The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1899, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL , .
Subscription , $1 a Year in Advance
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
THB showing made by the house o
representatives on the money question is
not encouraging toBryanites. The house
passed the gold standard measure by
vote of 190 to 150 , every Republican anc
eleven Democrats voting aye. The vott
for this bill represents two-thirds of the
people of the United States , and the nexi
presidential campaign will undoubted ! }
start with the gold standard as the law
of the land.
Has Mr. Bryan noted the recent action
of the Southern Hosiery Spinners' Asso
ciation at Charlotte , N. C. ? The meet
ing represented 75 per cent , of all the
hosiery spinners of the South , and they
adopted resolutions setting forth the
necessity of maintaining an open-door
policy id China , the restoration of order
in the Philippines by this government ,
the construction of the Nicaragua canal ,
and other matters. This is only an in
stance of the attitude of the entire tex
tile industries in the South.
THB recent financial disasters , which
are largely the result of injudicious loans
upon watered stock , are liable to throw
the trust "promoters" out of employ
ment and permanently check these spec
ulative prices , which have brought reproach
preach upon many legitimate business
consolidations required for the economi
cal production of articles of consumption.
Legitimate consolidation of interests to
reduce the cost of production , and so re
duce the price to consumers , is quite a
different thing from the indiscriminate
organization of enormous concerns with
inflated stock for speculation purposes
only , and the public will quickly dis
criminate betwee'n the two systems.
HERB are a few notes from a single
issue of Bradstreets , that of December 9 ,
1899 : "Wages of employes in the cotton
mills in Augusta , Georgia , are to be ad
vanced January first ; Pennsylvania in
dustries are employing 300,000 more per
sons than they were a year ago ; 100,000
New England cotton mill operatives have
received an advance of 10 per cent in
wages ; the Richmond , Fredericksburg
& Potomac Railroad Company has given
the yard conductors and trackmen a 10
per cent increase in wages ; about 2,400
workers in the watch factories at Elgin ,
Illinois , are to receive an increase in
wages January ist. " Let's see ; who was
it that said that "it's better to open the
mills than the mints" ?
THE leaders of the Democratic party
are becoming more and more perplexed
as the presidential campaign approaches.
Most factions are fairly well agreed upon
Bryan as candidate , but demands are
coming from different sections that he
amend or drop certain of his issues ; then
his election will be insured. But what
issues ? He cannot drop silver or he
will lose Populist and Silver Republican
votes in the West ; if he opposes expan
sion he will alienate the South , which is
overwhelmingly in favor of the policy ; if
he takes up the tariff question again , as
free traders advise , he will antagonize
workingmen in the North who are en
joying steady employment and at in
creased wages ; if he attemps to make a
strong fight on trusts he will find him
self forestalled by the Republicans. Mr.
Bryan has expressed himself clearly on
all these questions , so that retreat seems
impossible , and yet his attitude , as
events have shaped , is at variance with
his entire party.on one point or another.
Advertised Letters.
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice on Dec. 24th :
G.'M. Barnes , O. B. Billings ,
F. Wm. Bauer , John T. Burch ,
Guss Mers , W. D. Mesler ,
G. E. Mitchell , J. W. Bates ,
C. H. Miller , Charley Moore ,
Dolp. Suiyser , Geo. Younger ,
Mrs. Jessie Ajack.
In calling for any of these letters , please
say that they are advertised.
F. M. KIMMELI , , Postmaster.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum fating powders arc t&e greatest
meoacers to health of the present day.
Best Grades
Building Materials of all Kinds.
Barnett Lumber Co ,
Dennison Street
Roy Jacobs is on the sick-list.
It was a gladsome Christmas time , indeed.
Endeavor and preaching services , Sunday ,
were well attended.
There was a skating party at S. G. Goheen's ,
Monday afternoon.
Florence Johnston led the Endeavor meet
ing , Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Walker of McCook has been holding
evening meetings in the school-house , this
Vacation brought home a number of our
young folks , and they are all having a pleasur
able time.
The poor condition of the ice , Christmas ,
was a great disappointment to many who
were out for a skate.
Fireman Arthur Douglass , an oldtime Mc-
Cookite , now of Denver , was a South Side
visitor , fore part of the week.
A number of the young folks gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Maxwell ,
Monday night , and enjoyed a delightful time.
The Christmas tree and programme , Satur
day night , was the finest entertainment ever
given in district 8 , and was attended by a
large and appreciative audience. The
smoothness with which everything passed off ,
the way in which the children spoke their
selections , and the manner of doing the dia
logue all spoke well for the pupils and teach
er. The earnest efforts of Miss Whittaker
brought the musical part of the programme
out in fine shape. All in all , it was a merry
and satisfactory occasion.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All such
should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills ,
the wonderful stomach and Liver Remedy
gives a splendid appetite , sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures peifect
health and great energy. Only 250 at McConnell -
Connell & Berry's.
Mrs. Nesbit came down from Frontier coun
ty to spend Christmas with her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Benj. Baker.
Miss Ida Canaga has so far recovered from
her injuries as" to be about on crutches. It
will be sometime before her recovery is com
A company of school children took their
Christmas dinner at the Byfield home. No
merrier company could have been found in
this precinct.
A general neighborhood dinner was par
taken of at the school house in the north end
of district 72. They always manage to have a
good time up'there.
Charlie Byfield and Holton Longnecker
each have a two weeks vacation which they
are spending at home. Eddie Byfield also
has a ten days vacation and is home from
Franklin academy.
On Wednesday , Mrs. Longnecker gave a
dinner to a few of the old settlers. It was a
very pleasant affair , for no one better under
stands the art of entertaining than do-Mr , and
Mrs. Longnecker.
There is a rumor afloat that Mr. J. F. Helm
will remove his family from the metropolitan
Kedwillow to the more quiet village of Indian-
ola where he will conduct a meat market.
Rumor says that Albert Helm has rented the
The school entertainment at Miss May
Stangland's school was one of the events of
the neighborhood and the teacher deserves
great credit for the perfect training of the
little school. It was an entertainment that a
school of larger proportions need not have
been ashamed of.
One surprise party a week will not do. Last
week there were two. One at Mr. Longneck-
er's home , the other'at J. F. Helm's. Both
were joyous affairs and if this thing goes on
much longer , some of the folks will have to be
surprised the second time. An oyster supper
at Mr.bheets' , next Saturday night , will afford
a different sort of dissipation.
Miss Anna E. Gunning"Tyre , Mich. , says ,
"I suffered a long time from dyspepsia ; losi
flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure completely cured me. " It digests
what you eat and cures all forms of stomach
trouble. It never fails to give immediate re
lief in the worst cases. D. W. Loar.
Guy Curlee made a short visit at home over
Cold and cloudy weathc r , this week , with
storm indications.
Ed Ewin of Reynolds is visiting his uncle ,
F. P. Eno , this week.
Miss Devoe and Miss Slutts of Lebanon
risked Miss Hale over Christmas.
B. N. Leisure has sold lot I , block 7 , Dan-
aury , to Lucy L. Kendall ; consideration ,
A masquerade ball was held in the town
jail ; last Monday evening. There was a large
ittendance and an enjoyable time for all.
Henry Kittering of this place , who has
jeen working for S. G. BaUian for the past
rear , has accepted a position with H. E.
.Vaugh of Lebanon as butcher in the meat
narket at that place.
Grace Curlee is spending the holidays at
Holton Longnecker of Indianola is visiting
his friend , Percy Catlett.
Wm. Wight arid wife received a little Wight
for a Christmas present.
Miss Maude Vickrey is home from Univers
ity Place for the holidays.
Wm. Cowles has been on the sick list for
several days , but is improving.
Geo. White placed some very artistic busi.
ness cards in the postoffice , Thursday.
Harry Dole of McCook was looking after
his "interests" here , Monday and Tuesday.
Will Downs has moved into the dormitory
and is assisting A. E. Crosby in the harness
Miss Irene Flint and two lady friends from
Stockville are spending the week here with
her family.
Dan Jennings and fnmily of Curtis have
been visiting friends and relatives "here for
several days.
F. A. Walsworth and H. D. Vickrey did a
few vaudeville turns on the ice at Cambridge ,
Christmas day.
John McClung was a visitor at the "midway"
of this place , Thursday ; he was evidently
looking for a game.
The brick work is completed on the new
church and the carpenters are busy putting on
the finishing touches.
Guy Curlee came in from Danbury on No.
5 , Satvrday evening , and ate Christmas tur
key with his parents.
Vickrey's force of clerks have been kept
busy , the past week , with the holiday trade
and invoicing on the side.
David Mangus is selling liquid lightning
and bottled pig-squeals , guaranteed to cure
all the ills to which flesh is heir.
C. C. Richards , an early settler living six
miles southeast of town , died ort Wednesday.
His illness was of short duration.
Kitttie Stangland and Clara Happersett
are spending their two weeks' vacation with
their parents at McCook and Indianola.
Grace Clark , who has been staying at A. L.
Cochran's and attending school , was very
sick for a few days , but was able to be taken
home. Sunday.
Cecil Matthews has been employed on the
Inter-Ocean , this week. He takes full pos
session of the office , January ist , having leased
the plant for a year.
The school entertainment was a grand suc
cess , the receipts amounting to upwards of
$30.00. The song "Cast Aside , " by Mrs. A. B.
Wilson , was a great hit.
"Tony" Dietsch says he don't believe in
being in the da"rk in this world and the next ,
too , and has accordingly purchased a new gas
lamp for bis barber shop.
P. W. Price , C. W. and J. II. Keys and fam
ilies spent Christmas with their parents on
the farm west of town. Mr. Price is a son-in-
law of Mr. Keys and resides at Diller , Neb.
J. H. Jeffrey has resigned his position with
the Inter-Ocean to accept one in a job office
at Exeter. The young man made many
friends here whose wishes for his success will
follow him.
E. J. Merchant leaves .the employ of W. V.
Vickrey after January ist. He will embark in
the general merchandise business in a Mis
souri town. We regret to lose him , but wish
iiim success in his new quarters.
Sadye Hamilton and Maude Vickrey did
the soliciting for the supper to be given after
the band concert , tonight , and the fact that
.hey are on the committee is assurance that
the refreshments will be no secondary consid
At the request of Maud and Blanche about
fifteen of the young people gathered at the
home of W. F. Miller , Christmas night , where
: hey indulged in various games for several
lours , after which refreshments were served ,
xmsisting of ice cream , fancy pastry , fresh
: ruits and choice candies. All report having
i grand time.
John Short was miraculously saved from the
aws of death , Saturday evening , by "Doc"
Dosem Bush , V.S. Short ate peanuts and ap-
jles in unlimited'quantities on a wager , and
vas soon thereafter seized with discord in his
garbage barrel and the V. S. was summoned.
'Doc" ' said the spinal column was knotted at
he coacum and it prevented the areteal
ilood from circulating to his dormitory , but
.ssured him that under his scientific treat-
tient he could be saved from the smudge in
ades , and accordingly inserted a long rubber
ese down his sewer and from the garbage
arrel removed two quarts of peanuts , a peck
f apples , a Saturday Blade and an Inter
Scan. The V. S : removed the stomach for
loser examination and "Tony's" bird dog an-
exed it , and the surgeon ran across the alley
nd took one from a calf which he inserted
ithout Short's knowledge. John is getting
long nicely , but has developed an abnormal
ppetite for hay and potato parings , and at
ight wanders around chewing the narratives
EE of "biled" shirts hanging out with the
eek's washing.
Friday ,
We intend it as a fitting climax to our
season's business , which has shown a hand
some increase each week and month. It is in
accord with our policy of cleaning up at the
close of each season in order that completely
new offerings may be put before our customers
at the opening of the next season. Not an
item , not a yard , not a garment , will we carry
over from this winter's stock. The last one of them must go before our
inventory. We ask your attention to the following prices and solicit your
examination of the goods themselves.
Sio.oo Fur Overcoats , now § 7-5 ° $8.50 Fine white blkts , now 56.00 51.50 , Si.25 grades now Si.oo
4.50 Sheep-Lined coats 3.50 5.75 Fine plaids blkts , now . . . . 4.50 i .00,9oc , 8oc grades , now 65
4.00 Triplex Blkt ulsters , now 2.75 4.75 Red and black blkts , now. 3.50 .75,650 grades , now 50
2.50 Triplex Blkt coats , now 1.75 3.75 All wool , brown blkts , now 2.05 .50 grades , now 35
1.50 Kbbr-lined duck coats , " 1.25 2.00 Wool mixed grey blkts , now 1.60 .40,350 grades , now 25
1.25 Blkt-lined duck < : oats , " .95 i.60 Heavy cotton blkts , now. . 1.25 .25 grades , now 17
.75 Blkt-lined duck coats , " .65 1.25 Heavy cotton blkts , now. , That Includes the Ice Wools.
i.oo Heavy cotton blkts , now. . .75
.85 Fancy cotton blkts , now. . . .65
.65 Grey cotton blkts , now 50 WOOL HOSIERY.
2gc , 36 inches wide , now 24C 39 Tan or grey cotton blkts ,
274c , 28 inches wide , now 230 now. 35 5oc grades , now 300
2f > c , 35 inches wide , now 22c 35c grades , now 2oc
25c grades , now 190
JACKETS AND CAPES. 20c grades , now 150
' I5c grades now
Ladies'$12.50 , § 11.50 , and 10.00
5oc grades , now. , 39C garments , now 56.00 Ladies' , Misses' , Children's , and Men's.
45c , 35c Ladies' $9.75 , $9.00 , $8.25 garments ,
grades , now , .I2C now 85.00
Ladies' $7.00 , $6.75 , $6.00 and $5.00 UNDERWEAR.
FLANNELETTS. garments , now § 4.00 Ladles' .
Ladies' 4.75,54.00 and $3.75 gar
loc grades , now. ic ments , now $2.75 Si .00 All Wool vests and pants now
8c grades , now. .6c Ladies' $3.00 , and 2.25 garments , ' $ 75
. Camel's Hair and
now § 1.50 S .50 vests pants ,
FUR COLLARETTES. Children's § 5.00 jackets now . . . $3.25 now 39
. Ribbed fleeced and
Children's . . $ .40 vests pants ,
§ 4.00 jackets now $2.75
. . . . .
57.50ones , now. .55-00 ' . . now 28
ChildJen's $3.35 jackets now
6.oo , . Ribbed fleeced and
ones now 4-75 $ .25 vests pants ,
4.75 ones , now 3-50 These are all new , stylish garments. now 19
4.00 ones , now . 2.90 Cost not regarded. S .20 Ribbed fleeced vests and pants ,
now 15
i.oo Union Suits , now 75
40C heavy knit lace front , now - 2gc 52.50 Kinds reduced to Si .75 .50 Union Suits , now 39
2.00 and $ i .75 Kinds reduced to 1.50 .35 Union Suits , now 25
MEN'S WINE-COLORED SWEATERS. 1.35 and Si .25 Kinds reduced to i.oo '
Children's Underwear 1-4 off.
650 Turtle neck sweaters , now. . . .4QC Sizes from 32 to 42. '
HEAVY COTTON FLANNEL. S .35 Ribbed fleeced shirts and
iSc Husking grade , now . 140 Si.oo grades , now 750 S .50 Doublejchest , now fleeced shirts and 250
75 grades , now 55c drawers , now 350
PETTICOATS. .50 grades , now 390 $1.00 Woollen shirts and drawers ,
$1.25 Fine flannel patterns , now $1.00 35 grades , now 25c now 75c
1. 10 Fine flannel patterns , now. .85 .25 grades , now igc Si.35 Heavy , all wool , fleeced shirts
.65 Heavy fleeced skirts , now. . .45 . 15 grades , now loc and drawers , now QOC
.50 Quilted flounce skirts , now .35 Men's , Women's and Children's. Other Grades in Proportion.
these are new , fresh goods , from the best mills and
factories in the world , bought early in the season &
y before the increase in prices that caught the late buyers.
WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to all our Ready-to-Wear Garments , which are
selected with special reference to ampleuess in size ,
shapeliness in proportions , and care in pressing , seaming , finishing : etc. not a skimpy , deficient ,
defective garment in our entire stock ; and such goods are yours now at less than present factory
prices. "A word to the wise is sufficient. "
Postoffice in Same Building. . . . . McCOOK , NEBRASKA
It Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Kenick Hamilton , of West
lefferson , O. , after suffering 18 months from
rectal Fistula , he would die unless a costly
operation was performed , but he cured him
self with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve ,
the surest pile cure on earth , and the best salve
in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by Mc-
Connel & Berry.
Election day has passed away ,
And Willie's won the tin ;
Some politicians smoked cigars ,
Some drank a little gin ;
Our customers drank water
And claimed 'twas rather thin ,
But the tender , juicy meat we sell
Caused them to loudly grin.
So everybody , great and small ,
Come in and see our goods this fall ;
Tho' we may fail , we'll surely try
To merit confidence while you buy ,
For all our goods will stand the test ,
Game , beef , pork , mutton and the rest ;
And the poultry is the very best
At the market of Marsh & Everist.
Glorious News.
Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile , of Washita ,
.T. He writes : "Four bottles of Electric
litters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula ,
yhicll had caused her great suffering for
ears. Terrible sores would break out on her
ead and face , and the best doctors could
ive no help ; but her cure is complete and her
ealth is excellent. " This shows what thous-
nds have proved , that Electric Bitters is the
est blood purifier known. It's the supreme
2medy for eczema , tetter , salt rheum , ulcers ,
oils and running sores. It stimulates liver ,
idneys and bowels , expels poisons , helps
igestion , builds up the strength. Only 50
ents. Sold by McConnell & Berry. Guar-
Divine Healer Shrader has applied to the
Washington officials for permission to be
uried for thirty days. If he will make it
lirty years the whole country will pray that
ic request be granted.
It takes but a minute to overcome tickling
i the throat and to stop a cough by the use of
ne Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quick-
cures all forms of throat and lung troubles ,
harmless and pleasant to take. It prevents
msumption. A famous specific for grippe ]
id its after effects. D. W. Loar. ]
To Valentine Roslc , John Stansbury , Win. P.
Clark , Leniira M. Heaty , Geo. T. Taylor. James.
Cody , Walter M. Sheppard , William Gingerich ,
Sarah E. Hoagland and to all whom it may
concern :
The board of county commissioners have es
tablished and ordered opened a road commenc
ing at the southwest corner of section 12 , in Box
Elder precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
running thence east on section line 4 miles ,
terminating at southeast corner of section 9-4-23 ,
west 6 p. m.and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the county clerk's
oflice on or before noon of the 24th day of Febru
ary , A. D. 1000 , or said road will be established
without reference thereto. 12-22-4t.
R. A. GEEEX , County Clerk.
The annual meeting of the McCook Electric
Light Co. will be held at the Company's
office on Monday , January 1st , 1900 , for the
purpose of electing officers and any other
business that may come before it.
W. CARRUTH , Secretary.
Tribune Clubbinj ? List.
For convenience of readers of THE TRIE
UNE , vve have made arrangements with the
following newspapers and perodicals whereb }
we can supply them in combination with THE
I'RIIJUNE at the following very low prices :
Detroit Free Press Si oo Si 50
Leslie's Weekly. 400 300
Prairie Farmer I oo 175
Chicago Inter-Ocean I Oo i 35
Cincinnati Enquirer. I oo 150
New-York Tribune. I OO I 25
Dernorest's Magazine I oo 175
Toledo Blade i oo 125
Nebraska Farmer i oo 150
Iowa Homestead I oo 145
Lincoln Journal I oo 175
Campbell's Soil-Culture i oo 150
New-York World I oo i 65
OmahaBee I oo 150
Cosmopolitan Magazine I oo i 80
5t. Louis Republic I oo 175
Kansas City Star 25 i 15
Nebraska Dairyman and Up-
to-Date Farmer 50 125
Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 115
Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
capers published , at reduced rates.
. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb.
The undersigned , President of the Hoard of
Regent * of the University of Nebraska , will re
ceive proxitions. . until noon on .Monday , Jan
uary 15 , 1MJO. for leasing the following described
lands , to-wit : The southwest quarter of the
southeast quarter and the south half of the
southwest quarter of section eighteen , also lot
numbered three of section nineteen , all in town-
5 PjfJ'e ! nortn- range twenty-eight west , in
Red \ \ illow county , Nebraska. The said Hoard
lias lixed the valuation of said land for rental
purposes , at ten dollars per acre , subject to re
valuation after a ix-riod of live jears from Janu
ary l t , 1000. Hidden * will state the highest rate
IH.T cent per annum ur > on said valuation which
they are willing to pay annually in cash in ad
vance for the rental of said land , from May 1st
1WJO , the date of the expiration of the present
lease tliereon. _ Bidders must aKotat ; whether
they desire to Ieae said
-e land for a period of one
or more years , not exceeding live , stating sep
aratcly the rate of lease rental they an ; willing f
to pay for one year only , and al = o fora term of
jears not exceeding five. Biddersrnut ac
company their propo-itions re = i > cctivi-ly , with a
certified check ujxiu some Nebraska bank , or
with ca h. in an amount equal to one jear' "
rental as bid by them. All certified checks must
be made payable to the Hoard of Regei.t of the
university of Nebraska , and checks or caMi
inu t be rlepo-ited with the Pre-ident of sail !
Roani. All bids mu.-t be. sealed , addressed to
said Board of Regents Lincoln , in care of its
President , and must be plainly marked on the
outside with the bidder's name and the words
"Bid for renting land. " All bid's inu tx \ ; Hied
in the office of the President of the Board of
Regents , in Lincoln , not later than 12 M o'clock
noon , on Monday , January 15th. 1SOO. Th
right is reserved to reject any and all bids.
C. II. MOKUILL. President.
noAD NO . ' 'A'A.
To Randolph L. Bullard , Jo-ephine B. Hammond
mend , Alfred Reed and to all whom it may con
cern :
The board of county commissioners have eg-
tabli-hed and ordered opened a road commenc
ing at the southeast corner of section 24 , in
\alley Grange precinct. Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , running thence west Yi mile on sec
tion line , thence north 8 rods , thence wept 20
rods , thence northwest 15 rods , thence tvefet IS
rods , thence southwest S ! rods to section line
between sections 24 and 25 in said precinct
thence west on section line , terminating at
southwest corner of section 24 in said precinct
md all objections thereto or claims for damages
nust be filed in the '
county clerk's office on or
> Sire noo.nof the 24th day of February , A. D.
900 , or said road will be established without
eference thereto. 12-22-lt.
R. A. GEEEX , County Clerk.
McCook's daughters never hang mistletoe
rom the chandeliers. They don't have to.