Looking for . , . - - - - - _ , - , - _ , _ . _ _ _ , j , , _ , _ _ , , _ .ww > n-rrr . Winter Underwear ? We have an elegant , all-wool fleeced article seldom sold for Jess than one dollar , which we are now of fering for , per garment A fine all-wool camel's hair of excellent dQ f\\ value for , per suit - - - q > < < 5.v/U The finest grade camel's hair for , per suit- - $2.75 Over shirts. We have an all-wool overshirt , heavy weight , in all colors and sizes , for $1.00 Extra heavy Jersey knit overshirt , good value , for " 75c - - - - Finer grades of woolen overshirts , an elegant assortment to select from , up to All these goods are bought in case lots from factory , saving jobbers' profits. All the latest things in percale laundered shirts. j. M * * , FRANK J.'MORGAN The Leading Clothier H. H. TARTSCH , Manager. MENARD BLOCK B. - ft'- . . HOBBY HORSE ft'r. In Our Window will be r.v v GIVEN AWAY. Theflammoth Egg will hold the Tickets until . . . H DECEMBER 2Oth Don't fail to visit Our Store this coming week ; there will be . . . OTHER PRIZES we can show vou \ a beautiful iine ; rich colors and designs , something to please the eye , and with prices to fit your pocketbook. THE "BEE HIVE , " Nebraska. Corn is Worth a Quarter but you can crib it for a cent a bushel by using- WARREN'S PORTABLE CORN GRI8 Vi Yr1 t < " Sold by- byW. W. C. BTJLLRAD & CO. . * McCook , Nebraska. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven years and never found permanent relief till I used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. Now 1 am well and feel like a Hew man , " writes S. J. Fleming , Murray , Neb. : the best digestant known. Cures all lt/s L11W LJWdfc U * , W J * * * * * - - - - { dims of indipestion. Physicians everywhere prescribe it. D. Ws Loar. Thousands of men and women suffer from Eiles , especially women with female weakness ave this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains. TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT will quickly effect a cure. Price , 50 cts. in bottles , tubes 75 cts. McCon nell & Berry. [ OFFICIAL iiv AUTHORITY. ] Commissioners' Proceedings. McCook , Nebraska , Novcmlxjr Jl , 18t 9. Hoard of county commiHsionors mot pursuant to adjournment. Present , James A. Robiimon , Ilonry Crnbtreo and Stephen Hellos , coinmio- slonors , W. H. Starr , county attorney , nnd II. A. Qrocn , county clork. Minutes of previous mcot- it\K road nnd approved. The followinR clntms were audited and al lowed , and on motion clerk wits instructed to draw warrants on the county Roneral fund , levy of 1899 , in payment thuroof as followg : C. W. Barnes , assessing Willow Grove pre cinct $18600 W. C. Bullfird & Co. , coal W 75 Barnett Lumber Co. , coal 17 25 Barnett Lmnlwr Co. , coal 650 Barnutt Lumber Co. , coal 7 WJ State Journal Co. , supplies 11025 E. J. Mitchell , supplies 5900 Arch Mann , juror 310 Jacob Long , witness 3 00 J. C. Oakley , board pauixsrs -13 94 C. II. Meeker , water tax for court house. . 25 00 L. J. Rittcnhouso , board and care of G.B. RittonhouHO 107 00 James HcthorinKton , official services as justice 75 Win. McCallum , mdH3 1750 C.L. Miller , luuch for jurors 2 40 Ed. Lakin , guarding prisoner ( insane- ; 2 00 Arthur Lee , services as bailiff 12 50 J. R. Noel , bheriff , posting olectiou no tices 1000 J. R. Neol , sheriff , calling jury and at tending court 41 25 J. R. Ned , sheriff , board and care of pris oners 17U ill I. M. Smith , deputy sheriff , posting elec tion notices 6 00 T. K. Qtiigley , distributing ballots 6 00 Alex Ellis , repairing booth 1 00 Eno & Ruby , making booth and material 2 .V ) Geo. Hidgely , setting booths 1 00 Nelson Downs , fixing booth , furnishing stove nnd fuel 2 00 School district No.4 , use of building for election 3 00 No.9snmo 100 No.Ul.same 2 50 No. SJ , same 3 00 No. 35 , same 3 00 No. 42 , same 3 00 No. 51 , sumo 2 00 No.58sarao 2 00 Danbury Hall Association , use of hall for election purposes 5 00 V. Franklin , use of basement for election 5 00 Ed. Jordan , same 5 00 J. F. Ganschow , same - 5 00 C. H. Boyle , canvassing election returiis. . 3 00 0. B. Thorgrimson , same 3 00 PRECINCT ELECTION OFFICIALS. Solomon Promer , judge , Alliance pet 3 00 A. N. Puckett , same 300 W. H. Rittenburg , same 3 00 1. A. Lyman , clerk 3 00 Maurice Reddy , clerk and returns 740 S. Simonson , judge , Beaver precinct 4 00 W. J. Stilgebouer , same 4 00 F. P. Eno , same and returns 8 40 W.H.Harrison , clerk 400 S. H. Stilgeboucr , same 4 00 Nelson Downs , judge , Bondville precinct JOO N. Dutcher , same too Frank Colling , same ! 00 Wm. TJprliug , clerk 100 E. W. Zimmerman , same and returns 6 20 W. Y. Johnson , judge , Box Elder pet 300 Charles Foye , same 500 James Robinson , same and returns 590 George Mohlcr , clerk 100 Frank Shermaft , same } 00 J. W. Smith , judge , Coleman preciuct { 00 H. K. Bixler , same JOO H. B. Wales , same iOO W. M. Rozell , clerk 00 A. J. Bair , same and returns > 70 S. S. Graham , judgeDanbury precinct. . . 500 W. M. Nixon , same. . . JOO C. R. Ncwborry , same and returns - H. E. Woods , clerk JOO H. W. Naden , same UX ) L. H. Stephens , judge , Driftwood pet JOO J. M. Hammond , same 100 John Randel , same { 00 Charles Wasson , clerk { 00 Charles Boatman , same and returns . 5 30 A. L. Cochran , judge , East Valley pet. . . . 4 00 J. E. Smith , same . 400 W.H. Gartside , same . 4 00 J. W. Hopi > e , clerk and returns . S 20 J. A. Finnegan , clerk . 4 00 George Morris , judge , Fritscli precinct. . . 3 00 R. W.Humes , same . 3 00 Chas. F. StaufTer , same . : { 00 A. J. Rayer , clerk . : { 00 Chas. Masters , same and returns . 6 50 Joshua Gerver , judge , Gerver precinct. . . 3 00 J. E. Lawthers , same . : i ( X ) F. S. Lofton , same and returns ! . (5 ( 150 SamuelEHis , clerk . : { 00 George Lincoln , clerk . ; { 00 G. H. Rowland , same , Grant precinct _ : { 00 G. B. Cooper , same . : j 00 J. Pickrell , same . ; { 00 W.H. Benjamin , clerk . ; { 00 T. A. Rowland , same and returns . 6 60 James Hetherington , judgo.Indianola pet 4 00 Butler Jones , same . 4 00 George Burt , same . 4 00 W. H. Smith , clerk . 4 00 Frank Neel , same and returns . 7 40 Wm. Campbell , judge , Lebanon pet . 4 00 B. J. Garrett , same . 4 00 E. E. High , same and returns . 9 00 Platte Kinne , clerk . 4 00 A. C. Bartholomew , same . 4 00 Frank Thompson , judge , Mo. Ridge i > ct. . 3 00 Alex. Strain , same . ; { 00 Dave Deveney , same and returns . 7 § 0 James Nutt , clerk . ; { 00 Eugene Miller , same . : { 00 E. Oxloy , judge , North Valley pet . ; { 00 James Carnahan , same . : { 00 G. W. Arbogast , same and returns . S 00 D. C. Baker , clerk . ; j oi ) Geo. A. Remington , same . : { 01) ) John Real , Sr. , judge , Perry pet . : { 00 James Doyle , same and returns . 3 70 J. A. Brinton , same . : . . _ : j 00 Fred Lepper , clerk . ; j 00 E. B. Osbaugh , same . ; { 00 A. Hammond , judge , Red Willow i > ct . : { 00 T. K. Quigley , same and returns ? . ( ; 50 Charlie Hotze , same . . - . ; { ( HI A. C. Black , clerk . : j oo Owens Longnecker , same . : { U ) W. S. McTaggart , judge , Tyrone precinct. : { 00 Charles Broman , same . ; t 00 W. C. McTaggart , same and returns . S 20 H. H. Horton , clerk . 3 00 J. C. Moore , same . 3 00 J. E. Logue , judge , Valley Grange pet. . . . 3 00 S. G. Goheen , same . ; } QO George Reed , same . ; j 00 John Hammell , clerk . 3 00 J. S. Brittain , clerk and returns . 540 T. L. Ketman , judge , 1st pet , 1st ward , WillowGrove precinct . 4 00 Lyman Miller , same . 4 00 J. S. LeHew , some and returns . 4 10 Ed. Wilcox , clerk . 4 00 John Sensintaffer , clerk . 4 00 W. G. Sheppard , judge , 2d pet , 1st ward , Willow Grove precinct . 4 00 M. J. Clark , same . 4 00 G. W. Starr , same and returns . 4 10 A. W. Utter , clerk- . 400 L. Thorgrimson , same . 4 00 H. P. Waite , judge , 1st pet , 2d ward , Wil low Grove precinct . - . . 3 00 V. D. Selby , same . " . . 3 00 Henry Walker , same . . . . . . „ . 3 00 H. P ld < ; . clerk 300 Edw. Hondrickn , # ama , SCO J. C. Prwlmoro , judge , 2d i t , 2d wanl , Willow Grove precinct 3 00 Phil. Bhitt , name * . . . . 300 G. Onnon , , same 3 CO G.I. linll , clerk : 300 E..I. Mitchell , clerk 300 J. S. Hrittain , repairing and petting up booths. , 1 00 James A. Robinson , service * nfl commis sioner 5035 Henry Crabtree , same 37 00 Stephen Holies , saint ; 40 CO And on county bridge fund , levy of 1890 , as follows : f S. C. John , bridge work $ 750 Herman Newman , same 250 Perry Kifmoson , same 2 00 George Youngersame . . 12 00 Charles Monday , same 10 00 J. K. McDowell , same 1 50 E. D. Akers , same 2 00 Nelson Downs , same 5 90 Wm. Gotchall , same 4 CO Bert Gotchall , same.- . 5 CO C. Schlitzmier , same ' 500 Levi Hondcnshott , same 4 CO James Nutt , game 3 50 E. T. Davis , same 1 50 Henry Rot-del , same 5 CO Fred Hendershott , same 600 Wm. Wallace , same 7 OS John Dolan , same 150 M. Foisen , repairing bridge and hauling lumber 1000 W. J. Porter , hauling lumlx-r and s-craji- ing . - 500 Ben Doyle , hauling lumber 5 00 F. P. Eno , spikes 10 50 Barnctt Lumber Co. , lumber . ' 258 42 Burnett Lumber Co. , lumber 5697 Bamett Lumljor Co. , lumber 27778 W.C.Bullard it Co. . lumber 14970 GeorgoC. Hill , lumber 14450 Hupp & Slutt- , lumber 9298 And on county road fund. l vy of 1899 , ah fol lows : Hall &Neiswnnger. repairs on road plows 8 CO F. M. Scarrow , road tax refunded 97 Ira H. Harrison , fhari > ening roiul plows and hauling ICO James Hatfleld , road work 3 IX ) James E. Adams , same 450 A. Hammond , appraising road damages and team : { 50 George Cramer , appraising road damages 2 50 Gcorgo Jarvis , same 2 50 In the matter of filling in the grade at the river crossing south of Indianola , the bid of B. F. Sibbitt , being the lowest and best , was on motion accepted. It appearing to the board from the peti tion of John M. Francis and others and upon examination the board finds that the public good requires it , on motion the following road is established : Commencing jit the f-outh-east corner of section 28-4-27 , thence running west on section line between sections 28 and 33 ami terminating at the southwest coruer of section 28-4-27 , aud clerk is directed to notify overseers of highways to opeii said road , and also notify owners of land along said road to file claims for damages caused by the location of s-aid road , on or before noon of the 15th clay of January , 1900 , or no further reference will be made thereto. _ The following damages by reason of the loca tion of the road hereinafter .cet forth were ex amined by the board ami ou motion approved , and the oven-eers of road districts where said road is located were directed to pay the same out of any fund- < _ belonging to said road dis tricts , as by law directed , to the following per sons , to-wit : Road No. 310 in road district No. 20. Permelia King , damages to o l/t t-e U 30-3-27.3 00 George F. Burt , damages to o Vsw and lots 3and4oO-3-27. . . . ; 1000 Sarah J. Jones , damages to n Vne and n ' , nw 31-15-27 20 00 J. E. Seeley , damages to w'i tu 4 30--27 : . . . 5 CO On motion the board adjourned to meet No vember 24,1809. Attest : R. A. GRKEN- , County Clork. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , under a decree in tin action wherein Nettie L. Cronkhite is plaintiff and George B. Dimitt et al. are defendants , to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the high est bidder for ca.sh. at the east door of the court house in McCook , Red Willow county , Nebras ka , on the 18th day of December. 1699 , at the hour of one o'clock , p. m. , the following des cribed real estate , towit : The south half of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section twelve in townsliip three north of range thirty west of the 6th p. m. , iu Red Willow county , Nebraska , containing 160 acres. Dated this 15th day of Novemberlf > 99. ll-17-.lt. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. J. E. Keller , Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. ROAD NO. 342. To George W.Wyrick , James W.Dolan. Louisa C. Maim and Daniel Courtney , and to all whom it may concern : The hoar < * 'of county commissioners has estab lished aiu ordered opened a road commencing at the southeast corner of section twenty-eight in Alliance precinct , Red Willow county , Neb raska , ruuning thence west on section hue be tween sections 28 and 33 , and terminating at the southwest corner of section 28-4-27 , and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the county clerk's oflice ou or before noon of the 15th day of January , A. D. 1900 , or said road will bo established without reference thereto. 11-17-lt. R. A. GREEX , County Clerk. O. R. Rittenhouse , Deputy. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , under a decree in an action wherein The Pe9- ple's Building. Loan and Saving association is plaintitf and George W. Short et al. are defend ants , to me directed and delivered , I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash , at the ea&t door of the court house in Mc Cook. Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 18th day of December , 1S99 , at the hour of 1 o'clock , p. m. , the following described real estate , towit : Lots eleven and twelve in block thirty-eight in the town of Indianola , Nebraska. 11-17-at. Dated this 16th day of November , Ib99. J. R. NEEL , Sheriff. W. S. Morlan. Plaintiff's Attornej. McCook Iransfer Line J. H. DWYER , Proprietor. 3gTJSpeciil attention paid to hauling furniture. Leave orders at either lumber yard. TABLER'S BUCKEYE OINTMENT ! CURES HOTHING BUT PILES. , A SURE and CERTAIN CURE I known for 15 years as the I BEST REMEDY for PILES. SOU ) BY ATJt , DRUGGISTS. Prepsioi I ? 21SHi23S01I USD. CO. , ST. LOOT. At McCONHELL & BERRY'S. THE FAMOUS CLOTHING GO , IS STILL GOING ON. its dose GREAT BARGAINS such as you have never heard of can now be had in SUITS , PANTS , SHIRTS Rnuq9 { § 1 Mpn'o ' , UUJw IT/ mull u HATS , GLOVES MITTS , and such other goods as are now in stock. Don't it it nff another da but come L Ul I L put IL Ull . atonce. Hothersbring your boys ; you will never have such another op portunity to dress them well with such a Httle amount of money. I Southwest Corner of Main and Dennison Streets. McCook , : * : : Nebraska. EAST RED WILLOW. Mr. Tucker will go to the state of Washing ton in the spring Ira Miller has finished husking corn A. Ingles doing the work. E. A. Sexson attended the poultry meeting at McCook , last Saturday. Will Sexson will move onto the P. A. Maynard farm in the spring. The Republicans made a good start , this fall , for a clean sweep in 1900. John Russell of Indianola drilled John Longnecker's well deeper , last week. There will-be preaching in the Redwillow school-house , November igth at 7 o'clock , fast time. Rev. Robinson will preach. Some of the Populist election board of this precinct were distributing campaign docu ments in the voting room , election day , which caused a halt in the voting until the docu ments were confiscated by the Populist mem bers. INDIANOLA. P. A. Wells was up from South Omaha , first of the week , on business. County Supt. Welborn was a county seat visitor on business , Monday morning. Mrs. William McCallum and Miss Welburn of the superintendent's office were McCook visitors , Thursday. Ora Smith was the guest of Deputy Sheriff Smith's family , Saturday and Sunday. She returned home , Monday morning on 2. The Appetite of a Coat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics who.se stomach and liver are uut of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills , the wonderful stomach and liver remedy , gives a splendid appetite , .sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at Mt- Connell & Berry's. If you are suffering from drowsiness in the daytime , irritability of temper.sleepless nights , general debility , headache , and general warn of tone of the system , use HERIUNK. You will get relief and finally a cure. Price 50 cts. McConnell & Uerry. A Life and Death Fight. Mr. W. A. IJines of Manchester , la. , writ ing of his almost miraculous escape from death , says : "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble , which ended in con sumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors safd I must die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , which coifc- pletely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $500 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure throat , chest and lunp troubles. " Regular size 500 and Si.oo. Trial j bottles free at McConnell & Berry's. I- ORDER OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR AF- I'OINTMKXT FOR ADMINISTRATRIX. State of Nebraska.Red Willow countyss. At a county court , held at the county court room , in and forsr.id countyNovember IO.A.D. 1899. Present , G.S.LJishop , county judge. In the mat ter of the estate of Allen Phillippi , deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Pauline Phillippi , praying that administration of sajd estate may be granted to her as administratrix. Ordered , that December 5 , A. IJ. 1899 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , is assigned for hearing said pe tition when all persons interested in said mat ter may appear at a county court to be heid in and for said county , anil show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted ; and that notice of the pendency of said peti tion and the hearing thereof , l > e given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in THK McCooK " 1 KIKI NF , a weekly newspaper printed in said c untv , fr > r three sj < cessive vveek prior to b id day of hearing. [ -.KM ] G. S. HisHo" , County Judge. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS. TURKEYS , &C. , ic. AND Give Your Order for Anything : Handled or Kept in Stock by a First = Class and Up = to = Date Dealers in Live Stock e e a o Cash Paid for Hides EVERIST , MARSH & CO.