The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1899, Image 2

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JT. M. KIAIJtnSZX , Publisher.
The famine In Bombay Is eald to bo
most appalling.
Monslgnor Joseph P. Bauer Is dead at
Bt. Cloud , Minn. , aged fifty-seven years.
John B. Carey , ex-mayor of Wichita ,
died suddenly In San Jose , Cal. , aged
Milwaukee will make an effort to se-
euro the national democratic conven
The gas wells of Indiana are rapidly
failing and coal is being substituted in
Western range cattle at Chicago
brought ? 5.70 on the 21st , the highest
price since 1884.
Admiral Dewey favors the plan of
the Philadelphia Times to bring homo
the body of John Paul Jones.
The United States supreme court
adjourned on the 22d for the usual
Thanksgiving recess of two weeks.
Harry Forbes has signed articles to
fight Terry McGovern at New York
December 9 or 15 for a purse of $3,000.
An epidemic of typhoid fever has
broken out In the state normal and in
dustrial college at Greensboro , N. C.
St. Louis is struggling with a ty
phoid fever epidemic. In this connec
tion It may be well to state that the
Chicago drainage canal is not yet in
Secretary Long's attention was called
to the reports that he Intended to re
sign from the cabinet. Without hesi
tation the secretary said that he had
no such intention.
The Chicago orchestra , under the
leadership of Theodore Thomas , has
decided to decline the invitation of the
directors of the Paris exposition to at
tend that show in 1900.
The Countess of Minto , wife of the
Earl of Minto , governor general of
Canada , is a passenger on board the
Cunard line steamer Campania , which
left Queenstown for New York.
Colonel Joe Rickey , of the Kingdom
of Call away , and a Captain Wheeler , a
man about New York town , got into a
light at the Waldorf-Astoria and both
were ejected , together with their bag
Emel L. Boas , American manager of
the Hamburg-American line , has re
ceived a cable dispatch saying that the
Patria , which was abandoned on fire ,
has arrived at Dover in tow of the
company's steamer Hanset.
Vive President Harris of the Bur
lington has been elected chairman of
the committee which will select the ar
bitrators to render a decision of the
Omaha-Kansas City controversy on
packing house products to the south
The German Imperial budget esti
mates are : Balance , 2,058,121,551
marks ; recurring expenditure , 1,783-
045,498 marks ; nonrecurring expendi
ture of ordinary estimates , 195,877,642
marks ; of extraordinary estimates , 79-
198,411 marks.
The coroner's jury investigating the
death of John Allen , the football player
who was injured at St. Louis Novam-
ber 11 and subsequently died , returned
a verdict of accidental death , but be
lieved the game to be dangerous and
should be prohibited.
The comptroller of the currency has
declared a dividend of 5 per cent in
favor of the creditors of the Grand
Forks National bank , Grand Forks , ,
N. D. , and a 10 per cent dividend for
the creditors of the Dakota National
bank at Sioux Falls , S. D.
About 2,500 Chicago members of the
Knights and Ladies of Honor have se
ceded from the organization because
of dissatisfaction with the manage
ment of the affairs of the body by the
supreme lodge. Fourteen lodges in
Chicago have withdrawn and have set
up a rival concern.
When the Atlantic transport liner
Manitou sailed the other day sne had
on board Dr. Hastings and twenty-nine
male nurses , orderlies and dispensers ,
who will join the complement of the
medical and surgical staff of the hos
pital ship Maine , loaned to the British
government by the Atlantic line for
hospital duty in South African waters.
The famine which is spread over the
greater portion of the Bombay district
is daily becoming more acute. The
enormous number of 951,523 men are
employed on various relief works , but
there are still millions of persons des
titute for whom no relief can be pro
vided and who must inevitably starve
to death unless immediate outside as
sistance is forthcoming.
A representative of a Russian colony
in the eastern part of South Dakota
has been in the Northern Black Hills
for some time , looking over the farm
ing and pasturing land with the view
of purchasing. Last week three ranch
es were sold and cash paid by the Rus
sian representative , they being the
Zinc ranch , for which $2,250 was paid ;
the Daniels ranch , $4,500 , and the
Shaefer ranch , $2,500.
A project for further naval increase
which congress will be asked to au
thorize at the next session for immedi
ate construction involves eighteen war
ships , three of them armored cruisers
of the improved Brooklyn type , but
double the size and formidableness of
that excellent vessel ; three improved
Olympias , one-third larger and proportionately
tionately more powerful than the fine
flagship that led the way into Manila
bay , and twelve gunboats of a type
recommended by Admiral Dewey as es
sential for the effective patrol of the
Philippine archipelago.
The machinists of the Lehigh Valley
shops , Buffalo , who had been on a
strike for an increase of wages , re
turned to work.
The story sent cut from Toronto
that the Buffalo syndicate's proposi
tion for the erection of elevators at
Montreal is not correct.
Colonel G. R. Davis , general direc
tor general of the world's fair , is crtt-
ically ill at his home in Chicago.
At New York Recorder Goff , in gen
eral sessions , denied a new trial to
William A. E. Moore , convicted some
months ago of "badgering" Martin
Mahoney and sentenced to nineteen
years in prison. ; ,
Reported Unconditional Surrender of En
tire Province of Eauiboanga ,
Bios t Encouraging News Yet Received
From the Philippine Insurrection
Capitulation Macla to Commander Very
Americana Arc Aided by
Acts of Friendly Xatires.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. Secretary
of the Navy Long today received a
cablegram from Admiral Watson in
forming him that the entire province
of Zamboanga , Island of Mindanao , had
surrendered unconditionally to Com
mander Very of the Castine. The sur
render Avas made on the 18th inst. Ad
miral Watson's dispatch follows :
CAVITE , Nov. 26 , 1899. Secretary
of the Navy , Washington : November
18 entire province of Zamboanga sur
rendered to Very unconditionally. De
livered all guns promised. Numerous
local chiefs declared loyalty.
The information contained in Ad
miral Watson's dispatch was received
b > the president and his advisers with
unconcealed satisfaction. The surren
der of the province of Zamboanga is
regarded as the beginning of the end
of the revolution in the island of Min
danao and it is believed it will be a
hard blow to those who are still en
deavoring to maintain the insurrection
in the island of Luzon.
On the 21st inst. Admiral Watson
cabled the navy department that Com
mander Very had captured the city of
Zamboanga on the 16th. He was aided
by the friendly natives and Mores and
was holding the town pending the ar
rival of reinforcements from Jolo. On
the same day General Otis informe.l
the war department that ho had or
dered two companies of infantry to be
sent to Zamboanga from Jolo.
Zamboanga is the principal province
of the island of Mindaona , which is
the second largest of the Philippine isl
ands. Advices from Admiral Watson
indicate that the entire southern half
of the island , which comprises the
province of Zamboanga , has yielded to
the American forces and acceded to the
authority of the United States.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. The war
department has not taen advised oi !
the surrender of the province , as re
ported in Admiral Watson's dispatch ,
Secretary Root saying tonight he had
no news today from General Otis. Both
Secretaries Root and Long are elated
over the information sent by the ad
miral and express the belief that the
end of the insurrection in the Philip
pine islands is now near at hand.
Great Crowd Gathers About House nnd
NEW YORK , Nov. 27. There was a
big crowd of visitors to Paterson , N. J. ,
yesterday. The street in front of Car
roll Hall , the Hobart home , was crowd
ed all day. The greatest however , gath
ered at Cedar Lawn cemetery. There
a special detail of police had to be
maintained to keep the crowds from
trampling about the graves , and the
crowds about the receiving vaults. It
is not likely Vice President Hobart's
body will be placed in the ground. It
is the intention of the family to erect
a tomb upon the plot of land where
Miss Fanuie Hobart lies , and beside
whose body , it is generally supposed
the body of Mr. Hobart would be
placed. The work will probably be
commenced before long , so it is doubt
ful if the body of the vice president
will be removed from its present rest
ing place until the tomb of the family
is erected.
English Company With S1OOOO,000
Capital Working In the West.
BILLINGS , Mont. , Nov. 27. Repre
sentatives of the American-English
syndicate have been in this state all
summer and fall traveling all over the
large sheep raising sections , securing
options on the best sheep ranchees and
best watered lands for the purpose of
consolidating them into one large
company. Already options on nearly
500,000 head of sheep and 500,000 acres
af the finest and most fertile sheep
raising land in the state have been ob
tained. The representatives of the
syndicate in Montana are Colonel E.
3. Waters and Edward J. Morrison cf
Billings , both old experienced and suc
cessful Montana sheep men. Beit
Reiss of New York is counsel and or
ganizer of the company , which will be
known as the Consolidated Montana
Sheep and Lamb company , with a cap
ital of 510,000,000.
Brings News of Movement of Large
Boer Forces.
DURBAN , Nov. 27. Advices from
Mooi river say that a Kaffir , brought
n yesterday , who 'was impressed at
Johannesburg and allotted to General
Foubert as a servant , asserts that Gen
eral Joubert and four sons , with a
: ommando , are coming south. The
Kaffir estimates the Boer strength at
'rom 2,000 to 4,000 men. According to
iris story the British smashed one or
: wo of the enemy's big guns at Ladj--
smith. There was a heavy thunder
storm at Mooi river. All is quiet there
ind two naval guns have arrived.
To Prosecute Cattlemen.
SOUTH M'ALESTER , I. T. , Nov. 27.
Prosecuting Attorney Soper has re
vived peremptory instructions from
iVashington to begin at the earliest
possible date action against cattlemen
'or bringing herds into the Creek
: ountry. These cases have been
langing fire for some time , and the
iopartmeut has at last given orders
'or immediate action. There is every
eason to believe that the suits will
) e handled expeditiousliy , and not al-
owed to'be pigeonholed , as has been
be case heretofore. The legal contest
vill be oneioPthe'iraost'interesting in
hc annals of the Indian Territory.
Situation In Cnjic Colony Said to Ho Crit
ical In the Kxtrcmc.
LONDON , Nov. 27. ( New York
World Cablegram ) Cape mall hrings
uncensored letters from Churchill from
Capetown November 1 , In v/uich he
says :
"The situation in Cape Colony has
become much graver. It is .possible
that had the war broken out three
months ago the loyalty of the Dutch
would have been demonstrated for all
time. War after three months' hesi
tation proved too severe a test and is
is no exaggeration to say that a con
siderable portion of Capecolony .trem
bles on the verge of rebellion. Dutch
farmers talk loudly and confidently of
our victories , meaning those of Boers ,
and racial feeling runs high. "
Knight , World correspondent , writIng -
Ing from DeAar Junction , November 6 ,
complains bitterly of censorship , and
declares that the British had 10,000
horses , miles of transport wagons , with
$5,000,000 worth of stores , at DeAar
Junction and left them there without
any military protection , says :
"It is wonderful. Indeed , " ho goes
on , "that the Boers did not attempt to
seize these valuable prizes a week ago
when the camp was practically unde
fended. Our position is far from se
cure even now. "
LONDON , Nov. 27 Special dls-
paches from Pietermaritzburg an
nounce the arrival of General Buller
there. He met with a splendid recep
tion. Railway communication between
Estcourt and Mool river has been re
stored by Lord Dundonald's forces and
the Mooi river column entered Est
court yesterday ( Sunday ) , the Est
court column immediately starting the
advance toward Colengo.
Patient Passes n Kcstlcss Night and Con
dition Improves.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Nov. 27.
Senator Hayward had another bud
night , and when morning dawned
his condition was not so good as on
the previous evening. This had been
the course that his case has taken dui-
ing the last few days and is regarded
as anything but a favorable symptom.
In fact , Dr. Whitten was considerably
discouraged at the condition of his pa
tient this morning. The senator is
gradually growing weaker , his pulse is
accelerated and it is thought by those
best acquainted with the case that he
cannot survive a great while longer.
While Mr. Hayward's condition is
worse in the morning , yet during the
day the symptoms show a somewhat
better condition , but this cannot be 10-
garded as anything permanent. At 0
o'clock this morning Dr. Whitten is
sued the following bulletin" :
"Senator Hayward passed a restless
night. At this hour his temperature is
99 5-8 ; pulse , 90 ; respiration , 20 , and
intermittent. His mental condition re
mains the same. Paralysis unchanged.
Acceleration of pulse and temperature
considered unfavorable. "
At 7 p. m. the following bulletin was
issued by Dr. Whitten :
"Senator Hayward passed a compar
atively comfortable day. He took food
and rested and slept some. Tempera
ture at 7 p. m. , 99.5 ; pulse , 80 ; respira
tion , 23. Paralysis and mental condi
tion remain the same. "
.England's Formal Declaration of War
Gives Powers a Wedge.
ST. PETERSBURG , Nov. 27. The
Russian newspapers announce that the
British charge d'affairs has informed
the Russian government that Great
Britain has been in a state of war with
the Dutch republics in South Africa
since August 12.
Tne Svet , commenting upon this
says : "England , in giving this notifi
cation , withdraws her declaratfon that
she is not carrying on war , but is
merely subjugating rebels. "
The Navoe Vreinya , which attributes
jar-reaching importance to the British
notification , says : "The powers are
now in a position to send not only Red
Cross agents , but military agents as
well , and they may judge this a fitting
time to intervene , especially as the
Afrikanders are going more and more
to the Boer side. "
Czar Buys American Horses.
CHICAGO , Nov. 27. Baron Paul
Vietinghoff , a representative of the
Russian government , is in Chicaso
buying horses for the czar's army.
Baron Vietinghoff says that already
1,000 American horses , purchased prin
cipally in Kentucky and Virginia , have
been shipped to the czar's dominions
and 1,000 more are to follow them as
soon as the baron makes the selec
"Not only am I buying for the ar
my , " he said , "but for breeding pur
poses as well. The animals shipped
lor military use go merely as an expei1-
iment. They will be divided into lots
of four and six in different garrisons
and given a trial. "
Hold Last Council of War.
MANILA , Nov. 27. The last Filipino
pine council of war was held by the
retreating leaders at Bayambong on
November 13 in the house now occu
pied by General MacArthur. It was
attended by Aguinaldo , Pie" del Pilar ,
Garcia , Alejandrino and some mem
bers of the so-called cabinet. Information
mation has reached General MacAr
thur from several sources to the effect
that the council recognized the futility
of attempting any further resistance
to the Americans with united forces
and agreed that the Filipino troops
should scatter and should hereafter
follow guerilla methods. '
What to Do With Aguinaldo.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 27. Consider
able interest is being taken in social
circles here as to the disposition of
Aguinaldo in case of capture. It is
frankly admitted that the best solution
would be his death in action , but this
is not expected. Should he be cap-
utred , General Otis will undoubtedly
await instructions from Washington
as to the treatment he should accord
him. Should Aguinaldo escape to
Hcng Kong , the United States could
not , as a matter of right , ask for his
surrender and the president would
therefore doubtless determine to leave
the insurgent leader alone.
Insurgents Kill Four Americans and
"Wound Twenty-live in Battle ,
Enemy Driven From Trench to Trench
by Col. Carpenter's Force Fighting
Continues With Insurgents ICetrenting :
to Santa Barbara Loss of Insurgents
Not Known.
MANILA , Nov. 24. Severe fighting
in the north of Iloilo began Tuesday
November 21. Four Americans were
killed and including
twenty-five wounded ,
cluding three officers. The insurgents
are retreating to Santa Barbara , but
the fighting continues.
Colonel Carpenter , November 18 , ad-
\anced to Santa Barbara , straight
north from Jaro , taking trench after
trench , the enemy fighting and retreat
General Hughes' column has been
steadily advancing north to gain a po
sition west of Santa Barbara.
It encountered the enemy in small
detachments. Six to ten Americana
were wounded In this column. Colonel
Carpenter started during the night of
November 20 , and opened with Battery
G of the Sixth artillery at daybreak ,
November 21 , on the trenches. Tho.
enemy volleyed as the artillery took up
a position , wounding four.
Two companies of the Twenty-sixth
regiment garrisoning Jaro , moved
through Caraz , attacking the enemy on
the right flank just north of Jaro at
daybreak , November 21 , driving them
toward Colonel Carpenter. The coun
try between Jaro and Santa Barbara
is thickly entrenched , especially near
Pavia. The Sixth artillery fired on the
trenches and the Eighteenth regiment
charged , the enemy retreating to th < >
next trench. The Eighteenth again
charged , encountering and attacking a
force of bolomen who were hidden in
the long grass and who severely
wounded several Americans.
During the afternoon of November
21 the fighting was severe immediate
ly south of Pavia , three miles north
of Jaro.
The column returned to Jaro after
the flank movement , having captured
three six-round smoothbore cannons
and a quantity of arms and ammuni
The enemy's loss was not obtainable ,
but seven men were found dead in one
trench. The insurgents are falling
back on Santa Barbara , which it is ex
pected General Hughes has attacked
before this.
A Spanish corporal , captured by tha
Filipinos , has arrived here from Tar-
lac. He says he saw Aguinaldo , ac
companied by a prominent leader and
fifteen men , arrive at Bayambong
during the night of November 13 , hatless -
less , his clothes torn and spattered
with mud and his horse exhausted.
Aguinaldo , it appears , rested a short
time , seemed anxious , consulted with
his companions and the villagers as to
the nature of the roads , secured fresh
horses and proceeded immediately to
ward Mangalaren in Pangasinan prov
ince , west of Bambang.
The corporal tells a straight story ,
giving minute details. He is convinced
he is not mistaken , having seen Aguin
aldo several times during recent
Aguinaldo , it appears , would have
time to leave Bayambong November
13 and pass through General Wheaton's
lines November 17.
Insurgents Select the Place Where They
Will Ulake Resistenco.
MANILA , Nov. 24. The insurgents
from the north are concentrating at
Montalban and San Mateo , where it is
expected they will make resistance to
the American advance. The Spaniards
never occupied these places and the in
surgents believe them to be impregna
A reconnaissance to the northwest
of San Mateo on Tuesday developed
the fact that the rebels were moving
stores and men to Montalban. The
number of insurgents is unknown.
Lincoln Man Receives Verdict in Suit by
His Daughter.
NEW YORK , Nov. 24. The jury in
the case of Rosa Cahn against -her
father , Isaac Cahn , whom she sued for
$25,000 damages on the charge of as
sault , before Justice Leventritt in the
supreme court , returned a verdict in
favor of the defendant.
Boers Are Much Depressed.
LONDON , Nov. 24. The Post
publishes the following this morning ,
dated Pietermaritzburg , Thursday :
We have received a rumor here today
from Dutch sources to the effect that
our forces recently inflicted ancther
disastrous defeat on the Boers around
Ladysmith. Nearly all the enemy's
large guns are reported captured. Tne
Boers are said to have been complete
ly demoralized. The rumor is uncon
firmed , but the Dutch in the district
appear much depressed , so that there
may be some truth in it.
Buller Start ? for Natal.
CAPETOWN , Nov. 24. General Bul
ler has started for Natal. He is ex
pected to return shortly.
The steamer Walwera , with the
New Zealand contingent of troops on
board , has arrived here.
In Honor of Hobart.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 24. The post
master general has issued the following -
ing order :
In honor of the distinguished public
service of Vice President Hobart , and
fn respect for his revered memory , ,
postmasters throughout the union are
directed to close their respective of
fices between the hours of 2 and 4 ,
p. m. on Saturday , November 25 , the
day of the funeral. (
President of Agiilimldo'.s Congrcai SUP *
render * to MitcArtimr at Turluc.
MANILA , Nov. 25. Seno * Baenca-
mine f , a former member of the cocalled
cabinet of Aguinaldo , has been brought
to General Otis a prisoner on board
the transport Brutus. Ho had sought
refuge in n village near San Fabian ,
with Agulnaldo's mother and son. The
natives disclosed his Identity to Major
Cronln , who captured him.
General Young Is still in the moun
tains on the trail of Aguiiialdo.
Bautlsta , president of the Filipino
congress , presented himself to General
MacArthur at Tarlac today and formal
ly renounced all further connection
with the insurrection.
Ho was ono of the influential Filipi
nos who hesitated at the beginning of
the war as to which side on which to
cast his lot. He was offered a judgeship -
ship of the supreme court , but declined.
He now announces that he desires
to accept the position and says the
Filipino congress and cabinet are scat
tered , never to reaissemble.
Some of the members , he adds , liavo
returned to their homes , while others
are flying for safety. Many of the
congressmen have resigned and he be
lieves the Filipino soldiers will lay
down their arms everywhere as soon
as they loam the truth.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. General
Otis summarizes the situation in Luzon
zen in a dispatch to the war depart
ment today in which he says that the
insurgent government can no longer
claim to exist , its troops and otlicera
are scattered and Aguinaldo in hiding.
The dispatch follows :
"MANILA , Nov. 24. Claim to gov
ernment by insurgents can bo made
no longer under any friction ; its treas
urer , secretary of the interior and pres-
dc-nt of congress in our hands ; its pres
ident and remaining cabinet officers
in hiding evidently in different parts
of central Luzon provinces ; its gen
erals and troops in small bands scat
tered through these provinces acting
as banditti or dispersed , playing the
lole of 'amigos' with arms concealed.
Indications arc that Aguinaldo did not
escape through the lines of Lawton
or Wheaton , but fled westward from
Bayambong railway station. Tele
graphic communication to Dagupan es
tablished , probably to San Fabian to
day ; by relaying nine miles of track
with material at hand railway commu
nication to that point re-established ;
labor of troops must attend mainten
ance. "
Iloers Drawing IsVar raiid Garrison
Practically Under Ground.
MAGALAPIE , Cape Colony , Sunday ,
Nov. 19. A dispatch received hero
from Mafeking , dated Wednesday , No
vember 15 , says :
"The garrison is cheerful , but the
position is daily growing more difficult.
The Boers are always drawing their
entrenchments closer and are inces
santly plying the British with artillery
and musketry fire. The garrison is
living almost entirely in underground
shelters and the health of the troops
is suffering. "
Those That Have Been Filed to Date
Aggregate SS5OOOOOO.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 23.
Claims have been filed up to date on
account of damages sustained by
American citizens by the Spanish 'var
to the amount of § 25,000,000 , and die
president is expected to submit a rec
ommendation in his message to con
gress , looking to the appointment cf a
commission to adjudicate these claims
and make provision for the payment
of such as are found to be legitimate.
This action will be taken under arti
cle 7 of the treaty of peace.
President Will Advise His Retirement as
a Major Gsneral.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. The pres
ident will asK the incoming congress
to pass an act retiring General Shafter ,
with the ran * of major general in the
regular army. He has already been
retired with the rank of brigadier
This purpose of the president is the
explanation of the retention of Gen
eral Shafter , it being felt that his
chances would be brightened by his
retention in the active army until
congress has had oportunity to act.
Colonel tulford Married.
SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , Nov. 25.
The romantic marriage of Major ilul-
ford of tie \\f-nty-rintli r < ! § i.irnt.
formerly colonel of the Nebraska vel-
iulcers : , has ju1- become public. Mr-
jor Mulford Bailee ? for the Philippines
last right , leaven ? behind him a brile
t-f Iwo days.
The bride vis Miss Nellie MarUmid ,
n well known society lady of thij city.
liiey first me ; at the PresidiD waeii
Mjo > - MulforJas there with the Xe-
braska volunteers. They were marriei
at Reno , Nov. . last Tuesday. Mrs.
Mulford will join her husband at Ma
Want Bond Buying Kxtcnded.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. Secretary
Gage is in receipt of a large number
of requests from financial circles to
November 30. The secretary said this
extend the bond offering limit beyond
afternoon that no action will be > aK-
en in the matter until November SO.
The total amount of bonds purchased
by the government under the recent
offer of the secretary of the treasury
is $11,566,900.
Wireless Telegraphy Drawing Xearer.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. The War
department is quietly at work on the
problem of wireless telegraphy for the
signal service. The signal corps has
been handicapped recently , both by
lack of funds and officers , to experi
ment on an extensive scale , but Cap
tain Reiber , at Governor's island , New
York , is carry on a series of experi
ments between that point and Tomp-
kinsville , with a view to adapting the
army apparatus for communication be
tween fortified points and in any other
locality where the wireless system
might pro.e superior to the older form
of telegraphy.
Several Military
John H. Page , Jr. , who wa.s recently
commissioned as . second lieutenant
In the Third Infantry , Is the tulrd of
the name to servo in the army of the
United States. His father , John H.
Page , Is colonel of the Third Infantry ,
his grandfather. John II. Pace , was
killed at the r.-attlc of Palo Alto during
the Mexican war.
According to the latest report of II.
Clay Evans , commissioner of pensions ,
there Is only one survivor of the war
of 1812 Hiram Cronk , of northwwest-
ern New York. He Is 99 years of age.
' "Do It and
Stick to It. "
If you are sick and discouraged < with im
pure blood , catarrh or rheumatism , take
Hood's Sarsaparilla faithfully and persis
tently , and you twill soon have a cure.
This medicine , has cured thousands of
others and it < will do the same for you.
Faithfully taken.
Every time a girl gets onto a new
Avrinklo in hair dressing she has her
picture taken.
New Inventions.
Amongst the prominent firms wno
bought patents the past week were tha
following :
Deenng Harvester Jo. ,
Chicago , 111.
Waring Hat Manufacture -
o ing Co. , Yonkers , N. Y.
Drake Acetylene Gas
Generator Co. , Corning , N.
Howard Thermostat Co. ,
Oswego , N. Y.
Gillette-IIerzog Manufacturing Co. ,
Minneapolis , Minn.
Western Electric Co. , Chicago. 111.
American Bell Telephone Co. , Bos
ton , Mass.
S. S. White Dental Manufacturing
Co. , Philadelphia , Pa.
Davidson Lock Co. , Nashville , Tcnn.
Percival Furniture Co. , Barton , VI.
Messrs. Sues & Co. , Patent Lawyers ,
of Omaha , have just issued a 'took
showing the importance of gating
claims as broad as the state of the M L
A great many inventors lose their in
ventions because their patents are not
made broad enough. This book , which
is illustrated , will be sent free to any
one sending their address to Sues & :
Co. , Patent Lawyers , Bee Bldg. , Oma
ha , Neb.
The stock raiser sometimes finds it
difficult to make both ends meet , but
the check raiser is nearly always sure
of his board and lodging.
The ad. of T. M. Roberts' Supply
House in another part of this paper
should be of interest to everyone. The
firm is reliable. Get their complete
catalogue of everything you need be
fore making purchases.
To speak what you think often
would to speak like a fool.
TO MRS. FIKRnAU NO. 94,398 ]
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pound has done for me that I fuel as
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The way women trifle with health
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fulness depend on physical health ; so
does a good disposition. Disease makes
women nervous , irritable and snap
pish. The very effort of ailing women T
to be good-natured makes them ner *
vous. Write to Mrs. Pinkham , she will
help you to health and happiness.
Itcostsnothing togetMrs. Pinkham's
advice. Her address is Lynn , Mass.
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