Careful No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period be fore her little ones are born. Neglect or improper treatment then endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily , or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do something wrong. WTHER'S FRIEND is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are radi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs they endanger life. Mother's Friend helps the muscles , to relax and expand naturally re lieves morning sickness removes the cause of nervousness and head ache prevents hard and rising breasts shortens labor and lessens the pains and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a Shreveport , La. , woman : "I have been using your wonderful remedy , Mother's Friend , for the last two months , and find it just as recommended. " Druggists tell It at $ I per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA , GA. Send for our free illustrated book. "Before Baby is Born. " "One Minute Cough Cure is the best rem cdy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it , " writes II. N. Williams , Gentryvill Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless icmedy that gives immediate results. Cuies coughs , colds , hoarseness , croup , pneumonia , bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. D. W. Loar. That Indianola woman who shingled a barn with her own hands is perhaps an old maid with no kids to shingle. DeWitt's Little Early Risers purify the blood , clean the liver , invigorate the system. Famous little pills for constipation and liver troubles. D. W. Loar. One of the railroad boys who was sent by his girl to "see papa" speaks of the result of the brief interview as a "rear-end collision. " Mr. J. Sheer , Sedalia , Mo. , saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It's an infallible cure for coughs , cold , grippe , pneu monia , bronchitis and throat and lung troub les. Relieves at once. D. W. Loar. NOTICli TO CREDITORS. In county court , within and for Red Willow county , Nebraska , December 5. 1899 , in the matter of the estate of Allen Phillippi , de ceased. To the creditors of said estate : You are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in McCook , in said county , on the 6th day of June , 1900 , to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 5th day of December , 1899 Witness mv hand and the seal of said county court , this 6th day of December , 1899. G. S. BISHOP , [ SEAL. ] 12-22 County Judge. MC CON NELLS BALSAM CURiS C0U6 McCook Transfer Line \ J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. \ | 3raSpeciRl attention paid to hauliug furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . , . , - COPYRIGHTS &c. - Anyone sending a sketch and description may Qutcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is probably patentable. Comtannlca- tlonsstrictlyconfldential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest npency for secnrinppatenta. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tjKclol notice , without charge. In tno . Scientific Hmeilcan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. T rcest ctr- cnlatlon of any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a jear : lour months , fl. Soldbyall newsdealers. MUNN & Co.361Broadwa'New York Branch Office , 625 F Bt , Washington. D. O. iTABLER'S BUCKEYE OINTMENT j CURES NOTHING BUT PILES. A SURE and CERTAIN CURE ! l known for 13 years as the ! BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOUD BY Ali DBUGGISTS. r SICHAEJ3SCT KED. CO. , ST. LOOTS. & BERRY'S. [ CONTINUED FROM FIRST PACK. ] ciation. A tree , with presents for nil the children , delighted the members of the Sunday-school ; besides a splendid literary and inusicinl programme was given with a heartiness and happiness that pleased everybody. The choir add ed its musical mite to the regular pro gramme of the children. An address was made to the little folks by Elder H. H. Berry. All the children received presents , and the affair caused their youthful hearts much joy , and the adults no small satisfaction. METHODIST. The Methodist church was crowded , last Saturday evening , to witness and hear the Christmas entertainment by the children of the Sunday-school. A short literary and musical programme was rendered by the little folks to the evident pleasure of all , notwithstanding the time of preparation had been short. After the completion of the programme of the evtuang , presents were distributed to all the children from a tree , an exer cise in which the children took part with their usual enthusiastic glee , and an act which the audience enjoyed with scarcely less pleasure. No attempt was made at decoration. CATHOLIC. Christmas is one of the great festival days of the church , and its celebration and commemoration in St. Patrick's church was on an elaborate plan. There was an early Mass at eight o'clock , with reception of the Holy Communion and a short sermon. High Mass was held at 10:30 : , and the attendant musical pro gramme was a superb feature , concluding with "Adeste Fedelis , " a Christmas carol. At eight o'clock in the evening , a Christmas entertainment wag given by the children of the Sunday-school , "Scenes From the Crib of Bethlehem , " in original costumes , with a full chorus. The church was crowded , and all were delighted at the performance of the children , whose acting , declamation and singing were exceptionally fine and creditable. A Christmas tree and the distribution of presents therefrom was the concluding feature of a delightful evening and event. Evergreens were utilized in appropriate decorations. A delightful old-country practice was followed by the carol singers of St. Alban's church , this season , that of visiting the homes of the parishioners , Christmas eve , and singing the tuneful and appropriate Christmas carols ap pointed for the season. ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS. J. W. Cunningham of Stockville has entered the Burlington service. Robert J. Moore of the freight house has resumed his place in the office. Switchman J.V. . Gerlinger was a Christmas guest of Conductor L. E. Gil- crest. J. W. Rivett , supt. of buildings , was up from Lincoln , Wednesday , starting the work on the new ice house. Fireman Arthur Douglass came down from Denver , Monday , to spend the holi days , returning on No. i , Thursday. Brakemau M. C. Wayson has bought the O'Neil interest in the restaurant of O'Neil & Heber , taking possession on Wednesday of this week. Conductor B. L. McCarl , Brakemen D. M. Taylor and William Hegenberger were at headquarters for Christmas , re turning to Republican City on Tuesday. W. H. Williams , who supplied for Robert Moore , returned to Republican City this week. After a short visit at liome he expects to go out on the line in the telegraph service. Supt. of Buildings Rivett of Lincoln and force of carpenters arrived in the city , Monday night , and on Tuesday morning commenced the construction of the new ice house , which is being rushed along to comp'e'ion at a rapid pace. The building has been described in a pre vious issue , and it is but necessary testate state that it will be the best one on the Burlington system in this state , being of the regular refrigerator construction and will not require any filling. The end less chain device will be used in loading and unloading the ice , and this machin ery will save a large labor account. Officer Smelser received a telegram from Blue Springs , last Friday , request ing him to detain a woman and a two- year-old child who were on No. 15 , en route from Odell to McCook. When the train rolled into Red Cloud , Officer Smelser had no trouble in finding the characters wanted and they were ac cordingly detained here over night. No further word being received from down the line , they were started on the return trip on the morning train at 10:30. About one o'clock word came from the woman's husband in Blue Spring's , wanting her held until he arrived. A telegram was sent , notifying him that she had started back that morning No particulars of the affair are obtainable , but as nothing has since been heard from the seat of trouble , it is supposed that the wanderer returned to the fold and all is serene once more. Red Cloud Argus. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia , tried doctors , visited mineral springs , and grew worse. I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. That cured me. " It digests what you eat. Cures | indigestion , sour stomach ; heartburn and all j 2 forms of dyspepsia. D. W. Loar. I SH1NINGJARKS. Names on tfte Death Roll In 1899. AN IMPRESSIVE LIST. Victims of the Ilenper From Every Circle Soldiers , Statesmen mid Authors Gathered In In Scores. JANtUUT. 4. M. Edouard Hcrvc , noted French editor and one of the "Forty Immortals , " in Paris ; aged 65. Minnie Alice French ( Mrs. E > an3) ) . popular actress , in New York city. 10. Dr. Horace Burr , historian and linguist , at Wilmington. Del. ; aged Si 13. Nelson Dingley , Republican leader in the house of representatives. In Washington ; aged 07. 14. Nubac Pasha. Egyptian statesman , in Paris. 16. George Gemunder , noted the world over as a maker of violins , at Long Island City , N. Y. ; aged83. . Isaac Craig , local historian , at Pittsburg ; aged 77. 17. W. K. Sullivan of the older generation " ' Chicago journalists , in that city ; aged 63. Hon. John llussell Young , journalist and diplo mat , ex-minister to China , in Washington ; aged 63. 23. Judge E. W. Woodbury , framer of the first prohibitory liquor law enacted in Maine , at Bethel. Me. ; aged 81. 25. Adolphc Philippe d'Ennery , noted playwright , in Paris ; aged 88. 26. Augustus H. Garland , ex-attorney general of the United States , in Washington ; aged GO. 27. Mrs. Gen. Robert Williams ( widow of Stephen A. Douglas ) , in Washington. 28. Gen. George Sears Greene , noted civil war veteran , at Morristown , N. J. ; aged 08. 30. Itev. Myron W. Reed , noted pastor in the west and a prominent Grand Army veteran , at Denver ; aged 03. 31. Princess Marie Louise , consort of Prince Fer dinand of Bulgaria , in Bulgaria ; aged 29. FEBRUAHT. 2. Rev. Dr. C. S. Robinson , noted Presbyterian divine and hymn writer , in New York city ; aged 70. 6. Col. James A. Sexton , commander in chief of the G. A. R. . in Washington ; aged 65. 6. Prince Albert , only son of the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Cobur ? and grandson of Queen Victoria ; aged 25. . Caprivi , ex-chancellor of the German empire , near Frankfurt , Germany ; aged 68. Miss Anna Dowell , known as the "Mother of the American Silk Industry , " in Paterson , N. J. ; aged 97. 7. The IU. Rev. John Williams , bishop of Con necticut and presiding bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church of America , at Middletown. Conn. ; aged 81. William Laird of the famous shipbuilding firm of Laird Bros. , at Birkcnhead. 11. Gen. Edmund Schriver , U. S. A. , retired , in Washington ; aged SO. 12. Prince Napoleon Charles Bonaparte , grandson of both Lucien and Joseph Bonaparte , at Rome ; aged CO. 16. President M. Felix Faure of France , in Paris ; aged 53. 17. Lewis Miller , founder of Chautauqua , inventor and philanthropist , in New York city ; aged 69. 20. Mme. Ponisi , an old time actress of Wai- lack's company , at Keyport , N. J. ; aged 81. 23. Gen. David Weisiger , a Confederate noted as the hero of the Petersburg "Crater. " at Richmond mend ; aged SO. 24. M. Kmile Welti , Swiss statesman , at Bern ; aged 74. 26. Gen. J. J. Reynolds , U. S. A. , retired , in Washington ; aged 77. 27. Sarah Jevvctt , once a noted actress , in Cam bridge , Mass. 23. J. Madison Wells , ex-governor of Louisiana and noted in the exciting political affairs of that state , in New Orleans. MARCH. 1. Emma Waller , once noted American actress , in New York city ; aged 70. Baron Hcrschell , lord high chancellor of Great Britain , in Washington ; aged 63. 2. Connie Jackson , sister of Joe Jefferson and once noted on the American stage , in New York city ; aged 62. 5. II. Wolff , American illustrator , in New York city ; aged 62. 6. Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii , at Honolulu ; aged 24. 10. Sir Douglas Gallon , noted scientist and an authority on sanitation , in London ; aged 77. 11. Capt. Samuel Trott , ocean cable expert , at Miami , Fla. ; aged 67. 12. Prof. Walter D. Dabney of the University of Virginia , at Charlottesville ; aged 46. 14. Etnile Erckmann , French novelist , collaborator with Chatrian. in Paris ; aged 77. 15. Joseph Martin , inventor of the cash carrying system , at Florence , Mass. ; aged 65. 10. Benjamin P. Hutchinson , "Old Hutch , " the Chicago speculator , at Lake Geneva , Wis. Joseph Medill , proprietor of the Chicago Trib une , at San Antonio ; aged 76. IS. Prof. 0. C. Marsh of Yale , noted for geolog ical researches , at New Haven ; aged 68. Dr. Oliver Marcy. dean of the Northwestern uni versity , at E\anston , Ills. ; aged 79. 24. Francis H. Pierpont , "war governor" of West Virginia , at Pittsburg ; aged 85. Prof. GustavoViedeman , holding the chair of physics and chemistry at the University of Leipsic , at Leipsic ; aged 73. G. W. Leitner , noted linguist , at Bonn ; aged 69. 25. Gen. Isaac H. Bailey , a veteran of the civil war , formerly prominent in New York poli tics , in New York city ; aged 70. Ge"n. Thomas Vincent Fletcher , ex-governor of Missouri , in Washington ; aged 72. Comte Chaudordy. French diplomat , in Paris ; aged 73. 27. Rev. Dr. James Ormsbee Murray , dean of Princeton university , at Princeton ; aged 72. 29. Gen. Daniel W. Flagler , U. S. A. , at Old Point Comfort , Va. ; aged 64. APRIL. 1. Baroness Clara de Hirsch de Gereuth , who ( left $100.000.000 to charity , in Paris. 4. Lily Post , formerly well known New York light opera singer , in San Francisco. 9. Stephen J. Field , associate justice of the su preme court of the United States , retired , in j Washington ; aged S3. 10. Sir Monier-Monier Williams , professor of Sanscrit at the University of Oxford , in Lon don ; aged CO. 20. U. Edouard Jules Henri Pailleron , French poet and dramatist , in Paris ; aged 65. 21. Dr. Heinrich Kicfcrt , noted geographer and cartographer , in Berlin ; aged SO. 22. The Rt. Hon. Sir John Mowbray , "Father of the House of Commons , " in London ; aged 84. 25. Gen. Richard J. Oglesby , former governor of Illinois , in Springfield ; aged 75. 7. Robert Goelet , member of the New York aristocracy of wealth , in the harbor of Naples ; i " aged 5S. ' j Sheridan Shook , once a prominent New York politician and afterward a theatrical man ager , at Red Hook. N. Y. ; aged 71. MAT. 2. Rebisso , eminent sculptor , at Cincinnati ; aged 62. 4. Gen , Manning F. Force , Federal war veteran and campaign historian , at Sandusky , O. ; | aged 75. j 10. Gen. Samuel B. Smith , Federal veteran , known as the "Father of the National Guard System , " at Dayton , O. ; aged 62. j 11. August Brentano. noted publisher and bookseller - I seller of Union square. New York , in that city ; aged 40. ; Roswell P. Flower , ex-governor of New York , at Eastport. N. Y. ; aged 64. 14. H. Francisque Sarcey. famous French dra matic critic , at Paris. 22. Mile. Rhea. French actress , at Montmorency , France ; aged 55. 1' 24. Senor Don Emilio Castelar. Spanish Repub lican statesman , at Murcia , Spain ; aged 67. 15. ROM Donbeur , famous animal painter , tt Fontalncblcau ; aged 78. JDKE. 8. Johann Strauss the "Waltz " , Ring : , at VIenna - enna ; aged 74. 5. Frank Thomson , president of the Pennsyl vania railroad , at Philadelphia : aged 69. 7. Henry L. Clinton , noted criminal lawyer. In New York city ; aged 80. Augustin Daly , American thcaier manager. In London ; aged 61. Gen. W. S. Walker , noted Mexican and Confed erate veteran , at Atlanta. 10. Capt. Henry Nirliol of the U. a monitor Monaiinock. at Manila. 11. The Rev. Dr. William Garden IJIalkle , D. D. . LL. D. . noted Scotch theologian , at North Berwick ; eged 70. 14. Dr. Laueon Talt. pioneer In curjicry. at l.on- don ; aged M. J5. Prof. Ixicke Richardson , the American elocu tionist , in Berlin. Rear Admiral Pierce Crosby. U. S. N. . retired. In Washington ; Hired 70. Congressman Ilk-hard Pjrks llljnd. ilhvr chain pion. at l.vham > M. Mo. : aged 01. 23. John Godfrey Moore , promlmnt banker anil exchange broker , in New York city : aged K2. Henry B. Plant , loimder of the Plant transpor tation svstcrn. in New York city ; aged SO. 24. Kapioljin. widow of King Kalakuua. at Him- olulu : aged 03. 29. Daniel F. Tirinan. oldest of the surviving ex- nia > ura uf New York i-ily. at Audubon Park : aged U4. 30. Kmtna Dorothy Eliza Nevittee Southworth. the novelist , in Washington : aged SO. JULY. 1. Charles Victor Cherbullez. French academi cian , noxelist and critic , in Paris : aged 70. 2. Gen. H. G. Wright. U. S. A. , retired. In Washington - ington ; aged 71) . 3. John Walter llendley. modeler foi the gov ernment at Washington , in that city ; aged 72. 5. Bishop John P. Newman , noted Methodist di vine and the friend of Grant , at Saratoga ; aged 73. 6. Robert linnncr. founder and proprietor of the New York l.i-dii > r. in New York city : aged 75. 7. George \ \ . Julian , noted western statesman , at Irviii iuii. Ind. : aged 62. 10. The Grand Duke George , brother of the czar and heir to the throne , at St. Petersburg ; aged 21. Judge Walliridge A. Field , eminent Massachu- tctts jurist and chief justice , in Boston ; aged 67. 18. Col. A. L. Hawkins. 10th Pennsylvania volun tecra. at sea on the way home to San Fran cisco. Horatio G. Alger. famous author of boys' stories , at Nalick. Mass. ; aged 65. 19. Elizabeth Thompson , noted philanthropist , al Littleton. N. H. ; aged 7& 20. II. K. Thtirber. the retired New York million aire merchant , at Halley , la. ; aged 79. 21. Robert G. Ingersoll , at Dobbs Ferry. N. Y. ; aged 60. 24. Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Sawyer , noted Unlversalist writer and educator , in Boston : aged 95. 25. Gideon J. Tucker , an old time politician and journalist , founder of the New York Dally News , in New York city : aged 73. 29. Guzman Blanco , once president of Venezuela. in Paris. 81. Albert Mcnier. the chocolate magnate. In Paris. Kate Chase Sprague. daughter of Salmon P. Chase , a noted Washington belle in wartime , in Washington ; aged 69. Daniel G. Brinton , noted ethnologist , archa- elegist and physician , at Atlantic City ; aged 62. ACOCST. 3. George Averoff. noted Greek philanthropist , at Alexandria. Egypt ; aged 70. 9. Col. U. E. Sinn , the theatrical manager , at Pittsfield , Mass. ; aged 65. 12. Gen. Edmund l-afayette Hardcastle. veteran of the old army and a hero of the Mexican war. at Towson. Md. ; aged 75. 16. Prof. Robert Wilhelm Ebcrhard Bunsen , dis tinguished German chemist , at Heidelberg ; aged SS. 19. Gen. Thomas Alfred Davies. a veteran of the civil war. at Ogdensburg , N. Y. ; aged 90. Sir Charles Lennox Peel. K. C. B. , a noted Conservative , at London ; aged 76. 20. Isaac McLcllan. known as the sportsmen's poet , died at ( Jreenpoint. N. Y. ; aged 93. 24. Judge Henry Hilton , heir to the A. T. Stew art million ! ! , at Saratoga ; aged 75. SEPTEMBER. 8. Rear Admiral Henry F. Picking , U. S. N. , a civil war veteran , at Charleston ; aged 59. James B. Eustis , ambassador to France under Cleveland , at Newport : aged 65. 12. Cornelius Vanderbilt , head of the family in the third generation , in New York city ; aged 50. 19. Charles Patrick Daly , noted justice , in New . York city : aged S3. 20. M. Scheurer-Kcstner , former senator and a. strong champion of Dreyfus , in Paris ; aged 66. 25. Jared B. Flagg , noted American portrait painter , in New York city ; aged 80. 27. Gen. Henry Heth. noted Confederate veteran , in Washington ; aged 74. OCTOBER. 5. Former United States Senator James Harlan , last surviving member of Lincoln's cabinet , at Mount Pleasant , la. ; aged 79. 13. Vice Admiral Philip Howard Colomb , R. N. . British naval officer , inventor and writer , in London ; aged 68. 15. Laurence Gronlund , social economist and au thor , in New York city ; aged 53. IB. Edward Orton , Ph. D. , LL. D. . distinguished geologist , at Columbus , O. ; aged 70. IS. Isaac Bird , a California pioneer orchardist , at Watsonville , Cal. ; aged 6. J. L. Davis , a negro song writer , at White- stone , N. Y. ; aged 36. 19. W. H. Appleton. last of the old circle of New York publishers , in New York city ; aged S3. 25. Grant Allen , the English author , in London : aged 51. 27. John Codman Ropes , military historian , in Boston ; aged 63. Gen. Guy V. Henry , U. S. A. , civil war and regular army veteran , in New York city ; aged 60. 23. Ottmar Mcrgenthaler , " inventor of the linotype type machine , in Baltimore ; aged 45. 29. Florence Marryatt ( Mrs. Francis Lean ) , Eng lish novelist , at Brighton , England ; aged 62. .NOVEMBER. 1. Alvin Saunders , "war governor" of Nebraska , at Omaha : aged S2. 13. Col. Henry Iiinian , veteran of the regular arm > and the civil war , author of the "Old Santa Ko Trail. " at Topeka ; aged 62. 14. Dr. Moritr Busch. biographer of Bismarck , at Lcip = ic ; aged 7S. 17. Col. Lawrence Kip. veteran of the civil war and a noted turfman , in New York city ; aged 63. 19. Sir William Dawson , noted educator and geol ogist of Canada , at Montreal ; aged 66. Lady Salisbury , wife of the premier of England. in London. 21. Garret A. Hobart. vice president of the Unit ed States , at Paterson , N. J. ; aged 55. S3. Prof. Miaskowski. an authority on political economy and international law in Leipsic university , at Leipsic ; aged 61. Thomas Henry Ismay , founder of the White Star line , at Liverpool ; aged 62. James McManes. once the Republican ruler of Philadelphia , in that city : aged 75. J5. Rev. Robert Lowry , author of many popular s hymns , at Plainfleld , N. J. ; aged 73. w 27. Charles Coghlan. the actor , at Galveston ; aged 56. Samuel H. Elbert , a Colorado pioneer and polit ical leader , in Galveston ; aged 66. DECEMBER. 2. John Inslee Blair , a Pennsylvania pioneer de veloper and multimillionaire , in Blairstown. N. J. ; aged 97. 5. U. S. Senator Elect M. L. Hayward of Ne braska , at Nebraska City ; aged 69. 6. James McConnell , prominent journalist , at Philadelphia ; aged 55. 7. Gen. H. H. Lockwood , a West Pointer and civil war veteran , noted for learning and philanthropy , in Washington ; aged 85. 1L Gen. Edward Ferrero , commander of the col ored division of Burnside's corps , in New York city ; aged 69. Commander E. P. Wood , hero of the baby bat tleship Petrel in the battle of Manila Bay , in Washington. 17. ' Lieut. Thomas M. Brumby , flag lieutenant of Dewcy's Beet at the battle of Manila , in Washington. All the- Difference inthe World. Just as all the di Terence in the world lies be tween the north and south pies , so is the vast dirt'er- ence between the high quality of Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and the ordinary brands of cofiee. Quality never misses the vicicr ; . . - Quality represents knowledge , experience , ifoi . money to produce ; it represents pleasure , i.cau.i ur.t. ! economy to use useChase & Sanbonrs Coffees Sesl Dr * . and Mocha , in ' ni Java > . . . . . nn.i. ' ir ( i-v.n .ac bt-i.u , in hnitat-i.- . . _ r. bog. . . are peerless in that they combine the highest grade of quality v/ith the fair price. More money cannot give a better cotTec as good a coffee cannot be sold for less money. No other coiTee is so good for ( he same money. Put up in one .ind two pound tin cans , bear ing the seal of Chase & Sanborn. Other high grades put up also in handsome fibre bags lined with parchment , thus preserving ai ) Ihe richness of flavor , freshness ; uJ strength. Insist on your grocer selling yci ! Chase & San born's coffees. Any of their high grade brar.ib w.l please you. THE . . . Casfi ft- C. L. DeGROFF & GO. s i NATIONAL i * Arf * * /\N * * * N * S * * * I Jt3AlN.J - I > - > v > N < VW W < i > < * V VA % > S < V VwVS s > ' Authorized Capital , $100,000. Capital and Surplus , $60OOO fe l S HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , V. Pres. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. F. A. PEHHELL , Ass't Cash. A. CAMPBELL , Director. FRANK HARRIS , Director. # Rex Rheumatic Cure & is not a medicine or drug to "be taken internally , neitli- er is it a liniment for outward application , but an ar- tide to be worn and is made of certain metals that draw the uric acid from the blood. It costs ยง 2.00 and never wears out. Written guarantee to refund money in 30 days J2j | if not entirely satisfactory. ItCtires Rheumatism Acute | Chronic , Kuscular and Sciatic , Lumbago and Gout. JJ Send 2c stamp for little booklet that tells the whole story- Address , REX RHEUMATIC CO. , Pox 14Harttord , Conn. J. B. Clark , Peona , 111. , says , "Surgeons ranted to operate on me for piles , but I cured iiem with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. " It > infallible for piles and skin diseases. Be- rare of counterfeits. D.V. . Loar. A dumb man over in Kansas is said to have scovered his voice while trying to swear , rhe provocation must have been great or irovidence would not have come to his aid. To Cure a Cold In a Day. Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets , ill druggists refund the money if it fails to ure. fc. W. Grove's signature on every box. 5c. 4-1. LADIE'S Friend and Pennyroyal Pills brinj ? menstruation to the day. Never fail. No Fain ; No nimtppolatmem. SI.00 box ; 2 boxen en re auy case , no matter as to cause Halm's Pharmacy , Dept. T. Omaha , - Nebraska ! Develop mu - uerv - > > ant ! anil inakf- : i man of yourself Send for one of o r Doctor's Quetirm blanks. Iso two cafes treated alike. Sexual ivik - neMH , lo ol power , drains after stools , pre mature d isch urge. Varlcocelecuredcr no charge. Where you are feuJTerln from effect * of * ir a t > u e we . ; pleased to say that we are today ibv only firm -who cas : guarantee a cnrt with our Turkish L . ' : p-uies. We never fall to cure DCJ utter as to age. Do not look further , ue ' -tamp will get our blank. R ! nnn pflKnN < s QLUUU IOU11 IU medicine Is guaranteed to cure any case , no matter how sevirir flow longstanding , with Turkish Sj-f'iilK iMir ' . 12 box All conditions chunked , \\riif nor pirt cular- . DcpT HAHN'S PHAPK-eCY. CP ftHA. NTS