Looking for . . Winter Underwear ? We have an elegant , all-wool fleeced article seldom sold for less than one dollar , which we are now of fering for , per garment A fine all-wool camel's hair of excellent $2.00 value for , per suit . The finesrgrade camel's hair for , per suit - $2:75 : Over shirts. We have an all-wool overshirt , heavy . weight , in all colors and sizes , for $1.00 Extra heavy Jersey knit overshirt , good value , for Finer grades of woolen overshirts , an elegant assortment to select from , up to All these goods are bought in case lots from factory , saving jobbers' profits. All the latest things in percale laundered shirts. FRANK J."MORGAN The- Leading Clothier H. H. TARTSCH , Manager. MENARD3BLOCK ft. I QW will be made by us on all small. . . . Musical Instruments during the next thirty days _ § If you are thinking of buying anything in the line of Violins , Guitars , Mandolins , Banjos , Accordeons or Trimmings , , . , you can't save ONE CENT by sending away ; we will duplicate the goods of any reliable house , both in price and quality ; you deal with a firm you know , you see what you get , you have our guarantee. We invite you to call and inspect our line. THE "BEE HIVE , " McCook , Nebraska. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer of 1125 Howard st. , Philadelphia , Pa. , when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. AH other remedies and doctors could give her no help , but she says of this royal cure "it soon re moved the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly , something I can scarcely re member doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the universe. " So will every one who tries Dr.King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat , chest or lungs. Price 5oc and Si. Trial bottles free at Mc Connell & Berry's ; every bottle guaranteed. "I wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any consideration , " writes T. B. Rhodes , Centertield , O. Infallible for piles , cuts , burns and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. D.V. . Loar. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 312. To George \V.\Vyrick , James AV.Dolan. Louisa C. Mann and Daniel Courtney , and to all whom it may concern : The board of county commissioners has estab lished and ordered oj > ened a road commencing at the southeast corner of section twenty-eight in Alliance precinct , Red , Willow county , Neb raska , running thence west on section line be tween sections 28 and J53 , and terminating at the southwest corner of section 2S-4-27 , and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's ollice on or before noon of the 15th day of January , A. D. 1900 , or said road will be established without reference thereto. ll-174t. ll174t.R. . A. GREEN , County Clerk. O. R. Rittenhouse , Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , under a decree in an action wherein The Pee ple's Building. Loan and Saving association is plaintiff and George W. Short et al. are defend ants , to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the east door of the court house in Mc Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th day of December , 1S99 , at the hour of 1 o'clock , p. m. , the following described real estate , towit : Lots eleven and twelve in block thirty-eight in the town of Indianola , Nebraska. ll-17-5t. Dated this 16th day of November , 1899. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. W. S. Morlan , Plaintiff's Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , under a decree in an action wherein Nettie L. Cronkhito is plaintiff and George B. Dimitt et al. are defendants , to mo directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash , at the east door of the court house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebras ka , on the ISth day of December. 1899 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following des cribed real estate , towit : The south half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section twelve in township three north of range thirty west of the 6th p. m. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , containing 160 acres. Dated this 13th dav of November.1899. ll-17-r r , JR. . NEEL , Sheriff. J. E. Kelley , Plaintiffs Attorney. Dr. W. Wixon , Italy Hill , N. Y. , says , "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure It gave my wife immediate relief in suffocat ing asthma. ' . ! Pleasant to take. Never fails to quickly cure all coughs , colds , throat and lung troubles. I > W. Loar. Constipation means the accumulation of waste matter that should be discharged daily , and unless this is done the foul matter is al - sorbed and poisons the system. Use IIERB- INE to bring about regularity of the bowels. You will get relief and finally a cure. Price 50 cents. McConnell & Berry. For burns , cuts , bruises , lacerations , or in juries of any description , BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT is a sovereign remedy. It never fails to do good , and so quickly that its wonderful curative properties frequently create surprise. Price 25 and 50 cts. McCon nell & Berry. Governor Roosevelt began an address to a mother's congress a few days ago by sa\mg : "I am not a mother. " If it was a mother's congress of the usual brand every woman in the house could no doubt have truthfully re sponded , "neyther am Igov'nor" LaGrippe , with its after effects , annually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Minute Couch Cure , the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs , colds , croup , bronchitis , pneumonia and throat and Inn ? troubles. It will prevent consumption. D. W. Loar. i . * 'I had dyspepsia fiftv-seven _ years and never found permanent relief till I ubed Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man , " writes S. J. Fleming , Murray , Neb R is the best digestant known. Cures all forms of indigestion. Physicians everywhere prescribe it. D. W. Loar. KodF Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heartburn , Flatulence , Sour Stomach , Nausea , SickHeadacheGastralgiaGrampsand all otherresults of imperfectdigestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWitt & Co. , Crjlcago. BEAUTY'S REWARD. A blushing rose In a garden grew And with its fragrance filled the air. Out the sweet , red rose , ah , it never knew Of the Joy it gave to a maiden falrt The rose knew not , as it drank the dew , Of the charm it spread in growing there. A radiant maiden smiled one day , And hope crept into a doubter's breast ; He turned , transformed , and went his way With new resolves to do his best A man had sprung from a lump of clay , And the maiden , ah , she never guessed 1 S. E. Klscr in Chicago News. How a ZiOver Brought a Dallying : Girl to the Point. The suggestion that brought it all about came from ine , I believe. Suggestions of any eort nanally caiao from me rather than Margery , for I have in my veins the adventurous blood of stanch New England ancestry , who had burned witches and fought Indians and later pursued a relentless traffic in wooden nutmegs with the same high courage and fine disregard of consequences quences , while Margery is of Dutch de scent and inclined to be cautions , if not a bit pig headed , as I often told her. But no one could help loving her , in spite of her little touch of Dutch ob stinacy , least of all myself , for of all the provoking little women that were ever created for the express purpose of charming and tormenting their fellow men Margery was the most deliciously dear , and I loved her so well I could forgive her anything that is , anything but the way she treated Jack Beasley. The dance she led that poor fellow was something to move even a bearded Turk to pity. For a whole year she had kept him dangling after her as abjectly as a dancing doll at the end of a string , and yet , as far as we could see , he had made no progress "whatever in her way ward affections. We had been talking things over , Jack , Ned and I , in Margery's absence ( I never dared mention Jack to Mar gery for fear of still further exciting that famous obstinacy of hers ) , and even Ned , the most hopeful of mortals , had had to admit Jack's chances looked blue. Ned , be it known , was the daring youth who had undertaken to guide my New England enterprise and other vir tues ( too numerous to mention ) through life's pilgrimage. He and Jack were partners in a law office and occupied the flat on the top floor , where they indulged in certain mysterious rites they called light house keeping , while Margery and I taught music and Delsarte and practiced the modest virtues of hospitality in tue flat below. Nothing , therefore , could have been more n't. suitable and otherwise to be desired than to have Margery and Jack fall in loye with each other , even as Ned and I had done. Jack was willing enough , poor boy , but Margery balked. It was too provoking. As I said before , we three had been talking it over the day before while Margery was absent teaching the luck less children of a rich soap manufac turer to play Wagner on the piano and had all agreed that the situation looked hopeless. Jack had been in the depths of de spair because the tenor of the choir for which Margery played the organ had called three times that week , and , though I didn't believe she cared a pin for the tenor , I had never known naugh ty Margery to appear more willfully re gardless of Buck's feelings. We had parted , therefore , gloomily enough , after a fruitless conference , and I had relieved my mind by being especially cross to Margery all day , though I must own she didn't seem to mind much. It was an awful day , raining cats and dogs , and in the afternoon I got tired of being cross all by myself and proposed that we should shampoo cur hair and dry it on the parlor radiator , the only one in the flat large enough for the purpose. Of course Margery object ed. Visitors might come , she said , and then who would let them in ? I scouted the idea of visitors on such a day un less , I observed with saraisu. she was expecting the tenor again. She didn't notice this stab , so I pro ceeded to say that as the radiator was in the corner we could pull our big Jap anese screen up in front of it and , se cure in our hiding place , let our entire visiting acquaintance , including mes senger boys and duns , knock at the door till they got tired and then de part , blissfully unaware of our proxim ity Accordingly it wasn't long before we were snugly ensconced on a pile of sofa pillows on the parlor floor , wrapped in our bathrobes and with our wet locks streaming out behind us across the ra diator , over which we had stretched a steamer rug We were armed with a novel apiece , but soon got to talking girl fashion and were deep in a discus sion of Amos Judd when there came a loud knock at the door. "Great Scott 1" I exclaimed in a ttage whisper , the rosy advantages of iny plan suddenly fading in the cold light of reality "There. I told you sol" cried Mar gery ungenerously , sitting up abruptly so that her hair fell all about her in a great shining , coppery shower. "Sh shut up ! " I whispered , reach ing out with an agitated stockinged toe for the bedroom slipper I had carelessly kicked off a moment before. Again .the knock came , this time more imperative "What , in heaven's name , shall we do ? " gasped Margery. "Keep still. " I said sotto vcce. Then the door handle turned , and we heard Ned's voice saying"There's no- body home. Let's come in and wait foi them. " "All right , " wan the reply in Jack'a bass tones. "Maybe it's not the proper thing , but we might as well risk it. " And we heard the door close as our vis itors entered and took possession of our apartment. It was too ridiculous. I'd have had to laugh if our lives had been at stake , and in spite of the imminent danger of discovery in this mortifying plight I stuffed all of a sofa pillow that would go into my month and shook till my sides ached. It was the expression on Margery's face that recalled mo to myself at last. Chancing to glance up from behind a corner of the cushion.I was trying to swallow , I caught her listening with strained attention to something that was being paid on the other side of the screen , with every bit of color gone out of her face and a look in her eyes I'd never .seen there before. "Yes , " Jack was eaying , "if they don't hurry , I'll have to go without saying good by. My train leaves at 7. and I've lots to do. " Ntd lighted his pipe before he re plied. Dear Ned , I believe he would smoke in heaven if Peter didn't take the precaution to search him before ho let him in. "I gueps it'll surprise them eome , " he remarked at last. "Especially when they hear you're never coming back. " I nudged Margery violently at this , but she didn't look at me the minx and then , l ck went on dolefully : "Oh , they won't care very much , I'm afraid ! " "Of course they will , "protested Ned , puffing away. "And I will anyway. Must you go , old boy ? " "Well , it's this way , Ned : As long as I hoped that Margery might care for me I wouldn't give in to my uncle's proposition that I should marry his ward , Miss Wilson , and become his heir , but now that I'm satisfied I have no chance with the girl I love , I might as well marry the other one and please the old man , I suppose. I'll be miser able anyway. " And Jack heaved such a sigh that the big paper screen waved about till it threatened to come down upon our heads. I gave a horrified look at Margery , but her hair had fallen over her face , and I could only see one little hand clinched fiercely as if she bad a pain somewhere. I reached dumbly over and tried to take the little hand , but she shook me off , so I fell to listening again. "Well , it's not so bad as it might be , " Ned was saying encouragingly "I hear Miss Wilson is a beauty. " "She is , " said Jack with enthusiasm. "And then think of the money , my boy ! Most any fellow would envy you. ' "I suppose so. " said Jack drearily. "But I must go. Time's up. Will you say goodby to the girls for me. Ned ? Tell Margery" Here Jack choked , and I was so busy catching a large , warm tear that was chasing toward the end of my nose that I forgot to look at Margery , when , to my amazement , n little figure in a gray bathrobe , with a cloud of coppery hair flying after it , bounded right over me , tnd , as the screen toppled over with a crash , I heard Margery's voice cry : "Oh , no. Jack , you mustn't go ! I I love you , Jack ! " I had a confused vision of Jack seiz ing the little figure in his arms , and then I started to run. I don't look so pretty with my hair wet as Margery does. But somehow when I got to the door I met Ned , and as I looked up wrathfully something I saw in his eye made me stop short. "Ned Tucker , " I exclaimed , "yen knew we were there all the time ! " "Well , " he said , not a whit ashamed , "if you will leave the ventilating shaft open" "You wretch ! " I cried , and then something else struck me. "And the uncle , " I gasped , "and the beautiful Miss Wilson" "Are about as real , " said Master Ned , "as a rainbow. " Edgar Temple Field in Chicago Herald. Idiomatic Mrs. Fremont , in a sketch of her fa ther , Senator Benton , tells the follow ing story of the French bishop at St. Louis at the time of the purchase of Louisiana. She says : It was a point of honor among the older French not to learn English , Lnt the bishop decided that it would be better to acquire it. especially for use from the pnlpit To force himself into the familiar practice of the language , he secluded himself for awhile with the family of an American farmer , where he would hear no French The experiment proved very successful Soon he had gained a bufficient fluency to deliver a-sermon in English Senator Benton was present when it was to be given , and his feelings may be imagined as the bishop , a refined and polished gentleman , announced : "My friends. I'm right down glid to see such a smart chance of folks here today Only n Certain Kind. There is a story told among the peas antry of Sleswick , the former Danish province annexed after the war in 18G4 , of how Prince Bismarck was confound ed by the tongue of a shepherd lad. Shortly after the close of thewarPrinc'e Bismarck went on an inspection tour through the provinces , as he desired to study the feelings and sentiments among the people He talked with the peasants , getting valuable though not always agreeable information. For days he was annoyed by constantly hearing dogs called "Bismarck. " Desiring to know what it meant , he called out in a gruff voice to a shepherd boy who had uttered the dreaded chancellor's name in connection with his dog- "Are all dogs in this country named Bismarck if' "Ach nein. mein herr , " the urchin replied as he doffed his cap ; "es ist bless die schweinhunde. " ( Oh , no , sir ; it is only the pig dogs. ) REMEMBER , only Five Weeks more be fore the final closing of this store. Ev- eryonejseems to be taking advantage of the - , -s Marvelously Low Prices us- -Motes , Bring Your Boys ! Such bargains in Knee-Pants Suits , in Long-Pants Suits , in Knee-Pants , in Long Pants , in Hats , in Overcoats , were never known before. You cannot afford to miss these Bargains , that will make you remember "The Famous" thankfully for a long time to come. Now see how little money it takes to Buy Our Fine Goods Southwest Corner of Main and Dennison Streets. McCook , : : : Nebraska. Tribune Clubbinj ? List. For convenience of readers of THE TRIE- UNK , we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and perodicals whereby we can supply them in combination with THE 1'RIRUNE at the following very low prices : ' PUBLICATION. PRICE. TR E Detroit Free Press Si oo $ i 50 Leslie's Weekly 400 300 Prairie Farmer oo 175 Chicago Inter-Ocean oo i 35 Cincinnati Enquirer. oo 150 New-York Tribune oo 125 Demorest's Magazine oo i 75 ToIedoBlade oo 125 Nebraska Farmer oo 150 Iowa Homestead oo 145 Lincoln Journal oo 175 Campbell's Soil-Culture oo 150 New-York World oo i 65 Omaha Bee oo 150 Cosmopolitan Magazine oo i 80 St. Louis Republic oo 175 Kansas City Star 25 115 Nebraska Dairyman and Up- to-Date Farmer 5 ° i 25 Kansas City Journal , weekly. 25 i 15 Kansas City Journal , daily. . . 4 oo 4 20 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published , at reduced rates. THE TRIBUNE , McCook , Neb. If you have sore throat , soreness across the back or side. Or your lungs feel sore or tender , or you are threatened with diphtheria or pneu monia , apply BALLARD'S SNOW LINI MENT externally and use BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP. McConnell. A Boer dispatch says : "We are giving the enemy shell fire. " The news censor probably added the "s" attachment to the word "shell. " Infant mortality is frightful. Nearly one- quarter die before they reach one year , one- third before they are five and one-half before they arefifteen ! The timely useof WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE would save a major ity of these precious lives. Price 25 cents. McConnell & Berry. A study of the printed pictures of the wives of the Sultan of Sulu will awaken in every breast a feeling that he is more to be pitied than condemned. J. D. Bridges , editor'"Democrat , " Lancaster , N. H. . says , "One Minute Cough Cure is ihe best remedy for croup I e\er used. " Immedi ately relieves and cures coughs , colds , croup , asthma , pneumonia , bionchitis , grippe and all throat and lung trouble ? . It prevents con sumption. D. W. Loar. Develop miiB- cles , nerve and braiii * and make a man of yourself Send for one of our Doctor's Question blanks. No two cases treated alike. Sexual weak- iiesa , I o * m ot power , drains after stools , pre- mataredlscharge. Varlcocele cured erne no charge. Where you are suffering from effects of self a b n e vre are pleased to say that we are today the only firm rrho can guarantee a cure with our Turkish L Capsules. We never fall to cure no " matter" to age. Do not look further , as 2c stamp will get our blank. Rinnn medicine guaranteed to cure any case , no matter how severe or how long standing , with Turkish Syphilis euro. $2 box. All conditions changed. Write us for particulars. Dept T HAHN'S PHAPMACY. OMHA. NEB Thousands of men and women suffer frort piles , especially women with female \teaknesr have this suffering to contend with in addition , to their other pains. TABLER'S UUCKEYK PILE OINTMENT will quickly effect a cure. Price , 50 cts. in bottles- , tubes 75 cts. McCon nell & Berry. An eminent physician says that eating rav vegetables will increase strength. Onion ; , f'rinstance 'i If you are suffering from drowsiness in the daytime , irritability of temper , sleepless nighty general debility , headache , and general want of tone of the system , ti.se 1IERI5INE. Ycc will get relief and finally a cure. Price o cts. McConnell & Berry. There is a man in a Colorado town who greatly resembles Dewey that Ins neighbors think of presenting him with a sword LADIE'S Friend TTuarnk ' and Pennyroyal Pills bring menstruation to the da ? . Never fail. No Pa In ; No IManppolnlment. SI.CHI box ; i boxen care any cave , no matter as to cm ; * : Halm's Pharmacy , | Dept. T. g Omaha , - N'ebrnnka McCook Transfer Line J. H. DWYEE , Proprietor. 9lf Special attention puid to hauling furniture. Leu\e orders at either lumber yard. TABLER 9 ( BUCKEYE INTMENT 'CURES ' NOTHING BUT PILES. SURE and CERTAIN CURE ! known for 15 years as the BEST REMEDYfor PILES. SOIO > BY AM. DRUGGISTS. -sreitr2IC2i233ETHID. CO. , 57.LOTO. At McCOHIELL & BERRY'S.