The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 08, 1899, Image 9

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    F. D. BURGESS ,
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron , Lead , and Sewer Pipe , Brass
Goods , Pumps , and Boiler Trimmings.
Agent for Halliday , Waupun , Eclipse
Windmills Basementof the Meeker-
Phillips building.
McCook , Nebraska.
Room 3 , Meeker-Phillips Bldgf , Upstairs
. . . . of Chicago.
with Dr. Gage.
All dental \yotk iloiie al our olhce is ptiai-
to be lirstclass.Ve do all kinds of
Trown , Bridge and 1'laie Work. Dr. I. H.
T iylpr. assistant.
ESp-Ajjent oJ Lincoln Land Co. Office
Rear of First National bank.
Dr. W. V. GAGE.
McCook. - - - Nebraska.
Office and Hospital over First National Bank.
The papcts are predicting that tjanta Claus
may come in an automobile , this year. Next
year it may be airship.
Main Offlco O Sts
12 years in Omaha and
iu Nervous , Chronic and
Private DISEASES of
All Private Diseases and
ifg enables us to guarantee to
" euro all curable cases of
the Nose , Throat , Chest
Stomach , Liver , Blood ,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
Lost Manhood , Night
Emissions , Hyilrocele" , Yar
icocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet. Piles , Fistula and
Rectal Ulcers , Diabetes and JBright's Disease.
S $100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON wo cannot cure if curable
Stricture and Gleet Cured at Home.
Examination and Consultation FKEE. Home
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty.
All medicine furnished. Call or address
with stamp for circular , free book , and receipts
write them today P. O. Box 224. Ofllco
In KicliartU Elk. , lltli & Q , Lincoln , Nebr.
Nothing ! o adds BO roach
to the charm of tba drawing
room or boudoir as the softly radi
ant llffht from CORDOVA Candles.
Nothing will contribute more to the
artlntlo succes * of the luncheon ,
i tea or dinner. The bent decorative
candles for the simplest or the
most elaborate function for cot
tage or mansion. Made In all colon
and the most delicate tints by
and sold ererTwhere.
By virtue of an order of mlo issued from the
District court of Hod Willow countp- , Nebraska ,
under u divroo i" m action wherein Nebraska
Loan and Trnct company IH pliiintifl mid John
W. Hull ut nl. ar defendants , to ino directed
and delivered , I t-lmll oiler at public smlo and
Mill to tlm hitting bidder for ciish t tlio east
door of tlio court linim in McCook. Rod Willow
county , Nebraska , on tlio 20th day of December ,
IStfJ , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , tlio follow
ing described real CKtiito. towit : Tba northwest
quarter of foction II ) in township 2 north , ran u
< W west of tlm Ctb I' . M. in Red Willow county ,
DuU'd this 24th day of November. 18 ! > 9.
11-2-t-St J. R. NKEL , Sheriff.
Jacob Bailey , Plaintiff * Attorney.
' By virtue of an order of salt- issued fiom tlio
District Court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein the Nehrat-
kn Loan and Trust Co. is plaintiff and Phillip
Katzenmoyer ot al. are defendants , to mo direct
ed and dcliveicd , I shall offer at public sale and
.sell to tlio highest bidder for cash , nt the east
door of the court IIOUM ) in McCook , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , on the llth day of December ,
j 1899 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , tbo following -
, lowing described real estate , towit : Tlio east
half of the southwest quarter and the west half
of the southeast quarter of t-cction 0 in town
ship one , north of range 2 ! > .wost of the Gth p. in. ,
in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 10th day of November , 1899.
ll-10-5t. J. R. NEKL , Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from tbo
District Court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein John B.
Mcsorvo is plaintiff and William Bruinpr et al.
arc defendants , to mo directed and delivered , I
cihall offer at public Milo and sell to tlio highest
bidder for cash , at the east door of the court
house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
on tbo llth day of December , 1899 , at the hour of
0110 o'clock , p. m. . the following described real
estate , to-wit : The south half of the northeast
quarter and the north half of tlio toutheust
quarter of section 15 in towns-hip 2 north in
range 2D west of the Gth p. in. in Red Willow
county , Nebraska.
Dated this 10th day of November , 1899.
ll-10-5t. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in un action wherein Anna M.
Lockwood is plaintiff and Susan F. Calkins et
al. are defendants , to me directed and delivered ,
I shall offer nt public s-ulo and sell to the high
est bidder for cash , at the east door of the court
house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebras
ka , on the llth day of December , 1899. at the
hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following describ
ed real estate , towit : The east half.of the north
west quarter and lots one and two in section 18
in township 1 north of range 28 west of the Gth
p. in. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska.
Dated this 10th day of November , 1899.
ll-10-5t. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
In estate of Virginia E. Wilson , deceased. In
county court , Rod Willow county , Nebraska.
To tbo creditors , heirs , legatees , and others in
terested in the estate of Virginia E. Wilson :
Take notice , that Howe Smith has filed iu the
county court a report of his doings as adminis
trator of eaid estate and it is ordered that the
same stand for hearing the IGth day of Decem
ber , A. D. 1899 , before the court at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M. , at which time uny person inter
ested may appear and except to and contest the
same. And notice of this proceeding is ordered
given in Tun McCooK TRIBUNE.
Witness my hand and the ? eal of the county
court at McCook , this 29th 'day of November ,
A. D. 1899. G. S. BISHOP ,
[ ScAL. ] 12-1-St. County Judge.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from tht
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Nora M
Kelley is plaintiff and Charles D. Cramer i
defendant , to me directed and delivered
I shall offer at public sale and sell to the high
est bidder for cash , at the east door of the cour
house in McCook. Red Willow county , Nebraska
on the 18th day of December , 1899 , at the hour o
one o'clock , p. in. , the following described rea
estate , towit : The northwest quarter of section
thirty-one in township one north of range twen
ty-nine , west of the Gth p. in. , iu Red Willow
county , Nebraska.
Dated this loth day of November , 1899.
ll-17-5t. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
J. E. Kollcy , Plaintiff's Attorney.
Most in Quantity. Best in Quality.
For 20Years Has Led anWo emdes.j9
.Prepared . by JAMES F. BALLARD , St.LOUjS.J
fha flnll/ There are dozens of remedies recommended for
uu USIijf Scrofula , some of them no doubt being able to
, afford temporary relief , but S. S. S. is absolutely
kfJ ! 5 ? | if ) InlQ the only remedy which completely cures it.
Li { tj l U UIIO Scrofula is one of the most obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases , and is beyond the reach of the
Oijsiiiia many so-called purifiers and tonics because some-
thingmore than a mere tonic is required. S. S. H.
-is equal to any blood trouble , and never fails to cure Scrofula , because it
goes down to the seat of the disease , thus permanently eliminating every
trace of the taint.
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads
should impress upon those afflicted with it the vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong
treatment has been relied upon , complicated glandular
swellings have resulted , for which the doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary.
Mr. H. E. Thompson , of Milledgeville , Ga. , writes : "A
Imd case of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck ,
-which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I
was treated for a long while , but .the physicians vrere un
able to cure me , and my condition was as bad as when I
began their treatment. Many blood remedies were used ,
but without effect. Some one recommended S. S. S. , and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken n , few bottles.
Continuing the remedy , I was soon cured permanently ,
and have never had a sign of the disease to return. " Swift's Specific
is the onlyremedy hich can promptly reach and cure obstinate , deep-seated
blood diseases. By relying upon it , and not experimenting with the various
so-called tonics , etc. , all sufferers from blood troubles can oe promptly cured ,
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines l
the constitution. 3. S. Sris guaranteed purely vegetable , and never fails to
r.ure Scrofula , Eczema , Cancer , Rheumatism , Contagious Blood Poison , Boils , 2
Tetter , Pimples , Sores , Ulcers , etc.Insist upon S. S S. ; nothing can take its place.
Books on mood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the
Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , Georgia. U
CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. in.
High mass and sermon nt 10:30 , a. in. ,
with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
All are cordially welcome.
RKV. J. W. HlCKEV , Pastor.
EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at 11:00
o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany.
Sunday evening at 8:00 : o'clock , Evening
Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. in.
Friday evening lecture at 8:00 : o'clock.
Holy communion the first Sunday in
each month.
BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m
Preaching service at II. Junior Union
at 3 Senior Union at 7. Gospel service
at 8. Evening theme , "The Voice and
the Life " Prayer-meeting Wednesday
evening HI 7:30 and Union Bible stud }
at 8:30. All Hre weIconic.
T L KHTMAN , Pastor.
MKTHODIST Sunday-school at
1'rcHchinu Ht n. Class at 12. Junior
League at 3 Epworlh League service
at 7. Preaching at 8. Morning subject ,
" . " and Bible
"Departure. Prayer study ,
Wedne.-day evening at 8 All are wel
come. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at
10 Preaching at n. Y. P. S. C. E at
7 Preaching at 8 Morning subject
"Answer to Prayer.Inevitable " Even
ing theme , "An External Righteous
ness " Praver-meeting on Wednesday
evening at 7:30 : All are welcome.
W. J. TURNER , Pastor.
There will be a basket social in the
South McCook Methodist church on
next Tuesday evening , and a big time is
American Beauties
F' °
' '
Lengths ,
Oa Each Bos.
on i
c * n n r-x po
A Just Complaint.
A number of the merchants of the
city complain that the sign boards erect
ed by them at various places throughout
the county have been defaced and de
stroyed and they desire to call attention
to the following law relating to the de
struction of property :
"If any person shall wilfully and ma
liciously injure or destroy to any amount
less than one hundred dollars , any per
sonal property of any description what
soever , or any building or other struct
ure of any kind , owned by any other
person , every person so offending shall
be imprisoned in the jail of the proper
county not exceeding thirty days and
shall morever be fined in double the
amount of the damage of the property
injured or destroyed. "
They have expended sums in procur
ing and placing these signs and if the
destruction continues , they intend to
combine for the purpose of taking steps
to discover and prosecute the guilty
Larry McEntee had business in the county's
capital , Thursday.
Commissioner Crabtree had business in the
county seat , Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Harrison had a business
call to the county's chief city , last Friday.
This week , Fred B. Duckworth traded his
arm near this place to Mrs. Anna Shackelton
or the drug-store and building and lot.
S. R. Smith went up to the county seat ,
Thursday , to attend the adjourned term of
district court , which had been again adjourned
until Saturday.
flarlow W. Keyes had business in the west-
end town , Saturday last. Mrs. Keyes accom-
> anied him.
'A Boston paper sharply says that all of the
vomen of that town do not wear eye-glasses.
We fawncy some of them have pug noses and
It takes but a minute to overcome tickling
n the throat anfl to stop a cough by the use of
) ne Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quick-
y cures all fonns of throat and lung troubles ,
iarmless and pleasant to take. It prevents
onsumption. A famous specific for grippe
and its after effects. D. W. Loar.
A shoemaker of an Iowa town bet his kit of (
eels on a football game. Staked his awl
upon the result , as it were.
The lUirliii ion is commencing to
equip its locomotives with elt-oiric lifiul-
ligbts. Hi li hpt'eil is milking
The Rending * railro.p ! h >
a new speed record with H hruvy irutn
on the line running fiom Camden to
Atlantic City , a disianre of 55 4 miles ,
which was done in 47 inintilt-s , or at nn
average speed of 70 6 per hour
The MarconiViiile < s Telegraph Co.
of America has been incorporated in
New Jersey with an authorized rupital
of $10,000,000. It is proposed to connect
Havana and Kry West with this svsteni.
Marconi teceiitly signaled from 60 miles
at sea to the Needles
A shop crane ju t recenth installed by
the Baldwin locomotive works bus a
span of 158 feet It is capable of lifting
a loo-ton locomotive 40 feet in the air ,
carry it 336 feet , and set it dnwn again
in three minutes and thirty-six seconds.
The company has had a force of thir
teen two horse scrapers and a large num
ber of men at work , ibis week , filling
dirt in the ground floor of the new shop
building. Over 600 yards of dirt were
used to raise the floor up to the desired
level Brick will be used to complete
the floor Besidrs nn immense amount
of dirt was hauled to make approaches
to the building for trucks , etc An open
ing has been made into the old shops
building and a track has bt-en built from
it into the new building The bath house
has been moved H number of hundred
feet south of the old location , and vvi 1
be connected with the hot water plant in
the near future. Another track will le
made into the old sh' > ps. as well as a
track nloriir the south side of th - new
building The tracks leading from the
new building ea st to connect with * he
regular side tracks will ftl o require con
The following brief account of the
wedding of n former McCook girl is
clipped from Sundi > 's World Herald :
"On Wednesday evening , November 29
Mi s Edith Cook inul Cbailes II Sebring
were united in marriage at the home of
W D Barnes , 1020 S'-tith Eighteenth
street Only relatives were present
Rev Savidge officiated , with Miss Elhtl
Beam as bridesmaid mid John VV Kurtz
as best man. The briile wa < beautifully
gowned in white organdie , trimmed
with wbi e sHlin rilihon and carried
bride's - The hmi'-e
icst-s - was tastefully
decorateil in ro tsmilnx and fi rns.
After the ceremony nil ibe guests par
took of an elhbout'e M > j , it-r " '
Private. Sale.
Having renlrd ml.iim , I will offer at
private Mile all m\ Mock , farm imple
menls etr. , us fallow- :
28 head of cows and heifers hree < f
them fre - hOne
One registered Dm bam bull.
Several good brood ni'ites
Fifteen stands ol bees.
Together with all faun im'lnnents.
of McCook.
- Advertised Letters.
The following letteis wtre advertised
by ibe McCook postofiioDec 3f ! :
Jos. Beswll. C , W. . * . wll.
John H Cain , JV Sti.itb.
Bud John , I ) . H Kinder- , ,
A. L. T.ewis Miss Mary Hnnson ,
J F Tod'1 , Miss I.auia Miller.
In caliii f.ii anv oftlse U-tt ! rs. pierce
say tbat . fdvt-rns- 1
F. M. KiMJifii.i. , Pysimaster
THK TKIUUNR mid i'litCincinnati
Weekly Knqniit-r lui 51 5 . . vt-n , .stricth
iu advaiu-e.
1 >
( R
jj Thin , pale , anaemic girls g
need a fatty food to enrich g
| their blood , .give color to w
| their cheeks and restore their |
| health and strength. It is $
* safe to say that they nearly
all reject fat with their food.
$ is exactly what they require ;
g it not only gives them the important -
$ portant element ( cod-liver oil ) |
% in a palatable and easily diw
* gested form , but also the hypo-
$ phosphites which are so valua- $
i bie in nervous disorders that $
< y
$ .usually accompany anaemia. ®
I fatty food that is more easily $
g digested than any other form g
of fat. A certain amount of $
A flesh is necessary for health. &
g You can get it in this way. $
S We have known per * w
Si sons to gain a pound a I :
S day while taking it. "
j ) soc. and $ r.oo , all druggists. >
SCOTT &BOWNE , Chemists , New York.
A clean , vigorous shampoo , with an abundant
lather of Ivory Soap , is delightful and refreshing.
It cleanses the scalp , removes dandruff and leaves
i' : : haii * glossy and clean.
i/oY SOAP 9.9- ; , PM : : CLTT. PURK.
- - - '
p n
9 #
Paid Up Capital , $50,000. Surplus , § 5.000
f = DIRECTORS = ac
* Bjynqgpc je vy fSf
Five Cents a Copy :
That's the remarkably low price at
which we are closing out the remainder
of our Navy Portfolios , those superb
pictures of our splendid and victorious
navy. You can buy the entire series of
twelve numbers for 50 cents. This is
less than half price , and the } ' are only a
few sets left.
Is Doing Time.
W. C. Ash will , publisher of a Straitoi
newspaper in an early day , and late
employed in the office of the city treas
urer of Denver , is now doing time in the
county jail of Arapahoe county for em
bezzlement of a sum in the neighbor
hood of $2,000.
Notice of Estray.
Catne to my place , Nov. ro , one black
cow branded "A 4" on left hip. Owner
can have same by paying charges.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John
Schlagel , latter part of last week.
Forty-acre farm , one mile of McCook ,
for rent ; well , windmill , house and barn.
Just the place for one who wants to delight
light farming and work in town. Call at
S. M. Cochran & Co.'s.
All members of the Eastern Star are
requested to be present at the next reg
ular meeting , December isth. Business
of importance to be transacted.
While on his way to the city , last
Saturday afternoon , Rev. Carl Predoehl's
team ran away from him and pla3-ed
merry havoc with his vehicle. The ac
cident was caused by the leather keeper
on the end of the pole breaking and let
ting the pole down to the ground. No
one hurt.
The postoffice department is experi
menting with a kejless lock for use on
postoffice boxes. If it is a success it will
be placed in all the offices and .will re
lease a good deal of money all over the
: ountry now held as deposits for post-
jffice box keys. The keyless box is ex
pected to be very popular.
A thrilling war story , by Conan Doyle ,
s one of the features of the December
'Cosmopolitan. " Frank R. Stockton ,
Maarten Maartens , Oliver Schreiner and
Sdgar Saltus also have stories and
sketches in the Christmas number. :
Dlga Nethersole contributes a very in-
cresting sketch of her personal experi-
nces in her efforts to succeed on the
itage. Life has not been all sunshine
"or Miss Nethersole. She made her
lace battling against tremendous odds ,
ind tells how she succeeded in a way
bat is at once interesting and inspiring.
To Cure La Grippe In Two Days.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets.
All drucfjists refund the money if it fails to
cure. E.V. . Grove's name on every bottle.
15y virtue of an order of sale issued from tli > i
District court of Bed Willow county. Nebraska ,
llnuer a dccrcn in an action wliwin Ifa ! M. Fisk
is iilaintiir and William Kclph t-t al. arc defend
ants , to me directed and delivered. I hall offer
at public "ale and wll to the 1 light-"t bidder for
canh. at the-east door of the court liouo in Mc
Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraskaon tim Ibtb
day of December , iwj , at the hour of 1 o'clock ,
p. in. , the following de.-cribc-d n-alci-tat" . towit :
The vest half of the ea.-t half of section Uventy-
three , township one north of rangi * thirty , west
of the Gth p. m. . in Red Willow county. Xebra < -
ka. Dak-d this Kith day of November , 1 K ) .
J. R. NEEL , Sheriff.
f. II. Boyle , Plaintiffs Attorney. lJ-17-5t.
- , . . , .ROAD N0:5 : | - "
lo George \\\\yrick , James W.Dolan , Lonfei
O. 3lann and Daniel Courtney , and to all whom
it may concern :
The board of county commissioners lias estab
lished and ordered opened a road commencing
at the southeast corner of section twenty-eight
in Alliance precinct , Red Willow county , Neb
raska , running thence west on section line be
tween sections 23 and JB , and terminating at the
southwest corner of section 2M-27 , and all ob
jections thereto or claims for damages must b
tiled in the county clerk's ollicton or Imfon-
noon of the day of January. A. D. I'M ) , or
said road will bo established without referencii
thereto. 11-17-Jt.
R' A. GKEEX. County Clerk.
, , - . . ,
O. r . t-
K. Rittenhouse , Deputy.
By virtue of an order of sale isaued from tlio
District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein The Pee
ple's Building , Loan and Saving association ii
plaintiff and George W. Short et al. are defend
ants , to me directed and delivered , I pliall offer
at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for
cash , at the east door of the conrt house in Mc
Cook. Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of December , laK ) , at the hour of 1 o'clock ,
p. m. , the following described real estate , towit :
Lots eleven and twelve in block thirty-eight I&
the town of Indianola. Nebraska. 11-17-jt.
Dated this 16th day of November , IsCO.
J. R. NKEL , Sheriff.
W. S. Morlan , PlaintitFs Attorney.
By virtue"of an order of sale ijued from tlm
District court of Red Willow county. Nebraska ,
under a decree in an action wherein Nettie L.
Cronkhite is plaintiff and George B. Dimitt et
al. are defendants , to me directed and deli vered.
I shall offer at public Bale and sell to thihigh -
; st bidder for cash , at the east door of the court
douse in McCook. Red Willow county. Nebrap-
! ca , on the 18th dav of December. IMX * . at th
iqur of one o'clock , p. m. , the follovring de -
cribed real estate , towit : The south half of th
northwest quarter and the north half of tlio
= outhwest quarter of section twelve in township
: hrce north of range thirty west of the Cth p.m. .
n Red Willow county , Nebraska , containing
160 acres. Dated this loth day of Norember.lKO.
11-17-jt. J. R. NEZL , Sheriff.
J. E. Kelley , Plaintiff's Attorney.
In county court , within and for Red Willow
county , Nebraska , December 5. 1899 , m the
matter of the estate of Allen Phillippi , de-
: eased. To the creditors of said estate : You
ire hereby notified that I will sit at the county
ourt room in McCook , in said county , on the
5th day of June , 1900 , to receive and examine
ill claims against said estate , with a view to
heir adjustment and allowance. The time
imited for the presentation of claims against
aid estate is six months from the 5th day of
December , 1899. Witness mv hand and the
eal of said county court , this 6th day of
December , 1899. G. S. BISHOP , "
[ SEAL. ] 12-22 County Judr.e.