The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 17, 1899, Image 7

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"The Best is
We team this from experience in every
department of life. Good clothes are most
serviceable and wear the longest. Good
food gives the best nutriment. Good
medicine , Hood's Sarsaparilla , is the best
and cheapest , because it cures , absolutely
CURES , tahen all others fail.
A Young I.iuly'8 Diary.
On Transatlantic Steamer : Even
ing "Took threp pills before retir
ing. " Morning "Passed an iceberg at
7 a. m. "
Talto Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tlio money if it fulls to cure ,
5c. E. W. Grove's signature on each box.
All the emery in the -world comes
from the little island of Naxos , near
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker , 4223
llcgent Bq. , rhiladolphio , Pa. , Dec. 8 , ' 93.
The proportion of female to male
teachers is increasing in England.
HeWs Up Pe-ru-na as the Ideal Remedy for
Female Catarrh ,
Mrs. Clara Makemer.
Mrs. Clara Makemer , housekeeper
for the Florence Crlttsnden Anchorage
Mission , of Chicago , writes the follow
ing letter from 302 Chestnut street ,
Chicago :
"Peruna Is the best tonic I have ever
known for general debility , a sure
cure for liver complaint , and a never
failing adjuster in cases of dyspepsia.
"I have used it in cases of female
Irregularities and weak nerves com
mon to the sex , and have found it
most satisfactory. "
From early girlhood to the end of
the child-bearing period few women
are entirely free from some degree of
catarrh of the pelvic organs.
With Peruna the thousand and one
ailments dependent upon catarrh of
the pelvic organs can be wholly
"Health and Beauty" sent free to
women only , by The Peruna ifodicine
Co. , Columbus. Ohio.
Work has been commenced on Rob
inson hall , the new scientific school
at Tufts college.
Immense ) ( < < ild IJrposlt * .
Henry A. Salzer , manager of the fa
mous John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La
Crosse , Wis. , as also president ot the
Idaho Gold Coin Mining & Milling Co. ,
of the Seven Devil District , Idaho , is in
great luck. They have recently struck
an immense deposit of gold ore on
their properties. As a result the stock
of this company doubled in price in
twenty-four hours. Quite a number of
the Salzer Seed Co. patrons are inter
ested In this mine with Mr. Salzer.
Of the 475 inventors of the United
States who received pat
ents the past week 36 per
cent of that number weie
successful in selling either
the whole or a part of
their inventions before
the same were issued.
Amongst the prominent
manufacturing concerns
buying patents were the following :
Western Metallic Packing Co. , Oma
ha , Nehr.
General Incandescent Arc Light Co. ,
of New York.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co. ,
New Haven , Conn.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , Ak
ron , Ohio.
Piano Manufacturing Co. , Chicago ,
Jill *
Mergenthaler Linotype Co. , New
York City.
Union Boiler Tube Cleaner Co. ,
Pittsburg , Pa.
Gray Telephone Pay Station Co. ,
Hartford , Conn.
Kalamazoo Spring & Axle Co. , Kalamazoo -
amazoo , Mich.
Parties desiring information as to
selling or obtaining patents may ob
tain the same by addressing Sues &
Co. , Patent Lawyers & Solicitors , Bee
Bldg. , Omaha , Nebr.
Rain has never been known to fall
in that part of Egypt between the
uvo lower falls of the Nile.
Special Offer until Jan. 1st.
We wish to immediately place one n.
every town in the state , knowing by
experience that wherever we sell one
other sales are sure to follow. To in
troduce these pianos we will , from now
until January 1st , make a Factory
wholesale price on the first piano to
go to any locality where we have not
already sold one. This means a great
saving to the buyer.
We Do Not Mention the Actual Price
Because we will only sell one piano in
each locality at this extremely low
price , hoping through the advertise
ment to sell others at a profit to which
every dealer and manufacturer is just
ly entitled. Terms cash or easy pay
Pianos sent on approval.
Write for catalogue and full partic
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
.A. 25 c S-AJM3PIZ3 : BOTTXJS IB'OIFt lOc.
DOCTORS INSIST that their patients use " 5 DROPS" for
etc. Read
the follow
ing letters :
SWAXSOX RHEUMATIC CURE Co. : When I wrote you for a sample bottle of " 5 DROPS" my
wife was suffering terribly from Rheumatism and was very discouraged , as I had tried every
thing the doctors prescribed , even sending her to Richfield Springs , etc. My doctor is very much
surprised nt the progress my wife is making , and she is so well that she
refused to keep her seamstress and is now doing her own sewing. The
doctors Insist on her taking " 5 Drops" and assure her that it is now
only a matter of a few days and she will be entirely cured , and as we are
very -well known here , the " 5 DROPS" is receiving considerable atten
tion aad praise. F. E. PRICE , Jersey City , N. J. Oct. 13,1S99.
SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE Co. : I suffered terribly with Kidney
Trouble for years , and after using less than two bottles of " 5 DROPS"
I am now entirely well and I give " 5 DROPS "the praise formycure. I
could not find anything that would give me the slightest relief until I
tried this remedy , and I recommend it to everybody as a permanent cure
for Kidney Disease. MARY A. CARBAUGII , Black Gap , Pa. Aug. 2299.
Is the most powerful specific known. Free from opiates and perfectly harmless.
it sites njmost Instantaneous relief , and Is a positite cure for .BhcnnmtUm ,
Sciatica , XenralRla , Dyspepiln , Bncltnchc , Acthma , Hay Fever , Catarrh , la Grippe ,
Croup , Slceple nne . A"ervoune . Xervou * and Xciiralsrlc Headaches , .Earache , Tooth
ache , Heart WcaUne , Dropsy , Malaria , Creeping Xumbneu , etc. , etc.
r > f > t n ft Vft to-liable sufferer * to give " 5 IiROPSwiit least a trial , we will send a 25c sample bottle ,
OV U/\ d prerai'll'T mall , forlOcts. A f ample bottle will convince > oil. Also , large bottles (300
doses ) ei.OO , 6 bottles for to. Sold by us and agents. 1GKXTS WASTED In w Territory. UHITK CS TO-DAY.
a g The Best Sewing
Machine on Earth
At iho Price , $14.25 for Our
"MELBA" Sewing Machine.
A high-arm , high-grade machine equal jj *
to vrfiat others are asking $25.00 to $55.03 *
for. Guaranteed by us for so years from
date of purchase , against any imperfec
tion in material -workmanship. . The
stand is made o ? the best Iron and is
nicely proportioned. The cabinet work
is perfect and is furnished in your choice
of antique.oak or walnut. It has seven
drawers all handsomely carved and with
nickel-plated ring pulls. The mechan
ical construction is equal to that of
eny machine regardless of price. All
working parts _ arc of .the best oil-tern-
pered tool steel , every bearing perfectly
fitted and adjusted so as to ftake the
running ? qualities the lightest , most per *
feet and nearest noiseless of any macuino
mado. This Scwincr Machine has all the latest improvements. It makes a perfect and uni
form LOCK STITCH , and will do the best work on either the lightest muslins or heaviest
cloths , sewing over scams and rough places -without skipping stitches. A full set -of
best steel attachments , nicely nickel-plated and enclosed in a hnndsomo plnsh-li
metal , japanned box , and a complete assortment of accessories and book of instruction
FURNISHED FREE with each machine.
CO riAYC TRIAI WeshipthismachinoC.O.D.subj cttoapproval.onrecciptof two
O u UHIO I n IH L. . dollars. If. on examination ou are convinced that \ve are saving
you$25or$30onngent'spricepaytbobalaaceandfrcightcharsesthe try Xfc m ABH
the machine. If not satisfied ut any time within CO days tend the machine XK I t J f&
back to us at our expense and wo will refund the full purchase price tjJ 1 TlfcW
i ? n which is listed at lowest wholesale prices'
jlleverything to sat wear and useis furnish
> ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay (
. postage or expressage and as evidence
of good faith the 109 is allowed on first
131LOGU11 purchase amounting to $199 orabove.
The Mouse That Flayed football Where
lilddy Found the Clothes The Mouths ;
How They \Vero Named by the
ItoumnH Muny Ycnrs ASO.
Jack's Letter.
"Dear Gran'ma an * Gran'pa :
I don't like this place ,
'tiause no one ain't wearin'
No smile on their face
Like you always do , an'v
They spanked me instead
0' kissin * me , after I
Fell from { he shed.
This mornin' they say I'n :
Not goin' to be b
No angel- hereafter
Fer takin' jest three
Small pieces o' sugar , [
An' chasin' the cat , . _ _
An' goin' in swimmin' , v.
An' losin' my hat ;
An' scarin' the peacock ,
An' climbin' th' trees , >
An' gettin' all bit up
By bumble-ee bees , ' , -
An' racin' the turkey , .
An' bangin' the door , /
An' muddyin' over
Th' clean kitchen floor.
They ain't gbt no smile or . :
No kisses for me.
They think I'm just wicked
As wicked can be
An" call me a worrit
An' tormentin' pest ,
An' say I deprive 'em
0' quiet an' rest.
Dear gran'pa , tomorrow
I want to go back-
Please get here as early
As anything. Jack.
From Puck.
The Mouse That Played Football.
Norton Browne was a lover of foot
ball from the time his merry little
eyes first fastened on the wonderful
get-up of his older brother Ralph , the
hero of the village eleven. In Nor
ton's baby fashion he made good-
natured Ralph understand that he ,
too , wished to wear the football uni
form. My , how proud he was to show
his "dress-up" to the amused family !
Vnd howdignaut he was , too , when
they all aughed at his funny appear
ance something between a padded
Brownie , a circus clown and a comic
valentine of Ralph , somebody said.
This comparison pleased Ralph so
much that he smuggled his little
brother down to the photographer's ,
fixed him up in the beloved toggery
( about eighf sizes too large ) , tousled
up his baby-locks like those of the
most approved football hero , placed
in his tiny hands a ball three times
the size of his head , and presto ! there
was the picture of the tiniest foot
baller in the country. Norton en
joyed the fun as much as his big
brother did , and kept the secret stored
so snugly away in his little baby brain
that Ralph rewarded him by giving
him his old football pincushion , when
he went away to college. Norton was
overjoyed , and when no one was look
ing , often gave an admiring hug to
the sawdust cushion , with its melon-
shaped pieces of red and blue silk and
its cute little lacing. Every night , af
ter mother put him into his little brass
crib , he lay staring at the shining silk
stripes till he wandered off to a dream
land people with long-haired half
backs , tacklers , guards and all the
other queer things to be seen on a foot
ball field. One night , just as the long
lashes were settling down over his 1't-
tle peepers , the pincushion began to
move. Yes , it did ! There , it moved
again ! Norton sat right up to see
what caused it all , but the queer lit
tle cushion never budged a bit ; just
settled down on its side for a good ,
long sleep. The next night , however ,
the cushion began wiggling again.
Sometimes , indeed , it almost turned a
somersault , and then settled back
again. Slowly , very slowly , Norton
drew himself up into a sitting posi
tion. Quietly , very quietly , hardly
daring to breath , he leaned over the
crib rail , and watched what do you
think ? The very cutest little mouse
that ever ran across a chiffonier and
nibbled at the pincushion. Perhaps
the little animal guessed that the
football was stuffed with bran ; bran
is a dainty tidbit for a hungry little
mouse. Anyway he pulled and tugged
away at the shoestring lacing , climbed
on top of the cushion and blinked sau
cily at Norton , and then scampered
friskily away to tell the home folks
about the prize he had found , the hap
piest little mouse in mouseland. The
next night Frisky came again , and
began to nibble a hole in the cushion ,
and Norton was so excited while
watching that he forgot all about the
harm mousy might do. When Norton
told his mother about it the next
morning , she was a little troubled , for
she feared that her baby boy thought ,
talked and dreamed so much about his
cherished football that perhaps he
might have imagined things which dirt
not happen , and could not tell the real
from his dreams. So the next night
mother lay down beside Norton , and
together they quietly watched for the
coming of the mouse. They had al
most grown tired of waiting when
there was Frisky sitting jauntily atop
the cushion , twinkling his little beady
eyes as though he would say , "Hello ,
there ! Watch we go to the bottom of
this cushion , will you ? Good-by ! " and
down into the bran went his little
head. Then such a scratching ! Down
went the rest of his body , all but the
tips of his hind feet and his stiff little
tail. The old ball wobbled crazily to
and fro , and my , how the bran did fly !
Frisky seemed to be pawing away
with his front feet like a playful pup
py , sending the dust in all directions.
A few sprinkles even reached Norton
away over in his crib , and made him
chuckle so loud that the frightened
mousie went scampering back to his
hole. Norton never knew that after
he was asleep Frisky brought all his
sisters and his cousins aifd his aunts
to a midnight party on the chiffonier ,
where they had the nicest kind of a
time dancing and eating up the bran
which Frisky had pawed out for them.
The next night Frisky came alone and
went to work again just as though
Norton with his father , mother and
sister Lucy were not all watching and
smiling at him. He worked so hard
that by morning all the bran was
gone , leaving the poor , flattened pin
cushion a little heap of red and blue
rags. "Never mind ! " laughed father.
"The old cushion was almost worn
out , anyhow ! I am glad the mice had
such a good time. "
"So am I , " assented Norton. "Ralph
said he'd bring me a really one for
Christmas , anyway , and it was such
fun to see a mouse captain a football
game ! "
Where Kiddy Found thn Clothes.
It was the funniest thing ! They took
a ride right over the church steep-
but that's beginning at the wrong end !
Bensie says I always tell my stories
back end to. This is how Bensie tells
'em : Once upon a time ( Bensie always
begins "once upon a time" ) ftapa was
out on the side lawn a-mowin' with
that com'cal little carpet-sweeper. Bid
dy had just got the clothes all spread
out nice , 'side of the kitchen door.
Then's when it happened just after
Biddy went in. It came up just as
quick a little big whirlwind and took
Biddy's clothes up in its arms an * car
ried 'em off : Yes , it did. Papa looked
right up in the air an' saw 'em a-flyin' !
They went up twice as high as the
meetin'-house , right over the steeple !
You can 'magine how they must've
looked to papa , an' don't you guess he
laughed ? Well , you've guessed right ,
'cause he did ! An' the funniest of air
the things those clothes did was just
too perfectly com'cal for any thin ! Our
nightgowns did it Bensie's an' mine.
They're real long nightgowns , you
know , an' they filled all full of the
whirlwind till the sleeves bulged out
round , an 'the rest of 'em , too , just as
if Bensie and I were in.'em ! And
they acted as if they were real fright
ened , sailin' up there so high , an' put
their arms round each other and held
on to each other ! That's the way Ben
sie and I do when we're frightened.
Papa laughed and laughed , and then he
came in to tell us 'bout it. The
clothes sailed 'way over into the min
ister's orchard , an' sat down there to
rest an' that's where Biddy found
'em. And that's the right end of the
story to stop at , only Bensie always
says "the end. " Constance Hamilton.
The Months.
All of our months were named by
the Romans a great many years ago.
One of the months looks back on the
old year and it looks ahead to the
young or new year , so it was named
for a god whom the Romans worshiped.
He was represented as having two
faces , looking in opposite directions.
One of his faces was old and the other
one was young. His name was Janus.
Can you guess which month was named
for him ? Another month was named
for the god of war. What was his
name and which month was named for
him ? May was named for Mala , a god
dess who was the mother of the god
Mercury , and June was named for Jupi
ter's wife , June. Have you ever no
ticed that while most months alternate
with 30 and 31 days , July and August
come together with 31 days ? That is
because these months were named for
the two emperors , Julius and Augus
tus Caesar. It would not have donate
to give one a longer mouth than the
other received , so both were given 31
days. In early times the Romans had
only ten months , with names that
meant first month , second month and
so on. Four of these names are used
now , for instance : December really
means "tenth mouth , " although it is
now the twelfth month. Can you find
the other three ? A man named Numa
added the two months of January and
February , shortening the others in or
der to do so. It is said that February
is a name taken from a Latin word
that means to purify , because during
that month they held what they called
the feast of purification , and that April
is from a word that means to open ,
because at that season the buds begin
to open.
Children from tlio North.
The little Esquimau babies in this
country are not making very good
progress. The climate , their parents
say , does not agree with them. It is
too warm altogether. An Esquimau
baby at home is washed daily in water
which is as cold as ice. The air which
it breathes is so icy that the little one's
warm breath quickly turns into frost
on the isinglass windows , which the
Esquimaux use. An Esquimau baby
playthings are snowballs , and the daily
airing is a ride on a sledge drawn by
polar dogs. And so , you see , the little
mites of Esquimau humanity here ara
having a hard time to live in what is
to them such a hot climate. It is as if
you , who live in New York , were to
spend the summer in Florida. And as
if the Florida people were to go and
live on steamboats at the equator.
Harmless Joke.
Place a spool of cotton in the inside
pocket of your coat , and having thread
ed a needle with the beginning of the
cotton , pass the needle through the
front of the coat , unthread the needle
and leave about two inches of the cot
ton hanging as if it were only a stray
piece. The first person you meet will
be sure to pick it off for you , and his
astonishment , when he finds there is
no end to it , will give plenty of inno
cent fun.
P"HHKRE ore women everywhere who suffer almost con-
U stantly because they cannot bring themselves to tell
all about their ills to a physician. O
Such women can surely explain their symptoms and their
suffering by letter to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass. , for the con
fidence reposed in her has never been
violated. Over a million women have
been helped by her advice and medicine.
Mrs. Pinkham in attending to her vast
correspondence is assisted by women
only. If you are ill , don't delay. Her
reply will cost you nothing and it will be a
practical help as it was to Miss ELLA E.
BRENNER. East Rochester , Ohio , who says : "I shrunk from
the ordeal of examination by our physician , yet I knew I must
have treatment. My troubles were backache , nervous tired
feeling , painful menstruation and
leucorrhoen. I am so grateful
to you now that I am willing to
have my name published to help
other girls to take their troubles
to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound used as you wrote
me has made me entirely well
and very happy. I shall bless
you as long as I live. "
Mrs. Pinkham receives thou
sands of such letters from grate
ful women.
138 Grace St. , Pittsburg , Pa. ,
in a letter to Mrs. Pink-
ham says : ' ' From child
hood I suffered from kidney _ _
trouble and as I grew older r
my troubles increased hav
ing intense pain running
from my waist to my womb and the
menses were very painful. One dayt
seeing your advertisement in one of
our papers , I wrote to you.
"When your reply came I began taking
your Compound and followed your advice
and am now in perfect health , and would ad
vise any lady rich or poor to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , which I can praise above all
other remedies. It is a wonderful helo to women. "
The use of the Endless Chain Starch Book in the purchase of "Red Cross"
and "Hubinger's Best" starch , makes it just like finding' money. Why , for
only Sc you are enabled to get one large 10c package of "Red Cross" starch ,
one large lOc package of " Hubinger's Best" starch , with the premiums , two
Shakespeare panels , printed in twelve beautiful colors , or one Twentieth Cen
tury Girl Calendar , embossed in gold. Ask your grocer for this starch and
obtain the beautiful Christmas presents free.
This beautiful Calendar i * lO xlJJ j Inrlio * , the
picture ( His Only Friend ) being reproduced in the
tame coiurn an the. . . .
Original Painting by J. G. "Brown
of the National Acai.cinj of Iicxinn , who IH so cloKO
to the hrart.s of iho American people. The illustra
tion Rives hut a faint idea of the beauty of till *
Calendar , sltoniiitf only tlio picture in the renter.
Thin Calendar , worthy of a place in any boudoir.
can he obtained from un only. When weld without
theTjKDKEIE. MONTHIA * the price is 50 ccutx. All
readers of this paper who send 50 ceiili for a ,
> ear'x Huhpcriptlon to the ZiKIHJKIt ilIONTHLV
for 15)00 11 ill receive the Calendar FltEC.
Copyright , 1 90. by Jtobcrt Uonner E Sous.
The marvel of the age for loiv price and high quality of matter
Those -who send 50 cents for a year's subscription for 1000
will receive the beautifully illustrated November and
i ME !
December , 1899 , numbers FKEE and a full year's sub
scription to January , 1901 , in addition to the unique
Contents of the Nov. and Dec. Numbers :
"IAN MACLARENrHIS HOME-LIFE IN LIVERPOOL" is a refreshing article , with
14 illustrations of the home surroundings of the author of "BESIDE THE BONNIE
BRIER BTJSH. " MRS. GESOTE LEMCKE , of the Brooklyn Cooking School , treats of
the ago of chivalry , by MISS MAY HALSEY MILLER. GEORGE R KNAPP , Artistic and
Inexpensive Homo Decoration with flowers and planta , illustrated. The " MEMORIES OF
THE RED EAR , " a reproduction in colors of J. G. BROWN'S painting , forms the November
cover. "THE D LINE , " an absorbing story of safe time-locks , by L. T. MEADE and
ROBERT EUSTACE. ANNETTAILALL1DAY-ANTONA , a Camel-back Journey in the Canary
Islands , with 5 illustrations. Sis reproductions of HARRY ROSELAND'S story-telling
of his moat humorous productions. WALDEN FAWCETT , "REALM OF THE WINTER
GIRL. " Also 7 Complete Stories , Household Departments and a vast amount of reading.
yOur Premium List of 20 i-apc6 , each 10x14 inches ,
W describes and illustiatea the bcamitul , useful and
ij ) valuable articles we Rive free to those wlio rateo
( ! / small clubs of subscribers to tlie LEDGER
\ ! / MONTHLY. You can pet subscribers to the
W I.ZDOKR MONTHLY easily , for at 5c. ( ) a year the
Read This Uf magazine lias no equal. Fend a postal card for the
VJ ? Premium List. It is sent free , and with it an outfit
explaining an easy method of getting up ilub-i.
For Free Sample Copy and other Information address
BOBERT BONNER'S SONS , 158 Ledger Building , New York.
Worth S4 to 56 compared
with other makes.
Indorsed by over
1,000,000 carers
77ic genuine ha\e W. L
Douglas' name and prtc <
.stamped on bottom , 'lake
no .substitute claimed t > b
good. Your dealer.
should keep them i-
t , we will send a pair
receiot of price. State
ion of leather , MZC , and width , plain or
'cap ' toe. Catalogue A free.
K L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mass.
All Druggists , S3c.
used by millions ,
sure proof of its quality.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 46 1899
Send to-day forocrbandM > inelyenra\ed
38th anniversary work on r tentf = FKEE
Patent Lawyers , W uslilngton , D. C.
LANDS. . .
tfll thousands of acres of gor-
ernmc'Jt lands in the states of Washington
and Grezoa. al-o prairie and timber lands
near lailroud and water cornmunicat OT that
can lc- bought for S3. 00 peracre ; and there
are no cyclon . bli.7ani < - . ion t winters or
teal hot summe s. no failure of crops , but
alw.ivs peed rna-keis.
If you wish to r.s'S" Krain. principally , or
fruit , or the fine-t sto-'k oa earth , you can
find locations : n tl.esy two state- * where vou
can do this to perfec'ion. \ouarelookmir
for employment and w.h to secure steady
work at xo < d tva'es I c-an help you todo t.i's.
I h.ive uo land for sale but if yea want in
form ition about this write me at 199 E.
Third St. . St. P.iul.fti m.
Bgfc ?
' ' Sf t * lfcf
* > o of t o
TJE swiss
CETPOrf.lCM U1 a
Cash Price Paid Cor
Poultry , Game , Butter , Eggs.
Eend for tss ? and prices. liubcrt Pnrvlx.
EetablUkeci 1STJ. Omaha. Neb.
Best Cough SJTUJI. Tastes Good. Csc S3
hi tizie. So'.d by drnfftrlsta.