The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1899, Image 3

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    The Currency Bill Goes Through by a
Large Majority ,
A.11 of the ItppubllcaiiH Vote for the
Meniuro and Kloven Democrats Help
Them Oat It la Passed Under Special
WASHINGTON , Dec. 19. The cur-
tency bill , which was debated inst
week , was passed today by the houso.
by a vote of 190 to 150. It had the
Ing to illness , and one of his colleagues
the house , of eleven democrats , Messrs.
Clayton , Briggs , Fitzgerald , Louis ,
Kuppert. Scuddor , Underbill and Wll-
8on of New York ; McAleer of Penn
sylvania , Denny of Maryland , and
Thayer ol Massachusetts. All of the
other democrats voted against tha
measure , or were paired against it ex
cept John Walter Smith , governor-
elect from Maryland , Stallings of Ala
bama and General Joseph Wheeler of
Stallings of Alabama had not been
present in the house th'.s session , ow-
unitcd support of every republican in
unnounced that if present he would
have voted In the negative. General
Wheeler is serving in the Philippines.
When the speaker announced the re
sult the republicans cheered lustily.
After the vote the speaker rather
unexpectedly announced the commit
tee selections and the reading of the
lists was followed with intense eager
ness by the member , whose opportun
ities for distinction depend largely
upon the committee assignments.
The only incident in connection with
the lists was Bailey's interrogatory of
the speaker as to whether General
Wheeler's name had been placed upon
the committee on ways and means.
Speaker Henderson responded in the
Announcement of the death of the
late Representative Bland of Missouri ,
which occurred last summer , caused
an early adjournment.
The vote upon the currency bill was
taken immediately after the reading
of the journal. Neither a motion to
recommit nor an offer of a substitute
was in order by the terms of the spe
cial rule under which the house was
Gaines of Tennessee asked if it was
Ii > order to recommit with instructions
to report back to a free coinage bill.
"It is not , " replied the speaker.
The bill was then read a third time
and placed on its final passage.
"I demand the yeas and nays , " said
Overstrcet of Indiana , in charge of the
bill. Members rose on both sides en-
masse to second the demand. "Evi-
adently a sufficient number , " said the
speaker. "The clerk will call the
roll. "
The roll call was followed with much
Interest. There was no demonstration
r when the democrats who broke away
from the majority of their party voted
in the affirmati7e. The clerk called
the names of the democrats who de
clined to respond twice on each roll
call. Every republican voted for the
The democrats who voted for the
bill were : Clayton of New York ,
Denny of Maryland , Driggs of New
York , Fitzgerald of New York , Levy
of New York , McAleer of Pennsylvan
ia , Rupperts of New York , Scudder of
New York , Thayer of Massachusetts ,
Underbill of New York , Wilson of New
Paired against the bill : Catthings
of Mississippi , Campbell of Montana ,
Erossard of Louisiana , Robertson of
Louisiana , Davey of Louisiana.
When the speaker announced the
pasage of the bill by a vote of 190 to
150 the republicans cheered.
Resolution Condemning Ills Speech on
Koer War.
CHICAGO , Dec. 19. Public advocacy
of Great Britain's side in the South
African war by Dr. E. Benjamin An
drews , superintendent of public schools
in Chicago , was the cause of resolu
tions being introduced in the city
council council tonight calling for his
resignation or his immediate suspen
sion and removal from his position
by the board of education should ho
ignore an invitation to step down. The
head of the public schools was sub
jected to a heated denunciation by
Alderman Cullerton , the mover of the
resolutions. The resolutions were re
ferred to the committee on schools.
Robber Gets Troops * Money.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dec. 19. It is
officially announced that in the" rob
bery of the Pacific Express office in
this city a week ago the package of
money which , was en route to Fort
Russell from the paymaster's office in
Denver to pay the troops stationed
there , was taken. There was over
$1,800 in the package. The express
company at once turned the full
amount of the loss over to the pay
master in Denver.
yueen In Rxcdtent Health.
LONDON , Dec. 19. Unofficial in-
juiries at Windsor castle last night
Elicited the response that the queen ,
although depressed by the news from
South Africa , is in excellent health.
Her majesty will go to G-jbcrne after
Christmas if cheering news from tha
front is received.
Krhnmingr Victims of the Maine.
HAVANA , Dec. 19. A sang of four
teen grave diggers , superintended by
Chaplain Chidwick , and Dr. Cacour ,
began the exhumation , in Colon cem-
tery today , of the remains cf the vic-
dms of the Maine.
As the coffins were raised to the
graveside , the remains v. ' re immedi-
itely placed in tin-lined coiflas pre
pared with lime and charcvial bottoms , '
ifter which more lime and charcoal
rrere used an I then the coffins were
jarried a few yards away , where tin-
iraiths nailed down and hermetically
sealed the lidc. the names being dia-
tinctly painted thereon.
Olcn on Firing Line , u Victim to IJullifc at
Filipino Sharpshooter.
MANILA , Dec. 20.- Major General
Henry \Y. Lawton has been shot and
killed at San Mateo. He was standing
in front of his troops , v/as shot in the
breast and died immediately.
General Lawton started from Manila
last night with cavalry under Captain
Lockett and battalions of the Twenty-
infantry under
fifth and Twenty-seventh
der .Lieutenant Colonel Sargent , for
the purpose of capturing San Mateo ,
where Geronomo was said to have 300
General Lawton left home Monday
night and had returned from his north
ern operations Saturday to lead an ex
pedition through Marlquina valley ,
which has been an insurgent strong
hold throughout the war. The valley
had several times been invaded , but
never held by the Americans. General
Geronomo was supposed to nave there
the largest organized force north o
Manila and General Otis wished to
garrison Marlquina. The night was
one of the worst of the season. A ter
rific rain had begun and is still con
Accompanied by his staff and Troop
I , Fourth cavalry , General Lawtou set
out at 9 o'clock in advance of the main
force , consisting of the Eleventh cav
alry and one battalion each of the
Twentieth and Twenty-seventh infan
try , which started from La Loma at
midnight. With a small escort he led
the way through an almost pathless
country , a distance of fifteen miles over
hills and hrough canebreak and deep
mud , the horses climbing the rocks
and sliding down the hills. Before day.
break the command had reached the
head of the valley.
San Mateo was attacked at 8 o clock
' ensued. This
and a three hours' fight
resulted in but few casualties on the
American side apart from the death of
General Lawton , but the attack was
difficult because o'f the natural defenses
of the town.
General Lav/ton was walking along
the firing line within 300 yards of a
small sharpshooters' trench , conspicu
ous in the big white helmet he always
wore and a light yellow raincoat.
He was also easily distingishable
because of his commanding stature.
The sharpshooters directed several
close shots , which clipp-nl the grass
nearby. His staff officers called Gen
eral Lawton's attention to the danger
he was in , but he only laughed with
his usual contempt for billets.
Suddenly he exclaimed , "I am shot ,
clenching his hands in a desperate ef
fort to stand erect , and fell into the
arms of a staff officer.
Orderlies rushed across the field for
surgeons , who dashed up immediately ,
but their efforts were useless. The
body was taken to a clump of bushes
and laid upon a stretcher , the famil
iar white helmet covering the face of
the dead general.
Almost at this moment the cneers
of the American troops rushing into
San Mateo were mingling with the
rifle volleys.
After the fight six stalwart cavalry
men forded the river to the town , car
rying the litter on their shoulders , the
staff preceding with the colors and a
cavalry escort following.
The troops filed bareheaded , through
the building where the body was laid
and many a tear fell from the eyes of
men who had long followed the intrep
id Lawton. The command was strick
en with grief , as though each man had
suffered a personal loss.
Owing to the condition of the coun
try , which is impassible far as ve
hicles are concerned , the body could
not be brought to Manila today. Mrs.
Lawton and the children are living in a
government house.
Body of Olympic's riafj Lieutenant Sent
to Atiniitn.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 20. The re
mains of the late Lieutenant Brumby
were escorted to the railway today
with full naval honrs and sent to At
lanta , Ga. , for interment. The casket
was wrapped in the American flag. The
escort was made up of a detachment
of marines from the barracks here ,
headed by the Marine band , all under
command of Lieutenant Commander
McCrea , U. S. N. There were many
floral tributes from Admiral Dewey
and friends and relatives of the de
ceased. Six sailor ? from the navy
yard served as th i pallbearers.
Admiral Dewey , with the Georgia
congressional delegation , Mrs. Hayward -
ward , sister of the deceased , ard Mr.
and Mrs. A. Dubarry , accompanied the
cortege from the hospital to the rail
way station. Upon reaching Atlanta
the remains will be placed in the Hayward -
ward vault at Oakland cemetery.
Now Members Keceive Full Considera
tion From the Speaker.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 20. Speaker
Henderson today announced the com
mittees of the house of representatives.
It proved to have very few surprises ,
as the speaker preserved the time
honored custom of following precedent
as to old members , leaving them in
their old chairmanships and places
and gradually advancing them as va
cancies occur.
The important new chairmanships
are those of Brosius of Pennsylvania ,
chairman of banking and currency ;
Grosvenor of Ohio , merchant marine
and fisheries : Southland of Ohio , coin
age , and Cooper of Wisconsin , the
newly formed committee on insular
Senator Alien Sworn In.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 20. William
Allen , the recently appointed senator
from Nebraska was present when the
senate convened yesterday , -and at the
conclusion of the reading cf the jour
nal , Thurston , Nebraska , Ms colleague ,
presented him at tde secretary's desk ,
where the oath of office adminis
The financial bill passed by the house
was received from the house , and at
he suggestion of Aldrich , Rhode Island ,
chairman of the finance committee , i :
was referred to * hat committee.
Supreme Court Eeverses Decision Holding
His BoncUmen Liable.
Similar Uecinlou Handed Down In the
Omnlm National Dank Cuie The New
insurance Law Also Knocked Out by
the Supreme Court Other Matters of
Interest In Nebraska.
LINCON , Dec. 21. The supreme
court adjourned and handed down de
cisions in a number of important state
The decision of the district court of
Douglas 'county holding the sureties of
former State Treasurer Hartley liable
on his official bond v/as reversed and
remanded. The decision of the court
of the same county in favor of the
Omaha National Bank in the suit of
the state to recover on the $200,000
warrant paid by that institution to
Hartley was also reversed and remand
The decision of the court in the
Hartley bondsmen case holds that the
governor only approves a bond of a
state official and that the same does
not become binding until filed with the
secretary of state. The failure of an
official to file a bond within the time
required by law creates a vacancy in
that office.
Weaver Insurance Law.
LINCOLN , Dec. 21. Sections 36 and
37 of the Weaver insurance law , pro
viding for the payment of fees for li
censes and levying of taxes by the in
surance commissioners , were declared
unconstitutional , leaving the entire
act void. The decision , however , does
not say that the legislature has no
authority to change the insurancevSti-
pervision from the auditor's office tea
a commission created by a legislative
act. It is held that the taxation sec
tions were the inducement for tha
passage of the act. According to the
decision the law contravenes section 1
of article ix of the constitution , which
provides that every person or corpora
tion shall pay a tax in proportion to
the value of his or nerproperty. This
decision of the court will , of course ,
knock out the new insurance depart
ment , and it is not linely that the au
ditor will allow the salary claims of
the insurance employes.
Judge Norval , in writing the opin
ion on the insurance commission case ,
closes as follows :
"If the motive inducement which
prompted the enactment of said chap
ter 47 was merely a desire to transfer
the insurance department of the state
from the auditor to the governor , as
suggested by counsel for respondent , it
is very evident that the act would
most likely have been differently
framed and the provisions of said sec
tions 36 and 37 , so far as they attempt
to exempt insurance companies from
taxation , would have been omitted
therefrom. While during the investi
gation of the subject it has been our
desire to sustain the law , we have
oeen irresistibly forced to the conclu
sion that the entire act must fail by
reason of the unconstitutional provi
sions therein contained , which have
already been pointed out. "
Company Formed.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Dec. 21. The or
ganization of a large mining corpora
tion , to be known as the Butte Mining
and Milling company ; of Columbus ,
Neb. , has been completed. The pur
pose of the company as stated in its
articles of incorporation is "the buy
ing , selling and leasing of mineral
and other lands , and the mining and
milling of all kinds of ores in the
states < r ? Nebraska , Wyoming and
South Dakota. " Three hundred
thousaifa shares of non-assessable
stock % the authorized capital stock.
The i ' corporators comprise the follow
ing capitalists : George D. Willis ,
Leonard Hohl , E. G. Brown , William
H. Benham , Dennis M. Sullivan , Hud-
srh I. Murdock , Andrew Anderson , Ole
7 ; . Roen , 0. C. Shannon , William A.
Davies and James H. Davies.
Government to Re-infer liodies.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 21. A corps
of undertakers left San Francisco Oc
tober 25 for the purpose of locating ,
disinterring and shipping to their
country the remains of all soldiers
buried in the Philippines and at Hon
olulu. It is intended to complete the
work by the close of winter. Appli
cants to remains will be notified by
telegraph from San Francisco when
the bodies are received there and will
be shipped to the destination request
ed at the expense of the government.
Unclaimed bodies will be buried at
the Presidio. This information has
been furnished Adjutant General Barry -
ry by the war department.
Tar and Feathers for St. Peter.
AUBURN. Neb. . Dec. 21. A man
who gave his name as St. Peter and
who was at work on the new court
house was arrested a few days ago for
undue exposure of his person. After
lying in jail for several days he was
released , only to resume the" same
pleasantries. Then a body of indig
nant citizens treated him to a dose of
tar and feathers and nctified him that
if the offense was repeated he would be
treated still morn roughly. He has
left tewn.
Nebraska Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 21. Following
is the issue of Nebraska pensions :
Original Joseph J. McPherson. sol
diers' and sailors' home. Hall county ,
$6 ; James Ewing.Harbine , $6 ; Rich
ard M. Gano , Elwood. $6.
Restoration and reissue George W
Knight , dead , invalid. $15.
Renewal William Zook , Harvard ,
? G.
Increase Sidney Land , West Lin
coln , ? 12 to $14.
Reissue and increase Liewellvn.
Stevens , Tekainah , § 19 to SI2.
HootSugar Association W nt
the Duty Kctltlned.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 23. The next
annual convention of the Nebraska
Beet Sugar association will be held in
Omaha , Tuesday , February G , } 901
The selection was made at a special
meeting of the association called by
President Ames to consider legislation
against the sugar beet interests of the
state , at which the following resolu
tions were adopted :
"Whereas , The beet sugar industry
of Nebraska and other states has suf
fered continuously since its inaugur
ation from changes of political and
economical conditions , adverse legis
lation and events beyond the power of
producers to control ; and
"Whereas , It is certain that the re
duction or abolition of duties on cano
sugar grown in the West Indies and
Philippine Islands , historically the
very sugar of our home producers
have been protected against for nearly
a century , would put in jeopardy the
hopes and welfare of our farmers ;
and ,
"Whereas , We have every reason to
believe a powerful combination , with
practically unlimited capital , contain
ing individuals who already own sugar
estates in Cuba , is at this moment ac
tively working to secure such reduc
tion or abolition of duties for their
own selfish gain ; therefore be it
"Resolved , That it is the duty of our
senators and members of the house of
representatives to hold the interests
of their own constituents nearer to
themselves than the rehabilitation of
the Spanish islands with the consequent
quent advantage of the sugar trust ;
and ,
"Resolved , That our senators and
representatives are hereby urged to
use all energy to prevent legislative or
executive acts that will expose our
promising industry , which has suffered
too many shocks already , to a compe
tition peculiarly unfair to our local
ity. "
Resolutions were adopted in recog
nition of the work of the state uni
versity in the interests of the beet
sugar industry.
Increase in Freight Charges.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 25. On De
cember 1 the various railroads doing
business in Nebraska put into oper
ation for the second time during the
past three years the system of charg
ing for the transportation of all kinds
of freight -by the 100 pounds instead
of by the car lot. It is claimed by
shippers that this is an increase in
rates and the State Board of Trans
portation came to this conclusion
after a thorough investigation in 1897.
After the change was announced by
the railroads several weeks ago the
matter was taken up by the Board of
Transportation , but no action was
taken at the time for the reason , it
was asserted , that the new tariff sheets
had not been published and that there
was no way of ascertaining whether
the adoption of the new system would
increases rates. A few days later the
tariff sheets were issued and an ex
amination showed that the rates
named were similar , in most instances ,
to those charged under the 100-pound
system in 1S97.
New Normal School liuiidin : ; * .
FREMONT , Neb. , Dec. 23. The new
buildings of the Fremont Normal
school will be nearly finished and
ready for use at the beginning of the
winter term. An addition to the
dormitory has been built , so there
are now rooms for 420 students. The
rooms are lighted by electricity and
each has a radiator and water. The
main dormitory building is 426x34 ,
with two wings each 126x34 and two
stories in height. There is a hand
some tower at the center of the build
ing. The old part of the main build
ing has been extensively remodeled ,
the entire building now containing
twenty-three recitation rooms. The
chapel , which is in the second story
or the new part , has a seating capac
ity of 1,200. The seats are opera
From the Adjutant General.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 23. Colonel
George Lyon , jr. , A. D. C. , has been
authorized by Adjutant General Barry
to recruit company H , First regiment
of the Nebraska national guard , to be
located at Nelson.
General orders No. 26 , issued by
General Barry this morning , amende
paragraph 367 of. the ru > es and regu
lations of the Nebraska national
guard , which makes it the duty of
the adjutant general to assist those
having claims against the United
States for pensions , bounty or back
pay for military service during the
civil war , by adding thereto the words
"and for disabilities incurred in line
of duty while serving in the armies of
the United States. "
.Tohn Kmnberff Dies In
FREMONT , Neb. , Dec. 23. John
Romberg , a prominent citizen of
Dodge county and a member of the
board of supervisors , died at Houston.
Tex. , where he went about a week
ago for his health. He had been a
sufferer for years from stomach and
liver troubles , which caused his death.
Deceased was born in Germany six
ty-three years ago , and had resided
in Dodge county thirty-two years , the
last few years being spent in Scribner.
He leaves in good circumstances a
widow and four children. The body
will be brought home from Houston.
Large Disbursements.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 23. State
Treasurer Meserve paid out more
money Wednesday than on any other
day during his term of sen-ice. The
payment was large owing to the dis
bursement of the school apportion
ment. It happened that the warrants
on that fund poured in very lively.
The total payment for the day was
5130,000 , and of that amount $118,000
was school money. Much of the school
money will go to teachers and will
come in handy for the1 purchase or'
Christmas presents.
To Appear in Oourt at Hastings to
new Bond ,
Tire Nebraska Women to IJo Prosecuted
for Violation of the Vomnla I.ubor
a Schoiiio for the Advurtlnlnir of
hniHka SlUcollununu * Alitttors Hera
And There
HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 19. Miss Vi
ola Ilorlockcr .arrived Saturday , ac
companied by her slater , Mrs. Hayes.
They were met at the depot by her
btother-ln-law , Mr. George Hayes , and
were immediately driven to the fam
ily residence.
Miss Horlocker will appear before
Judge Beall Monday morning , at which
time district court convenes. At that
time she will renew her bond of $5,000
to appear at the next jury term , some
time in January , the jury having been
excused for this term on account ot
the fact that Judge Beall's successor
will be inaugurated early in January ,
necessarily making the time too short
to try such an important case. After
the renewal of her bond. Miss Her
locker will immediately return to Illi
nois and remain there until the next
term of court.
Nebraska Kducatlonal Directory.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 1'J. State
Superintendent Jackson has begun
the distribution of the Nebraska Edu
cational directory , which contains a
list of all county superintendents , the
number of schools and teachers em
ployed in each county , the salary paid ,
average daily attendance and financial
condition o * , each year. The rum-
mary of these statistics for the school
year ending July 11 , is as follows :
Counties M
Districts WOIi
School houses ( iJ7G (
Teachers required 8'JSO '
Different teachers em
ployed y , o
Average monthy salary of
teachers $37.70
Children of school age
(5-21) ( ) aii
Total enrollment 27
Average daily attendance 17:5,930 :
Average length of term
( days ) 132
Value of property $8,944,534J ! )
Total of teachers' wages. . 2,149,833.88
Amount paid for books
and supplies 154.G57.58
Total expenditure 3,712,010.98
Cost of education per pupil
( by enrollment ) 12.1 > 1J
Cost of education per pupil
( by average attendance ) . 20.4G
Total indebtedness 3,138,535.39
Graded schools 415
Number of teachers la
graded schools 2,590
Private schools 158
Narrow Kucnpe of Conductor
CHADRON , Neb. , Dec. 1 ! ) . Conduc
tor C. K. Bsrooks , running on the Wy
oming line of the Elkhorn , had a hair
breadth escape from the iron wheels
on his last run out. ne attempted to
step from one car to the other while
Kv/itching at Casper and did not notice
that the cars were uncoupled until he
had stepped and the cars were parting.
Unable to check himself he fell be
tween the moving cars , but in falling
he doubled up and when he struck
the ground he was on the roll hoop
fashion , and rolled from the track
before the car wheels caught him. They
came so near , however , that the cap
en his head was caught and mashed
on the rail , and his face wiped grease
from the boxing. He is now down at
Fremont recovering from nie injuries
of the fall.
Scheme to Advertise Xebr.ihku.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 19. Governor
Poynter has been asked to lend of
ficial aid to the project of adding a
Nebraska car to an advertising train
which is being arranged by John Gilman -
man of Massachusetts. His plan is to
get up an enormous traveling lair ,
conisting of about eight traips ol
stock and several trains of miscellan
eous exhibits. This fair will be moved
from place to piace and an admission
fee will be charged all visitors.
Governor Poynter bar. accepted an
invitation to attend a reception and
banquet to be given at Washington ,
December 21 , by the Washington
Board of Trade in honor of the Wash
ington centennial He will
neave Monday for the national cap
Violations ot the Fcnuile I.ubor I.avr.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 19. Com
plaints have been filed with the deputy
labor commissioner charging Miss
Anna Dick , a dressmaker of this city ,
and Mrs. A. S. May , proprietress ot the
Perkins hotel in David City , with violation
lation to the provisions of the law and ,
i necessary , commence legal proceed
ings. The offense charged in both in
stances is that of keeping female em
ployes at work more hours each day
than allowed by law.
Threatens to Sue for Premium * .
THAYER , Neb. , Dec. 19. A number
of farmers here insured their growing
crops against hail and are now regret
ting it. Some of them were insured
in hail companies which wrote large
amounts of insurance in the west
where hail storms were prevalent , and
the companies suffered heavy losses.
A collector here for one of the compan
ies threatens to sue if farmers do not
Farmers Able to Pay Now.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Dec. 19. At tne
last meeting of the Board of County
Superivsors a resolution was adopted
instructing the county attorney to col
lect all the outsanding notes taken
by the county in the spring of 1S95.
Following the crop failure of 189-i
many farmers la this county found
themselves in very straitened circum
stances and unable to buy seed. The
county advanced the necessary money
to all who needed it , taking notes lor
security. There are still quite a num
ber of the notes unpaid and tae board
is inclined to believe that the debtors
are amply able now to pay.
Omaha , Chicago ft nil Heir York
Quotation ! .
SlocherH anil fecilcrs In KOUI ! donuind at
linn prlcen. It uiiythliiK llKht cult If.
which hnvo been rutlier HO\V ttali * .
Hecnifil to ho In butter demand. nn < l th y
moved a little inoro freely. Quotation * ;
Hoof HtcorH. W.7vur..75 : ; cows. *
Htoekors and fcoder.M , j.7.Vf : !
HOGS Thuru was a very active demand
for hogs thlH morning ami la consc < iuencu
oC that fact the market wan u stronir 5c <
higher. The olturlngH changed hand a rapIdly -
Idly and it wa.s not long until the hog
wcro practically all .sold. The popular
price wan J4.00 , with a good mnny HUlew
above that tlgure , whllo yoHtorday tint
bulk went at W.Oi' frS.M. Hollers wer
well plenned with the market.
SHKEP Only a few sheep were In tin *
pen.s and nx buyer * seemed to have us
for u few the market was In good Hhapo
and the prices paid wore steady to strong.
Shipper * miiHl understand that the feelIng -
Ing ut this point Is that present prices
uro only maintained by thu very light
run and that with anything like liberal
r < : cclpt at any of the market points them
would he a decided break In prices. In
other words operators on the market do
not expect much of any demand until
after th eholldays are over with und
the poultry markets art ) cleaned up.
choice native steers , market stronger.
'others steady : cows and dinners , steady.
stockers and feeders , llrm : beeves , S-l.'iVfr
G.DO ; cows. IS.UOfr MO ; Heifers. J3.t)0 ) < ftC.OO.
dinners. SiOOfjiOO : stockers and feeders.
IXIWn.M ; Texas fed beeves , Jl.r/mJ.K.
HOGS Steady. active ; mixed and
butchers , $ tKiTf ! I.I.l : good to cliolco heavy.
$ ; rough heavy. J.I.W&I.OO : light.
$ : . ! ) .V f 1.10 : bulk of sales , $1.05 1.12 .
3HKKP Market stronger ; native weth
ers , $ : ; .yOfM.F > 0 ; western. JUXKi Ml ) : lambs ,
natives , $1.00ti'3.00 ; westerns. $ 1.05ft13. .
CHICAGO. Dec. 2.1. WI IK AT No. 3.
spring. fMTtfnc ; No. 2 red. GifiCS'/fee.
CORN No. A COM 30TSc ; No. 2 yellow.
OATS-No. 2. ZZWWic : No. Z white.
r./HfiSG-Tic ; No. : : white. 2l ! ijK : e.
KYINo. . ' _ ' . 3U- .
HAItMCY No. 2 , nSfiL'e.
FLAXSKKD No. 1 and No. 1 north
western. $ I.l.vfil.tsA
TIMOTHY SKK1J Prime. J2.r. .
1'HOVISIONS AlesH pork. i > er bbl. . SS.70
ft 10.00 ; lard , per 100 Ibs..10fi5.l < > ; aliort
ribs. Hides , loose. $ . " > . ! Tift..tO : dry Hatted
shoulders , boxed. . " > % 'T fi % ; short cluar
sides , boxed. | 5. lOfiri.'iU. '
Natives , nctlve and strong : heavy nntlvi *
steers , j."i.20Ti3.SO ; Iljjht weights. Jl..ri'tri.70. )
stockers and feeders. $ : : .2r ' ? i..l)0 : iTutcher
cows and heifers. JS.lOfi ! . : " > ; cannurs. $2.S (
f 3.10 ; fed westerns. | . ' ! .7r flir > .2r : western
feeders. $ I.r,0f l.7.-i ; Texans.IOfT : : 1.1" .
HOGS Active ; about .Vf l e hl hf-r.
heavy and mixed. JI.O.VJj 1.12'/2 ; liKhts. ? : ; .7r >
ffJ.K ) ; pi s. $ : s.-irf/ : ' . * ) .
SIIKKI' Steady to lOc hlRher : Iambs.
$ l.7.ifi.i.2."i : muttons. ? : : . ( X'fI.W : ; stovkcrn
and feeders , $3.00fi 1.7 : . ; culls. Jl.C'K/'I.OO.
No More I.cive tlio
for Kxhlbitl MI.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 22. A new de
parture in the policy of the Depart
ment of the Interior is emphasized by
unequivocal refusals which have met
all recent requests for loans of In
dians for exhibition purposes , and
Secretary Hitchcock and Commission
er of Indian Affairs Jones have deter
mined to stop the abuses of the priv
ileges and have so stated in a .num
ber of communications lately. Mr.
Jones said today : "There will be no
more Indians permitted to leave their
reservations for wild west exhibition
purposes. They cannot secure the
consent of the Indian bureau for their
exhibition , save it be along the lines
showing the progress of Indian edu
cation. The day of the department's
permitting Indians to be let for wild
west shows and such affairs is past.
It demoralizes the Indians , many of
whom would dress in citizens' clothes
and otherwise conform to more civii-
izer ways but for the dollars and cents
there is in continuing their customs. "
Jtefrixerntor Plant for 7tlinili. :
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 22. A large
refrigerating plant is soon to be erect
ed in Manila by the United States un
der the direction of Maj- L. S. Pou-
diez of the quartermaster's department.
It will occupy a building 250 feet
square and forty-five feet high , to be
located on the left bank of the Pasig
river. The cooling room will be largo
enough to contain at once 5,000 beeves.
7,500 sheep and 100 tons each of salt
meats , butter and eggs and vegetables
enough to supply the American army
in the Philippines for some time. In
addition to this the plant will produce
fifty tons of ice and 6,000 gallons of dis
tilled water every day.
Daniel Webster's Statue.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 2 ? . The joint
committee of senators , representatives
and citizens of the District appointed
to make arrangements for the unveil
ing of thc , statue of Daniel Webster ,
presented to the government by Stil-
son Hutchins , met today and perfected
the plans. The exercises will be held
at the Lafayette opera house January
18. Senator Chandler of New Hamp
shire will preside and Senator Lodge
of Massachusetts will deliver the ad
Law ten's Uody in Chapel.
MANIL , Dec. 22. General Lawton's
remains were placed in the chapel in
the Pace cemetery this morning. Pri
vate services were held at the resi
dence and the body was carried to the
cemetery by members of the general's
staff and escorted by Troop I of the
Fourth cavalry.
Public services will oe held later.
Iturinl of Jlaine'.s Dead.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 23. The navy
department has announced that the
services at Arlington , attending the
burial of the Maine's desrt which are
coming en the Texas , will take piace
at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 28th inst
Harding SucceedIoddri l e.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark. , Dec. 22. Rus
sell Harding , vice president and gener
al manager of the Cotton Belt railroad ,
has resigned , to take effect January 1.
1900. Mr. Harding wili succeed Gener
al Manager W. B. DodcMdge of the
Missouri Pacific. The successor of Mr.
Harding has not been named. Mr.
Doddridge will remain v.-ih the Mis
souri Pacific , holding th ? position of
second vice president.
More helpful than all wisdom is one
draught of simple human pity that
will not forsake us. George Eliot.