By F. M. KIMMELL. . Subscription , $1 a Year in Advan OFFICIAL COUNTY PARE Largest Circulation in Red Willow ( No BBTTKR. barometer of business c be found than the railroads , those gn transporters of the products of indusl and labor. The gross earnings of roads in the United States reporting Dun's Review for the first half of Dece ber showed a gain of 10 I per cent o\ last year and 21.3 per cent over the pn perous year 1892. TUB gold which is going to Euro need not worry the calamity criers at a It is going there because it commands higher rate of interest there than can obtained for it here , and not for t purpose of debt paying. So long as t trade balance is in the neighborhood forty million dollars monthly in favor this couutry , it will not be necessary export gold to Europe for debt-payii purposes. THE New York dispatches that "mo gold is going to Europe , " which three four years ago would have caused alar and depression in the minds of the watching the finances of the countr disturbs no one now. The gold in tl United States has increased since i8 < about $400,000,000 , and will general continue to increase under Republic * management , even though there may 1 an outgo for a few weeks or months meet the present exigency. CALIFORNIA , which has just celebratt the seth anniversary of the organizatic of her State government , is recognize as one of the most progressive , patrioti and advanced of Western States. Y < when California was annexed her popi lation consisted of Mexicans , Indian and half-casters ( who were not consulte as to their wishes in the matter ) , and < whom it was said that we could nev assimilate swell a foreign and antagonii tic population' . THOSE interested in tlie prosperity c the laboring man , whatever their pei sonal relation to this subject , will fin the following extracts from Bradstreets of December , 1893 , and December , 1890 useful for comparative purposes : BRADSTREETS' , DECEMBER 9. 1893. The business in 1893 promises to g into history with heavier net losses ii financial , commercial , and industria circles throughout the United State than during the past eighty years There are one million industrial an ( other wage earners in enforced idlenes throughout the country in excess o those similarly situated one year ago. BRADSTREETS' DECEMBER 9 , 1899. Pennsylvania industries are using 300 , ocx ) more persons than at this time i year ago ; 100,000 New England cottot mill operatives have received an ad vance of 10 per cent in wages ; wages o employes in the cotton mills it Augusta , Ga. , and Bath and Langley S.C. , are to be advanced ; the Richmond Fredericksburg & Potomac R. R' has in creased the wages of its yardmen , con ductors , and brakemen 10 per cent 2,400 workers in the Elgin watch factorj will receive an increase of wages January 1st , etc. 1900 is the Year. I feel very grateful for the patronage tendered me during 1899. I desire to double my business in 1900 and if you will help me I can do it , and in return will guarantee you fair treatment and right prices. If you have not dealt with me in 1899 , give me at least a share o your trade in 1900 and I will try to make it to your advantage. Wishing a happy and prosperous New Year to all I remain , D. W. LOAR , the druggist. Opp. Commercial Hotel , McCook. Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice on Dec. 3ist : Lenis Kolb , Th. Sample , A. J. Lytle , Lenuer West , James Meadley , Iva A. Odell , Miss Zelia Bower. In calling for any of these letters , please say that they are advertised. F. M. KiaiMELi. , Postmaster. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum * Alum baking powders are the greatest menacets to health of the present day. ROYAt DAMNS POWOEH CO. , HEW YOBS. xtfy ftJ Best Grades LUMBER Lath , Shingles , Doors , Sash , Blinds , Lime , Cement , Plaster and Hair. ALL KINDS OF _ HARD AND SOFT COAL Barnett Lumber Co. Dennison Street fi ft Masonic Elections and Banquets Orleans , Nebraska , January 3 , 190 ( Special to THE TRIBUNE ) : At tl special commencement of Miriam cha ter No. 47 , Royal Arch Masons , held Masonic hall , Oxford , Nebraska , Decet her ayth , the following officers were i stalled for 1900 : High. Priest , Neil Pettygrove , Oxfor King , John T. McClure , Beaver City. Scribe , Mr. Swindell , Mascot. Principal Sojourner , Jr.iues Peppen Alma. Captain of the Host , A. J. Cole. Oxfor Captain of the Guard , W. H. Banwel Orleans. Keeper of the First Veil , Web Joss lyn , Orleans. Keeper of the Second Veil , Mr. Luk < Mascot. Keeper of the Third Veil , Treasurer , Stewart E. Lee of Oxfon Secretary , Dr. I < M. Brady , Oxford. After installment of officers , the Royi Arch degree was conferred on Henry C Fairchild of Orleans and William Crop of Oxford. E. G. Bechtol , C. H. Roberl and Mr. Fink were visiting brethre from Holdrege. A sumptuous banqm was served at the Burlington eatin house , and the members of Miriam chap ter and visiting Royal Arch Maso brethren enjoyed a feast of delicacies i the commodious dining hall preside over by worthy Host Tramtnell. It wa a "spread" worthy of the occasion , am reflects credit upon both the chapte and Mr , Trammell , At the special commencement of At wood lodge No. 164. A. F. & A. M. , o Atwood , Nebraska , December 27th , tin following officers were installed : Worshipful Master , D. O. Bye. Senior Warden , F. M. Marshall. Junior Warden , Fred Robertson. Secretary , Albert Hemming. Treasurer , O. K. Bone. Senior Deacon , O. V. Henderson. Junior Deacon , A. McMahon. Following the installation , theeuterec ipprentice degree was conferred on Johr Means of Atwood , Kansas. After adjournment , a bountiful repas-1 , vas served at the Tremont house , when "orty plates were laid for the Masonic irethren , their mothers , wives , sisters laughters and sweethearts. The tables jroaned under the weight of delicacies .he best the market afforded. It was iocial event of the first magnitude foi Vtwood , eclipsing anything of the kind ately attempted in the capital city ol lawlins county. The worthy host and lostess of the Tremout house , as well as he Masonic committee , Albert Heui- niug , Fred Robertson and F. M. Marsh- ill , deserve R full mead of praise for the uccessful event. F. McCook Markets. Corrected Friday morning. torn f .26 Vheat 42 ) ats 25 ye 35 logs 4.00 Jggs 15 latter 20 'otatoes 40 lutter fat at Creamery 20 COLEMAN. Mrs. Thos. Ryan returned , Thursday , from Irafton , Nebraska , where she had spent the Dlidays with friends. J. Pate marketed two porkers , Tuesday , that pped the beam at 950 pounds. And hogs are Dgs , now , you know. R. J. Traphagan shelled about 1,500 bushels : corn , the fore part of the week. It was jout half of his crop. George Howell is now occupying his new ame house. It is a good , substantial build- g T-shaped 16x26 and 14x24 feet in di- ensions. Ira and Emer Divine were both home from ranklin , over the holidays. Emer rode up i his bike , Friday a week ago , over lee miles , a returned to the academy on Tuesday night ' . this week. The Coleman school house drew a large impany , Saturday evening , December 23rd , e occasion of the Christmas entertainment , here was a well-filled tree and all the other tractive appurtenances to an enjoyable Fair. The annual hunt in the western part of this ecinct came off , last Friday. It was the ung men against the married men , and the irried men warped it to the "kids" in great rle to the tune of 395 points. The young- : rs paid for the oysters and crackers. The pper was served at the borne of William mer , and 112 satisfied their cravings for ralves , and there were plenty left. Whosoever has suffered from piles knows w painful and troublesome they are. Tab 's Buckeye Pile Ointment is guaranteed to re piles. Price 50 cents in bottles. Tubes cents. A. McMillen. BOX ELDER. Box Elder had a new white dress for Ne Year. There was no preaching , last Sunday , < account of the weather. Reece Harrison left , last week , for Denv < to visit over the holidays. George Oakley has returned from Oklahon and will farm in Nebraska again. John White says he will be on time , her after , thanks to a handsome new gold watc Charles Holcomb has moved to Norl Dakota , to try farming where it is cold , 1 says. says.Mrs. Mrs. Isica Atkinson entertained her brothe Frank Boinet of Maxwell , Iowa , through tl holidays. Mr. and Mr.AI.Osborn of the upper Willo spent Christmas with her parents , Mr. an Mrs. Werner. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wildman are entertaii ing their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. an Mrs. Hurshman of Farnam , over the holiday ; Santa Claus and the Christmas tree drew , a usual , a crowded house. Nuts and cand were distributed to young and old in bountifi lots. The programme rendered by the chi dren was good , especially the selection sun : by the little girls , and the music by the choii So , merrily and joyously , ended anothe Christmas-tide. J. I. Bevry , Loganton , Pa. , writes : "I an willing to take my oath that I was cured o pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minut Cough Cure after doctors failed. It also curet my children of whooping cough. " Quickly re lieves and cures coughs , colds , croup , gnppi and throat and lung troubles. Children al like it. Mothers endorse it. D. W. Loar. TYRONE , Wesley Van meter is sick with pneumonia. Levi Kimpton is preparing to start to Ar iansas. Most of the farms here for rent are rentec ror the coming year. J. C. Moore negotiated the sale of the Jen tins' place to Martin Lindgren. Work is being crowded on the new church * will be ready for the plasterers in about j veek. There is some prospect of this postoffice icing supplied from Cambridge instead ol .Vilsonville . as at present. Miss Nellie Elmer of Indianola is teaching iliss Canaga's school here until the board nakes some permanent arrangement. L. T. Travis , Agent Southern R. R. , Selina , Ja. , writes , "I cannot say too much in praise if One Minute Cough Cure. In my case it worked like a charm. " The only harmless emedy that gives immediate results. Cures oughs , colds , croup , bronchitis , and all throat nd lung troubles. D. W. Loar. REDWILLOW. The holidays are over and we think every- ne had a joyous time. On New Year day a happy assembly of oung girls met at Mrs. Aaron Sheets' to sew arpet rags. They succeeded in sewing as lany as a previous assembly of married romen. In the evening there was an oyster ipper and the boys came and the evening as spent in merriment. F. B. Thirkield , Health Inspector of hicago , says , "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot 2 recommended too highly. It cured me of : vere dyspepsia" It digests what you eat id cures indigestion , heartburn and all forms dyspepsia. D. W. Loar. INDIANOLA. Miss Jennie McCIung has been the of iss Minnie Rowell of McCook , part of this eek. Miss Lillian Welborn was in McCook , yes- rday , on business of the county superinten- : ncy. Art. Crabtree , the new deputy sheriff , has : en spending most of the week in the county at , learning the ropes of his new position , is one with which , however , he is somewhat miliar. He will make a satisfactory deputy , z wager. Commissioner Crabtree has been absent in e county seat , all week , in attendance upon j e meetings of the board of county commis- > ners , now making their annual settlements th the old county officers and inducting the w ones into office. The properties of Baliard's Snow Liniment ssess a range of usefulness greater than any icr remedy. A day seldom passes in every usehold , especially where there are children , it it is not needed. Price , 25 and 50 cent . McMillen. j.H.Appleton. justice of peace , Clarksburg , J. , says , "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are : best pills made for constipation. We use others. " Quickly cure all liver and bowel ubles. D. W. Loar. I'he fragile babe and the growing child are engthened by White's Cream Vermifuge , destroys worms , gets digestion at work and rebuilds the body. Price 25 cents. A. : Millen. , A Frightful Blunder Vill often cause a hoirible burn , scald , cut bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve , the best : he world , will kill the pain and promptly il it. Cures old sores , fever sores , ulcers , Is , felons , corns , all skin eruptions. Best : cure on earth. Only 25 cts a box. Cure iranteed. Sold by McConnell & Berry. He "Would Know More. An exceedingly well dressed worn sat In an elevated railway car the 01 er day , and opposite her was an eldei man. The woman got up to leave t car , and in t/ > corner of the sc where she had been sitting the in spied a piece of black net. Jmnpl for It , he called out : "Madam , you have left your veil ! ' As she took no notice of him dashed down the aisle after her , an touching licrou the elbow again , sai "Madam , you have left your veil at the same time holding it up lu fi view of all. It was a frowsy , frayed , torn pie of black cotton net. "It Is not mine , sir ! " she suappi out , giving him a withering look , at the obliging old man shrank back i If he had been jabbed with a hatpl while the passengers grinned. "Why was she so mad about It he asked In a dazed way as lie la the homely little rag on the wludo sill. sill."I "I guess you never paid for a w man's flnery , " said another man. "That's so , " said the withered 01 In a hopeless tone. " 1 am a bachelo Perhaps I'd know more If I'd ma ried. " "You would that. " said the othi feelingly. New York Tribune. Renting ; the MiiHcIes. When a man IH tired , he stretches h arms and legs and yawns. Birds an animals , so far as possible , follow h example. Birds spread their feathers and als yawn , or gape. Fowls often do thi : Fish yawn ; they open their motitli slowly until they are round , the bout of the head seem to loosen , and tli ills open. Dogs are inveterate yawners an stretchers , but seldom sneeze unles they have a cold. Cats are alway stretching their bodies , legs and clawj is every one knows who has a cat fo i pet Horses stretch violently when am ifter indulging In a roll , but not , as i ule , on all fours. A stag when stretching sticks out hi lead , stretches his fore feet out au < lollows his back and neck as thongl rying to creep under a bar. Most ruminant animals stretch whei hey rise up after lying down. Dec ; lo it regularly ; so do cows. This fac s so well known that if a cow , whei irising from lying down , does no tretch herself it is a sign she is ill. The reasou for this is plain tin itretcli moves every muscle of tin ody , and if there be any injury any i-here It hurts. Pittsburg Dispatch. Measuring ; a Tree. Supposing a woodchoppOr in tlu laiue forest is told to get out a masi or a yacht. He knows that he musl nd a tree which is straight for ( ! < eet below the branches. It would bi cry troublesome to climb trees and leasure them with a tape measure , o he , without knowing it , uses prac- leal trigonometry. He measures ofl [ ) feet in a straight line from the tree , nd then he cuts a pole , which , when pright in the ground , is exactly as tall s himself. This he plants in the arth his own leugth from the end of is GO feet. For example , if he is six feet tall , he lauts his six foot pole 54 feet from le tree. Then he lies down oil his ack , with his head at the end of the ne and his feet touching the pole , nd sights over the top of it. He uows that where his eyes touch the ee is almost exactly GO feet from le ground. Weekly Bouquet. Filial Love. That's a pathetic story of the Gour- > n fishing boat crew. No class of men .cc death more frequently than the irdy fisher toilers of the sea. and nong none is a genuine heroism more equently displayed. The Gounlon boat was mauncd by father and his four sons. When the tat sank , three of the latter went itli her. The old man got an oar. and on the fourth son appeared by his le. But the oar could only support ; e , and the lad , taking in the situa- > n at once , bade his parent farewell the words , "Wcel , weel. faither , I nun jist awa' , " and sank. Jnly readers familiar with the nortli- a dialect will fully appreciate the pth of kindly resignation and true sling which the words denote. The tber endured terrible sufferings , but is ultimately picked up. "Greater , -e bath no man than this. " West- nster Gazette. A Xatnrnl Cross. Dne of- the most beautiful natural ; k carvings in the world is the South- i Cross , on the island of Grand Ma- n. in the bay of Fundy. It stands at 3 bead of a ledge of rocks jutting in- the bay from the foot of one of the mense cliffs at the southern end of ? Grand Mauan. Its shape is that of , almost perfect cross. < I'rofessioiml Jenlonay. j Tou are nothing but an imitator. " j d the bluejay , full of wrath at hoarj ' j : its cry so accurately mimicked. All that ails you , " airily rotortcfl > mockinpr bird , "is that you art' on us because I can sins your sonj : so : ch better than you can. " Chicago , 'bune. Did \pt Dispute It. Your bonor. " protested the burglar , am as honest as the day is long. " I don't doubt. " replied the magis- te. " 1 understand you fellows trans- all your business at night. " Puila- phla Record. mong every 1.000 bachelors there 38 criminals. Among married men ratio Is only 18 per thousand. orcemeat Is a corruption of farce- it from the French farce , stuffing " , meat for stuffing. The Old Mtiti Ilml Chnnjcetl. A Lancaster county man once ca ; to a Philadelphia portrait painter w a request that he palut a picture of 1 father. "Very well , " said the nrtl "have the old gentleman come In wli next In town , and I will' give him a i ting. " The man replied : "He gau't dot ; he Is da it" "Oh , well , then , you have a plio graph of hlius "No ; 1 don't got no fottograf of h elder. " "Well , how do you expect me to pal the portrait of your father when 1 en not see him and have nothing to gi me an Idea of his appearance ? " "Veil , " he replied , "I dlnked may of 1 dolt you aboul him you gan bal him from dot. " "All right , " said the artist , "descrl him. " "Veil , my fadder was not so dall ui not so short ; he vas not fat und uot din. " And so the honest fellow pi ceeded to describe his father as he j called him. The artist undertook to paint the pi ture , and In due course It is complete and the Lancaster county man comes to view the results of the artist's e forts. As the canvas Is disclosed 1 gazes long and reverently upon the pi ture of his departed parent Then I feelingly remarks : "Yah , dot Is mil fadder ! Mine fadder vat I loafed i much ! But , ach hlmmel , fadder , ho you haf changed ! " PhlladelphlaTiine A Bcnntifiil System. The Memphis" Scimitar tells of a r cent bride whose husband noticed tli ! she was keeping an itemized accoui of the household expenses. In lookii it over one day lie noticed at the bo torn of each page or two the lettei "D. K. W. " This somewhat puzzle him. He really found It very ditlicu to keep from thinking about wlu these letters could possibly mean. . ' occurred to him that possibly his wll was saving out some money to bu something for him. But then he kiie1 that his initials were not "D. K. W , and this did not prove a satlsfactor solution to the matter. So one day when his wife was In real good humor he took her In hi inns and asked what she meant b 'D. K. W , 50 cents , " "D. K. W. , ? 1 ind the like. She replied : " 'D. K. W. ' stand fo don't know what. ' Whenever I wen : o balance my account at the end each : ach page and found I had spent moc jy for which I could not account , ust put in a sullicient amount , witl he item 'D. K. W. , ' to make it balauc ust exactly. " Flint Driving In In the larger cities of Russia then s no limit to the speed at which ; lorse may be driven through the pub Ic streets. The typical harness horsi s the Orloff , a breed founded by Coun ) rloff-Cliemeuski , being a cross be ween the Arabian stallion Smetanki md imported mares , principally Eng ish. ish.An An average roadster is 1C hands higl nd weighs 1,100 pounds , with lieavj naue , a bushy tail that reaches nearly 0 the ground and "iron" limbs thai how great muscular development 'he favorite color Is gray. Such ar nimal is driven through the principal trects of St. Petersburg at a furious ace , that portion near the center and eside the surface car tracks being re- erved for fast driving. During the winter months teams of ivo and three abreast are driven to leighs at a three minute gait. There 1 racing all winter , the courses being ooded at night to provide three Inches C solid ice. American pneumatic sul- ies , harness , boots , gaiting appli- ttces , etc. , are in general use. Loril l.ansdoivjie Visits Turner. No one was admitted to Turner's suse in Queen Anne street unless spe- ally invited. There was a sort of lit- e iron grille in the center of the front ) or , through which the old house- jeper used to look and see who was icre. As an example of the rarity of sitors tbe late Lord Lansdowne. who as a great lover of art and a friend of urnei-'s , told me that after receiving > answers to his letters he resolved to iard the lion in his den. He there- re went and knocked at the door , hen a shock bead appeared at the ) n grating , and its owner called out "at's meat , I suppose ? " "Yes , cat's meat. " answered his rdship and squeezed himself in. lillais' Life of Turner. " The Ased Minister. [ f bis work be in a city church , it a grave question whether any min er can now discharge It with efli- ; ncy who is much above 50 years ape. The multitude of details in a y parish , the excitement of the life , ? severe demand upon the mind and ? heavy burden of responsibility call a man in the prime of life , with alert intellect and an unfailing Jy. Ian Maclaren in Ladies' jrnal. Took Their Places. lere is a story which Baron Dowse , celebrated Irish judge , once told that exaggerated "brogue" which be ed to employ : I was down in Cork holding assizes , the first day , when the jury came tlio officer of the court said. 'Gintle- n av the jury , ye'll take yer accus- aed places , if ye plaze. ' And may I er laugh. " said the baron , "if they n't all walk into the dock. " An Unknown Hero. , a Gaceta. published in Guadala- a. part in English and part In Span- . prints in a prominent place the owing : A CARD. ill the gentleman who embraced my wife at entrance to the postoffice about 9 o'clock sday evening please send me his photograph my "Album of Heroes ? " He will greatly * J. L exlco Two Republics. ansas lives a happy wife. She writes : " I have used Mother's Friend before two confinements. The last time I had twins , and was in labor only a few min utes. Suffered very little. " The reason Mother's why Friend does expectant mothers so much oed is because it is an external liniment , : o be applied upon the outside , where much of the strain comes. It helps be cause the pores of the skin readily absorb it , and it comes into direct contact with and is absorbed by the parts involved. Morning sickness is quickly banished , and nervousness is kept completely away. The sense of dread and foreboding is not experienced , even during labor itself. Confinement is short and almost without pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best of all , Mother's Friend benefits the unborn just as much as the expectant mother , and when the little one comes it will be strong , lusty and healthy. Druggists sell Mother's Friend for St a bottle. Send for our free book on the subject , finely illustrated. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , < JA. Lewis Dennis , Salem , hid. , sa\s , "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me moie coon than any thing 1 ever took. " It digests what you eat and can not help but cure dyspepsia anil stomach troubles. D.V Loar. A man in Kansas City was severely burned jy hot grease , the oilier day , while in the iitchen helping his wife cook breakfast. Fools will continue to rush in where angels. 'ear to tread. Many of the blotches , pimples and other iffeclions of the skin are caused by the failure > f the liver and kidr.eys to cast nft impurities , vhich remain in the system. Hcrbine will Simulate the liver and kidneys , and cleanse he system of all impurities. Trice 50 cents. \.McMiIlen. _ Kansas produced 1,163.6 0 pounds of cheese , ast year , as a bracer to the strong productive igures of the scentury. Herbine should be i ed to enrich and puri- y the blood ; it cures all forms of blood dis irders , is especially useful in fevers , skin ruptions , boils , pimples , blackheads , scrofula , alt rheum and every form of blood impurity ; t is a fp. and effectual cure. I'nce 50 cents I. McMillan. Size doesn't indicate quality. Uewaie of ounterfeit and worthless salve offered forDe Vitt's \Vitch Hazel Halve. DcWitl's , is the nly original. An infallible cure for piles ancj- II 5-kin diseases. DV. . l.oar. Baby Idlewylde Maryanthe Kates of Sarpy ounty , Nebraska , was named after a distin- uished ancestor and her country place , and V ot after a pair of Pullman cars , as might be jpposed. Many a bright and happy household ha- , een thrown into sadness and sonow because f the death of a loved one from a neglected lid. Mallard's I lorehound Syrup is the great ire for coughs , colds and all pulmonary ai ! ipnts i > r,0 2nnd W < ents. A. McMillen BALSAM IcCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYER. Proprietor. ISir'Special attention paid to luling furniture. Leave orders either lumber yard. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. nyone sending a sketch and description mar ckly ascertain our opinion free whether an ention is probably patentable. Commnnlca- 13 strictly confidential. Handbook on Patenta I free. Oldest neency for securing patents , itents taken through ilnnn & Co. receive ial notice , without charge. In the kfenfific flmerican. andsomely illustrated weekly. J.nrtrest cir- ition of any scientific Journal. Terms. J3 a r : four months. $ L Sold by all newsdealer ? . INN & Co.3BIBroadwa > ' New York iranch Office. 625 F St. Washington. D. C. - w w at IUGK EYE OINTMENT IURES NOTHING BUT PILES. , SURE and CERTAIN CURE known for 15 years as the JEST REMEDY for PILES. SOLD BY AIX DRUGGISTS. 2ICEA2S3C1T H23. CO. , CT. 10TOJ. svsjrsjrsvsasvsars * At McCONHELL & BEBRY'S.