Lately , a bronze statue or Bjornst- Jcrno BJornson nntl one of Isben , which stand before the national the ater in Christiania , have aroused a deal of discussion. On EJornBon's return to the theater , after an absence ol thirty years , to direct the rehearsals of his play , "Ucber die Kraft , " he wrote demanding the removal of hio statue , as he deems it a "permanent slander. " Ibsen in answer to an in quiry as to his view , said that ho had never seen the statue of himself. It is now proposed to remove both the figures and recast them in some less objectionable form. Cured After Itcpcatrd I'ltllutfnVItliOthcrx 1 will Inform nudlrted t < Miirnlilnn. Laudanum , Opium , Cocaine , of nover-fnlllDK. harmless home- t-urc. Mrs. M. It. Ualdwln. lirx 12 2 , Chicago , 111. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. He who praises everybody praises nobody. Johnson. ( Not the ordinary kind ) A handsome year-book filed with beautiful illustrations , and a complete calendar. It is sold on all news-stands for 5 cents , and it's -worth vc times that amount. It is a reliable chronology of the progress of the igth century and a prophecy of "what may be expected in the 2oth. Here are a fotr of the great men who have mitten for It : Secretary Wilson , on Agriculture Sen. Chauncey M. Depew , on Politics Russell Sage , on Finance Thomas Edison , " Electricity Gen. Merritt , - " Land Warfare Adml. Hiclibom , " Naval Warfare ] "Al" Smith , " Sports You will enjoy reading it now , and it will be a book of reference for you through the years to come. Sixty-four pages , printed on ivory finish paper. If news-dealer cannot your - sup ply you with it , cut cut this ad. and send it with three one-cent stamps and receive this elegant book free. Address J. C. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Mass. Ic food for thought. 'TRADE'MARK REQUIRES HO COOKING HAKES COLLARS ANO COTS STIFF MXICE AS WEN FIRST BIBSHT NEW PREPARED FCH LAUNDRY PURPCSTS DULY. * MANUFACTURED OK'LY BY SANTACLARA MANUFACTURINS CO OMAHA 'NEB. 1 lie WONDER of the ABE , No Boiling ; No Cooking ! t Stiffens the Goods I fit Whitens the Goods ! It Polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh aad crisp as when first bought new. TRY A SAMPLE PACKAGE. You'll like it if you trv it. You'll buy it if you tr * it. You'll use it if you try It. Try it. So ) < l by all Grocers. \ Send your name and address on a posfe ) , and we will send you our 156- page illustrated catalogue free. WINCHESTER REPEATIKG ARMS CO. 174 Winchester Avenue , How Ha\cn , Conn.j | Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry , Game , Bolter , Eggs , Eecd for lacs aa Purvii. Established JE Omaha. Xeb. The 13. & O. R. R. will hpve C2 new compound coiiBol'dated freight loco motives hy the last of January. Fifty were ordered In September from the Baldwin Locomotive Worlcs and the order has Just been augmented by 12 more. These locnmotires. when com pleted , will represent the highest typo of heavy freight power. The czar has an income of $1,000 an hour , the sultan $850 , the emperor ol Austria $500 , the kaiser $150 , the king of Italy ? 300 , Queen Victoria the same the French president $ > z50 , the king ol the Belgians ? 85 and the president ol the United States ? 7.50. I.a Porte , Texnu. The progress of the construction work at La Porte , Texas , the future great deep-water shipping point at the head of navigation on Galveston Bay on the Gulf of Mexico , is progressing favorably. The wharves and switch ing tracks are nearlng completion and the work on the streets and on the sewerage and water systems Is now under way. Mr. I. R. Holmes , the gen eral manager of the La Porte Improve ment Company and the La Porte Wharf and Channel Company , Is per sonally superintending the improve ments. Mr. Holmes makes his head quarters at the Sylvan Hotel and vis itors to La Porte during the next six weeks and before the time of the first general La Porte sale , which will be held in February , 1900 , should intro duce themselves to Mr. Holmes and al low him to extend to them facilities for getting a thorough understanding of the conditions surrounding the La Porte enterprises. In the years 1832 to 1891 England lost 14,000,000 of its population by emigra tion , Germany lost 5,000,000 between 1832 and 1891. Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. The Nile is the longest river in the world , 4,300 miles. The Niger is 2,500 miles and the Zambesi 1,000 miles. The Health mid Pleasure Kesorts Of Texas , Mexico , Arizona and Cali fornia are quickly and comfortably reached via the Southern Pacific Com pany's Sunset Route. Daily through service from New Orleans to San Francisco via Houston , San Antonio , El Paso and Los Angeles. Special semi-weekly service , Sunset Limited from New Orleans Mondays and Thursdays , composed of Buffet Smok ing Car , containing Bath Room and Barber Shop , Drawing Room Compart ment Car , regular Pullman Sleepers , and Dining Car ( meals a la carte ) , all of the latest design and most luxuri ously appointed. Direct connections made at New Orleans from all points North and East. Detailed informa tion cheerfully furnished by W. G. Neimyer , G. W. A. , So. Pac. Co. , 238 Clark St , Chicago ; W. H. Connor , Com'l Agt , Chamber Commerce Bldg. , Cincinnati , 0. , W. J. Berg , Trav. Pass. Agt , 220 Ellicott Square , Buffalo , N. Y. Icebergs in the Atlantic sometimes last for 200 years. Ability What is always with the successful. Dcifte a Cannot Be Cured by local applications , as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness , and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused _ by an inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. "VVhen this tube is inflamed vou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing , and \vhen it is entirely closed deafness is the result , and unless the inflammation can be taken out aud this tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out , ot ten are caused by catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case or Deafness ( caused by catarrh ) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for sirculars , free. free.F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. Sold by Druggists , 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Reformer Not necessarily he who does , but he who takes .t out in talk. Wo will forfeit § 1,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to bo not genuine. THE Piso Co. , Warren , Pa. Talk If words were deeds how busy we would be. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. Politeness The oil that greases the bearings of life. FITS Permanently Cuml. Son's or nervousness after first dav's use of Dr. Kline's ( ireat Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE S2.OO tilal bottle nnd treatise. WE. R. H. KUSE , Ltd. , 331 ArcliSt. , 1 hllatlclphla , Pa. Sin has many tools , bir : a lie is the handle that fits the mall. Holmes. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. The mind that is cheerful at present will have no solicitude for the future , and will meet the bitter occurrences of life with a smile. Horac2. Use Magnetic Starch it has no equal. Truth as lived To him that hath not shall at least not be given. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of f It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. J ? Made from pure grains it Ilk is nourishing and health- Insist that yanr grocer gives yoaGRAHf-O. gjjv\ Accept no imitation. Qt.9 * * * * ; URES COUGHS AND COLDS. 'flEVEKTS CCKSUH TIOM. All Brujrsrlsts. 25 < : FOE BOYS AKD ( KRIS , 5OME GOOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS. edily's Grandmother Japan' * Quaint Foxes They Lite With Lucky Families and They 31 tint Never He Offended The Land of Topsj-Turvey. The Li.nd of Topgy-Turvoy. n the land of Topsy-Turvey How I wish that I was there ! 7\7here everything is upside down , And common things are rare ; Where hard work's always easy ; Where the night is always day ; Where trouble's recreation. And the grown-up people play ; tVhere rivers climb the hillside ; Where the skies are clover green ; Where all the hidden things of life Are clearly to be seen ; Where fairies are the people , Where the people ai'e the elves ; Where milk conies from the wellsprings - springs , And the horses drive themselves ; Where things go by contraries ; Where the homely hfive good looks ; Where the uurglam are all honest. And the readers write the books. Ih , the land of Topsy-Turvey 'Tis an iridescent dream ! A. spot where things are what they're not , And never what they seem ! t want to go and live there , For I rather like their way 3f having everybody ' Growing younger every day. [ larper's Bazar. Teddy's Grandmother. Teddy had many of the nice things jf this world , but there was something i ? did not have and which he knew he could not ever have. AH of the other little boys and girls had one , or two , and poor Teddy felt very bad when he thought about it , for he thought that it must be the nicest of all things ! You could never guess , though perhaps you have one yourself it was a Grand mother ! Both of Teddy's grandmoth ers had gone to heaven when he was a baby it was one of his grandmothers who first called him "Teddy. " Jamie liad a good sweet grandmother and she would have him and Marjorie to come and stay with her ; and then Teddy would be very lonesome and sad. He would say , "I wish I had a grandmoth er ! If I just had a grandmother to go and see , and she would send me tea cakes. " Jamie's grandmother of ten sent Jamie and Marjorie tea-cakes and maple sugar and apples and other good things. One day Teddy sat very still and looked thoughtful ; then he leaned his face against his mother's cheek and said : "Mother , I don't be lieve I can stand it without a grand mother ! " Teddy's mother patted his head. "I can hardly stand it myself , Teddy , " she said ; "because she was my mother , you know , dear. " Then Teddy patted his mother. After a while he said : "Mother , I asked Jamie if I might have part of his grandmoth er , and he said I would have to ask her. So I want you to write to her for me. " Teddy's mother said she would , and she wrote just what Teddy told her to write : "Dear 'Grandmother' Mallory : "I know you are not my real grand mother , but I haven't got any , and I wish you would please let mejust call you 'grandmother , ' if you can stand it to have so many grandchil dren. All the boys have grandmothers except me. Both of my grandmothers are in heaven and I can't stand it any longer. I won't bother you a bit if you will let me call you 'grandmoth er. ' I haven't any one to send me teacakes - cakes and maple sugar. Sometimes Jamie gives me some of his. "Good-bye , Grandmother , "Your little boy , Teddy. " Teddy's letter was mailed at the postoffice , and the next day there was a package for "Master Teddy Warne. " Inside of the box were tea-cakes and maple sugar and a letter from dear old Mrs. Mallory. This was the letter : "My dear little boy : "You cannot think how pleased I am to have another nice boy to love me and call me 'grandmother. ' One of my little grandsons is in heaven , and maybe God is going to let you take his place , and I will be glad to be your grandmother in the place of those grandmothers in heaven who love you still. I want you and Jamie to come to-morrow to spend the day and night with me. Ask your mamma if you may. "Your loving grandmother , "Janet Mallory. " The next day Jamie and Teddy rode on the old horse to Grandmother Mai- lory's. Jamie rode half of the \vay in the red saddle with Teddy behind , and Teddy rode the last half with Jamie behind , and they took their night gowns to stay all night. Mrs. Mallory kissed Teddy just as she kiss ed Jamie , and she let Teddy sit on one side of her at the table , and Jamie on the other. They played in the attic and waded in the "branch , " and they climbed the trees , and nobody told them not to go in the flower garden , or to stop eating cherries , and they had honey for supper , and they handed jack for chicken at breakfast , and Ted- ay said , "Yes , Grandmother , " every time. He was so proud and happy be- : ause he had a grandmother at last ( i.nd since then when Jamie goes , Ted- Jy goes too , and when Jamie gets a box of tea-cakes and maple sugar , Teddy gets one , too. Teddy tells jverybody that he has a grandmother low , and adds : "She's not my real grandmother , you. know , but aho lets me call her 'grandmother , " because I couldn't stand it. " Ida F. Bane , in Little Folks. Japan's Quaint Foxes. In Japan , with its quaint , gentle people ple and its quainter , ewitler beliefs , even the foxes are not the same as they are in other countries. Here a fox is a plaything , a creature to be harried and torn to pieces by dogs for sport. In Japan it is well to address a fox by the most honorable titles , to treat him kindly , place food for him , and be very glad when he goes. For in Japan foxes have great power , and it is not well to offend them. Many are the tales the little people whisper whis per for fear the foxes will hear and take offense about the deeds of Inari the fox. They are popularly supposed to take up their abode with those whom they fancy and , alas ! also with those whom they do not fancy. And sometimes it is hard to decide which is the happier. For the foxes must be fed. And as there are always many in a family , and they do not vis it singly , much rice must be consumed for them. Good luck comes from their arrival , however , but it Is liable to be changed into direst ill-fortune at any moment. For the foxes are exceed ingly sensitive , and a word carelessly spoken , nay , even a thought some times , will serve to send them off in a huff , and then all sorts of misfortunes will follow. When a man is seized with a lit in Japan they say "He is afflicted with foxes , " or "He has made an enemy of the foxes. " A story is told of a woman who kept a little shop where rice was sold. Every night a tall woman entered the shop , bought some rice , laid two coins down upon the counter and left without saying a word. The woman would place the coins in a drawer , and think no more of them. One day the woman entered the shop , bought her rice , but as she turned her back the shopkeeper saw a long white tail hanging beiow her dress. She cried out , and the woman disappeared. Rushing to 'the drawer where she had placed her money , she found some coins and some dried leaves. Half of the money she had re ceived was good ; the other half had been bewitched , and had turned back to dry leaves. Families not having foxes are not allowed to marry into those having them , as when the foxes attach themselves to a family it in cludes in its affections all its members , even to those most remote. One of the most famous families in Japan claims its supremacy to be due to the good in fluences of the foxes who have taken up their abode in that family. New York Herald. This Is a Great Jumper. From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch : Not many horses trained in steeple- chasing and ridden by skilled jockeys could make a clean jump of tweiity- one feet. When George King , the cow boy , started out to "round up" a herd of cattle that was pasturing in the valleys of the Santa Ana river he in vited an Indian , Juan Machado , to ac company him and help him in the cat tle driving. Machado was on the point of agreeing , when King said joking ly : "We will take our -jims along and we might get a fat tear. " Immediate ly the Indian appeared to be in a state of abject terror and refused to take the trip , assuring King that the grizzly bear always overheard such threats and that hunters who announced their object were sure to be eaten up. Laugh ing at the Indian's superstition , King started on without him. A day or two afterward he was following a lonely trail alone. The trail led through a dense thicket and was near ths border of a dangerous gulch. Suddenly the pathway made a sharp curve and dis closed to the cowboy's sight a monster grizzly gnawing at the quivering flesh of a newly killed yearling. Now , of all circumstances calculated to excite a grizzly the interruption of his meal is the surest. Therefore when the mounted cowboy rode almost upon him he rushed forward with a terrify ing growl. The little horse needed no spurs , but darted onward through the brush with incredible swiftness , the angry bear following close behind. In a moment the horse and rider were on the edge of the gulch , and there was no room for turning. King and his horse both knew that. There was but one thing to do. King raised the bridle reins , the little horse gathered her legs beneath her , sailed straight through the air and landed safely oa the edge of the opposite bank. The chasm was twenty-one feet across. And the Indian said : "I told you so. I told you the bear would hear The Jester's Tric'r. Peter the Great was once very neatly caught in a trap by a jester attached to the court. The jester was noted for his cleverness in getting himself and his friends out of difficulties. It hap pened one day that a cousin of his had incurred the czar's displeasure and was about to be executed. The jester there fore presented himself before his im perial master to beg for a reprieve. On seeing him approach , the czar , divin ing his errand , cried : "It is no good to come here ; I swear I will not grant what you are going to ask. " Immedi ately the jester went dov.-n on his knees , saying : "I beseech your im perial highness to put that scamp cousin of mine to death. " The czar , thus caught in his own trap , could only laugh and pardon the condemned man. Perplexing. From Town Topics : Tailor Is your master in ? Servant Sure I do' know. He said if you caught him in he'd be out , and now I'm puzzled to tell which he is. Since his Inauguration as president , Mr. McKinlcy has never seen a play. Each of the Washington theaters has placed a box at his disposal. The mistress of the White House , how ever , io rather fond of the play , and frequently visits the theater with friends. In Switzerland they elect a new president every year unanimously , The new one just chosen is Walker Haus- er , and the rule which has been fol lowed in the tranquil republic for years is that the vice president of one year becomes the president the next. TO GOKI2 A COUI ) IN ONE DAY , Talto Laxative Hrrmo Quinine TablclK. All druggists refund the money if It falis to cure. 25c. E.V. . ( J rove's signature oa each box. Silence When impelled by recog nized ignorance , is wisdom. Try Magnetic Starch it will last longer than any other. "Pigley Is very contrary , I under stand. " "Contrary ? Why , that fellow has to fast to get fat. " Judge. apiain Gridley's estored by Bother Peruna. tWAi READY eiflbiEr-nre : * " _ . _ . _ CfC * u x > - - -C ' ! * ? rJ / DEWEY'S FLAG SHIP OLYA1P1A CAPTAIN GRIDLEY. COM WANDER , JLfrv. Gridlcif , mother of Captain Gridley , who was in command of Dcivey'sjlay ship , at the destruction of tin ; tipanish jlcet at. ? ifnnila , say of our remedy , 1'erunn : "Al the solicitation of a friend I used Fenni't , and can truthfully say it is a arand tonic and is a woman's friend , and should be used in every household. After usiny it for a short period / feel like a nciv person. " Ann E. Gridlcy. Nearly all our ills .ire due to catarrh. We are liable to have catarrh of the head , catarrh of the throat , catarrh of the lungs , stomach , kidneys , bladder and pelvic organs. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Address Dr. Ilartuian , Columbus , Ohio , for free book. * * * * "Star" tin tags ( allowing small stars printed on under tide of tag ) , "Horse Shoe , " "J. T. , " "Good Luck , " "Gross Bow , " and "Drummond" Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value in * securing presents mentioned below , and may bo assorted. Every man , woman and child caa liud something oa the liat * that they would like to have , and can have * TAOS. t TAR" ) . J Mat'0.l BOX . 2J 21 Clock , P-day , Calendar. Tlierinoin- 2 Kn'irf , Riipbladn. Rood Hteel . 25 eter , Uiromo'or . WJ * 8 firi'sors. 4M inches . 25 21 Gun i'H-f , Icath-r , no lio'lcr mailo. 00 4 Child' * Kot , Kuifo , Fork and Kjioon 2 > 23 Iluvolver. niitoiiiti" , duiible action , H Fnlt fiiio" Pepper Sot , on each , rjua-1- 32 i.r 38 caliSjy.- . ejO rnplH plute on white metal . to 28 Toed Set , n < it playtluii ; . but real f French Briar Wood Hipe. . 25 tools . „ . 6SO T Razor , hollow ground , fine EriKllsii 27 Toilet Sut decorated porcelain. se- ! . SO very Iiandsonm . . . 803 6 Butter Knife , triple plcte , best 28 Itfiiilngton Hi.'lo No. 4 , 2Jor SJrsI . 803 S3 V.'ctoli , H' "lin "liver. full j jwl "l HKM 9 SsiRur Shod tripla pla'tf , test quul. . (50 ( 30 Dre-cj Him Case , feather , IsiuilvMiia * 10 Sf : np Hox. x'prlintf Kilver . 70 and diir bli > . 1000 11 Knife , "Kppn Kuttor , " two bla.l s. . 75 31 8ewin Machine , firs : clas-i , with 12 Butcher Knife , "Keen itnttcr , " 8-In 1300 blstJe . 75 22 Kevo'.ver , Ci.UX 38-cii'il r , blued 13 Sliparx , "Keen Kntter " 8-liu-ti . 76 steel . 1300 It Knt Set , Cicuker ami 6 Piois , silver 31 Kiflo , Colt' * , Ii5-fcli' > , ilralibe.130) pitted . SO 34 Guitar ( Wa-dib'irn ) , rosewood , in 15 Bno Hail , "Awocia'iou , " best qnal.lW ) laid . 2WM 18 Altrin Clorfc , niflccl . 130 35 Mandolin , very haids- - : . 'ifJJ * 17 Six Oi-inin - KngPi's'TcaspoonM.besf 1 1 i'e-1 K-xiilH . 130 35Vlnrh Hter Hep-vi'in' ; Sh.t Gun , 18Vi i'li. nJL-uel. stPiu wind and < -et. . 200 * 19 C. rver . } J'JO-J ftc'jl , bui-3cliorn 37 IJpi.irisj-GTi , d ub'o-ljirrsl. ham- ha-idlei . 2UO me. si t ti-n. 1'to 20 Six Geircinb Koiers' Tabla S ; > ocits , 33 Bicycle , Htnnilanl liuko , lajiea or 1'PSt pla'cd cooili . 230 ( 'eiitH 23 * ) 21 Sir each , Knlxcsand Fortes , Imck- 250 33 Shot G-jn. Kn-uingtoii , ilou'ulo liar- * 22 Six eich , G ni'if KOUPN' Knives i rel , ImuiiiiPrlu-i- .3000 * and Forts best platetf goodi. . . . . .KM I10 I Itogina Mii-iie Har , 15'i inch TH ASO'JE OFFER EXPIRES KOVSM3ER 30m. lOOl. * MnM < * n ! Main "Star" Tin TaKsrtlnt K.S'ar tin taj with no sn-ll uuuug . snrH printe J r.i iin-lpr ide of tt' { > , are tint ftnoil for presents , bnt will be paid ! rid CASH on the basis of twenty cejils per * hundred , If received by us on or hefonM' > 'di 1st. 13."v > . Z-.BEAK I.V JIIINH that n dmc' ! . < worth of * STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last longer ami afford mtrs pleasure than a dlnic'j worth of any etlicrb.and. IVI A KE TH E TEST 1 Send tags to COXT5 VE\TTAL TOBACCO CO. , Si. LouiMo. . OFFICIAL STOCK SCALE FARCHCAGO893 ! ! ! ALSO OMAHA EXPOSITION 1898 AWARDED DIPLOMA 5GOLD MEDAL Gfr r//f& 5rva s vf ADDRESS - _ CHICAGO SCALEC9 GWC4GO.S& SUBSTANTIAL Pi I IT will be mtCe bv rvery b\erof Porte property. Fir-t i ? " er"JAle in Fcbni- ary , 110. ) . La Porle , Texas , is d-j > inrJ to b < 5 the futuie tr ni < stc per ; tf the Gulf of Mexico Kvrry farmr r. merchant acd mnnufccturcr of t e Unired tut s Cit of the .Mis isMppi River directly interested in La Porte. A s-null invest ment will return handsome prolit < - . Write ( or FREE Folder. Maps and Art Book to AMERICAN LAND COMPANY , IBS Madison St. , CHICAGO. AGJEINTS WA.IMTJBD To sell the products of THE SWiHE 8 Hi GO , OF WYR8ORE , NEB. Swine placce or bos cholera successfully treated by inoccnlatton. AVe cere 85 per tent of slrk Logs and render well hops Jmniunes by our process. For lurther particulars call un vr addresa The Swins Vaceine Go. , Wpore , Heb , A radio for n White HOIIHC cnuy- os just taken place at 50 cent * : a "throw. " The piece * In the quilt arc from the tapestry ami other fur nishings of the mansion , dating Imck to the time of Mrs. Cleveland and rep resenting four administrations. 'Kj-J quilt Is exquisitely arranged , and 'fjio value is put down at ? 150. Milton Stewart is building an ark on the top of West Rock , near Now Haven , Conn. , in the belief that the world is to be visited by another de luge. Mr. Stewart makca no definite prediction ns to the date of its coming. T 'xji Land * . The San Antonio and Arkansas Pass Railway covers central and south Texas. Good lands , reasonable prices , mild and healthful climate. Addresa E. J. MARTIN , Gen'l. POSH Agt. , San Antonio , Texas. There Is no passion vhlch meals Into the heart more. Imperceptibly and covers Itself under more disguises than pride. Addison. ! \ \ . X. 17. OrilA Xo. 52 J 809 M < ntk > n thi to advertisers. of acres of choice agri cultural \KDS now opened for s > pttlcnK-nt in Wrstcrn Canad i. Here is crown t : e cc1- < 'bmtPdXO. 1 HARD 1 WHEAT whieti brings the highest price in the markets of th .vorld. tbouands of cattle are fattened for market ir.tncat biimj fed trrain , and without aJay's shelter. St-n'J ior informa tion and < -ecurc a free home in Western Canart.i. Wrte the Superintendent of Immigration , Ot tawa , oraddress the undersigned , who will mail you atlases , pamphlet * , etc. . free of co t. W. V. Bennett Wl N. Y. Life Building , Omaha. Neb. NEW DISCOVERY ; pive * B nulcJ : relief and cnrea worst cafes. Cook of testimonial and 10 MY" treatment FKEK. lilt. M. U. CtlJlKVS SO.\S. Box K , AtlioU , fa. UURhS WHERE til aS-cAItS- -Taxes flood. Ceo