The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1899, Image 3

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    Broznell Mine Besotiera Almost Exhausted
Yet Eefuae to Quit ,
Women mill Children Fight Frantlcall ]
to Got to Corpses us They Are Carrlec
From Sliaft Families of Dead lu
Help Will ll rrovlded.
BROWNSVILLE , Pa. , Dec. 26.-
Work at the Brazell mines is progressing
grossing very slowly. The countrj
roads from Brownsville to tne mine
are almost Impassable and there ii
no telegraph or telephone connectlor
with Braznell , so all news from th (
mines has to be brought overland
Four more bodies have been recover
ed , but not identified. Some of the
families of the doomed men are in s
suffering condition and provisions an
being sent out from Brownsville
merchants , as well as from Union
The revised list of the recovered
dead , numbering fifteen , and those
missing and almost absolutely certain
to be in the mine is as follows : An
drew Ragships , John Pokelia , Michael
Harbeck , Andrew Parabeka , George
Rosellco , Henry Haggar , Peter Crosier ,
William Thomas , Michael Magic :
George Kovitz , Joseph Potsky , Joseph
Known to bo missing : John Budas ,
John Logos , George Wasilko , Andrew
Toursizki , Joseph Podolosky , James
Jokaleisky , Andrew Yaminszky ,
George Vosylko , Andrew Rapsch.
The men who nave been working
since Saturday to recover the bodies
are almost exhausted , yet they refuse
to give up and keep at the grim work
doggedly , though more dead than
The fact that last Saturday was
pay day at the mine and that there
were no empty wagons to load ac
counts for many not going into the
mine that morning. Had the accident
occurred any other day there would
have been more than 100 meu in the
mine and the result would have been
even more appalling than it is.
The scene about the morgue yester
day and last night were such as to
bring tears to many a stout heart. As
the burned and bleeding bodies were
carried from the shaft wives and chil
dren would fight frantically to get
to the corpses and when held back
by strong arms would weep pitifully
und plead to be allowed to enter the
morgue and find their lost ones. It is
an occurrence that can never be for-
Sotten by any one who wintessed it.
Some of the bodies have been remov
ed to their homes and will be buried
A pathetic story is told of little Al
bert Meese , who died after.being res
cued. He lived only a few steps from
the shaft. He went to the window
Saturday morning and looked out , say
ing to his father :
"Papa , I guess there is no use of
me going to work this morning , as
there is no loading. "
The father said he had better go and
help him feed the mules. They both
started out together and never re
turned to their home alive again.
Sad , sad is the Christmas day to
many a family about Braznell. In
fact , the excitement caused by the
terrible accident has driven all
thought of the holiday festivities
from the homes of all who live in the
neighborhood , even those who have
no friends killed. The search for the
bodies still goes on.
The mine officials admit that two
or more bodies are still in the mine ,
but representatives tf the Slavonic
society have made a house-to-house
canvass and report that eight of their
number alone are in the wreck and
how many others they do not know.
To Control Provinces of Northwestern
Luzon With Headquarters at Vigan.
MANiLA , Dec. 26. General Young
has been appointed military governor
of the province of northwestern Luzon
zen , with headquarters at Vigan. His
command includes the Thirty-third in
fantry , under Colonel Luther Hare , and
the Third cavalry. He wiL establish
stations at San Fernando and Loaag ,
with outposts wherever needed.
The Sixteenth infantry will proceed
to Aparri , garrisoning such towns as
may be deemed necessary in the prov
inces of Cagayan , Isabela and Neuvo
Viscaya , of which Colonel Hood has
been "appointed military governor.
General Young and Colonel Hood
are establishing civil municipal gov
ernments and the ports in northern
Luzon will oe open for trade about Jan
uary 1.
Italian Ship loading nt Philadelphia-
Third Sli'pment in Month.
Italian steamship Venus , Captain Tra-
pan5 , has arrived from Ancona in bal
last to load upward of 5,000 tons of
coal for Genoa. This will be the third
shipment of this kind within the pe
riod of a month. It is stated that 50-
000 tons of coal will be shipped from
here to Italy for use one the railroads.
American coal is also being export
ed to French Mediterranean points
and the British steamship Inca will
"soon begin loading 4,000 tons at New
port News for Marseilles.
A Hot MinnesotaFire. .
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Dec. 2G.A Hast
ings , Minn. , special to the Dispatch
say : Nearly three blocks of buildings
in the business portion of the town ,
principally fronting on Vermillion
with loss of about
street , was burned a
$200,000. The fire broke out in R. C.
Libb'y & Co.'s sawmill. It was evi
dently the work of an incendiary. The
entire plant , with planing mill , storehouses
sheds etc. , were
houses , lumber , office , ,
consumed. One million and a half
grade lumber were also
feet of upper
Reciprocity Treaty "With the Argcntli.
lippiihlie < Kxcitcs Opposition.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 27. There i
liable to be considerable opposition 01
the part of western senators , and es
pecially from those living In cattle ani
wool producing states , against ratlfica
tion of the reciprocity treaty betweei
the Argentine Republic and the Unit
ed States , Under the terms of t'ai
convention ratification must take plac
before March 1 and friends of th
measure are already commencing t
"count noses" in an endeavor to ascer
tain whether they have votes enougl
to force ratification in the senate.
The treaty reduces the tariff on woe
and hides Imported from Argentine 2
per cent and this enormus reductioi
is what is organizing opposition to th
measure. Nebraska , Wyoming , Mon
tua , Iowa , Texas ana tne Dakotas ar
vitally Interested in this question , a
they represent the cattle producinj
and wool growing interests of thi
United States. Nebraska is becomini
so large a factor in the feeding o
sheep that it can with entire justice hi
classed as a wool-producing state.
Argentine Is one of the largest pro
ducers of wool in the world , statistic ;
of last year showing that the republii
had 75,000,000 sheep within its borders
Under normal conditions Argentine ex
ports to the United States from 15.000 ,
000 to 20,000,000 pounds of wool per an
num , but the immense foreign demam
of last year cut this yearly exportatioi
to 6,000,000 pounds. Even though ou ;
Importation showed a falling off fron
10,000,0t > to 15,000,000 pounds of wool
shepherds and wool growers are ui
In arms against this feature of the trea
ty between Argentine and the Unitet
States and they say unless something
is done for their protection the wool
growers and hide-growers' industry
of the country will be ruined.
According to a ruling just made b ;
Internal Revenue Commissioner G. W
Wilson , receipts for the monthly due :
and assessments in fraternal life in
surance companies are not required ti
have stamps when cashed by banks
This matter came up for decisioi
through William F. Sharp , illustriou ;
protector of the Royal Highlanders 01
Aurora , Neb. , and was presented tc
the commissioner by Congressmar
Stark. It appears that .T. E. Houtz
collector of internal revenue for th
Nebraska district , refused to recog
nize the ruling made by Acting Com
missioner Williamms in October last
touching on this same point , wliicl
complicated matters to such an extenl
that an appeal was taken to Conimis
sioner Wilson. The latter , after in
quiring into the merits of the , case
issued an order to Collector Hout :
that the former ruling of his office
must stand and that he should forth
with inform his deputies to this effect
This ruling affects all fraternal or
ganizations having life insurances at
tached to membership.
British 2favnl Guns Make It Unpieat > , .nl
for the Kncmy.
MODDER RIVER , Cape Colony ,
Wednesday , Dec. 27. The Britisii
naval guns command the whole Bcei
position and possess the exact range
of every stone and bush. They fre
quently plant shells with good ad
vantage in the midst of groups of
The burghers are reported to be ru-
turning home for Christmas.
Recent arrivals from Jacobsdal re
port that notwithstanding the Boer
successes the Free Staters to not ex
pect ultimate victory. They complain
of the overbearing conduct of General
Cronje's men , who are alleged to be
better fed and posted in the safest
The Transvaalei's uo not conceal
their supicions of the possible defec
tion of the Free Staters and tareaten
to shoot them at the least sign of
wavering. The Free Staters are said
to regard subjection to the Transvaal
as more to be feared than subjection
to Great Britain.
"Withdraw to the Jlountaina.
CHICAGO , Der. 27. A special to the
Record from Austin , Tex. , says ; 4
dispatch from Guaymas , state c S5r
nora , Mex. , says that the force
Yaqui Indians that has been harassing
General Torres' troops for the last few
weeks has withdrawn into the moun
tains. The Indians divide into small
bands at night and make raids on un
protected ranches and scouting par
ties of government troops. Many val
uable ranch buildings belonging to
Mexicans who had left the country
with their families to avoid being
killed have been burned.
Disease Worse Than Guns.
NEW YORK , Dec. 27. A dispatch
tc the Tribune from London says :
The Ladysmith list shows that typhoid
fever and dysentery are more effective
than the Boers' artillery in reducing
their strength of the garrison day by
day. It is clear that General Buller
will renew the attempt to relieve
Ladysmith while Lord Roberts is on
the sea. He is receiving reinforce
ments and fresh batteries and ought to
be in a position to reopen hostilities
in a week or ten days , unless he waits
for the seige train.
One of the Rothschilds Volunteers.
LONDON , Dec. 27. Mr. Lionel Wal
ter Rothschild , unionist member of
Parliament for the Aylesbury district
of Buckinghamshire , eldest son of tha
first Baron Rothschild and the latter's
heir , has volunteered for service in
South Africa. He was born in 1863
and is unmarried.
Filipinos Attack the Garrison.
MANILA , Des. 27. General Santa
Ana , with a force of insurgents esti
mated at 300 attacked the garrison at
Bubig yesterday. A body of marines
were sent from Olongopo to reinforce
the garrison and the Filipinos were
driven back , several being killed. ,
rhere were no casualties on the Amer
ican side.
A company of the Forty-sixth volun
teer infantry , together with a con
tingent of marines ; has been sent
rrom Manila to reinforce the Subig
garrison still further.
Expense of Beconslructing the Burnei
Penitentiary Annex.
The Knglnca and Most of the Mnchlncr ;
I.oft In Very Good Condition Audltoi
Cornell Still Undcclilcd as to How Hi
Will Act Kfsitrdlnsr Appropriations
nilucelluneoiiH Notes.
LINCOLN , Dec. 28. The cost of re
constructing and refitting the manu
facturlng building at the state peni <
tentiary recently destroyed by fire wll
not amount to as much as was at firs
estimated. The engines and most o :
the machinery belonging to the state
were left in good condition and aftei
a few slight repairs will be as servic-
able as before. Warden Hopkins esti
mates that the loss to the state wil
not amount to much more than $5,000
The reconstruction of the building
-was begun a few days ago and will
probably be completed within anothei
week. New machinery for the laundrj
and shoe shop has been purchased al
a cost of $2,000. The material for the
building will cost about $2,000 , mosl
of which has already been purchased ,
As the work is done by convicts , nc
further outlay is necessary.
In recognition of the services of the
Lincoln fire department in fighting the
fire at the penitentiary Land Commis
sioner Wolfe presented to Chief Clem
ent , on behalf of the state , a warrant
for $100 to be divided among the fire
Cornell nnil Weaver Act.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 28. Auditor
Cornell is still undecided as to f.vhat
course he will pursue regarding the
apropriations for the offices created by
the Weaver act. The restoration of the
insurance supervision to the auditor
will necessitate employing two or three
more clerks in his office and there is
strong doubt as to whether there arc
any funds available for their salaries.
Auditor Cornell has announced that he
will not touch the appropriations un
less assured by some legal authority
that he has a right to do so and he
has intimated that he may submit the
question to te supreme court to be on
the safe side.
The books and records of the gov
ernor's insurance commission will
probably be turned over to the audi
tor some time this week. All applica
tions to that office for licenses and
letters concerning the insurance sup
ervision are returned to Mr. Bryant
with the information that his office
has been knocked out by the supreme
Factory Keacly to Start.
FREMONT , Neb. , Dec. 28. The
Standard Beet Sugar company of Ames
has lately been furnishing the Norfolk
factory with enough beets to run on ,
but has now shut off all shipments and
will work the balance of the crop itself ,
the factory being now about complet
ed. Beets will be run through the
factory in a few clays to test the ma
chinery and about the clay after New
Year's the company will start taking
in beets. A great many beets have
been shipped out of the district , as the
company was anxious to relieve those
who feared the risk of holding their
product. The supply will , however ,
run the Ames factory about three
A Strong : Vein of Coul.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Dec. 28. P. Mc
Donald , fuel purchasing agent for the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway com
pany , made an investigation of the
coal discovery which has been made
across the Missouri river near Jackson ,
Neb. He pronounced the vein a good ,
strong one. He made a close investi
gation of the drillings and strata and
told Riley & McBride , the operators ,
that by all means they should develop
the mine. The trouble has been with
water getting into the shaft. A cen
trifugal pump was put in and now it
may be possible to keep the water
pumped out so that drilling may be
clone to an advantage.
"Woman Kadly Burned.
WEST POINT , Neb. . Dec. 28. A se
rious accident happened on the farm
of Franz Marxmeyer , one-half mile
east of St. Charles church , by which
Mrs. Marxmeyer may lose her life. She
was in the yard burning the small
feathers off some chickens which she
had killed , with hay , and in some man
ner her dress became ignited and was
nearly burned off her body. In her
battle with the flames she inhaled some
of the flame and her recovery is doubt
Death of K. G. Work.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Dec. 28. One of
Johnson county's pioneer citizens , R.
G. Work , died very suddenly of heart
failure , aged seventy-one yeai-s. Mr.
Work was a native of Pennsylvania
but had been a resident of this city
for over thirty years. He was considered -
ered one of the county's most wealthy
men and owned large real estate inte/-
ests here. He leaves a widow and a
large circle of relatives and friends to
mourn his death.
Bridegroom Fails to Appear.
BUTTON , Neb. , Dec. 28. All last
summer Renus Pickard worked for
James Conns , a farmer south of town.
Announcement was given and great
preparations were made at the Conns'
for the wedding of tlvsir youngest
daughter to the young gentleman.
When the Rev. Mr. Smith was in
formed to be ready to go with young
Pickard , it was found that the young
man's whereabouts were unknown. He
had previously sent word that Lis pres
ence would be impossible at the wed
ding. Much feeling is provoked , as the
girl and parents are highly thought of.
Bachelor Farmer's Mangled Hocly Founi
' mid Inquest Hold ,
x STOCKVILLE , Neb. , Dec. 30.--'flu
mangled body of a man was fount
nine miles southwest of Kustls. Ir
'E. S. Chase , the coroner of Frontiei
county , was notified and impaneled i
'jury consisting of II. A. Bennett , J
W. Franklin , S. P. Connor , I. M
'Adams ' , C. C. Stumbaugh and Nelcou
Thirteen witnesses were examinee
( aad it developed that the man was Gut
'Lenz , a German bachelor about 4 (
years of age , living alone on his farm
southwest of Eustis. He left Eusth
about midnight Saturday. His body
was found off the main road near lik
house. Several bloody tra-iks v.'erc
totmd in the road , one wagon wheel
being covered with blood. The horse
evidently ran away , catching Lenz in
the wheel of the cart , by which he was
dragged three-quarters of u mile. His
face was badly torn , his 110:13 broken ,
apparently by a kick of the hora ? , r.nd
his scalp torn entirely loose from the
nock to the top of the head.
The jury returned u vordist thai
the death was accidental , resulting
from injuries to the head und neck
from the runaway.
Joseph Kline Inillctn u Mortal Wound
Upon C. K. Clough.
ALLIANCE , Neb. , Dec. 30. Joseph
Kime and C. E. Clough , two promi
nent ranchmen living not far from
this place , had a quarrel and as a re
sult Clough lies in a precarious condi
tion with a wound in his neck fired
from a revolver in the hands of Kime.
Kime has been placed under arrest.
Details of the tragedy are difficult to
obtain , but it is known that the two
men came to words over some ranch
affairs and that during the altercation
Kime drew his gun and fired , the bul
let taking effect in Clough's neck , in
flicting a mortal wound. Clough fell
to the ground and was taken later to
his home , where eyerything possible
was done to relieve him. He cannot
recover. Both Kime and Clough are
prominent in this locality and are
over 60 years of age.
Capital City XoJes.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Dec. 30. Attorney
General Smyth is considering the
right of Auditor Cornell to the insur
ance appropriations and an opinion is
promised within the next few clays.
Governor Poynter has appointed
John Zeller of Omaha to the position
of state inspector of grains to take the
place of James Jones , resigned.
Wilbur F. Bryant submitted-to Gov
ernor Poynter nis report of insurance
business transacted in Accordance
with the provisions of the Weaver
act. It shows that 8G3 certificates
were issued by his department. Dur
ing the same period the state auditor
issued 431 certificates.
The trades unions of South Omaha
have filed a protest with the adjutant
general against the location of a mi
litia company at that place. It is
urged that the Omaha Guards furnish
sufficient protection.
JKx-Gov , Furnas Married.
BROWNVILLE. Neb. . Dec. 30. Mr.
Robert W. Furnas and Mrs. Susannah
E. Jameson were united in marriage
at high noon Christinas. The wedding ,
which was a very quiet one , took place
at the home of the bride , Rev. James
M. Darby of the Methodist Episcopal
church of this city officiating. Only a
few relatives of the contracting par
ties were present , among whom were
Paul Jameson of Fort Worth , Tex. ;
John S. Furnas and wife and Mrs. Ed
ward E. Lowman and husband , son
and daughter of the groom.
The wedding services were short but
impressive , after which the party drove
to the residence of the groom , where
his daughter. Mr. Lowman , served a
his daughter , Mrs. Lowman , served a
Xebraska & < nlf Promoters.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Dec. 30. The or
ganization and preparation for the
Nebraska & uulf rairoad is progress
ing rapidly. Twenty miles of right
of way has been purchased or donated
and surveyors are already at work.
Stock to the amount of $25.000 has
been sold. The temporary officers of
the company are : President. R. A.
Beatty ; vice president , J. S. Freman ;
General manager , C. J. Rundell ; treas
urer and secretary , E. B. Hutton ; gen
eral solicitor , J. B. Cessna. The di
rectors are J. B. Keedle. T. D. Mines ,
J. B. Cessna , C. J. Rundell , C. W.
Stewart , R. A. Beaty and H. S. Dun
To Determine Thompson's Sanity.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Dec. 30.
H. C. Thompsoon , the agent of the
Missouri Pacific at Talmage , who dis
appeared a few clays ago and later was
found in Omaha , was brought here by
Sheriff Brown. The railroad company
brought suit in attachment against
Thompson and the Bank of Talmage
to recover $200. Thompson was placed
in the county jail and will be given
a hearing before the Board of Insanity
Panic at an Entertainment.
BERTRAND , Neb. , Dec. 30 A panic
occurred at a hall just at the close of
in entertainment given by a medicine
show , caused by the upsetting of a
lamp on the stage. The hall was
packed , and men , women and children
rushed for the door. Luckily the
flames were quickly extinguished and
no one was seriously injured.
Cioldeit "NVeddiiifj Anniversary.
BRUNING , Neb. . Dec. 30. There
iias just occurred here the fiftieth an-
liversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Grone , sr. , a venerable and
lighly respected couple of this place.
Nearly 200 invited guests assembled at
3owman's hall , and when Mr. and Mrs.
Jrone , who had been to Hebron , re-
; urned they were induced to appear
here , where many costly presents
vere made them and a banquet served
ater on. The occasion is considered
) y all to have been a fitting testimon-
al to these estimable old people.
The State Board of Transportation Aske
for Information.
The Attorney General Send * si Coiunii
nlcallon to the Secretaries Tellln
Them to Secure Evidence and Ho Wl
at Once Itegln Proaeuullou ARulnst th
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 2o. Attorne
General Smyth has requested the sec
crotaries of the State Board of Trans
portation to furnish his departmen
with evidence that their order of 1891
which is still in effect , has or is bein ,
violated. The railroads doing bus !
ness in Nebraska abandoned on December
comber 1 the system of figuring stocl
rates by the carload und one the sain
clay substituted the 100-pound rates
which , according to the findings of th
Bocretaies of the Board of Transpor
tation , was really an increase. Th
railroads made a simliar change ii
1897 , but were forced to restore the oh
rates by an order of the Board o
Transportation. The onler still stand
against the railroads and they UP
subject to a fine of not less than $50i
or more than $5,000 for each violation
Attorney General Smyth filed tin
following communcation with the sec
retaries of the board , requesting tin
press to give it the date of DecQmbe :
ID :
"LINCOLN , Dec. 19. To the Bean
of Secretaries , State Board of Trans
portation : Gentlemen You , througl
your chairman , Hon. .7. W. Edgerton
have stated to me that the railroa <
companies doing business in thin stati
abandoned on December 1 carloac
rates per 100 pounds and thereby ver :
considerably increased rates in tha
respect ; that during the summer o
1897 the same companies made an at
tempt to make lae same change ; tha.1
complaint was made to you by th <
shippers of the etate ; that you investi
gated the matter , all the companies
being present and participating in tin
investigation , and , that , as a result o
that investigation , you made an ordci
directing the maintaining of curloru
rates and forbidding the companies tc
substitute for them rates per 10 (
pounds ; that by the action of the com
panies on December 1 , referred tc
above , that order has been violated
and is now being violated uad yet
ask me what remedy , if any , tae state
has in the premises.
"The statute seems to provide bul
one remedy in this case. Section 9 ol
article viii of chapter ixii declares ir
effect , that if any railroad company
shall refuse to obey an order of the
board it shall be subject to a fine ol
not less than § 500 or more than $5,001
for each violation of tne order.
"Section 10 provides that where the
company refuses , after having re-
reived notice , to answer and an orrtei
of the board is raasle , that an injunc
tion may be obtained to prevent the
disobedience of the order.
"Section 17 provides . .iat where Z..T\ \
order 13 made by the board adverse
to the railroad company and an appeal
is taken by the company to the dis
trict court such order may be made
by the court as the lav/ shall warrant.
" under consideration
"In the case now
tion I think that the culy remedy
which can be availed of by the board
is > that provided by section 9 , to-wit :
An action to recover in the name of
the state the fine imposed by that sec
"Therefore , procure , if you have not
already done so , the evidence showing
a violation of the beards order , lay
Lhat evidence berore me and this office
will take action promptly to recover
the penalties imposed by the statute.
Very truly yours.
'C. J. SMYTH , Attorney General.
KriiiKS Suit Against Bunks ,
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Dec. 23. Mrs.
Emma F. Tannahill has brought suit
in the district court , through her at
torney , J. N. Killan , against three
ijanks of this city and Henry Ragat/s
to restrain them from selling her
lower interest in her husband's prop
erty for which they have secured a
judgment and order for sale. Mrs.
Fannehill seeks protection by bring
ing suit against these creditors , claim
ing homestead rights to the property ,
nasmuch as she has resided on it for
: en years and will continue to do so.
Mrs. Tannehill is tne wife of John
rannehill , who left lasFOciober after ,
.t is alleged , forging the names of a
lumber of prominent business men ,
md who has not since been heard
Free Silver Kepublicau * .
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 23. Chairman
F N. Lyman has issued a call for a
neeting of the free silver republican
: ommittee at Lincoln January 4 at 8
j. m. to consider the time and place
or holding the state convention for
.he election of delegates to a national
: onvention which they propose to hold
icxt year. An effort is being made by
he Lancaster county democrats to
iave the conventions of the three fu-
; ion parties held in Lincoln March 19 ,
Aryan's birthday. This would necessi-
ate holding another convention later
n the year for nominating state of-
I.avr Prcsuinp.s III in Dead Now.
FREMONT , Neb. , Dec. 25. Andrew
.loline , a farmer of Logan township ,
aysteriously disappeared in October ,
892 , and no trace has been obtained
if him. He left some real estate in
his county and other property. The
: ounty court has appointed Charles
lolinc administrator of the estate on
he theory that , not having been heard
rom for seven years , the law pre-
uuies him dead. But one other case
if that kind has ever occurred here
.nd that Is now pending ia the d/s-
rict court.
Queen Victoria's chocolnto la off for
South Africa. Seven railways prcnsotl
for the honor of currying It to South
ampton , where It was taken aboard-
shlp. The design was rnoson ETAO
ship. The design of thu boxes contain
ing the chocolate was chosen by the
queen. The background la red , nnd
there Is a border of b'ue. ' On the
left is the monogram V. R. I. , mir-
jmountcd by a crown. In the center
there Is a bust of her majesty , and on
the right are the words. "South Af
rica. " Below , in fac-simile of the
queen's handwriting the words :
' "I wish you a happy New Year. Vic
toria , R. I. "
A BoHtoii Man PleaHed.
In conversation with some friends ,
n prominent Boston man told of his
sufferings from rheumatism and ner
vousness , and one of his friends gave
him some advice , which will bo men
tioned later , und which has proven
to be of incalculable vnluo.
To Bticccssfullly act on this advice.
It was necessary to make u trip of
over 2,000 miles , but he undertook It.
and now thanks bin friend for the
advice , as ho finds himself fully re
lieved of his old trouble and has returned -
turned to his homo feeling ublo to
rope with his business demands , a.
new man.
The advice given was to go to "Hot
Springs , " South Dakota , and there
take the baths and enjoy the finest cli
mate of any health resort in America.
If this man was HUtisfied after mak
ing u long trip , these residing within
u few hundred miles und similurly af-
fiicted can certainly afford to try It ,
or rather can't afford to neglect to
try It.
Ask any agent of the North-Western
Line for full particulars , or wrlto
General Passenger Agent ,
F. E. & M. V. R. R. , Omaha , Neb.
New Invention * .
Last week -159 patents
were issued to United
States inventors , und of
this number 37 per cent
were cither partly or en
tirely sold before they
were issued. Amongst
the prominent manufac
turing concerns who purchased patents
wore the following :
Dempster Manufacturing Co. , Des
Moines , la. ,
Fitzgerald Meat Tree Co. , Chicago ,
-111. .
Gathmann Torpedo Gun Co. , Chica
go , 111. ,
Gates Iron Works , Chicago , 111. .
Oukman Motor Vehicle Co. , Chicago ,
111. .
United Coke and Gas Co. , PhiluslPl-
'l hiu. Pa. ,
Page Woven Wire Fence Co. , Adri
an , Mich. ,
Nordlinger Fire Works Co. . New
York City ,
Vaughun Machine Co. , Portland.
Me. .
Union Cash Register Mfg. Co. . Tren
ton , N. J. ,
Inventors desiring free information
as to the best methods of procuring
und protecting patents should nddres.- *
Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers und So
licitors , Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
Half Kales South via < > : : ihi and SI
J.aul * and AValiiiHli Koutes.
On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the above lines will sell home-
seekers tickets to southern points for
one fare ( plus $2.00) ) round trip.
on sale to Hot Springs , Ark. , und all
the winter resorts ut greatly RE-
Remember the O. & St. > , . und Wu-
bash , the shortest and quickest route
to St. Louis.
Remember the 0. & St. L. und O. .
K. C. & E. is the shortest route to
Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas
City and the south.
For rates , sleeping car accommoda
tion and all information caa at the
nam St. ( Paxton Hotel block ) or write
Harry E. Moores , City Passenger untl
Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb.
Important Inventions.
Patents have been allowed upon ap
plications prepared and prosecuted by
us for interesting subjects as follows :
To C. W. Cross , of Grinnell , for an
auxiliary air heater adapted to b con
nected with a stove in smh : a manner
that it will receive and direct the pro
ducts of combustion und i > id in warm
ing and circulating air in a room , as
required to maintain -iiiforin tem
perature , by admitting cool air at its
botom , heating it and discharging it at
us top. An undivided half is assigned
to W. S. More of same place.
To J. Morgan , of Atlantic for a plant
planting machine adaptfl to bo ad
vanced across a field by horses to set
out cabbage and tobacco plants in
rows at regular distances apart. A
boy on the machine hands plants in
succession to automatic plant holders
on a Avheel and as the wheel revolves
it places the plants in a furrow in ad
vance of the wheel by a furrow opener
and furrow closers immediately cover
the roots and rollers pack the ground
around the roots. An undivided half
has been assigned to E. Whitney , of
Printed consultation an'l advice free.
Registered Patent Attorneys.
Des Moines , Iowa , Dec. 27 , 1899.
"Winter Kzcurstonn.
The Southern Pacific Company and.
its connections operate the best first
and second-class service to California.
Arizona , Texas and Mexico. Through
Pullman Palace Sleepers and Tourist
Sleepers from all principal eastern
points. Personally conducted Tourist
Excursions from Cincinnati , Louisville ,
St Louis , Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis , Des Moines , Omaha , Kansas
City. etc. For particulars and descrip
tive literature write W. G. Neimyer ,
Gen'l Western Agent , 23S Clark St. .
Chicago ; W. II. Connor. Com'I Agent ,
Chamber Commerce Bldg. , Cincinnati ,
Ohio , or W. J. Berg , Trav. Pass Agt. ,
220 Elllcott Sq. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Dr. Frankland always wore spec
tacles. One day on Ludgate Hill a
porter passing him was nearly pushed
off the pavement by an unintentional
motion of the ucctor. The fellow , with
sharacteristic insolence , exclaimed :
'Damn your spectacles ! " Frankland ,
smiling , observed : "It is riot the first
Lime they have saved my eyes. "