock
breaking her mast.
20. The Columbia won her third consecutive vic
tory over the Shamrock by Cm. ISs.
28. Four football games between prominent teams
resulted as follows : At New York , Columbia
defeated Yale 5to , 0 ; Ithaca , Cornell beat
Princeton 5 to 0 ; Cambridge , Harvard scored
22 to Carlisle Indians 10 ; Chicago and Penn
sylvania caoli-5 , at Chicago.
4. Harvard scored 16 to Pennsylvania 0 at the
Cambnfje'football contest.
11. Princeton scored 12 to Carlisle Indians 0 in a
football contest at New York ; at Easton , La
fayette scored 6 to Cornell 5.
IS. The Yale-Harvard annual football game ended
in a draw.
Z5. Princeton defeated Yale at football at New
Haven ; score , Princeton 11 , Yale 10.
EO. Pennsylvania defeated Cornell 29 to 0 at
Philadelphia ; the Carlisle Indians scored 45
to Columbia 0 in the Thanksgiving football
contest in New York.
2. West Point defeated Annapolis at football in I
Philadelphia ; score. 17 to 5. I
Id. Confederate Veterans' reunion at Charleston.
17. The international peace congress convened at
The Hague.
Z5. International Council of Women met in Lon
5. Annual Christian Endeavor convention met at
U. National Educational association convened at
Los Angeles.
4. The 33d national encampment of the G. A. B.
met in Philadelphia.
7. The national encampment Sons of Veterans
met in Detroit.
. National convention of the W. C. T. O. be
gan at Seattle. Wash.
II. Annual convention American Federation of
Labor opened at Detroit.
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