The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1899, Image 1

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Christmas Observances.
It was a pleasure to note the very gen
eial observance in this city of the great
est of Christian festivals Christmas
Business was quite generally suspended
during all or part of the day , and laborer
and businessman sought the com fort and
delight of houie to enjoy with his neigh
bors , as was the case in many instances ,
the joys of the merry yule-tide.
The various churches of the city bac
appropriate services and exercises for the
children of their respective Sunday-
schools , all of which attracted large
gatherings of interested and delighted
citizens , and following we give brief accounts -
counts of the entertainments held :
The Christmas services by the children
of the Congregational Sunday-school
were held in the church on Sunday evening -
ing in the stead of the regular evening
services , and attracted a full house. No
effort was made at elaborate decoration
or programme , but the affair was one of
the most enjoyable held in years for all
its simplicity. The programme consisted
of seasonable recitations , declamations
and singing by the children all being
distinctly rendered by the little folks
great earnestness and evident joy ;
recei\ \ d by the large audience with
r ioticeable pleasure and satisfaction.
Hi The services were augmented by the
j K choir , which rendered a number of op-
HIP propriate anthems and carols at inter.
9n vals in the regular programme.
fr * After the completion of the literary
fj and musical features of the evening , the
j L large doors of the church parlor were
V thrown open , disclosing a tree from
B which dangled little churches full of
y candy , which were distributed to each
V"child present , firing the cockles of their
§ young hearts with a warmth and glow
| which nought but yule-tide can bestow.
I A banner done in white , "Peace on
; Earth , " spanning the arch back of the
k pulpit platform , together with some
> evergreens and holly were the simple
L decorative effects.
K A collection was lifted for orphan Ar-
i menian children awd about eight dollars
-Xvere raised for this purpose the chil-
te dren taking special , personal pleasure
f in this act.
r The Christmas services of St. Albau's
[ - church for the children were held on
Sunday evening , following the regular
| evening service of the church ill which
\ the address by the rector , Rev. Howard
r Stoy , was directed to the children , instead -
? stead of the adults. The most prominent
[ feature of the service was the carol sin'g-
\ ing by the children. There was a tree
[ and "a dear old Santa Claus. " Presents
I were distributed to the children. Rector
f Stoy , Mrs. Stoy and Deaconess Miss
\ Bertha Childe also came in for appropri-
W ate recognition by the members of the
I parish. Holly and evergreens formed
[ the modest , seasonable decorations of
I s the church. The occasion was a fitting ,
I happy one , indeed.
ft Regular Christmas services of the
I church were held on Monday morning
I at eight o'clock.
I Sunday evening witnessed the ChristI -
I mas services in the Baptist church , with
I a well filled bouse of appreciative peo-
v pie. The programme was musical and
| v literary in character all appropriate to
I ) the joyous occasion and the manner of
mf its rendition was a happy revelation to
Btjsill. Evergreens and a "chimney" ef-
L jfcct constituted the decorations the
f latter being especially attractive to the
lv children , as from it were distributed the
\ presents the confections being put up
I in brick shape and built into the chim-
IL uey. The entertainment was a very
P * \satisfactory and enjoyable one emphasizing -
t /sizing the most desirable features of the
K occasion most happily.
f That was a joyous aud gladsome cele-
T bration held in the Christian church on
k Saturday evening , and the same was
f witnessed by a full house of happy peo-
pie adult and children. The pro-
- gramme consisted of selections from the
R cantata , "Santa Claus Delight , " together
E with other music and recitations. The
performances of the children were uni
N. formly excellent and enjoyable and were
received with every mark of appreciation
and pleasure by the audience.
Santa Claus captured the hearts of the
little 'ones when * he appeared on the
scene with well filled baskets and distributed
. "The Brownies
tributed the annual treat.
ies , " his helpers , so delighted the audi-
rcnce that they were recalled.
i A solo by John Selby was one of the
' features of the evening.
The church was simply , but effective
ly , decorated for the evening and the
cspicious event commemorated.
| t The South McCook Methodist brethren -
ren held their Christmas exercises in
> tbeir church on Sunday evening , with a
gocAl attendance and the fullest appre-
A. D'ALLBMAND of Arapahoe was a
city visitor , Tuesday.
Miss LORA LEllBW was up from Hast
ings with the family over Christmas.
L. H. BLACKLEDGE was up from Red
Cloud , Wednesday , on business of the
MRS. J. H. BENNETT and the children
are visiting on the ranch near Max , this
Miss OLA RUSSOM departed , last Sat
urday , for her home in Broken Bow ,
this state.
Louis SUESS spent his Christmas hol
iday with the children at his father's
near Crete.
MRS L. M. COPELAND of Miiulen is
visiting her daughter , Mrs. J. G. Scho
bel , this week.
MRS. G. A. NOREN aud Miss Selina
are visiting the old home folks at Or
leans , this week.
of the Illinois state penitentiary , was a
city visitor , Tuesday.
spending the Christmas week in Denver ,
visiting his parents.
home , Saturday night on 3 , from a visit
to Omaha relatives and friends.
J. W. BRAUN of Artz & Thompson's
store was with the folks in St. Joseph ,
Vlo , over the Christmas holidays.
Miss FLO THOMPSON returned to
Denver , Sunday on i , after spending a
ew weeks in McCounell & Berry's.
W. C. BULLARD is out from Omaha ,
his week , helping close up the business
of the past year , which has been very
Miss ETHEL BARNETT arrived home ,
Saturday night , from Omaha , and is en-
eying the Christmas vacation with the
61 ks at home.
MR. AND MRS. E. E. MAGEE returned
home , Tuesday morning , to Lincoln ,
after visiting relatives and friends here
over Christmas.
DR. AHD MRS. GAGE spent Christmas
with the latter's parents , Supt. and Mrs.
J. R. Phelan , in Alliance , he returning
home on Tuesday night.
JUDGE G. W. NORRIS was over from
Beaver City , Wednesday , making ar
rangements for the removal of his family
to our city in the near future.
Miss ELLEN HALLIGAN of Sutton , T.
F. Real and William Bosserman of Grafton
ton have been in the city , this week , the
guests of C. J. Ryan and family.
J. J. SIMMERING of Hastings , sheriff
of Adams county , was in the city over
night , Wednesday , going up the Imperial
branch , yesterday morning , on business.
MRS. FRANK CARRUTH and daughter
came down from Denver , close of last
week , and have been the guests of her
sister , Mrs. C. A. Dixon , during part of
the holidays.
swell the membership of the Babcock
reunion in Cambridge , Christmas day ,
the four brothers aud their families be
ing present.
TIFF BABCOCK and the children were
down from Yuuia , Colorado , last Satur
day , the guests of his brother Charles.
They spent Christmas with his brothers
Jud and Walter in Cambridge.
W.G. BLACK , the Galesburg real esta'e
man , was out from that city , mid-week ,
with a party of landseekers. The party
was composed in part of J. B. Johnson ,
H.B.Johnson and Otho Johnson , all of
Lincoln , Monday night , from spending
a brief Christmas vacation here and en
joying a family reunion. Mrs. Meserve
has been spending the rest of the week
with her daughter.
of "Shadeland" stock
farm attended the meeting of the Here
ford breeders in Lincoln , last week , and
reports a splendid meeting , full of valu
able instruction and promise to the
breeders of thorough-bred cattle.
CASHIER LAWSON of the First Nation
al and family were Christmas guests of
his cousin , Rev. F. F. Lewis , in Hold-
rege. From that point he went down
into Missouri on business. They all re
turned home , Thursday evening.
W. M. LAMBING , a Chicago stockman ,
was out at "Shadeland" stock farm , first
of the- week , looking over Mr. Rogers'
superb collection of Herefords.- . J.
Hitle of Omaha was out on Thursday for
a similar purpose. Few of us , perhaps ,
realize that we have within a few miles
of our city fine thorough-bred cattle that
are attracting so much attention from
fine stock fanciers.
Branching Out.
The McCook Athletic club has been
branching out , lately , and increasing it
membership about one-half. Arrange
ments have been made for the rental o
the Morlan rooms adjoining the room
now occupied by the club on the north
It is proposed to make reception am
reading rgoms of this additional space
It will not be the effort of the club to
provide a regular library , but the best
current literature of the day will be
found on its tables. The furniture has
arrived aud it is expected to have the
new apartments open for the member
ship early in the new year. The mem
bership of the club is approaching the
fifty-mark , and its sphere of usefulness
is widening. This last move is one ol
the most commendable actions yet taken
by the Athletic club , as it will provide
a place and material for those who de
sire to have access to the best literary
matter of the day , and at a reasonable
figure , and yet in no manner impairing
the athletic features of the club.
The Rogers Ballast Car.
The winter season is utilized by the
Burlington in which to push the work
of ballasting its track , and for this pur
pose the company now has in use 100
Rogers ballast cars cars specially built
for the exclusive purpose of ballasting
the road-bed. There are now in use on
the Western division 40 of these cars ,
part of them hauling slag from the Den
ver smelters and the remainder taking
granite from the field at Woodruff. They
are of 80,000 capacity each. The ballast
ing material is dumped to the center of
the track and a plow follows up and
spreads the same all the operations be
ing done by machinery , and thus saving
much labor. At Woodruff , the contract
or has 40 men engaged in blasting out
the granite , which covers the surface of
about forty acres and is evidently a
foreign deposit. After the granite is
blasted out of the earth it is taken to the
crusher and from the crusher is elevated
to the cars by machinery ; in fine , almost
every process is done by machinery.
Midnight Mass. "
Owing to special privilege granted by
Leo xiii , all resident pastors of the
Catholic church have been granted priv
ilege to celebrate "Midnight Mass" on
New Year eve midnight in commem
oration of the closing of the nineteenth
century of the church. A three-days
prayer is also commended previous to
the celebration of the Mass , as a prepar
ation for the ceremonies.
Services for St. Patrick's church , Mc
Cook , are as follows : Friday , 9 a.m. ;
Saturday , 9 a m. ; Friday , 8p. m. , Satur
day , 8 p. m ; Sunday services as usual.
The Christmas music will be repeated at
the "Midnight Mass. "
Glllhooley's Reception.
Everyone enjoys Vaudeville and in no
class of stage plays are the elements so
diversified or the features so varied as in
farce-comedy , an excellent exposition of
which is promised to us in Walter S. Mc
Donald's absurdity , "Gilhooley's Recep
tion. " The plot of the piece is designed
solely to create laughter , and treats
satirically bits of character familiar to us
all. A feast of good things is promised
and the company is capable of fulfilling
all promises. "Gillhooley's Reception"
comes to the Opera House , Wednesday ,
January 3. Seats on sale at McConnell
& Berry's drug store.
Death Relieved Her Sufferings.
Mrs. Frank Lofton , whose sad mental
condition was noted in last week's paper ,
the result of an attack of pneumonia ,
and who was on last Saturday taken to
the asylum at Lincoln , died in that in
stitution on Tuesday of this week. The
remains were shipped here on Wednes
day night and on Thursday were interred
at Dodge school-house , where Rev. J. A.
Badcon conducted the services. The be
reaved husband has the tenderest sympa
thy of many friends in his sorrow.
Card of Thanks.
McCook , Neb. , Dec. 25th , 1899.
We , the Board of the Church of Christ ,
iu behalf of the church , do hereby ex
press our siticere thankfulness to the
Barnett Lumber Co. for its substantial
Christmas present of one ton of coal.
R. T. ELLER , D. W. LOAR ,
the New Year right by starting a new
set of books. Merchants will bear in
mind that we have added to our stock a
complete line of journals , ledgers , etc. ,
in fact a complete assortment of all
kinds of blank books and can duplicate
all prices made by wholesale dealers.
H. Artz , Jack Henderson , C.W.Bronson
and George Johnson were passengers on
No. 12 , this morning , for Lincoln , to at
tend a Shrine meeting in the capital city ,
Conductor A. L. Knowland is on Con
ductor Pope's run.
Mrs1. W. H. Rankin is quite seriousl ]
sick with the mumps.
Agent , and Mrs. A. J. Zint were at
headquarters , mid-week.
Brakeman L. A. Hurl hurt is off duty
for awhile on account ot the illness of
his wife.
Conductor and Mrs. George Beck ar
rived home , Saturday night , from their
Omaha visit.
Agent O. P. Yarger departed on Mon
day morning , for his home in Rochford ,
South Dakota.
Brakemau F. S. Curry and family are
visiting with Benkelman relatives and
friends , this week.
Fireman Harry Kingsbury's little
daughter Margie is very ill with an at
tack of scarlet fever.
Fireman Roy Dixon came up from the
Oxford-Wyuiore run to be with the folks
at home over Christmas.
A new stove of the Burlington's ap-
) roved pattern , has been placed in Train
master Kenyon's private office.
Walter Sayers and sister , Mrs. Mae
Clary , are visiting in Des Moines , Iowa ,
caving for that city , last Friday.
Fireman and Mrs. E. E. DeLong
have been entertaining their niece , Eva
Mitchell of Red Cloud , this week.
Fireman and Mrs. Otis Shaffer were
up from Hastings , Christmas , the guests
of Engineer and Mrs. C. K. Coleman.
Conductor T. E. McCarl has Conductor
Knowland's car and Brakeman E. A.
Owen is with Gilcrest on the Imperial.
Conductor Frank Kendlen and family
were in Lincoln , Christmas day. Con-
luctor Curran was on his run meanwhile.
The company has equipped Receiver
Stayner's office with a fire-proof safe in
which to store his "cash aud valuables. "
Conductor C. E. Pope is in Kansas
hty on personal , business , which will
keep him out of town for about ten days.
Day Foreman J. H. Patterson and
amily are iu Cameron , Missouri , on awe
wo or three weeks visit to relatives and
Receiver'Stayuer can hello at pleasure
o the trainmen now : a handsome desk
> hone has been placed in his office , this
Engineer Ellis Ford , who is pulling
he coustrucliou train on the St. Francis
ine , visited his family here , Monday
nd Tuesday.
W. H. Johnston , Master Mechanic
Archibald's chief clerk , ate his Christ
mas turkey and cranberry sauce in
Conductors V. H. Solliday and J. E.
Beyrer , together with their wives , and
Miss Millicent Slaby , were Christmas
quests of relatives at Red Cloud.
Switchman J. F. Utter is day foreman
luring the absence of J. H. Patterson in
Missouri , and Switchman F. W. Peirsall
.s on the night force in his place.
J. M. Starr , who is out on the line
with the telegraph gang , came in from
iTurua , Colorado , Saturday , to spend the
festival-time with the home folks.
One of the Christmas presents most
prized by T. H. French's little daughter ,
May , is a gold band ring sent from the
Klondike. The ring is formed by three
auggetsof gold.
J. G. Gqldtrap has gone into the rail
road service in Colorado somewhere and
Mrs. Goldtrap and the baby are making
: heir home with her father , Engineer C.
K. Putnam for the present.
Engineer and Mrs. Frank Hawksworth
; pent the Christmas-tide with his par-
juts , Chief of Motive Power and Mrs. D.
IV. Hawksworth , in Plattsmouth , going
lown Saturday night and returning
home on Tuesday.
Engineer M. R. Gates has purchased
the handsome and cosy little cottage
built by A. Barnett during the past sum
mer , but conldnU begin housekeeping in
ais new home until a celebrated Majestic
range was duly installed therein.
Agent and Mrs. Mark Lawritson of
[ ndianola were guests of his brother ,
lerk Mathew Lawritson of Supt. Camp
bell's office , Christmas day. Mrs. Law
ritson came up on Sunday night , and
the agent on Monday noon ; both return
ing home on 6 , Monday night.
Conductor Mose Carmony took advan
tage of the.absence of the family , first of
the week , to paint the kitchen floor and
lie has wished several times since that he
tiadn't. He was taken with painter's
: olic and for awhile was unconcerned as
to whether he lived or died. Conductor
William Shinsel went out in his car his
irst trip , and on Christmas day at that.
Congregational Club Meeting.
The Congregational club of the Re
publican valley met in Cambridge , last
week Tuesday.
The attendance was not large but a
very enjoyable meeting was held.
In the afternoon the club listened to
an expository "Galatians"
paper on by
Rev.William Hardcastle ; and Rev. F. F.
Lewis of Holdrege treated the same
epistle from the preacher's standpoint.
A scholarly paper by F. W. Pease of
Alma .on Dr. William Newton Clarke's
lectures at Johns Hopkins university ,
last year , entitled "What shall we think
of Christianity ? " was a helpful exposi
tion of our best thought today.
In the evening the club celebrated
Forefathers Day with the Cambridge
church. About 100 sat down to supper.
There were four addresses : W. J.
Turner of McCook spoke on "The Be-
jinnings. " F. F. Lewis touched all
hearts with his realistic picture of the
'Pilgrims of Plymouth. "
Mr. Mitchell pointed out the Pilgrim
way today , "It is to do the next thing ,
he duty that lies close at hand. "
Miss Selma Noren's address on Our
Pilgrim Sisters" showed careful prepara-
ions and access to the most recent and
best historical material. The Puritan
woman stood before us in her very habit
as she lived.
The fellowship of the Cambridge peo-
> le and the welcome from their pastor
nd his wife warmed all our hearts.
The Next Theatrical Attraction.
"Gilhooley's Reception , " which "scor-
d a distinct hit last season will be seen
here Wednesday , January 3 , so Manager
Menard announces. Of course the char-
cterof the piece will be what is known
s farce comedy , and there will be the
customary interpolation of singing and
dancing. A comedy would not be a
comedy three days without specialties ,
and Manager McDonald promises to pre
sent to the audience a company of
"Vaudeville" artists second to none in
their respective lines. Changes have
been made in the subject matter of the
farce , such as will be noted were intend-
ed'to- bring the performance up to date
or a little beyond. Local attendances
know that " ' "
"Gillhooley's Reception"
affords as bright and original entertain
ment as can be desired , and will surely
give it the welcome it justly deserves.
The Garden Prairie M. E. church will
be dedicated on Sunday , January ylh ,
1900. It is located one half mile north
of Quick postoffice , Frontier county , Ne
braska. Services on Saturday evening ,
January 6th , and Sunday morning and
evening , January 7lh. Several ministers
from a distance will be present also
others living near by. All persons from
a distance will be cared for and enter
tained during these services.
Private Sale.
Having rented my farm , I will offer at
private sale the following property :
Fifteen stands of bees.
Large pen of Silver-Laced Wyandotte
: hickens ; choice , Hens and Pullets ,
to 75c ; cockerels from $1.00 to $3 oo.
Together with all farm implements.
Four miles east of McCook.
R. V. D. Poultry Association.
There will be a meeting of the Repub
lican Valley District Poultry association
in the office of H. H. Berry , Saturday
ifternoon , January 6th , to which all
members and individuals interested in
poultry are invited.
B. G. GOSSARD , Secretary.
Card of Thanks.
To the members of the Ladies Circle ,
the county officers , railroad boys , and
ill who so liberally contributed towards
the monument fund , we wish to tender
our sincerest thanks. W. S. FITCH ,
Chairman Monument Com.
Attention , Clergymen.
Applications for half-fare permits for
the year 1900 will be received , and
clergymen are urged to make their ap
plications at once.
A. P. THOMSON , Agent , McCook.
We Meet
ill prices made by wholesale dealers on
blank books of all kinds. Patronize a
tiouie institution and buy of
The Hamilton store-room , two doors
south of THE TRIBUNE office , is being
repaired and repainted in part and will
be occupied the first of the year by Mrs.
Sadie Saddler , of Franklin , as a mil
linery store.
Edwin L. Swain and Cora M. Tirrill ,
who were recently married by Rev. J. A.
Badcon of our city , are making their
home in the vicinity of Catherine , Hayes
THE TRIBUNE will club with any pa
per yon may want. Try it.
Buy your drugs of Loar.
Dolls and toys at McMillen's.
Loar's is the place to buy drugs.
Loar's Cough Killer does the work.
Bullard's Moitland coal is genuine.
Swell Golf Capes for sale at DeGrofPs.
We are sure you will like Bullard's
S.-B. coal.
For chapped or cracked hands , use
Loar's Cream.
It is folly to cough ; McMillen's Cough
Cure is promptly effective.
Call up 19 if you have any newspaper
or job printing business to do.
Telephone No. 31 , when you want
anything in the hardware line.
UNE office. B * 5t in the market.
To make your hands smooth aud'soft
use McMillen's Cream Lotion.
School orders taken at par.
You are right , if the ashes are red.
Bullard's S.-B. coal makes the red ash.
Increase your supply of eggs by using
McMillen's Egg Producer. Guaranteed.
Mother McCook has just received nu-
other smear of soft soap for domesfc
The ice harvest is well under way , this
week. Fine quality and proper thick
H. C. Rider is having a new front put
into the old tailor-shop building on Main
When you have decided upon your
winter's reading matter , come in and let
us figure with you.
Everist , Marsh & Co. have been kill
ing some corn-fed heifers that are second
to nothing in the state.
Pump and well work and repairing
promptly done by J. C. Ball. Leave
orders at Polk Bros. ' tin-shop.
Your first New Year resolve should
be to try Bullard's S.-B. coal. You won't
want to break that resolution.
The Commercial management entertained - '
tained a part of the local press gang and
a few others at Christmas dinner.
FOR SALE My residence on corner
of Madison and Douglas streets.
We have decided to close out what
wall-paper we have left at a great reduc
tion in price. D. W. LOAR.
Frank E. Hamilton and Sophia Hein-
lein were united in marriage by Elder
H. H. Berry , last Wednesday , the 2Oth
There was a full attendance at the -
Christmas evening dance of the Fort
nightly dancing club , this week , with a
number of out-of town participants.
The bloodless ice war is apparently
over , and white-winged peace once more
broods over Pat and Johnny's pond.
Ice will be ice as usual , next season.
Self-Hypnotic-Healing , Clairvoyance
aud Hypnotism. Lessons free ; loc. for
postage. Prof. S. A. Graunell , P. H. D. ,
McCook , Neb. Box 123. 2-1-19
The telephone line to the South Side
was placed in operation , Tuesday , work
ing in fine shape. Fred Carruth , Joe
Evans and William Harmon are on this
The probabilities are that that steel
viaduct or bridge will not materialize
right away , but the'rearing of castles
iu Spain will go on at the same old
merry rate.
Alexander Nelson McNutt and Sara
Ethelryn Prime , both formerly of our
city , were married in the Episcopal
chapel at Creighton , this state , Tues
day , November 28th.
Forty-acre farm , one mile of McCook ,
for rent ; well , windmill , house and barn.
Just the place for one who wants to delight
light farming and work in town. Call at
S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
When you are in buying your meat
for harvesters or corn huskers , please
speak to us about our little farm we
have for sale , one and one-half miles
from town. EVERIST , MARSH & . Co.
See what we have : Colorado hard
coal all sizes ; Pennsylvania hard coal
all sizes ; Canon City , Maitland , Sheri
dan , Maitland nut , Sheridan nut and pea
coal. Your order will receive prompt
attention. BARNETT LUMBER Co.
How to keep cool in the summer time :
Go to S. M. Cochran S : Co.'s and get
some ice tongs and saws and put up
your own ice , and get five cents a pound
more for your butter than your neighbor
who don't put up any ice and always
gets hot when he has to take less for
the product of his dairy.
Take your prescriptions to Loar.