The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 22, 1899, Image 1

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That 'Possum Supper.
About one hundred and fifty members
of McCook lodge No. I , Star of Jupiter ,
' in the ball
indulged in a 'possum supper
of the lodge , Monday evening of this
The regular business session of the
order wns held in the opera house at the
usual hour , three new members being
initiated into the order. At the close
of the session , which was notably inter-
eating on account of the large attend
ance , the members of the order repaired
to the lodge hull , where one of the finest
banquets ever attempted in this city was
served. On account of the number
present it was found desirable to sepa
rate the company into two sections for
supper those from out-of-town being
given the preference A short pro
gramme of mubic etc. was rendered in
the opera house to entertain those who
were served in the second section. Two
vocal selections each by Mrs. C. W.
Bronson and F. M. Kimmell , together
with a cake-walV by Mary Cole and
Jessie Pope served to while away the
time until the welcome call to 'possum
and trimmings was given.
While the banquet was specially ad
vertised as a 'possum supper , that suc
culent and juicy "rodent" was but a
number on the lengthy menu of substau-
tials and luxuries calculated to meet the
highest expectations of the most exact
ing. The full call embraced in part ,
turkey , tongue , salads galore , potatoes
chipped and sweet , cranberry sauce ,
pickles , coffee and cake , beside other
articles "too numerous to mention" that
escaped the avenging appetite of the re
These social affairs have been the
pride and distinctive feature of McCook
lodge No i since its institution , but
none of the past have excelled that of
last Monday night for scope or fulfill
ment , involving as it did no little laborer
or expense.
All present admit that the 'possum
was simply superb finest thing they
ever ate but the eight "critters" served
were sufficient fora cool hundred and a
half , and the fragments gathered up
were suggestive of the fact Nehraskans
are not over-fond of 'possum.
THE TRIBUNE congratulates all parties
concerned thereupon.
Santa Claus at Loan's.
Our book line Is complete and at
prices making it easy for any one to
Our line of albums is well selected.
We can sell you albums from 50 cents
Celluloid novelties are out of sight
and prices are right.
We have the finest line of dolls in the
west. We can sell you kid-body dolls
for 15 cents.
See our china dishes.
Toys we have them and our prices
are at the bottom.
Express wagons and sleds we don't
quite give them away but the next
thing to it. D. W. LOAR ,
Opposite Commercial hotel.
The Opera House Project.
The opera house project referred to ,
last week , is meeting with favorable con
sideration and there are prospects that
the movement will soon take on definite
form. The various lodges approached
have taken an interest in the matter and
it is expected that in the not distant
future active steps will be taken to push
the project to a practical result. It is
expected to have material help from cit
izens outside of the orders.
Won the Hobby Horse.
H. H. Benjamin of Banksville held
the winning number 4,525 and got
the handsome hair hobby horse at "The
Bee Hive. " There was another number
4,525 , but it was of a later date ; it was
held by John Hesterworth , and he got
for the second prize a folding-desk and
black-board. The third prize went to
number 4,527 , which was held by * Mrs.
F. W. Rank , who received a steel wagon.
The G. C. P. are Safe.
The octopus needn't get too gay. Mr.
Bryan may be off hunting , but Col.
Eddie Mitchell of The McCook Comfort
still patrols the haunts of the destroyer
of the great common people. Culbeit-
son Era.
You just know , those Lisk tea kettles ,
coffee and tea pots , guaranteed not to
rust for five years , make a handsome
Christmas gift. See them at S. M.
Cochran & Co.'s.
Sutton has outdone himself , this year ,
in the extent and elegance of his Christ
mas goods. They are now ready for
your inspection.
Juvenile books , alphabet blocks and
games largest assortment at
When you have decided upon your
winter's reading matter , come in and let
us figure with you.
W. R. STARR had business in Lincoln ,
O. B. THORGRIMSON had legal busi
ness in Red Cloud , Tuesday.
L. MORSE of Benkeluian smiled upon
the pearl of the valley , Tuesday.
F. M. RICKEY of Plattsuiouth was a
Sunday visitor of the valley's finest.
of Culbertson attended the Jupiter ban
quet , Monday night.
W. O. NORVAL came in from the road ,
close of last week , and will remain and
visit the family over the holidays.
Miss VENUS KNOWLES of Cambridge
arrived in the city , last Saturday , and is
visiting her sister , Mrs. C. W. Jackson.
family have gone to Creston , Iowa , to
live , taking their departure on Monday.
Miss ANNA KOEBEL , who has been
visiting her sister , Mrs. Hugh Brown for
a few weeks , returned to Denver , today.
MRS. SIMPSON arrived here , last Fri
day , and is visiting her niece , Mrs. Ed
Flitcraft , out on the Wilcox-Flitcraft
ORLANDO TEFT , chairman of the Re
publican state central committee , was a
brief city visitor , last Friday evening ,
between trains.
MRS. A. L. KNOWLAND arrived home ,
clor.e of last week , from her trip to In
diana , apparently much improved in
spirits and health.
MRS. J. W. McKENNA came down
from Denver , close of week past , and
will be the guest of her brother , Rev. J.
W. Hickey , until after Christmas-tide.
MRS. WALKER , mother of Mrs. Lottie
Brewer , arrived in the city , Tuesday
night on 3 , from Iowa , and will spend
the holidays here , guest of her daughter.
beck , Iowa , arrived in the city , last Fri
day , and will make a visit of indefinite
length , the guest of her aunt , Mas. A. G.
MRS. DAVID BARD was down from
Imperial , last week , to attend the
chicken show , the guest of Mrs. R. M.
Osborn , returning home on Monday
MiSS MARY ALLEN , a sister ot Joseph
Allen , the well known cattleman of the
upper Willow , arrived in the city , Tues
day night , from Lenox , Iowa , on a visit
to her brother.
Selma Noren and C. F. Heber attended
the first annual meeting of the Repub
lican Valley Congregational club in
Cambridge , Tuesday.
E. L. DENNIS , manager for the Barnett -
nett people in Danbury , spent Sunday in
the city on business and pleasure. He
is quite recovered from his recent severe
illness with typhoid fever.
GEORGE HOCKNELL arrived in the
city , Sunday morning , from spending
some time in California , and will remain
here a while looking after the important
matters of business attendant upon the
first of the year.
MRS. J. B. MESERVE came up from
Lincoln , Tuesday night , to spend the
Christmas holidays with her daughter.
Mr. Meserve and Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Magee will be up , later in the week , to
reinforce the attendance at the Christ
mas reunion.
D. L. McBRiDE was down from Fion-
tier county , Monday , on business , and
was , as usual , warmly greeted by his
mpny friends. The Culbertson Era
states that he was in Culbertson , last
week , trying to negotiate for the pur
chase of the Baldwin ranch.
CALEB CLOTHIER was down from
Marengo , early days of the week. He
claims that Hayes county had better re
sults from her corn crop , this last season ,
than Red Willow county , and that they
are paying the very top price for that
cereal , too , a fact traceable to the
presence of cattle feeders.
their departure , last night on 6 , for their
temporary home in Columbus , Ohio ,
with the warmest well-wishes of all
their McCook friends. They have been
residents of our city for the past twelve
or fifteen years , during which time they
have been closely identified with the de
velopment of our city and its business
growth. Mr. Ganschow has been one of
our most successful merchants , and still
holds some valuable property in our
city. May success and added health be
their portion in the old Buckeye state.
Don't wait till the choicest articles
have been selected before making your
Christmas purchases. Come in and
make your purchases early.
Christmas Exercises.
The various churches of the city are
preparing to celebrate Christmas befit-
tingly. There will be special services by
the Sunday-schools of the several
churches and to them all the public is
cordially invited.
A Christmas entertainment will be
given by the Sunday-school children of
St. Patrick's church on Monday evening ,
to which the small sum of ten cents ad
mission will be charged. This will be
one of the most interesting and enter
taining affairs of the Christmas season.
Following is the programme of the
day :
Eight o'clock , a. m , Mass and recep
tion of the Holy Communion ; short ser
mon. High Mass at 10:30 ; Leonard's
"Kyrie , " "Lord Have Mercy ; " Leon
ard's "Gloria , " "Glory to God on
High ; " Leonard's "Credo , " "I Believe
in God ; " Leonard's Sanctus , " "Holy !
Holy Lord ; " Offertory ( by request ) ,
"Ave Verum , " Mrs. P. F. McKenna ;
Leonard's "Agnus Dei" "Lamb of
God ; " "Adeste Fedehs , " Christmas
carol. At eight o'clock , p. m. , "Scenes
at the Crib of Bethlehem. " Characters
by Sunday-school children in original
costumes , with full chorus.
Christmas services will be held on
Saturday evening. There will be a pro
gramme , and presents and good things
will be distributed. A house will likely
occupy the place of the conventional
tree. You are cordially invited.
The Sunday-school will occupy the
evening hour , Sunday , with a pro
gramme and special music , together
with other things to remind the chil
dren of the joyous day. The invitation
is general and hearty.
There will be a tree and a short liter
ary programme in the church on Satur
day evening.
School Entertainment.
The opera house was well filled , last
Friday evening , to hear the entertain
ment given by the grade pupils of the
city schools , and it is within the realm
of fact to state that they were all well
pleased therewith. The entertainment
was presented by the younger members
of the various schools of the city , and
no attempt was made at anything heavy ,
but the several numbers of the two-part
programme were rendered with enthus
iasm by the young people and were re-
ceiyed with merited applause , from the
opening chorus to the closing tableau
and song.
The programme was repeated on Sat
urday evening to a small audience ,
which made up in appreciation and ap
plause what it lacked in numbers.
The gross receipts of the two evenings
were $107 75 , and the expense account
was $34.80 , leaving a net sum of $72 95 ,
which will carry the school through the
rest of the year in good shape.
The entertainment was given at the
cost of much pains-taking time and ef
fort oa the part of the teachers , and
they , as well as the children who partici
pated , are to be congratulated upon the
The Famous Sold.
The remainder of the stock of The
Famous Clothing Co. . was purchased by
Honest John , first of the week. A portion
tion of the goods was kept for sale in his
local business house , while the rest was
sent over to Norton , Kansas , where he
is now running a red-flag sale. Thus re
tires from active business one of Mc-
Cook's earliest and best known business
men. Mr. Engel and family will remain
here a month or two before departing
for the east. He has some farm proper
ty near here , in addition to his hand
some residence property , all of which he
hopes to sell before leaving for the east.
THE TRIBUNE regrets seeing so enter
prising a business man as Mr. Engel re
tire from active business and has naught
but good wishes for his future.
Death of Dr. McKechnie.
Dr. McKechnie , the well known Hold-
rege physician , died suddenly , Thurs
day morning , of inflammatory rheuma
tism , after a short illness. The doctor
was one of the best known physicians in
the valley , and was quite well known
here , as well as in many of "the towns of
the valley , professionally and socially ,
and his death will be greatly regretted
by many.
The red ashes tell the tale. You will
know whether you have been worked or
not when you carry out the ashes. Bui-
lard's S.-B. coal makes a red ash.
Bilbles , Albums , Vases , Games , Jardin
ieres everything nice in Christmas pres
ents at McCoNNELL & BERRY'S.
Genuine Maitland coal is a warm
member. Bollard's is the real thing.
Fade & Son will sell you a high-grade
sewing machine for only $18.00.
N. B. Bush is at headquarters again.
W. S. Pavey has been transferred to
Switchman W. H. Donnelly turned in
his key , Tuesday.
Brakeman Chris Rasser resigned from
the service. Saturday last.
Brakeman F. W. Piersall is looking
after sick members of his family.
Brakeman Everett Dyer has gone to
Denver to brake out of that point.
Brakeman Chris. Rasser resigned , this
week , from the company's service.
A son was born to Conductor and Mrs.
S. E. Calleu , Monday night of this week.
Conductor George Beck and wife went
in to Omaha , early in the week , on a
Trainmaster Web. Jossetyn was up
from Orleans. Monday , on business of
his line.
Switchman Thomas Burge and Brakeman -
man T. F. Joy are on the invalid list ,
this week.
J. B. Culbertson departed , Sunday
morning , for Iowa , to be with the folks
over Christmas.
Brakeman F. S. Curry is off duty with
a burned hand in which cold settled with
disastrous effects.
M. Lavering , for eight years in the
company's service at Akron , has re
signed his position.
Brakeman D. M. Taylor returned from
Strang , and went to work , Tuesday.
His sister is belter.
Brakeman John Hegenberger has
taken a ten-days lay-off and gone over to
the farm on a short visit.
Trainmaster Kenyon had business of
the company in Denver , Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week.
Brakeman R. M. Douglass returned to
duty , Wednesday. He had been up to
Holyoke to arrange to move his family
Conductor T. F. Enright is taking a
30-days vacation for that little misunder
standing on Mascot hill , a week or two
Henry Culbertson departed , Sunday
on 2 , for Chicago , to visit a sister and
brother whom he hasn't seen for nine
teen years.
Engineer William Koll has been trans
ferred to McCook being next out on
the road and is running the goat in the
yard here.
Operator C. E. MaLette is now work
ing one of the night tricks at Alliance ,
having recently been transferred there
from Hot Springs.
Charlie Townsend has given up his
job in the Akron round-house and has
again taken charge of the Henneberry
& Fisher cattle ranch at Cody.
Fireman Brace , son of Engineer Brace
who was killed in the terrible accident
at Indianola , is now firing for Engineer
Katzenmeyer vice Koll advanced to en
Engineer and Mrs. C. M. Bailey went
down to Holdrege , this morning , to
attend the funeral of Dr. McKechnie ,
who died suddenly of inflammatory
rheumatism , yesterday morning.
Dispatcher C.D Peckenpaugh of Alli
ance and Miss Augusta Perry of that
place were united in marriage , Tuesday
of last week. They visited Denver and
Fort Morgan during their wedding trip.
L. W. Stayner spent part of Saturday
and Sunday at his old home in Edgar.
While there he looked over the well
known opera house at that place , with
an eye to the propose opera house at
this place.
Agent and Mrs. Oscar Yarger arrived
from Rochford , South Dakota , Wednes
day night on 3 , and are the guests of his
parents. He will likely leave for his
post of duty , Saturday night or Sunday
morning , but his wife will remain a week
or longer.
Wednesday , the Burlington eating-
house and lunch-counter passed from the
control of Robert Byers of the Palace
hotel to management of Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Ballew , late of the Commercial
house. Mr. Byers will continue to run
the Palace , his guests eating at the eat
Don't Buy ! !
Christmas presents without first seeing
our very attractive stock. We have the
only general stock of books in southwest
ern Nebraska and a splendid assortment
of games , Bibles , albums , vases , jardin
ieres , toilet and dresser sets in fact , a
greater variety of new goods and novel
ties than we have ever shown. Call and
inspect before you make your purchases.
Sets the Pace.
THK TRIBUNE will doubtless be ex
cused fora word or two concerning itself ,
in view of the recent special issues of the
paper. As to the issue of two weeks
since , containing the president's mes
sage in full within three days of its being
in print , it occupied the local field exclu
sivelyin this bit of enterprise being the
only paper in the county , or in this sec
tion of the state , that printed the mes
sage at all , though involving consider
able lime and money.
As to the special holiday issue of last
week , nothing .approaching it has been
attempted in Ibis part of Nebraska , in
scope or in point of artistic excellence ;
and we feel duly gratified to nole the
fact that the business men of the city
used its extra space so liberally , and to
hear from its readers so many expres
sions of appreciation of its artistic merit.
We wish to nole in this connection that
not only are THE TRIBUNE'S advertisements -
ments incomparable , artistically consid
ered , but they are read by more subslan-
tial citizens of Red Willow county than
are those of any other publication in the
To Ihese Iwo special issues we feel ex
cusable in "pointing the finger of pride. "
Toys Cheap.
McMillen , druggist , is closing out
toys at reduced prices.
Handsome rockers the latest oul at
To make your hands smooth and soft
use McMillen's Cream Lotion.
Just arrived one small car of No. 3 ,
or medium-sized Colorado hard coal , at
Reno gave a very satisfactory enter
tainment in the opera house , Wednesday
night , to a full house.
You can select a fine Christmas pres
ent out of Pade & Son's large stock at a
very reasonable price.
Have you seen the century edition of
"Pilgrim's Progress" specially for boys
and girls at McMillen's ?
Pump and well work and repairing
promptly done by J. C. Ball. Leave
orders at Polk Bros. ' tin-shop.
No where can you buy reliable mer
chandise cheaper than at C. L. DeGroff
& Co.'s. A trial will convince.
People in the East are now4 trying to
get a supply of Bullard's S.-B. coal , as it
is a sure preventive of cold waves.
Our special $ [ .oo teachers' Bible is a
marvel of cheapness.
Of course you remember that Sutton
always artistically engraves every article
purchased at his store. It's the same
this year.
Santa Claus has also deposited holiday
gifts with S. M. Cochran & Co. Call in
and see our immense line of silverware ,
toys and fancy articles.
The proof of the pudding is in the eat
ing and the proof of the coal is in the
burning. Bullard's S.-B. coal will stand
the test. Try it. You will be satisfied.
A. McMillen , druggist , has a fine line
of HOLIDAY GOODS displayed , and re
spectfully invites you to call in and look
them over , whether you wish to buy or
The last of the telephones arrived ,
yesterday , and it is expected to have the
work of pulling them up completed ,
this week. This will make a local ex
change of about 154 instruments.
That weary look noticeable on the
countenances of G. B. Berry and W. C.
Cox , Wednesday morning , is said to be
traceable to the strong game put up by
the Masonic goat , the previous evening.
Prof. Edward G. Maggi of the Ne
braska College of Oratory , Lincoln , an
nounces the special graduation of Miss
Mima Richardson. The degree of O. B. ,
bachelor of oratory is conferred.
Corn is selling above the market price
all over this section of the state on ac
count of the large demand by local feed
ers. The season so far has been most
auspicious for feeding. And it might
be added that this is an ideal country in
which to follow stock raising and feed
ing for market.
During the holidays there will be
skating on the new lake , a mile west of
of the city , at a small expense : Child
ren under 12 , 5 cents ; over 12 years , 10
cents ; season tickets , 50 cents. You
can get them at McConnell & Berry's.
Go to the lake and avoid the treacher
ous river. An attendant in charge.
Our Dollar Teachers' Bibles have never
been equaled for quality and price.
Forty-acre farm , one mile of McCook ,
for rent ; well , windmill , house and barn.
Just the place for one who wants to delight
light farming and work in town. Call at
S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
Residence for Sale.
My residence on upper Main st. The
best located nml , with one exception ,
the finest residence in the city. A portion
tion of purchase money can remain on
long time at a very low rale of interest.
For further particulars address or apply
personally iit the Famous Clothing store.
Buy your drugs of Loar.
Dolls and toys at McMillen's.
Loar's is the pla9e to buy drugs.
Loar's Cough Killer does the work.
Swell Golf Capes for sale at DeGrofPs.
For chapped or cracked hands , use
Loar's Cream.
Full line of rugs and carpets cheap at
For furniture the very latest things
out go to PADE & SON.
It is folly to cough ; McMillen's Cough
Cure is promptly effective.
Call up 19 if you have any newspaper
or job printing business to do.
Telephone No. 31 , when 3 on want
anything in the hardware line.
UNE office. BP st in the market.
School orders taken at par.
Increase your supply of eggs by using
McMilleu's Egg Producer. Guaranteed.
If you want a winter wrap it will pay
you to look at DeGroff's before you buy.
McMillen , druggist , is giving away a
latest style picture with each $5 co cask
The Omaha Bee says : "TllF. McCOOK
TRIBUNE is out with a fine edition with
illuminated cover. "
Everist , Marsh & Co. have been kill
ing some corn-fed heifers that are second
to nothing in the state.
FOR SALE My residence on corner
of Madison and Douglas streets.
To make your dollars go farthest , buy
your Christmas goods of
If you want to save a little money for
Xmas , you should try some of that pea
coal at Bullard's only $5.25 per ton.
We have decided to close out what
wall-paper we have left at a great reduc
tion in price. D. W. LOAK.
New books. Standard editions and
poems in fine bindings.
Ladies' jackets at greatly reduced
prices at C. L. DeGroff & Co.'s. Call
now while the assortment is still good.
The boys are eagerly gazing at those
tricycles , air guns , express wagons , sleds
and toys of all sorts at S. M. Cochran &
Probably the only No. 3 Colorado hard
coal to come to town this season is now
on sale at Bullard's. If that is your size
you should order today.
Just feast your eyes on that elegant
array of Christmas presents at Sutton's.
The leading jeweler has presents to fit
any pocket-book and to suit all tastes.
Self-Hypnotic-Healing , Clairvoyance
and Hypnotism. Lessons free ; loc. for
postage. Prof. S. A. Grannell. P. H. D. ,
McCook Neb. Box .
, 123. 2-1-19
We are violating no confidence when
we say that Main avenue would not suf
fer in appearance should the ruins of the
two business buildings recently de
stroyed by fire be removed.
Sutton carries the finest holiday stock
to be seen in the Republican valley.
Don't try to settle the question of buy
ing presents until you have seen his dis
play. It's the finest ever.
Sheridan Lump , Sheridan Nut , Mait
land Lump , Maitland Nut , Canon City ,
Canon City Pea , Pennsylvania and Col
orado hard coal. We have them all.
When you are in buying your meat
for harvesters or corn buskers , please
speak to us about our little farm we
have for sale , one and one-half miles
from town. EVERIST , MARSH & Co.
We have made inquiry of all the mine
owners , both east and west , but cannot
find the man who digs "S.-B. " or "Semi-
Bituminous" coal. Buy a ton of Canon
City and get the best.
How to keep cool in the summer time :
Go to S. M. Cochran & Co.'s and get
some ice tongs and saws and put up
your own ice , and get five cents a pound
more for your butter than your neighbor
who don't put up any ice and always
gets hot when he has to take less for
the product of his dairy.
Take your prescriptions to Loar.